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Cadherins comprise a family of cell-cell adhesion proteins critical to the architecture and function of tissues. Expression of family members E-, N-, and P-cadherin is regulated in a spatial and temporal fashion in the developing and adult organism. Using in vivo and in vitro experimental systems, perturbation of cadherin expression by genetic deletion, overexpression, mutant dominant-negative constructs, and, to a lesser degree, expression of an inappropriate cadherin have all been shown to alter embryogenesis, tissue architecture, and cell behavior. Here we studied how expression of an inappropriate cadherin affects the adult mouse mammary gland. Human P-cadherin was expressed in mammary epithelial cells under control of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) promoter, and the effect on mammary gland behavior was studied. Typically, E-cadherin is expressed by mammary epithelial cells, whereas P-cadherin is found in myoepithelial cells and cap cells of the ductal terminal end bud. However, breast cancers frequently express P-cadherin, even though they are thought to arise from epithelial cells, and it is a marker of poor prognosis. We developed two independent transgenic mouse lines that exhibited high levels of P-cadherin protein expression in the mammary epithelium. P-cadherin was detected in most, but not all, luminal epithelial cells, and was appropriately localized to cell-cell borders. It was detected in the mammary glands of virgin, pregnant, lactating, post-lactation, and aged parous female mice. Despite the robust and widespread expression of an inappropriate cadherin, no effect was observed on mammary gland morphogenesis, architecture, lactation, or involution in transgenic mice compared to wild-type mice. No mammary tumors formed spontaneously in either wild-type or transgenic mice. Moreover, mammary tumors induced by the neu oncogene, which was introduced by a breeding strategy, showed no differences between mice with or without hP-cadherin. Surprisingly, however, none of the tumors expressed hP-cadherin protein. Together, our studies show no apparent effect on adult mammary gland or tumor behavior by inappropriate expression of P-cadherin in normal mammary epithelial cells.  相似文献   

用PCR法从正常中国人脐带血提取总DNA作为模板,扩增出1.5 kb的人G-CSF基因组基因。序列分析证实其正确性。将其插入小鼠乳清酸蛋白(WAP)基因的起始密码子ATG前的KpnⅠ位点,使其受控于2.6kb的WAP调控序列,构建成乳腺表达载体pWGG。回收经EcoRⅠ酶切后的8.7kb片段用于显微注射。共注射1200枚受精卵,移植34受体母鼠,产仔鼠85只。经PCR检测和DNA印迹分析,证实获得两只整合有人G-CSF基因的雄性鼠,整合率为2.37%。建立的转基因鼠系表明,采用ELASA方法对F1代雌鼠乳汁检测,成功地表达出人G-CSF。表达量为120~250ng/ml。这一结果表明转基因的表达具有乳腺特异性。这为在大动物中实施转基因提供了依据。  相似文献   

Signaling by members of the epidermal growth factor receptor family plays an important role in breast development and breast cancer. Earlier work suggested that one of these receptors, ErbB4, is coupled to unique responses in this tissue. To determine the function of ErbB4 signaling in the normal mouse mammary gland, we inactivated ErbB4 signaling by expressing a COOH terminally deleted dominant-negative allele of ErbB4 (ErbB4DeltaIC) as a transgene in the mammary gland. Despite the expression of ErbB4DeltaIC from puberty through later stages of mammary development, an ErbB4DeltaIC-specific phenotype was not observed until mid-lactation. At 12-d postpartum, lobuloalveoli expressing ErbB4DeltaIC protein were condensed and lacked normal lumenal lactation products. In these lobuloalveoli, beta-casein mRNA, detected by in situ hybridization, was normal. However, whey acidic protein mRNA was reduced, and alpha-lactalbumin mRNA was undetectable. Stat5 expression was detected by immunohistochemistry in ErbB4DeltaIC-expressing tissue. However, Stat5 was not phosphorylated at Y694 and was, therefore, probably inactive. When expressed transiently in 293T cells, ErbB4 induced phosphorylation of Stat5. This phosphorylation required an intact Stat5 SH2 domain. In summary, our results demonstrate that ErbB4 signaling is necessary for mammary terminal differentiation and Stat5 activation at mid-lactation.  相似文献   

The large scale production of recombinant collagen for use in biomaterials requires an efficient expression system capable of processing a large (>400Kd) multisubunit protein requiring post-translational modifications. To investigate whether the mammary gland of transgenic animals fulfills these requirements, transgenic mice were generated containing the S1-casein mammary gland-specific promoter operatively linked to 37Kb of the human 1(I) procollagen structural gene and 3 flanking region. The frequency of transgenic lines established was 12%. High levels of soluble triple helical homotrimeric [(1)3] type I procollagen were detected (up to 8mg/ml) exclusively in the milk of six out of 9 lines of lactating transgenic mice. The transgene-derived human procollagen chains underwent efficient assembly into a triple helical structure. Although proline or lysine hydroxylation has never been described for any milk protein, procollagen was detected with these post-translational modifications. The procollagen was stable in mil; minimal degradation was observed. These results show that the mammary gland is capable of expressing a large procollagen gene construct, efficiently assembling the individual polypeptide chains into a stable triple helix, and secreting the intact molecule into the milk.  相似文献   

Keratin 8 and 18 are commonly used as tumorigenic markers for various types of carcinomas. They are known to be involved in cell migration, cell invasiveness, plasminogen activity and drug and radiation resistance. To ascertain a potential function for simple epithelium keratins in mammary adenocarcinoma in vivo, keratin-8-deficient mice (mK8) were mated with transgenic mice carrying the middle T oncogene driven by the MMTV promoter. The resulting mK8 knockout and control progeny carrying the middle T transgene developed mammary gland tumours with the same incidence. However, the onset of palpable mammary gland tumours occurred earlier in mK8 mutant than in control mice. This effect was prominent in males where the onset in control animals is delayed overall, because of the lower hormonal inducibility of the MMTV promoter. Metastatic foci were observed in the lungs of all females and of a few males, idependently of the genotype. Histological analysis revealed no morphological differences of the tumorigenic cells in primary tumours nor in metastatic foci. As expected, keratin 8 was absent in the mK8 tumours. Keratin 7 (mK7), keratin 18 (mK18) and keratin 19 (mK19) protein were observed in both primary and metastatic foci. These results constitute the first in vivo analysis of the role of simple epithelium keratins in mammary carcinogenesis. It demonstrates that the latency, but not the incidence nor the morphological features, of PyV middle T-induced mammary gland tumours is affected by keratin 8 deficiency  相似文献   

The retinoblastoma (Rb) tumor suppressor controls cellular proliferation, survival, and differentiation and is functionally inactivated by mutations or hyperphosphorylation in most human cancers. Although activation of endogenous Rb is thought to provide an effective approach to suppress cell proliferation, long-term inhibition of apoptosis by active Rb may have detrimental consequences in vivo. To directly test these paradigms, we targeted phosphorylation-resistant constitutively active Rb alleles, Rb Delta Ks, to the mouse mammary gland. Pubescent transgenic females displayed reduced ductal elongation and cell proliferation at the endbuds. Post-puberty transgenic mice exhibited precocious cellular differentiation and beta-casein expression and extended survival of the mammary epithelium with a moderate but specific effect on the expression of E2F1, IGF1R alpha, and phospho-protein kinase B/AKT. Remarkably, approximately 30% Rb Delta K transgenic females developed focal hyperplastic nodules, and approximately 7% exhibited full-blown mammary adenocarcinomas within 15 mo. Expression of the Rb Delta K transgene in these mammary tumors was reduced greatly. Our results suggest that transient activation of Rb induces cancer by extending cell survival and that the dual effects of Rb on cell proliferation and apoptosis impose an inherent caveat to the use of the Rb pathway for long-term cancer therapy.  相似文献   

To address the hypothesis that certain disease-associated mutants of the breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 have biological activity in vivo, we have expressed a truncated Brca1 protein (trBrca1) in cell-lines and in the mammary gland of transgenic mice. Immunofluorescent analysis of transfected cell-lines indicates that trBRCA1 is a stable protein and that it is localized in the cell cytoplasm. Functional analysis of these cell-lines indicates that expression of trBRCA1 confers an increased radiosensitivity phenotype on mammary epithelial cells, consistent with abrogation of the BRCA1 pathway. MMTV-trBrca1 transgenic mice from two independent lines displayed a delay in lactational mammary gland development, as demonstrated by altered histological profiles of lobuloalveolar structures. Cellular and molecular analyses indicate that this phenotype results from a defect in differentiation, rather than altered rates of proliferation or apoptosis. The results presented in this paper are consistent with trBrca1 possessing dominant-negative activity and playing an important role in regulating normal mammary development. They may also have implications for germline carriers of BRCA1 mutations.  相似文献   

Expression of human lysozyme mRNA in the mammary gland of transgenic mice   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Owing to its inherent antimicrobial effect and positive charge, the expression of human lysozyme in bovine milk could be beneficial by altering the overal microbial level and the functional and physical properties of the milk. We have used transgenic mice as model systems to evaluate the expression of human lysozyme containing fusion gene constructs in the mammary gland. Expression of human lysozyme was targeted to the mammary gland by using the 5 promoter elements of either the bovine (line B mice) or s1 (line H mice) casein genes coupled to the cDNA for human lysozyme. Expression of human lysozyme mRNA was not found in mammary tissue from any of line B mice. Tissues were analysed from six lines of H mice and two, H6 and H5, were found to express human lysozyme mRNA in the mammary gland at 42% and 116%, respectively, of the levels of the endogenous mouse whey acidic protein gene. At peak lactation, female mice homozygous for the H5 and H6 transgene have approximately twice the amount of mRNA encoding human lysozyme as hemizygous animals. Expression levels of human lysozyme mRNA in the mammary gland at time points representing late pregnancy, early, peak and late lactation corresponded to the profile of casein gene expression. Human lysozyme mRNA expression was not observed in transgenic males, virgin females or in the kidney, liver, spleen or brain of lactating females. A very low level of expression of human lysozyme mRNA was observed in the salivary gland of line H5.  相似文献   

Correlative analyses of tumors and patient-derived cell lines of the human reproductive system suggest that overexpression of EGF contributes to the oncogenic phenotype. However, it is unclear at what stage in disease overexpression of the EGFR is most critical. To assess its role as an initiator of reproductive tissue tumor development, transgenic mice were derived with mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-regulated overexpression of the human EGFR. Although elevated expression of the EGFR in hormonally responsive tissues was observed, only one EGFR transgenic mouse developed a visible tumor over a 2-year period. However, of 12 females monitored over the same time, hyperplasia, hypertrophy, or slight dysplasia was found in mammary glands of 55% of the animals examined, in the uterus or uterine horn of 89%, and in ovaries or oviducts of 100%. None of the reproductive tissues of the male transgenic animals or age-matched, normal mice displayed these changes. These results revealed a role for the EGFR in the initiation of ovarian and uterine cancer and supported previous studies in breast cancer that the receptor can contribute to the neoplastic process in a significant albeit incremental way.  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in apoptosis observed during the development of preneoplastic mammary lesions is associated with a significant elevation in Bax expression in C3(1)/SV40 large T antigen (TAg) transgenic mice. The significance of Bax expression during tumor progression in vivo was studied by generating double-transgenic mice carrying the C3(1)/TAg transgene and mutant alleles for bax. C3(1)/TAg transgenic mice carrying mutant bax alleles exhibited accelerated rates of tumor growth, increased tumor numbers, larger tumor mass and decreased survival rates compared with mice carrying wild-type bax. Accelerated tumorigenesis associated with the bax+/- genotype did not require the loss of function of the second bax allele. Thus, haploid insufficiency of bax is enough to accelerate tumor progression, suggesting that the protective effect of Bax is dose-dependent. While levels of apoptosis in the preneoplastic lesions, but not carcinomas, were reduced in bax+/- or bax-/- mice compared with bax+/+ mice, rates of cellular proliferation in mammary lesions were similar among all bax genotypes. These data demonstrate that bax is a critical suppressor of mammary tumor progression at the stage of preneoplastic mammary lesion development through the upregulation of apoptosis, but that this protective effect is lost during the transition from preneoplasia to invasive carcinoma.  相似文献   

乳腺生物反应器的研究现状和产业化前景   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
转基因动物乳腺生物反应器是伴随转基因动物技术而发展起来的一项高新生物技术。利用这项技术,我们可以从动物乳汁中源源不断地获取用于医疗或保健目的的有生物活性的基因产物。这是一种全新的蛋白质生产模式,它将成为许多国家的重要支柱产业之一。本文介绍了乳腺生物反应器的基本概念和基本原理;概述了制备过程中的目的基因选择、载体构建、转基因等技术环节的研究现状;分析了乳腺生物反应器的优势及存在的问题,并就其产业化前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

The cytokine-inducible suppressor of cytokine signalling SOCS1, or JAB, has been shown to be implicated in vitro in the negative regulation of the prolactin-receptor-induced activation of JAK2 and STAT5. Disruption of this gene in vivo resulted in an accelerated mammary gland development. In the present experiment, we assessed the potential impact on the lactation process of the doxycycline-inducible mammary-controlled expression of this gene in transgenic mice. Three transgenic mouse lines that expressed JAB specifically in the mammary gland in a conditional manner following doxycycline treatment were successfully established. The resulting overall expression of JAB was high and ranged from half to four times that of the endogenously expressed homologous gene in the thymus. It was found to be highly heterogeneous in the mammary epithelium, with less than 5% of JAB-expressing cells detected. Phenotypic analysis of these transgenic mice exhibiting doxycycline-induced JAB expression did not reveal any obvious effect on the lactation process. Double immunostaining experiments suggested that JAB expression in vivo did not significantly affect the beta-casein gene expression and the STAT5a nuclear localisation. These results do not support a role for JAB in the disruption of the lactation process.  相似文献   

Lysine tRNA is the predominant tRNA in murine mammary tumor virus   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The method of aminoacylation and subsequent identification of the esterified amino acids was used to characterize the transfer RNAs in murine mammary tumor virus. Lysine tRNA was the major tRNA in both “free” 4S RNA and “7OS-associated” 4S RNA in virus derived from either tissue culture or mouse milk.  相似文献   

The only zinc finger (OZF) gene encodes a protein consisting mainly of 10 zinc finger motifs of the Krüppel type of yet unknown function. To potentially assess its in vivo role, mammary targeted deregulation of the expression of the murine gene was performed in transgenic mice using a goat -casein-based transgene. Mammary expression of the transgene was observed in the 11 lines obtained. In three expressing lines, this expression was tissue-specific and developmentally regulated. Further analysis of mice from two expressing lines revealed that transgene-homozygous females could not sustain full growth of their pups. This phenotype was associated with an impaired mammary gland development noticeable only after mid-gestation. It was characterised by an increase of the adipocyte to acini ratio and low or absence of fat globules within these acini compared to non-transgenic control animals. These transgenic observations strongly suggest that OZF is active in the mammary gland, interfering with the lactation process and thus that the described transgenic mice could be useful models to search for the cellular partner(s) of this protein.  相似文献   

Five female transgenic mice were produced by microinjection using a construct made up of a 7.3-kb-5′ flanking region and a 2.0-kb coding region of human α-lactalbumin, as well as a 227-bp 3′-flanking region from bovine growth hormone gene. A founder female expressed human α-lactalbumin as much as 0.3 g per liter of its milk, approximately a 3-fold increase in the total α-lactalbumin concentration of the transgenic mouse milk. Compared with the normal mice, the expression profile of thehα-Lac transgene in the transgenics is different during the lactation, showing low level in the first 3 days and becoming increased from day 4, then gradually reaching and stabilizing at the highest level from day 13. In addition, the milk yielding volume in the transgenics tended to be higher than in normal mice, suggesting higher concentrations of α-lactalbumin might boost more milk output.  相似文献   

通过转基因动物乳腺生物反应器大规模生产药用蛋白质已成为现代生物技术新的生长点之一。为研制表达人促血小板生成素的哺乳动物生物反应器的转基因小鼠模型,本论文以小鼠乳清酸蛋白 (mWAP) 基因5挾说骺厍团-s1-酪蛋白基因3挾说骺厍魑鹘谠菇擞糜诒泶锶舜傺“迳伤氐娜橄僮橹匾煨员泶镌靥錺WAPTPO(Fig.1)。通过常规显微注射的方法把mWAP启动子指导的hTPO表达载体导入小鼠受精卵,获得出生小鼠16只。经PCR检测,有6只为转基因阳性(Fig.2)。G0代小鼠中转基因整合率为37.5% (6/16),用ELISA方法在G0代转基因雌鼠的乳汁中检测了促血小板生成素的表达,表达量在0.8 mg/mL以上(Table 1)。这些结果表明我们已建立了乳腺表达hTPO 的转基因小鼠模型,为以后大型家畜乳腺生物反应器的研制提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Elf5 is an epithelial-specific ETS factor. Embryos with a null mutation in the Elf5 gene died before embryonic day 7.5, indicating that Elf5 is essential during mouse embryogenesis. Elf5 is also required for proliferation and differentiation of mouse mammary alveolar epithelial cells during pregnancy and lactation. The loss of one functional allele led to complete developmental arrest of the mammary gland in pregnant Elf5 heterozygous mice. A quantitative mRNA expression study and Western blot analysis revealed that decreased expression of Elf5 correlated with the downregulation of milk proteins in Elf5(+/-) mammary glands. Mammary gland transplants into Rag(-/-) mice demonstrated that Elf5(+/-) mammary alveolar buds failed to develop in an Elf5(+/+) mammary fat pad during pregnancy, demonstrating an epithelial cell autonomous defect. Elf5 expression was reduced in Prolactin receptor (Prlr) heterozygous mammary glands, which phenocopy Elf5(+/-) glands, suggesting that Elf5 and Prlr are in the same pathway. Our data demonstrate that Elf5 is essential for developmental processes in the embryo and in the mammary gland during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Expression vectors of human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSG) and long acting tissue plasminogen activator (La-tPA) in mammary gland were constructed using promoters of mouse whey acid protein gene (WAP) and sheep β-lactoglobulin gene (BLG) with sizes of 2.6 and 5 kb respectively. Two kinds of transgenic mice of G-CSF and La-tPA were produced with microinjection. The expression of G-CSF and La-tPA was achieved in mammary glands of transgenic mice, respectively. In order to establish dual transgenic mice of La-tPA/G-CSF, transgenic mice carrying G-CSF and La-tPA gene characterized with specific expression in mammary gland were mated. La-tPA/G-CSF dual transgenic mice were screened out from the hybrid offspring by Once-PCR. The co-expression of La-tPA and G-CSF in mammary gland of the dual transgenic mice was confirmed by the milk assayed and Northern blot analysis. Some parameters about the dual transgenic mice indicated that there were fewer litters than that of normal mice. The ratio of du  相似文献   

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