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Identifying the biological pathways mediating the action of a therapeutic compound may help the development of more specific treatments while also increasing our understanding of the underlying disease pathology. Salts of the metal lithium are commonly used as a front‐line mood stabilizing treatment for bipolar disorder. Lithium's action has been variously linked to inositol phosphate metabolism and the WNT/Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3β (GSK3β)/β‐Catenin signalling cascade, but, to date, little is known about which of these provides the principal therapeutic benefit for patients and, more specifically, which constituent genes, through presumed sequence variation, determine differences in patient response to treatment. Here, we describe a functional screen in which SH‐SY5Y neuroblastoma cells were randomly mutated through genomic integration of the pMS1 poly A ‘gene trap’ plasmid vector. Lithium normally induces differentiation of neuroblastoma cells, but a small proportion of mutated cells continued to proliferate and formed colonies. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE)‐PCR was used to identify the ‘trapped’ gene in each of these lithium‐resistant colonies. Heterozygous, gene trap integrations were identified within ten genes, eight of which are likely to produce loss‐of‐function mutations including MED10, MSI2 and three long intergenic non‐coding (LINC) RNAs. Both MED10 and MSI2 have been previously linked with WNT/GSK3β/β‐Catenin pathway function suggesting that this is an important mediator of lithium action in this screen. The methodology applied here provides a rapid, objective and economic approach to define the genetic contribution to drug action, but could also be readily adapted to any desired in vitro functional selection/screening paradigm.  相似文献   

Success rates of superovulation in response to gonadotropic hormone treatment and in vitro fertilization (ie, mitotic cleavage following insemination) of mouse eggs from outbred CD-1, hybrid CB6Fl, or hybrid B6CBAF1, mice were compared using either a mouse inseminationmedium, modified Krebs-Ringer-bicarbonate (m-KRB), or a human insemination medium, Ham's F10 nutrient mixture. Inseminations were performed in either organ culture dishes or screw-top, flat-side tissue culture tubes. Mean superovulation rates (± SD) were 24.2 (5.1) for CD-1, 33.0 (5.8) for CB6F1, and 16.3 (6.6) for B6CBAF1 mice. For in vitro cleavage the best combination of mouse strain, insemination medium, and culture container was achieved using CB6F1, mice, m-KRB medium, and culture tubes. However, Ham's medium used with either hybrid mouse strain was shown to be employable for fertilization of mouse eggs in vitro as a quality control assay and/or experimental model system for testing the human in vitro fertilization procedure.  相似文献   

Valproate, an anticonvulsant drug used to treat bipolar disorder, was studied for its ability to promote neurogenesis from embryonic rat cortical or striatal primordial stem cells. Six days of valproate exposure increased by up to fivefold the number and percentage of tubulin beta III-immunopositive neurons, increased neurite outgrowth, and decreased by fivefold the number of astrocytes without changing the number of cells. Valproate also promoted neuronal differentiation in human fetal forebrain stem cell cultures. The neurogenic effects of valproate on rat stem cells exceeded those obtained with the neurotrophins brain-derived growth factor (BDNF) or NT-3, and slightly exceeded the effects obtained with another mood stabilizer, lithium. No effect was observed with carbamazepine. Most of the newly formed neurons were GABAergic, as shown by 10-fold increases in neurons that immunostained for GABA and the GABA-synthesizing enzyme GAD65/67. Double immunostaining for bromodeoxyuridine and tubulin beta III showed that valproate increased by four- to fivefold the proliferation of neuronal progenitors derived from rat stem cells and increased cyclin D2 expression. Valproate also regulated the expression of survival genes, Bad and Bcl-2, at different times of treatment. The expression of prostaglandin E synthase, analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR, was increased by ninefold as early as 6 h into treatment by valproate. The enhancement of GABAergic neuron numbers, neurite outgrowth, and phenotypic expression via increases in the neuronal differentiation of neural stem cell may contribute to the therapeutic effects of valproate in the treatment of bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

Impairment of motor coordination, or ataxia, is a prominent effect of alcohol ingestion in humans. To date, many models have been created to examine this phenomenon in animals. Evidence suggests that the tasks thought to measure this behavior in mice actually measure different components of this complex trait. We have characterized the parallel rod floor apparatus to quantify ethanol-induced motor incoordination. Using genetically heterogeneous mice, we evaluated the influence of rod diameter and inter-rod distance on dose-related ethanol-induced motor incoordination to select parameters that optimized testing procedures. We then used the DBA/2J and C57BL/6J inbred strains of mice to examine the effect of 2 g/kg of ethanol, by serially testing mice on two floor types, separated by 1 week. Finally, we tested eight inbred strains of mice on four floor types to examine patterns of strain sensitivity to 2 g/kg of intraperitoneal ethanol and determined the test parameters that maximized strain effect size. Motor incoordination varied depending on the floor type and strain. When data from strain 129S1/SvlmJ were removed from the analyses because of their extreme behavior, the greatest strain effect size was observed on one floor type during the first 10 min of testing after 2 g/kg of intraperitoneal ethanol. These findings suggest that the parallel rod floor apparatus provides a useful means for examining ethanol-induced motor incoordination in mice but that specific testing procedures are important for optimizing detection of motor incoordination and genetic influences.  相似文献   

The commonly accepted mechanism by which LiCl corsalizes amphibian embryos is a respecification of ventral blastomeres, presumably through realignment of dorsal positional information in the embryo. An alternative mechanism, however, is an epigenetic change in the competence of cells to respond to cues they may be normally exposed to without effect. In order to test this hypothesis, we treated mouse preimplantation embryos, which do not possess any axial positional information, with LiCl, and observed axial abnormalities which must have been elaborated several days after treatment. We interpret this as support for the hypothesis that cellular competence rather than positional information is altered by LiCl, and suggest that this competence may be altered through the action of lithium sensitive enzymes that interact with chromatin. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The brain neurotransmitter serotonin is involved in the regulation of aggressive behavior. The main factor determining the brain serotonin level is the activity of the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitter--tryptophan hydroxylase isoform (TPH) 2 encoded by the Tph2 gene. Recently the C1473G single-nucleotide polymorphism in the Tph2 gene was reported. Here we study the C1473G polymorphism in 10 inbred mouse strains (C57BL/6J, AKR/J, DD/He, C3H/HeJ, YT/Y, BALB/cJLac, CC57BR/Mv and A/He) and demonstrate the association of the polymorphism with brain TPH activity and intermale aggressiveness. TPH activity in the midbrain of mice homozygous for the 1473C allele was higher than that in mice carrying 1473G alleles. A close association of the 1473C allele with increased number of attacks towards another male was found. The results support a link between the C1473G polymorphism in Tph2 gene, tryptophan hydroxylase activity and intensity of intermale aggression.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenase activity in mouse liver homogenate-supernatants is 1.7 times greater in the C57BL/10 strain than in the BALB/c strain, regardless of whether activity is expressed in units per gram liver, total liver, or milligram DNA. The K m values for ethanol and NAD+, approximately 0.4 and 0.03mm, respectively, of enzyme purified from both strains are similar. Moreover, the K i for NADH, 1 µm, the pH optimum for ethanol oxidation, 10.5, and the V max for ethanol oxidation, 160 min–1, for ADH from the C57BL/10 and BALB/c strains are similar. Therefore, the difference in ADH activity in the two strains cannot be due to differences in the catalytic properties of the enzyme. The electrophoretic and isoelectric focusing patterns and two-dimensional tryptic peptide maps of the purified enzyme from both strains are identical. Thus the amino acid sequences of enzyme from C57BL/10 and BALB/c mice must also be identical or very similar. The difference in ADH activity in the two strains is most likely the result of genetic differences in the content of ADH protein in liver.Supported by NIAAA Grant AA 04307.  相似文献   

One of the characteristic manifestations of several neurodegenerative diseases is the progressive decline in cognitive ability. In order to determine the suitability of six mouse strains (129S2/Sv, BALB/c, C3H/He, C57BL/6j, CBA/Ca and DBA/2) as transgenic background strains, we investigated the performance on a variety of tasks designed to identify subtle changes in cognition. In addition, a test of exploratory behaviour was used to probe the level of underlying anxiety in these mouse strains, as anxiety can be a confounding factor on behavioural performance generally. The C3H/He mice exhibited the least anxiogenic behavioural profile spending most time on the open arms of the maze, in contrast to the 129S2/Sv mice which spent the least amount of time in this location and were the quickest to move into a closed arm. The C3H/He mouse strain failed to acquire a visual discrimination task and failed to demonstrate learning on a water maze spatial learning task, in contrast to the CBA/Ca, DBA/2 and C57BL/6j strains which demonstrated a degree of learning in both tasks. No significant strain differences were identified on the object recognition task. These data, taken together, suggest that care must be taken when choosing cognitive tasks to be used with particular mouse strains and that task sensitivity must be considered as a critical element to research protocols with regard to these mouse strains.  相似文献   

Post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that develops in predisposed individuals following a terrifying event. Studies on isogenic animal populations might explain susceptibility to PTSD by revealing associations between the molecular and behavioural consequences of traumatic stress. Our study employed four inbred mouse strains to search for differences in post‐stress response to a 1.5‐mA electric foot shock. One day to 6 weeks after the foot shock anxiety, depression and addiction‐like phenotypes were assessed. In addition, expression levels of selected stress‐related genes were analysed in hippocampus and amygdala. C57BL/6J mice exhibited up‐regulation in the expression of Tsc22d3, Nfkbia, Plat and Crhr1 genes in both brain regions. These alterations were associated with an increase of sensitized fear and depressive‐like behaviour over time. Traumatic stress induced expression of Tsc22d3, Nfkbia, Plat and Fkbp5 genes and developed social withdrawal in DBA/2J mice. In 129P3/J strain, exposure to stress produced the up‐regulation of Tsc22d3 and Nfkbia genes and enhanced sensitivity to the rewarding properties of morphine. Whereas, SWR/J mice displayed increase only in Pdyn expression in the amygdala and had the lowest conditioned fear. Our results reveal a complex genetic background of phenotypic variation in response to stress and indicate the SWR/J strain as a valuable model of stress resistance. We found potential links between the alterations in expression of Tsc22d3, Nfkbia and Pdyn, and different aspects of susceptibility to stress.  相似文献   

Pancreatic and salivary amylase cDNA probes have been used to search for new DNA fragment length variation among a total of 43 inbred mouse strains. Fragment length differences found with three restriction endonucleases grouped the strains into two major classes. The segregation of these variant fragments has been analyzed among several sets of recombinant inbred strains and is presented here. Previously reported differences for strains YBR and CE have been confirmed. New segregation data for carbonic anhydrase, a locus near the proximal end of mouse chromosome 3, are presented.  相似文献   

Drugs of abuse, including alcohol and stimulants like cocaine, produce effects that are subject to individual variability, and genetic variation accounts for at least a portion of those differences. Notably, research in both animal models and human subjects point toward reward sensitivity and impulsivity as being trait characteristics that predict relatively greater positive subjective responses to stimulant drugs. Here we describe use of the eight collaborative cross (CC) founder strains and 38 (reversal learning) or 10 (all other tests) CC strains to examine the heritability of reward sensitivity and impulsivity traits, as well as genetic correlations between these measures and existing addiction-related phenotypes. Strains were all tested for activity in an open field and reward sensitivity (intake of chocolate BOOST®). Mice were then divided into two counterbalanced groups and underwent reversal learning (impulsive action and waiting impulsivity) or delay discounting (impulsive choice). CC and founder mice show significant heritability for impulsive action, impulsive choice, waiting impulsivity, locomotor activity, and reward sensitivity, with each impulsive phenotype determined to be non-correlating, independent traits. This research was conducted within the broader, inter-laboratory effort of the Center for Systems Neurogenetics of Addiction (CSNA) to characterize CC and DO mice for multiple, cocaine abuse related traits. These data will facilitate the discovery of genetic correlations between predictive traits, which will then guide discovery of genes and genetic variants that contribute to addictive behaviors.  相似文献   

Mexican Ninoa and Queretaro (Qro) TcI strains of Trypanosoma cruzi have shown different degrees of virulence, and the two strains produce heterogeneous immune responses in the hearts of infected mice. This work shows that the same strains can invade the intestine by an intraperitoneal route and establish an infection, mainly in the colon. The three segments of the small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) were infected to a lesser degree than the colon. Despite the fact that parasites were predominantly found in the colon, an obvious inflammatory reaction was observed in the submucosal layer along the entire intestinal tract, with the virulent Qro strain causing significantly more areas of higher immune infiltration. A clear recruitment of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes to the mesenteric ganglia was observed during infection with the virulent strain. Macrophages were also differentially distributed in the gastrointestinal tract. These later cells infiltrated fewer amastigote nests in the mice infected with the Qro strain than in the mice infected with the Ninoa strain. When IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-4 levels were measured, an increase in these cytokines was observed compared with the uninfected mice. The role of these inflammatory reactions in the pathogenesis of Chagas enteropathy is also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Ethanol's taste attributes undoubtedly contribute to the development of drug preference. Ethanol's taste is both sweet and bitter. Taster status for bitter 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) has been proposed as a genetic marker for alcoholism; however, human results are conflicting. We collected preference scores for both tastants in 4 mouse strains selected on the basis of previously reported taste preference, with the generally accepted idea that inbred mice show minimal within-strain variation. Eighty-eight male mice (22 per strain) participated. The strains were as follows: C57BL/6J, ethanol preferring; BALB/cJ, ethanol avoiding; SWR/J, PROP avoiding; and C3HeB/FeJ, PROP neutral. Using a brief-access (1-min trials) 2-bottle preference test, we assessed the taste response of each strain to PROP and ethanol on separate days. Although PROP avoiding versus neutral mice could be segregated into significantly different populations, this was not the case for ethanol avoiding versus preferring mice, and all strains showed high variability. On average, only BALB/cJ, SWR/J, and C3HeB/FeJ mice conformed to their literature-reported preferences; nonetheless, there were a substantial number of discordant animals. C57BL/6J did not conform to previous results, indicating that they are ethanol preferring. Finally, we did not observe a significant relationship between PROP and ethanol preferences across strains. The high variability per strain and the number of animals in disagreement with their respective literature-reported preference raise concerns regarding their utility for investigations underlying mechanisms of taste-mediated ingestive responses. Absent postingestive consequences, the brief-access results suggest a possible degree of previously masked polymorphisms in taste preferences or a more recent drift in underlying genetic factors. The absence of a relationship between PROP and ethanol indicates that the bitter quality in ethanol may be more highly related to other bitter compounds that are mediated by different genetic influences.  相似文献   

目的通过人工感染减蛋综合征病毒(egg drop syndrome virus,EDSV),观察病毒在不同品系小鼠体内增殖情况以及动态变化规律,为EDSV构建载体提供理论依据与数据支持。方法选取免疫系统正常的BALB/c小鼠、T细胞免疫缺陷裸鼠(Nu)以及高度免疫缺陷小鼠(NSG)为研究对象,每品系32只,雌性,5~6周龄,经腹腔注射人工感染EDSV,分别于攻毒后1、3、5、7、14、21、28、35 d采集血清,应用间接ELISA方法进行抗体监测;选择攻毒后1、7、14、21、28 d小鼠,采集心脏、肺、肝、脾、肾、小肠、子宫、气管、食管、脑10种组织,应用荧光定量PCR相对定量比较Ct法(△△CT)进行各组织内病毒载量的检测。结果 BALB/c小鼠于攻毒后3 d即可在血清内检测到抗体的表达,14 d抗体水平达到最高,并一直维持至监测期内35 d;Nu小鼠也可于攻毒后3 d检测到抗体,表达水平较BALB/c小鼠有所降低,攻毒14 d后,Nu小鼠血清中抗体水平出现下降,至35 d抗体一直维持在较低的水平;NSG小鼠在整个监测过程中,抗体水平一直处于阴性状态。核酸相对定量结果显示,BALB/c小鼠感染后1 d,肝组织中的病毒表达量最高,达到5.45个数量级,其次由高到低依次是脾、食管、子宫、小肠、肺、气管、肾、心脏,脑组织中病毒含量最低,随感染时间的延长,各组织内病毒表达量较感染1 d均有所下降,至攻毒后28 d,肝、脾病毒表达量依然维持着较高的水平;Nu小鼠和NSG小鼠感染1 d表现为脾中病毒表达量最高,分别为3.95和4.05个数量级,其次为肝,攻毒28 d,两种小鼠体内各器官内仍可以检出阳性信号,肝、脾病毒表达量较高。结论 EDSV可刺激小鼠产生免疫应答,在免疫缺陷小鼠体内抗体水平表达量较低。该病毒在小鼠体内有肝、脾等组织嗜性,为EDSV开发成为载体以及在实验动物模型上的进一步研究与应用提供了参考数据。  相似文献   

Digit ratio (2D:4D) and behavioral differences between inbred mouse strains   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Digit ratio (2D:4D) is a trait, which is sexually differentiated in a variety of species. In humans, males typically have shorter second digits (2Ds) (index fingers) compared to fourth digits (4Ds) (ring fingers) whereas females' fingers are more equal in length. Smaller, more masculine, digit ratios are thought to be associated with higher prenatal testosterone levels, greater sensitivity to prenatal androgens or both. Men with more masculine digit ratios have shown increased ability, achievement and speed in sports and tend to report that they are more physically aggressive. Previous research has shown the same sexually differentiated pattern in the hind paws of laboratory mice as in human hands, males have lower 2D:4D than females. We measured hind paw digit ratio in mice of eight inbred strains. These measurements were made while blind to strain, sex and whether the paw was from the left or right side. We found large differences in digit ratio between the strains and suggest that inbred mice are a promising system for investigating the correlation between digit ratio and behavioral traits.  相似文献   

The quantitative and qualitative distributions of gangliosides were determined in the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem of five inbred strains (C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, LG/J, C3H/HeJ, BALB/cJ) of mice at 21 days of age. Genetic differences were found among the strains for wet weight, absolute amount of gangliosides per region, and concentration of ganglioside (expressed on both a wet and a dry weight basis) in all three regions of the brain. The water content of the various brain regions showed the least amount of genetic variability. Coefficients of genetic determination were used to estimate the magnitude of genetic influence on these traits in each brain region. Significant differences were also found among the five strains for the distribution of certain gangliosides. The DBA strain, which is susceptible to audiogenic seizure at this age, had the highest level of the myelin-enriched ganglioside GM1 in all brain regions. Most of the genetic variation that influences the content and distribution of gangliosides among neurologically normal mice can be considered polygenic. Several possible sources of this genetic variation that may contribute to the differences observed among the strains are discussed.This work was supported by USPHS Grant NS 11853 and by a grant from the Swebilius Fund. T. N. S. is the recipient of a USPHS postdoctoral fellowship (1F32NS0443).  相似文献   

目的了解性发育相关数量性状基因座(quantitative trait locus,QTL)(DXMit68-rs29053133)在近交系小鼠A/J和C3H/HeJ(C3H)中是否存在影响表型的序列差异,以帮助对候选基因进行筛选。方法利用A/J和C3H构建了针对该区段的特异区段替换系小鼠,并对其雌鼠的性发育相关性状进行研究。结果 A/J和C3H在这一QTL中染色体的序列差异,没有引起相关性状的明显差异。结论研究结果显示,A/J和C3H小鼠中该QTL区段中存在序列差异的基因并不是引起性发育表型产生差异的候选基因。  相似文献   

The spinal cord proteomes of two inbred mouse strains with different susceptibility to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a mouse model of multiple sclerosis, were investigated by 2‐DE and MALDI‐MS. A proteome map comprising 304 different protein species was established. Using 2‐D fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis, a comparison of the mouse strains revealed 26 qualitatively polymorphic proteins with altered electrophoretic mobility. MS analyses and DNA sequencing were applied to characterize their structural differences and 14 single amino acid substitutions were identified. Moreover, analysis of selectively enriched phosphopeptides from the neurofilament heavy polypeptide of both mouse strains revealed a high degree of diversity in the phosphorylated C‐terminal domains of this protein. The described approach is capable to structurally characterize qualitative protein polymorphisms, whereas their functional significance remains to be elucidated. For some proteins formerly associated with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and/or multiple sclerosis structural polymorphisms are described here, which may be subjected to further investigations. In addition, this work should be of general interest for proteomic analysis of inbred strains, because it shows potentials and constraints in the use of 2‐DE analysis and MALDI‐MS to detect and characterize structural protein polymorphisms.  相似文献   

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