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Nitrification represents one of the key steps in the global nitrogen cycle. While originally considered an exclusive metabolic capability of bacteria, the identification of the Thaumarchaeota revealed that ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) are also important contributors to this process, particularly in acidic environments. Nonetheless, the relative contribution of AOA to global nitrification remains difficult to ascertain, particularly in underexplored neutrophilic and alkalinophilic terrestrial systems. In this study we examined the contribution of AOA to nitrification within alkaline (pH 8.3–8.7) cave environments using quantitative PCR, crenarchaeol lipid identification and measurement of potential nitrification rates. Our results showed that AOA outnumber ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) by up to four orders of magnitude in cave sediments. The dominance of Thaumarchaeota in the archaeal communities was confirmed by both archaeal 16S rRNA gene clone library and membrane lipid analyses, while potential nitrification rates suggest that Thaumarchaeota may contribute up to 100% of ammonia oxidation in these sediments. Phylogenetic analysis of Thaumarchaeota amoA gene sequences demonstrated similarity to amoA clones across a range of terrestrial habitats, including acidic ecosystems. These data suggest that despite the alkaline conditions within the cave, the low NH3 concentrations measured continue to favor growth of AOA over AOB populations. In addition to providing important information regarding niche differentiation within Thaumarchaeota, these data may provide important clues as to the factors that have historically led to nitrate accumulation within cave sediments.  相似文献   

Ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) are ubiquitous and abundant and contribute significantly to the carbon and nitrogen cycles in the ocean. In this study, we assembled AOA draft genomes from two deep marine sediments from Donghae, South Korea, and Svalbard, Arctic region, by sequencing the enriched metagenomes. Three major microorganism clusters belonging to Thaumarchaeota, Epsilonproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria were deduced from their 16S rRNA genes, GC contents, and oligonucleotide frequencies. Three archaeal genomes were identified, two of which were distinct and were designated Ca. “Nitrosopumilus koreensis” AR1 and “Nitrosopumilus sediminis” AR2. AR1 and AR2 exhibited average nucleotide identities of 85.2% and 79.5% to N. maritimus, respectively. The AR1 and AR2 genomes contained genes pertaining to energy metabolism and carbon fixation as conserved in other AOA, but, conversely, had fewer heme-containing proteins and more copper-containing proteins than other AOA. Most of the distinctive AR1 and AR2 genes were located in genomic islands (GIs) that were not present in other AOA genomes or in a reference water-column metagenome from the Sargasso Sea. A putative gene cluster involved in urea utilization was found in the AR2 genome, but not the AR1 genome, suggesting niche specialization in marine AOA. Co-cultured bacterial genome analysis suggested that bacterial sulfur and nitrogen metabolism could be involved in interactions with AOA. Our results provide fundamental information concerning the metabolic potential of deep marine sedimentary AOA.  相似文献   

The role of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in nitrogen cycling in marine sediments remains poorly characterized. In this study, we enriched and characterized AOA from marine sediments. Group I.1a crenarchaea closely related to those identified in marine sediments and “Candidatus Nitrosopumilus maritimus” (99.1 and 94.9% 16S rRNA and amoA gene sequence identities to the latter, respectively) were substantially enriched by coculture with sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB). The selective enrichment of AOA over ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) is likely due to the reduced oxygen levels caused by the rapid initial growth of SOB. After biweekly transfers for ca. 20 months, archaeal cells became the dominant prokaryotes (>80%), based on quantitative PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. The increase of archaeal 16S rRNA gene copy numbers was coincident with the amount of ammonia oxidized, and expression of the archaeal amoA gene was observed during ammonia oxidation. Bacterial amoA genes were not detected in the enrichment culture. The affinities of these AOA to oxygen and ammonia were substantially higher than those of AOB. [13C]bicarbonate incorporation and the presence and activation of genes of the 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate cycle indicated autotrophy during ammonia oxidation. In the enrichment culture, ammonium was oxidized to nitrite by the AOA and subsequently to nitrate by Nitrospina-like bacteria. Our experiments suggest that AOA may be important nitrifiers in low-oxygen environments, such as oxygen-minimum zones and marine sediments.Archaea have long been known as extremophiles, since most cultivated archaeal strains were cultivated from extreme environments, such as acidic, hot, and high-salt environments. The view of archaea as extremophiles (i.e., acidophiles, thermophiles, and halophiles) has radically changed by the application of molecular technologies, including PCR in environmental microbiology. Using Archaea-specific PCR primers, novel archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences were discovered in seawater (23, 27). Following these discoveries, an ever-increasing and unexpectedly high variety of archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences has been reported from diverse “nonextreme” environments (67). This indicates that archaea are, like bacteria, ubiquitous in the biosphere rather than exclusively inhabiting specific extreme niches. Archaea are abundant in water columns of some oceanic provinces (33, 36) and deep-subsea floor sediments (11, 12, 48). Despite the increasing number of reports of the diversity and abundance of these nonextreme archaea by molecular ecological studies, their physiology and ecological roles have remained enigmatic.Oxidation of ammonia, a trait long thought to be exclusive to the domain Bacteria (13), was recently suggested to be a trait of archaea of the crenarchaeal groups I.1a and I.1b, based on a metagenome analysis (79) and supported by the discovery of archaeal amoA-like genes in environmental shotgun sequencing studies of Sargasso Sea water (80) and genomic analysis of “Candidatus Cenarchaeum symbiosum,” a symbiont of a marine sponge (30). Molecular ecological studies indicated that these ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) are often predominant over ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in ocean waters (9, 53, 87), soils (17, 47), and marine sediments (61). Critical evidence for autotrophic archaeal ammonia oxidation was obtained by the characterization of the first cultivated mesophilic crenarchaeon (group I.1a), “Candidatus Nitrosopumilus maritimus SCM1,” from an aquarium (38), and a related archaeon from North Sea water (87) and subsequently by enrichment of thermophilic AOA (22, 31). Whole-genome-based phylogenetic studies recently indicated that the nonthermophilic crenarchaea, including the AOA, likely form a phylum separate from the Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota phyla (15, 16, 72). This proposed new phylum was called Thaumarchaeota (15).Microorganisms in marine sediments contribute significantly to global biogeochemical cycles because of their abundance (85). Nitrification is essential to the nitrogen cycle in marine sediments and may be metabolically coupled with denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation, resulting in the removal of nitrogen as molecular nitrogen and the generation of greenhouse gases, such as nitrous oxide (19, 75). Compared with studies on archaeal nitrification in the marine water column, only limited information on archaeal nitrification in marine sediments is available so far. Archaeal amoA genes have been retrieved from marine and coastal sediments (8, 26, 61), and the potentially important role of AOA in nitrification has been suggested based on the abundance of archaeal amoA genes relative to that of bacterial amoA genes in surface marine sediments from Donghae (South Korea) (61). Cultivation of AOA, although difficult (38), remains essential to estimating the metabolic potential of archaea in environments such as soils (47) and marine sediments (61). Here, we report the successful enrichment of AOA of crenarchaeal group I.1a from marine sediments by employing a coculture with sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) which was maintained for ca. 20 months with biweekly transfers. In this way, we were able to characterize AOA from marine sediments, providing a clue for the role of AOA in the nitrogen cycle of marine sediments.  相似文献   

Elucidating the relationship between ciliate communities in the benthos and the plankton is critical to understanding ciliate diversity in marine systems. Although data for many lineages are sparse, at least some members of the dominant marine ciliate clades Oligotrichia and Choreotrichia can be found in both plankton and benthos, in the latter either as cysts or active forms. In this study, we developed a molecular approach to address the relationship between the diversity of ciliates in the plankton and those of the underlying benthos in the same locations. Samples from plankton and sediments were compared across three sites along the New England coast, and additional subsamples were analyzed to assess reproducibility of methods. We found that sediment and plankton subsamples differed in their robustness to repeated subsampling. Sediment subsamples (i.e., 1-g aliquots from a single ∼20-g sample) gave variable estimates of diversity, while plankton subsamples produced consistent results. These results indicate the need for additional study to determine the spatial scale over which diversity varies in marine sediments. Clustering of phylogenetic types indicates that benthic assemblages of oligotrichs and choreotrichs appear to be more like those from spatially remote benthic communities than the ciliate communities sampled in the water above them.Planktonic ciliates provide a critical trophic link between the microbial and macroscopic components of the pelagic food web, and the subclasses Choreotrichia and Oligotrichia are the most abundant ciliate groups in this environment (46). One key to understanding the diversity and ecology of Choreotrichia and Oligotrichia is the relationship between benthic and planktonic forms. While the ciliates in these two groups are predominantly swimmers (54), there is crossover between benthic and pelagic environments for many species. Some taxa are described as epibenthic, living in the layer of water just above the sediment (16, 54), some have the capacity to live attached to sediment particles for a period and then become free-swimming (21), and a large number of taxa within these two groups spend a portion of their life cycles in dormancy, persisting in the sediments in cyst form (22, 23, 25, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 43, 49, 51). An accurate assessment of ciliate dynamics in the plankton requires careful study of both benthic and pelagic environments and the extent of coupling between the two environments.The role of the cyst in the life cycle of marine planktonic ciliates is particularly critical for understanding their distribution, evolutionary history, and ecology (6) as cysts provide a mechanism for dormancy during periods of poor environmental conditions. Relatively few marine ciliate species have been directly studied to determine conditions for encystment and excystment, period of dormancy (22, 23, 25, 26, 43), and role of the encystment cycle in the ecology of the organism (36). Moreover, studies on the conditions related to encystment and excystment in ciliates reveal different patterns and potential causes depending on the species (22, 23, 25, 26, 36, 43). While some data link the cycle of encystment with environmental factors such as light (23), temperature (23, 25, 26), and presence of food (22), other data suggest a temporal/seasonal cycling independent of external environmental conditions (26, 36, 43).A further factor limiting our understanding of the role of cysts in the life cycle of ciliates is identification based on the limited morphological features of the cysts, which are highly convergent (4, 17). In the case of ciliates that encyst within a lorica, as in the tintinnids, this is less of a problem (45), but for aloricate species, identification is not certain without direct observation of excystment (41, 48). Hence, morphological surveys of ciliates in benthic environments frequently capture members of the Oligotrichia and Choreotrichia (19, 31, 52, 53, 54) but are often limited to identification at the genus level using morphological approaches.More is known about planktonic ciliates, where morphology provides a wealth of data (11) and where molecular studies have revealed tremendous diversity, with many rare haplotypes (10). We define distinct sequences at the small-subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) locus as haplotypes to remain conservative in our approach to identifying operational taxonomic units (OTUs) because ciliates have an unusual genome structure with high chromosome copy number, which potentially could generate multiple sequence types for the same locus within an organism or within a species. Planktonic ciliates show high molecular diversity at the SSU rDNA locus (10, 24), and primer sequences have been developed to detect ciliates from environmental samples within the subclasses Choreotrichia and Oligotrichia (10). Ciliates from these subclasses sampled across three coastal locations comprised distinct assemblages, with a few ubiquitous and abundant haplotypes (10) and many singletons (haplotypes unique to a particular sample).This study lays the groundwork for an alternative to morphological methods for analyzing benthic assemblages of oligotrichs and choreotrichs and comparing them to assemblages in the overlying water. Our goal was to compare levels of genetic diversity between sediment and plankton samples as a means of assessing the potential of methods for monitoring exchange between these two communities. There are two main questions addressed in this study: (i) are the two environments, plankton and sediment, comparable in robustness to repeated sampling using PCR, cloning, and sequencing and (ii) what is the relationship between genetic diversity of oligotrich and choreotrich ciliate communities sampled in marine sediments and in the plankton?To investigate the first question, we designed resampling experiments in plankton and sediment collections to test spatial heterogeneity as well as the robustness of repeated PCR cloning and sequencing for capturing diversity. Using two plankton samples collected by different means from the same time and place, we compared the similarity of subsamples in this environment to the similarity between separate subsamples of sediment collected at the same time and place. Additionally, we resampled DNA extracted from each of the two environments and investigated the reproducibility of repeated PCR cloning and sequencing between environmental types.To investigate the second question, we compared the diversity in sediment samples collected in the Gulf of Maine and Long Island Sound in May 2005 to previously published data from plankton samples collected at the same times and locations (10). Cluster analyses of the communities in sediment and plankton were used to determine the degree of coupling between the benthic and pelagic forms of Oligotrichia and Choreotrichia. The predicted result would be that the ciliate community observed in the plankton represents a subset of the diversity found in the benthic community, including cysts, beneath it. While the community in the plankton for many oligotrichs and choreotrichs would change depending on prevailing environmental conditions, predation, and chance, the benthic community, which includes encysted planktonic forms, should represent the longer-term diversity in a given region.  相似文献   

Chemoautotrophy has been little studied in typical coastal marine sediments, but may be an important component of carbon recycling as intense anaerobic mineralization processes in these sediments lead to accumulation of high amounts of reduced compounds, such as sulfides and ammonium. We studied chemoautotrophy by measuring dark-fixation of 13C-bicarbonate into phospholipid derived fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers at two coastal sediment sites with contrasting sulfur chemistry in the Eastern Scheldt estuary, the Netherlands. At one site where free sulfide accumulated in the pore water right to the top of the sediment, PLFA labeling was restricted to compounds typically found in sulfur and ammonium oxidizing bacteria. At the other site, with no detectable free sulfide in the pore water, a very different PLFA labeling pattern was found with high amounts of label in branched i- and a-PLFA besides the typical compounds for sulfur and ammonium oxidizing bacteria. This suggests that other types of chemoautotrophic bacteria were also active, most likely Deltaproteobacteria related to sulfate reducers. Maximum rates of chemoautotrophy were detected in first 1 to 2 centimeters of both sediments and chemosynthetic biomass production was high ranging from 3 to 36 mmol C m−2 d−1. Average dark carbon fixation to sediment oxygen uptake ratios were 0.22±0.07 mol C (mol O2)−1, which is in the range of the maximum growth yields reported for sulfur oxidizing bacteria indicating highly efficient growth. Chemoautotrophic biomass production was similar to carbon mineralization rates in the top of the free sulfide site, suggesting that chemoautotrophic bacteria could play a crucial role in the microbial food web and labeling in eukaryotic poly-unsaturated PLFA was indeed detectable. Our study shows that dark carbon fixation by chemoautotrophic bacteria is a major process in the carbon cycle of coastal sediments, and should therefore receive more attention in future studies on sediment biogeochemistry and microbial ecology.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is a key indicator of the aquatic organism growth and eutrophication in lakes. The distribution and speciation of P and its release characteristics from sediments were investigated by analyzing sediment and water samples collected during high flow and low flow periods. Results showed that the average concentrations (ranges) of total phosphorus (TP) in the surface and deep water were 0.06 mg L-1 (0.03–0.13 mg L-1) and 0.15 mg L-1 (0.06–0.33 mg L-1), respectively, while the average concentration (range) of TP in sediments was 709.17 mg kg-1 (544.76–932.11 mg kg-1). The concentrations of TP and different forms of P varied spatially in the surface sediments, displaying a decreasing trend from south to north. P also varied topographically from estuarine areas to lake areas. The vertical distribution of TP and different forms of P were observed to decrease as depth increased. The P concentrations during the low flow period were higher than those during the high flow period. Inorganic phosphorus (IP) was the dominant form of P, accounting for 61%–82% of TP. The concentration of bioavailable phosphorus in sediments was relatively large, indicating a high risk of release to overlying water. The simulation experiment of P release from sediments showed that the release was relatively fast in the first 0-5 min and then decreased to a plateau after 1 hr. Approximately 84–89% of the maximum amount of P was released during the first hour.  相似文献   

Although ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) are likely to play a key role in the soil nitrogen cycle, we have only a limited understanding of how the diversity and composition of soil AOB communities change across ecosystem types. We examined 23 soils collected from across North America and used sequence-based analyses to compare the AOB communities in each of the distinct soils. Using 97% 16S rRNA sequence similarity groups, we identified only 24 unique AOB phylotypes across all of the soils sampled. The majority of the sequences collected were in the Nitrosospira lineages (representing 80% of all the sequences collected), and AOB belonging to Nitrosospira cluster 3 were particularly common in our clone libraries and ubiquitous across the soil types. Community composition was highly variable across the collected soils, and similar ecosystem types did not always harbor similar AOB communities. We did not find any significant correlations between AOB community composition and measures of N availability. From the suite of environmental variables measured, we found the strongest correlation between temperature and AOB community composition; soils exposed to similar mean annual temperatures tended to have similar AOB communities. This finding is consistent with previous studies and suggests that temperature selects for specific AOB lineages. Given that distinct AOB taxa are likely to have unique functional attributes, the biogeographical patterns exhibited by soil AOB may be directly relevant to understanding soil nitrogen dynamics under changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Microbial communities in cores obtained from methane hydrate-bearing deep marine sediments (down to more than 300 m below the seafloor) in the forearc basin of the Nankai Trough near Japan were characterized with cultivation-dependent and -independent techniques. Acridine orange direct count data indicated that cell numbers generally decreased with sediment depth. Lipid biomarker analyses indicated the presence of viable biomass at concentrations greater than previously reported for terrestrial subsurface environments at similar depths. Archaeal lipids were more abundant than bacterial lipids. Methane was produced from both acetate and hydrogen in enrichments inoculated with sediment from all depths evaluated, at both 10 and 35°C. Characterization of 16S rRNA genes amplified from the sediments indicated that archaeal clones could be discretely grouped within the Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota domains. The bacterial clones exhibited greater overall diversity than the archaeal clones, with sequences related to the Bacteroidetes, Planctomycetes, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, and green nonsulfur groups. The majority of the bacterial clones were either members of a novel lineage or most closely related to uncultured clones. The results of these analyses suggest that the microbial community in this environment is distinct from those in previously characterized methane hydrate-bearing sediments.  相似文献   


Recent molecular analyses show that microbial communities of deep marine sediments harbor members of distinct, uncultured bacterial and archaeal lineages, in addition to Gram-positive bacteria and Proteobacteria that are detected by cultivation surveys. Several of these subsurface lineages show cosmopolitan occurrence patterns; they can be found in cold marine sediments and also in hydrothermal habitats, suggesting a continuous deep subsurface and hydrothermal biosphere with shared microbiota. The physiologies and activities of these uncultured subsurface lineages remain to be explored by innovative combinations of genomic and biogeochemical approaches.  相似文献   

The diversity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in aquatic sediments was studied by retrieving ammonia monooxygenase and methane monooxygenase gene sequences. Methanotrophs dominated freshwater sediments, while β-proteobacterial ammonia oxidizers dominated marine sediments. These results suggest that γ-proteobacteria such as Nitrosococcus oceani are minor members of marine sediment ammonia-oxidizing communities.  相似文献   

To elucidate the geomicrobiological factors controlling nitrification in salt marsh sediments, a comprehensive approach involving sediment geochemistry, process rate measurements, and quantification of the genetic potential for nitrification was applied to three contrasting salt marsh habitats: areas colonized by the tall (TS) or short (SS) form of Spartina alterniflora and unvegetated creek banks (CBs). Nitrification and denitrification potential rates were strongly correlated with one another and with macrofaunal burrow abundance, indicating that coupled nitrification-denitrification was enhanced by macrofaunal burrowing activity. Ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) gene copy numbers were used to estimate the ammonia-oxidizing bacterial population size (5.6 × 104 to 1.3 × 106 g of wet sediment−1), which correlated with nitrification potentials and was 1 order of magnitude higher for TS and CB than for SS. TS and CB sediments also had higher Fe(III) content, higher Fe(III)-to-total reduced sulfur ratios, higher Fe(III) reduction rates, and lower dissolved sulfides than SS sediments. Iron(III) content and reduction rates were positively correlated with nitrification and denitrification potential and amoA gene copy number. Laboratory slurry incubations supported field data, confirming that increased amounts of Fe(III) relieved sulfide inhibition of nitrification. We propose that macrofaunal burrowing and high concentrations of Fe(III) stimulate nitrifying bacterial populations, and thus may increase nitrogen removal through coupled nitrification-denitrification in salt marsh sediments.  相似文献   

Community structures of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms were investigated using PCR primers designed to specifically target the ammonia monooxygenase α-subunit (amoA) gene in the sediment of Jinshan Lake. Relationships between the abundance and diversity of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), and physicochemical parameters were also explored. The AOA abundance decreased sharply from west to east; however, the AOB abundance changed slightly with AOB outnumbering AOA in two of the four sediment samples (JS), JS3 and JS4. The AOA abundance was significantly correlated with the NH4–N, NO3–N, and TP. No significant correlations were observed between the AOB abundance and environmental variables. AOB had a higher diversity and richness of amoA genes than AOA. Among the 76 archaeal amoA sequences retrieved, 57.89, 38.16, and 3.95 % fell within the Nitrosopumilus, Nitrososphaera, and Nitrososphaera sister clusters, respectively. The 130 bacterial amoA gene sequences obtained in this study were grouped with known AOB sequences in the Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira genera, which occupied 72.31 % and 27.69 % of the AOB group, respectively. Compared to the other three sample sites, the AOA and AOB community compositions at JS4 showed a large difference. This work could enhance our understanding of the roles of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in freshwater lake environment.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary approach was used to study the effects of pollution from a marine fish farm on nitrification rates and on the community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in the underlying sediment. Organic content, ammonium concentrations, nitrification rates, and ammonia oxidizer most-probable-number counts were determined in samples of sediment collected from beneath a fish cage and on a transect at 20 and 40 m from the cage. The data suggest that nitrogen cycling was significantly disrupted directly beneath the fish cage, with inhibition of nitrification and denitrification. Although visual examination indicated some slight changes in sediment appearance at 20 m, all other measurements were similar to those obtained at 40 m, where the sediment was considered pristine. The community structures of proteobacterial β-subgroup ammonia-oxidizing bacteria at the sampling sites were compared by PCR amplification of 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA), using primers which target this group. PCR products were analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and with oligonucleotide hybridization probes specific for different ammonia oxidizers. A DGGE doublet observed in PCR products from the highly polluted fish cage sediment sample was present at a lower intensity in the 20-m sample but was absent from the pristine 40-m sample station. Band migration, hybridization, and sequencing demonstrated that the doublet corresponded to a marine Nitrosomonas group which was originally observed in 16S rDNA clone libraries prepared from the same sediment samples but with different PCR primers. Our data suggest that this novel Nitrosomonas subgroup was selected for within polluted fish farm sediments and that the relative abundance of this group was influenced by the extent of pollution.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different agricultural treatments and plant communities on the diversity of ammonia oxidizer populations in soil. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), coupled with specific oligonucleotide probing, was used to analyze 16S rRNA genes of ammonia oxidizers belonging to the β subgroup of the division Proteobacteria by use of DNA extracted from cultivated, successional, and native deciduous forest soils. Community profiles of the different soil types were compared with nitrification rates and most-probable-number (MPN) counts. Despite significant variation in measured nitrification rates among communities, there were no differences in the DGGE banding profiles of DNAs extracted from these soils. DGGE profiles of DNA extracted from samples of MPN incubations, cultivated at a range of ammonia concentrations, showed the presence of bands not amplified from directly extracted DNA. Nitrosomonas-like bands were seen in the MPN DNA but were not detected in the DNA extracted directly from soils. These bands were detected in some samples taken from MPN incubations carried out with medium containing 1,000 μg of NH4+-N ml−1, to the exclusion of bands detected in the native DNA. Cell concentrations of ammonia oxidizers determined by MPN counts were between 10- and 100-fold lower than those determined by competitive PCR (cPCR). Although no differences were seen in ammonia oxidizer MPN counts from the different soil treatments, cPCR revealed higher numbers in fertilized soils. The use of a combination of traditional and molecular methods to investigate the activities and compositions of ammonia oxidizers in soil demonstrates differences in fine-scale compositions among treatments that may be associated with changes in population size and function.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the vertical variation of abundance and community composition of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in sediments of a eutrophic lake, Lake Taihu, molecular techniques including real-time PCR, clone library, and sequencing were carried out in this study. Abundances of archaeal amoA gene (ranged from 2.34 × 106 to 4.43 × 107 copies [g dry sediment]?1) were higher than those of bacterial amoA gene (ranged from 5.02 × 104 to 6.91 × 106 copies [g dry sediment]?1) for all samples and both of them exhibited negative correlations with the increased depths. Diversities of archaeal and bacterial amoA gene increased with the elevated depths. There were no significant variations of AOB community structures derived from different sediment depths, whereas obvious differences were observed for the AOA community compositions. The information acquired in this study would be useful to elucidate the roles of AOA and AOB in the nitrogen cycling of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of (E)-phytol [3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadec-2(E)-en-1-ol] by two bacterial communities isolated from recent marine sediments under aerobic and denitrifying conditions was studied at 20°C. This isoprenoid alcohol is metabolized efficiently by these two bacterial communities via 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one and (E)-phytenic acid. The first step in both aerobic and anaerobic bacterial degradation of (E)-phytol involves the transient production of (E)-phytenal, which in turn can be abiotically converted to 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one. Most of the isoprenoid metabolites identified in vitro could be detected in a fresh sediment core collected at the same site as the sediments used for the incubations. Since (E)-phytenal is less sensitive to abiotic degradation at the temperature of the sediments (15°C), the major part of (E)-phytol appeared to be biodegraded in situ via (E)-phytenic acid. (Z)- and (E)-phytenic acids are present in particularly large quantities in the upper section of the core, and their concentrations quickly decrease with depth in the core. This degradation (which takes place without significant production of phytanic acid) is attributed to the involvement of alternating β-decarboxymethylation and β-oxidation reaction sequences induced by denitrifiers. Despite the low nitrate concentration of marine sediments, denitrifying bacteria seem to play a significant role in the mineralization of (E)-phytol.  相似文献   

Tube-dwelling has been recognized previously as a life-style for several meiobenthic species, but behavioural observation of living specimens has rarely been reported. The extent to which tube-building and tube-dwelling occurs within meiofauna, and how they have influenced evolutionary and ecological processes as well as morphology within these organisms, is relatively unknown but potentially of great significance. In addition to direct observation of tube-building and the occurence of tubes in natural habitats, the internal anatomy associated with tube-building in two nematode species (Ptycholaimellus jacobi, P. ponticus) and one harpacticoid copepod species (Stenhelia palustris) is the focus of this study. Special attention is given to the secretory products, glands, and their association with secretory pores. Also, the role of meiobenthic tube-dwelling activities in relationship to their environment is extensive discussed.  相似文献   

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