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This communication reports SARs for the first orexin-1 receptor antagonist series of 1-aryl-3-quinolin-4-yl and 1-aryl-3-naphthyridin-4-yl ureas. One of these compounds, 31 (SB-334867), has excellent selectivity for the orexin-1 receptor, blood-brain barrier permeability and shows in vivo activity following ip dosing.  相似文献   

As a part of our program to develop OX1-CB1 bivalent ligands, we required a better understanding of the basic structure-activity relationships (SARs) of orexin antagonists. A series of SB-334867 analogues were synthesized and evaluated in calcium mobilization assays. SAR results suggest that the 2-methylbenzoxazole moiety may be replaced with a disubstituted 4-aminophenyl group without loss of activity and an electron-deficient system is generally preferred at the 1,5-naphthyridine moiety for OX1 antagonist activity. In particular, substitution of larger potential linkers such as n-hexyl provided compound 33 with equivalent activity at the OX1 receptor compared to the lead compound SB-334867. These compounds should be of value in the development of ligands targeting the orexin-1 receptor and its potential heterodimers.  相似文献   

In an ongoing effort to explore the use of orexin receptor antagonists for the treatment of insomnia, dual orexin receptor antagonists (DORAs) were structurally modified, resulting in compounds selective for the OX2R subtype and culminating in the discovery of 23, a highly potent, OX2R-selective molecule that exhibited a promising in vivo profile. Further structural modification led to an unexpected restoration of OX1R antagonism. Herein, these changes are discussed and a rationale for selectivity based on computational modeling is proposed.  相似文献   

The orexin (or hypocretin) system has been identified as a novel target for the treatment of insomnia due to the wealth of biological and genetic data discovered over the past decade. Recently, clinical proof-of-concept was achieved for the treatment of primary insomnia using dual (OX1R/OX2R) orexin receptor antagonists. However, elucidation of the pharmacology associated with selective orexin-2 receptor antagonists (2-SORAs) has been hampered by the lack of orally bioavailable, highly selective small molecule probes. Herein, the discovery and optimization of a novel series of 2,5-diarylnicotinamides as potent and orally bioavailable orexin-2 receptor selective antagonists is described. A compound from this series demonstrated potent sleep promotion when dosed orally to EEG telemetrized rats.  相似文献   

The discovery and synthesis of a series of (dimethoxyphenoxy)alkylamino acetamides as orexin-2 receptor antagonists from a small-molecule combinatorial library using a high-throughput calcium mobilization functional assay (HEK293-human OX2-R cell line) is described. Active compounds show a good correlation between high-throughput single concentration screening data and measured IC(50)s. Specific examples exhibit IC(50) values of approximately 20 nM using human orexin A as the peptide agonist for the orexin-2 receptor.  相似文献   

In recent years, more and more laboratories have developed functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) for awake non-human primates. This research is essential to provide a link between non-invasive hemodynamic signals recorded in the human brain and the vast body of knowledge gained from invasive electrophysiological studies in monkeys. Given that their brain structure is so closely related to that of humans and that monkeys can be trained to perform complicated behavioral tasks, results obtained with monkey fMRI and electrophysiology can be compared to fMRI results obtained in humans, and provide information crucial to a better understanding of the mechanisms by which different cortical areas perform their functions in the human brain. However, despite that the first publications on fMRI in awake behaving macaques appeared ~10 years ago (Logothetis et al. (1999) [1], Stefanacci et al. (1998) [2], Dubowitz et al. (1998) [3]), relatively few laboratories perform such experiments routinely, a sign of the significant technical difficulties that must be overcome. The higher spatial resolution required because of the animal’s smaller brain results in poorer signal-to-noise ratios than in human fMRI, which is further compounded by problems due to animal motion. Here, we discuss the specific challenges and benefits of fMRI in the awake monkey and review the methodologies and strategies for scanning behaving macaques.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a widely used technique for generating images or maps of human brain activity. The applications of the technique are widespread in cognitive neuroscience and it is hoped they will eventually extend into clinical practice. The activation signal measured with fMRI is predicated on indirectly measuring changes in the concentration of deoxyhaemoglobin which arise from an increase in blood oxygenation in the vicinity of neuronal firing. The exact mechanisms of this blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) contrast are highly complex. The signal measured is dependent on both the underlying physiological events and the imaging physics. BOLD contrast, although sensitive, is not a quantifiable measure of neuronal activity. A number of different imaging techniques and parameters can be used for fMRI, the choice of which depends on the particular requirements of each functional imaging experiment. The high-speed MRI technique, echo-planar imaging provides the basis for most fMRI experiments. The problems inherent to this method and the ways in which these may be overcome are particularly important in the move towards performing functional studies on higher field MRI systems. Future developments in techniques and hardware are also likely to enhance the measurement of brain activity using MRI.  相似文献   

Microimaging based on magnetic resonance is an experimental technique that can provide a unique view of a variety of plant physiological processes. Particularly interesting applications include investigations of water movement and spatially resolved studies of the transport and accumulation of labelled molecules in intact plant tissue. Some of the fundamental principles of nuclear and electron magnetic resonance microimaging are explained here and the potential of these techniques is shown using several representative examples.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has rapidly become an important tool in clinical medicine and biological research. Its functional variant (functional magnetic resonance imaging; fMRI) is currently the most widely used method for brain mapping and studying the neural basis of human cognition. While the method is widespread, there is insufficient knowledge of the physiological basis of the fMRI signal to interpret the data confidently with respect to neural activity. This paper reviews the basic principles of MRI and fMRI, and subsequently discusses in some detail the relationship between the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI signal and the neural activity elicited during sensory stimulation. To examine this relationship, we conducted the first simultaneous intracortical recordings of neural signals and BOLD responses. Depending on the temporal characteristics of the stimulus, a moderate to strong correlation was found between the neural activity measured with microelectrodes and the BOLD signal averaged over a small area around the microelectrode tips. However, the BOLD signal had significantly higher variability than the neural activity, indicating that human fMRI combined with traditional statistical methods underestimates the reliability of the neuronal activity. To understand the relative contribution of several types of neuronal signals to the haemodynamic response, we compared local field potentials (LFPs), single- and multi-unit activity (MUA) with high spatio-temporal fMRI responses recorded simultaneously in monkey visual cortex. At recording sites characterized by transient responses, only the LFP signal was significantly correlated with the haemodynamic response. Furthermore, the LFPs had the largest magnitude signal and linear systems analysis showed that the LFPs were better than the MUAs at predicting the fMRI responses. These findings, together with an analysis of the neural signals, indicate that the BOLD signal primarily measures the input and processing of neuronal information within a region and not the output signal transmitted to other brain regions.  相似文献   

Hypotension in adult animals recruits brain sites extending from cerebellar cortex to the midbrain and forebrain, suggesting a range of motor and endocrine reactions to maintain perfusion. We hypothesized that comparable neural actions during development rely more extensively on localized medullary processes. We used functional MRI to assess neural responses during sodium nitroprusside challenges in 14 isoflurane-anesthetized kittens, aged 14-25 days, and seven adult cats. Baseline arterial pressure increased with age in kittens, and basal heart rates were higher. The magnitude of depressor responses increased with age, while baroreceptor reflex sensitivity initially increased over those of adults. In contrast to a decline in adult cats, functional MRI signal intensity increased significantly in dorsal and ventrolateral medullary regions and the midline raphe in the kittens during the hypotensive challenges. In addition, significant signal intensity differences emerged in cerebellar cortex and deep nuclei, dorsolateral pons, midbrain tectum, hippocampus, thalamus, and insular cortex. The altered neural responses in medullary baroreceptor reflex sites may have resulted from disinhibitory or facilitatory influences from cerebellar and more rostral structures as a result of inadequately developed myelination or other neural processes. A comparable immaturity of blood pressure control mechanisms in humans would have significant clinical implications.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) currently requires lesion identification by gadolinium (Gd)-enhanced or T(2)-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, these methods only identify late-stage pathology associated with blood-brain barrier breakdown. There is a growing belief that more widespread, but currently undetectable, pathology is present in the MS brain. We have previously demonstrated that an anti-VCAM-1 antibody conjugated to microparticles of iron oxide (VCAM-MPIO) enables in vivo detection of VCAM-1 by MRI. Here, in an experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) mouse model of MS, we have shown that presymptomatic lesions can be quantified using VCAM-MPIO when they are undetectable by Gd-enhancing MRI. Moreover, in symptomatic animals VCAM-MPIO binding was present in all regions showing Gd-DTPA enhancement and also in areas of no Gd-DTPA enhancement, which were confirmed histologically to be regions of leukocyte infiltration. VCAM-MPIO binding correlated significantly with increasing disability. Negligible MPIO-induced contrast was found in either EAE animals injected with an equivalent nontargeted contrast agent (IgG-MPIO) or in control animals injected with the VCAM-MPIO. These findings describe a highly sensitive molecular imaging tool that may enable detection of currently invisible pathology in MS, thus accelerating diagnosis, guiding treatment, and enabling quantitative disease assessment.  相似文献   

Novel estrogen-conjugated pyridine-containing Gd(III) and Eu(III) contrast agents (EPTA-Gd/Eu) were designed and effectively synthesized. Convenient to administration and MRI experiments, both EPTA-Gd and EPTA-Eu are soluble in water. The EPTA-Gd selectively binds with a micromolar affinity to the estrogen receptor and induces proliferation of human breast cancer cells. The EPTA-Gd is not lethal and does not cause any adverse effects when administrated intravenously. It enhances T1 and T2 nuclear relaxation rates of water and serves as a selective contrast agent for localizing the estrogen receptor by MRI.  相似文献   

The sigma-2 receptor has been identified as a biomarker in proliferating tumors. To date there is no well-established functional assay for defining sigma-2 agonists and antagonists. Many sigma-2 ligands with diverse structures have been shown to induce cell death in a variety of cancer cells by triggering caspase-dependent and independent apoptosis. Therefore, in the current study, we used the cell viability assay and the caspase-3 activity assay to determine sigma-2 agonists and antagonists. Three classes of sigma-2 ligands developed in our laboratory were evaluated for their potency to induce cell death in two tumor cell lines, mouse breast cancer cell line EMT-6 and human melanoma cell line MDA-MB-435. The data showed that the EC50 values of the sigma-2 ligands using the cell viability assay ranged from 11.4 μM to >200 μM, which were comparable with the EC50 values obtained using the caspase-3 assay. Based on the cytotoxicity of a sigma-2 ligand relative to that of siramesine, a commonly accepted sigma-2 agonist, we have categorized our sigma-2 ligands into agonists, partial agonists, and antagonists. The establishment of functional assays for defining sigma-2 agonists and antagonists will facilitate functional characterization of sigma-2 receptor ligands and sigma-2 receptors.  相似文献   

Li J  Ju P  Li YH 《生理科学进展》2007,38(4):355-357
接触药物相关环境线索可激发成瘾者对药物的渴求感及复吸行为。实验动物研究中药物相关环境线索分为三类:伴药线索、辨别线索和情境线索。在长期停药及用药行为消退后三种环境线索均能诱发觅药行为恢复,而行为机制各具特点:伴药线索条件性强化觅药行为,辨别线索直接激发觅药行为发生,情境线索设定场景诱发觅药行为恢复。三种线索行为效应的神经基础局部相同而又各具特点,其机制的研究有助于对成瘾药物复吸机制的理解及临床戒毒治疗。  相似文献   

Truncated peptide analogues of orexin-A were prepared and their biological activity assesed at the orexin-1 receptor. Progressive N-terminal deletions identified the minimum C-terminal sequence required for maintaining a significant agonist effect, whilst an alanine scan and other pertinent substitutions identified key side-chain and stereochemical requirements for receptor activation.  相似文献   

Techniques in neuroimaging such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have helped to provide insights into the role of supraspinal mechanisms in pain perception. This review focuses on studies that have applied fMRI in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the processing of pain associated with fibromyalgia. This article provides an overview of the nociceptive system as it functions normally, reviews functional brain imaging methods, and integrates the existing literature utilizing fMRI to study central pain mechanisms in fibromyalgia.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization and function of variant subtelomeric multigene families in Plasmodium vivax remain vastly unknown. Among them, the vir superfamily is putatively involved in antigenic variation and in mediating adherence to endothelial receptors. In the absence of a continuous in vitro culture system for P. vivax, we have generated P. falciparum transgenic lines expressing VIR proteins to infer location and function. We chose three proteins pertaining to subfamilies A (VIR17), C (VIR14) and D (VIR10), with domains and secondary structures that predictably traffic these proteins to different subcellular compartments. Here, we showed that VIR17 remained inside the parasite and around merozoites, whereas VIR14 and VIR10 were exported to the membrane of infected red blood cells (iRBCs) in an apparent independent pathway of Maurer's clefts. Remarkably, VIR14 was exposed at the surface of iRBCs and mediated adherence to different endothelial receptors expressed in CHO cells under static conditions. Under physiological flow conditions, however, cytoadherence was only observed to ICAM-1, which was the only receptor whose adherence was specifically and significantly inhibited by antibodies against conserved motifs of VIR proteins. Immunofluorescence studies using these antibodies also showed different subcellular localizations of VIR proteins in P. vivax-infected reticulocytes from natural infections. These data suggest that VIR proteins are trafficked to different cellular compartments and functionally demonstrates that VIR proteins can specifically mediate cytoadherence to the ICAM-1 endothelial receptor.  相似文献   

Human memory is not a unitary function; it consists of multiple memory systems, with different characteristics and specialisations that are implemented in the brain. The cognitive neuroscience of human memory tries to comprehend how we encode, store, and retrieve memory items within and across those systems. The emergence of functional neuroimaging techniques offered the unprecedented opportunity to directly observe the brain regions engaged in memory functions. Brain imaging techniques can roughly be divided into those measuring the electric or magnetic fields generated by neuronal activity (EEG, magnetencephalography [MEG]) and those measuring the haemodynamic or metabolic sequelae of neuronal activity (positron emission tomography [PET], functional magnetic resonance imaging [fMRI]). Out of these techniques, the following two will be discussed in detail: fMRI and PET. Although functional neuroimaging is able to acquire images of the brain engaged in consolidating or retrieving memories, these processes are not clearly visible in the data. Statistical techniques are needed to reduce the complexity of the data and to extract the processes of interest. This article outlines the experimental and analytical procedures of neuroimaging studies with PET and fMRI. We will use a PET-study on episodic memory in human volunteers to illustrate design, analysis, and interpretation of functional imaging studies on memory.  相似文献   

Non-invasive functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) mapping techniques sensitive to the local changes of blood flow, blood volume, and blood oxygenation which accompany neuronal activation have been widely used over the last few years to investigate the functional organization of human cortical motor systems, and specifically of the primary motor cortex. Validation studies have demonstrated a good correspondence between quantitative and topographic aspects of data acquired by fMRI and positron emission tomography. The spatial and temporal resolution affordable by fMRI has allowed to achieve new important information on the distributed representation of hand movements in multiple functional modules, and on the intensity and spatial extent of neural activation in the contralateral and ipsilateral primary motor cortex in relation to parametric and nonparametric aspects of movement and to the degree of handedness. Neural populations with different functional characteristics have been identified in anatomically defined regions, and the temporal aspects of the activation during voluntary movement tracked in different components of the motor system. Finally, this technique has proved useful to deepen our understanding of the neural basis of motor imagery, demonstrating increased activity in the primary motor cortex during mental representation of sequential finger movements.  相似文献   

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