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为了优选快速、 灵敏、 特异的家蚕微孢子虫Nosema bombycis分子检测方法和DNA抽提方法, 本文通过对家蚕微孢子虫TaqMan探针荧光定量PCR检测方法和SYBR Green荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立以及反应体系优化, 并与普通PCR方法进行比较; 再采用4种不同DNA抽提方法分别对PCR和实时荧光定量PCR方法检测家蚕微孢子虫悬浮液的效果评价。结果显示: 不经过DNA抽提, 直接将家蚕微孢子虫发芽液进行PCR反应的效果优于其他方法, 检测灵敏度由高到低依次为直接法、 酚/氯仿抽提法、 动物组织DNA试剂盒抽提法和植物组织DNA试剂盒抽提法; TaqMan探针法检测家蚕微孢子虫发芽液的灵敏度和SYBR Green法相近, 达到微孢子102个/mL, 两者均优于普通PCR方法。实验表明, 直接采用发芽液结合荧光定量PCR方法检测家蚕微孢子虫最为简便、 快速、 灵敏。该研究结果将有助于提高家蚕微粒子病监控技术和检疫能力, 对家蚕微粒子病的检疫和防治具有积极意义。  相似文献   

The fungus Stachybotrys chartarum has been implicated in cases of nonspecific indoor air quality complaints in adults and in cases of pulmonary hemorrhaging in infants. The effects that have been described have been attributed to mycotoxins. Previous dose-effect studies focused on exposure to a single mycotoxin in a solvent, a strategy which is unlikely to accurately characterize the effects of inhaled spores. In this study we examined the role of mycotoxins in the pulmonary effects caused by S. chartarum spores and the dose dependency of these effects. S. chartarum spores were extracted in methanol to reduce the mycotoxin content of the spores. Then either untreated (toxin-containing) or methanol-extracted S. chartarum spores were intratracheally instilled into male 10-week-old Charles River-Dawley rats. After 24 h, the lungs were lavaged, and the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was analyzed to determine differences in lactic dehydrogenase, albumin, hemoglobin, myeloperoxidase, and leukocyte differential counts. Weight change was also monitored. Our data show that methanol extraction dramatically reduced the toxicity of S. chartarum spores. No statistically significant effects were observed in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluids of the animals that were treated with methanol-extracted spores at any dose. Conversely, dose-dependent effects of the toxin-containing spores were observed when we examined the lactic dehydrogenase, albumin, and hemoglobin concentrations, the polymorphonuclear leukocyte counts, and weight loss. Our findings show that a single, intense exposure to toxin-containing S. chartarum spores results in pulmonary inflammation and injury in a dose-dependent manner. Importantly, the effects are related to methanol-soluble toxins in the spores.  相似文献   

Real-time PCR methods have recently been developed for the quantification of Helicobacter pylori from infected mouse stomachs. However, the extent to which results is affected by the efficiency of different methods of DNA extraction and the degree of inhibition of the subsequent PCR have largely been ignored. In this study, mouse stomachs were processed using two homogenisation methods: complete disruption using a blender and homogenisation by vortexing with glass beads. Each procedure was followed by DNA purification by three different protocols-two commercially available kits-Qiagen DNA Mini Tissue kit and Qiagen Stool Kit and a phenol-chloroform extraction method. PCR inhibition was assessed by screening for mouse DNA and for H. pylori DNA after spiking stomach extracts with H. pylori 16S rDNA. PCR inhibition was found to be lower in DNA samples prepared by vortexing and processed by column kits. Validation of procedures was performed by quantification of H. pylori DNA and mouse DNA in infected mouse stomachs. Homogenisation with glass beads followed by the Qiagen Tissue kit was found to be the most suitable protocol combining high extraction and detection efficiency of 16S rDNA in the presence of a mouse DNA background.  相似文献   

Three comparatively rapid methods for the extraction of DNA from fungal conidia and yeast cells in environmental (air, water and dust) samples were evaluated for use in real-time PCR (TaqMan™) analyses. A simple bead milling method was developed to provide sensitive, accurate and precise quantification of target organisms in air and water (tap and surface) samples. However, quantitative analysis of dust samples required further purification of the extracted DNA by a streamlined silica adsorption procedure.  相似文献   

We present results from a comparison of six methods for rapid DNA extraction from leaf and other plant tissues. We have used samples from six plant species in our study, including both crop species and their wild relatives. The success of the methods is assessed by PCR of the DNA using conserved primers, and the applicability of the different methods to particular species and tissues is assessed. The speed, reliability, convenience, and potential for further improvement of the methods are also discussed.  相似文献   

The glycolytic enzyme triosephosphate isomerase ( tpi ) (EC plays a key role in central carbon metabolism yet few studies have characterized isogenic bacterial mutants lacking this enzyme and none have examined its role in the in vivo fitness of a bacterial pathogen. Here we have deleted tpiA in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and found that the mutant had an altered morphology, displaying an elongated shape compared with the wild type. In a mouse model of typhoid fever the tpiA mutant was attenuated for growth as assessed by bacterial counts in the livers and spleens of infected mice. However, this attenuation was not deemed sufficient for consideration of a tpiA mutant as a live attenuated vaccine strain. These phenotypes were complemented by provision of tpiA on pBR322. We therefore provide the first demonstration that tpiA is required for full in vivo fitness of a bacterial pathogen, and that it has a discernable impact on cell morphology.  相似文献   

In this study, food samples were intentionally contaminated with Escherichia coli O157:H7, and then DNA was isolated by using four commercial kits. The isolated DNA samples were compared by using real-time PCR detection of the Shiga toxin genes. The four kits tested worked similarly.  相似文献   

In recent years cases of often fatal pulmonary hemorrhage in infants have been associated with water damaged homes and the toxigenic fungusStachybotrys chartarum. The fungal spores contain mycotoxins which could be injurious to the rapidly developing lung. In order to understand the developmental pathophysiology of this disease we developed an infant rat model of stachybotrytoxicosis describing the effects of fungal spores on survival, growth, histopathology of the lung and respiration. Conidia ofS. chartarum were instilled intratracheally (1.0–8.0 × 105/gm wt.) in 4-dold Sprague-Dawley rat pups. Two control groups received either sterile PBS or a suspension of spores extensively extracted with ethanol to remove toxins. Lethal dose response was determined (LD50 = 2.7 × 105 spores/gm wt.). All dead pups had extensively hemorrhagic lungs. Growth of surviving animals was impaired in a dose-dependent manner. Changes of pulmonary function parameters in rats treated with 1.1 × 105 spores/g were consistent with an increased respiratory resistance. Histology of lungs revealed fresh hemorrhage, sparse hemosiderin-laden macrophages, and evidence of inflammation including thickened alveolar septa infiltrated by lymphocytes and mononuclear cells and intra-alveolar macrophages. Significant increases (p = 0.001) in numbers of macrophages (2-fold), lymphocytes (5-fold) and neutrophils (7-fold) were found in BAL fluid. Hemoglobin was elevated 2-fold (p = 0.004). Proinflammatory mediator IL-1β increased more than 6-fold and TNF-α30-fold (p = 0.001). Extracted spores had a minimal effect on all examined parameters in BAL fluid indicating that mycotoxins are primarily responsible for the hemorrhagic and inflammatory response. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The extraction of genomic DNA is the crucial first step in large-scale epidemiological studies. Though there are many popular DNA isolation methods from human whole blood, only a few reports have compared their efficiencies using both end-point and real-time PCR assays. Genomic DNA was extracted from coronary artery disease patients using solution-based conventional protocols such as the phenol–chloroform/proteinase-K method and a non-phenolic non-enzymatic Rapid-Method, which were evaluated and compared vis-a-vis a commercially available silica column-based Blood DNA isolation kit. The appropriate method for efficiently extracting relatively pure DNA was assessed based on the total DNA yield, concentration, purity ratios (A260/A280 and A260/A230), spectral profile and agarose gel electrophoresis analysis. The quality of the isolated DNA was further analysed for PCR inhibition using a murine specific ATP1A3 qPCR assay and mtDNA/Y-chromosome ratio determination assay. The suitability of the extracted DNA for downstream applications such as end-point SNP genotyping, was tested using PCR-RFLP analysis of the AGTR1-1166A>C variant, a mirSNP having pharmacogenetic relevance in cardiovascular diseases. Compared to the traditional phenol–chloroform/proteinase-K method, our results indicated the Rapid-Method to be a more suitable protocol for genomic DNA extraction from human whole blood in terms of DNA quantity, quality, safety, processing time and cost. The Rapid-Method, which is based on a simple salting-out procedure, is not only safe and cost-effective, but also has the added advantage of being scaled up to process variable sample volumes, thus enabling it to be applied in large-scale epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

Stachybotrys chartarum is an indoor air, toxigenic fungus that has been associated with a number of human and veterinary health problems. Most notable among these has been a cluster of idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage cases that were observed in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. In this study, 16 strains of S. chartarum isolated from case (n = 8) or control (n = 8) homes in Cleveland and 12 non-Cleveland strains from diverse geographic locations were analyzed for hemolytic activity, conidial toxicity, and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA banding patterns. In tests for hemolytic activity, strains were grown at 23°C on wet wallboard pieces for an 8-week test period. Conidia from these wallboard pieces were subcultured on sheep’s blood agar once a week over this period and examined for growth and clearing of the medium at 37 or 23°C. Five of the Cleveland strains (all from case homes) showed hemolytic activity at 37°C throughout the 8-week test compared to 3 of the non-Cleveland strains. Five of the Cleveland strains, compared to two of the non-Cleveland strains, produced highly toxic conidia (>90 μg of T2 toxin equivalents per g [wet weight] of conidia) after 10 and 30 days of growth on wet wallboard. Only 3 of the 28 strains examined both were consistently hemolytic and produced highly toxic conidia. Each of these strains was isolated from a house in Cleveland where an infant had idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage.  相似文献   

Five different DNA extraction methods were evaluated for their effectiveness in recovering PCR templates from the conidia of a series of fungal species often encountered in indoor air. The test organisms were Aspergillus versicolor, Penicillium chrysogenum, Stachybotrys chartarum, Cladosporium herbarum and Alternaria alternata. The extraction methods differed in their use of different cell lysis procedures. These included grinding in liquid nitrogen, grinding at ambient temperature, sonication, glass bead milling and freeze-thawing. DNA purification and recovery from the lysates were performed using a commercially available system based on the selective binding of nucleic acids to glass milk. A simple quantitative competitive polymerase chain reaction (QC-PCR) assay was developed for use in determining copy numbers of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the ribosomal RNA operon (rDNA) in the total DNA extracts. These quantitative analyses demonstrated that the method using glass bead milling was most effective in recovering PCR templates from each of the different types of conidia both in terms of absolute copy numbers recovered and also in terms of lowest extract to extract variability. Calculations of average template copy yield per conidium in this study indicate that the bead milling method is sufficient to support the detection of less than ten conidia of each of the different organisms in a PCR assay.  相似文献   

Park JW  Crowley DE 《BioTechniques》2005,38(4):579-586
The analysis of microbial communities in environmental samples requires accurate and reproducible methods for extraction of DNA from sample matrices that have different physical and chemical characteristics. Even with the same sample type, variations in laboratory methods can result in different DNA yields. To circumvent this problem, we have developed an easy and inexpensive way to normalize the quantities of DNA that involves the addition of an internal standard prepared from plasmid DNA. The method was evaluated by comparing DNA yields using different DNA extraction procedures, after which the DNA was used for microbial community analysis by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and for quantification of 16S rRNA gene copy numbers in environmental samples by real-time PCR. Our results show that use of the internal standard allows normalization of the resulting data and more accurate quantification of gene copy numbers in soil samples. These methods should also have broad application for various other types of environmental samples.  相似文献   

The aim of the presented study was to work out an effective method of extraction of DNA from Giardia intestinalis cysts as well as a sensitive and specific method for detection of DNA of this protozoan using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Twelve protocols for DNA extraction have been compared. Purification and extraction of DNA were preceded by additional actions in order to destroy the cysts' wall. The highest effectiveness of DNA extraction was obtained in case of alternating application of freezing the samples in liquid nitrogen and their incubation in water bath in the temperature of 100 degrees C, and then the extraction with the QIAamp DNA Tissue Mini Kit (QIAGEN)--T kit--with an all night long incubation with proteinase K in 56 degrees C. Effectiveness of DNA extraction with the use of each kit after extraction with each treatment was measured by nested PCR product of beta-giardin gene fragment and C(T) values of real time PCR of the SSU rRNA gene of G. intestinalis. The detection limit, defined as the lowest number detected in 100% cases, was 100 cysts per 200 microl when effectiveness was evaluated with nested PCR and 50 oocysts with real time PCR after extraction DNA with T kit. Results of our comparative studies have shown that all stages preceding the molecular detection of G. intestinalis DNA are equally important, and materially influence on the final effect and this version of method seems to be very useful for the sensitive detection of DNA of G. intestinalis.  相似文献   

Stachybotrys chartarum is an indoor air, toxigenic fungus that has been associated with a number of human and veterinary health problems. Most notable among these has been a cluster of idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage cases that were observed in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. In this study, 16 strains of S. chartarum isolated from case (n = 8) or control (n = 8) homes in Cleveland and 12 non-Cleveland strains from diverse geographic locations were analyzed for hemolytic activity, conidial toxicity, and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA banding patterns. In tests for hemolytic activity, strains were grown at 23 degrees C on wet wallboard pieces for an 8-week test period. Conidia from these wallboard pieces were subcultured on sheep's blood agar once a week over this period and examined for growth and clearing of the medium at 37 or 23 degrees C. Five of the Cleveland strains (all from case homes) showed hemolytic activity at 37 degrees C throughout the 8-week test compared to 3 of the non-Cleveland strains. Five of the Cleveland strains, compared to two of the non-Cleveland strains, produced highly toxic conidia (>90 microgram of T2 toxin equivalents per g [wet weight] of conidia) after 10 and 30 days of growth on wet wallboard. Only 3 of the 28 strains examined both were consistently hemolytic and produced highly toxic conidia. Each of these strains was isolated from a house in Cleveland where an infant had idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage.  相似文献   

Eight DNA extraction products or methods (Applied Biosystems PrepFiler Forensic DNA Extraction Kit; Bio-Rad Instagene Only, Bio-Rad Instagene & Spin Column Purification; EpiCentre MasterPure DNA & RNA Kit; FujiFilm QuickGene Mini80; Idaho Technologies 1-2-3 Q-Flow Kit; MoBio UltraClean Microbial DNA Isolation Kit; Sigma Extract-N-Amp Plant and Seed Kit) were adapted to facilitate extraction of DNA under BSL3 containment conditions. DNA was extracted from 12 common interferents or sample types, spiked with spores of Bacillus atropheaus. Resulting extracts were tested by real-time PCR. No one method was the best, in terms of DNA extraction, across all sample types. Statistical analysis indicated that the PrepFiler method was the best method from six dry powders (baking, biological washing, milk, plain flour, filler and talcum) and one solid (Underarm deodorant), the UltraClean method was the best from four liquids (aftershave, cola, nutrient broth, vinegar), and the MasterPure method was the best from the swab sample type. The best overall method, in terms of DNA extraction, across all sample types evaluated was the UltraClean method.  相似文献   

van Schie RC  Marras SA  Conroy JM  Nowak NJ  Catanese JJ  de Jong PJ 《BioTechniques》2000,29(6):1296-300, 1302-4, 1306 passim
Conventional, high-throughput PCR analysis of common elements utilizing numerous primer sets and template DNA requires multiple rounds of PCR to ensure optimal conditions. Laborious gel electrophoresis and staining is then necessary to visualize amplification products. We propose novel multicolor molecular beacons, to establish a high-throughput, PCR-based sequence tagged site (STS) detection system that swiftly and accurately confirms marker content in template containing common repeat elements. A simple, one-tube, real-time PCR assay system was developed to specifically detect regions containing CA and GATA repeats. Ninety-six samples can be confirmed for marker content in a closed-tube format in 3 h, eliminating product confirmation on agarose gels and avoiding crossover contamination. Multiple STSs can be detected simultaneously in the same reaction tube by utilizing molecular beacons labeled with multicolor fluorophores. Template DNA from 260 RPCI-11 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones was examined for the presence of CA and/or GATA repeats using molecular beacon PCR and compared with conventional PCR results of the same clones. Of the 205 clones containing CA and GATA repeats, we were able to identify 129 clones (CA, n = 99; GATA, n = 30) by using molecular beacons and only 121 clones (CA, n = 92; GATA, n = 29) by conventional PCR amplification. As anticipated, 55 clones that contained sequences other than CA or GATA failed molecular beacon detection. Molecular beacon PCR, employing beacons specific for tandem repeat elements, provides a fast, accurate, and sensitive multiplex detection assay that will expedite verification of marker content in a multitude of template containing these repeats.  相似文献   

Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) has been widely implemented for clinical hepatitis B viral load testing, but a lack of standardization and relatively poor precision hinder its usefulness. Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) is a promising tool that offers high precision and direct quantification. In this study, we compared the ddPCR QX100 platform by Bio-Rad with the CFX384 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System (Bio-Rad, USA) to detect serial plasmid DNA dilutions of known concentrations as well as HBV DNA extracted from patient serum samples. Both methods showed a high degree of linearity and quantitative correlation. However, ddPCR assays generated more reproducible results and detected lower copy numbers than qPCR assays. Patient sample quantifications by ddPCR and qPCR were highly agreeable based on the Bland–Altman analysis. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that ddPCR offers improved analytical sensitivity and specificity for HBV measurements and is suitable for clinical HBV detection.  相似文献   

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