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Effects of changes in osmolarity on isolated human airways 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
R C Jongejan J C De Jongste R C Raatgeep I L Bonta K F Kerrebijn 《Journal of applied physiology》1990,68(4):1568-1575
The effects of hypo- and hyperosmolarity on the function of isolated human airways were studied. Changes in osmolarity induced an increasing bronchoconstriction that was proportional to the magnitude of the change in osmolarity. Hypertonicity-induced airway narrowing resulted when buffer was made hypertonic with sodium chloride or mannitol but not with urea. The airways showed no tachyphylaxis to repetitive exposure to hypo- and hypertonic buffer of 200 and 600 mosM, respectively. The bronchoconstriction was not secondary to stimulation of H1 or leukotriene C4/D4 receptors or the release of prostaglandins in the preparation. The bronchoconstriction in hypotonic buffer was totally dependent on extracellular calcium, whereas in hypertonic buffer the bronchoconstriction seemed partially dependent on intracellular calcium release. Isoprenaline prevented the bronchoconstriction in hyper- or hypotonic buffer of 450 and 250 mosM but not in buffer of 600 and 150 mosM. It is concluded that hypo- and hypertonic buffers lead to bronchoconstriction via different mechanisms, which relate to influx of extracellular calcium in hyposmolar buffer and probably to release of calcium from intracellular stores in hypertonic buffer. In strongly hypertonic buffer, part of the bronchoconstriction may be due to osmotic shrinkage. The relevance of our data for the mechanism of bronchoconstriction after inhalation of hypo- or hypertonic saline depends on whether changes in osmolarity around the airway smooth muscle occur in asthmatics but not in normal subjects, and this has not yet been established. 相似文献
Hyperosmotic saline solutions stimulate lower airway sensory nerves. To determine whether airway hyperosmolarity evokes neurally mediated changes in bronchial artery blood flow (Qbr), we measured the effect of injection of small volumes (1 ml) of hyperosmotic saline into a right lobar bronchus on Qbr of anesthetized, artificially ventilated dogs. In 14 dogs, hyperosmotic saline (1,200 and 2,400 mmol/l) increased Qbr by 58 +/- 12 (SE) and 118 +/- 12%, respectively, from a baseline of 8 +/- 2 ml/min. Qbr increased within 6-8 s of the injections, peaked at 20 s, and returned to control over 2-3 min. Isosmotic saline had minimal effects. In contrast, hyperosmotic saline decreased flow in an intercostal artery that did not supply the airways. The bronchial vasodilation was decreased by 72 +/- 11% after combined blockade of alpha-adrenoceptors and muscarinic cholinergic receptors and by 66 +/- 6% when the cervical vagus nerves were cooled to 0 degrees C. Blockade of H(1) and H(2) histamine receptors did not reduce the nonvagal response. We conclude that hyperosmolarity of the lower airways evokes bronchial vasodilation by both a centrally mediated reflex that includes cholinergic and adrenergic efferent pathways and by unidentified local mechanisms. 相似文献
Loring S. H.; Drazen J. M.; Snapper J. R.; Ingram R. H. Jr 《Journal of applied physiology》1978,45(1):40-44
Antigen sensitization was induced in six Basenji-Greyhound (BG) dogs by weekly aerosol exposure to Ascaris suum. The effects on airway responsiveness to inhaled methacholine were studied before and at least 2 wk following Ascaris sensitization. All dogs developed detectable serum levels of Ascaris-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE), and five out of six dogs developed airway responsiveness to antigen over the 4- to 6-mo period. This was accompanied by a decrease rather than an increase in airway responsiveness to inhaled methacholine. When dogs were challenged with methacholine 30 min after Ascaris antigen aerosol challenge, however, dogs reactive to Ascaris became hyperresponsive to methacholine. The magnitude of the response to antigen correlated (r = 0.85) inversely with the dose of methacholine increasing pulmonary resistance 200%. These data show that in BG dogs airway responsiveness to methacholine is increased by acute antigen exposure but that sensitization of previously unsensitized dogs does not increase nonspecific airway responsiveness. 相似文献
Differential responses of the airways and pulmonary tissues to inhaled histamine in young dogs 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Airway and pulmonary tissue responses to aerosolized histamine were studied in five mongrel puppies (8-10 wk old). Alveolar pressure was measured by use of alveolar capsules and respiratory mechanics calculated during tidal ventilation and flow interruptions. Aerosolized histamine caused an increase in the tissue viscoelastic properties, which was measured as an increase in pulmonary resistance during tidal ventilation. An increase in stress recovery of the pulmonary tissues was measured with the interrupter technique after aerosolized histamine. These data demonstrate that aerosolized histamine caused an increase in the tissue viscoelastic properties. The most reasonable explanation for the mechanism of this increase would seem to be via reflex pathways stimulated by centrally located receptors. 相似文献
K Ravi 《Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology》1988,66(7):946-950
The respiratory responses following stimulation of type J (pulmonary C fiber) receptors by right atrial injections of capsaicin were assessed in spontaneously breathing anesthetized dogs. At the reflexly effective threshold dose, the primary respiratory response elicited was tachypnoea. With higher doses of capsaicin, the tachypnoea was replaced by apnoea. Left atrial injections of capsaicin also resulted in apnoea, which was abolished or reduced by injecting Xylocaine into the pericardial sac, and after vagotomy, apnoea was replaced by tachypnoea. The latter findings suggested that the apnoea produced by left atrial injection of capsaicin might be due to stimulation of receptors with vagal afferents coursing through the pericardium. In vagotomized dogs, administration of capsaicin into the abdominal aorta above the origin of the iliac arteries (the iliac arteries were kept occluded) resulted in a hyperpnoeic response. Following the transection of the spinal cord between L4 and L5, capsaicin injection into the abdominal aorta caused apnoea instead of hyperpnoea. The apnoeic response elicited was abolished by transecting the spinal cord between L1 and L2. It is suggested that the respiratory responses observed were due to stimulation of receptors in the splanchnic bed connected to sympathetic afferents. 相似文献
P Bawa 《Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology》1987,65(3):328-336
Both the afferent volleys from the dorsal root and the monosynaptic reflex discharges from the corresponding ventral root were recorded with hook electrodes during stimulation of the nerves innervating the triceps surae muscles. The effects of conditioning high frequency tetanus on the magnitudes of these afferents and reflex volleys were examined in kittens of postnatal age 1-90 days and in adult cats. In young kittens under barbiturate anaesthesia, large-amplitude monosynaptic reflex discharge can be evoked without prior conditioning. The amplitude of this reflex discharge decreased with increasing age of the animal. Application of conditioning tetanic stimuli to the muscle nerves resulted in posttetanic depression followed by posttetanic potentiation of the monosynaptic reflex. The magnitude of posttetanic depression was much higher than that of potentiation in the first postnatal week. As the age increased, the magnitude of depression decreased while the magnitude of potentiation increased. The afferent volley showed a considerable posttetanic potentiation in older kittens and cats. No significant potentiation or depression was observed in the younger animals. Possible mechanisms contributing to posttetanic depression and potentiation are discussed. 相似文献
Liu CY Mueller MH Grundy D Kreis ME 《American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology》2007,292(5):G1213-G1220
The central nervous system modulates inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract via efferent vagal pathways. We hypothesized that these vagal efferents receive synaptic input from vagal afferents, representing an autonomic feedback mechanism. The consequence of this vagovagal reflex for afferent signal generation in response to LPS was examined in the present study. Different modifications of the vagal innervation or sham procedures were performed in anesthetized rats. Extracellular mesenteric afferent nerve discharge and systemic blood pressure were recorded in vivo before and after systemic administration of LPS (6 mg/kg iv). Mesenteric afferent nerve discharge increased dramatically following LPS, which was unchanged when vagal efferent traffic was eliminated by acute vagotomy. In chronically vagotomized animals, to eliminate both vagal afferent and efferent traffic, the increase in afferent firing 3.5 min after LPS was reduced to 3.2 +/- 2.5 impulses/s above baseline compared with 42.2 +/- 2.0 impulses/s in controls (P < 0.001). A similar effect was observed following perivagal capsaicin, which was used to eliminate vagal afferent traffic only. LPS also caused a transient hypotension (<10 min), a partial recovery, and then persistent hypertension that was exacerbated by all three procedures. Mechanosensitivity was increased 15 min following LPS but had recovered at 30 min in all subgroups except for the chronic vagotomy group. In conclusion, discharge in capsaicin-sensitive mesenteric vagal afferents is augmented following systemic LPS. This activity, through a vagovagal pathway, helps to attenuate the effects of septic shock. The persistent hypersensitivity to mechanical stimulation after chronic vagal denervation suggests that the vagus exerts a regulatory influence on spinal afferent sensitization following LPS. 相似文献
G M Ghori R G Luckwill 《European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology》1989,58(8):852-857
Reflex responses in the lower limbs were investigated using electromyographic and kinematic techniques in man walking on a treadmill. A momentary resistance was applied to one leg at three selected points in the step cycle. The responses to such stimuli, as well as the locomotor activity, were picked up electromyographically and displayed on a four channel oscilloscope. Four superficial muscles viz: gluteus medius, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris and tibialis anterior were studied in both ipsilateral and contralateral legs. In general it was found that the ipsilateral leg muscles produced a response throughout the step cycle regardless of whether the muscle was active or silent at the time the reflex occurred. In contrast, contralateral leg muscles showed a different pattern of response which depended on where the resistance was applied in the step cycle. The long reflex latency, of the order of 80 ms, was a consistent feature of the responses and suggests the possible involvement of supra-spinal pathways. The latencies for a particular muscle were identical on the ipsi- and contralateral sides. The durations of the swing and stance phases of the step cycle were also recorded but showed no change due to application of the resistance. In general, the results indicate that the body has the inherent ability to reinforce the ongoing locomotor muscle activity in response to external stimuli in order to maintain upright balanced walking. 相似文献
To investigate the involvement of vagal afferents in renal nerve release of catecholamines, we compared norepinephrine, dopamine, and epinephrine excretion from innervated and chronically denervated kidneys in the same rat. The difference between innervated and denervated kidney excretion rates was taken as a measure of neurotransmitter release from renal nerves. During saline expansion, norepinephrine excretion from the innervated kidney was not statistically greater than from denervated kidneys. Vagotomy increased norepinephrine release from renal nerves. Thus vagal afferents participated in the suppression of renal sympathetic nerve activity during saline expansion. No significant vagal control of dopamine release by renal nerves was detected under these conditions. Bilateral carotid ligation stimulated renal nerve release of both norepinephrine and dopamine in saline-expanded rats. The effects of carotid ligation and vagotomy were not additive with respect to norepinephrine release by renal nerves. However, the baroreflex-stimulated renal nerve release of dopamine was abolished by vagotomy. Electrical stimulation of the left cervical vagus with a square wave electrical pulse (0.5 ms duration, 10 V, 2 Hz) increased dopamine excretion exclusively from the innervated kidney of hydropenic rats. No significant change in norepinephrine excretion was observed during vagal stimulation. Increased dopamine excretion during vagal stimulation was associated with a larger natriuretic response from the innervated kidney than from its denervated mate (p less than 0.05). We conclude that under appropriate conditions vagal afferents stimulate renal release of dopamine and produce a neurogenically mediated natriuresis. 相似文献
J T Fisher K L Brundage M A Waldron B J Connelly 《Journal of applied physiology》1990,69(4):1525-1531
Although several studies have examined the pulmonary response to muscarinic agonists in the newborn, none has addressed the functional capabilities or "maturity" of vagal innervation to airway smooth muscle in the newborn. The purpose of the present study was to provide a quantitative analysis of the ability of vagal excitatory innervation (encompassing the pre- and postganglionic fibers, airway ganglia, and airway smooth muscle) to alter pulmonary mechanics in the newborn. We measured the changes in pulmonary mechanics elicited by electrical stimulation of the vagus nerves in 20 newborn cats and 18 puppies anesthetized with chloralose urethan. Animals were tracheotomized and ventilated (chest open), and the cervical vagus nerves were sectioned and placed on stimulating electrodes. Animals were placed in a flow plethysmograph, and mean inspiratory resistance (RL,I) and dynamic compliance were measured on a breath-by-breath basis. In each animal RL,I increased, dynamic compliance decreased, and heart rate slowed during 10 s of vagal stimulation at frequencies ranging from 2 to 20 pulses/s. At each stimulus frequency there was a spectrum of responses with respect to the percent change in RL,I. At 15 pulses/s there was a fourfold difference in the RL,I response of the most- and least-sensitive animals. In both species, higher stimulus frequencies caused greater increases in RL,I; at 2 pulses/s RL,I increased on average approximately 40%, compared with approximately 250% at 20 pulses/s. The increase in RL,I was similar in the kitten and puppy at stimulus frequencies of 6 and 15 pulses/s but was less in the kitten at 2 pulses/s (P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Trippenbach T 《Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology》2001,79(4):303-309
This study examined the possible contribution of vagal stretch receptor activity to the increased power of the Hering-Breuer reflex in hyperthermia in rats during the early postnatal period. Experiments were performed on 10 anesthetized (pentobarbital 40 mg/kg, i.p.) 3 to 10-day-old (body weight of 16 +/- 1 g; SE) and, for comparison, 18 adult Sprague-Dawley rats (body weight of 336 +/- 35 g). Animals were tracheostomized and artificially ventilated with oxygen. The left vagus nerve was cut. In adult animals, single receptor fibers or a bundle of a few fibers were recorded using a bipolar stainless-steel electrode under mineral oil. In the young rats, a suction electrode filled with normal saline was used. Positive pressure of either 5 or 10 cmH2O was applied to the trachea when the respirator was turned off. The vagal activity was amplified and monitored on a storage oscilloscope for calculation of the frequency of vagal afferent activity during a given pressure application at different rectal temperatures (T(R); range 28 to 42 degrees C). In total, 30 and 31 sets of vagal activity in the young and adult rats, respectively, were analyzed. In all cases, an increase in tracheal pressure (P(TR)) from 5 to 10 cmH2O increased the frequency of vagal firing. The increase was greater in the adult versus the young animals; at 36 degrees C the increase was 49 +/- 11% and 16 +/- 3% in the adult and young rats, respectively (P < 0.01). In all animals, vagal receptors showed temperature-sensitivity, but less so in the young than in the adult rats (P < 0.0004 and P < 0.003; for P(TR) of 5 and 10 cmH2O, respectively). In addition, the relationship between temperature-sensitivity and T(R) had significant slopes (P < 0.001 for both inflation pressures) in the adults but not in the young rats, indicating that in the latter the temperature-sensitivity of vagal receptors is independent of TR. These results imply that temperature-sensitivity of vagal receptors could have contributed to the increased power of the Hering-Breuer reflex in rats during the early postnatal period in the warmer environment. 相似文献