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Abstract. Anopheline mosquito populations were studied during 1992 in seven villages south of Bagamoyo, coastal Tanzania, prior to malaria control intervention using insecticide treated bednets. To collect mosquitoes, CDC light traps were used in ten houses per village fortnightly for 12 months. Anopheles females were identified and checked by ELISA for the presence of malaria sporozoite antigen and source of bloodmeal. An. funestus peaked in June-July after the long rains. Three members of the An. gambiae complex had different seasonality: An. arabiensis, An. gambiae and small numbers of An. merus were collected.
In most villages transmission was extremely high and perennial with the entomological inoculation rate reaching three to eleven infective bites per person per night in July and persisting at around 0.1 and 1 for most of the remainder of the year. Sporozoite infection rates within the An. gambiae complex ranged from 2% to 25%, with the peaks in January and July following the two rainy periods. An. funestus showed a similar pattern. The light traps were reliable, simple to operate, and proved to be satisfactory to study the mosquito vector population.  相似文献   

Transmission characteristics of malaria were studied in Matola, a coastal suburb of Maputo, the capital City, in southern Mozambique, from November 1994 to April 1996. The local climate alternates between cool dry season (May-October) and hot rainy season (November-April) with mean annual rainfall 650-850 mm. Saltmarsh and freshwater pools provide mosquito breeding sites in Matola. Malaria prevalence reached approximately 60% among people living nearest to the main breeding sites of the vectors. Plasmodium falciparum caused 97% of malaria cases, others being P. malariae and P. ovale. Potential malaria vector mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) collected at Matola during daytime indoor-resting (n = 1021) and on human bait at night (n = 5893) comprised 12% Anopheles coustani Laveran (93% biting outdoors), 46% An. funestus Giles (68% biting indoors) and 42% An. gambiae Giles sensu lato (60% biting outdoors). All 215 specimens of An. gambiae s.l. identified genetically were An. arabiensis Patton. Anopheles funestus populations remained stable throughout the year, whereas densities of the An. gambiae complex fluctuated considerably, with An. arabiensis peaking during the rainy season. No concomitant rise in malaria incidence was observed. Human landing indices of An. funestus and An. arabiensis averaged 1.8 and 3.8 per man-night, respectively. Overall Plasmodium sporozoite rates were 2.42+/-1.24% in 2181 An. funestus and 1.11+/-1.25% in 1689 An. arabiensis dissected and examined microscopically. Mean daily survival rates were 0.79 for both vector species. Estimated infective bites/person/year were 15 An. funestus and 12 An. arabiensis. Biting rates were greatest at 2100-24.00 hours for An. funestus (68% endophagic) and 21.00-03.00 hours for An. arabiensis (40% endophagic). The entomological inoculation rate (EIR) declined sharply over very short distances (50% per 90m) away from breeding-sites of the vectors. Consequently, P. falciparum prevalence among Matola residents was halved 350 m within the town. Implications for the protective effectiveness of a 'cordon sanitaire' by residual house-spraying and/or the use of insecticide-treated bednets are discussed.  相似文献   

The biting cycle of the malaria vector Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Diptera: Culicidae) was assessed by hourly light trap collections in three villages in Tigray, northern Ethiopia. Hourly catches were conducted in two houses in each village, for four consecutive nights. Light traps were set from 18.00 hours to 07.00 hours in houses in which people slept under untreated bednets. Anopheles arabiensis showed early biting activities, which peaked between 19.00 hours and 20.00 hours in the three villages; over 70% of biting activity occurred before 22.00 hours, when people typically retire to bed. This early biting activity may have a negative impact on the efficiency of bednets to control malaria.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of introducing permethrin-impregnated bednets on local populations of the malaria vector mosquitoes Anopheles funestus and the An.gambiae complex was monitored during a randomized controlled trial at Kilifi on the Kenyan coast. Pyrethrum spray collections inside 762 households were conducted between May 1994 and April 1995 after the introduction of bednets in half of the study area. All-night human bait collections were performed in two zones (one control and one intervention) for two nights each month during the same period. PCR identifications of An.gambiae sensu lato showed that proportions of sibling species were An.gambiae sensu stricto > An.merus > An.arabiensis.
Indoor-resting densities of An.gambiae s.l. and the proportion of engorged females decreased significantly in intervention zones as compared to control zones. However, the human blood index and Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite rate remained unaffected. Also vector parous rates were unaltered by the intervention, implying that survival rates of malaria vectors were not affected. The human-biting density of An.gambiae s.l. , the predominant vector, was consistently higher in the intervention zone compared to the control zone, but showed 8% reduction compared to pre-intervention biting rates - versus 94% increase in the control zone.
Bioassay, susceptibility and high-performance liquid chromatography results all indicated that the permethrin content applied to the nets was sufficient to maintain high mortality of susceptible vectors throughout the trial. Increased rates of early outdoor-biting, as opposed to indoor-biting later during the night, were behavioural or vector composition changes associated with this intervention, which would require further monitoring during control programmes employing insecticide-treated bednets.  相似文献   

1. Anopheles arabiensis Patton and An. funestus Giles were identified as vectors of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in the Mwea-Tebere irrigation scheme, Kenya. An. arabiensis was the only member of the An. gambiae complex identified from chromosome characteristics. Other Anopheles species found included An. pharoensis Theobald, An. rufipes Gough and An. coustani Laveran. Survival rates per gonotrophic cycle for An. arabiensis averaged 0.37 during the short rains (October-November), 0.49 during the dry season (February) and 0.78 during the long rains (May-June). Vectorial capacities were correspondingly low due to low survival rates and a high degree of zoophily. The average duration of infective life for P. falciparum was 0.2 days for both An. arabiensis and An. funestus. In contrast, entomological inoculation rates were comparatively high: 6-8 infective bites/man/month. An. pharoensis averaged 110 bites/man/night during the short rains; 1/999 (0.1%) was positive by ELISA for P. falciparum circumsporozoite antigen, but the ELISA evidence is not conclusive for vector incrimination. In correspondence with clinical observations, the transmission of P. malariae and P. ovale is unlikely due to the low vector survival rates. The observed anomaly between low vectorial capacities and high entomological inoculation rates demonstrates the importance of accurately estimating vector sporozoite rates to monitor unstable malaria transmission in irrigated areas.  相似文献   

A longitudinal entomological study was carried out from 1999 to 2001 in Lena, a humid savannah village in the western region of Burkina Faso in order to establish malaria vector bionomics and the dynamics of malaria transmission. In the first year, malaria transmission was mainly due to An. gambiae s.s., but during the two later years was due to An. funestus, which were observed in high frequency towards the end of the rainy season. PCR identification of samples of An. gambiae s.1. showed 93% to be An. gambiae s.s. and 7% An. arabiensis. An. funestus constituting more than 60% of the vectors were identified in PCR as An. funestus s.s. The persistence of intense vectorial activity in this village was probably due to the road building in a swampy area creating a semi-permanent swamp that provided large sites for larval mosquitoes. These swampy sites seemed to be more favorable for An. funestus than for An. gambiae s.s. Thus, land development must be monitored and subjected to planning to minimize vector proliferation. Such a system of planning could lead to the restriction or even elimination of the swamp that is the source of larvae developing in the heart of the village.  相似文献   

The malaria vectorial system in Africa is very complex. Five very efficient vector species transmit malaria: Anopheles gambiae, An. arabiensis, An. funestus, and the sometimes overlooked An. nili and An. moucheti. This paper focuses on morphological, behavioural and genetic differences observed among populations within each vector species. It emphasises that future strategies for controlling vectors should take into account this heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The high population growth rate of the African continent has led to an increased demand for food and is in danger of outstripping agricultural production. In order to meet this need, many governments have sought ways of improving food production by initiating large-scale irrigation projects, involving reclamation of arid and semi-arid areas for the cultivation of crops. Although crop irrigation promises one solution to alleviating hunger and encourages economic growth, irrigation has often been blamed for aggravating disease in local communities. Malaria is one of the major tropical diseases associated with irrigation schemes, and changes in the transmission pattern of this disease following irrigation development have been a perennial subject of debate. It has often been assumed that high numbers of malaria vector Anopheles mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) resulting from irrigation schemes lead inevitably to increased malaria in local communities. However, recent studies in Africa have revealed a more complex picture. Increased numbers of vectors following irrigation can lead to increased malaria in areas of unstable transmission, where people have little or no immunity to malaria parasites, such as the African highlands and desert fringes. But for most of sub-Saharan Africa, where malaria is stable, the introduction of crop irrigation has little impact on malaria transmission. Indeed, there is growing evidence that for many sites there is less malaria in irrigated communities than surrounding areas. The explanation for this finding is still unresolved but, in some cases at least, can be attributed to displacement of the most endophilic and anthropophilic malaria vector Anopheles funestus Giles by An. arabiensis Patton with lower vectorial capacity, as the latter thrives more than the former in ricefields. Similarly, among members of the An. gambiae complex, some cytotypes of An. gambiae sensu stricto are more vectorial than others. For example, the Mopti form has high vectorial capacity and breeds perennially in irrigated sites, whereas the savanna form is often sympatric but more seasonal. Also we suggest that many communities near irrigation schemes benefit from the greater wealth created by these schemes. Consequently irrigation communities often have greater use of bednets, better access to improved healthcare and receive fewer infective bites compared with those outside such development schemes. Thus, in most cases, irrigation schemes in Africa do not appear to increase malaria risk, except in areas of unstable transmission. However, developers should take the opportunity to improve health-care facilities for local communities when planning irrigation schemes wherever they occur.  相似文献   

The anopheline vectors and malaria transmission were investigated in the Middle West of Madagascar, in the village of Ambohimena (at the altitude of 940 meters) during two years (August 1996 to July 1998). This village is located outside the vector control area, where yearly DDT house spraying campaigns have been conducted between 1993 and 1998. Collection of mosquitoes was mainly based on all night man billing collections (650 man-nights), pyrethrum spray catches (224 bedrooms) and direct collections in outdoor resting places (140 toilets, 61 pigsties, 33 holes, 19 sheds, 79 sisal hedges, 70 cart shelters). Blood fed anophelines allowed analysis of the origin of blood with an ELISA method. Presence of circum-sporozoite protein was assessed with another ELISA method. The total number of collected anophelines was 14,280. Two malaria vectors were identified: Anopheles funestus Giles, 1900 and An. arabiensis Patton, 1902. An. funestus was the most abundant mosquito, especially during the hot rainy season. Two peaks of abundance were observed (in December and April). Endophagic rate (for mosquitoes aggressive for man) of 35.3%, an endophilic rate (for resting mosquitoes) of 78.0% and an anthropophilic rate (for indoor resting mosquitoes) of 64.0% were calculated. The average parity rate was relatively low (61.2%). The Plasmodium falciparum immunological sporozoite rate was 0.20%. An. funestus presented a higher vectorial capacity during the first round of rice cultivation (January) than during the second round (April-May). An. arabiensis was mostly abundant in December and January at the beginning of the rainy season. This species was exophagic (endophagic rate = 27.5%) and zoophilic (anthropophilic rate = 7.8%). The sporozoitic index was determined as zero (number of examined mosquitoes = 871). In this village, An. arabiensis presented only marginal importance for malaria transmission. Malaria transmission occurred from December to April. Annual entomological inoculation rate, only due to An. funestus, was 8.96 during the first year, and 3.17 during the second year. In this area where transmission is moderately stable, we suggest an extension of vector imagocidal control activities up to the western fringes of the Highlands.  相似文献   

Abstract. To obtain information on adult populations of Afrotropical malaria vector mosquitoes, mark-release-recapture experiments were performed with Anopheles females collected from indoor resting-sites in a savanna area near Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, during September 1991 and 1992. Results were used to estimate the absolute population densities, daily survival rates, and dispersal parameters of malaria vectors in that area.
In 1991 a total of 7260 female Anopheles were marked and released, of which 106 were recaptured in the release village and 6 in the neighbouring villages, a total recapture rate of 1.5%. The following year 13, 854 female Anopheles were released and 116 recaptured in Goundri and 8 in the neighbouring villages, a total recapture rate of 0.9%. Recaptures were found in three of eight villages near Goundri. Nearly all of the recaptured mosquitoes were An.gambiae s.l. Of these, molecular determination revealed that An.gambiae s.s. and An.arabiensis were present in a ratio of -2:3.
Two simple random models of dispersal were simulated and the parameters of the models determined by searching for the least-squared fit between simulated and observed distributions. The mean distance moved by individual mosquitoes, estimated in this way, ranged 350–650 m day-1, depending on die model and the year considered. Population densities were estimated using the Lincoln Index, Fisher-Ford and Jolly's methods. The estimates of population size had high standard errors and were not particularly consistent. A 'consensus' value of 150,000–350,000 mosquitoes is believed to apply for ht An.gambiae s.l. female population. Survival was estimated to be 80–88% per day.  相似文献   

The dynamics of malaria transmission was studied comparatively in the villages of Zatta and Tiemelekro, central Cote d'Ivoire, from February 2002 to August 2003. Prominent agroecosystems in these villages are irrigated rice growing and vegetable farming, respectively. Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) were collected on human bait at night and by pyrethrum knock-down spray sheet collections at four randomly selected sentinel sites in each village. In 2002, for a total of 96 man-nights per village, 7716 mosquitoes were collected in Zatta and 3308 in Tiemelekro. In 2003, with half the sampling effort, 859 and 2056 mosquitoes were collected in Zatta and Tiemelekro, respectively. Anopheles gambiae Giles s.l. was the predominant mosquito and the key malaria vector throughout, followed by An. funestus Giles. Anthropophily among adult female Anopheles exceeded 95% in both villages. Comparison between years revealed that the biting rate of An. gambiae s.l. in Zatta decreased several-fold from 49.3 bites per person per night (b/p/n) in 2002 to 7.9 b/p/n in 2003 (likelihood ratio test (LRT) = 1072.66; P < 0.001). Although the biting rate remained fairly constant in Tiemelekro, the difference between years was significant (16.1 vs. 18.2 b/p/n; LRT = 148.06; P < 0.001). These observations were paralleled by a marked decrease in the infective rate of An. gambiae s.l. in Zatta (4.6-1.2%), and an increase in Tiemelekro (3.1-7.6%). Meanwhile, the entomological inoculation rate of An. gambiae s.l. decreased 21-fold in Zatta, from 789 to 38 infective bites per person per year (ib/p/y), whereas it remained high in Tiemelekro (233 vs. 342 ib/p/y). The interruption of irrigated rice growing in Zatta in 2003, consequential to a farmers' conflict over land, might be the underlying cause for the significant reduction in malaria transmission, whereas more stable conditions occurred in Tiemelekro.  相似文献   

In Madagascar we used odour-baited entry traps (OBETs) for host choice tests of wild female anopheline mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) at representative localities on the East and West sides of the island (villages Fenoarivo and Tsararano, respectively) and at the southern margin of the central plateau (Zazafotsy village, 800 m altitude). No insecticide house-spraying operations have been undertaken at these villages. Odours from a man and a calf of similar mass, concealed in different tents, were drawn by fans into separate OBETs set side by side. Traps were alternated to compensate for position effects, and different pairs of individual baits were employed for successive replicates. Totals of 266 An. funestus Giles sensu stricto and 362 An. gambiae Giles sensu lato were collected in 48 trap nights during March-June 1999. For each mosquito species the 'index of anthropophily' was defined as the proportion of females caught in the human-baited trap. For An. funestus this index was found to be consistently greater than 0.5 (value for random choice between traps/hosts), indicating that this species 'preferred' human to calf odour (index=0.83). Conversely, the index of anthropophily for An. gambiae s.l. indicated they 'chose' calf in preference to human odour (index=0.26). No significant differences of relative preference for calf or man were detected between villages; geographical variance accounted for <8% of the total experimental variance. Molecular identifications of 181 specimens of the An. gambiae complex (approximately 50% of the samples) revealed only An. arabiensis Patton at Tsararano and Zazafotsy, but >97% An. gambiae Giles sensu stricto at Fenoarivo, in accordance with prior knowledge of the differential distributions of these sibling species on the island. Predominant zoophily (i.e. intrinsic 'preference' for cattle odours) by both An. arabiensis and An. gambiae s.s. in Madagascar contrasts with their greater anthropophily in continental Africa.  相似文献   

A small-scale trial was carried out in the Upper Kinabatangan district of Sabah, Malaysia, to determine the effect of using permethrin-impregnated bednets on malaria transmission. A total of 306 nylon bednets with cotton borders, impregnated at a dose estimated to have been 0.062 g permethrin/m2 of nylon netting, were distributed to 139 households in five villages. At the time of distributing bednets, mass drug administration with Fansidar plus primaquine was also administered to the human population to clear all parasitaemias due to Plasmodium falciparum Welch. In another village, for comparison, mass drug administration was the only intervention. After intervention measures in December 1984 and January 1985, the parasite rates in children declined in all villages during the first month, significantly more in the villages with impregnated bednets than in the control, thus proving that the nets had an impact on malaria. However, after about 2 months, parasite rates started to increase again. After 4-6 months, parasite rates in the villages with bednets approached the rate in the control village without nets. The increase in parasite rates was paralleled by a significant deterioration in the quality, physical condition and the degree of non-utilization of bednets. Entomological evaluation proved the efficacy of permethrin-impregnated nets for controlling Anopheles balabacensis Baisas and other anophelines. Bioassays (1 h exposure) of permethrin-impregnated bednets gave 100% mortality initially and 44-61% mortality after 85-106 days. Mosquito collections in treated bednets were significantly reduced for at least 217 days. The project failed to achieve prolonged suppression of malaria transmission for a combination of entomological, sociological and practical reasons which are discussed in relation to the objectives and implementation of future bednet studies.  相似文献   

Northern Kwazulu/Natal (KZN) Province of South Africa borders on southern Mozambique, between Swaziland and the Indian Ocean. To control malaria vectors in KZN, houses were sprayed annually with residual DDT 2 g/ m2 until 1996 when the treatment changed to deltamethrin 20-25 mg/m2. At Ndumu (27 degrees 02'S, 32 degrees 19'E) the recorded malaria incidence increased more than six-fold between 1995 and 1999. Entomological surveys during late 1999 found mosquitoes of the Anopheles funestus group (Diptera: Culicidae) resting in sprayed houses in some sectors of Ndumu area. This very endophilic-vector of malaria had been eliminated from South Africa by DDT spraying in the 1950s, leaving the less endophilic An. arabiensis Patton as the only vector of known importance in KZN. Deltamethrin-sprayed houses at Ndumu were checked for insecticide efficacy by bioassay using susceptible An. arabiensis (laboratory-reared) that demonstrated 100% mortality. Members of the An. funestus group from Ndumu houses (29 males, 116 females) were identified by the rDNA PCR method and four species were found: 74 An. funestus Giles sensu stricto, 34 An. parensis Gillies, seven An. rivulorum Leeson and one An. leesoni Evans. Among An. funestus s.s. females, 5.4% (4/74) were positive for Plasmodium falciparum by ELISA and PCR tests. To test for pyrethroid resistance, mosquito adults were exposed to permethrin discriminating dosage and mortality scored 24h post-exposure: survival rates of wild-caught healthy males were 5/10 An. funestus, 1/9 An. rivulorum and 0/2 An. parensis; survival rates of laboratory-reared adult progeny from 19 An. funestus females averaged 14% (after 1h exposure to 1% permethrin 25:75cis:trans on papers in WHO test kits) and 27% (after 30 min in a bottle with 25 microg permethrin 40:60cis:trans). Anopheles funestus families showing >20% survival in these two resistance test procedures numbered 5/19 and 12/19, respectively. Progeny from 15 of the families were tested on 4% DDT impregnated papers and gave 100% mortality. Finding these proportions of pyrethroid-resistant An. funestus, associated with a malaria upsurge at Ndumu, has serious implications for malaria vector control operations in southern Africa.  相似文献   

Abstract. A field trial compared DDT house-spraying with permethrin-impregnated bednets for malaria control in Solomon Islands from 1987 to 1991. Mortality-rates of malaria vector Anopheles farauti in exit window traps were 11.6% from an untreated hut, 10.1% from a hut sprayed with DDT 2 g/m2, and 98% of those from a hut in which the occupants used bednets treated with permethrin 0.5 g/m2. Since bioassays of the DDT-sprayed walls (15 min exposure in W.H.O. standard test cones) gave 77% mortality of Anfarauti , it was concluded that the insignificant impact of DDT could be explained by the exophilic behaviour of endophagic vectors, whereas the greater impact of permethrin was attributed to the more effective exposure of Anfarauti females to the impregnated bednets - attracted by the occupants. The parous rate was higher indoors, except in the area with permethrin-impregnated bednets. It was therefore concluded that permethrin-impregnated bednets reduced the mean longevity of Anfarauti and hence its vectorial capacity. The circumsporozoite (CS) antigen positivity rate of Anfarauti in the DDT area was 0.18% outdoors, significantly less than 1.42% indoors. In the comparison area CS rates were 0.65% outdoors and 0.75% indoors. CS antigen was not detected in Anfarauti from the bednet area, indicating the apparent prevention of malaria transmission. As DDT spraying was so much less effective, it was discontinued in 1993 and permethrin-impregnated bednets are now the principal malaria control method in Solomon Islands.  相似文献   

The malaria vector Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Diptera: Culicidae) shows a marked predilection (> 80%) for biting the ankles and feet of human subjects, as revealed by our previous observations at Malahlapanga in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Topical application of insect repellent, 15% deet (N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide), to feet and ankles reduced the overall biting rate of An. arabiensis by 69%. A focal malaria epidemic in Albertsnek village (25 degrees 33'S, 31 degrees 59' E) near the Mozambique border, following flooding during February 2000, provided an opportunity to apply these findings of operational research for outbreak containment. Twice-nightly topical application of deet to ankles and feet of Albertsnek inhabitants was followed by rapid restoration of preepidemic malaria incidence levels after one incubation period. This encouraging outcome should be attempted in other outbreak-prone settings where infective mosquito bites are sporadic and malaria has unstable endemicity.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae s.s., Anopheles arabiensis, and Anopheles funestus s.s. are the most important species for malaria transmission. Pyrethroid resistance of these vector mosquitoes is one of the main obstacles against effective vector control. The objective of the present study was to monitor the pyrethroid susceptibility in the 3 major malaria vectors in a highly malaria endemic area in western Kenya and to elucidate the mechanisms of pyrethroid resistance in these species. Gembe East and West, Mbita Division, and 4 main western islands in the Suba district of the Nyanza province in western Kenya were used as the study area. Larval and adult collection and bioassay were conducted, as well as the detection of point mutation in the voltage-gated sodium channel (1014L) by using direct DNA sequencing. A high level of pyrethroid resistance caused by the high frequency of point mutations (L1014S) was detected in An. gambiae s.s. In contrast, P450-related pyrethroid resistance seemed to be widespread in both An. arabiensis and An. funestus s.s. Not a single L1014S mutation was detected in these 2 species. A lack of cross-resistance between DDT and permethrin was also found in An. arabiensis and An. funestus s.s., while An. gambiae s.s. was resistant to both insecticides. It is noteworthy that the above species in the same area are found to be resistant to pyrethroids by their unique resistance mechanisms. Furthermore, it is interesting that 2 different resistance mechanisms have developed in the 2 sibling species in the same area individually. The cross resistance between permethrin and DDT in An. gambiae s.s. may be attributed to the high frequency of kdr mutation, which might be selected by the frequent exposure to ITNs. Similarly, the metabolic pyrethroid resistance in An. arabiensis and An. funestus s.s. is thought to develop without strong selection by DDT.  相似文献   

ovement of mosquitoes belonging to the Anopheles gambiae complex (mixed wild populations of An.arabiensis, An.gambiae and An.melas ) between three neighbouring rural villages in The Gambia was investigated by mark-release-recapture. A total of 12,872 mosquitoes were collected in bednets, marked with a magenta fluorescent powder and released over a 15-day period in one of the villages. A further 15,507 mosquitoes were collected in exit traps, marked with a yellow powder and released over the same period. Mosquitoes were captured daily in all three villages using pyrethrum spray catches, as well as bednet and exit trap catches. The catching period extended for 6 days after the last day of release.
Of the mosquitoes released, 372 (1.3%) were recaptured 2–21 days later. Of these recaptures, 272 were caught in the release village, and 98 were caught in other villages situated 1–1.4 km away. The 'movement index' between villages was calculated as 17.2% (12.2–22.4% confidence limits) for mosquitoes released after feeding and 20.1% (14.7–25.3%) for those released unfed.
These results suggest that movement of mosquitoes between neighbouring villages in The Gambia seriously affects the entomological evaluation of pyrethroid-impregnated bednet programmes in areas where treated and untreated villages are interspersed.  相似文献   

Anopheline larvae generally inhabit the near-surface of aquatic habitats, but they dive and remain at the bottom of these habitats for some time. This study examined forced and voluntary diving behavior and submergence tolerance in the three major African malaria vectors, Anopheles gambiae Giles, An. arabiensis Patton, and An. funestus Giles. The former two species occur sympatrically in temporal and shallow water bodies, while the latter occurs in permanent deeper water bodies. Anopheles funestus was the most tolerant of submergence, but the larvae tended to halt their descent before reaching the bottom by attaching onto a wall. The difference in diving behavior between An. funestus and the two species in the An. gambiae complex may be an adaptation to their contrasting breeding sites, because the former species must spend considerable energy to surface in its typical breeding sites. Both An. gambiae and An. arabiensis reached the bottom and crawled along the substrate, but An. gambiae voluntarily crawled more often than An. arabiensis. The possible importance of asymmetric bottom-feeding between these two sympatric species is discussed.  相似文献   

For malaria vector control in Madagascar, the efficacy of lambda-cyhalothrin 10% wettable powder (ICON 10 WP) was compared with DDT 75% WP for house-spraying. This evaluation was conducted from November 1997 to September 1998 in highland villages of Vakinankaratra Region, at the fringe of the malaria epidemic zone, outside the zone covered by routine DDT house-spraying (Opération de pulvérisation intro-domiciliaire de DDT: OPID zone). Treatments were compared by house-spraying in four areas: 1) application of DDT 2g ai/m2 and 2) lambda-cyhalothrin 30 mg ai/m2 in previously unsprayed villages; 3) no intervention (control); 4) OPID 5th cycle of DDT 2g ai/m2. The prevalent vector Anopheles funestus almost disappeared from both the DDT and ICON sprayed areas, whereas in the unsprayed (control) area An. funeslus density went up to 60 females per room in April and there were two seasonal peaks of malaria transmission in January and March (see following paper). In the area sprayed with ICON, the parous rate of An. funestus decreased from 47% pre-spray to 39% six months post-spraying, while the parous rate increased in DDT-sprayed area (from 57% pre-spray to 64% six months post-spray). Bioassays of An. funestus on treated walls, six months post-spray, gave mortality rates of 100% on DDT and 90% on ICON. Conversely, ICON appeared to be more effective than DDT on thatched roofs (66% versus 100%, respectively, six months post-spray). In areas sprayed with DDT or ICON the density of An. arabiensis were little affected. This study demonstrated that, under equivalent conditions, both DDT and lambda-cyhalothrin were effective in reducing malaria transmission on the western fringes of the malaria epidemic zone of the malagasy highlands, with a residual effect lasting at least for six months. Lambda-cyhalothrin appeared to be more effective than DDT in reducing the longevity of malaria vectors. In addition to efficacy, the choice of insecticide for malaria vector control should take into account their acceptability by human populations and their toxicity and persistence in the environment.  相似文献   

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