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Nucleocytoplasmic trafficking is an essential and responsive cellular mechanism that directly affects cell growth and proliferation, and its potential to address metabolic challenge is incompletely defined. Ceramide is an antiproliferative sphingolipid found within vascular smooth muscle cells in atherosclerotic plaques, but its mechanism of action remains unclear. The hypothesis that ceramide inhibits cell growth through nuclear transport regulation was tested. In smooth muscle cells, exogenously supplemented ceramide inhibited classical nuclear protein import that involved the activation of cytosolic p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). After application of SB 202190, a specific and potent pharmacological antagonist of p38 MAPK, sphingolipid impingement on nuclear transport was corrected. Distribution pattern assessments of two essential nuclear transport proteins, importin-alpha and Cellular Apoptosis Susceptibility, revealed ceramide-mediated relocalization that was reversed upon the addition of SB 202190. Furthermore, cell counts, nuclear cyclin A, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression, markers of cellular proliferation, were diminished after ceramide treatment and effectively rescued by the addition of inhibitor. Together, these data demonstrate, for the first time, the sphingolipid regulation of nuclear import that defines and expands the adaptive capacity of the nucleocytoplasmic transport machinery.  相似文献   

The binding affinity between a nuclear localization signal (NLS) and its import receptor is closely related to corresponding nuclear import activity. PTM‐based modulation of the NLS binding affinity to the import receptor is one of the most understood mechanisms to regulate nuclear import of proteins. However, identification of such regulation mechanisms is challenging due to the difficulty of assessing the impact of PTM on corresponding nuclear import activities. In this study we proposed NIpredict, an effective algorithm to predict nuclear import activity given its NLS, in which molecular interaction energy components (MIECs) were used to characterize the NLS‐import receptor interaction, and the support vector regression machine (SVR) was used to learn the relationship between the characterized NLS‐import receptor interaction and the corresponding nuclear import activity. Our experiments showed that nuclear import activity change due to NLS change could be accurately predicted by the NIpredict algorithm. Based on NIpredict, we developed a systematic framework to identify potential PTM‐based nuclear import regulations for human and yeast nuclear proteins. Application of this approach has identified the potential nuclear import regulation mechanisms by phosphorylation of two nuclear proteins including SF1 and ORC6. Proteins 2014; 82:2783–2796. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the functional importance of the C-terminus of the essential yeast ribosomal protein L5 (YrpL5). Previous studies have indicated that the C-terminal region of YrpL5 forms an alpha-helix with a positively charged surface that is involved in protein-5S rRNA interaction. Formation of an YrpL5.5S rRNA complex is a prerequisite for nuclear import of YrpL5. Here we have tested the importance of the alpha-helix and the positively charged surface for YrpL5 function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using site directed mutagenesis in combination with functional complementation. Alterations in the sequence forming the putative alpha-helix affected the functional capacity of YrpL5. However, the effect did not correlate with a decreased ability of the protein to bind to 5S rRNA as all rpL5 mutants tested were imported to the nucleus whether or not the alpha-helix or the positively charged surface were intact. The alterations introduced in the C-terminal sequence affected the growth rate of cells expressing mutant but functional forms of YrpL5. The reduced growth rate was correlated with a reduced ribosomal content per cell indicating that the alterations introduced in the C-terminus interfered with ribosome assembly.  相似文献   

A new role for nuclear transport factor 2 and Ran: nuclear import of CapG   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The small GTPase Ran plays a central role in nucleocytoplasmic transport. Nuclear transport of Ran itself depends on nuclear transport factor 2 (NTF2). Here, we report that NTF2 and Ran control nuclear import of the filamentous actin capping protein CapG. In digitonin-permeabilized cells, neither GTPγS nor the GTP hydrolysis-deficient Ran mutant RanQ69L affect transit of CapG to the nucleus in the presence of cytosol. Obstruction of nucleoporins prevents nuclear transport of CapG, and we show that CapG binds to nucleoporin62. In addition, CapG interacts with NTF2, associates with Ran and is furthermore able to bind the NTF2–Ran complex. NTF2–Ran interaction is required for CapG nuclear import. This is corroborated by a NTF2 mutant with reduced affinity for Ran and a Ran mutant that does not bind NTF2, both of which prevent CapG import. Thus, a ubiquitously expressed protein shuttles to the nucleus through direct association with NTF2 and Ran. The role of NTF2 may therefore not be solely confined to sustaining the Ran gradient in cells.  相似文献   

Tobacco chloroplast ribosomal protein L12 was isolated as a ssDNA-cellulose-binding protein from a chloroplast soluble protein fraction. Based on the N-terminal amino acid sequence of chloroplast L12, a cDNA clone was isolated and characterized. The precursor protein deduced from the DNA sequence consists of a transit peptide of 53 amino acid residues and a mature L12 protein of 133 amino acid residues. The chloroplast L12 protein was synthesized with a reticulocyte lysate and subjected to nucleic acid-binding assays. L12 synthesized in vitro does not bind to ssDNA, dsDNA nor ribonucleotide homopolymers, but it binds to cellulose matrix.  相似文献   

The nuclear import of proteins typically requires the presence of a nuclear localization sequence (NLS). Some proteins have more than one NLS, but the significance of having multiple NLSs is unclear. The enzyme 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) has three NLSs that, unlike the tight cluster of basic residues of the classical SV40 large T antigen NLS, contain dispersed basic residues. When attached to green fluorescent protein (GFP), individual 5-LO NLSs caused quantitatively and statistically less import than the SV40 NLS. Combined 5-LO NLSs produced nuclear import that was comparable to that of the SV40 NLS. As expected, GFP/NLS proteins displayed relatively uniform import in all cells. However, a fusion protein of GFP plus the 5-LO protein, modified to contain only one functional NLS, produced some cells with import and some cells without import. A GFP/5-LO fusion protein containing two functional NLSs produced four identifiable levels of nuclear import. Quantitative and visual analysis of a population of cells expressing the intact GFP/5-LO protein, with three intact NLSs, indicated five levels of nuclear import. This suggested that the subcellular distribution of 5-LO may vary widely in normal cells of the body. Consistent with this, immunohistochemical staining of lung sections found that individual macrophages, in situ, displayed cell-specific levels of import of 5-LO. Since nuclear accumulation is known to affect 5-LO activity, multiple NLSs may allow graded regulation of activity via controlled import. Multiple NLSs on other proteins may likewise allow fine control of protein action through modulation of the level of import.  相似文献   

We have isolated a nuclear mutant (tsp-1) of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii which is resistant to thiostrepton, an antibiotic that blocks bacterial protein synthesis. The tsp-1 mutant grows slowly in the presence or absence of thiostrepton, and its chloroplast ribosomes, although resistant to the drug, are less active than chloroplast ribosomes from the wild type. Chloroplast ribosomal protein L-23 was not detected on stained gels or immunoblots of total large subunit proteins from tsp-1 probed with antibody to the wild-type L-23 protein from C. reinhardtii. Immunoprecipitation of proteins from pulse-labeled cells showed that tsp-1 synthesizes small amounts of L-23 and that the mutant protein is stable during a 90 min chase. Therefore the tsp-1 phenotype is best explained by assuming that the mutant protein synthesized is unable to assemble into the large subunit of the chloroplast ribosome and hence is degraded over time. L-23 antibodies cross-react with Escherichia coli r-protein L11, which is known to be a component of the GTPase center of the 50S ribosomal subunit. Thiostrepton-resistant mutants of Bacillus megaterium and B. subtilis lack L11, show reduced ribosome activity, and have slow growth rates. Similarities between the thiostreptonresistant mutants of bacteria and C. reinhardtii and the immunological relatedness of Chlamydomonas L-23 to E. coli L11 suggest that L-23 is functionally homologous to the bacterial r-protein L11.  相似文献   

Summary A pea leaf cDNA library was constructed in the expression vector gt11 and screened with antisera raised against proteins extracted from 30S and 50S ribosomal subunits and 70S ribosomes prepared from isolated pea chloroplasts. Six recombinant phage were identified that encoded fusion proteins containing plastid ribosomal protein antigenic determinants. Phage-induced cell lysate proteins, containing the fusion proteins, were bound to nitrocellulose membranes and used as affinity matrices to prepare monospecific antibodies. These antibodies were then used to identify by Western blotting which plastid ribosomal protein shared antigenic determinants with the fusion proteins. cDNA inserts from the antigen-producing phage were used to hybrid-select complementary mRNAs. The cell-free translation products of these mRNAs were added to a pea chloroplast in vitro transport system and imported proteins analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The imported proteins comigrated with the plastid ribosomal proteins that were identified as being antigenically related to the fusion proteins produced by the corresponding recombinant phage. The imported proteins were 3,500–5,500 daltons smaller than their precursors.  相似文献   

Abstract DNA sequencing of the gene encoding a Brucella melitensis 12-kDa protein revealed that this protein was the ribosomal protein L7/L12. The B. melitensis L7/L12 DNA sequence was identical to that of the corresponding B. abortus gene, showing the near identity of these two organisms. When comparing the sequence of this protein to that of other organisms some domains were highly conserved, especially the C-terminus, which contrasted with the lack of conservation of the sequences at the N-terminus. The finding that the ribosomal protein L7/L12 of Brucella is an immunodominant antigen provides a new rationale to explain the activity of ribosomal vaccines.  相似文献   

A library of random mutations in Xenopus ribosomal protein L5 was generated by error-prone PCR and used to delineate the binding domain for 5S rRNA. All but one of the amino acid substitutions that affected binding affinity are clustered in the central region of the protein. Several of the mutations are conservative substitutions of non-polar amino acid residues that are unlikely to form energetically significant contacts to the RNA. Thermal denaturation, monitored by circular dichroism (CD), indicates that L5 is not fully structured and association with 5S rRNA increases the t(m) of the protein by 16 degrees C. L5 induces changes in the CD spectrum of 5S rRNA, establishing that the complex forms by a mutual induced fit mechanism. Deuterium exchange reveals that a considerable amount of L5 is unstructured in the absence of 5S rRNA. The fluorescence emission of W266 provides evidence for structural changes in the C-terminal region of L5 upon binding to 5S rRNA; whereas, protection experiments demonstrate that the N terminus remains highly sensitive to protease digestion in the complex. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of L5 by the program PONDR predicts that the N and C-terminal regions of L5 are intrinsically disordered, but that the central region, which contains three essential tyrosine residues and other residues important for binding to 5S rRNA, is likely to be structured. Initial interaction of the protein with 5S rRNA likely occurs through this region, followed by induced folding of the C-terminal region. The persistent disorder in the N-terminal domain is possibly exploited for interactions between the L5-5S rRNA complex and other proteins.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that the transport of some small protein cargoes through the nuclear pore complex (NPC) can occur in vitro in the absence of nucleoside triphosphate hydrolysis. We now demonstrate that in the importin alpha/beta and transportin import pathways, efficient in vitro transport of large proteins, in contrast to smaller proteins, requires hydrolyzable GTP and the small GTPase Ran. Morphological and biochemical analysis indicates that the presence of Ran and GTP allows large cargo to efficiently cross central regions of the NPC. We further demonstrate that this function of RanGTP at least partly involves its direct binding to importin beta and transportin. We suggest that RanGTP functions in these pathways to promote the transport of large cargo by enhancing the ability of import complexes to traverse diffusionally restricted areas of the NPC.  相似文献   

Karyopherins and nuclear import   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Proteins of the karyopherin alpha and karyopherin beta families play a central role in nucleocytoplasmic transport. Recently, crystal structures of karyopherin alpha and its complexes with nuclear localization signal peptides, a karyopherin beta2-Ran complex and complexes of full-length and fragments of karyopherin beta1 with import substrates, Ran and nucleoporins have been solved. These karyopherin structures provide valuable insights into understanding the molecular mechanism of nuclear import, especially substrate recognition, substrate release by GTPase and interactions with the nuclear pore complex.  相似文献   

KPNB1和Ran蛋白共同介导新城疫病毒基质蛋白的入核转运   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】鉴定与新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)基质蛋白(matrix protein,M)入核相关的细胞蛋白,以阐明NDV M蛋白细胞核定位的分子机制。【方法】从鸡胚成纤维细胞中分别克隆核转运受体蛋白KPNA1–KPNA6和KPNB1基因,将其构建到真核表达载体,并与表达NDV M蛋白的重组真核表达载体分别共转染HEK-293T细胞,通过免疫共沉淀方法鉴定与NDV M蛋白相互作用的核转运受体蛋白。另外,将M蛋白与Ran蛋白突变体或与M蛋白互作的核转运受体蛋白缺失体分别共表达,通过荧光共定位确定M蛋白入核转运相关的细胞蛋白。【结果】构建的重组真核表达载体在HEK-293T细胞中能够正确表达;通过间接免疫荧光观察发现,重组蛋白中除Myc-KPNA2蛋白定位在细胞质外,其它核转运受体蛋白均与M蛋白表现出相同的细胞核定位。免疫共沉淀试验结果表明,M蛋白与KPNA1蛋白和KPNB1蛋白均存在相互作用。进一步通过荧光共定位观察发现,M蛋白与KPNA1蛋白缺失体(DN-KPNA1)共表达不改变M蛋白的细胞核定位,而与KPNB1蛋白缺失体(DN-KPNB1)共表达后导致M蛋白变为细胞质定位,说明M蛋白入核转运需要KPNB1蛋白的参与。另外,将M蛋白与Ran蛋白突变体Ran-Q69L共表达,荧光观察发现M蛋白同样由细胞核定位变为细胞质定位,说明M蛋白入核转运还需要Ran蛋白的辅助。【结论】KPNB1和Ran蛋白共同介导NDV M蛋白的入核转运,其过程是KPNB1蛋白首先和M蛋白发生相互作用并形成复合物,然后通过Ran蛋白的辅助作用完成入核转运。  相似文献   

Galectin-3, a factor involved in the splicing of pre-mRNA, shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. We have engineered a vector that expresses the fusion protein containing the following: (a) green fluorescent protein as a reporter of localization, (b) bacterial maltose-binding protein to increase the size of the reporter polypeptide, and (c) galectin-3, whose sequence we wished to dissect in search of amino acid residues vital for nuclear localization. In mouse 3T3 fibroblasts transfected with this expression construct, the full-length galectin-3 (residues 1-263) fusion protein was localized predominantly in the nucleus. Mutants of this construct, containing truncations of the galectin-3 polypeptide from the amino terminus, retained nuclear localization through residue 128; thus, the amino-terminal half was dispensable for nuclear import. Mutants of the same construct, containing truncations from the carboxyl terminus, showed loss of nuclear localization. This effect was observed beginning with truncation at residue 259, and the full effect was seen with truncation at residue 253. Site-directed mutagenesis of the sequence ITLT (residues 253-256) suggested that nuclear import was dependent on the IXLT type of nuclear localization sequence, first discovered in the Drosophila protein Dsh (dishevelled). In the galectin-3 polypeptide, the activity of this nuclear localization sequence is modulated by a neighboring leucine-rich nuclear export signal.  相似文献   

Short‐lived proteins are degraded by proteasome complexes, which contain a proteolytic core particle (CP) but differ in the number of regulatory particles (RPs) and activators. A recently described member of conserved proteasome activators is Blm10. Blm10 contains 32 HEAT‐like modules and is structurally related to the nuclear import receptor importin/karyopherin β. In proliferating yeast, RP‐CP assemblies are primarily nuclear and promote cell division. During quiescence, RP‐CP assemblies dissociate and CP and RP are sequestered into motile cytosolic proteasome storage granuli (PSG). Here, we show that CP sequestration into PSG depends on Blm10, whereas RP sequestration into PSG is independent of Blm10. PSG rapidly clear upon the resumption of cell proliferation and proteasomes are relocated into the nucleus. Thereby, Blm10 facilitates nuclear import of CP. Blm10‐bound CP serves as an import receptor–cargo complex, as Blm10 mediates the interaction with FG‐rich nucleoporins and is dissociated from the CP by Ran‐GTP. Thus, Blm10 represents the first CP‐dedicated nuclear import receptor in yeast.  相似文献   

Summary Protein L27 has been localized on the ribosomal surface by immuno-electron microscopy by using antibodies specific for Escherichia coli L27, and by reconstituting 50 S subunits from an E. coli mutant, which lacks protein L27, with the homologous protein from Bacillus subtilis and using antibodies specific for the B. subtilis protein. With both approaches, protein L27 has been located at the base of the central protuberance at the interface side of the 50 S particle and thus in proximity to the peptidyl transferase centre. The immuno-electron microscopic data also suggest that the interface region of the 50 S particle is not as flat as most of the proposed three-dimensional models suggest, but instead there is a significant depression.  相似文献   

蛋白质入核转运的机制和研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
细胞核膜是由外膜和内膜组成的磷脂双分子层结构,同时镶嵌一些核孔复合体(NPC).核孔复合体是胞浆和胞核之间主动和被动转运的生理屏障.核内功能蛋白在胞浆内合成后通过核孔复合体进入胞核,这个过程除了需要NPC上核孔蛋白、胞浆内核转运受体和RanGTP等蛋白的参与外, 货物蛋白本身的结构特征在其入核转运过程中亦发挥重要作用.本文着重就蛋白入核转运的机制及近年来取得的相关进展进行综述.  相似文献   

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