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The growth of an enveloped DNA-containing mycoplasmavirus (MVL2 obtained from R.N. Gourlay) has studied, by using the indicator host Acholeplasma laidlawii strain JA1. From virus one-step growth curves, artificial lysis experiments, and infected cell growth curves, it was found that virus infection is nonlytic. Newly infected cells grow slower and are osmotically more stable than uninfected cells. However, 4 to 6 h after infection, the cells reach a carrier state in which cell growth rate and osmotic fragility are indistinguishable from uninfected cells. Carrier cultures contain free virus. Every carrier culture cell gives rise to either a clone of carrier cells or a clone of MVL2-resistant cells.  相似文献   

MVL2, an enveloped double-stranded DNA mycoplasmavirus, causes a nonlytic infection of Acholeplasma laidlawii leading to the establishment of a persistent infection. Persistently infected clones were found to be resistant to superinfection by homologous virus, but could be infected by heterologous virus. Cells in a persistently infected culture had the potential to produce virus and transmitted this potential as a stable heritable trait. Mitomycin C and UV light induced an increase in infectious centers in persistently infected cultures.  相似文献   

The size and molecular configuration of mycoplasmavirus MVL2 DNA are presented. The DNA was shown to be a covalently closed circular duplex molecule with a molecular weight of 7.4 X 10(6). In sucrose gradients at neutral pH, the form I and form II DNA molecules have sedimentation values of approximately 29S and 23S, respectively. Under alkaline conditions, the form I and form II have S values of 70 and 20, respectively.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in superhelical DNA.   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The effect of superhelicity on the base-pair opening probability and on the probability of occurrence of cruciform states in palindromic regions is theoretically treated. The calculations show that below the superhelix density value of -sigma=0.05 superhelicity does not appreciably affect the characteristics of DNA secondary structure fluctuations. In the range of physiological superhelix densities sigma (-sigma=0.05-0.09) the base-pair opening probability markedly increases. However, within this range of sigma the base-pairs are opened only transiently and permanently open regions are not formed. Permanently opened regions appear at higher negative superhelix densities (-sigma greater than 0.10). At the values of -sigma higher than 0.06 a cruciform structure in the palindromic region centred in position 3965 proves to be the most probable fluctuational disturbance in the 0x174 duplex DNA. Different experimental approaches used for probing the fluctuations in superhelical DNA have been analysed. The results suggest that most direct quantitative information can be derived from data on the nicking of closed DNA by single strand-specific endonucleases. Such data (Wang, 1974) accord with the results of theoretical calculations. Calculations show that, due to base-pair opening, the total free energy of superhelical DNA should depend parabolically on sigma only up to some critical value of sigma=sigmac. If negative superhelicity exceeds this critical value, which under physiological conditions proves to be -sigma=0.085, the free energy should increase linearly with -sigma. The biological role of supercoiling is discussed in the light of obtained results.  相似文献   

The B-A transition in superhelical DNA.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Relaxation of a DNA superhelical stress due to the B to A transition induced by trifluoroethanol has been studied by assessing the change of DNA orientation in a flow gradient. Using DNAs of different superhelical densities, a decrease in the winding angle during the B----A shift of DNA was found to be 1.5 degrees per base pair in solution. Accepting the winding angle for B-DNA in solution to be 34.1 degrees, that for A-DNA must have a value of 32.6 degrees which agrees with the X-ray data for A-DNA in the condensed state. The date obtained within the B-A transition interval make it possible to conclude that there is an increase in winding at each B/A junction, which is about 5 degrees per one junction.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism of superhelical DNA   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
M F Maestre  J C Wang 《Biopolymers》1971,10(6):1021-1030
The circular dichroism (CD) spectra of a number of superhelical DNA's have been measured. The introduction of negative superhelical turns causes an increase in magnitude of the positive band around 280 mμ, while the trough around 250mμ is little affected. For two samples of λb2b5c DNA (20 Mdalton) containing different number of negative superhelical turns, the magnitude of the positive band relative to that of the nicked control increases with increasing number of superhelical turns. In 2M NaCl, the small (1.45 Mdalton) superhelical DNA from E. coli 15 shows an unusually large difference in CD compared with that of the same DNA with a few single-chain scissions per molecule. This large difference is not observed in a medium containing p. 0.11M NaCl. These results indicate that the double helix in a superhelical DNA is perturbed somewhat due to the bending and torsional forces in such a molecule. The magnitude of such structural alteration seems to depend on the number of superhelical turns per unit length, the size of the DNA molecule, as well as the ionic medium.  相似文献   

Two actions of bleomycin on superhelical DNA.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S L Ross  R E Moses 《Biochemistry》1978,17(4):581-586

In this paper the values of three free energy parameters governing the superhelical strand separation transition are determined by analysis of available experimental data. These are the free energy, a, needed to initiate a run of separation, the torsional stiffness, C, associated with interstrand winding of the two single strands comprising a separated site and the coefficient, K, of the quadratic free energy associated to residual linking. The experimental data used in this analysis are the locations and relative amounts of strand separation occurring in the pBR322 DNA molecule and the measured residual linking, both evaluated over a range of negative linking differences. The analytic method used treats strand separation as a heteropolymeric, co-operative, two-state transition to a torsionally deformable alternative conformation, which takes place in a circular DNA molecule constrained by the constancy of its linking number. The values determined for these parameters under the experimental conditions (T = 310 K, pH = 7.0, monovalent cation concentration = 0.01 M) are a = 10.84(+/- 0.2) kcal/mol, C = 2.5(+/- 0.3) x 10(-13) erg/rad2 and K = 2350(+/- 80) RT/N, where N is the molecular length in base-pairs. In order to assess the accuracy of the author's theoretical methods, these free energy parameters are incorporated into the analysis of superhelical strand separation in different molecules and under other conditions than those used in their evaluation. First, the temperature dependence of transition is treated, then superhelical strand separation is analyzed in a series of DNA molecules having systematic sequence modifications, and the results of these theoretical analyses are compared with those from experiments. In all molecules, transition is predicted in the range of linking differences where it is seen experimentally. Moreover, it occurs at the specific sequence locations that the analysis predicts, and with approximately the predicted relative amounts of transition at each location. The known sensitivities of this transition to changes of temperature and to small sequence modifications are predicted in a quantitatively precise manner by the theoretical results. The demonstrated high-level precision of these theoretical methods provides a tool for the screening of DNA sequences for sites susceptible to superhelical strand separation, some of which may have regulatory or other biological significance.  相似文献   

We have found that mycoplasma virus L172 is an enveloped globular virion containing circular, single-stranded DNA of 14.0 kilobases. L172 has been reported by other workers to have a double-stranded DNA genome of 13 to 17 kilobase pairs and has been classified as a plasmavirus, a group for which mycoplasma virus L2 is the type member. Mycoplasma viruses L172 and L2 differ in genome size and structure, DNA base composition, and protein composition, and they have no detectable DNA homology. As the only reported enveloped virion containing single-stranded DNA, L172 represents a new group of viruses.  相似文献   

We have determined the gel electrophoretic behavior of closed circular plasmid pSM1 DNA (5420 bp) as a function of both temperature and of linking number (Lk). At temperatures below 37 degrees, the electrophoretic mobility first increases, then becomes constant as Lk is decreased below that of the relaxed closed DNA. As the temperature is increased above 37 degrees the electrophoretic mobility first increases as Lk decreases and then varies in a cyclic manner with further decreases in Lk. As the temperature is increased over the range 37 degrees - 65 degrees the cyclic behavior is manifested at progressively smaller decreases in Lk and the amplitude of the cycles increases. We interpret the results in terms of the early melting of superhelical DNA, in which the free energy associated with superhelix formation is progressively transferred to local denaturation. Using a two state approximation, we estimate the free energy change in the first cyclic transition to be 35 Kcal/mole DNA at 37 degrees and to decrease linearly with temperature. The free energy becomes equal to zero at a temperature of 71.6 degrees, which lies within 3 degrees of the melting temperature for the corresponding nicked circular DNA. From the slope of this relationship we estimate the apparent entropy and enthalpy of the first mobility transition to be 6.0 Kcal/mole base pair and 17.3 cal/mole base pair/degree, values consistent with duplex melting.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet light irradiation of PM2 superhelical DNA.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Superhelical PM2 DNA can be photochemically modified by u.v. irradiation. The variation of S20,w with dose shows the following characteristics. There is a linear increase from 28 to 31s produced by a low dose of u.v. irradiation (4,000 ergs/mm2). A plateau in S20,w occurs between 4,000 and 10,000 ergs/mm2. The S20,w then increases when irradiation is increased to 56,000 ergs/mm2. Thymine dimers are introduced proportional to dose throughtout the range of exposure to u.v. light. Sedimentation velocity-dye titrations reveal anomolous behavior, i.e. apparent increases in superhelix density (sigma). However, the dye-buoyant density procedure showed no change in sigma under the same conditions. The most satisfactory model for the data is preferential photochemical modification of premelted (possibly hairpin) sites as a greater rate than the introduction of photoproducts into duplex sites. The origin of the anomoly in the sedimentation velocity dye titrations is still unclear.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage LL-H is a virulent phage of Lactobacillus lactis LL23. A restriction map of the phage genome was constructed with various restriction endonucleases. This chromosome has a 34-kilobase size and seems to be circularly permuted. We used a bank of LL-H restriction fragments to study the expression of five of the seven main phage particle proteins. Immunoblotting experiments permitted the mapping on the chromosome of several genes coding for phage particle proteins. We also show that the gene of the main capsid protein is expressed from its own promoter in an Escherichia coli strain.  相似文献   

Preferential binding of human topoisomerase I to superhelical DNA.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
K R Madden  L Stewart    J J Champoux 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(21):5399-5409

Whole genome sequencing (WGS) datasets, usually generated for the investigation of the individual animal genome, can be used for additional mining of the fraction of sequencing reads that remains unmapped to the respective reference genome. A significant proportion of these reads contains viral DNA derived from viruses that infected the sequenced animals. In this study, we mined more than 480 billion sequencing reads derived from 1471 WGS datasets produced from cattle, pigs, chickens and rabbits. We identified 367 different viruses among which 14, 11, 12 and 1 might specifically infect the cattle, pig, chicken and rabbit, respectively. Some of them are ubiquitous, avirulent, highly or potentially damaging for both livestock and humans. Retrieved viral DNA information provided a first unconventional and opportunistic landscape of the livestock viromes that could be useful to understand the distribution of some viruses with potential deleterious impacts on the animal food production systems.  相似文献   

The scattering functions of randomly oriented filaments of finite length exhibiting two orders of helicity have been calculated. It is shown to a good approximation that each order scatters as if present alone as a first order helix of the same contour length and pitch angle. These results show that the measured scattering pattern from dissolved superhelical DNA molecules is consistent with the scattering pattern calculated for a coiled coil geometry.  相似文献   

The size and physical structure of the Leptospira interrogans genome was characterized using contour-clamped homogenous electric field (CHEF) gel electrophoresis. The L. interrogans genome is approximately 4750 kb in size and is composed of two molecular species of DNA: a 4400 kb chromosome; and a 350 kb plasmid, pLIN1. A physical map of the chromosome was constructed with the restriction enzymes NotI and SfiI. A physical map of pLIN1 was constructed with ApaI, NotI, Sse83871, SgrAI, and SmaI. Both the L. interrogans chromosome and pLIN1 are circular.  相似文献   

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