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Proton transport across charged membrane and pH oscillations.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Based on Eyring's multibarrier activation process, a mathematical model and equation is developed to account for proton diffusion through an immobilized protein and enzyme membrane perfused with an electrolyte, substrate, and a buffer. With this model we find that, in the presence of a buffer, our solution approaches the continuum case very rapidly. We apply our model to membranes composed of papain and bovine serum albumin and find that our theory closely stimulates the experimental observations on the effect of salt and buffer on proton diffusion. Our theory shows that the pH oscillations observed in the diffusion controlled papain-benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester (BAEE) reaction may be the result of CO2 dissolved in the bath at high pH. In our theory, under certain conditions and in agreement with experimental observation, the buffer penetration depth oscillates near the boundary of a papain membrane in a solution containing BAEE and borate. We also find that at low ionic strength small ions as well as a buffer are seen to oscillate if a membrane is highly charged.  相似文献   

This work represents our continued effort toward fulfilling the need to discover a model system for experimental investigations of temporal oscillations in an enzyme-membrane system. In this paper, the regions in the parameter space where self-sustained pH oscillations can be induced for a compartmentalized enzyme reactor system, which consists of a well-stirred reactor, a reservoir and a membrane containing no enzyme, were determined via numerical simulation with two proteolytic enzymes: papain (EC and alpha-chymotrypsin (EC The sizes of the regions were qualitatively compared with those associated with enzymic membrane system. As a result, we found that the possibility of experimentally observing self-sustained oscillations in the compartmentalized papain reactor system, as well as in the papain-membrane system, is high. However, self-sustained pH oscillations are less likely in the compartmentalized alpha-chymotrypsin reactor system than in the alpha-chymotrypsin-membrane system.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of lysosomal acidification (4,4'-di-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulphonate, NN'-dicyclohexylcarbodi-imide, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, NH4Cl and methylamine hydrochloride) did not alter cystine egress or countertransport in polymorphonuclear-leucocyte lysosome-rich granular fractions at pH 7.0. Together, 2 mM-MgCl2/MgATP and 90 mM-KCl stimulated cystine egress 2-fold, but this effect also was not influenced by inhibitors of ATP-dependent lysosomal acidification. MgCl2/MgATP stimulated cystine transport at pH 5.5, but the effect also occurred with MgCl2, MgSO4 or MnCl2 alone, was prevented by chelation, and was not seen with NaATP; therefore, it was considered a bivalent-cation, not an ATP, effect. Proton-pump-mediated acidification of lysosomes does not appear to be required for cystine transport in normal polymorphonuclear-leucocyte granular fractions, as reported for lymphoblast lysosomes.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that the rate of rise of the oscillation in arterial CO2 partial pressure (PaCO2) is linearly dependent on CO2 flux from venous blood to alveolar gas. We have measured, in the anesthetized cat, CO2 output (VCO2) and oscillations in arterial pH. The pH signal was differentiated to give the maximum rate of fall of pH on the downstroke of the oscillation (dpH/dt decreases max). Since oscillations in pH are due to oscillations in arterial PCO2, dpH/dt decreases max was considered to be equivalent to the maximum rate of rise of the PCO2 oscillation. VCO2 was increased by ventilating the intestines with CO2 and by the intra-arterial infusion of 2,4-dinitrophenol. VCO2 was decreased by filling the intestines with isotonic tris(hydroxymethyl)methylamine buffer. The maximum range of VCO2 covered was 7.8-51 ml/min, and the mean range was from 13.6 +/- 1.3 to 29.7 +/- 1.6 (SE) ml/min. Although CO2 loading produced a small rise and CO2 unloading a small fall in mean PaCO2, the changes were not statistically significant, so that overall the response was close to isocapnia. Over the limited range of VCO2 studied there was a highly significant linear association between dpH/dt decreases max and VCO2 which supports the contention that the slope of the upstroke of the PaCO2 oscillation is determined by the CO2 flux from mixed venous blood to alveolar gas. As such this slope is a potential chemical signal linking ventilation to CO2 production.  相似文献   

Glial cells exhibit distinct cellular domains, somata, and filopodia. Thus the cytoplasmic pH (pHcyt) and/or the behavior of the fluorescent ion indicator might be different in these cellular domains because of distinct microenvironments. To address these issues, we loaded C6 glial cells with carboxyseminaphthorhodafluor (SNARF)-1 and evaluated pHcyt using spectral imaging microscopy. This approach allowed us to study pHcyt in discrete cellular domains with high temporal, spatial, and spectral resolution. Because there are differences in the cell microenvironment that may affect the behavior of SNARF-1, we performed in situ titrations in discrete cellular regions of single cells encompassing the somata and filopodia. The in situ titration parameters apparent acid-base dissociation constant (pK'a), maximum ratio (Rmax), and minimum ratio (Rmin) had a mean coefficient of variation approximately six times greater than those measured in vitro. Therefore, the individual in situ titration parameters obtained from specific cellular domains were used to estimate the pHcyt of each region. These studies indicated that glial cells exhibit pHcyt heterogeneities and pHcyt oscillations in both the absence and presence of physiological HCO3. The amplitude and frequency of the pHcyt oscillations were affected by alkalosis, by acidosis, and by inhibitors of the ubiquitous Na+/H+ exchanger- and HCO3-based H+-transporting mechanisms. Optical imaging approaches used in conjunction with BCECF as a pH probe corroborated the existence of pHcyt oscillations in glial cells. proton gradients; proton waves; carboxyseminaphthorhodafluor-1; 2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein  相似文献   

Changes in the intramuscular pH oscillations were examined by the use of an antimony electrode upon perfusing the isolated rat heart under different experimental conditions. The pH oscillations were decreased upon perfusing the hearts with Na+- or Ca2+-free medium and increased upon perfusing with K+-free medium. Increasing the temperature of perfusion medium from 25 to 40 degrees C or omitting glucose from the perfusing medium decreased the magnitude of oscillations. On the other hand, complete interruption of the perfusion flow resulted in an increase in the amplitude of pH oscillation. An initial increase followed by a decrease in the pH oscillation was seen when hearts were perfused with medium containing lactic acid at pH 6.6. These results suggest that pH oscillations reflect fluctuations in myocardial metabolism.  相似文献   

Active transport can be induced by applying a pH gradient across a membrane containing a homogeneous mixture of two cycling enzymes. When the two reactions are inversely 'pH active', one producing protons and the other consuming them, a pH feedback control of the functional structure occurs and the active transport function of the membrane can be either stabilized or inhibited according to whether the endogenic pH modifications tend to enhance or reduce the exergonic pH gradient. When it is stabilized, the system looks like a thin active layer surrounded by two diffusive layers, leading to a fairly good model for biological transport systems. Under particular conditions, signals can be emitted.  相似文献   

pH control of hepatic glutamine degradation. Role of transport   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Glutamine uptake is decreased in isolated perfused rat liver when the extracellular pH is lowered. This is also observed in the presence of ammonia concentrations nearly 20-fold above that required for half-maximal stimulation of glutaminase, indicating that the effect is not explained by a submaximal ammonium activation of the enzyme. In livers perfused with a physiological glutamine concentration (0.6 mM), the tissue glutamine but not glutamate content is strongly dependent on the extracellular pH and increases from 2.9 mumol/g to 4.7 mumol/g liver when the extracellular pH is increased from 7.3 to 7.5. Subfractionation of the livers revealed that the mitochondrial glutamine concentration increases from about 15 mM to 50 mM, when the extracellular pH is raised from 7.3 to 7.7, whereas the cytosolic glutamine concentration increases only slightly. Simultaneously the cytosolic and mitochondrial pH values are largely unaffected, being 7.25 and 7.7 respectively. Thus, the pH gradient between mitochondria and cytosol remains unchanged when the extracellular pH varies. Amiloride (2 mM) inhibits glutamine uptake by the liver and abolishes the extra/intracellular pH gradient. With amiloride present, tissue glutamine levels are no longer dependent on extracellular pH and are only about 2 mumol/g liver. It is concluded that pH control of glutaminase flux is also mediated by variations of the mitochondrial glutamine concentration pointing to a regulatory role of the glutamine carrier in the mitochondrial membrane for hepatic glutamine breakdown.  相似文献   

pH dependence of the Coxiella burnetii glutamate transport system.   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
The transport of glutamate, apparently a primary energy source for Coxiella burnetii, has been examined. C. burnetii is shown to possess a pH-dependent active transport system for L-glutamate with an apparent Kt of 61.1 microM and Vmax of 8.33 pmol/s per mg at pH 3.5. Both L-glutamine and L-asparagine competitively inhibited transport of glutamate, but D-glutamate, L-aspartate, L-glutamate-gamma-methyl ester, methionine sulfoximine, or alpha-ketoglutarate did not compete. This transport system is both temperature and energy dependent. Uptake of glutamate is highly sensitive to uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation such as 2,4-dinitrophenol and carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone that decrease the proton motive force across the cytoplasmic membrane. ATPase inhibitors such as dicyclohexylcarbodiimide or metabolic poisons such as KCN, NaF, or arsenite were much less effective as inhibitors of glutamate transport. Uptake of glutamate did not appear to be coupled to Na+ symport as in Escherichia coli since no monovalent cation requirement could be demonstrated. Instead, the Vmax of glutamate transport showed good correlation with the transmembrane pH gradient (delta pH). From these results, we propose that L-glutamate transport by C. burnetii is energized via a proton motive force.  相似文献   

Entry of beta-hydroxybutyrate into erythrocytes and thymocytes is facilitated by a carrier (C), as judged from temperature dependence, saturation kinetics, stereospecificity, competition with lactate and pyruvate, and inhibition by moderate concentrations of methylisobutylxanthine, phloretin, or alpha-cyanocinnamate. We studied the dependence of influx and efflux on internal and external pH and [beta-hydroxybutyrate]. Lowering external pH from 8.0 to 7.3 to 6.6 enhanced influx into erythrocytes by lowering entry Km from 29 to 16 to 10 mM, entry V being independent of external pH. Lowering external pH inhibited efflux. At low external pH, external beta-hydroxybutyrate enhanced efflux slightly. At high external pH, external beta-hydroxybutyrate inhibited efflux. Internal acidification inhibited influx and internal alkalization enhanced influx. Internal beta-hydroxybutyrate (betaHB) enhanced influx more in acidified than alkalized cells. These data are compatible with coupled betaHB-/OH- exchange, betaHB- and OH- competing for influx, C:OH- moving faster than C: betaHB-, empty C being immobile. They are also compatible with coupled betaHB-/H+ copermeation, empty C moving inward faster than H+:C:betaHB-, H+:C being immobile, and C:betaHB- (without H+) being so unstable as not to be formed in significant amounts (relative to C, H+:C, and H+:C:betaHB-).  相似文献   

Two microorganisms, E. coli and S. cerevisiae, competing for glucose were maintained in a stable cycle of coexistence by alternating the growth advantage between the two organisms by oscillating the pH in a Chemostat. Pure culture experiments found S. cerevisiae to be insensitive to pH between 5 and 4.3 with a maximum specific growth rate (mu(max)) of 0.4/hr; while mu(max) of E. coli decreased from 0.6 h(-1) at pH 5 to 0.1 h(-1) at pH 4.3. Steady-state and cross-inoculation chemostat runs at a dilution rate of 0.17 h(-1) confirmed the expectation that the mixed culture system is unstable at constant pH with E. coli dominating at pH 5 and S. cerevisiae dominating at pH 4.3. Three pH oscillation experiments were performed at D =0.17 h(-1) with 1 g per liter glucose feed. The 16 h/16 h cycle was stable for six periods with a stable alternating cycle of E. coli and S. cerevisiae being quickly established. A 18 h pH 5/14 h pH 4.3 cycle was found to be stable with smaller yeast concentrations. A 6 h/6 h cycle was found unstable with yeast washout. Simulation results were compared with these runs and were used to predict the onset of instability. Oscillations of pH can force stable persistence of a competing mixed culture that is otherwise unstable. Thus, varying conditions are experimentally demonstrated to be one explanation for competitive coexistence.  相似文献   

Glutamate, the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system, is transported into bovine synaptic vesicles in a manner that is ATP dependent and requires a vesicular electrochemical proton gradient. We studied the electrical and chemical elements of this driving force and evaluated the effects of chloride on transport. Increasing concentrations of Cl- were found to increase the steady-state ATP-dependent vesicular pH gradient (delta pH) and were found to concomitantly decrease the vesicular membrane potential (delta psi). Low millimolar chloride concentrations, which cause 3-6-fold stimulation of vesicular glutamate uptake, caused small but measurable increases in delta pH and decreases in delta psi, when compared to control vesicles in the absence of chloride. Nigericin in potassium buffers was used to alter the relative proportions of delta pH and delta psi. Compared to controls, at all chloride concentrations tested, nigericin virtually abolished delta pH and increased the vesicle interior positive delta psi. Concomitantly, nigericin increased ATP-dependent glutamate uptake in 0-1 mM chloride but decreased glutamate uptake in 4 mM (45%), 20 mM (80%), and 140 mM (75%) Cl- (where delta pH in the absence of nigericin was large). These findings suggest that either delta psi, delta pH, or a combination can drive glutamate uptake, but to different degrees. In the presence of 4 mM Cl-, where uptake is optimal, both delta psi and delta pH contribute to the driving force for uptake. When the extravesicular pH was increased from 7.4 to 8.0, more Cl- was required to stimulate vesicular glutamate uptake. In the absence of Cl-, as extravesicular pH was lowered to 6.8, uptake was over 3-fold greater than it was at pH 7.4. As extravesicular pH was reduced from 8.0 toward 6.8, less Cl- was required for maximal stimulation. Decreasing the extravesicular pH from 8.0 to 6.8 in the absence of Cl- significantly increased glutamate uptake activity, even though proton-pumping ATPase activity actually decreased about 45% under identical conditions. In the absence of chloride, nigericin increased glutamate uptake at all the pH values tested except pH 8.0. Glutamate uptake at pH 6.8 in the presence of nigericin was over 6-fold greater than uptake at pH 7.4 in the absence of nigericin. We conclude from these experiments that optimal ATP-dependent glutamate uptake requires a large delta psi and a small delta pH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We simulated gas transport due to cardiogenic oscillations (CO) using a model developed to quantify the gas mixing due to high-frequency ventilation (16). The basic components of the model are 1) gas mixing by augmented transport, 2) symmetrical lung morphometry, and 3) a Lagrangian (moving) reference frame. The theoretical predictions of the model are in general agreement with published experimental studies that have examined the effect of CO on the nitrogen concentration obtained by intrapulmonary gas sampling and the effect of CO on regional and total anatomical dead space. Further, the model predicts that augmentation of gas transport due to CO is less, nearer to the alveolar regions of the lung, and that the effect of CO during normal tidal breathing is negligible, but that CO may contribute up to approximately 10% of the alveolar ventilation in patients with severe hypoventilation. The agreement between experimental and theoretical results suggests that it may not be necessary to invoke gas transport mechanisms specific to an asymmetrical bronchial tree to explain the major proportion of gas transport due to CO.  相似文献   

The transport of the antineoplastic drug doxorubicin (Adriamycin) in human red blood cells was investigated by measuring the net efflux from loaded cells. Previous data indicated that doxorubicin transport was a Fickian diffusion transport process of the electrically neutral molecule through the lipid domain of the cell membrane (Dalmark, 1981 [In press]). However, doxorubicin transport showed saturation kinetics and a concentration-dependent temperature dependence with nonlinear Arrhenius plots. The two phenomena were related to the doxorubicin partition coefficient between 1-octanol and a water phase. This relationship indicated that the two phenomena were caused by changes in the physiochemical properties of doxorubicin in the aqueous phase and were not caused by interaction of doxorubicin with cell membrane components. The physicochemical properties of doxorubicin varied with concentration and temperature because of the ability of doxorubicin to form polymers by self-association in aqueous solution like other planar aromatic molecules through pi-electron orbital interaction. The hypothesis is proposed that doxorubicin transport across cell membranes takes place by simple Fickian diffusion.  相似文献   

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