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The Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae specimens showed a karyotype consisting of 2n = 50 chromosomes with 12 metacentrics, 36 submetacentrics and two subtelocentrics. In addition to the basic karyotype, all the males specimens have cells ranging from zero to two B microchromosomes in mitotic metaphases. These chromosomes were not observed in the female specimens. C-band analysis showed a distribution pattern of characteristic heterochromatin with interstitial and centromeric blocks. However, the B chromosomes were faintly stained with C-banding and were not fluorescent with CMA3 staining. The meiotic studies showed the formation of bivalents in metaphase I and in pachytene under an optical microscope. Through synaptonemal complex analysis with an electron microscope, the pachytene showed 25 bivalents completely paired and a small bivalent corresponding to the B chromosomes. In the same preparation, one of the B chromosomes was observed in a univalent form. On the basis of pairing behavior and morphology it is assumed that B chromosomes of M. sanctaefilomenae show homology between them and their evolutionary aspects are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Populations of Astyanax paranae, Astyanax fasciatus and Astyanax altiparanae collected from the Pindorama and Lopei streams (upper Paraná river basin, Brazil) were cytogenetically studied, checking for chromosomal differentiation and the evolutionary trend in the three species. Forty-eight chromosomes (8m + 20sm + 10st + 10a) were observed in both populations of Astyanax paranae. Astyanax fasciatus exhibited 50 chromosomes (8m + 18sm + 10st + 14a, Pindorama stream; 8m + 14sm + 12st + 16a, Lopei stream). The diploid number for A. altiparanae was 50 chromosomes in both populations (6m + 30sm + 4st + 10a). The three studied species exhibited multiple AgNORs with differences among the populations of A. paranae and A. fasciatus. Regarding the heterochromatin distribution, interpopulational differences were observed in the three species. The data of the present study demonstrate that both A. paranae and A. fasciatus exhibit karyotypical interpopulational differences more conspicuous than A. altiparanae populations, probably due to the characteristics that restricted both the A. paranae and the A. fasciatus to the upper portion of the streams, leading to the fixation of different chromosomal rearrangements in the populations. However, the absence of conspicuos interpopulational karyotypical differences in A. altiparanae suggests a gene flow between both populations. In the present study, the role of the streams as an environment which maintains the diversity of fish with different genetic pools became evident.  相似文献   

Mean biomass (153-1) and production (P) of fish in two small tributaries of the Paraná River (Paraná, Brazil) were 61 kg ha–1 and 48 kg ha–1 yr–1 in the Caracu River and 29 kg ha–1 and 26 kg ha–1 yr–1 in the Agua do Rancho River, respectively. Matrix correlation analysis revealed high positive correlations of both 153-2 and P to maximum depth and hiding places and, at a lower level of significance, to mean depth, pH and oxygen level. Lower 153-3 and P values were found in the Agua do Rancho River, whose valley has retained a more natural character, rich canopy and scarcity of macrophytes, but also lower conductivity and nitrogen and phosphate levels than those in the Caracu River.Address for correspondence  相似文献   

The composition and spatial and temporal variation of oligochaete community were analyzed in Patos Lake and Ivinhema River, a tributary of the Paraná River Brazil, during the period March 1993 to February 1994. Lentic and lotic environments were studied, with the objective of analyzing species association and temporal changes in the function of the abiotic variables at nine sites studied. Seventeen species of oligochaetes were identified. Oligochaete association was analyzed by Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and abiotic variables, by Principal Components Analysis (PCA). This method showed that Aulodrilus pigueti predominated in Patos Lake, probably because it has adapted to mud with high organic matter in low currents. Brinkhurstia americanus predominated at the right bank of the Ivinhema River while Paranadrilus descolei predominated at the left bank. Temporal variation of organism density was influenced by hydrological cycle, and spatial variation was determined by grain size and quantities of organic matter in the sediments.  相似文献   

To determine the polymorphisms of the prion protein gene in sheep from the state of Paraná, Brazil, 323 animals of meat breeds (Suffolk, Hampshire Down, Texel, Ile de France, Dorper, Dorset, Santa Inês and crossbreds) were genotyped by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. The most frequent allele was ARQ, with a frequency of 0.61, followed by ARR (0.30). VRQ and AHQ alleles were present at very low frequencies (0.13 and 0.05 respectively), and the ARH allele was not found. Seven genotypes were identified (ARR/ARR, ARR/ARQ, ARQ/ARQ, ARR/VRQ, ARR/AHQ, ARQ/VRQ and ARQ/AHQ), of which ARQ/ARQ was the most frequent (0.41). The Santa Inês breed and crossbred animals showed the highest genotypic variability.  相似文献   

Two allopatric morphotypes of the genus Rinelocaria were compared through the allozyme electrophoresis technique: one morphotype, R. pentamaculata, from the Keller River in the middle stretch of the Ivaí River basin and the other, R. aff. pentamaculata, from the São João River in the upper portion of the Ivaí River basin. The morphotype from the São João River was collected upstream from the São João waterfall, which is about 80 m deep. Twelve enzymatic systems (AAT, ADH, EST, GCDH, G3PDH, GPI, IDH, LDH, MDH, ME, PGM and SOD) were analyzed, which allowed to score 22 loci. Only lociAat-2, Est-3 and Mdh-C showed polymorphism. The two samples differed in allele frequencies at the three polymorphic loci. The average expected heterozygosity for all loci was 0.0806 ± 0.0447 in the Keller River sample. For the São João River morphotype, this value was 0.0489 ± 0.0350. Nei'' s genetic identity and distance between the two populations were respectively 0.9789 and 0.0213. Wright''s FIS , FIT and FST over all loci were estimated as 0.3121, 0.4021 and 0.1309, respectively. We consider that the two morphotypes represent species in statunascendi.  相似文献   

Almost all species of the Curimatidae family have a stable karyotype, with a diploid number of 54 metacentric (M) and submetacentric (SM) chromosomes, and one sole nucleolus organizer pair. This family has considerable specific diversity in Argentinean fluvial basins; however, no cytogenetic data are available. Eight species from the Paraná River (Argentina): Cyphocharax voga, C. spilotus, C. platanus, Steindachnerina brevipinna, S. conspersa, Curimatella dorsalis, Psectrogaster curviventris, and Potamorhina squamoralevis were analyzed cytogenetically. Chromosome preparations were obtained from direct samples and through cell culture, and they were processed for conventional, C- and nucleolar organizer region-banding. Six of the species exhibited the standard family karyotype, with 2n = 54 M-SM and fundamental number of chromosomes (FN) = 108, as well as variations in the chromosome formula, and in heterochromatic and nucleolar organizer regions. Though nucleolar organizer regions were located on only one chromosome pair, they varied in both carrier chromosomes and pairs involved. On the other hand, C. platanus showed a complement of 2n = 58 M-SM and subtelocentric with FN = 116, and P. squamoralevis presented 2n = 102, with some M-SM and a large number of acrocentric chromosomes. Even though the karyotype macrostructure appears to be conserved, the speciation process within the family has been accompanied by micro-structural rearrangements, as evidenced by pattern diversity in the heterochromatin and nucleolar organizer regions. Some changes in chromosome macrostructure have also occurred in this group, primarily in C. platanus and P. squamoralevis, in which there have been centric dissociations and inversions.  相似文献   

In the main channel of the Upper Paraná River, four sampling sites were established according to the profile of the bottom. Samples were carried out monthly from July 1993 to February 1995 with a modified Petersen grab. Four species were found at four sites: Potamocaris bifida, P. bidens, P. bidentata and P. tridentata. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated differences in the preferred microhabitats of the Potamocaris species, mainly in regard to sand particle size in the main river channel. Bedform stability was the most important factor affecting the abundance of this community.  相似文献   

Gomes  L. C.  Miranda  L. E. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):205-214
In reservoirs of the Upper Paraná River Basin, Brazil Paraguay, phytoplankton biomass is generally low relative to reservoirs in other parts of the world. To investigate what might be limiting phytoplankton biomass in the Upper Paraná reservoirs, we used an empirical approach wherein climatic conditions in the basin as well as chemical, hydrological and morphometrical characteristics of 13 reservoirs, were compared against those prevailing in 58 reservoirs of the south-central United States. In both regions, phytoplankton biomass was correlated with chemical, hydrological and morphometrical characteristics of the reservoirs. There were no differences in phosphorus concentrations between the two regions, nitrogen levels were higher in the Upper Paraná, ionic concentrations were higher in the south-central United States and there were major differences in all physical characteristics considered. In reservoirs of the south-central United States, hydraulic retention time increased and discharges decreased during the post-spawning period allowing increases in phytoplankton biomass; in the Upper Paraná River Basin, discharges peaked during the post-spawning period, delaying the peak of phytoplankton blooms until after completion of the post-spawning period. Our comparison between the two sets of reservoirs suggests that hydrologic regimes dictate differences in phytoplankton biomass and that hydrology of the Upper Paraná River Basin, exacerbated by climatic patterns, deter phytoplankton production despite suitable levels of essential nutrients.  相似文献   

Length-Weight relationship (LWRs) were estimated for four fish species occurring in the Ibicuí River drainage basin, southern Brazil. Samples were captured monthly during the spring and summer seasons (October 2018 to March 2019). The fish were caught with gillnets of different meshes (15, 20, 25, 30, 40 mm between adjacent nodes) and a trawl net (5 mm mesh between adjacent nodes) Eighteen excursions were realized in three sites, with a length of approximately 100 km, in third-order flux, all distributed in sub-basin Ibicuí River. The captured tools were installed at the end of the day (6 p.m.) and removed around 6 a.m. the next day. The present study provides the length-weight relationship for four species (Astyanax dissensos, Galeocharax humeralis, Hypostomus roseopunctatus e Hypostomus uruguayensis).  相似文献   

Fish species of the Zungaro genus (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) are amongst the largest migratory fish in Latin America and have considerable economic importance for commercial fishing in Brazil. However, natural populations of this large catfish are experiencing a severe decline. There are significant taxonomical inconsistencies for this fish. Two geographically separated species of the fish were initially described, one endemic in the Amazon and another in the Paraná-Paraguay River basins. A taxonomic review had recently proposed that there is only one Zungaro species in Brazil, based on morphological data. We made a molecular study of Zungaro populations in an attempt to solve taxonomical inconsistencies and to analyze genetic diversity in natural populations of this genus. We analyzed two regions of the mitochondrial DNA (the control region and the ATPase 6 gene region) of individuals sampled from the Paraná-Paraguay River and Amazon River basins. Analyses based on p-distances and maximum likelihood phylogenetic models showed a genetic difference between populations corresponding to different species. Genetic differentiation between Zungaro populations was at the same level as that observed between other Siluriformes species, using the same DNA sequences. We conclude that Zungaro species of the Paraná-Paraguay River basin do not belong to the same species found in the Amazon basin. This finding has a significant implication for conservation of this fish, given that populations are disappearing at a high rate in the Paraná-Paraguay River basin, mainly due to impoundments.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWR) were estimated for four fish species caught in the Tucuruí Lake Conservation Units Mosaic (03°48’15.7”S, 049°033’033,3”W; 04°13’18.2”S, 049°041’038.5”W and 04°17’57.1”S, 049°026’006.3”W). The samples were collected trimonthly between March 2013 and December 2014, using seven different gill nets (20 × 3.0 m; mesh size: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 mm between opposing knots) spending for twelve hours per day.  相似文献   

The abundance of microcrustacean species recorded in plankton samples from the littoral and pelagic zones of the Upper Paran River, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, was evaluated in relation to abiotic and biotic environmental factors. The cladocerans Bosminopsis deitersi and Bosmina hagmann i were most abundant. The presence or absence of aquatic macrophytes also influenced abundance and species composition. The true zooplankton species were most abundant at the pelagic stations, while species of Chydoridae and Macrothricidae contributed markedly to microcrustacean abundance and species richness at littoral stations. Species abundance was also strongly affected by water level variation. Microcrustaceans, mainly bosminids, were most abundant during low water. During high water, bosminids decreased in abundance while most other species increased. The higher variation of the environmental factors during high water probably explains the shift in abundance patterns. Changes in water level increased mixing of littoral and pelagic microcrustaceans between sampling stations.  相似文献   

The reproductive strategy of a species depends upon the interaction between intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Examining the population of Leporinus friderici in two reservoirs of the Upper Paraná River basin in reference to first gonadal maturation and breeding season and sites, the present investigation tested whether the environment formed by damming promoted spatial and temporal changes in the reproductive strategy of this species. Analyses of sex ratios showed that females significantly predominated in Itaipu, while in Corumbá the sexes were about equal with a slight predominance of males. Size-associated sexual dimorphism was observed, that is females dominated the longer length categories, and males the shorter. The minimum size at which L. friderici initiated reproduction varied from year to year, and was larger in the periods soon after formation of both reservoirs. In Itaipu, stabilization between the maximum and minimum lengths at first maturation was also noted after year 6 following closure and continuing until year 15. In general, the breeding season lasted from October through April, although cyclic changes in the duration and intensity of this season were evident. Young individuals predominated during the entire study period in Corumbá. The formation of Itaipu Reservoir had a greater effect on the reproduction of L. friderici, where a gradual adaptation of the reproductive strategy of this species may possibly have been occurring. It is also possible that some of the characteristics of the Itaipu population will in the future be shown by the Corumbá population. It was concluded that reproductive strategies constitute ecological adaptations that are temporally and spatially altered and are fitted to resource availability and environmental pressure.  相似文献   

Deprá  G. C.  Oliveira  A. G.  Silva  A. B.  Frota  A.  Proença  H. C.  Message  H. J.  dos Reis  R. B.  Ota  R. R. 《Journal of Ichthyology》2021,61(2):190-195
Journal of Ichthyology - Detecting a potentially invasive introduced species is crucial for efficient conservation strategies. We recorded the first occurrences of the “pirambeba”...  相似文献   

In eleven sites on two small tributaries of the Paraná River (North-West Paraná State), 6.8 and 4.0 km in length, 1263 fish specimens of 28 taxons and 14 families were collected using electrofishing. Up to twelve years ago the catchments of the two rivers were covered by tropical jungle; this has now been replaced by pasture and arable fields. Mean diversity indices of Simpson and Shannon indices were close to 0.6, which would indicate that human impact affected fish populations although the river beds have retained their original shape, except cleared of riparian trees. Despite their close location (about 18 km), the two streams differed from each other in their fish faunal composition. The distinctive nature of the fish communities in the two streams was a result of: conductivity, pH, also hiding places, riparian vegetation, submerged macrophytes and depth and width of the rivers.  相似文献   

Synopsis We studied the timing of migratory fish spawning in the last dam-free stretch of the upper Paraná River and in Itaipu Reservoir. Eggs were more common in the Amambai and Ivaï Rivers, while larvae predominated in the Paraná River and in Itaipu Reservoir. Both eggs and larvae were more abundant at night. The highest abundance of eggs was in October and that of larvae in November. Migratory species predominated in the Amambai and Paraná Rivers, and non-migratory species in the Ivaï River and Itaipu Reservoir. The predominance of eggs in the upper and middle portions, and larvae in the lower, infer that there are spawning sites in the former and nurseries in the latter. The high nocturnal abundance of eggs is associated with spawning at sunset and that of larvae with feeding, avoidance of predators and nocturnal disorientation. The presence of tributaries such as the Amambai and Ivaí Rivers in the last dam-free stretch of the Paraná River is extremely important to the maintenance of regional fish diversity and fish stocks in both the Paraná River and Itaipu Reservoir.  相似文献   

Abundance and body size of zooplanktonic organisms, testate amoebae, rotifers, cladocerans and copepods from the littoral and pelagic regions of three lakes were analyzed in February and August 2000. The lakes belong to three different river systems (Baía, Ivinhema and Paraná rivers) of the upper River Paraná floodplain. It was expected that average body size was different in space (regions of the lake and limnological characteristics) and time (summer and winter) because the variation of depth, pH, oxygen dissolved, chlorophyll-a and water temperature of each lake. Zooplankton community was represented by 119 species. Sorensen's coefficient showed that the three communities were similar. Larger organisms were found in the lakes' pelagic region, and seasonally larger individuals were registered in the winter and smaller individuals in the summer. The relationship between body size and density was slight, positively significant. The body size frequency distribution was bi-modal. ANOVA results showed a significant influence of the interaction of the littoral and pelagic regions, lakes, and seasons in the body size of zooplankton organisms. Spatial and temporal changes of the community size structure of zooplanktonic assemblages were related to the food resource (microbial-loop or herbivore chain), species habitat preference and life strategies (growth and reproduction).  相似文献   

We characterize the vegetation types of the upper basin of the Madeira River in the Brazilan state of Rondônia, a biodiverse region with elevated rates of habitat loss. Vegetation and environmental parameters were recorded from 37 observation points distributed along and near a 160 km stretch of the Madeira River and representing the range of regional environments. Analysis of structure and floristic variables, as well as associated edaphic attributes and water table fluctuation, permitted recognition of five main vegetation types and seven subtypes. Open Ombrophilous Forest was the most frequently encountered vegetation type and occurred on well-drained, nutrient-poor soils, whereas Dense Ombrophilous Forest was seldom recorded. Alluvial Ombrophilous Forests (várzea) were found along a narrow strip of land along the banks of the Madeira River on the most fertile soils in the study area. Semideciduous Forests were found on small areas of rocky outcrops with shallow soils and reduced water availability during the dry season. Campinaranas, which range from open savanna physiognomies to closed canopy forests, were found to be a key environment in the lowlands south of the Madeira River on silty hydromorphic soils, where they harbor a peculiar flora tolerant of flooding during the rainy season. Our classification of the main vegetation types in the upper Madeira River illuminates a high degree of floristic and environmental heterogeneity in a highly threatened region. Our results will be useful for designing conservation strategies aimed at protecting the full range of floristic diversity present in the region.  相似文献   

Species of the characid genus Roeboides are known for their habit of tearing off and ingesting scales from other fishes. Specimens of Roeboides paranensis were taken monthly from March 1992 through February 1993 in five pools of the upper Rio Paraná floodplain and in one site in the Rio Paraná itself, with the aim of relating the dental development to ontogenetic diet shifts. Between 15-22 mm SL, fish had teeth with hypertrophied bases (mammiform) that moved to the outside of the mouth in both maxillas. During ontogeny, the diet shifted, with the smallest individuals eating more microcrustaceans and the larger ones eating more scales. Lepidophagy is non-obligatory, because the ingestion of insects and other invertebrates occurred at all sizes. Spatial variation in diet was large, however diet similarity was great for Roeboides from three floodplain pools that had similar proportions of the main diet categories.  相似文献   

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