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The characterization of metallothionein in the Urodele amphibian species Pleurodeles waltl was achieved. A simple and rapid method for identification of metallothionein, based on its strong affinity for cadmium (109Cd), was used. We were able to show that metallothionein is constitutively synthesized in liver, ovary and brain. The property of metallothionein to strongly bind essential (Zn, Cu) as well as toxic (Cd, Hg) metals is consistent with a dual role in cellular metabolism, ie. homeostatis and detoxification of heavy metal ions.  相似文献   

In nonmammalian vertebrates, steroids have been hypothesized to induce somatic sex differentiation, since manipulations of the steroidal environment of gonads have led to various degrees of sex reversal. Whereas the critical role of estrogens in ovarian differentiation is well documented, studies on androgens have produced a perplexing variety of results depending upon species variations and nature of androgens used. In this way, testosterone induces masculinization of females in some species but provokes paradoxical feminization of males in many other species such as the urodelan Pleurodeles waltl. In reptiles this phenomenon could be interpreted by conversion of exogenous testosterone to estradiol by aromatase. Treatments of Pleurodeles larvae with nonaromatizable androgens bring support to this hypothesis and suggest a role of androgens in sex differentiation. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) could not induce the paradoxical feminization of ZZ larvae. In addition, DHT as well as 11beta-hydroxy-androstenedione could drive a functional male differentiation of ZW larvae. Moreover, other 5alpha reduced androgens also induced sex reversal of female larvae. Yet, the 5alpha reductase inhibitor CGP 53133 and antiandrogens such as flutamide or cyproterone acetate did not exert any effect on male sex differentiation of ZZ larvae. Though the precise role of androgens is still unknown, especially for 11-oxygenated androgens, our results suggest an implication in male sex differentiation. In this way, testosterone could play a pivotal role in being metabolized either into other androgens during testis differentiation or into estradiol during ovarian differentiation.  相似文献   

Even though salamanders are supposed to lack intestinal lymphoid tissue, Pleurodeles waltl shows lymphoid aggregates throughout the gut, especially in the small intestine, as cell infiltrates in the lamina propia. They have a phylogenetic significance in relation to the existence of an intestinal immunologic barrier in vertebrates.  相似文献   

In the newt Pleurodeles waltl, genetic sex determination obeys female heterogamety (female ZW, male ZZ). In this species as in most of non-mammalian vertebrates, steroid hormones play a key role in sexual differentiation of gonads. In that context, male to female sex reversal can be obtained by treatment of ZZ larvae with estradiol. Male to female sex reversal has also been observed following treatment of ZZ larvae with testosterone, a phenomenon that was called the "paradoxical effect". Female to male sex reversal occurs when ZW larvae are reared at 32 degrees C during a thermosensitive period (TSP) that takes place from stage 42 to stage 54 of development. Since steroids play an important part in sex differentiation, we focussed our studies on the estrogen-producing enzyme aromatase during normal sex differentiation as well as in experimentally induced sex reversal situations. Our results based on treatment with non-aromatizable androgens, aromatase activity measurements and aromatase expression studies demonstrate that aromatase (i) is differentially active in ZZ and ZW larvae, (ii) is involved in the paradoxical effect and (iii) might be a target of temperature. Thus, the gene encoding aromatase might be one of the master genes in the process leading to the differentiation of the gonad in Pleurodeles waltl.  相似文献   

Denervation of the amputated limb of newts stops the regeneration process by decreasing blastema cell proliferation. We investigated the effect of the denervation on each of the two compartments (epidermal cap, mesenchyme) in mid-bud blastemas on the level of sulphated glycosaminoglycans (GAGS). Denervation resulted in an increase of about threefold in the incorporation of [35S] sulphate into mesenchyme GAGs but had no effect on the epidermal cap. The increase of GAG synthesis in the mesenchymal part of the blastema involved both heparan sulphates and chondroitin-dermatan sulphates. Gel filtration showed no change in GAGs size after denervation. These results confirm that the mesenchymal part of the mid-bud blastema is the main target of nerves and, as heparan sulphates are known to store acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF), a polypeptide found in the blastema (Boilly et al.. 1991), this suggest that the nerves' effect on glycosaminoglycans turnover could be implicated in the control of bioavailability of this growth factor in the blastema.  相似文献   

Summary In the early development of the urodele amphibian Pleurodeles waltl, a fibronectin-containing extracellular matrix underlies the inner face of the blastocoel roof. When gastrulation occurs, the fibronectin fibrils provide a suitable substrate for mesodermal-cell migration. Delay in morphogenetic movements of gastrulation has been described in embryos from mutant females (ac/ac) of Pleurodeles waltl. Studies of abnormal mutant gastrulae with fluorescent lectins and immunostaining for fibronectin reveal that they lack a normal matrix. The fibronectin-containing extracellular material always gives rise to a granular pattern without fibronectin-fibril formation. Fibronectin and 51 syntheses occur normally in maternal-effect embryos. In vitro, mesodermal cells from early mutant gastrulae adhere and migrate on fibronectin-conditioned substrata.  相似文献   

Vitellogenin derived from the blood of estrogen-treated Pleurodeles waltl was identified by immunochemical and electrophoretic analyses, using an antiserum against plasma vitellogenin isolated by dimethylformamide precipitation. Pleurodeles vitellogenin migrates as four bands on native PAGE, designated alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta- VTG, with apparent mol. wts of 250,000, 270,000, 280,000 and 520,000 respectively. In the plasma, from estrogen-treated males like from ovariectomized estrogen-treated females, an additional band (mu-VTG) was found by native PAGE, never observed in estrogen-treated female plasma. It has a mol. wt of about 380,000 and shows complete immunological cross-reactivity with the vitellogenin antiserum. At least two polypeptides, termed VTG-I and VTG-II (mol. wt = 180,000 and 210,000) were identified by SDS-PAGE. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis displays three distinct precipitate lines indicating major immunological differences between the plasma vitellogenins.  相似文献   

In amphibian development, neural structures arise from the presumptive ectoderm at the gastrula stage by an inductive interaction with the chordamesoderm. It has been previously reported that early gastrula presumptive ectoderm can be neuralized when it is dissociated into single cells. A similar result is reported here with regard to Pleurodeles waltl presumptive ectoderm. Using this experimental model system we demonstrate: first, that neuronal and glial lineages can be specified from the presumptive ectoderm without any intervention of the natural inducing tissue; and second, that whereas rupture of cell-cell contacts evoked neural induction, dissociation immediately followed by reaggregation reduces the neuralizing response, pointing toward an active role played by cell-cell contacts of presumptive ectodermal cells in the modulation of neural commitment.  相似文献   

The molecular basis for the initial specification of dorsoventral polarity in the Amphibian egg prior to the mid-blastula transition still remains an open question. Regional differences in the protein pattern of Pleurodeles egg were investigated during early cleavage (8- and 512-cell stages, prior to the mid-blastula transition). Animal-dorsal, animal-ventral, vegetal-dorsal and vegetal-ventral quarters were separated and proteins were analyzed by 2D-electrophoresis. The comparison of acidic protein patterns from dorsal and ventral quarters revealed differences between vegetal cells but no difference was detected between animal cells. One protein (p11, 30 kDa) was characterized in the dorsal side as early as the 8-cell st. and two dorsal spots were detected at the 512-cell st. (p11 and p5, 65 kDa). Similarly one protein (p7b, 46 kDa) appears to be ventral-specific from the 8-cell st. The p11 spot was shown to appear in ventral cells as a consequence of a dorsalizing LiCl-treatment at the 32-cell stage. Conversely, p11 disappeared from dorsal cells and p5 did not appear at 512-cell stage after UV-irradiation of the uncleaved egg, which results in the expression of the ventral-specific protein p7b in the dorsal part of the egg. Therefore differential protein expression is already present at very early cleavage stages. Its significance needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Few data are available on enzyme activity in amphibian plasma or erythrocytes. We measured the activity of several blood enzymes in the urodele amphibian Pleurodeles waltl reared under standard laboratory conditions. In subsequent experiments, we will estimate and compare the physiological and biochemical conditions of P. waltl when reared under extreme temperature or microgravity conditions. The enzymes selected were glutamate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, isocitrate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. In fresh plasma samples, enzyme activity in females was higher than in males, except for aspartate and alanine aminotransferases, which were equivalent in females and males. Glutamate dehydrogenase activity was higher in males than in females. In female erythrocytes, the activity of all enzymes was higher than in male erythrocytes. We have also studied the storage conditions of samples and observed that for most enzymes, the activity in freshly isolated plasma and erythrocyte preparations decreased after storage at -18 or +4 degrees C.  相似文献   

We have investigated the properties of the epithelial layer of the dorsal marginal zone (DMZ) of the Xenopus laevis early gastrula and found that it has inductive properties similar to those of the entire Spemann organizer. When grafts of the epithelial layer of the DMZ of early gastrulae labelled with fluorescein dextran were transplanted to the ventral sides of unlabelled host embryos, they induced secondary axes composed of notochord, somites and posterior neural tube. The organizer epithelium rescued embryos ventralized by UV irradiation, inducing notochord, somites and posterior neural tube in these embryos, while over 90% of ventralized controls showed no such structures. Combinations of organizer epithelium and ventral marginal zone (VMZ) in explants of the early gastrula resulted in convergence, extension and differentiation of dorsal mesodermal tissues, whereas similar recombinants of nonorganizer epithelium and the VMZ did none of these things. In all cases, the axial structures forming in response to epithelial grafts were composed of labelled graft and unlabelled host cells, indicating an induction by the organizer epithelium of dorsal, axial morphogenesis and tissue differentiation among mesodermal cells that otherwise showed non-axial development. Serial sectioning and scanning electron microscopy of control grafts shows that the epithelial organizer effect occurs in the absence of contaminating deep cells adhering to the epithelial grafts. However, labelled organizer epithelium grafted to the superficial cell layer contributed cells to deep mesodermal tissues, and organizer epithelium developed into mesodermal tissues when deliberately grafted into the deep region. This shows that these prospective endodermal epithelial cells are able to contribute to mesodermal, mesenchymal tissues when they move or are moved into the deep environment. These results suggest that in normal development, the endodermal epithelium may influence some aspects of the cell motility underlying the mediolateral intercalation (see Shih, J. and Keller, R. (1992) Development 116, 901-914), as well as the tissue differentiation of mesodermal cells. These results have implications for the analysis of mesoderm induction and for analysis of variations in the differentiation and morphogenetic function of the marginal zone in different species of amphibians.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the embryo of the amphibian Pleurodeles waltl to investigate the potential role of the N-linked oligosaccharides of the ectodermal cell membrane in the neural induction process. Glycopeptidase F (GPase F) was used to cleave N-linked oligosaccharides on presumptive ectoderm. Removal of oligosaccharide moieties from ectoderm membrane glycoconjugates completely inhibited natural neural induction in vitro. On the other hand, Swainsonine (Sw) and 1-deoxynojirimycin (dNM), specific inhibitors of enzymes involved in glycosylation, provoked strong and persistent changes in the structure of the N-linked oligosaccharides of presumptive ectoderm but did not prevent neuralisation of treated ectoderm. We conclude that N-linked carbohydrates are implicated in the phenomenon of neural induction. However, the structural integrity of N-linked carbohydrates of target tissue is not itself critical in this process. The existence of specific carbohydrates on presumptive ectoderm was still questioned as receptors of neural signal.  相似文献   

PGC counts were carried out on larvae of Pleurodeles waltl (urodele amphibia) issued from standard, monosexual male and monosexual female offspring while the genital ridges were settling. During this period, which is characterized by a zero mitotic index (and is therefore called the Po period), and which lasts from stage 35 to stage 41, no PGC proliferation occurs. A statistical analysis indicated that PGC counts per larva are sex genotype independent and that offspring may be divided into three groups with average PGC counts of 96.9, 51.0 and 31.1, respectively. A fourth group with an average of 18.3 PGCs has been identified using experimental larvae reared at 30 degrees C from stage 30. The PGC count of 96.9 would result from at least three mitotic cycles. Before the Po period, germ cells are not identifiable. A hypothesis concerning genetic control of PGC proliferation before Po was deduced from this analysis.  相似文献   

The appearance and localization of N-CAM during neural induction were studied in Pleurodeles waltl embryos and compared with recent contradictory results reported in Xenopus laevis. A monoclonal antibody raised against mouse N-CAM was used. In the nervous system of Pleurodeles, it recognized two glycoproteins of 180 and 140x10(3) M(r) which are the Pleurodeles equivalent of N-CAM-180 and -140. Using this probe for immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry, we showed that N-CAM was already expressed in presumptive ectoderm at the early gastrula stage. In late gastrula embryos, a slight increase in staining was observed in the neurectoderm, whereas the labelling persisted in the noninduced ectoderm. When induced ectodermal cells were isolated at the late gastrula stage and cultured in vitro up to 14 days, a faint polarized labelling of cells was observed initially. During differentiation, the staining increased and became progressively restricted to differentiating neurons.  相似文献   

The presence and localization of the calcium-binding protein recoverin, initially found in photoreceptors of the bovine eye, were immunochemically studied in retina of the new Pleurodeles waltl. Polyclonal monospecific antibodies against recoverin were raised and the methods of immunoblotting and indirect immunofluorescence were used. A protein with an apparent molecular mass of 26 kDa was found in the retina extract, which was specifically stained by the antibodies against recoverin. Localization of recoverin was studied on the retina sections: an intense reaction was found in the inner segments and a weak reaction was found in the basal part of the outer segments of photoreceptors and in Landolt's clubs of displaced bipolars. The results we obtained suggest for the first time the presence of recoverin in the retina of a representative of the Urodeles and indicate to interspecific conservativeness of this protein and differences of its localization in the retina photoreceptors in different species. The data obtained open a possibility of using recoverin as a marker protein of photoreceptors and displaced bipolars in studies of retina regeneration in newts.  相似文献   

Partial cDNA clones encoding approximately the carboxy terminal half of Pleurodeles fibronectin (FN) were isolated. They account for 4.7 Kbp of the 3' region of the FN mRNA. The cDNA nucleotide sequence comprises all three alternatively spliced segments designated EIIIA, EIIIB and V-segment, respectively. All three segments are included in FN mRNA synthesized during early embryogenesis whereas, from the tailbud stage onward the V-region was partially excluded. The isolation of Pleurodeles cDNA clones including the three different spliced EIIIA, EIIIB and V segment raises new possibilities for the study of the precise role of specific regions of FN in early amphibian development.  相似文献   

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