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Dipeptidyl peptidase III (DPP III) is a zinc exopeptidase with an implied role in the mammalian pain-modulatory system owing to its high affinity for enkephalins and localisation in the superficial laminae of the spinal cord dorsal horn. Our study revealed that this human enzyme hydrolyses opioid peptides belonging to three new groups, endomorphins, hemorphins and exorphins. The enzymatic hydrolysis products of endomorphin-1 were separated and quantified by capillary electrophoresis and the kinetic parameters were determined for human DPP III and rat DPP IV. Both peptidases cleave endomorphin-1 at comparable rates, with liberation of the N-terminal Tyr-Pro. This is the first evidence of DPP III acting as an endomorphin-cleaving enzyme.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase III (DPP III) (EC, which has a HELLGH-E (residues 450-455, 508) motif as the zinc binding site, is classified as a zinc metallopeptidase. The zinc dissociation constants of the wild type, Leu(453)-deleted, and E508D mutant of DPP III at pH 7.4 were 4.5 (+/-0.7) x 10(-13), 5.8 (+/-0.7) x 10(-12), and 3.2 (+/-0.9) x 10(-10) M, respectively. The recoveries of the enzyme activities by the addition of various metal ions to apo-DPP III were also measured, and Co(2+), Ni(2+), and Cu(2+) ions completely recovered the enzyme activities as did Zn(2+). The dissociation constants of Co(2+), Ni(2+), and Cu(2+) ions for apo-DPP III at pH 7.4 were 8.2 (+/-0.9) x 10(-13), 2.7 (+/-0.3) x 10(-12), and 1.1 (+/-0.1) x 10(-14) M, respectively. The shape of the absorption spectrum of Co(2+)-DPP III was very similar to that of Co(2+)-carboxypeptidase A or Co(2+)-thermolysin, in which the Co(2+) is bound to two histidyl nitrogens, a water molecule, and a glutamate residue. The absorption spectrum of Cu(2+)-DPP III is also very similar to that of Cu(2+)-thermolysin. The EPR spectrum and the EPR parameters of Cu(2+)-DPP III were very similar to those of Cu(2+)-thermolysin but slightly different from those of Cu(2+)-carboxypeptidase A. The five lines of the superfine structure in the perpendicular region of the EPR spectrum in Cu(2+)-DPP III suggest that nitrogen atoms should coordinate to the cupric ion in Cu(2+)-DPP III. All of these data suggest that the donor set and the coordination geometry of the metal ions in DPP III, which has the HExxxH motif as the metal binding site, are very similar to those of the metal ions in thermolysin, which has the HExxH motif.  相似文献   

Human dipeptidyl peptidase III (DPP III) is a zinc-exopeptidase with implied roles in protein catabolism, pain modulation, and defense against oxidative stress. To understand the mode of ligand binding into its active site, we performed molecular modeling, site-directed mutagenesis, and biochemical analyses. Using the recently determined crystal structure of the human DPP III we built complexes between both, the wild-type (WT) protein and its mutant H568N with the preferred substrate Arg-Arg-2-naphthylamide (RRNA) and a competitive inhibitor Tyr-Phe-hydroxamate (Tyr-Phe-NHOH). The mutation of the conserved His568, structurally equivalent to catalytically important His231 in thermolysin, to Asn, resulted in a 1300-fold decrease of k(cat) for RRNA hydrolysis and in significantly lowered affinity for the inhibitor. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed the key protein-ligand interactions as well as the ligand-induced reorganization of the binding site and its partial closure. Simultaneously, the non-catalytic domain was observed to stretch and the opening at the wide side of the inter-domain cleft became enhanced. The driving force for these changes was the formation of the hydrogen bond between Asp372 and the bound ligand. The structural and dynamical differences, found for the ligand binding to the WT enzyme and the H568N mutant, and the calculated binding free energies, agree well with the measured affinities. On the basis of the obtained results we suggest a possible reaction mechanism. In addition, this work provides a foundation for further site-directed mutagenesis experiments, as well as for modeling the reaction itself.  相似文献   

Development of suitable tools to assess enzyme activity directly from their complex cellular environment has a dramatic impact on understanding the functional roles of proteins as well as on the discovery of new drugs. In this study, a novel fluorescence-based chemosensor strategy for the direct readout of dipeptidase activities within intact living cells is described. Selective activity-based probes were designed to sense two important type II transmembrane serine proteases, fibroblast activation protein (FAP) and dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV). These serine proteases have been implicated in diverse cellular activities, including blood coagulation, digestion, immune responses, wound healing, tumor growth, tumor invasion, and metastasis. Here, we validated that Ac-GPGP-2SBPO and GPGP-2SBPO probes are excellent reporters of both proteolytic activities. Furthermore, the novel probes can differentiate between FAP and DPP-IV proteolytic activities in cellular assay. Potentially, this assay platform is immediately useful for novel drug discovery.  相似文献   

The histochemical distribution of the thiol proteases cathepsin B and dipeptidyl peptidase I and the serine protease dipeptidyl peptidase II was examined in rat bone and joint using amino acid derivatives of 4-methoxy-2-naphthylamine (MNA). The liberated MNA was then visualized by simultaneous coupling with fast blue B. Cathepsin B was examined with CBZ-Arg-Arg-MNA, dipeptidyl peptidase I (DPP I) with Gly-Arg- or Pro-Arg-MNA, and dipeptidyl peptidase II (DPP II) with Lys-ALA- or Lys-Pro-MNA. Bright red reaction product indicative of proteolytic activity was observed in most cell types associated with bone and its surrounding connective tissues, including osteocytes, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, chondroblasts, fibroblasts, and macrophages. Surprisingly, protease activity in osteoclasts could not be established with certainty, and it was concluded that these enzymes are either absent, present in very low amounts, or secreted as soon as they are synthesized rather than stored within the cell. The cells of the resting zone of the growth plate were intensely reactive for DPP II but were only moderately reactive for cathepsin B and DPP I. The reverse was true of the proliferating and hypertrophic layers. The protease activity observed in bone, cartilage, tendon, ligament, and synovium would be expected to contribute significantly to normal protein metabolism as well as to pathological destruction in these tissues.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase III (DPP III), also known as enkephalinase B, is a zinc-hydrolase with an indicated role in the mammalian pain modulatory system. In order to find a potent antagonist of this enzyme, we synthesized and screened the effect of a small set of benzimidazole derivatives on its activity. To improve the inhibitory potential, a cyclobutane ring was introduced as rigid conformation support to the diamidino substituted dibenzimidazoles. Two such compounds (1' and 4') from the group of cyclobutane derivatives containing amidino-substituted benzimidazole moieties, obtained by photochemical cyclization in water and by respecting rules of the "green chemistry" approach, were found to be strong DPP III inhibitors, with IC(50) value below 5 microM. Compound 1' displayed time-dependent inhibition towards human DPP III, characterized by the second-order rate constant of 6924+/-549 M(-1)min(-1) (K(i)=0.20 microM). The peptide substrate valorphin protected the enzyme from inactivation by 1'.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase II (DPP II) in normal rat lung was evaluated by the enzymes' ability to hydrolyze Lys-Ala or Lys-Pro derivatives of 4-methoxy-2-naphthylamine (MNA). For visualization of this activity, the liberated MNA was coupled with fast blue B for light microscopy (LM) or hexazotized pararosaniline with osmication for electron microscopy (EM). Granular to diffuse reaction product was noted in many lung cells in frozen sections for LM, including alveolar and tissue macrophages, fibroblasts, chondrocytes, bronchial and bronchiolar epithelial cells and mast cells. Reaction product at the EM level was seen in the lysosomal structures of the above cells, although lysosomal heterogeneity with regard to reactivity was noted. Cellular content of reaction product by EM correlated with LM staining intensity. Additional structures, not obviously reactive by LM, such as the lamellar bodies of type II cells and lysosomes in other cell types, were seen to contain reaction product ultrastructurally. A modified biochemical assay for the quantitation of DPP II in tissue homogenates was used to determine the activity of the enzyme in rat lung. Enzyme activity in polyacrylamide isoelectric focusing gels indicate that Lys-Ala-MNA was the more specific substrate but, by virtue of its rapid hydrolysis, Lys-Pro-MNA was more sensitive.  相似文献   

To obtain selective and potent inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidases 8 and 9, we synthesized a series of substituted isoindolines as modified analogs of allo-Ile-isoindoline, the reference DPP8/9 inhibitor. The influence of phenyl substituents and different P2 residues on the inhibitors’ affinity toward other DPPs and more specifically, their potential to discriminate between DPP8 and DPP9 will be discussed. Within this series compound 8j was shown to be a potent and selective inhibitor of DPP8/9 with low activity toward DPP II.  相似文献   

In this investigation, we have demonstrated that the renal brush-border membrane of Fischer 344 rats from the Japanese Charles River Inc. specifically lacks dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) activity, whereas the renal brush-border membrane of Fischer 344 rats from three different sources within the United States possesses normal levels of DPP IV activity. Comparison of the brush-border proteins between Charles River (U.S.A.) Fischer 344 rats (DPP IV positive) and Japanese Charles River Fischer 344 rats (DPP IV negative) revealed that a protein band (Mr = 100,000), apparently identical with DPP IV, was absent in the membranes from Japanese Charles River Fischer 344 rats. We examined the handling of radiolabeled beta-casomorphin fragment 1-5 (Tyr-Pro-[3H]Phe-Pro-Gly), a specific substrate for DPP IV, in renal brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from DPP IV-positive and DPP IV-negative rats. Although the membrane vesicles from DPP IV-positive rats were able to hydrolyze the pentapeptide to di- and tripeptides with the subsequent active transport of these products via the H+ gradient-dependent peptide transport system, the membrane vesicles from DPP IV-negative rats failed to hydrolyze the pentapeptide and hence lacked the ability to transport the radiolabel actively from the parent peptide. The H+ gradient-dependent glycyl-sarcosine uptake and the Na+ gradient-dependent proline uptake, however, were normal in DPP IV-negative rats. Urine analysis revealed that the DPP IV-negative rats excreted proline- and hydroxyproline-containing peptides in significantly increased amounts in their urine compared with control rats. Furthermore, following intravenous administration of Tyr-Pro-Phe-Pro-NH2, a peptide that is exclusively hydrolyzed by DPP IV, urinary excretion of the peptide in the intact form was many-fold greater in DPP IV-negative rats than in control rats. These data provide conclusive evidence for the obligatory role of DPP IV in the renal handling of proline (and hydroxyproline)-containing peptides.  相似文献   

Dipeptide derivatives bearing various P2 residues and pyrrolidine derivatives as P1 mimics were evaluated in order to identify lead structures for the development of DPP8 and DPP9 inhibitors. Structure–activity-relationship data obtained in this way led to the preparation of a series of α-aminoacyl ((2S, 4S)-4-azido-2-cyanopyrrolidines). These compounds were shown to be nanomolar DPP8/9 inhibitors with modest overall selectivity toward DPP IV and DPP II.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1992,16(2):102-109
Dipeptidyl peptidase III was purified from culminating cells ofDictyostelium discoideum to apparent homogeneity by salt fractionation, isoelectric focusing, hydrophobic interaction, gel filtration, and ion-exchange chromatography. The enzyme was also found in and purified from cells growing on bacteria or in axenic media. The enzyme from the growth phase was indistinguishable from the culmination enzyme during all purification procedures. Thus dipeptidyl peptidase III is not a developmentally associated enzyme and probably is involved in peptide breakdown throughout the life cycle. The enzyme cleaved arginyl-arginyl-2-naphthylamide most effectively and showed no action on leucyl-glycyl-naphthylamide, thus resembling the mammalian enzyme and differing from the yeast enzyme. Aspartyl-arginyl-naphthylamide was cleaved at 6% of the rate observed with arginyl-arginyl-naphthylamide and the enzymein vivo might therefore be capable of removing the N-terminal peptide (aspartyl-arginine) from peptides such as angiotensins I and II. It showed no aminopeptidase or endopeptidase activity. Angiotensin III was an effective inhibitor of the enzyme; peptides with the N-terminal sequences Gly-Gly, Gly-Arg, Arg-Val, and Gly-His inhibited the enzyme weakly.  相似文献   

It has been acknowledged that aging exerts detrimental effects on cells of the innate immune system and that neuropeptides, including neuropeptide Y (NPY) and NPY-related peptides fine-tune the activity of these cells through a receptor specific mechanism. The present study investigated the age-dependent potential of peptide YY (PYY) to modulate different granulocyte functions. The PYY reduced the carrageenan-elicited granulocyte accumulation into the air-pouch of aged (24 months) rats, and markedly decreased the phagocytosis of zymosan, as well as the H2O2 production, when applied in vivo (20 μg/air-pouch). The anti-inflammatory effect of PYY was less prominent in adult (8 months) and young (3 months) rats. However, the proportions of granulocytes expressing Y1, Y2 and Y5 receptor subtypes were significantly lower in both aged and young rats when compared to adult rats. Furthermore, the aging was found to be associated with the diminished dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DP4, an enzyme converting the NPY and PYY to Y2/Y5 receptor selective agonists) activity in plasma. In conclusion, the diverse age-related anti-inflammatory effect of PYY in rats originates from different expression levels of Y1, Y2, and Y5 receptor subtypes in addition to different plasma DP4 activity.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (m-DPP IV) in rat liver lysosomal membranes was purified about 50-fold over the lysosomal membranes with 38% recovery to apparent homogeneity, as determined from the pattern on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence and in the absence of SDS. The enzyme amounts to about 3% of lysosomal membrane protein constituents. The purification procedures included: extraction of lysosomal membranes by Triton X-100, WGA-Sepharose affinity chromatography, hydroxylapatite chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, and preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme (M(r) 240,000) is composed of two identical subunits with an apparent molecular weight of 110,000. The enzyme contains about 12.4% carbohydrate and the carbohydrate moiety was composed of mannose, galactose, fucose, N-acetylglucosamine, and neuraminic acid in a molar ratio of 14:17:2:24:11. Susceptibility to neuraminidase and immunoreactivity of the enzyme in intact tritosomes were examined to study the topology of the enzyme in tritosomal membranes. Neuraminidase susceptibility and immunoreactivity of the enzyme were not observed in the intact tritosomes until the tritosomes had been disrupted by osmotic shock. This result indicated that both the oligosaccharide chains and the main protein portion of the enzyme are on the inside surface of the tritosomal membranes. Subcellular localization of DPP IV was determined by means of enzyme immunoassay, which indicated that bile canalicular membranes and lysosomal membranes are the major sites of localization, and DPP IV activity in lysosomes was separated into a membrane bound form (60%) and a soluble form (40%). Immunoelectron microscopy clearly confirmed that DPP IV occurs not only in the bile canalicular domain but also in the lysosomes of rat liver.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence of dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP) IV during development in Wistar rat organs was studied on day 10, 16 and 21 of gestation and on day 1, 4, 8, 13, 21, 26 and 60 after birth comparing immunohistochemistry and activity histochemistry. A polyclonal antibody, as well as monoclonal antibodies recognizing four different epitopes (A-D) of the DPP IV molecule, were employed for the immunohistochemical studies. In all investigated tissues, immunoreactivity with the polyclonal antibody appeared earlier than DPP IV activity and was already present on day 10 of gestation in the plasma membranes of embryonic and extraembryonic (decidual) cells. At these and other sites, e.g. brain capillary endothelium and tracheal or bronchial epithelium, immunoreactivity with the polyclonal antibody decreased or disappeared after birth and enzyme activity never developed. Immunoreactivity with the monoclonal antibodies appeared later than that with the polyclonal antibody, and mostly in those structures where DPP IV activity was subsequently found. The monoclonal antibody against epitope D showed a high reactivity in the epididymal duct, renal collecting ducts and in all domains of the hepatocyte plasma membrane, where neither DPP IV activity nor immunoreactivity with the other antibodies were observed. Our results also suggest that DPP IV might be present as a molecule before it becomes catalytically active and that immunoreactivity occurs at more sites than DPP IV activity. However, it cannot be excluded that the polyclonal antibody and the monoclonal antibody against the epitope D cross-react with as yet uncharacterized proteins, which express common epitopes during embryonic development, but are not present in the tissues of adult Wistar rats.  相似文献   

The role of the HELLGH (residues 450-455) motif in the sequence of rat dipeptidyl peptidase III (EC was investigated by replacing Glu451 with an alanine or an aspartic acid residue and by replacing His450 and His455 with a tyrosine residue by site-directed mutagenesis. Mutated cDNAs were expressed three or four times in Escherichia coli, and the resulting proteins were purified to apparent homogeneity. None of the expressed mutated proteins exhibited DPP III activity. The mutants of Glu451 contained 1 mol of zinc per mole of protein, but mutants His450 and His455 did not contain significant amounts of zinc as determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. The Leu453-deleted enzyme (having the zinc aminopeptidase motif HExxH-18-E) had almost the same order of binding affinity (for Arg-Arg-2-naphthylamide) as the wild-type enzyme, but the specificity constant was about 10%. These results provide evidence that the suitable number of amino acids included between Glu451 and His455 is three residues for the enzyme activity and confirm that residues His450, His455, and Glu451 are involved in zinc coordination and catalytic activity.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,121(6):1423-1432
Attachment of circulating tumor cells to endothelial cell adhesion molecules restricted to select vascular compartments is thought to be responsible for site-specific metastasis. Lung-metastatic rat R3230AC- MET breast and RPC-2 prostate carcinoma cells bound outside-out endothelial cell membrane vesicles, prepared by perfusion of the rat lung vasculature with a low-strength formaldehyde solution, in significantly higher numbers than their nonmetastatic counterparts R3230AC-LR and RPC-LR. In contrast, vesicles derived from the vasculature of a nonmetastasized organ (e.g., hind leg muscle) showed no binding preference for either of the four tumor cell lines. Lung- derived endothelial vesicles were used here to generate mAbs against lung endothelial cell adhesion molecules. The first group of mice were actively immunized against lung endothelial vesicles, whereas the second group was injected with syngeneic mouse antiserum against leg endothelial vesicles before active immunization with lung endothelial vesicles. 17 hybridoma supernatants obtained from the two fusions bound lung vesicles with at least a 10-fold higher affinity than leg vesicles. Seven (four obtained by a passive/active immunization protocol) stained rat capillary endothelia. One mAb, mAb 8.6A3, inhibited specific adhesion of lung-derived vesicles to lung-metastatic breast and prostate carcinoma cells. Purification of the antigen (endothelial cell adhesion molecule) from rat lung extracts revealed a protein with a 110-kD mol wt. NH2-terminal sequencing established identity with dipeptidyl peptidase IV which had been reported to serve as a fibronectin-binding protein. These results indicate that vesicles obtained from in situ perfused organs are a convenient immunogen for the production of antibodies to compartment-specific endothelial cell surface molecules, and reinforce the concept that endothelial cell surface components are selectively recognized by circulating cancer cells during metastasis formation.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV, EC is a serine type protease with an important modulatory activity on a number of chemokines, neuropeptides and peptide hormones. It is also known as CD26 or adenosine deaminase (ADA; EC binding protein. DPPIV has been demonstrated on the plasmamembranes of T cells and activated natural killer or B cells as well as on a number of endothelial and differentiated epithelial cells. A soluble form of CD26/DPPIV has been described in serum. Over the past few years, several related enzymes with similar dipeptidyl peptidase activity have been discovered, raising questions on the molecular origin(s) of serum dipeptidyl peptidase activity. Among them attractin, the human orthologue of the mouse mahogany protein, was postulated to be responsible for the majority of the DPPIV-like activity in serum. Using ADA-affinity chromatography, it is shown here that 95% of the serum dipeptidyl peptidase activity is associated with a protein with ADA-binding properties. The natural protein was purified in milligram quantities, allowing molecular characterization (N-terminal sequence, glycosylation type, CD-spectrum, pH and thermal stability) and comparison with CD26/DPPIV from other sources. The purified serum enzyme was confirmed as CD26.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of human alpha-fetoprotein, a 67-kDa protein present in mammalian embryonic serum, was verified by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometric (FAB/MS) analyses of three different enzymatic digests of the protein. Human alpha-fetoprotein obtained from a large-scale cell culture was digested with trypsin and V-8 protease either separately on two different samples or combined on the same one. The V-8 protease digest of the protein was partially fractionated by HPLC; the other samples were directly analyzed by FAB/MS without previous purification steps. About 90% of the alpha-fetoprotein amino acid sequence was verified by mass spectrometric analysis; this also confirmed that the cell-derived protein is identical with the hepatoma-derived protein. FAB analysis revealed that the N terminus of the mature protein is arginine rather than threonine, with the threonine occupying the second position. Therefore, the processing site of the alpha-fetoprotein signal peptide during maturation of the protein occurs at the N-terminal side of the arginine residue formerly indicated as residue-1. Thus mature alpha-fetoprotein contains 591 amino acids rather than 590.  相似文献   

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