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Akilesh, Manjapra R., Matthew Kamper, Aihua Li, and EugeneE. Nattie. Effects of unilateral lesions of retrotrapezoid nucleuson breathing in awake rats. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(2): 469-479, 1997.In anesthetizedrats, unilateral retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) lesions markedlydecreased baseline phrenic activity and the response toCO2 (E. E. Nattie and A. Li.Respir. Physiol. 97: 63-77,1994). Here we evaluate the effects of such lesions on restingbreathing and on the response to hypercapnia and hypoxia inunanesthetized awake rats. We made unilateral injections [24 ± 7 (SE) nl] of ibotenic acid (IA; 50 mM), an excitatoryamino acid neurotoxin, in the RTN region(n = 7) located by stereotaxic coordinates and by field potentials induced by facial nervestimulation. Controls (n = 6) receivedRTN injections (80 ± 30 nl) of mock cerebrospinal fluid. A secondcontrol consisted of four animals with IA injections (24 ± 12 nl)outside the RTN region. Injected fluorescent beads allowed anatomicidentification of lesion location. Using whole body plethysmography, wemeasured ventilation in the awake state during room air, 7%CO2 in air, and 10%O2 breathing before and for 3 wkafter the RTN injections. There was no statistically significant effectof the IA injections on resting room air breathing in the lesion groupcompared with the control groups. We observed no apnea. The response to7% CO2 in the lesion groupcompared with the control groups was significantly decreased, by 39%on average, for the final portion of the 3-wk study period. There wasno lesion effect on the ventilatory response to 10%O2. In this unanesthetized model,other areas suppressed by anesthesia, e.g., the reticular activatingsystem, hypothalamus, and perhaps the contralateral RTN, may providetonic input to the respiratory centers that counters the loss of RTNactivity.


Li, Aihua, and Eugene E. Nattie. Focal centralchemoreceptor sensitivity in the RTN studied with aCO2 diffusion pipette in vivo.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 420-428, 1997.We describe and use a CO2diffusion pipette to produce a quickly reversible focal acidosis in theretrotrapezoid nucleus region of the rat brain stem. No tissueinjection is made. Instead, artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF)equilibrated with CO2 circulateswithin the micropipette, providing a source for continuedCO2 diffusion into the tissue fromthe pipette tip. Tissue pH electrodes show the acidosis is limited to500 µm from the tip. In controls (aCSF equilibrated with air), 1-minpipette perfusions increased tissue pH slightly and decreased phrenicnerve amplitude. In moderate- andhigh-CO2 groups (aCSF equilibratedwith 50 or 100% CO2), 1-minperfusions significantly decreased tissue pH and increased phrenicnerve amplitude in a dose-dependent manner. The responses developed andreversed within minutes. Compared with our prior use of medullary acetazolamide injections to produce a focal acidosis, in this approachthe acidosis 1) arises and reversesquickly and 2) its intensity can bevaried. This allows study of sensitivity and mechanism. We concludefrom this initial experiment that retrotrapezoid nucleus regionchemoreceptors operate within the normal physiological range ofCO2-induced tissue pH changes.


The ventilatorysensitivity to CO2, in hyperoxia, is increased after an 8-hexposure to hypoxia. The purpose of the present study was to determinewhether this increase arises through an increase in peripheral orcentral chemosensitivity. Ten healthy volunteers each underwent 8-hexposures to 1) isocapnic hypoxia, with end-tidalPO2 (PETO2) = 55 Torr and end-tidal PCO2(PETCO2) = eucapnia; 2)poikilocapnic hypoxia, with PETO2 = 55 Torr and PETCO2 = uncontrolled;and 3) air-breathing control. The ventilatory response toCO2 was measured before and after each exposure with theuse of a multifrequency binary sequence with two levels of PETCO2: 1.5 and 10 Torr above the normalresting value. PETO2 was held at 250 Torr.The peripheral (Gp) and the central (Gc) sensitivities were calculatedby fitting the ventilatory data to a two-compartment model. There wereincreases in combined Gp + Gc (26%, P < 0.05),Gp (33%, P < 0.01), and Gc (23%, P = not significant) after exposure to hypoxia. There were no significant differences between isocapnic and poikilocapnic hypoxia. We conclude that sustained hypoxia induces a significant increase inchemosensitivity to CO2 within the peripheral chemoreflex.


Glia are thoughtto be important in brain extracellular fluid ion and pH regulation, buttheir role in brain stem sites that sense pH and stimulate breathing isunknown. Using a diffusion pipette, we administered the glial toxin,fluorocitrate (FC; 1 mM) into one such brain stem region, theretrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) for 45-60 min. This dose and timeperiod were chosen so that the effects of FC would be largelyreversible. Within minutes, tissue pH decreased, and respiratory outputincreased. Both recovered almost completely after cessation of FCadministration. The response to systemicCO2 stimulation was unaffected byFC treatment compared with that following control diffusion. Anatomicanalysis showed, at the center of FC administration, some small (meandiameter = 5.1 µm) cells that stained for DEAD Red, a marker foraltered cell membrane permeability, and some fragmented glia (glialfibrillary acidic protein immunohistochemistry). The average RTN tissuevolume that contained such DEAD Red-positive cells was 271 nl, ~23%of the volume of one RTN region. Reversible disruption of glia in theRTN, a region known to contain central chemoreception, results in anacidic local pH and in stimulation of respiratory output.


The influence oflocal exposure to ozone (O3) onrespiratory epithelial permeability of sublobar lung segments wasstudied by using aerosolized99mTc-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA; mol wt, 492). Two bronchoscopes were insertedthrough an endotracheal tube in anesthetized, mechanically ventilated,mixed breed dogs and were wedged into sublobar bronchi located in theright and left lower lobes, respectively. Segments were ventilated viathe bronchoscope with 5% CO2 inair delivered at 200 ml/min, and an aerosol of99mTc-DTPA was generated anddelivered through the scope and into the sublobar segment over a 30-speriod. Clearance of 99mTc-DTPAwas measured simultaneously from right and left lower lung segments atbaseline and 1, 7, and 14 days after a 6-h sublobar exposure tofiltered air or 400 parts per billionO3.O3 treatment significantlydecreased the clearance halftime(t50) of99mTc-DTPA by 50% from thebaseline mean of 32.3 to 16.0 min at 1 day postexposure. After 7 daysof recovery, t50was still reduced by 28.8%; however, by 14 days postexposure,clearance of 99mTc-DTPA hadrecovered, and thet50 had a meanvalue of 30.0 min. 99mTc-DTPAclearance was not altered by exposure to filtered air, andt50 values werecomparable to baseline at 1, 7, and 14 days postexposure. These resultsreveal that a single local exposure toO3 increases transepithelialclearance, but only for epithelia directly exposed toO3, and that 7-14 days ofrecovery are required before permeability to small-molecular-weightsolutes returns to normal.  相似文献   

The effects of exposure of up to 2 h with sulphur dioxide ona range of plant species was observed by measuring changes inthe rate of net photosynthesis under closely controlled environmentalconditions. Ryegrass, Lolium perenne ‘S23’ was thespecies most sensitive to SO2; significant inhibition was detectedat 200 nl l–1. Fumigations at 300 nl l–1 also inhibitedphotosynthesis in field bean (Vicia faba cv. ‘Three FoldWhite’ and ‘Blaze’) and in barley (Hordeumvulgare cv. ‘Sonja’). No effect was detected inwheat (Triticum aestivum cv. ‘Virtue’) at concentrationsup to 600 nl l–1 SO2, or in oil-seed rape (Brassica napuscv. ‘Rafal’) except at 800 nl l–1 SO2). Recoverycommenced immediately after the fumigation was terminated andwas complete within 2 h when inhibition had not exceeded 20%during the SO2 treatment. Key words: Sulphur dioxide, short-term fumigation, photosynthesis  相似文献   

To study the effect of chronically elevated CO2 on the excitability and function of neurons, we exposed mice to 7.5–8% CO2 for 2 wk (starting at 2 days of age) and examined the properties of freshly dissociated hippocampal neurons. Neurons from control mice (CON) and from mice exposed to chronically elevated CO2 had similar resting membrane potentials and input resistances. CO2-exposed neurons, however, had a lower rheobase and a higher Na+ current density (580 ± 73 pA/pF; n = 27 neurons studied) than did CON neurons (280 ± 51 pA/pF, n = 34; P < 0.01). In addition, the conductance-voltage curve was shifted in a more negative direction in CO2-exposed than in CON neurons (midpoint of the curve was –46 ± 3 mV for CO2 exposed and –34 ± 3 mV for CON, P < 0.01), while the steady-state inactivation curve was shifted in a more positive direction in CO2-exposed than in CON neurons (midpoint of the curve was –59 ± 2 mV for CO2 exposed and –68 ± 3 mV for CON, P < 0.01). The time constant for deactivation at –100 mV was much smaller in CO2-exposed than in CON neurons (0.8 ± 0.1 ms for CO2 exposed and 1.9 ± 0.3 ms for CON, P < 0.01). Immunoblotting for Na+ channel proteins (subtypes I, II, and III) was performed on the hippocampus. Our data indicate that Na+ channel subtype I, rather than subtype II or III, was significantly increased (43%, n = 4; P < 0.05) in the hippocampi of CO2-exposed mice. We conclude that in mice exposed to elevated CO2, 1) increased neuronal excitability is due to alterations in Na+ current and Na+ channel characteristics, and 2) the upregulation of Na+ channel subtype I contributes, at least in part, to the increase in Na+ current density. sodium ion channels; oxygen deprivation  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the intracellularNa+ concentration([Na+]i)is a regulator of the epithelialNa+ channel (ENaC) was tested withthe Xenopus oocyte expression systemby utilizing a dual-electrode voltage clamp.[Na+]iaveraged 48.1 ± 2.2 meq (n = 27)and was estimated from the amiloride-sensitive reversal potential.[Na+]iwas increased by direct injection of 27.6 nl of 0.25 or 0.5 MNa2SO4.Within minutes of injection,[Na+]istabilized and remained elevated at 97.8 ± 6.5 meq(n = 9) and 64.9 ± 4.4 (n = 5) meq 30 min after theinitial injection of 0.5 and 0.25 MNa2SO4,respectively. This increase of[Na+]icaused a biphasic inhibition of ENaC currents. In oocytes injected with0.5 MNa2SO4(n = 9), a rapid decrease of inwardamiloride-sensitive slope conductance(gNa) to 0.681 ± 0.030 of control within the first 3 min and a secondary, slowerdecrease to 0.304 ± 0.043 of control at 30 min were observed.Similar but smaller inhibitions were also observed with the injectionof 0.25 MNa2SO4.Injection of isotonicK2SO4(70 mM) or isotonicK2SO4made hypertonic with sucrose (70 mMK2SO4-1.2M sucrose) was without effect. Injection of a 0.5 M concentration ofeitherK2SO4,N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG) sulfate, or 0.75 M NMDG gluconate resulted in a much smaller initial inhibition (<14%) and little or no secondary decrease. Thusincreases of[Na+]ihave multiple specific inhibitory effects on ENaC that can betemporally separated into a rapid phase that was complete within 2-3 min and a delayed slow phase that was observed between 5 and 30 min.


Esophageal PCO2 as a monitor of perfusion failure during hemorrhagic shock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sato, Yoji, Max Harry Weil, Wanchun Tang, Shijie Sun,Jianlin Xie, Joe Bisera, and Hidehiro Hosaka. EsophagealPCO2 as a monitor of perfusionfailure during hemorrhagic shock. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(2): 558-562, 1997.Measurement ofgastric wall PCO2(PgCO2) bytonometric method has emerged as an attractive option for estimatingvisceral perfusion during circulatory shock. However, gastric acidsecretion obfuscates the tonometric measurement. We, therefore,investigated the option of measuringPCO2 in the esophagus to minimizethese restraints. Hemorrhagic shock was induced in five Sprague-Dawleyrats, and five rats served as sham controls.PgCO2 wasmeasured with an ion-sensitive field effect transistor that wassurgically implanted into the gastric wall. Esophageal luminalPCO2(PeCO2) wasmeasured by a second ion-sensitive field effect transistor sensor.During hemorrhagic shock, mean aortic pressure declined from 150 to 50 mmHg. Gastric blood flow decreased from 58 to 12 ml · min1 · 100 g1 (21% of preshock) andesophageal blood flow from 44 to 7 ml · min1 · 100 g1 (16% of preshock).PgCO2simultaneously increased from 47 to 116 Torr andPeCO2 from 47 to 127 Torr. The increases inPgCO2 werehighly correlated with increases inPeCO2(r = 0.90). Esophageal tonometry may,therefore, serve as a practical alternative to gastric tonometry.


A study was made of the incorporation of 14C by intact leavesof Coffea arabica (cultivars Mundo Novo, Catuai, 1130–13,and H 6586–2) and Coffea canephora (cultivar Guarini)supplied with gas mixtures containing 14CO2 under controlledconditions. Samples of the leaves were combusted and the 14Cin the CO2 produced measured using a liquid scintillation counter.The results were used to estimate photosynthetic rates. Theeffects of changing the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 on thephotosynthetic rate were studied and estimates made of the CO2compensation point and photorespiration. The data obtained show differences between the mean net photosyntheticrates of the C. arabica cultivars (6·14 mg CO2 dm–2h–1) and the mean rate for the C. canephora cultivar (3·96mg CO2 dm–2 h–1). The cultivar of the latter speciesphotorespired more rapidly than the cultivar Catuai of C. arabica.Rates of photosynthesis in coffee measured using the 14CO2 methodwere similar to rates obtained by others using an infrared gasanalyser. The 14CO2 method proved to be reliable for photosyntheticmeasurements and the apparatus is suitable for use in fieldconditions.  相似文献   

Acclimation of Lolium temulentum to enhanced carbon dioxide concentration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acclimation of single plants of Lolium temulentum to changing[CO2] was studied on plants grown in controlled environmentsat 20°C with an 8 h photoperiod. In the first experimentplants were grown at 135 µ;mol m–2 s–1 photosyntheticphoton flux density (PPFD) at 415µl l–1 or 550µll–1 [CO2] with some plants transferred from the lowerto the higher [CO2] at emergence of leaf 4. In the second experimentplants were grown at 135 and 500 µmol m–2 s–1PPFD at 345 and 575 µl l–1 [CO2]. High [CO2] during growth had little effect on stomatal density,total soluble proteins, chlorophyll a content, amount of Rubiscoor cytochrome f. However, increasing [CO2] during measurementincreased photosynthetic rates, particularly in high light.Plants grown in the higher [CO2] had greater leaf extension,leaf and plant growth rates in low but not in high light. Theresults are discussed in relation to the limitation of growthby sink capacity and the modifications in the plant which allowthe storage of extra assimilates at high [CO2]. Key words: Lolium, carbon dioxide, photosynthesis, growth, stomatal density  相似文献   

The rate of net photosynthesis (P) of whole plant stands oftomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), cucumber (Cucumis sativusL.) and sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) was measured in sixlong-term experiments in large greenhouses under normal operatingconditions and CO2-concentrations between 200 and 1200 µmolmol-1. The objective was to quantify the responses to lightand carbon dioxide and to obtain data sets for testing simulationmodels. The method of measuring canopy photosynthesis involvedan accurate estimation of the greenhouse CO2 balance, usingnitrous oxide (N2O) as tracer gas to determine, on-line, theexchange rate between greenhouse and outside air. The estimatedrelative error in the observed P was about ± 10%, exceptthat higher relative errors could occur under particular conditions. A regression equation relating P to the photosynthetically activeradiation, the CO2 concentration and the leaf area index explained83-91% of the variance. The main canopy photosynthesis characteristicscalculated with the fitted regression equations were: canopyPmax 5-9 g m-2 h-1 CO2 uptake; ratio Pmax/LAI 1·5-3 gm-2 h-1; light compensation point 32-86 µmol s-1 m-2;light use efficiency (quantum yield) at low light 0·06-0·10µmol µmol-1 and CO2 compensation point 18-54 µmolmol-1. The results were related to the prevailing conditions.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Canopy photosynthesis, Capsicum annuum L., carbon dioxide, CO2, CO2 balance, CO2 use efficiency, cucumber, Cucumis sativus L., glasshouse, greenhouse, light use efficiency, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., sweet pepper, tomato, tracer gas  相似文献   

Rates of CO2 and HCC3 fixation in cells of various Chlorellaspecies in suspension were compared from the amounts of 14Cfixed during the 5 s after the injection of a solution containingonly 14CO2 or H14CO3. Results indicated that irrespectiveof the CO2 concentration during growth, Chlorella vulgaris 11h and C. miniata mainly utilized CO2, whereas C. vulgaris C-3,C. sp. K. and C. ellipsoidea took up HCO3 in additionto CO2. Cells of C. pyrenoidosa that had been grown with 1.5%CO2 (high-CO2 cells) mainly utilized CO2, whereas those grownwith air (low-CO2 cells) utilized HCO3 in addition toCO2. Cells that utilized HCO3 had carbonic anhydrase(CA) on their surfaces. The effects of Diamox and CA on the rates of CO2 and HCO3fixation are in accord with the inference that HCO3 wasutilized after conversion to CO2 via the CA located on the cellsurface. CA was found in both the soluble and insoluble fractions;the CA on the cell surface was insoluble. Independent of the modes of utilization, the apparent Km (NaHCO3)for photosynthesis was much lower in low-CO2 cells than in high-CO2ones. The fact that the CA in the soluble fraction in C. vulgarisC-3 was closely correlated with the Km(NaHCO3) indicates thatsoluble CA lowers the Km. 1 Dedicated to the late Professor Joji Ashida, one of the foundersand first president of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. 4 On leave from Research and Production Laboratory of Algology,Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia. (Received September 14, 1982; Accepted March 1, 1983)  相似文献   

Two common tallgrass prairie species, Andropogon gerardii, thedominant C4 grass in this North American grassland, and Salviapitcheri, a C3 forb, were exposed to ambient and elevated (twiceambient) CO2 within open-top chambers throughout the 1993 growingseason. After full canopy development, stomatal density on abaxialand adaxial surfaces, guard cell length and specific leaf mass(SLM; mg cm-2) were determined for plants in the chambers aswell as in adjacent unchambered plots. Record high rainfallamounts during the 1993 growing season minimized water stressin these plants (leaf xylem pressure potential was usually >-1·5 MPa in A. gerardii) and also minimized differencesin water status among treatments. In A. gerardii, stomatal densitywas significantly higher (190 ± 7 mm-2; mean ±s.e.) in plants grown outside of the chambers compared to plantsthat developed inside the ambient CO2 chambers (161 ±5 mm-2). Thus, there was a significant 'chamber effect' on stomataldensity. At elevated levels of CO2, stomatal density was evenlower (P < 0·05; 121 ± 5 mm-2). Most stomatawere on abaxial leaf surfaces in this grass, but the ratio ofadaxial to abaxial stomatal density was greater at elevatedlevels of CO2. In S. pitcheri, stomatal density was also significantlylower when plants were grown in the open-top chambers (235 ±10 mm-2 outside vs. 140 ± 6 mm-2 in the ambient CO2 chamber).However, stomatal density was greater at elevated CO2 (218 ±12 mm-2) compared to plants from the ambient CO2 chamber. Theratio of stomata on adaxial vs. abaxial surfaces did not varysignificantly in this herb. Guard cell lengths were not significantlyaffected by growth in the chambers or by elevated CO2 for eitherspecies. Growth within the chambers resulted in lower SLM inS. pitcheri, but CO2 concentration had no effect. In A. gerardii,SLM was lower at elevated CO2. These results indicate that stomataland leaf responses to elevated CO2 are species specific, andreinforce the need to assess chamber effects along with treatmenteffects (CO2) when using open-top chambers.Copyright 1994, 1999Academic Press Andropogon gerardii, elevated CO2, Salvia pitcheri, stomatal density, tallgrass prairie  相似文献   

Rozenfeld, Ranna A., Michael K. Dishart, Tor IngeTønnessen, and Robert Schlichtig. Methods for detecting localintestinal ischemic anaerobic metabolic acidosis byPCO2. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(4): 1834-1842, 1996.Gut ischemia isoften assessed by computing an imaginary tissue interstitial pH fromarterial plasma HCO3 and thePCO2 in a saline-filled balloontonometer after equilibration with tissuePCO2 (PtiCO2).PtiCO2 mayalternatively be assumed equal to venous PCO2(PvCO2) in that region of gut. The ideais that as blood flow decreases, gutPtiCO2 andPvCO2 will increase to the maximumaerobic value, i.e., maximum respiratoryPvCO2(PvCO2 rmax). Above a "critical" anaerobic threshold, lactate(La) generation, bytitration of tissue HCO3, should raisePtiCO2abovePvCO2 rmax.During progressive selective whole intestinal flow reduction insix pentobarbital-anesthetized pigs, we usedPCO2 electrodes to test thehypotheses that criticalPtiCO2is achieved earlier in mucosa than in serosa and thatPvCO2 rmax,computed using an in vitro model, predicts criticalPtiCO2. Wedefined criticalPtiCO2 as theinflection ofPtiCO2-PvCO2vs. O2 delivery(O2)plots. CriticalO2for O2 uptake was 12.55 ± 2 ml · kg1 · min1.Critical PtiCO2 for mucosaand serosa was achieved at similar whole intestineO2(13.90 ± 5 and 13.36 ± 5 ml · kg1 · min1,P = NS). CriticalPtiCO2 (129 ± 24 and 96 ± 21 Torr) exceeded PvCO2 rmax(62 ± 3 Torr). During ischemia,La excretion into portalvenous blood was matched by K+excretion, causing PvCO2 to increaseonly slightly, despitePtiCO2 risingto 380 ± 46 (mucosa) and 280 ± 38 (serosa) Torr. These resultssuggest that mucosa and serosa become dysoxic simultaneously, thatischemic dysoxic gut is essentially unperfused, and that in vitropredictedPvCO2 rmaxunderestimates criticalPtiCO2.


Mistletoes usually have slower rates of photosynthesis thantheir hosts. This study examines CO2assimilation, chlorophyllfluorescence and the chlorophyll content of temperate host–parasitepairs (nine hosts parasitized by Ileostylus micranthus and Carpodetusserratus parasitized by Tupeia antarctica). The hosts of I.micranthus had higher mean annual CO2assimilation (3.59 ±0.41 µmol m-2 s-1) than I. micranthus(2.42 ± 0.20µmol m-2 s-1), and C. serratus(2.41 ± 0.43 µmolm-2 s-1) showed higher CO2assimilation than T. antarctica(0.67± 0.64 µmol m-2 s-1). Hosts saturated at significantlyhigher electron transport rates (ETR) and light levels thanmistletoes. The positive relationship between CO2assimilationand electron transport suggests that the lower CO2assimilationrates in mistletoes are a consequence of lower electron transportrates. When photosynthetic rates, ETR and chlorophyll a /b ratioswere adjusted for photosynthetically active radiation, hostsdid not have significantly higher CO2assimilation (3.21 ±0.37 µmol m-2 s-1) than mistletoes (2.54 ± 0.41µmol m-2 s-1), but still had significantly higher ETRand chlorophyll a / b ratios. The electron transport rates,saturating light and chlorophyll a / b ratios of sun leavesfrom mistletoes were similar to host shade leaves. These responsesindicate that in comparison with their hosts, mistletoe leaveshave the photosynthetic characteristics of the leaves of shadeplants. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company CO2assimilation, photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), chlorophyll fluorescence, electron transport rate (ETR), photochemical quenching (qp), non-photochemical quenching (qn), sun and shade leaves, chlorophyll content, Ileostylus micranthus, Tupeia antarctica, New Zealand  相似文献   

Green Light Drives CO2 Fixation Deep within Leaves   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Maximal l4CO2-fixation in spinach occurs in the middle of thepalisade mesophyll [Nishio et al. (1993) Plant Cell 5: 953],however, ninety percent of the blue and red light is attenuatedin the upper twenty percent of a spinach leaf [Cui et al. (1991)Plant Cell Environ. 14: 493]. In this report, we showed thatgreen light drives 14CO2-fixation deep within spinach leavescompared to red and blue light. Blue light caused fixation mainlyin the palisade mesophyll of the leaf, whereas red light drovefixation slightly deeper into the leaf than did blue light.14CO2-fixation measured under green light resulted in less fixationin the upper epidermal layer (guard cells) and upper most palisademesophyll compared to red and blue light, but led to more fixationdeeper in the leaf than that caused by either red or blue light.Saturating white, red, or green light resulted in similar maximal14CO2-fixation rates, whereas under the highest irradiance ofblue light given, carbon fixation was not saturated, but itasymptotically approached the maximal 14CO2-fixation rates attainedunder the other types of light. The importance of green lightin photosynthesis is discussed. 1Supported in part by grants from Competitive Research GrantsOffice, U.S. Department of Agriculture (Nos. 91-37100-6672 and93-37100-8855).  相似文献   

We investigated the inhibition of slowlyadapting pulmonary stretch receptors (PSRs) by inhaled wood smoke.Impulses were recorded from PSRs in 68 anesthetized, open-chest, andartificially ventilated rats. Eighty-one of one hundred five PSRs wereinhibited within one or two breaths when 6 ml of wood smoke weredelivered into the lungs. As a group(n = 105), PSR activity significantly decreased from a baseline of 19.0 ± 1.3 (SE) to a lowest level of12.9 ± 1.2 impulses/breath at the fourth or fifth breath after smoke delivery. This afferent inhibition usually persisted for 5-18 breaths. In contrast, smoke delivery did not affecttranspulmonary pressure. Delivery of gas-phase smoke or a hypercapnicgas mixture containing CO2 at aconcentration (15%) matching that in the smoke produced a nearlyidentical inhibition in the same PSRs(n = 10). This afferent inhibition waslargely prevented by pretreatment with acetazolamide (an inhibitor ofcarbonic anhydrase; n = 10) but wasnot affected by pretreatment with the vehicle for acetazolamide (n = 8) or isoproterenol (abronchodilator; n = 10).These results suggest that 1) anincrease in H+ concentrationresulting from hydration of CO2 inthe smoke may be responsible for the inhibitory effect of wood smoke onthe discharge of PSRs and 2) changesin lung mechanics are not the cause of this afferent inhibition.


REUVENI  J.; GALE  J.; ZERONI  M. 《Annals of botany》1997,79(2):191-196
Sodium chloride, at a concentration of 88 mol m-3in half strengthHoagland nutrient solution, increased dry weight per unit areaofXanthium strumarium L. leaves by 19%, and chlorophyll by 45%compared to plants grown without added NaCl at ambient (350µmol mol-1) CO2concentration. Photosynthesis, per unitleaf area, was almost unaffected. Even so, over a 4-week period,growth (dry weight increment) was reduced in the salt treatmentby 50%. This could be ascribed to a large reduction in leafarea (>60%) and to an approx. 20% increase in the rate ofdark respiration (Rd). Raising ambient [CO2] from zero to 2000 µmol mol-1decreasedRd in both control and salinized plants (by 20% at 1000, andby 50% at 2000 µmol mol-1CO2concentration) compared toRd in the absence of ambient CO2. High night-time [CO2] hadno significant effect on growth of non-salinized plants, irrespectiveof day-time ambient [CO2]. Growth reduction caused by salt wasreduced from 51% in plants grown in 350 µmol mol-1throughoutthe day, to 31% in those grown continuously in 900 µmolmol-1[CO2]. The effect of [CO2] at night on salinized plants depended onthe daytime CO2concentration. Under 350 µmol mol-1day-time[CO2], 900 µmol mol-1at night reduced growth over a 4-weekperiod by 9% (P <0.05) and 1700 µmol mol-1reduced itby 14% (P <0.01). However, under 900 µmol mol-1day-time[CO2], 900vs . 350 µmol mol-1[CO2] at night increasedgrowth by 17% (P <0.01). It is concluded that there is both a functional and an otiose(functionless) component to Rd, which is increased by salt.Under conditions of low photosynthesis (such as here, in thelow day-time [CO2] regime) the otiose component is small andhigh night-time [CO2] partly suppresses functional Rd, therebyreducing salt tolerance. In plants growing under conditionswhich stimulate photosynthesis (e.g. with increased daytime[CO2]), elevated [CO2] at night suppresses mainly the otiosecomponent of respiration, thus increasing growth. Consequently,in regions of adequate water and sunlight, the predicted furtherelevation of the world atmospheric [CO2] may increase plantsalinity tolerance. Xanthium strumarium ; respiration; photosynthesis; salt stress; sodium chloride; carbon dioxide; atmosphere  相似文献   

Heller, Hartmut, Gabi Fuchs, and Klaus-DieterSchuster. Pulmonary diffusing capacities foroxygen-labeled CO2 and nitric oxide in rabbits.J. Appl. Physiol. 84(2): 606-611, 1998.We determined the pulmonary diffusing capacity(DL) for18O-labeledCO2(C18O2)and nitric oxide (NO) to estimate the membrane component of therespective gas conductances. Six anesthetized paralyzed rabbits wereventilated by a computerized ventilatory servo system. Single-breath maneuvers were automatically performed by inflating the lungs with gasmixtures containing 0.9%C18O2or 0.05% NO in nitrogen, with breath-holding periods ranging from 0 to1 s forC18O2and from 2 to 8 s for NO. The alveolar partial pressures of C18O2and NO were determined by using respiratory mass spectrometry. DL was calculated from gasexchange during inflation, breath hold, and deflation. We obtainedvalues of 14.0 ± 1.1 and 2.2 ± 0.1 (mean value ± SD)ml · mmHg1 · min1forDLC18O2and DLNO,respectively. The measured DLC18O2/DLNOratio was one-half that of the theoretically predicted value accordingto Graham's law (6.3 ± 0.5 vs. 12, respectively).Analyses of the several mechanisms influencing the determination ofDLC18O2and DLNOand their ratio are discussed. An underestimation of the membranediffusing component for CO2 isconsidered the likely reason for the lowDLC18O2/DLNOratio obtained.


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