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通过标本(包括模式标本)检查,发现稻城千里光(Senecio daochengensis Y. L. Chen)与黑褐千里光(S. atrofuscus Grierson)属于同一种植物,故将前者处理为后者的异名。提供了黑褐千里光的地理分布图及其与近缘种的检索表。  相似文献   

Revision of Passiflora subgenus Passiflora section Dysosmia DC. (Passifloraceae). The twenty one species and 10 varieties (31 taxa) comprising subgenus Passiflora section Dysosmia DC are described and some are illustrated with photographs and line drawings. Two species, Passiflora vesicaria L. and Passiflora ciliata (Dryand) Mast., are removed from synonymy and reinstated to species rank. Passiflora baraquiniana Lemaire is removed from synonymy and given varietal status. The species Passiflora santiagana (Killip) Borhidi is reduced in rank to varietal status. Of the 38 varieties of Passiflora foetida L. described by E. P. Killip in his 1938 monograph, 28 are reduced to synonymy, four are reassigned as varieties of other species and four remain as varieties of P. foetida. A new variety, Passiflora foetida var. ellisonii Vanderplank, is described with photographs and line drawings.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision ofVerbesina sect.Ochractinia is presented. 40 species plus 7 additional infraspecific taxa are recognized. A table of the distribution of the species, key to the species and synonymy are included. Relationships to other sections ofVerbesina and species relationships within sect.Ochractinia are discussed.  相似文献   

The chemical variation inLecanora epibryon andL. subimmersa, two species of theL. subfusca group, has been examined. In both species the chemical differences are correlated with geographical distribution, but not with morphological differences. As a consequence the chemotypes are recognized at subspecific level. InL. epibryon three chemical races are segregated according to the various chemosyndromes present. Subspeciesepibryon, containing atranorin and triterpenoids, occurs in the northern hemisphere and South America, while the other two subspecies occur only in the southern hemisphere. The subsp.broccha (Nyl.)Lumbsch, comb. nova, contains atranorin, the stictic acid and the 2,5,7-trichloro-3-O-methylnorlichexanthone chemosyndromes, while subsp.xanthophora Lumbsch, subsp. nova, is similar but lacks the stictic acid chemosyndrome. Two chemical races occur in the pantropical speciesL. subimmersa. While subsp.subimmersa contains atranorin and zeorin, subsp.ramboldii Lumbsch & Elix, subsp. nova, contains an additional ten chlorinated xanthones.L. impressa is reduced to synonymy toL. subimmersa.  相似文献   

将康定橐吾(Ligularia kangtingensis S.W.Liu)处理为细茎橐吾[L.hookeri(C.B.Clarke)Hand.-Mazz.]的异名。Senecio ficariifolius H.Lév.Vaniot长期以来被处理为细茎橐吾的异名,但我们检查模式材料后发现其头状花序盘状,与头状花序辐射状的细茎橐吾明显不同,而与头状花序盘状的贵州橐吾[L.leveillei(Vaniot)Hand.-Mazz.]没有区别,故将其处理为贵州橐吾的异名。  相似文献   

Neodiaptomus schmackeri and related species are redescribed. The synonymy of this species with N. strigilipes and N. handeli is discussed.  相似文献   

The 19 species of the genus Mandevilla in Mexico and Central America are treated synoptically. New synonymy is provided and a new species, Mandevilla rigidifolia, is described.  相似文献   

The louse Menacanthus obrteli Balát, 1981 is resurrected from synonymy as a valid species, with Locustella luscinioides, the Savi’s warbler, as the type-host. Both sexes of this louse species are redescribed and illustrated.  相似文献   

TheSolanum brevicaule complex is a group of morphologically very similar wild and cultivated potato taxa (Solanum sect.Petota). This study uses single to low-copy nuclear RFLPs and RAPDs to investigate their species boundaries and relationships. Cladistic analyses of both data sets are largely concordant with each other and with a recently published phenetic analyses of the same accessions using morphology. All three data sets separate members of the complex into populations from Peru and immediately adjacent northwestern Bolivia, including most cultivated species accessions, and populations from northwestern Bolivia to Argentina. The molecular results suggest that the complex is paraphyletic as currently circumscribed. Many species of theS. brevicaule complex should be relegated to synonymy.  相似文献   

研究欧洲和中国的标本后发现,室翅长蝽科Heterogastridae的小异腹长蝽Heterogaster minimusZou&Zheng,1981是地长蝽科Rhyparochromidae的红足点胸长蝽Acompus rufipes(Wolff,1804)的新异名。文中还提供了红足点胸长蝽Acompus rufipes的整体图和雄性生殖器特征图。  相似文献   

Based on the results of morphological and DNA sequence (partial D1–D3/D7–D8 nuLSU and partial nuSSU-ITS1-5.8S rDNA) data, three species of Plasmopara are revised and reclassified. A species of Plasmopara parasitic on Scorzonera, invalidly published several times, is assigned to a new genus and species under Novotelnova scorzonerae. Plasmopara euphrasiae sp. nov. is segregated from P. densa, and P. centaureae-mollis is revised and relegated to synonymy of Bremia centaureae. All taxa are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

A taxonomic study of the largely Mexican genusCarminatia is rendered. It is comprised of three closely related species:C. tenuiflora, C. recondita andC. anomala spec. nova. Illustrations, dot maps, keys to species and complete synonymy are presented.  相似文献   

Three species which contain both gyrophoric and lecanoric acids and possess perithecioid ascomata are recognized in the genusDiploschistes. D. badius andD. gyrophoricus are described as new, whileD. subcupreus is reduced to synonymy withD. sticticus. Two species occur in the southern hemisphere, whileD. badius is found in N. America.  相似文献   

通过标本室和野外观察, 发现根据四川丹巴标本描述的毛茛科光果拟螺距翠雀花(Delphinium bulleyanum Forrest ex Dielsvar. leiogynum W. T. Wang)和根据四川汶川标本描述的汶川翠雀花(D. wenchuanense W. T. Wang)与此前发现分布于四川宝兴、都江堰、汶川一带的拟川西翠雀花(D. pseudotongolense W. T. Wang)没有区别, 故将二者均处理为拟川西翠雀花的异名。  相似文献   

通过标本室和野外观察,发现根据云南西北部中甸标本描述的毛茛科竞生翠雀花(Delphinium yangii W.T.Wang)与此前记载分布于该地及四川西南部(康定、小金、汶川)的宝兴翠雀花(D.smithianum Hand.-Mazz.)属于同一分类实体,故将前者处理为后者的异名。  相似文献   

The systematic position of the North American species of the genusGlyptotendipes is reviewed using morphological characters from all life history stages. The cladistic analysis revealed adult characters which support the monophyly of the three species groups (A, B and C) of PINDER and REISS (1983, 1986) for pupae and larvae. These species groups are given formal subgeneric status, with Group A becomingGlytotendipes, s.s., placingPhytotendipes Goetghebuer, 1937 in synonymy, Group B is namedCaulochironomus (type-species,Tendipes caulicola Kieffer, 1913) and Group C is namedTrichotendipes (type-species,Tendipes signatus Kieffer, 1911).  相似文献   

We restrict the genusLipochaeta to the allopolyploid species of the typical section.Lipochaeta s.str. is interpreted to be the result of an intergeneric hybridization betweenMelanthera and a presently unknown taxon, perhaps of the genusWedelia. Lipochaeta is characterized, in addition to its allopolyploidy (n=26), by having both flavonols and flavones, disk corollas with 4 lobes, achenes tuberculate at maturity, the disk achenes flattened to slightly biconvex, and ray achenes obcompressed.Lipochaeta sect.Aphanopappus andWollastonia are here reduced to synonymy underMelanthera. We transfer 14 HawaiianLipochaeta and one New Caledonian species as well as the AsianWedelia prostrata toMelanthera. These transfers, along with the species in Africa and North America, bring the number of species in the genus to 35.Melanthera is delimited by an abruptly narrowed to truncate and flattened top of the achene, (0−)1–15(−20) often unequal, ciliate or barbellate, caducous pappus bristles immediately surrounding the corolla, involucral bracts and receptacular paleae with many veins forming longitudinal striations, and n=15. The florets are 5-merous, the corollas are yellow or white, and rays are absent (in white-flowered species) or present and neutral or fertile. In dealing with species formerly placed inLipochaeta, the GalapagosL. laricifolia is here transferred from the illegitimate generic nameMacraea toTrigonopterum and the BrazilianL. goyazensis is transferred toAngelphytum. We maintain the earlier reduction ofEchinocephalum underMelanthera and reduce all three taxa originally described in it to one,M. latifolia.  相似文献   

Summary  Two new species of Rhynchospora, R. acanthoma and R. rupestris, are described and illustrated. Their geographical distributions are discussed. The status of R. exilis and its synonymy is clarified.  相似文献   

黄算珠树(Glochidion fortunei Hance)在《中国植物志》和《Flora of China》中被处理为算盘子[G.puber(L.)Hutch.]的异名,但在《广东植物志》中则作为独立物种所收录。基于形态特征比较和文献研究,黄算珠树与台闽算盘子(G.rubrum Blume)实为同种,故将黄算珠树处理为台闽算盘子的异名。另外,将算盘子的学名由Glochidion puberum纠正为G.puber。  相似文献   

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