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E Sztul  A Kaplin  L Saucan  G Palade 《Cell》1991,64(1):81-89
We have isolated a population of vesicular carriers involved in the transport (transcytosis) of proteins from the basolateral to the apical plasma membrane of hepatocytes. The obtained fraction was enriched in compartments containing known transcytosed proteins and depleted in elements of the secretory pathway, Golgi elements, basolateral plasma membrane, as well as early endosomal components. The fraction was analyzed by biochemical and immunological procedures. Antibodies raised against the proteins in the fraction recognized a single 108K antigen. Based on its subcellular distribution, the 108K antigen may represent a novel marker for transcytotic vesicular carriers.  相似文献   

There is a limited understanding of structural attributes that encode the iatrogenic transmissibility and various phenotypes of prions causing the most common human prion disease, sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD). Here we report the detailed structural differences between major sCJD MM1, MM2, and VV2 prions determined with two complementary synchrotron hydroxyl radical footprinting techniques—mass spectrometry (MS) and conformation dependent immunoassay (CDI) with a panel of Europium-labeled antibodies. Both approaches clearly demonstrate that the phenotypically distant prions differ in a major way with regard to their structural organization, and synchrotron-generated hydroxyl radicals progressively inhibit their seeding potency in a strain and structure-specific manner. Moreover, the seeding rate of sCJD prions is primarily determined by strain-specific structural organization of solvent-exposed external domains of human prion particles that control the seeding activity. Structural characteristics of human prion strains suggest that subtle changes in the organization of surface domains play a critical role as a determinant of human prion infectivity, propagation rate, and targeting of specific brain structures.  相似文献   

A morphometric analysis was made to study membrane traffic in bone marrow-derived macrophages, containing phagosomes with partially degraded Bacillus subtilis. Cell surface glycoproteins, labeled with radioactive galactose by terminal glycosylation, provided a covalent autoradiographic membrane marker. Membrane compartments were characterized in terms of cytochemical staining for horseradish peroxidase taken up by receptor-mediated endocytosis. The area, composition, and exchange rates of endocytic membrane compartments were measured as in a previous analysis for non-infected macrophages, devoid of phagosomes. In direct comparison with this earlier study, the present data allowed an assessment of the involvement of phagosomes in the interactions between endocytic membrane compartments. The presence of phagosomes led to a 30% reduction of lysosomal membrane area. The rate at which cell surface-derived label flowed into the lysosomal membrane pool was reduced by the same fractional amount. This suggested a linear relationship between flow rate and membrane area. The initial flow rate of label into phagosomes was higher than expected, based on their membrane area being only about 60% that of lysosomes. This rate could only be measured during the early phase of the experiments when phagosomes were younger, therefore displaying a fast exchange rate, reminiscent of the endosome compartment. However, steady-state conditions, at late times, strongly suggested that phagosomes with degraded contents finally acquire membrane of lysosomal origin. First, the composition of phagosome membrane became the same as that of lysosomes, remaining unchanged as compared to non-infected cells. Second, the membrane area of phagosomes amounted to the loss of lysosomal membrane area in infected cells.  相似文献   

Small GTP-binding proteins of the rab family have been implicated as regulators of membrane traffic along the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways in eukaryotic cells. We have investigated the localization and function of rab8, closely related to the yeast YPT1/SEC4 gene products. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy on filter-grown MDCK cells demonstrated that, rab8 was localized to the Golgi region, vesicular structures, and to the basolateral plasma membrane. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that rab8p was highly enriched in immuno-isolated basolateral vesicles carrying vesicular stomatitis virus-glycoprotein (VSV-G) but was absent from vesicles transporting the hemagglutinin protein (HA) of influenza virus to the apical cell surface. Using a cytosol dependent in vitro transport assay in permeabilized MDCK cells we studied the functional role of rab8 in biosynthetic membrane traffic. Transport of VSV-G from the TGN to the basolateral plasma membrane was found to be significantly inhibited by a peptide derived from the hypervariable COOH-terminal region of rab8, while transport of the influenza HA from the TGN to the apical surface and ER to Golgi transport were unaffected. We conclude that rab8 plays a role in membrane traffic from the TGN to the basolateral plasma membrane in MDCK cells.  相似文献   

Transport of cargo through and from the Golgi complex is mediated by vesicular carriers and transient tubular connections. Two classes of vesicle have been implicated in the biosynthetic or anterograde membrane traffic of this organelle. Both classes of vesicle are coated on the cytoplasmic surface with proteins, of which at least one component is related. Tubular connections also enable exchange of material between membrane-bounded compartments associated with the Golgi complex, most obviously in cells that have been treated with the drug, brefeldin A. Coat proteins appear to be involved in the regulation of these transport processes. Their putative functions include sorting of cargo, as well as regulation of budding, fusion or targeting of the membrane carriers.  相似文献   

We recently reported that the human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes of the M1 serotype survives and replicates intracellularly after being phagocytosed by human neutrophils. These data raised the possibility that the generation of reactive oxygen metabolites by neutrophils, and the release of microbicidal molecules from their azurophilic and specific granules into phagosomes, can be modulated by S. pyogenes bacteria expressing surface-associated M and/or M-like proteins. We now demonstrate, using flow cytometry, immunofluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, that live wild-type S. pyogenes, after internalization by human neutrophils, inhibits the fusion of azurophilic granules with phagosomes. In contrast, azurophilic granule-content is efficiently delivered to phagosomes containing bacteria not expressing M and/or M-like proteins. Also, when heat-killed wild-type bacteria are used as the phagocytic prey, fusion of azurophilic granules with phagosomes is observed. The inhibition caused by live wild-type S. pyogenes is specific for azurophilic granule-phagosome fusion, because the mobilization of specific granules and the production of reactive oxygen species are induced to a similar extent by all strains tested. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that viable S. pyogenes bacteria expressing M and M-like proteins selectively prevent the fusion of azurophilic granules with phagosomes.  相似文献   

Several bacteria and viruses remodel cellular membranes to form compartments specialised for replication. Bacteria replicate within inclusions which recruit membrane vesicles from the secretory pathway to provide nutrients for microbial growth and division. Viruses generate densely packed membrane vesicles called viroplasm which provide a platform to recruit host and viral proteins necessary for replication. This review describes examples where both intracellular bacteria (Salmonella, Chlamydia and Legionella) and viruses (picornaviruses and hepatitis C) recruit membrane vesicles to sites of replication by modulating proteins that control the secretory pathway. In many cases this involves modulation of Rab and Arf GTPases.  相似文献   

Binding of high density lipoprotein (HDL) to its receptor on cultured fibroblasts and aortic endothelial cells was previously shown to facilitate sterol efflux by initiation of translocation of intracellular sterol to the plasma membrane. After cholesterol-loaded human monocyte-derived macrophages were incubated with either [3H]mevalonolactone or lipoprotein-associated [3H]cholesteryl ester to radiolabel intracellular pools of sterol, incubation with HDL3 led to stimulation of 3H-labeled sterol translocation from intracellular sites to the cell surface which preceeded maximum 3H-labeled sterol efflux. A similar pattern was demonstrated for macrophages that were preloaded with cholesterol derived from either low density lipoprotein (LDL), acetyl-LDL, or phospholipase C-modified LDL. However, in macrophages that were not loaded with cholesterol, HDL3 stimulated net movement of 3H-labeled sterol from the plasma membrane into intracellular compartments, the opposite direction from that seen for cholesterol-loaded cells. A similar influx pattern was found in nonloaded macrophages and fibroblasts that were labeled with trace amounts of exogenous [3H]cholesterol. Cholesterol translocation from intracellular pools to the cell surface of cholesterol-loaded macrophages appeared to be stimulated by receptor binding of HDL, since chemical modification of HDL with tetranitromethane (TNM), which abolishes its receptor binding, reduced its ability to stimulate 3H-labeled sterol translocation and efflux. In nonloaded cells, however, the ability of HDL3 to stimulate sterol efflux and movement of sterol from the plasma membrane into intracellular pools was unaffected by TNM modification. Thus, binding of HDL to its receptor on cholesterol-loaded macrophages appears to promote translocation of intracellular cholesterol to the plasma membrane followed by cholesterol efflux into the medium. However, in nonloaded macrophages, HDL stimulates sterol movement from the plasma membrane into intracellular pools by a receptor-independent process.  相似文献   

Human C-reactive protein (CRP) is known to activate mouse macrophages (M phi) to a tumoricidal state and to serve as an opsonin for M phi. Therefore, cell surface receptors for CRP on mouse M phi were characterized and their relationship to the IgG FcR determined. The specific binding of 125I-CRP to resident or elicited mouse M phi was saturable, reversible, and involved both a high and a low affinity receptor population. Binding of CRP to the mouse M phi cell lines PU5 1.8 and J774 was nearly identical to that observed with peritoneal M phi. The high affinity receptor population had a calculated K of 10 nM and a receptor density of approximately 10(5) sites per cell. Mouse Ig of the IgG2a, IgG2b, or IgG1 isotypes inhibited binding of 125I-CRP to PU5 1.8 cells at concentrations five-fold greater than that of the homologous ligand. In the converse experiment, unlabeled CRP failed to inhibit specific binding of 125I-labeled IgG2a, IgG2b or IgG1. Isolation of CRP binding proteins from surface iodinated PU5 1.8 cells by ligand-affinity chromatography or chemical cross-linking yielded a major protein band of 57 to 60 kDa which appeared to be distinct from the IgG1/IgG2b FcR (FcR-II) membrane proteins. Removal of radiolabeled IgG2b/IgG1 binding membrane proteins by affinity chromatography did not remove CRP-binding proteins. The rat mAb 2.4G2 which inhibits binding of radiolabeled mouse IgG2b, did not inhibit the binding of CRP. A rat polyclonal antiserum to CRP-binding membrane proteins of PU5 1.8 cells inhibited 125I-CRP binding, but not 125IgG2b binding. The rat polyclonal antibody reacted with two 57 to 60 kDa membrane proteins from PU5 1.8 cells that appear to be of a similar size on Western blots. The 125I-CRP was internalized via endosomes and intact CRP subunits could be detected intracellularly. The findings suggest that binding of CRP occurs through a receptor that is distinct from the IgG FcRs, but that CRP-R activity may be influenced by an association with an IgG FcR.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles from human platelets were prepared by various disruption and isolation techniques reported in the literature to yield fractions of predominantly surface or intracellular membrane origin. ATP + Mg2+-dependent Ca2+ accumulation and the formation of acylphosphate intermediates of the calcium pump(s) were followed in parallel experiments, and the consequences of a limited proteolysis of the membranes examined. In all types of preparations active Ca2+ uptake had both oxalate-sensitive and insensitive fractions and calmodulin had no effect on the rate of Ca2+ uptake. Limited proteolysis by trypsin eliminated oxalate-sensitive Ca2+ uptake while it had no effect on the oxalate-insensitive fraction. The Ca2+-induced EP complex had an apparent molecular mass of 100-110 kDa in all of the preparations, the EP showing a broad or even duplicated line in most autoradiographies. Mild trypsin digestion resulted in the formation of 80-, 55-, and 35-kDa phosphorylated fragments. The 80-kDa fragment corresponded to the limit polypeptide found in the proteolyzed erythrocyte membrane Ca2+ pump, its phosphorylation was stimulated by lanthanum, and it appeared in a different time course than the smaller fragments. The molecular mass and the formation pattern of the latter species corresponded to the tryptic fragments in the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump. Based on these results we suggest that platelet membrane preparations contain two types of Ca2+ pump proteins, one similar to the sarcoplasmic reticulum-type and the other to the erythrocyte-type enzyme.  相似文献   

A study was made of modulations of lysosome-phagosome fusion process and of fibrillar actin content in mouse peritoneal macrophages by an antitumor alkaloid sanguinarine and a derivative drug Ukrain. In addition, effects of these substances on in vitro polymerization of monomeric globular actin from rabbit muscle were investigated. Sanguinarine and Ukrain stimulated lysosome-phagosome fusion and increased the content of polymerized fibrillar form of actin in mouse macrophages. Effects of these substances were enhanced at their higher concentrations. Both sanguinarine and Ukrain induced in vitro polymerization of globular actin from rabbit muscle. A possible role of sanguinarine and Ukrain in changing vesicular membrane states during intracellular membrane interaction in lysosome-phagosome fusion process was discussed. The influence of these substances on actin polymerization and actin cytoskeleton rearrangement was evaluated. It could be supposed that sanguinarine and Ukrain may alter intracellular membrane transport.  相似文献   

The massive secretion of salt and water in cholera-induced diarrhea involves binding of cholera toxin (CT) to ganglioside GM1 in the apical membrane of intestinal epithelial cells, translocation of the enzymatically active A1-peptide across the membrane, and subsequent activation of adenylate cyclase located on the cytoplasmic surface of the basolateral membrane. Studies on nonpolarized cells show that CT is internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis, and that the A1-subunit may remain membrane associated. To test the hypothesis that toxin action in polarized cells may involve intracellular movement of toxin-containing membranes, monolayers of the polarized intestinal epithelial cell line T84 were mounted in modified Ussing chambers and the response to CT was examined. Apical CT at 37 degrees C elicited a short circuit current (Isc: 48 +/- 2.1 microA/cm2; half-maximal effective dose, ED50 integral of 0.5 nM) after a lag of 33 +/- 2 min which bidirectional 22Na+ and 36Cl- flux studies showed to be due to electrogenic Cl- secretion. The time course of the CT-induced Isc response paralleled the time course of cAMP generation. The dose response to basolateral toxin at 37 degrees C was identical to that of apical CT but lag times (24 +/- 2 min) and initial rates were significantly less. At 20 degrees C, the Isc response to apical CT was more strongly inhibited (30-50%) than the response to basolateral CT, even though translocation occurred in both cases as evidenced by the formation of A1-peptide. A functional rhodamine-labeled CT-analogue applied apically or basolaterally at 20 degrees C was visualized only within endocytic vesicles close to apical or basolateral membranes, whereas movement into deeper apical structures was detected at 37 degrees C. At 15 degrees C, in contrast, reduction to the A1-peptide was completely inhibited and both apical and basolateral CT failed to stimulate Isc although Isc responses to 1 nM vasoactive intestinal peptide, 10 microM forskolin, and 3 mM 8Br-cAMP were intact. Re-warming above 32 degrees C restored CT-induced Isc. Preincubating monolayers for 30 min at 37 degrees C before cooling to 15 degrees C overcame the temperature block of basolateral CT but the response to apical toxin remained completely inhibited. These results identify a temperature-sensitive step essential to apical toxin action on polarized epithelial cells. We suggest that this event involves vesicular transport of toxin-containing membranes beyond the apical endosomal compartment.  相似文献   

Macrophages are involved in various important biological processes and their functions are tightly regulated. Hydrophobic proteins are difficult to analyse by 2-DE because of their intrinsic tendency to self-aggregate during the first dimension (IEF). We have compared two protocols for extracting, separating and identifying membrane proteins from human macrophages by MALDI-TOF MS. The first protocol used protein extraction by solvent, followed by 2-DE and allowed us to identify 10% membrane proteins among the proteins identified a being like the peroxisome-activated receptor delta. The second method is based on solubilizing the membranes with Triton X-100, separating the proteins by anion-exchange chromatography followed by SDS-PAGE. This method allowed us to identify 49 membrane proteins, including four integral membrane proteins, ten type I, two type II and one type III membrane proteins. Several receptors were identified, including integrin alpha-3 and ephrin type A receptor 7. Interestingly, several proteins involved in macrophage functions were identified, such as integrin alpha-X and macrophage mannose receptor. These findings show that techniques are available to identify membrane proteins, but that they require large quantities of cells which means that they are not suitable for the limiting amounts of precious samples available from clinical studies.  相似文献   

HIV-1 assembly and release are believed to occur at the plasma membrane in most host cells with the exception of primary macrophages, for which exclusive budding at late endosomes has been reported. Here, we applied a novel ultrastructural approach to assess HIV-1 budding in primary macrophages in an immunomarker-independent manner. Infected macrophages were fed with BSA-gold and stained with the membrane-impermeant dye ruthenium red to identify endosomes and the plasma membrane, respectively. Virus-filled vacuolar structures with a seemingly intracellular localization displayed intense staining with ruthenium red, but lacked endocytosed BSA-gold, defining them as plasma membrane. Moreover, HIV budding profiles were virtually excluded from gold-filled endosomes while frequently being detected on ruthenium red-positive membranes. The composition of cellular marker proteins incorporated into HIV-1 supported a plasma membrane-derived origin of the viral envelope. Thus, contrary to current opinion, the plasma membrane is the primary site of HIV-1 budding also in infected macrophages.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane contains distinct domains that are characterized by a high concentration of sphingolipids and cholesterol. These membrane microdomains also referred to as rafts, seem to be intimately involved in transmembranous signaling and often initiate interactions of pathogens and the host cell membranes. Here, we investigated the further reorganization of membrane rafts in cultured epithelial cells and ex vivo isolated nasal cells after infection with rhinoviruses. We demonstrate the formation of ceramide-enriched membrane platforms and large glycosphingolipid-enriched membrane domains and the co-localization of fluorochrome-labeled rhinoviruses with these membrane domains during attachment and uptake of human rhinovirus. Destruction of glycosphingolipid-enriched membrane domains blocked infection of human cells with rhinovirus. Furthermore, our studies indicate that the activation of the acid sphingomyelinase (ASM) is intrigued in the formation of ceramide- or GM1- enriched membrane platforms. Inhibition of the ASM reduces the number of ceramide-enriched platforms and glycosphingolipid-enriched membrane domains. These data reveal a critical role of the ASM for the formation of membrane platforms and infection of human cells with rhinoviruses.  相似文献   

The huge internodal cells of the characean green algae are a convenient model to study long-range interactions between organelles via cytoplasmic streaming. It has been shown previously that photometabolites and reactive oxygen species released by illuminated chloroplasts are transmitted to remote shaded regions where they interfere with photosynthetic electron transport and the differential activity of plasma membrane transporters, and recent findings indicated the involvement of organelle trafficking pathways. In the present study, we applied pulse amplitude-modulated microscopy and pH-sensitive electrodes to study the effect of brefeldin A (BFA), an inhibitor of vesicle trafficking, on long-distance interactions in Chara australis internodal cells. These data were compared with BFA-induced changes in organelle number, size and distribution using fluorescent dyes and confocal laser scanning microscopy. We found that BFA completely and immediately inhibited endocytosis in internodal cells and induced the aggregation of organelles into BFA compartments within 30–120 min of treatment. The comparison with the physiological data suggests that the early response, the arrest of endocytosis, is related to the attenuation of differences in surface pH, whereas the longer lasting formation of BFA compartments is probably responsible for the acceleration of the cyclosis-mediated interaction between chloroplasts. These data indicate that intracellular turnover of membrane material might be important for the circulation of electric currents between functionally distinct regions in illuminated characean internodes and that translational movement of metabolites is delayed by transient binding of the transported substances to organelles.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) proteins and inhibitory peptides derived from ARFs have demonstrated activities in a number of in vitro assays that measure ER-to-Golgi and intra-Golgi transport and endosome fusion. To better understand the roles of ARF proteins in vivo, stable cell lines were obtained from normal rat kidney (NRK) cells transfected with either wild-type or a dominant activating allele ([Q71L]) of the human ARF1 gene under the control of the interferon-inducible mouse Mx1 promoter. Upon addition of interferon, expression of ARF1 proteins increased with a half-time of 7-8 h, as determined by immunoblot analysis. Induction of mutant ARF1, but not wild-type ARF1, led to an inhibition of protein secretion with kinetics similar to that observed for induction of protein expression. Examination of the Golgi apparatus and the ER by indirect immunofluorescence or transmission electron microscopy revealed that expression of low levels of mutant ARF1 protein correlated with a dramatic increase in vesiculation of the Golgi apparatus and expansion of the ER lumen, while expression of substantially higher levels of wild-type ARF1 had no discernible effect. Endocytosis was also inhibited by expression of mutant ARF1, but not by the wild-type protein. Finally, the expression of [Q71L]ARF1, but not wild-type ARF1, antagonized the actions of brefeldin A, as determined by the delayed loss of ARF and beta-COP from Golgi membranes and disruption of the Golgi apparatus. General models for the actions of ARF1 in membrane traffic events are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of essential fatty acids in membrane functions related to receptor-mediated endocytosis of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) was investigated using a human laryngeal carcinoma cell line (HEp-2) grown in chemically defined serum-free medium (DM) to deplete their essential fatty acid contents. VSV replicated much less effectively in HEp-2 cells grown in DM as compared to serum containing complete medium (CM). Observed reduction in the rate of virus multiplication was, at least in part, due to reduced virus penetration which was monitored using VSV labeled with nitroxyl free radicals as electron spin probe. Surface proteins of VSV were labeled with maleimide spin-label, and succinimide spin-label. Ni2+ was used as a broadening agent to identify the spin-label signals from viruses inside the cell. HEp-2 cells and mouse leukemia cell line L1210 treated with 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl (dansyl) cadaverine, an agent previously shown to inhibit the uptake of VSV in vitro, was used as a positive control in some experiments. VSV penetrated less effectively in both DM-grown cells and in CM-grown cells in the presence of dansylcadaverine. Similar results were obtained by monitoring the uptake of 125I-labeled VSV. When HEp-2 cells grown for several generations in DM were incubated with 10% fetal calf serum for 16 h, the cells supported virus replication to a similar extent as the cells grown in CM. In contrast, addition of arachidonic acid restored VSV growth only partially. Continued growth of HEp-2 cells in DM resulted in a shift in fatty acyl chain composition of phospholipids. The results indicate a finite role for essential fatty acids in receptor-mediated internalization of virus particles.  相似文献   

The interactions of bacterial pathogens with cells of the human leptomeninges are critical events in the progression of meningitis. An in vitro model based on the culture of human meningioma cells was used to investigate the interactions of the meningeal pathogens Escherichia coli K1, Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae. A rank order of association with meningioma cells was observed, with N. meningitidis showing the highest levels of adherence, followed by E. coli, S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae. Neisseria meningitidis and H. influenzae did not invade meningioma cells or induce cell death, but induced a concentration-dependent secretion of inflammatory mediators. Neisseria meningitidis induced higher levels of IL-6, MCP-1, RANTES and GM-CSF than H. influenzae, but there was no significant difference in the levels of IL-8 induced by both pathogens. Streptococcus pneumoniae was also unable to invade meningioma cells, but low concentrations of bacteria failed to stimulate cytokine secretion. However, higher concentrations of pneumococci led to cell death. By contrast, only E. coli K1 invaded meningioma cells directly and induced rapid cell death before an inflammatory response could be induced. These data demonstrate that the interactions of different bacterial pathogens with human meningeal cells are distinct, and suggest that different intervention strategies may be needed in order to prevent the morbidity and mortality associated with bacterial meningitis.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,123(6):1403-1419
Digital, video-enhanced fluorescence microscopy and spectrofluorometry were used to follow the internalization into the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae of phosphatidylcholine molecules labeled on one acyl chain with the fluorescent probe 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl (NBD). Two pathways were found: (1) transport by endocytosis to the vacuole and (2) transport by a non-endocytic pathway to the nuclear envelope and mitochondria. The endocytic pathway was inhibited at low temperature (< 2 degrees C) and by ATP depletion. Mutations in secretory (SEC) genes that are necessary for membrane traffic through the secretory pathway (including SEC1, SEC2, SEC4, SEC6, SEC7, SEC12, SEC14, SEC17, SEC18, and SEC21) almost completely blocked endocytic uptake. In contrast, mutations in the SEC63, SEC65, or SEC11 genes, required for translocation of nascent secretory polypeptides into the ER or signal peptide processing in the ER, only slightly reduced endocytic uptake. Phospholipid endocytosis was also independent of the gene encoding the clathrin heavy chain, CHC1. The correlation of biochemical analysis with fluorescence microscopy indicated that the fluorescent phosphatidylcholine was degraded in the vacuole and that degradation was, at least in part, dependent on the vacuolar proteolytic cascade. The non-endocytic route functioned with a lower cellular energy charge (ATP levels 80% reduced) and was largely independent of the SEC genes. Non-endocytic transport of NBD-phosphatidylcholine to the nuclear envelope and mitochondria was inhibited by pretreatment of cells with the sulfhydryl reagents N-ethylmaleimide and p- chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid, suggesting the existence of protein- mediated transmembrane transfer (flip-flop) of phosphatidylcholine across the yeast plasma membrane. These data establish a link between lipid movement during secretion and endocytosis in yeast and suggest that phospholipids may also gain access to intracellular organelles through non-endocytic, protein-mediated events.  相似文献   

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