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The effect of heating conditions on the crust color formation was investigated during the baking of white bread. The surface temperatures were monitored with thermocouples attached to the inside surface of the loaf pan cover. The trace of the surface color in the L(*)a(*)b(*) color coordinate system is defined as the characteristic coloring curve. The overall baking process was classified into the following four stages based on the characteristic coloring curve: i) pre-heating (surface temperature < 110 °C), ii) Maillard reaction (110-150 °C), iii) caramelization (150-200 °C), and iv) over-baking (surface temperature>200 °C). A linear relationship was observed between the L(*) decrease and the increase in weight loss of a sample at each oven air temperature. The L(*) value appeared to be suitable as an indicator to control the surface color by baking conditions.  相似文献   

Stability of quality in bread wheat was investigated for the first time with the alveograph test, a rheological test providing four technological traits. Assessment of stability was reliable because a large set of varieties (ten) were grown over a wide range of environments (14). Varieties and environments were representative of French agricultural practices. A procedure to evaluate stability of quality is proposed. Stability was measured by ecovalence, which was then modelled to determine response to environments for each genotype. A joint regression model was compared to a biadditive model with two multiplicative terms. The regression model explained a very much smaller part of ecovalence than the biadditive model. The latter made it possible to pool cultivars for genotypexenvironment interactions and to characterize varieties for their responsiveness to environments. Two check varieties for stability and instability were identified.  相似文献   


Key message

Genomic selection shows great promise for pre-selecting lines with superior bread baking quality in early generations, 3 years ahead of labour-intensive, time-consuming, and costly quality analysis.


The genetic improvement of baking quality is one of the grand challenges in wheat breeding as the assessment of the associated traits often involves time-consuming, labour-intensive, and costly testing forcing breeders to postpone sophisticated quality tests to the very last phases of variety development. The prospect of genomic selection for complex traits like grain yield has been shown in numerous studies, and might thus be also an interesting method to select for baking quality traits. Hence, we focused in this study on the accuracy of genomic selection for laborious and expensive to phenotype quality traits as well as its selection response in comparison with phenotypic selection. More than 400 genotyped wheat lines were, therefore, phenotyped for protein content, dough viscoelastic and mixing properties related to baking quality in multi-environment trials 2009–2016. The average prediction accuracy across three independent validation populations was r = 0.39 and could be increased to r = 0.47 by modelling major QTL as fixed effects as well as employing multi-trait prediction models, which resulted in an acceptable prediction accuracy for all dough rheological traits (r = 0.38–0.63). Genomic selection can furthermore be applied 2–3 years earlier than direct phenotypic selection, and the estimated selection response was nearly twice as high in comparison with indirect selection by protein content for baking quality related traits. This considerable advantage of genomic selection could accordingly support breeders in their selection decisions and aid in efficiently combining superior baking quality with grain yield in newly developed wheat varieties.

Genetic variation among 78 irrigated bread wheat genotypes was studied for their nutritional value and baking quality traits as well as some agronomic traits. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replicates under normal and terminal drought stress conditions in Kermanshah, Iran during 2012–2013 cropping season. The results of combined ANOVA indicated highly significant genotypic differences for all traits. All studied traits except grain yield, hectoliter weight and grain fiber content were significantly affected by genotype × environment interaction. Drought stress reduced grain yield, thousand kernel weight, gluten index, grain starch content and hectoliter weight and slightly promoted grain protein and fiber contents, falling number, total gluten and ratio of wet gluten to grain protein content. Grain yield by 31.66% and falling number by 9.20% attained the highest decrease and increase due to drought stress. There were negative and significant correlations among grain yield with grain protein and fiber contents under both conditions. Results of cluster analysis showed that newer genotypes had more grain yield and gluten index than older ones, but instead, they had the lower grain protein and fiber contents. It is thought that wheat breeders have bred cultivars with high grain yield, low protein content, and improved bread-making attributes during last seven decades. While older genotypes indicated significantly higher protein contents, and some of them had higher gluten index. We concluded from this study that it is imperative for breeders to pay more attention to improve qualitative traits coordinated to grain yield.  相似文献   

Using additives of arabinogalactan (AG) isolated from Siberian larch, we examined the soft wheat flour quality and quantity of gluten, physical properties of the dough, and quality of finished bread depending on the quantity of the added polysaccharide. In the case of the addition of 1–3% of AG to flour, its content decreases in the final product. An excess amount of AG inhibits yeast growth, which leads to a decrease in bread quality. The optimum addition of AG to flour is 1%, at which the technological properties of flour and dough do not change significantly, but the quality of bread becomes remarkably better; furthermore, arabinogalactan is fully consumed in the course of bread preparation. The use of AG is recommended in the optimum dose for increasing the quality of baked goods.  相似文献   

The derivation and application of the general characteristics of bioheat transfer for medical applications are shown in this paper. Two general bioheat transfer characteristics are derived from solutions of one-dimensional Pennes’ bioheat transfer equation: steady-state thermal penetration depth, which is the deepest depth where the heat effect reaches; and time to reach steady-state, which represents the amount of time necessary for temperature distribution to converge to a steady-state. All results are described by dimensionless form; therefore, these results provide information on temperature distribution in biological tissue for various thermal therapies by transforming to dimension form.  相似文献   

Sterigmatocystin (STC) is a carcinogenic and mutagenic mycotoxin produced by fungi of many Aspergillus species. The aim of this research was to test the stability of STC during the bread making process and to check bread samples from the Latvian market for STC contamination, using a previously developed electrospray positive ionisation (ESI+) liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method. Wheat grain naturally contaminated with STC was used for bread baking. STC was found to be stable during the bread-making process. In the food survey 17% of the analysed breads were positive for STC, with concentration levels of 2-7 μg kg-1. One out of six rye bread samples, one out of nine rye-wheat bread samples and three out of 14 wheat bread samples were contaminated with STC. Four out of five contaminated samples contained whole grains as the main ingredient. We conclude that whole grain bread may be a possible source of STC, although even STC-positive bread samples identified in this study contained quite low toxin levels.  相似文献   

The oxygen transfer properties of a novel, centrifugal, packed-bed reactor (CPBR) during viscous xanthan fermentation were determined with respect to the effects of the arrangement of the centrifugal, packed bed (CPB) and the recirculation loop (RL). Characterized by the maximum volumetric transfer coefficient (kLa) in xanthan broth, the aeration efficiency of CPBR was compared to those in stirred-tank reactors (STR) equipped with disc turbines (DT) or marine propellers (MP), and to that in a water-in-oil emulsion (WIO). As expected, STR-WIO showed the highest kLa (0.038 s-1 at 2%) among all systems studied due to reduced broth viscosity; however, practical difficulties exist in product recovery. It was found that, at 3.5% xanthan the kLa in CPBR (0.018 s-1) was higher than that of STR (0.005 s-1) and close to that of STR-WIO (0.020 s-1), indicating improved oxygen transfer at such a xanthan concentration. The exterior baffles along the rotating fibrous matrix offer additional agitation in the viscous broth. A gas-continuous arrangement, in which the CPB was kept above the broth, was able to elevate kLa to 0.023 s-1, higher than that of STR-WIO. The external RL operated by a peristaltic pump was found to play an important role in CPBR aeration by providing better gas-liquid contact. With the improved oxygen transfer efficiency in CPBR at high xanthan concentrations, the CPBR system is practically the preferred system for xanthan fermentation. The characteristic roles of CPB arrangement and the RL should be considered primarily during scale-up operation.  相似文献   

Ovarian cycle in albino rats was applied to ascertain the problem of the relationship between the salivary and endocrine glands, and also of the extent of participation of individual components of the salivary glands with different functional orientation in the endocrine regulation of individual components of the salivary glands. The content of protein, mucopolysaccharides, DNA, and RNA, the activity of NAD- and NADP-diaphorase, alkaline phosphatase, malate and isocitrate dehydrogenase, alpha-leucine-aminopeptidase was studied. Cytospectrophotometric analysis showed that synchronous changes in the activity of the enzymes under study occurred in all the portions of the salivary glands, depending on the ovarian cycle phases. Of the four successive phases of the cycle the greatest activity of the enzymes and of the protein and mucopolysaccharide content was noted during the proestrus and metaestrus. Different metabolic processes were observed in the salivary ducts in comparison with other parts of the gland; this was apparently connected with peculiarities of the secretion and hormone production.  相似文献   

Different ways of treating bran by baking enzymes prior to dough making and the baking process were used to increase the amount of water-soluble dietary fiber (DF) in wheat bread with added bran. Soluble DF was extracted from the bread with water and separated from the digestible material with gastrointestinal tract enzymes and by solvent precipitation. The baking enzyme mixtures tested (xylanase and glucanase/cellulase, with and without lipase) increased the amounts of soluble arabinoxylan and protein resistant to digestion. The isolated fiber was used as a growth substrate for 11 probiotic and intestinal Bifidobacterium strains, for commensal strains of Bacteroides fragilis and Escherichia coli, and for potential intestinal pathogenic strains of E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella typhimurium, and Clostridium perfringens. Fermentation analyses indicated that the tested strains had varying capacity to grow in the presence of the extracted fiber. Of the tested probiotic strains B. longum species generally showed the highest ability to utilize the fiber extracts, although the potential pathogens tested also showed an ability to grow on these fiber extracts. In sum, the enzymes used to improve the baking process for high-fiber bread can also be used to produce in situ soluble fiber material, which in turn can exert prebiotic effects on certain potentially beneficial microbes.  相似文献   

目的 从野生酵母筛选出对可溶性糖产生既可氧化又可还原、并发生反式反应的酵母菌株,使其能应用于相关物质的生物合成.方法 对从面包中滋生出多种的野生菌落采用依形态、使易糖氧化为主要特征筛选出野生酵母菌落.结果 从3株野生菌株(JM1、JM2、JM3)中筛选出JM1,该菌株能使体内发生反式催化的氧化反应.结论 该菌株适宜的生...  相似文献   

High temperatures during seedling growth are considered as one of the factors that can modify surviving properties in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plant. This work attempts to evaluate the heat shock responses of seedling of winter wheat (Bezostaya-1) using growth parameters (seedling length, embryonal root length and embryonal root number), membrane stability index (MSI) and two dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis analysis of heat shock proteins (HSPs) during heat shock. Seedlings grown until first leaf opening at controlled conditions (23 degrees C, 200 micromol m(-2) s(-1), 16h day/8h night, 50-60% humidity) were exposed to 37 degrees C or 45 degrees C high temperatures for 2, 4 and 8 hours. While 37 degrees C did not cause any significant change, 45 degrees C heat treatments caused significant decrease in terms of seedling and root length, and leaf MSI for all exposure times. However, all the plants from 45 degrees C heat treatments continued to grow during recovery period. 2D protein analysis indicated that 37 degrees C, 8 hours exposure caused stronger and more diverse heat shock response than the other treatments, followed by 37 degrees C, 4 hours, 45 degrees C, 8 hours, 45 degrees C, 4 hours, 45 degrees C, 2 hours treatments. 5 protein spots, ranging from 6-7.8 pl (isoelectric point) and 27-31.7 kDA molecular weight, were expressed at 37 degrees C, 2 hours and continued at 37 and 45 degrees C for all exposure times. This suggests that these early proteins and other newly synthesized proteins may have protective effects at 37 and 45 degrees C and provide plants for healthy growth during the recovery period.  相似文献   

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