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Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a binary radiotherapy based on thermal-neutron irradiation of cells enriched with (10)B, which produces α particles and (7)Li ions of short range and high biological effectiveness. The selective uptake of boron by tumor cells is a crucial issue for BNCT, and studies of boron uptake and washout associated with cell survival studies can be of great help in developing clinical applications. In this work, boron uptake and washout were characterized both in vitro for the DHDK12TRb (DHD) rat colon carcinoma cell line and in vivo using rats bearing liver metastases from DHD cells. Despite a remarkable uptake, a large boron release was observed after removal of the boron-enriched medium from in vitro cell cultures. However, analysis of boron washout after rat liver perfusion in vivo did not show a significant boron release, suggesting that organ perfusion does not limit the therapeutic effectiveness of the treatment. The survival of boron-loaded cells exposed to thermal neutrons was also assessed; the results indicated that the removal of extracellular boron does not limit treatment effectiveness if adequate amounts of boron are delivered and if the cells are kept at low temperature. Cell survival was also investigated theoretically using a mechanistic model/Monte Carlo code originally developed for radiation-induced chromosome aberrations and extended here to cell death; good agreement between simulation outcomes and experimental data was obtained.  相似文献   

The carboranyl nucleotides beta-D-5-o-carboranyl-2'-deoxyuridine (D-CDU), 1-(beta-L-arabinosyl)-5-o-carboranyluracil (D-ribo-CU) and the nucleotide base 5-o-carboranyluracil (CU), were developed as sensitizers for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). A structure activity study was initiated to determine the agent most suitable for targeting prostate tumors. Cellular accumulation studies were performed using LNCaP human prostate tumor cells, and the respective tumor disposition profiles were investigated in male nude mice bearing LNCaP and 9479 human prostate tumor xenografts in their flanks. D-CDU achieved high cellular concentrations in LNCaP cells and up to 2.5% of the total cellular compound was recovered in the 5'-monophosphorylated form. In vivo concentrations of D-CDU were similar in LNCaP and 9479 tumor xenografts. Studies in 9479 xenografted bearing mice indicated that increasing the number of hydroxyl groups in the sugar moeity of the carboranyl nucleosides corresponded with an increased rate and extent of renal elimination, shorter serum half-lives and an increased tissue specificity. Tumor/normal prostate ratios were greatest with the nucleoside base CU. These studies indicate that similar nucleoside analogues and bases may have different tissue affinities and retention properties, which should be considered when selecting agents for sensitizing specific tumors for eventual BNCT treatment. CU was found to be the most suitable compound for further development to treat prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Takagaki, M., Ono, K., Masunaga, S-I., Kinashi, Y., Oda, Y., Miyatake, S-I., Hashimoto, N., Powell, W., Sood, A. and Spielvogel, B. F. Boronated Dipeptide Borotrimethylglycylphenylalanine as a Potential Boron Carrier in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Malignant Brain Tumors. Radiat. Res. 156, 118-122 (2001).A boronated dipeptide, borotrimethylglycylphenylalanine (BGPA), was synthesized as a possible boron carrier for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for malignant brain tumors. In vitro, at equal concentrations of (10)B in the extracellular medium, BGPA had the same effect in BNCT as p-boronophenylalanine (BPA). Boron analysis was carried out using prompt gamma-ray spectrometry and track-etch autoradiography. The tumor:blood and tumor:normal brain (10)B concentration ratios were 8.9 +/- 2.1 and 3.0 +/- 1.2, respectively, in rats bearing intracranial C6 gliosarcomas using alpha-particle track autoradiography. The IC(50), i.e. the dose capable of inhibiting the growth of C6 gliosarcoma cells by 50% after 3 days of incubation, was 5.9 x 10(-3) M BGPA, which is similar to that of 6.4 x 10(-3) M for BPA. The amide bond of BGPA is free from enzymatic attack, since it is protected from hydrolysis by the presence of a boron atom at the alpha-carbon position of glycine. These results suggest promise for the use of this agent for BNCT of malignant brain tumors. Further preclinical studies of BGPA are warranted, since BGPA has advantages over both BPA and BSH.  相似文献   

A comparison of seven epithermal neutron beams used in clinical studies of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) in Sweden (Studsvik), Finland (Espoo), Czech Republic (ReZ), The Netherlands (Petten) and the U.S. (Brookhaven and Cambridge) was performed to facilitate sharing of preclinical and clinical results. The physical performance of each beam was measured using a common dosimetry method under conditions pertinent to brain irradiations. Neutron fluence and absorbed dose measurements were performed with activation foils and paired ionization chambers on the central axis both in air and in an ellipsoidal water phantom. The overall quality of each beam was assessed by figures of merit determined from the total weighted dose profiles that assumed the presence of boron in tissue. The in-air specific beam contamination from both fast neutrons and gamma rays ranged between 8 and 65 x 10(-11) cGy(w) cm2 for the different beams and the epithermal neutron flux intensities available at the patient position differed by more than a factor of 20 from 0.2-4.3 x 10(9) n cm(-2) s(-1). Percentage depth dose profiles measured in-phantom for the individual photon, thermal and fast-neutron dose components differed only subtly in shape between facilities. Assuming uptake characteristics consistent with the currently used boronated phenylalanine, all the epithermal beams exhibit a useful penetration of 8 cm or greater that is sufficient to irradiate a lesion seated at the brain midline. The performance of the existing facilities will benefit from the introduction of advanced compounds through improved beam penetrability. This could increase by as much as 2 cm for the purest of beams, although the beam intensities generally need to be increased to between 2-5 x 10(9) n cm(-2) s(-1) to maintain manageable irradiation times. These data provide the first consistent measurement of beam performance at the different centers and will enable a preliminary normalization of the calculated patient dosimetry.  相似文献   

New boron-containing chlorin derivatives 9 and 13 as agents for both photodynamic therapy (PDT) and boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) of cancer were synthesized from photoprotoporphyrin IX dimethyl ester (2) and l-4-boronophenylalanine-related compounds. The in vivo biodistribution and clearance of 9 and 13 were investigated in tumor-bearing mice. The time to maximum accumulation of compound 13 in tumor tissue was one-fourth of that of compound 9, and compound 13 showed rapid clearance from normal tissues within 24 h after injection. The in vivo therapeutic efficacy of PDT using 13 was evaluated by measuring tumor growth rates in tumor-bearing mice with 660 nm light-emitting diode irradiation at 3 h after injection of 13. Tumor growth was significantly inhibited by PDT using 13. These results suggested that 13 might be a good candidate for both PDT and BNCT of cancer.  相似文献   

The survival curves and the RBE for the dose components generated in boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) were determined separately in neutron beams at Japan Research Reactor No. 4. The surviving fractions of V79 Chinese hamster cells with or without 10B were obtained using an epithermal neutron beam (ENB), a mixed thermal-epithermal neutron beam (TNB-1), and a thermal (TNB-2) neutron beam; these beams were used or are planned for use in BNCT clinical trials. The cell killing effect of the neutron beam in the presence or absence of 10B was highly dependent on the neutron beam used and depended on the epithermal and fast-neutron content of the beam. The RBEs of the boron capture reaction for ENB, TNB-1 and TNB-2 were 4.07 +/- 0.22, 2.98 +/- 0.16 and 1.42 +/- 0.07, respectively. The RBEs of the high-LET dose components based on the hydrogen recoils and the nitrogen capture reaction were 2.50 +/- 0.32, 2.34 +/- 0.30 and 2.17 +/- 0.28 for ENB, TNB-1 and TNB-2, respectively. The RBEs of the neutron and photon components were 1.22 +/- 0.16, 1.23 +/- 0.16, and 1.21 +/- 0.16 for ENB, TNB-1 and TNB-2, respectively. The approach to the experimental determination of RBEs outlined in this paper allows the RBE-weighted dose calculation for each dose component of the neutron beams and contributes to an accurate inter-beam comparison of the neutron beams at the different facilities employed in ongoing and planned BNCT clinical trials.  相似文献   

A boron-enriched streptavidin has been prepared by chemical conjugation of a boron-rich compound, B(12)H(11)SH(2)(-) (BSH), to a genetically engineered streptavidin variant. The streptavidin variant used has 20 cysteine residues per molecule, derived from a C-terminal cysteine stretch consisting of five cysteine residues per subunit. Because natural streptavidin has no cysteine residues, the reactive sulfhydryl groups of the cysteine stretch serve as unique conjugation sites for sulfhydryl chemistry. BSH was conjugated irreversibly to the sulfhydryl groups of the streptavidin variant via a sulfhydryl-specific homobifunctional chemical cross-linker. Quantitative boron analysis indicates that the resulting streptavidin-BSH conjugate carries approximately 230 boron atoms/molecule. This indicates that the chemical conjugation of BSH to the streptavidin variant was highly specific and efficient because this method should allow the conjugation of a maximum of 240 boron atoms/streptavidin molecule. This boron-enriched streptavidin retained both full biotin-binding ability and tetrameric structure, suggesting that the conjugation of BSH has little, if any, effect on the fundamental properties of streptavidin. This boron-enriched streptavidin should be very useful as a component of targetable boron carriers for neutron capture therapy of cancer. For example, a monoclonal antibody against a tumor-associated antigen can be attached tightly to the boron-enriched streptavidin upon simple biotinylation, and the resulting conjugate could be used to target boron to tumor cells on which the tumor-associated antigen is overexpressed.  相似文献   

A new class of lipids, containing the closo-dodecaborate cluster, has been synthesized. Two lipids, S-(N, N-(2-dimyristoyloxyethyl)acetamido)thioundecahydro-closo-dodecaborate (2-) (B-6-14) and S-(N, N-(2-dipalmitoyloxyethyl)acetamido)thioundecahydro-closo-dodecaborate (2-) (B-6-16) are described. Both of them have a double-tailed lipophilic part and a headgroup carrying two negative charges. Differential scanning calorimetry shows that B-6-14 and B-6-16 bilayers have main phase transition temperatures of 18.8 and 37.9 degrees C, respectively. Above the transition temperature of 18.8 degrees C, B-6-14 can form liposomal vesicles, representing the first boron-containing lipid with this capability. Upon cooling below the transition temperature, stiff bilayers are formed. When incorporated into liposomal formulations with equimolar amounts of distearoyl phosphatidylcholine (DSPC) and cholesterol, stable liposomes are obtained. The zeta-potential measurements indicate that both B-6-14- and B-6-16-containing vesicles are negatively charged, with the most negative potential described of any liposome so far. The liposomes are of high potential value as transporters of boron to tumor cells in treatments based on boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). Liposomes prepared from B-6-14 were slightly less toxic in V79 Chinese hamster cells (IC50 5.6 mM) than unformulated Na2B12H11SH (IC50 3.9 mM), while liposomes prepared from B-6-16 were not toxic even at 30 mM.  相似文献   

Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) represents a promising approach for tumor therapy. A critical requirement for BNCT is tumor targeting, a goal that is currently addressed with the development of low and high molecular weight agents capable of interacting with receptors expressed by cancer cells. Here, we describe a new bioconjugate (HApCB) composed by n-propyl carborane linked to hyaluronan (HA) via an ester linkage for a degree of substitution of approximately 30%, leading to a water-soluble derivative. The structure and main physicochemical characteristics of the new HA derivative were determined by means of Fourier transform infrared, fluorescence, and 1H, 13C, and 10B NMR analysis and are herein reported in detail. As HA is recognized by the CD44 antigen, densely populating the surface of many tumor cells, HApCB is expected to deliver boron atoms from the locally released carborane cages directly to target cells for antitumor application in BNCT. In vitro biological experiments showed that HApCB was not toxic for a variety of human tumor cells of different histotypes, specifically interacted with CD44 as the native unconjugated HA, and underwent uptake by tumor cells, leading to accumulation of amounts of boron atoms largely exceeding those required for a successful BNCT approach. Thus, HApCB may be regarded as a promising new BNCT agent for specific targeting of cancer cells overexpressing the CD44 receptor.  相似文献   

The efficiency of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for malignant gliomas depends on the selective and absolute accumulation of (10)B atoms in tumor tissues. Only two boron compounds, BPA and BSH, currently can be used clinically. However, the detailed distributions of these compounds have not been determined. Here we used secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) to determine the histological distribution of (10)B atoms derived from the boron compounds BSH and BPA. C6 tumor-bearing rats were given 500 mg/kg of BPA or 100 mg/kg of BSH intraperitoneally; 2.5 h later, their brains were sectioned and subjected to SIMS. In the main tumor mass, BPA accumulated heterogeneously, while BSH accumulated homogeneously. In the peritumoral area, both BPA and BSH accumulated measurably. Interestingly, in this area, BSH accumulated distinctively in a diffuse manner even 800 microm distant from the interface between the main tumor and normal brain. In the contralateral brain, BPA accumulated measurably, while BSH did not. In conclusion, both BPA and BSH each have advantages and disadvantages. These compounds are considered to be essential as boron delivery agents independently for clinical BNCT. There is some rationale for the simultaneous use of both compounds in clinical BNCT for malignant gliomas.  相似文献   

Thymidine conjugates containing metallacarborane, {8-[5-(N(3)-thymidine)-3-oxa-pentoxy]-3-cobalt bis(1,2-dicarbollide)}- (5) and {8-[5-(O(4)-thymidine)-3-oxa-pentoxy]-3-cobalt bis(1,2-dicarbollide)}- (6) ions and several simple [3-cobalt bis(1,2-dicarbollide)]- ion (1) derivatives have been studied as potential boron carriers for BNCT. Compound 6 and some nonnucleoside derivatives of 1 were not toxic above 100 microM. The partition coefficient for both metallacarborane bearing thymidine conjugates 5 and 6 was more than 500 times higher than that of unmodified nucleoside. The cellular uptake studies showed accumulation of compounds 6 in V79 Chinese hamster cells but not of compound 5. The low toxicity of conjugate type of 6 together with its high partition coefficient suggest that judicially designed derivatives of metallacarboranes can be considered as potential boron carriers for BNCT.  相似文献   

Abstract  Sodium borocaptate (BSH) is widely used for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) of brain tumors. One drawback is the large uptake by the liver causing a decrease of its availability at the tumor region as well as bringing about toxicity problems. A novel carborane-based compound containing a boron payload very similar to that of BSH has been synthesized and tested on rat glioma (C6) cells, hepatoma tissue culture (HTC) cells, and hepatocytes. The newly synthesized system consists of an o-carborane unit (C2B10H11, o-CB) conjugated to a glutamine residue through a proper spacer, namely, o-CB-Gln. As compared with BSH, it showed the same uptake by C6 cells, but a 50% decrease in uptake by HTC cells and an 80% decrease in uptake by healthy hepatocytes. On this basis o-CB-Gln appears an interesting candidate for BNCT of brain tumors as it is expected to have a therapeutic index analogous to that of BSH accompanied by a much lower liver toxicity. Graphical Abstract  A novel carborane based compound, consisting in an o-carborane unit (C2B10H11, o-CB) conjugated to a glutamine residue through a proper spacer (namely o-CB-Gln) has been synthesized, characterized and tested on rat glioma (C6), hepatoma (HTC) and hepatocytes. As compared to sodium borocaptate (BSH), widely used for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) of brain tumors, the newly synthesized system showed the same uptake by C6 cells, but a 50% decrease by HTC and 80% decrease by healthy hepatocytes. On this basis o-CB-Gln appears an interesting candidate for BNCT of brain tumors as it is expected to have a therapeutic index analogous to BSH accompanied by a much lower liver toxicity.   相似文献   

Application of neutrons to cancer treatment has been a subject of considerable clinical and research interest since the discovery of the neutron by Chadwick in 1932 (3). Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a technique of radiation oncology which is used in treating brain cancer (glioblastoma multiform) or melanoma and that consists of preferentially loading a compound containing 10B into the tumor location, followed by the irradiation of the patient with a beam of neutron. Dose distribution for BNCT is mainly based on Monte Carlo simulations. In this work, the absorbed dose spatial distribution resultant from an idealized neutron beam incident upon ahead phantom is investigated using the Monte Carlo N-particles code, MCNP 4B. The phantom model used is based on the geometry of a circular cylinder on which sits an elliptical cylinder capped by half an ellipsoid representing the neck and head, both filled with tissue-equivalent material. The neutron flux and the contribution of individual absorbed dose components, as a function of depths and of radial distance from the beam axis (dose profiles) in phantom model, is presented and discussed. For the studied beam the maximum thermal neutron flux is at a depth of 2 cm and the maximum gamma dose at a depth of 4 cm.  相似文献   

closo-Dodecaborate lipid liposomes were developed as new vehicles for boron delivery system (BDS) of neutron capture therapy. The current approach is unique because the liposome shell itself possesses cytocidal potential in combination with neutron irradiation. The liposomes composed of closo-dodecaborate lipids DSBL and DPBL displayed high cytotoxicity with thermal neutron irradiation. The closo-dodecaborate lipid liposomes were taken up into the cytoplasm by endocytosis without degradation of the liposomes. Boron concentration of 22.7 ppm in tumor was achieved by injection with DSBL-25% PEG liposomes at 20 mg B/kg. Promising BNCT effects were observed in the mice injected with DSBL-25% PEG liposomes: the tumor growth was significantly suppressed after thermal neutron irradiation (1.8 × 1012 neutrons/cm2).  相似文献   

The nido-carborane lipid 2 as a double-tailed boron lipid was synthesized from heptadecanol in five steps. The lipid 2 formed stable liposomes at 25% molar ratio toward DSPC with cholesterol. Transferrin was able to be introduced on the surface of boron liposomes (Tf(+)-PEG-CL liposomes) by the coupling of transferrin to the PEG-CO(2)H moieties of Tf(-)-PEG-CL liposomes. The biodistribution of Tf(+)-PEG-CL liposomes, in which (125)I-tyraminyl inulins were encapsulated, showed that Tf(+)-PEG-CL liposomes accumulated in tumor tissues and stayed there for a sufficiently long time to increase tumor/blood concentration ratio, although Tf(-)-PEG-CL liposomes were gradually released from tumor tissues with time. A boron concentration of 22 ppm in tumor tissues was achieved by the injection of Tf(+)-PEG-CL liposomes at 7.2 mg/kg body weight boron in tumor-bearing mice. After neutron irradiation, the average survival rate of mice not treated with Tf(+)-PEG-CL liposomes was 21 days, whereas that of the treated mice was 31 days. Longer survival rates were observed in the mice treated with Tf(+)-PEG-CL liposomes; one of them even survived for 52 days after BNCT.  相似文献   

Distinct biological properties of the ortho-carboranyl (1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaboranyl) glycosides 1, 2 and 3 were evaluated to estimate the suitability of these compounds for cancer treatment by boron neutron capture therapy. The boron uptake into B16-Melanoma cells was significantly higher by incubating the cells with aqueous solutions of carboranyl glucoside 1 (11.2 ppm after 3h), lactoside 2 (13.2 ppm after 12h) and maltoside 3 (20.0 ppm after 24h) compared with solutions of clinically used p-boronophenylalanine (BPA) 5 (3.1 ppm after 24h). Carboranyl maltoside 3 was more effective than boron-10 enriched 5 in killing C-6 rat glioma cells by incubating the cells with the compound and subsequent treatment with thermal neutrons. 3 was also administrated iv, in concentrations of 25 mg boron/kg body weight to rats bearing brain tumors. After a period of 4h after administration the concentration of boron in the tumor tissue was 3.0 ppm.  相似文献   

A universal approach to the synthesis of carbohydrate conjugates with polyhedral boron compounds (PBCs) was developed. Oligosaccharide derivatives with amino group in aglycone moiety can be conjugated with PBC carboxy derivatives using N-methyl-N-(4,6-dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)morpholinium chloride as a condensing agent. Both N-and O-glycosides differing in the conformation mobility around the glycoside bond were shown to be useful as oligosaccharides with a functional group in the aglycone moiety. This allows the application of this approach to the synthesis of PBC conjugates with a wide range of oligosaccharides isolated from natural sources can be transformed into N-glycosides with a functional group in aglycone. The approach was tested by conjugation of the carboxy derivatives of ortho-carborane and dodecaborate anion with lactose as a model oligosaccharide. Lactose, an easily available disaccharide, is a ligand of lectins expressed on the surface of melanoma cells. The approach suggested is the first example of the synthesis of such conjugates that does not require protective groups for the carbohydrate residue. It is especially important for obtaining dodecaborate-carbohydrate conjugates for which the removal of protective groups is often a non-trivial task.  相似文献   

A uniform approach to the synthesis of carbohydrate conjugates with polyhedral boron compounds (PBCs) was developed. Oligosaccharide derivatives with an aglycone moiety amino group can be coupled with PBC carboxyl derivatives using N-methyl-N-(4,6-dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)morpholinium chloride as a coupling agent. Both N- and O-glycosides differing in the conformational mobility around the glycoside bond were shown to be useful as oligosaccharides with a functional group in the aglycone moiety. This allows the application of this approach to the synthesis of PBC conjugates with a wide range of oligosaccharides. For example, not only oligosaccharides obtained by chemical synthesis but also reducing oligosaccharides isolated from natural sources can be transformed into N-glycosides. The approach was tested by the example of conjugation of the carboxyl derivatives of ortho-carborane and dodecaborate anion with lactose as a model oligosaccharide. Lactose, an easily available disaccharide, is a ligand for lectins expressed on the surface of melanoma cells. The approach suggested is the first example of the synthesis of such conjugates that does not require protective groups for the carbohydrate residue. It is especially important for obtaining dodecaborate-carbohydrate conjugates for which the removal of protective groups is often a non-trivial task.  相似文献   

Invasive nonfunctional pituitary adenomas (NFPAs) are difficult to completely resect and often develop tumor recurrence after initial surgery. Currently, no medications are clinically effective in the control of NFPA. Although radiation therapy and radiosurgery are useful to prevent tumor regrowth, they are frequently withheld because of severe complications. Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a binary radiotherapy that selectively and maximally damages tumor cells without harming the surrounding normal tissue. Folate receptor (FR)-targeted boron-10 containing carbon nanoparticles is a novel boron delivery agent that can be selectively taken up by FR-expressing cells via FR-mediated endocytosis. In this study, FR-targeted boron-10 containing carbon nanoparticles were selectively taken up by NFPAs cells expressing FR but not other types of non-FR expressing pituitary adenomas. After incubation with boron-10 containing carbon nanoparticles and following irradiation with thermal neutrons, the cell viability of NFPAs was significantly decreased, while apoptotic cells were simultaneously increased. However, cells administered the same dose of FR-targeted boron-10 containing carbon nanoparticles without neutron irradiation or received the same neutron irradiation alone did not show significant decrease in cell viability or increase in apoptotic cells. The expression of Bcl-2 was down-regulated and the expression of Bax was up-regulated in NFPAs after treatment with FR-mediated BNCT. In conclusion, FR-targeted boron-10 containing carbon nanoparticles may be an ideal delivery system of boron to NFPAs cells for BNCT. Furthermore, our study also provides a novel insight into therapeutic strategies for invasive NFPA refractory to conventional therapy, while exploring these new applications of BNCT for tumors, especially benign tumors.  相似文献   

The microdosimetry of (10)B thermal neutron capture reactions should be considered as an essential step to be followed before studying the radiobiological aspects of boron neutron capture therapy. The boron dose itself is insufficient as the only quantity used to describe the biological effectiveness of the (10)B reaction for two important reasons: the specific microdistribution that the (10)B carrier compound exhibits at the cellular level and the primarily stochastic nature of the energy deposition process, which influences the biological response to the particulate radiation. In this work, these two aspects are analyzed in detail and an innovative rigorous analytical framework is developed in the microdosimetry domain. This formalism provides the necessary microdosimetric tools for more precisely describing the (10)B dose distribution deposited in sensitive microscopic structures and offers improved approaches for analyzing the biological dose--effect relationship of (10)B reactions.  相似文献   

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