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ABSTRACT Living and stained specimens of Phacodinium metchnikoffi , collected near Madrid, Spain, were studied under light microscopy. Infraciliature was stained using a silver-impregnation procedure. The somatic infraciliature is composed of a relatively small number of discontinuous kineties, formed by groups of few kinetosomes (pallets). The buccal ciliature is composed of an adoral zone of membranelles and a paroral formation otherwise unknown in ciliates, with many short kineties, which lie on a rigid stem. We propose that P. metchnikoffi is a primitive hypotrich and, consequently, we present a new classification system for hypotrichs.  相似文献   

Revision of the order Hypotrichida (Ciliophora, Protozoa)   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

ABSTRACT. We observed different low salinity tolerances between two groups of populations of Euplotes crassus. After mating analysis, the less tolerant populations could be assigned to three mating groups. Two of them were separated by preconjugative barriers but both conjugated with a third one. A breeding test showed evidence of (potential) introgression mediated by this "bridging" group. On the other hand, the more tolerant populations formed a fourth mating group unable to conjugate with the others and characterized by distinct zymogram patterns. We conclude that natural introgression among the studied populations is not complete and that the species structure of E. crassus comprises intrafertile sets of populations among which gene flow may be difficult or virtually absent.  相似文献   

应用荧光紫杉醇直接荧光标记方法显示了一种腹毛类纤毛虫拟翁口虫(Onychodromopsis sp.)腹皮层纤毛器微管胞器及形态发生,根据该纤毛虫的皮层纤毛模式和纤毛器基部微管的形态,将其归为侧毛虫科(Pleurotrichidae)拟翁口虫属(Onychodromopsis);并据后仔虫口原基的发生、左右缘棘毛原基的...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Two kinds of pigment structures, pigment vacuoles and pigmentocysts, cause the orange-red color of Pseudokeronopsis carnea (Cohn, 1866). The pigment vacuoles are undischargeable and two to five layers of them form a characteristic ectoplasmic zone. The pigmentocysts mainly surround the infraciliature and show a unique channel which is probably used for extrusion. Previous data on the fine structure of subpellicular granules and extrusomes of hypotrich ciliates are summarized. Their obviously diverse organization argues for a great value of these structures in species identification. The basic structural features of the infraciliature and the cytoplasmic organelles of P. carnea are similar to those found in other hypotrichs; however, a special kind of linear microtubular array borders the longer sides of the cirral bases and the margins of the adoral membranelles and those of the membranes in the right buccal area. To the left of the endoral membrane, these microtubular arrays result in a highly ordered structure reminiscent of oral ribs. This peculiar arrangement of microtubules in cirri and paramembranelles has also been found in the related form, Thigmokeronopsis jahodai, probably indicating a homogeneity of the fine structure of urostylid hypotrichs. In P. carnea, the basal bodies of the paroral membrane are proximally connected like a polykinetid. Its cilia are unlinked, whereas those of the endoral membrane are fused by microfibrillar material. The terms diplostichomonad and polystichomonad only refer to quantitative aspects and omit the evident, high diversity of microtubular and microfibrillar associates occurring in the membranes in the right buccal area. These terms need to be redefined on the basis of more material that is better described.  相似文献   

Hu  Xiaozhong  Song  Weibo 《Hydrobiologia》2001,464(1-3):71-77
The morphology and infraciliature of an ectocommensal ciliate, Stichotricha marinaStein, 1867, isolated from the mantle cavity of marine scallops near Qingdao, China were redescribed using the protargol impregnation method. Based on the present studies, a new diagnosis is suggested: body twisted and flexible, in vivo about 160–200 μm with elongated body shape; peristomial field narrowed and neck-like, about half of body length; ca. 70 adoral membranelles, two clearly differentiated frontal cirri; 27–41 buccal cirri, arranged in one long row along with buccal field; transverse cirri absent; three complete dorsal kineties and three caudal cirri. Consistently two macronuclear nodules, and gelatinous lorica tube-like; marine habitat.  相似文献   

A mating-type analysis was performed on 78 stocks of the marine hypotrich ciliate, Aspidisca sp., from a sufficient number of diverse geographic locations, some widely separated. Evidence is provided for the existence of a binary mating system in this "morphospecies." The collected stocks have been challenged by the most rigorous criterion, namely breeding affinity in the laboratory, and have yielded at least four reproductively, not necessarily geographically, isolated groups that are in fact "biological species," here referred to as "syngens." Different syngens contain different pairs of mating types. Syngens are morphologically indistinguishable; hence Aspidisca sp. can be considered a conservative taxon comprising a number of "cryptic" or "sibling species." Information is also presented about the mating behavior and the pattern of nuclear events at conjugation in Aspidisca sp. Search for soluble pheromones of the mating types gave only negative results. Hence, direct contact with potential partners is postulated to play a critical role in preparing individuals to mate. Mating reaction and mating which actually involves cross-fertilization (conjugation, sensu stricto) are completely inhibited by 10 μg/ml cycloheximide, suggesting the necessity of protein synthesis for recognition and union in conjugation of potential partners.  相似文献   

P. Böhm  K. Hausmann 《Protoplasma》1981,106(3-4):309-316
Summary The ultrastructural appearance of organic plates lying in the alveoli of a freshwater species ofEuplotes is described and seen to be similar to those previously reported from the marine speciesE. vannus. Enzymatic digestion using pepsin and trypsin indicates that the plates in both species are mainly composed of protein with a fine coating of polysaccharides, as revealed using the Thiéry-technique for polysaccharide staining.  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out to probe into the mating-type structure of a local population of the marine ciliate, Euplotes minuta. From this population, nine different mating types belonging to a unique set were isolated. The nine type-representative wild stocks analyzed were found to be heterozygous at the mating-type (mat) locus and provided, together with their sexual progeny, a total of 15 pure mating types. In E. minuta, the high-multiple nature of the basic mating system controlled by a series of peck-order alleles at a single locus should be considered a virtual certainty. The relationships among the genetic economies of the similar bottom-dwelling marine ciliates of the genus Euplotes, the E. vannus-crassus-minuta group, are discussed.  相似文献   

The marine, tide pool-dwelling ciliate Stombidium oculatum was redescribed using live, stained, SEM, and TEM material prepared from samples collected from pools on the Isle of Man (Irish Sea) and Brittany (France). Also, we reviewed the older German and French works that reported on ciliates collected in the Mediterranean and Brittany, respectively. The Brittany and Isle of Man populations of the ciliate were considered identical. Some morphological and behavioural differences exist between the Brittany-Isle of Man populations and the Mediterranean populations, but they were insufficient to distinguish different taxa. Thus, taxa from all three locations were considered to be conspecific. Key features used to describe the ciliate were: morphology and ultrastructure of the free-swimming ciliate; cyst morphology; presence of mixotrophic-chloroplasts; presence of an eye spot composed of stigma obtained from chlorophyte prey; division, morphogenesis, and nuclear structure; live observations and behaviour, including the encystment-excystment cycle. Based on morphological and behavioural characteristics the taxon was distinguished from other similar species, and a neotype has been designated as no type material exists.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Diophrys scutum , collected from four locations on the New Hampshire coast, ranged from 89–195 7mu; in length, 50–105 μ in width, and 68–88 μ in buccal cavity length. The end of the adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) extends 37–59 μ (average = 45.6 μ) posteriorly in a groove on the right side of the body. Dorsally are five rows of stiff cilia. The silverline system (Chatton-Llvoff technique) appears as a fine meshwork, entirely different from that found in Euplotes or Uronychia . There are two elongate macronuclei (Feulgen reaction) and several micronuclei. Diophrys peloetes n. sp., collected from one location in Alligator Harbor. Florida, ranged from 95–134 μ in length, 62–84 μ in width. and 60–80 μ in buccal cavity length. The terminal portion of the AZM extends posteriorly in a groove 30–44 7mu; (average = 36.8 μ) on the right side of the body. Dorsally are eight rows of stiff cilia. The details of the silverline system are similar to those of D. scutum .
There is insufficient difference in ranges of body length, width. and buccal cavity length to use these characters in separating the two species. However, a statistical analysis shows that the length of the portion of the AZM on the right side of the body in D. scutum is significantly different (longer) from that of D. peloetes. Furthermore, these two species differ not only in number of dorsal ciliary rows, but also in the number of cilia per row. The degree of difference in these two species is similar to that between closely related species in other hypotrich genera, and also to that between some varieties of Paramecium aurelia.  相似文献   

Euplotes raikovi, an interstitial hypotrich ciliate described once from the Caspian Sea, was isolated from intertidal sand at Rye Harbor, New Hampshire. Specimens were observed in life, and also stained by Corliss’ modification of the Chatton-Lwoff wet-silver technic and by 2 nigrosin methods. Living individuals and those fixed with Parducz's fluid are 43 × 30 (37-50 × 25–35) μm. The AZM has an average length of 27 μm and contains 24–32 membranelles. The anterior part of AZM lies on the ventral face of an apical channel, much as in E. bisulcatus. There are 7 fronto-ventral, 4 transverse, 1 left marginal, and 2 right caudal cirri. An additional small, rounded argentophilic area resembling a cirrus base is evident in silver-stained preparations, but it is barren in virtually 100% of the population. There are 7–8 (usually 7) dorsal ciliary rows with E. patella-type argyrome. The modal number of cilia in rows I-VII are 3-7-9-9-9-10-10. The unique fronto-ventral cirrus pattern is stable and predictable at the time of streak phase. Morphogenetic development indicates that the barren cirrus base is 2/V (Wallengren system), and that it apparently buds from 1/V. The left marginal cirrus and right caudal cirri have different origins.  相似文献   

Nuclear behavior during reconjugation and the ultimate fate of the ex-reconjugants were followed after induction of reconjugation in Euplotes patella. An exconjugant could reconjugate with a vegetative cell or with another exconjugant. Exconjugants at an early stage of macronuclear development (oval macronuclear anlagen) did not reconjugate frequently whereas exconjugants at a late stage of macronuclear development (rod-like macronuclear anlagen) reconjugated frequently. In all cases, the micronucleus underwent normal meiosis and other nuclear changes. After reconjugation, a new macronuclear anlage and a new micronucleus were formed normally, so that there were two kinds of macronuclear anlagen in the exconjugants, an old and a new. The old rod-shaped anlage did not disappear after the differentiation of a new one, but it was broken up into several fragments. While the survival rate after normal conjugation was 78%, it was 0–20% after reconjugation. These results suggest that the micronuclei of exconjugants can act as germ nuclei even at a very early stage and that reconjugation, unlike conjugation, is harmful to the cell.  相似文献   

The external morphology, osteology, and distribution of a rare fish species Psychrolutes pustulosus (Scorpaeniformes: Psychrolutidae) is examined based on an extensive material for the first time. P. pustulosus shows an extreme degree of reduction of the skeleton among the Psychrolutidae. The comparative morphological analysis confirms the placement of this species in the genus Psychrolutes rather than in Gilbertidia. The new data show that P. pustulosus is widespread in the Sea of Okhotsk. The occurrence of this species in the Sea of Japan (Tatar Strait, Peter the Great Bay) is recorded for the first time. Reports on the findings of P. pustulosus in the Bering Sea are erroneous.  相似文献   

Lagenophrys singularis is removed from Lagenophrys and designated the type species of Paralagenophrys n. g. Compared to members of Lagenophrys, the oral area of P. singularis is radically distorted. Paralagenophrys apparently also lacks second-type division, a special phase of sexual reproduction characteristic of Lagenophrys and associated with its adaptation to symbiotic life on crustaceans. Members of Lagenophrys are obligate ectocommensals of crustaceans. In contrast, P. singularis (Kellicott, 1887) n. comb. occurs most often on the leaves of aquatic vascular plants.  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜术和透射电镜术显示,纤毛虫念珠异列虫(Anteholosticha monilata)的射出胞器早期发生在细胞质深处,附近有不同类型的囊泡结构。成熟后射出胞器向表膜迁移,结构由不同电子密度片层的体部、结晶状的中心轴杆部和多层膜的帽部组成。受外界刺激时胞器冲破皮层射出,形态呈"蘑菇"状。据上述观察结果推测:该射出胞器具有防御作用,它可能起源于高尔基体活动产生的小泡;在亲缘关系较近的纤毛虫中,其射出胞器可能具有相似的分化特征。  相似文献   

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