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We measured leaflet displacements and used inverse finite-element analysis to define, for the first time, the material properties of mitral valve (MV) leaflets in vivo. Sixteen miniature radiopaque markers were sewn to the MV annulus, 16 to the anterior MV leaflet, and 1 on each papillary muscle tip in 17 sheep. Four-dimensional coordinates were obtained from biplane videofluoroscopic marker images (60 frames/s) during three complete cardiac cycles. A finite-element model of the anterior MV leaflet was developed using marker coordinates at the end of isovolumic relaxation (IVR; when the pressure difference across the valve is approximately 0), as the minimum stress reference state. Leaflet displacements were simulated during IVR using measured left ventricular and atrial pressures. The leaflet shear modulus (G(circ-rad)) and elastic moduli in both the commisure-commisure (E(circ)) and radial (E(rad)) directions were obtained using the method of feasible directions to minimize the difference between simulated and measured displacements. Group mean (+/-SD) values (17 animals, 3 heartbeats each, i.e., 51 cardiac cycles) were as follows: G(circ-rad) = 121 +/- 22 N/mm2, E(circ) = 43 +/- 18 N/mm2, and E(rad) = 11 +/- 3 N/mm2 (E(circ) > E(rad), P < 0.01). These values, much greater than those previously reported from in vitro studies, may result from activated neurally controlled contractile tissue within the leaflet that is inactive in excised tissues. This could have important implications, not only to our understanding of mitral valve physiology in the beating heart but for providing additional information to aid the development of more durable tissue-engineered bioprosthetic valves.  相似文献   

Left atrial muscle extends into the proximal third of the mitral valve (MV) anterior leaflet and transient tensing of this muscle has been proposed as a mechanism aiding valve closure. If such tensing occurs, regional stiffness in the proximal anterior mitral leaflet will be greater during isovolumic contraction (IVC) than isovolumic relaxation (IVR) and this regional stiffness difference will be selectively abolished by β-receptor blockade. We tested this hypothesis in the beating ovine heart. Radiopaque markers were sewn around the MV annulus and on the anterior MV leaflet in 10 sheep hearts. Four-dimensional marker coordinates were obtained from biplane videofluoroscopy before (CRTL) and after administration of esmolol (ESML). Heterogeneous finite element models of each anterior leaflet were developed using marker coordinates over matched pressures during IVC and IVR for CRTL and ESML. Leaflet displacements were simulated using measured left ventricular and atrial pressures and a response function was computed as the difference between simulated and measured displacements. Circumferential and radial elastic moduli for ANNULAR, BELLY and EDGE leaflet regions were iteratively varied until the response function reached a minimum. The stiffness values at this minimum were interpreted as the in vivo regional material properties of the anterior leaflet. For all regions and all CTRL beats IVC stiffness was 40–58% greater than IVR stiffness. ESML reduced ANNULAR IVC stiffness to ANNULAR IVR stiffness values. These results strongly implicate transient tensing of leaflet atrial muscle during IVC as the basis of the ANNULAR IVC–IVR stiffness difference.  相似文献   

Knowledge of mitral valve (MV) mechanics is essential for the understanding of normal MV function, and the design and evaluation of new surgical repair procedures. In the present study, we extended our investigation of MV dynamic strain behavior to quantify the dynamic strain on the central region of the posterior leaflet. Native porcine MVs were mounted in an in-vitro physiologic flow loop. The papillary muscle (PM) positions were set to the normal, taut, and slack states to simulate physiological and pathological PM positions. Leaflet deformation was measured by tracking the displacements of 16 small markers placed in the central region of the posterior leaflet. Local leaflet tissue strain and strain rates were calculated from the measured displacements under dynamic loading conditions. A total of 18 mitral valves were studied. Our findings indicated the following: (1) There was a rapid rise in posterior leaflet strain during valve closure followed by a plateau where no additional strain (i.e., no creep) occurred. (2) The strain field was highly anisotropic with larger stretches and stretch rates in the radial direction. There were negligible stretches, or even compression (stretch < 1) in the circumferential direction at the beginning of valve closure. (3) The areal strain curves were similar to the stretches in the trends. The posterior leaflet showed no significant differences in either peak stretches or stretch rates during valve closure between the normal, taut, and slack PM positions. (4) As compared with the anterior leaflet, the posterior leaflet demonstrated overall lower stretch rates in the normal PM position. However, the slack and taut PM positions did not demonstrate the significant difference in the stretch rates and areal strain rates between the posterior leaflet and the anterior leaflet. The MV posterior leaflet exhibited pronounced mechanically anisotropic behavior Loading rates of the MV posterior leaflet were very high. The PM positions influenced neither peak stretch nor stretch rates in the central area of the posterior leaflet. The stretch rates and areal strain rates were significantly lower in the posterior leaflet than those measured in the anterior leaflet in the normal PM position. However, the slack and taut PM positions did not demonstrate the significant differences between the posterior leaflet and the anterior leaflet. We conclude that PM positions may influence the posterior strain in a different way as compared to the anterior leaflet.  相似文献   

Aim: The functional significance of the autonomic nerves in the anterior mitral valve leaflet (AML) is unknown. We tested the hypothesis that remote stimulation of the vagus nerve (VNS) reduces AML stiffness in the beating heart. Methods: Forty-eight radiopaque-markers were implanted into eleven ovine hearts to delineate left ventricular and mitral anatomy, including an AML array. The anesthetized animals were then taken to the catheterization laboratory and 4-D marker coordinates obtained from biplane videofluoroscopy before and after VNS. Circumferential (Ecirc) and radial (Erad) stiffness values for three separate AML regions, Annulus, Belly and Edge, were obtained from inverse finite element analysis of AML displacements in response to trans-leaflet pressure changes during isovolumic contraction (IVC) and isovolumic relaxation (IVR). Results: VNS reduced heart rate: 94±9 vs. 82±10 min?1, (mean±SD, p<0.001). Circumferential AML stiffness was significantly reduced in all three regions during IVC and IVR (all p<0.05). Radial AML stiffness was reduced from control in the annular and belly regions at both IVC and IVR (P<0.05), while the reduction did not reach significance at the AML edge. Conclusion: These observations suggest that one potential functional role for the parasympathetic nerves in the AML is to alter leaflet stiffness. Neural control of the contractile tissue in the AML could be part of a central control system capable of altering valve stiffness to adapt to changing hemodynamic demands.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - The tricuspid leaflets coapt during systole to facilitate proper valve function and, thus, ensure efficient transport of deoxygenated blood to the...  相似文献   

The mitral valve, as an active flap, forms the major part of the left ventricular inflow tract and therefore plays an important function in many aspects of left ventricular performance. The anterior leaflet of this valve is the largest and most ventrally placed of two leaflets that come together during ventricular systole to close the left atrioventricular orifice. Various neurotransmitters are responsible for different functions including controlling valve movement, inhibiting or causing the failure of impulse conduction in the valve and the sensation of pain. Nitric oxide acts as a gaseous free radical neurotransmitter, neuromediator and effective cardiovascular modulator. Acetyl-choline is known to function as a typical neurotransmitter. Histochemical methods for detection of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-d), as an indirect nitric oxide-synthase marker, and method for detection of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were used. Both methods were performed on the same valve sample. A widespread distribution of nerve fibres was observed in the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve. The fine NADPH-d positive (nitrergic) nerve fibres were identified in all zones of valve leaflet. AChE positive (cholinergic) nerve fibres were identified forming dense network and fibres organized in stripes. Endocardial cells and vessels manifested heavy NADPH-d activity. Our observations suggest a different arrangement of nitrergic and cholinergic nerve fibres in the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve. The presence of nitrergic and cholinergic activity confirms the involvement of both neurotransmitters in nerve plexuses and other structures of mitral valve.Key words: NADPH-diaphorase, acetylcholinesterase, heart, mitral valve, nerve fibres, vessels, rat.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that the mitral valve anterior leaflet (MVAL) exhibited minimal hysteresis, no strain rate sensitivity, stress relaxation but not creep (Grashow et al., 2006, Ann Biomed Eng., 34(2), pp. 315-325; Grashow et al., 2006, Ann Biomed. Eng., 34(10), pp. 1509-1518). However, the underlying structural basis for this unique quasi-elastic mechanical behavior is presently unknown. As collagen is the major structural component of the MVAL, we investigated the relation between collagen fibril kinematics (rotation and stretch) and tissue-level mechanical properties in the MVAL under biaxial loading using small angle X-ray scattering. A novel device was developed and utilized to perform simultaneous measurements of tissue level forces and strain under a planar biaxial loading state. Collagen fibril D-period strain (epsilonD) and the fibrillar angular distribution were measured under equibiaxial tension, creep, and stress relaxation to a peak tension of 90 N/m. Results indicated that, under equibiaxial tension, collagen fibril straining did not initiate until the end of the nonlinear region of the tissue-level stress-strain curve. At higher tissue tension levels, epsilonD increased linearly with increasing tension. Changes in the angular distribution of the collagen fibrils mainly occurred in the tissue toe region. Using epsilonD, the tangent modulus of collagen fibrils was estimated to be 95.5+/-25.5 MPa, which was approximately 27 times higher than the tissue tensile tangent modulus of 3.58+/-1.83 MPa. In creep tests performed at 90 N/m equibiaxial tension for 60 min, both tissue strain and epsilonD remained constant with no observable changes over the test length. In contrast, in stress relaxation tests performed for 90 min epsilonD was found to rapidly decrease in the first 10 min followed by a slower decay rate for the remainder of the test. Using a single exponential model, the time constant for the reduction in collagen fibril strain was 8.3 min, which was smaller than the tissue-level stress relaxation time constants of 22.0 and 16.9 min in the circumferential and radial directions, respectively. Moreover, there was no change in the fibril angular distribution under both creep and stress relaxation over the test period. Our results suggest that (1) the MVAL collagen fibrils do not exhibit intrinsic viscoelastic behavior, (2) tissue relaxation results from the removal of stress from the fibrils, possibly by a slipping mechanism modulated by noncollagenous components (e.g. proteoglycans), and (3) the lack of creep but the occurrence of stress relaxation suggests a "load-locking" behavior under maintained loading conditions. These unique mechanical characteristics are likely necessary for normal valvular function.  相似文献   

Cardiac tamponade is the phenomenon of hemodynamic compromise caused by a pericardial effusion. Following a myocardial infarction, the most common causes of pericardial fluid include early pericarditis, Dressler's syndrome, and hemopericardium secondary to a free wall rupture. On transthoracic echocardiography, pericardial fluid appears as an echo-free space in between the visceral and parietal layers of the pericardium. Pericardial fat has a similar appearance on echocardiography and it may be difficult to discern the two entities. We present a case of a post-MI patient demonstrating pseudo tamponade physiology in the setting of excessive pericardial fat.  相似文献   

The ovine stifle joint is a promising animal model for investigation of joint mechanobiology. A method for in vivo measurement of dynamic 3-D kinematics of the ovine stifle joint is described (accuracy: 0.36 +/- 0.39 mm). Inter-subject variability in kinematics is greater than both intra-subject and inter-session variability. For future studies in which joint kinematics are measured prior to and following controlled orthopaedic interventions, pooling of data should be avoided and each subject should act as its own control.  相似文献   

Estimation of regional tissue stresses in the functioning heart valve remains an important goal in our understanding of normal valve function and in developing novel engineered tissue strategies for valvular repair and replacement. Methods to accurately estimate regional tissue stresses are thus needed for this purpose, and in particular to develop accurate, statistically informed means to validate computational models of valve function. Moreover, there exists no currently accepted method to evaluate engineered heart valve tissues and replacement heart valve biomaterials undergoing valvular stresses in blood contact. While we have utilized mitral valve anterior leaflet valvuloplasty as an experimental approach to address this limitation, robust computational techniques to estimate implant stresses are required. In the present study, we developed a novel numerical analysis approach for estimation of the in-vivo stresses of the central region of the mitral valve anterior leaflet (MVAL) delimited by a sonocrystal transducer array. The in-vivo material properties of the MVAL were simulated using an inverse FE modeling approach based on three pseudo-hyperelastic constitutive models: the neo-Hookean, exponential-type isotropic, and full collagen–fiber mapped transversely isotropic models. A series of numerical replications with varying structural configurations were developed by incorporating measured statistical variations in MVAL local preferred fiber directions and fiber splay. These model replications were then used to investigate how known variations in the valve tissue microstructure influence the estimated ROI stresses and its variation at each time point during a cardiac cycle. Simulations were also able to include estimates of the variation in tissue stresses for an individual specimen dataset over the cardiac cycle. Of the three material models, the transversely anisotropic model produced the most accurate results, with ROI averaged stresses at the fully-loaded state of  432.6±46.5 kPa and 241.4±40.5 kPa in the radial and circumferential directions, respectively. We conclude that the present approach can provide robust instantaneous mean and variation estimates of tissue stresses of the central regions of the MVAL.  相似文献   

A new design for posterior leaflet resection, "butterfly resection," is proposed. It is a combination of two triangular resections in the prolapsing posterior leaflet segment. This method minimizes resection in the target segment, and it prevents systolic anterior motion by reducing the height of the posterior leaflet according to the amount of excess tissue. We have used this technique for 60.4% (29 of 48) of posterior leaflet prolapse cases with zero hospital mortality and no morbidity. Postbypass transesophageal echocardiography identified no more than mild regurgitation and no sign of systolic anterior motion. During 13.1 ± 6.8 months of follow-up, patients neither died nor needed reoperation.  相似文献   

The collagen fibers observed in calcified valves appear randomly distributed without any preferential arrangement. In these areas also the hydroxylapatite crystals do not show any orientation. It is suggested that the disorder of the organic phase is a factor favouring the deposition of the calcium crystals.  相似文献   

Excised anterior mitral leaflets exhibit anisotropic, non-linear material behavior with pre-transitional stiffness ranging from 0.06 to 0.09 N/mm2 and post-transitional stiffness from 2 to 9 N/mm2. We used inverse finite element (FE) analysis to test, for the first time, whether the anterior mitral leaflet (AML), in vivo, exhibits similar non-linear behavior during isovolumic relaxation (IVR). Miniature radiopaque markers were sewn to the mitral annulus, AML, and papillary muscles in 8 sheep. Four-dimensional marker coordinates were obtained using biplane videofluoroscopic imaging during three consecutive cardiac cycles. A FE model of the AML was developed using marker coordinates at the end of isovolumic relaxation (when pressure difference across the valve is approximately zero), as the reference state. AML displacements were simulated during IVR using measured left ventricular and atrial pressures. AML elastic moduli in the radial and circumferential directions were obtained for each heartbeat by inverse FEA, minimizing the difference between simulated and measured displacements. Stress–strain curves for each beat were obtained from the FE model at incrementally increasing transmitral pressure intervals during IVR. Linear regression of 24 individual stress–strain curves (8 hearts, 3 beats each) yielded a mean (±SD) linear correlation coefficient (r2) of 0.994±0.003 for the circumferential direction and 0.995±0.003 for the radial direction. Thus, unlike isolated leaflets, the AML, in vivo, operates linearly over a physiologic range of pressures in the closed mitral valve.  相似文献   

Aortic valve (AV) calcification is a highly prevalent disease with serious impact on mortality and morbidity. Although exact causes and mechanisms of AV calcification are unclear, previous studies suggest that mechanical forces play a role. Since calcium deposits occur almost exclusively on the aortic surfaces of AV leaflets, it has been hypothesized that adverse patterns of fluid shear stress on the aortic surface of AV leaflets promote calcification. The current study characterizes AV leaflet aortic surface fluid shear stresses using Laser Doppler velocimetry and an in vitro pulsatile flow loop. The valve model used was a native porcine valve mounted on a suturing ring and preserved using 0.15% glutaraldehyde solution. This valve model was inserted in a mounting chamber with sinus geometries, which is made of clear acrylic to provide optical access for measurements. To understand the effects of hemodynamics on fluid shear stress, shear stress was measured across a range of conditions: varying stroke volumes at the same heart rate and varying heart rates at the same stroke volume. Systolic shear stress magnitude was found to be much higher than diastolic shear stress magnitude due to the stronger flow in the sinuses during systole, reaching up to 20 dyn/cm2 at mid-systole. Upon increasing stroke volume, fluid shear stresses increased due to stronger sinus fluid motion. Upon increasing heart rate, fluid shear stresses decreased due to reduced systolic duration that restricted the formation of strong sinus flow. Significant changes in the shear stress waveform were observed at 90 beats/min, most likely due to altered leaflet dynamics at this higher heart rate. Overall, this study represents the most well-resolved shear stress measurements to date across a range of conditions on the aortic side of the AV. The data presented can be used for further investigation to understand AV biological response to shear stresses.  相似文献   

Aortic valve (AV) calcification is a highly prevalent disease with serious impact on mortality and morbidity. The exact causes and mechanisms of AV calcification are unclear, although previous studies suggest that mechanical forces play a role. It has been clinically demonstrated that calcification preferentially occurs on the aortic surface of the AV. This is hypothesized to be due to differences in the mechanical environments on the two sides of the valve. It is thus necessary to characterize fluid shear forces acting on both sides of the leaflet to test this hypothesis. The current study is one of two studies characterizing dynamic shear stress on both sides of the AV leaflets. In the current study, shear stresses on the ventricular surface of the AV leaflets were measured experimentally on two prosthetic AV models with transparent leaflets in an in vitro pulsatile flow loop using two-component Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV). Experimental measurements were utilized to validate a theoretical model of AV ventricular surface shear stress based on the Womersley profile in a straight tube, with corrections for the opening angle of the valve leaflets. This theoretical model was applied to in vivo data based on MRI-derived volumetric flow rates and valve dimension obtained from the literature. Experimental results showed that ventricular surface shear stress was dominated by the streamwise component. The systolic shear stress waveform resembled a half-sinusoid during systole and peaks at 64–71 dyn/cm2, and reversed in direction at the end of systole for 15–25?ms, and reached a significant negative magnitude of 40–51 dyn/cm2. Shear stresses from the theoretical model applied to in vivo data showed that shear stresses peaked at 77–92 dyn/cm2 and reversed in direction for substantial period of time (108–110?ms) during late systole with peak negative shear stress of 35–38 dyn/cm2.  相似文献   

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