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Timing of reproduction in a seasonal cycle is a life history trait with important fitness consequences. Capital breeders produce offspring from stored resources and, by decoupling feeding and reproduction, may bend the constraints caused by seasonality in food or predation. Income breeders, on the other hand, produce offspring from concurrent food intake, with the disadvantage of less flexibility, but with high efficiency and no inventory costs of carrying stores. Here, we assess relative profitability of capital and income breeding in herbivorous zooplankton inhabiting seasonal, high-latitude environments. We apply a state-dependent life history model where reproductive values are used to optimise energy allocation and diapause strategies over the year. Three environmental scenarios were modelled: an early, an intermediate, and a late feeding season. We found that capital breeding was most important in the early season. Capital breeding ranged from 7–9% of the eggs produced but, because of the high reproductive value of early eggs, capital breeding ranged from 9–30% when measured in terms of reproductive value. The main benefit of capital breeding was reproduction prior to the feeding season – when the reproductive value of an egg peaked. In addition, capital breeding was also used to increase egg production rates at times of income breeding. For individuals born late in the season the model predicted a two-year cycle instead of the typical annual life cycle. These individuals could then reap the benefits of early reproduction and capital breeding in their second year instead of income breeding late in the first year. We emphasize the importance of evaluating reproductive strategies such as capital and income breeding from a complete life cycle perspective. In particular, knowing the seasonality in offspring fitness is essential to appreciate evolutionary and population-level consequences of capital breeding.  相似文献   

The ideal free distribution assumes that animals select habitats that are beneficial to their fitness. When the needs of dependent offspring differ from those of the parent, ideal habitat selection patterns could vary with the presence or absence of offspring. We test whether habitat selection depends on reproductive state due to top‐down or bottom‐up influences on the fitness of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), a threatened, wide‐ranging herbivore. We combined established methods of fitting resource and step selection functions derived from locations of collared animals in Ontario with newer techniques, including identifying calf status from video collar footage and seasonal habitat selection analysis through latent selection difference functions. We found that females with calves avoided predation risk and proximity to roads more strongly than females without calves within their seasonal ranges. At the local scale, females with calves avoided predation more strongly than females without calves. Females with calves increased predation avoidance but not selection for food availability upon calving, whereas females without calves increased selection for food availability across the same season. These behavioral responses suggest that habitat selection by woodland caribou is influenced by reproductive state, such that females with calves at heel use habitat selection to offset the increased vulnerability of their offspring to predation risk.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity in life history traits favors the establishment of invaders and may magnify their ecological impacts. Pomacea canaliculata, the only freshwater snail listed among the 100 worst invaders worldwide, is able to complete its life cycle within a wide range of conditions, a capacity attributed to its life history plasticity. Using snails from their native range in Argentina we investigated the changes in fecundity, egg mass traits, offspring quality, and efficiency of food conversion into eggs in response to different levels of food availability throughout different life stages. Pre-maturity mortality was not affected by chronic reductions of up to 80% in food availability. Females fed ad libitum demonstrated no significant reproductive output differences when mated with males raised at different food availability levels. For females, the number and total weight of eggs and the size of egg masses decreased at high levels of food deprivation. Their efficiency of conversion into eggs of the food ingested during the reproductive period increased with deprivation, as did the survival time of their offspring. In contrast, the egg mass laying rate and the individual egg weight did not differ under different food availability regimes. Reductions in food availability have been suggested as a control method but our results indicate that fecundity would be lessened only at deprivation levels higher than 50% and would be partially compensated by an increase in hatchling survival.  相似文献   

1. The life history of wood feeders was modelled in order to explain the multiseasonality of development and the great variability of adult size in this group. 2. The model was parameterised with experimental bioenergetic and reproductive data for the xylem feeder Aredolpona rubra (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 3. The length of the developmental period, which together with food quality directly determines adult size and indirectly determines the number of eggs laid, was optimised. 4. The results show that multi‐seasonal larval development maximises fitness under conditions of low food quality, relatively low predation pressure, and the presence of hostile periods during the year. 5. The variability of the number of seasons needed to complete development within a wood‐feeder population is a consequence of development time optimisation and the unavoidable extension of the egg‐laying period. These insects have an evolutionary dilemma: to eclose late in a given season at smaller size, bringing about low egg production and low offspring value, or to grow bigger to the next season, jeopardising their lives. 6. The results of the model predict wood‐feeder developmental patterns that depend on the tree tissue inhabited.  相似文献   

Mothers reduce egg provisioning with age   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Precise and comprehensive data on resource allocation into individual eggs are rare and this empirical void in the literature of life history strategies contrasts with the large number of theoretical studies. We show a marked decrease in reproductive investment in eggs with mother's age for egg size, sugar, protein, lipid and energy contents of eggs for a parasitic wasp. Egg size is a good predictor of offspring fitness, measured as survival of starving neonate larvae, but does not reveal possible biochemical changes. Lipids stabilize quickly at a minimal threshold while proteins and sugars decrease smoothly down to about 30% of the amount invested in the first egg. Because proteins have the highest correlation with egg size, we predict that they should be better predictors of larval fitness than lipids and sugars. Assessing the adaptive value of the observed patterns will require a multidimensional approach to egg provisioning.  相似文献   

We review and discuss the ultimate and proximate causes of birth seasonality in Neotropical primates and the seasonal patterns shown by each genus within this group. Our review of the literature shows that most New World monkey populations studied so far show some degree of birth seasonality. Photoperiod is the most important proximate cue used by populations living at relatively high latitudes to time their reproductive events, but almost nothing is known about the proximate factors used by those near the equator. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that food availability is the most important ultimate cause of birth seasonality. Predation seems to promote birth synchrony in some species (e.g., squirrel monkeys). Multiple regression ANCOVA was used to estimate how the degree of birth seasonality is affected by ecological and life history variables. The ANCOVA model shows that three factors affect the degree of birth seasonality: diet, latitude, and body size. Folivores (howlers) are less seasonal than frugivores and insectivores. The degree of seasonality increases with latitude and shows a humped relationship with body size, peaking at 1.66 kg body mass. This last relationship was expected since small bodied species have to pay a cost (in terms of time lost) by being seasonal on a yearly basis, and large species are buffered against fluctuations in food availability due to their large body mass. To understand which of three alternative birth strategies is followed by each species (reduce energy stress during peak lactation, wean infants during peak food availability, or store reserves during peak energy availability), we compared the location of the birth peak in relation to the peak in food-availability for those populations from which data were available. Most species conform to the typical pattern of births concentrated before the peak in food availability, allowing peak lactation (small-sized species) or weaning (capuchins) to take place before the start of the lean season. The pattern of births of the atelines is consistent with the weaning hypothesis. However, since they give birth during the lean season, this pattern is also consistent with an alternative strategy.  相似文献   

Abstract In many egg-laying animals, some females spread their clutch among several nests. The fitness effects of this reproductive tactic are obscure. Using mathematical modeling and field observations, we analyze an unexplored benefit of egg spreading in brood parasitic and other breeding systems: reduced time at risk for offspring. If a clutch takes many days to lay until incubation and embryo development starts after the last egg, by spreading her eggs a parasitic female can reduce offspring time in the vulnerable nest at risk of predation or other destruction. The model suggests that she can achieve much of this benefit by spreading her eggs among a few nests, even if her total clutch is large. Field data from goldeneye ducks Bucephala clangula show that egg spreading enables a fecund female to lay a clutch that is much larger than average without increasing offspring time at risk in a nest. This advantage increases with female condition (fecundity) and can markedly raise female reproductive success. These results help explain the puzzle of nesting parasites in some precocial birds, which lay eggs in the nests of other females before laying eggs in their own nest. Risk reduction by egg spreading may also play a role in the evolution of other breeding systems and taxa-for instance, polyandry with male parental care in some birds and fishes.  相似文献   

The timing of reproduction strongly influences reproductive success in many organisms. For species with extended reproductive seasons, the quality of the environment may change throughout the season in ways that impact offspring survival, and, accordingly, aspects of reproductive strategies may shift to maximize fitness. Life-history theory predicts that if offspring environments deteriorate through the season, females should shift from producing more, smaller offspring early in the season to fewer, higher quality offspring later in the season. We leverage multiple iterations of anole breeding colonies, which control for temperature, moisture, and food availability, to identify seasonal changes in reproduction. These breeding colonies varied only by the capture date of the adult animals from the field. We show that seasonal cohorts exhibit variation in key reproductive traits such as inter-clutch interval, egg size and hatchling size consistent with seasonal shifts in reproductive effort. Overall, reproductive effort was highest early in the season due to a relatively high rate of egg production. Later season cohorts produced fewer, but larger offspring. We infer that these results indicate a strategy for differential allocation of resources through the season. Females maximize offspring quantity when environments are favorable, and maximize offspring quality when environments are poor for those offspring. Our study also highlights that subtle differences in methodology (such as capture date of study animals) may influence the interpretation of results. Researchers interested in reproduction must be conscious of how their organism’s reproductive patterns may shift through the season when designing experiments or comparing results across studies.  相似文献   

Both constitutive and inducible antipredator strategies are ubiquitous in nature and serve to maximize fitness under a predation threat. Inducible strategies may be favored over constitutive defenses depending on their relative cost and benefit and temporal variability in predator presence. In African temporary ponds, annual killifish of the genus Nothobranchius are variably exposed to predators, depending on whether larger fish invade their habitat from nearby rivers during floods. Nonetheless, potential plastic responses to predation risk are poorly known. Here, we studied whether Nothobranchius furzeri individuals adjust their life history in response to a predation threat. For this, we monitored key life history traits in response to cues that signal the presence of predatory pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus). While growth rate, adult body size, age at maturation, and initial fecundity were not affected, peak and total fecundity were higher in the predation risk treatment. This contrasts with known life history strategies of killifish from permanent waters, which tend to reduce reproduction in the presence of predators. Although our results show that N. furzeri individuals are able to detect predators and respond to their presence by modulating their reproductive output, these responses only become evident after a few clutches have been deposited. Overall our findings suggest that, in the presence of a predation risk, it can be beneficial to increase the production of life stages that can persist until the predation risk has faded.  相似文献   

Animals living in environments of different quality will have different expectations of their future reproductive success and survival. This may affect the individual's risk-taking behaviour as manifest in the cost of predation. We investigated the foraging behaviour of starlings, Sturnus vulgaris, when perceived predation risk varied between patches. Short-term food availability varied between treatments and long-term differences in perceptions of environmental quality varied between groups of individuals. This corresponds to variation in the three components of the cost of predation (P): the predation risk (μ); the change in reproductive value with energy gain (∂F /∂e); and the reproductive value or fitness factor (F). The birds showed that they experienced a higher cost of predation while using the risky food patches (μ component) and in the high food treatment (∂F /∂e component). Furthermore, birds from a high-reward habitat revealed a higher P than birds from a poor habitat (F component). The results show that the costs of predation are possible to tease apart by using behavioural indicators. The method presented allows measurement of fitness prospects of individuals, which may have consequences for conservation, for example, to identify low-quality habitat. Copyright 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

Deterministic seasonality can explain the evolution of alternative life history phenotypes (i.e., life history polyphenism) expressed in different generations emerging within the same year. However, the influence of stochastic variation on the expression of such life history polyphenisms in seasonal environments is insufficiently understood. Here, we use insects as a model and explore (1) the effects of stochastic variation in seasonality and (2) the life cycle on the degree of life history differentiation among the alternative developmental pathways of direct development and diapause (overwintering), and (3) the evolution of phenology. With numerical simulation, we determine the values of development (growth) time, growth rate, body size, reproductive effort, adult life span, and fecundity in both the overwintering and directly developing generations that maximize geometric mean fitness. The results suggest that natural selection favors the expression of alternative life histories in the alternative developmental pathways even when there is stochastic variation in seasonality, but that trait differentiation is affected by the developmental stage that overwinters. Increasing environmental unpredictability induced a switch to a bet‐hedging type of life history strategy, which is consistent with general life history theory. Bet‐hedging appeared in our study system as reduced expression of the direct development phenotype, with associated changes in life history phenotypes, because the fitness value of direct development is highly variable in uncertain environments. Our main result is that seasonality itself is a key factor promoting the evolution of seasonally polyphenic life histories but that environmental stochasticity may modulate the expression of life history phenotypes.  相似文献   

Life history theory is an essential framework to understand the evolution of reproductive allocation. It predicts that individuals of long‐lived species favour their own survival over current reproduction, leading individuals to refrain from reproducing under harsh conditions. Here we test this prediction in a long‐lived bird species, the Siberian jay Perisoreus infaustus. Long‐term data revealed that females rarely refrain from breeding, but lay smaller clutches in unfavourable years. Neither offspring body size, female survival nor offspring survival until the next year was influenced by annual condition, habitat quality, clutch size, female age or female phenotype. Given that many nests failed due to nest predation, the variance in the number of fledglings was higher than the variance in the number of eggs and female survival. An experimental challenge with a novel pathogen before egg laying largely replicated these patterns in two consecutive years with contrasting conditions. Challenged females refrained from breeding only in the unfavourable year, but no downstream effects were found in either year. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that condition‐dependent reproductive allocation may serve to maintain female survival and offspring quality, supporting patterns found in long‐lived mammals. We discuss avenues to develop life history theory concerning strategies to offset reproductive costs.  相似文献   

A theoretical debate about whether parasitoids should be time or egg limited now recognizes both as feasible, and interest has turned to determining the circumstances under which each might arise in the field, and their implications for parasitoid behaviour and evolution. Egg loads of parasitoids sampled from the field are predicted to show a negative response to host availability, but empirical support for this relationship is scarce. We measured how a parasitoid's egg load responded to seasonal fluctuations in host population density and recorded the predicted correlation. In early summer, parasitoids were at high risk of time limitation due to low host availability, and in late summer, their offspring were at greater risk of egg limitation due to high host availability. Despite clear seasonal changes in selection pressures on egg load and lifespan, the parasitoid showed no evidence of seasonal variation in its reproductive strategy. We made minor modifications to a previously published model to explore the effects of seasonal variation in host availability on optimal investments in eggs and lifespan and obtained several new results. In particular, under circumstances analogous to some of those observed in our field study, temporal stochasticity in reproductive opportunities can cause investments in eggs to increase, rather than decrease as previously predicted. Our model results helped to explain the parasitoid's lack of a seasonally varying reproductive strategy. Understanding the evolution of parasitoid egg load would benefit from a shift of research emphasis from purely stochastic variation in parasitoid reproductive opportunities to greater consideration of host dynamics.  相似文献   

Climate differences across latitude can result in seasonal constraints and selection on life-history characters. Because Aedes albopictus (Skuse) invaded North America in the mid-1980s, it has spread across a range of ≈14° latitude and populations in the north experience complete adult mortality because of cold winter temperatures that are absent in the south. Life-table experiments were conducted to test for differences in the adult survival and reproductive schedules of Ae. albopictus females from three populations from the northern (Salem, NJ; Springfield, IL; Eureka, MO; ≈39° N) and southern (Palm Beach, Palmetto, Tampa, FL; ≈27-28° N) extremes of the species distribution in North America. There were consistent differences between northern and southern populations in incidence of photoperiodically-induced egg diapause. Under short daylength, diapause eggs constituted twice the proportion of total viable eggs from northern females (81.9-92.1%) than southern females (35.9-42.7%). There were no consistent differences between northern and southern populations in resource allocation between reproduction and maintenance, reproduction over time, and reproductive investment among offspring, and no apparent trade-offs between diapause incidence with reproduction or longevity. Our results suggest that the main response of North American Ae. albopictus to unfavorable winter climates is via the life history strategy of producing diapausing eggs, rather than quantitative variation in reproduction, and that there are no detectable costs to adult survival. Inherent geographic variation in the expression of diapause, consistent with the latitudinal extremes of A. albopictus, indicates evolutionary loss of diapause response in southern populations because of the invasion of A. albopictus in North America.  相似文献   

Intra‐cohort cannibalism is an example of a size‐mediated priority effect. If early life stages cannibalize slightly smaller individuals, then parents face a trade‐off between breeding at the best time for larval growth or development and predation risk from offspring born earlier. This game‐theoretic situation among parents may drive adaptive reproductive phenology toward earlier breeding. However, it is not straightforward to quantify how cannibalism affects seasonal egg fitness or to distinguish emergent breeding phenology from alternative adaptive drivers. Here, we devise an age‐structured game‐theoretic mathematical model to find evolutionary stable breeding phenologies. We predict how size‐dependent cannibalism acting on eggs, larvae, or both changes emergent breeding phenology and find that breeding under inter‐cohort cannibalism occurs earlier than the optimal match to environmental conditions. We show that emergent breeding phenology patterns at the level of the population are sensitive to the ontogeny of cannibalism, that is, which life stage is subject to cannibalism. This suggests that the nature of cannibalism among early life stages is a potential driver of the diversity of reproductive phenologies seen across taxa and may be a contributing factor in situations where breeding occurs earlier than expected from environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Predation risk is an environmental stressor that can induce changes in prey behavior and physiology. Perception of predation risk may indirectly affect offspring traits and future fitness prospects via impacts on the condition of parents. Females may influence the survival of their offspring via maternal effects, especially when breeding in stressful conditions. We investigated the effects of continuous predation risk perceived by mothers on the maternal allocation of immune factors and carotenoids in eggs of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. We collected eggs from wild pied flycatchers that bred in the vicinity of a predator nest (pygmy owl Glaucidium passerinum), were exposed to cues of a mammalian nest predator (urine of least weasel Mustela nivalis), or received appropriate controls for these two groups. Pied flycatchers transferred more immunoglobulin in eggs under high predation risk in both owl and mammalian predator treatments. The presence of owl nests also lowered the level of lysozyme transferred in the eggs in one of the two study years. Predation risk did not modify egg size or overall carotenoid levels. Our results show that continuous predation risk perceived by females during egg‐laying affects egg composition. This different allocation of maternal immune factors may be an adaptive response evolved to increase the probability of offspring survival.  相似文献   

Mothers may affect the future success of their offspring by varying allocation to eggs and embryos. Allocation may be adaptive based on the environmental conditions perceived during early breeding. We investigated the effects of food supplementation and predation risk on yolk hormone transfer in the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. In a food supplementation experiment, females were food‐supplemented prior to and during egg‐laying and androgen concentrations were measured throughout the laying order. Predation risk was investigated in three different studies combining both correlative data, where flycatchers bred in close proximity to two different predator species that prey upon adult flycatchers (either Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus or pygmy owl Glaucidium passerinum), and an experimental manipulation, where flycatchers were exposed to cues of a nest predator (least weasel Mustela nivalis). Females receiving food supplementation laid eggs with lower concentrations of androstenedione (A4) than females not receiving food supplements. Yolk testosterone (T) concentration showed the same pattern but the difference was not statically significant. Testosterone (but not A4) concentration increased within clutches, from the first to the last egg, independently of the food supplementation. Females breeding under high predation risk did not differ from control females in their yolk androgen levels (A4, T or progesterone). However, concentrations of A4 tended to be lower in the proximity of pygmy owls, which could indirectly increase offspring survival after fledging. Food supplementation during egg‐laying seems to have a stronger impact on maternal transfer of androgens than predation risk. Food availability and predation risk could differentially affect the trade‐offs of androgen allocation for the offspring when raised in good vs. dangerous environments.  相似文献   

Many organisms express discrete alternative phenotypes (polyphenisms) in relation to predictable environmental variation. However, the evolution of alternative life‐history phenotypes remains poorly understood. Here, we analyze the evolution of alternative life histories in seasonal environments by using temperate insects as a model system. Temperate insects express alternative developmental pathways of diapause and direct development, the induction of a certain pathway affecting fitness through its life‐history correlates. We develop a methodologically novel and holistic simulation model and optimize development time, growth rate, body size, reproductive effort, and adult life span simultaneously in both developmental pathways. The model predicts that direct development should be associated with shorter development time (duration of growth) and adult life span, higher growth rate and reproductive effort, smaller body size as well as lower fecundity compared to the diapause pathway, because the two generations divide the available time unequally. These predictions are consistent with many empirical data. Our analysis shows that seasonality alone can explain the evolution of alternative life histories.  相似文献   

Species utilizing distinct resources for offspring production often show plasticity in reproductive strategies as a function of resource quality. For species using ephemeral pools, strategies are mainly shaped by a time constraint related to pool stability, resource availability and the colonizing community. We studied reproductive strategies in Amazonian poison frogs (Dendrobates ventrimaculatus) that are characterized by oviposition in distinct, small and resource-limited water bodies in leaf axils of plants and the transport of newly hatched tadpoles on the back of males to similar water bodies. Cannibalism of eggs by tadpoles was found to be the main cause of egg mortality. Typically, at the end of the rainy season new clutches of eggs were deposited in water bodies already containing a tadpole. Manipulation of the available number of water bodies showed that this observation did not result from resource limitation. We conclude that D. ventrimaculatus has a plastic reproductive strategy that includes provisioning its tadpoles with fertilized eggs as a function of desiccation risk of water bodies housing its offspring. Provisioning behavior is expected to increase developmental rate and, therefore, chances of metamorphosis for tadpoles that hatched towards the end of the rainy season. The plastic food provisioning strategy may be an important evolutionary link to bi-parental and female care with development of obligate unfertilized egg provisioning in the genus Dendrobates.  相似文献   

In this study, I examine the effects of natural and experimentally induced variation in life cycle timing on offspring fitness in Arphia sulphurea and Chortophaga viridifasciata, to understand the selective pressures shaping phenology in these two species of nymph-overwintering grasshoppers. Because these species lack embryonic diapause, hatching varies over a two month range under natural conditions. I used a cold treatment to delay hatching of some egg pods and extend the natural range of hatching dates. Due to the shorter time for growth and poorer growing conditions late in the fall, late-hatching nymphs of both species grew to a smaller size before winter and suffered higher overwinter mortality, compared to early nymphs. In addition, late nymphs that did survive the winter became reproductive later in the following year's breeding season. Size- dependent mortality of offspring during the winter is a strong selective pressure favoring early reproduction in these species. Female adult life history traits appear responsive to the seasonal declines in offspring fitness, in that late-maturing females began reproducing sooner after adult maturation and reproduced at a more rapid rate, even at the expense of having shorter adult longevity and producing fewer total egg pods. Experimental manipulations were crucial in understanding the fitness consequences of intrapopulation variation in the timing of specific life-cycle events for these species.  相似文献   

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