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Summary During the last 15 years we have gained considerably more knowledge about the anatomy, physiology and molecular sequences of the modern agnathans. This knowledge has been analysed with modern systematic techniques which provide clear, unambiguous statements of relationships. At present there is a conflict between the results obtained using morphological/physiological data and that using molecular data. During the next few years it is likely that more molecular sequences will become available for analysis. Whether this will fuel the conflict or resolve the issue remains to be seen.The great increase in our knowledge of the diversity of fossil agnathans is continuing to provide much new anatomical information and this allows more firmly based phylogenies to be constructed. From these we may be able to delimit more precisely the course of evolutionary changes of functional systems in the early history of vertebrates.Many of our decisions concerning primitiveness or degeneracy of the modern agnathans can be gained through study of the ontogenetic development and the variation between the ontogenies from species to species. Lampreys are relatively well known in this respect. However, we lack comparable detailed studies of the development of hagfishes. A major research field is here waiting to be reaped.  相似文献   

The embryonic organizer represents the major regulatory centre for the establishment of the body axes during gastrulation. Here, we discuss the endodermal contributions to the organizer of amphibia, birds and mammals. We differentiate between the definitive, prospective liver endoderm, and the primitive, prospective extraembryonic endoderm, the latter addressed as the hypoblast in birds and the visceral endoderm in mammals. We further discuss the role of the prechordal plate, a mesendodermal tissue underlying the prospective forebrain. Our conclusion points out the similarity of the amphibian and the avian organizer, with a concentration of inductive potentials in time and space. On the other hand, we discuss the unique feature of mammals, that have shifted certain aspects of the head organizer into the anterior visceral endoderm.  相似文献   

The activity of phosphorylase (EC, glucose-6-phosphatase (EC and the content of glycogen have been determined in tissues of fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammalians. No differences in the activity of phosphorylase and glucose-6-phosphatase in the liver, myocardium, and brain of animals of the phylogenetic groups under study are found. The activity of glucose-6-phosphatase in the anaerobic muscles of poikilothermal animals is found to be rather high. The share of phosphorylase a in the skeletal muscles and brain as well as the glycogen content in the brain of these animals is essentially higher than that of adult mammalians.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Late Ordovician vertebrate faunas occur in clastic sedimentary units along the length of the Rocky Mountains from Colorado to Montana, and across the border into Canada. Most research has, however, been conducted on localities in the southern part of the outcrop belt, particularly the Harding Sandstone Formation of Colorado. Micropalaeontological sampling of the coeval South Piney Member (Winnipeg Formation) in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming has revealed an abundant vertebrate fauna. The vertebrate assemblage includes a low-abundance fauna of 13 conodont taxa that together indicate an undatus Chronozone age (mid-Mohawkian; mid-Caradoc; Late Ordovician). The pteraspidomorphs Astraspis desiderata Walcott and Eriptychius americanus Walcott are also present together with one new taxon, Eleochera glossa gen. et sp. nov., which is interpreted as a derived stem-gnathostome on the basis of its scale histology and morphology. The fauna bears a strong similarity to that of the Harding Sandstone but is of lower diversity. In particular, it lacks the fine-grained, deeper water component of the Harding Sandstone that contains, inter alia , thelodonts and stem-chondrichthyans.  相似文献   

Bone microstructure is affected by ontogeny, phylogeny, biomechanics and environments. These aspects of life history of an extinct animal, especially its growth patterns, may be assessed as fossil bone generally maintains its histological integrity. Recent studies on the bone histology of fossil vertebrates from India encompass different types of temnospondyls and dicynodonts from different Permian and Triassic horizons. The examined taxa show that they had distinct bone histology and varied growth patterns. The Early Triassic trematosaurids had an overall fast growth, which contrasts with that of the Middle and Late Triassic temnospondyl taxa examined. The dicynodonts on the other hand, were characterized by an overall fast growth with periodic interruptions, variable growth rates dependent on ontogeny and indeterminate growth strategy. A comparative study encompassing several neotherapsid genera including the dicynodonts shows significant evolutionary trends towards determinate growth strategy and reduced developmental plasticity.  相似文献   

The cause of cleft lip remains speculative. The nature and extent of pathophysiologic changes in cleft lip muscle are controversial. This study was undertaken to better understand the developmental processes at work. There were two groups of patients. In group 1, 40 fresh tissue specimens were taken from 22 patients who were 2 to 5 months old-their age at the time of their primary cleft lip repair. In group 2, eight control specimens were collected from six children who were seen in the emergency department with lip lacerations. Fresh specimens fixed in neutral buffered formalin were evaluated by the use of hematoxylin and eosin with Luxol fast blue, Bielschowsky, and Masson trichrome stains. Fresh frozen tissue was histochemically assessed by the use of hematoxylin and eosin, modified Gomori trichrome, and adenosine triphosphatase. Ultrastructural analysis was performed on fine sections of glutaraldehyde-fixed tissue. Histologic examination revealed increased endomysial and perimysial collagen in cleft specimens with evidence of muscle-bundle size variation and nonneurogenic atrophy. Insignificant differences were observed between cleft-side and noncleft-side specimens when the means of 200 counts of neural-tissue bundles in the subdermis were compared (p = 0.093). Histochemical examination revealed no typical checkerboard pattern, but a preponderance of type 2 fiber was seen. By means of electron microscopy, increased numbers of subsarcolemmal mitochondria were found in cleft, noncleft, and control specimens. Increased absolute numbers of mitochondria and variations in size, shape, and crystal arrangement were identified. In conclusion, there is no evidence of deficient neural supply in the cleft lip. There is also no evidence of neurogenic muscle atrophy or a metabolic abnormality. There are characteristic myopathic changes. These, in concert with the observed interstitial fibrosis, may have far-reaching implications for growth and function.  相似文献   

Fossil brachiopods from the Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian deposits of Mongolia have been studied for the last forty-five years by the Joint Soviet-Mongolian (later RussianMongolian) Paleontological and Geological Expeditions. New data on the taxonomic composition, stratigraphic and geographic distribution of the brachiopod assemblages have been obtained. The brachiopod systematics has been further refined and detailed, and the stratigraphic and correlation scales and biogeographic reconstructions have been elaborated for the Paleozoic of Mongolia.  相似文献   

Variation in preservation and sampling probability clouds our estimates of past biodiversity. The most extreme examples are Lagerstätten faunas and floras. Although such deposits provide a wealth of information and represent true richness better than other deposits, they can create misleading diversity peaks because of their species richness. Here, we investigate how Lagerstätten formations add to time series of vertebrate richness in the UK, Germany and China. The first two nations are associated with well-studied fossil records and the last is a country where palaeontology has a much shorter history; all three nations include noted Lagerstätten in their fossil records. Lagerstätten provide a larger proportion of China's sampled richness than in Germany or the UK, despite comprising a smaller proportion of its fossiliferous deposits. The proportions of taxa that are unique to Lagerstätten vary through time and between countries. Further, in all regions, we find little overlap between the taxa occurring in Lagerstätten and in ‘ordinary’ formations within the same time bin, indicating that Lagerstätten preserve unusual faunas. As expected, fragile taxa make up a greater proportion of richness in Lagerstätten than the remainder of the fossil record. Surprisingly, we find that Lagerstätten account for a minority of peaks in the palaeodiversity curves of all vertebrates (18% in the UK; 36% in Germany and China), and Lagerstätten count is generally not a good overall predictor of the palaeodiversity signal. Vastly different sampling probabilities through taxa, locations and time require serious consideration when analysing palaeodiversity curves.  相似文献   

Two distinct phosphorylase isozymes, skeletal muscle phosphorylase b and liver phosphorylase b, have been purified from skate (Raja pulchra) in a homogeneous form as judged by electrophoretic and immunological criteria. Both isozymes were dependent on AMP for activity and converted to a forms by rabbit muscle phosphorylase kinase. Their subunit molecular weight determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis was 94,000. These isozymes were distinctly different in affinities for glycogen and AMP, while they were very similar in sensitivities to SO42?. Rabbit antibodies against each of the muscle and liver isozymes inhibited completely the respective specific antigens. No cross-reaction was observed in double diffusion tests, but some immunological relatedness of these isozymes was demonstrated by inhibition tests with antibodies. Their similarity was also shown by amino acid analyses. No evidence has been obtained that the skate possesses such an isozyme as mammalian phosphorylase L, the b form of which is inactive even in the presence of AMP. Electrophoretic studies on phosphorylases of crucian carp, toad, and snake revealed that these animals possess three isozymes which strikingly resemble mammalian isozymes in the organ-specific distribution and electrophoretic behavior.  相似文献   

In Canis and Ursus the largest proportion of attachments of muscles of the shoulder and brachium on the scapula and humerus is direct; fewer attachments are aponeurotic or tendinous. In both genera most attachments can be associated with superficial osteological features (scars or delimitable surfaces); attachments that lack such features are direct. Most aponeurotic attachments are associated with rugose scarring whereas tendinous attachments are often associated with smooth surfaces. Although most attachments can be associated with osteological features the areal extent of attachment is often not inferrable from the bone. The inference of muscle size or functional significance from osteological features is problematic. The amount of myological information that can be deciphered from the osteology in Canis and Ursus is greater than that reported for particular members of other vertebrate groups which suggests that there may be differences in the degree to which muscles can be reconstructed from superficial osteology alone. Nonetheless, even in mammals such as the Carnivora, detailed muscular reconstructions in extinct taxa cannot be achieved without reference to the musculature of extant relatives. Such reconstructions rely on assumptions, that often have not been adequately tested, regarding the similarity of musculature in closely related taxa. This testing and well corroborated hypotheses of phylogenetic relationship are essential for the evaluation of the accuracy of reconstructions of the musculature in fossil vertebrates.  相似文献   

We have measured the ability of extracts of tissues from several species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibia and fish to demethylate adducts of O6-methylguanine in exogenous DNA by transfer of the methyl group to an acceptor protein. Our study also encompassed tissues from a smaller number of invertebrates, from arthropods, molluscs and annelids. The vertebrate tissues used were liver, brain, spleen and kidney. In the case of the invertebrates we sampled liver, neural tissue, gonads, digestive tract and hepatopancreas. There was no consistent change in the amount of acceptor activity per unit of protein or DNA going from cold-blooded to warm-blooded vertebrates. Liver invariably had the highest amount; this finding was not unexpected since metabolic processes in the liver are high, and good cellular protective mechanism important. Inter-class comparisons within the vertebrates are highly speculative, and hindered by the fact that there is little information on carcinogenesis in animals other than rodents and humans. O6-methylguanine acceptor activity was found in all the invertebrate tissues tested. The amounts were variable, 0.003-0.0051 fmol/micrograms cellular DNA, but the values fell within the range of those found in the tissues of vertebrates.  相似文献   

Branched, sinusoidal burrows assigned to Sinusichnus cf. seilacheri Knaust et al. 2016; occur in Upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) carbonates on Anticosti Island. These are abundant and monospecific at the base of the Oncolite Bed of the uppermost Ellis Bay Formation, marking a regional discontinuity surface during the multiphase Ordovician mass-extinction event. In contrast to Mesozoic and Cenozoic records of Sinusichnus, commonly attributed to the activity of decapod and isopod crustaceans, the burrow systems from Anticosti Island were probably produced by other arthropods of unknown affinity. A combined dwelling, locomotion and feeding behaviour of their trace maker is assumed. This is the oldest record of the ichnogenus Sinusichnus, previously only known since the Triassic, and its first evidence from North America.  相似文献   

In different groups of fossil brachiopods new adaptations were formed by changes in size, shape, and proportions of morphological structures in ontogenetic and phylogenetic development.  相似文献   

One of the most recently identified members of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family, death receptor-6 (DR6), has been shown to mediate apoptosis following overexpression in HeLa cells. The avian and piscine orthologs of DR6 have now been identified, and the deduced amino acid sequence for each demonstrates a high level of conservation compared to the mammalian sequence. Expression of dr6 mRNA occurs widely across tissues of both the mature chicken and brook trout. It is now well-established that ovarian follicular atresia occurs via apoptosis originating within the granulosa cell layer. Accordingly, DR6 expression within the ovary was examined to assess the relationship between stage of follicle development and relative levels of this death receptor. Of particular interest was the finding that elevated levels of dr6 mRNA, as well as the translated protein, are expressed in atretic compared to healthy follicles of the hen ovary, thus providing the first association between DR6 expression and apoptosis, in vivo. We conclude that DR6 is a highly conserved and widely expressed death-domain-containing receptor and may be implicated in regulating follicle atresia within the vertebrate ovary.  相似文献   

Serologically negative birds and mammals of species, known from other studies to be exposed naturally to St. Louis encephalitis (SLE) virus in Memphis, Tennessee, and other selected species were inoculated experimentally with strains of SLE virus to determine their potential as natural hosts. Mosquitoes (Culex sp.) were allowed to feed on some of the inoculated vertebrate species, held for 14 days, and tested for SLE infection. The cardinals (Richmondena cardinalis), robins (Turdus migratorius), and baby chicks (Gallus gallus) all became viremic; 97% of the bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) and 20% of the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix) became viremic. No viremia was detected in raccoons (Procyon lotor), opossums (Didelphis virginiana), or adult cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus). Only 20% of cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus audubonii), 50% of wood rats (Neotoma mexicana), and 75% of hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) but all the young cotton rats and least chipmunks (Eutamias minimus) were susceptible. Robins had the highest titered viremia but were viremic for the shortest period of time. Bobwhites had lower peak viremia titers but for a longer duration. Biologic differences in the response of some vertebrates to different SLE strains were noted. Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus mosquitoes readily became infected after feeding on viremic cardinals. Comparisons of the experimental data with information obtained from field investigations provided a better understanding of the contributions of the various vertebrate species to the transmission and maintenance of SLE virus in nature.  相似文献   

R Pawlicki 《Acta anatomica》1978,100(4):411-418
The investigation was carried out on the fossil dinosaur bone from before 80 million years. Samples for examination were prepared with specially elaborated methods. Thus the isolated osteocytes of the dinosaur bone, which had previously undergone natural fossilizing processes, were obtained. This permitted their morphological assessment. On the basis of the images obtained in the light, transmission electron, and scanning electron microscopes, two types of osteocytes were distinguished. Type I was characterized by an elongated shape, its length exceeding the width several times; the mean dimensions of this osteocyte amounted to 28.8/7.03 micron. Type II was shorter, its mean dimensions being equal to 20.28/6.88 micron. Moreover, two types of osteocytes processes were differentiated: the first was represented by thick processes, so-called 'axial processes', whose diameter ranged from 0.5 to 1.5 micron, and which, as a rule, departed from the pole of the cell. They ran farther from the mother cell body to more distant osteocytes. The other type consisted of thin processes departing from various points of the cell body in no particular arrangement but always extrapolarly. They branched off in a close vicinity of the mother osteocyte. Their diameter ranged between 0.076 and 0.35 micron.  相似文献   

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