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The majority of vector-borne infections occur in the tropics, including Africa, but molecular eco-epidemiological studies are seldom reported from these regions. In particular, most previously published data on ticks in Ethiopia focus on species distribution, and only a few molecular studies on the occurrence of tick-borne pathogens or on ecological factors influencing these. The present study was undertaken to evaluate, if ticks collected from cattle in different Ethiopian biotopes harbour (had access to) different pathogens.


In South-Western Ethiopia 1032 hard ticks were removed from cattle grazing in three kinds of tick biotopes. DNA was individually extracted from one specimen of both sexes of each tick species per cattle. These samples were molecularly analysed for the presence of tick-borne pathogens.


Amblyomma variegatum was significantly more abundant on mid highland, than on moist highland. Rhipicephalus decoloratus was absent from savannah lowland, where virtually only A. cohaerens was found. In the ticks Coxiella burnetii had the highest prevalence on savannah lowland. PCR positivity to Theileria spp. did not appear to depend on the biotope, but some genotypes were unique to certain tick species. Significantly more A. variegatum specimens were rickettsia-positive, than those of other tick species. The presence of rickettsiae (R. africae) appeared to be associated with mid highland in case of A. variegatum and A. cohaerens. The low level of haemoplasma positivity seemed to be equally distributed among the tick species, but was restricted to one biotope type.


The tick biotope, in which cattle are grazed, will influence not only the tick burden of these hosts, but also the spectrum of pathogens in their ticks. Thus, the presence of pathogens with alternative (non-tick-borne) transmission routes, with transstadial or with transovarial transmission by ticks appeared to be associated with the biotope type, with the tick species, or both, respectively.  相似文献   

At a human/livestock/wildlife interface, Escherichia coli populations were used to assess the risk of bacterial and antibiotic resistance dissemination between hosts. We used phenotypic and genotypic characterization techniques to describe the structure and the level of antibiotic resistance of E. coli commensal populations and the resistant Enterobacteriaceae carriage of sympatric African buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) and cattle populations characterized by their contact patterns in the southern part of Hwange ecosystem in Zimbabwe. Our results (i) confirmed our assumption that buffalo and cattle share similar phylogroup profiles, dominated by B1 (44.5%) and E (29.0%) phylogroups, with some variability in A phylogroup presence (from 1.9 to 12%); (ii) identified a significant gradient of antibiotic resistance from isolated buffalo to buffalo in contact with cattle and cattle populations expressed as the Murray score among Enterobacteriaceae (0.146, 0.258, and 0.340, respectively) and as the presence of tetracycline-, trimethoprim-, and amoxicillin-resistant subdominant E. coli strains (0, 5.7, and 38%, respectively); (iii) evidenced the dissemination of tetracycline, trimethoprim, and amoxicillin resistance genes (tet, dfrA, and blaTEM-1) in 26 isolated subdominant E. coli strains between nearby buffalo and cattle populations, that led us (iv) to hypothesize the role of the human/animal interface in the dissemination of genetic material from human to cattle and toward wildlife. The study of antibiotic resistance dissemination in multihost systems and at anthropized/natural interface is necessary to better understand and mitigate its multiple threats. These results also contribute to attempts aiming at using E. coli as a tool for the identification of pathogen transmission pathway in multihost systems.  相似文献   

The synergies between viral and bacterial infections are well established. Most studies have been focused on the indirect mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, including immune modulation and alterations to the mucosal structures that promote pathogen outgrowth. A growing body of evidence implicates direct binding of virus to bacterial surfaces being an additional mechanism of synergy at the host–pathogen interface. These cross‐kingdom interactions enhance bacterial and viral adhesion and can alter tissue tropism. These bacterial–viral complexes play unique roles in pathogenesis and can alter virulence potential. The bacterial–viral complexes may also play important roles in pathogen transmission. Additionally, the complexes are recognized by the host immune system in a distinct manner, thus presenting novel routes for vaccine development. These synergies are active for multiple species in both the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, indicating that direct interactions between bacteria and virus to modulate host interactions are used by a diverse array of species.  相似文献   

The tick-borne cattle pathogen Anaplasma marginale (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae) multiplies within membrane-bound inclusions in host cell cytoplasm. Many geographic isolates of A. marginale occur that vary in genotype, antigenic composition, morphology and infectivity for ticks. A tick cell culture system for propagation of A. marginale proved to be a good model for study of tick-pathogen interactions. Six major surface proteins (MSPs) identified on A. marginale from bovine erythrocytes were conserved on A. marginale derived from tick cells. MSP1a and MSP1b were adhesins for bovine erythrocytes, while only MSP1a was found to be an adhesin for tick cells. The tandemly repeated portion of MSP1a was found to be necessary and sufficient for adhesion to both tick cells and bovine erythrocytes. Infectivity of A. marginale isolates for ticks was dependent on the adhesive capacity of the isolate MSP1a, which was found to involve both the adhesive properties and sequence of the repeated peptides. Cattle immunized with A. marginale derived from bovine erythrocytes or tick cells demonstrated a differential antibody response to MSP1a and MSP1b that resulted from the differential expression of these proteins in cattle and ticks cells. MSP2, derived from a multi-gene family, was found to undergo antigenic variation in cattle and ticks and may contribute to establishment of persistent A. marginale infections. MSP1a has been used as a stable genetic marker for geographic isolates because the molecular weight varies due to differing numbers of the tandem repeats. However, phylogenetic studies of A. marginale isolates from North America using MSP1a and MSP4 demonstrated that MSP4 was a good biogeographic marker, while MSP1a varied greatly among and within geographic areas. Infection and development of A. marginale in cattle and tick cells appears to differ and to be mediated by several surface proteins encoded from the small genome. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   



Genes under selection provide ecologically important information useful for conservation issues. Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II genes are essential for the immune defence against pathogens from intracellular (e.g. viruses) and extracellular (e.g. helminths) origins, respectively. Serosurvey studies in Namibian cheetahs (Acinonyx juabuts) revealed higher exposure to viral pathogens in individuals from north-central than east-central regions. Here we examined whether the observed differences in exposure to viruses influence the patterns of genetic variation and differentiation at MHC loci in 88 free-ranging Namibian cheetahs.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Genetic variation at MHC I and II loci was assessed through single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and sequencing. While the overall allelic diversity did not differ, we observed a high genetic differentiation at MHC class I loci between cheetahs from north-central and east-central Namibia. No such differentiation in MHC class II and neutral markers were found.


Our results suggest that MHC class I variation mirrors the variation in selection pressure imposed by viruses in free-ranging cheetahs across Namibian farmland. This is of high significance for future management and conservation programs of this species.  相似文献   

A number of plant pathogenic and symbiotic microbes produce specialized cellular structures that invade host cells where they remain enveloped by host‐derived membranes. The mechanisms underlying the biogenesis and functions of host–microbe interfaces are poorly understood. Here, we show that plant late endocytic trafficking is diverted toward the extrahaustorial membrane (EHM); a host–pathogen interface that develops in plant cells invaded by Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans. A late endosome and tonoplast marker protein Rab7 GTPase RabG3c, but not a tonoplast‐localized sucrose transporter, is recruited to the EHM, suggesting specific rerouting of vacuole‐targeted late endosomes to a host–pathogen interface. We revealed the dynamic nature of this process by showing that, upon activation, a cell surface immune receptor traffics toward the haustorial interface. Our work provides insight into the biogenesis of the EHM and reveals dynamic processes that recruit membrane compartments and immune receptors to this host–pathogen interface.   相似文献   

EcoHealth - In the northeastern USA, active forest management can include timber harvests designed to meet silvicultural objectives (i.e., harvesting trees that meet certain maturity, height, age,...  相似文献   



Nipah virus (NiV) is an emerging disease that causes severe encephalitis and respiratory illness in humans. Pigs were identified as an intermediate host for NiV transmission in Malaysia. In Bangladesh, NiV has caused recognized human outbreaks since 2001 and three outbreak investigations identified an epidemiological association between close contact with sick or dead animals and human illness.


We examined cattle and goats reared around Pteropus bat roosts in human NiV outbreak areas. We also tested pig sera collected under another study focused on Japanese encephalitis.

Principal Findings

We detected antibodies against NiV glycoprotein in 26 (6.5%) cattle, 17 (4.3%) goats and 138 (44.2%) pigs by a Luminex-based multiplexed microsphere assay; however, these antibodies did not neutralize NiV. Cattle and goats with NiVsG antibodies were more likely to have a history of feeding on fruits partially eaten by bats or birds (PR = 3.1, 95% CI 1.6–5.7) and drinking palmyra palm juice (PR = 3.9, 95% CI 1.5–10.2).


This difference in test results may be due to the exposure of animals to one or more novel viruses with antigenic similarity to NiV. Further research may identify a novel organism of public health importance.  相似文献   

Decalcification at the mantle-shell interface in Mercenariatnercenaria was studied through the changes in the chemicalcomposition of the extrapallial fluid, and by the measurementof Ca45-deposition and solution. Measurements of O2-tensiondemonstrated that the clam was anaerobic soon after the valveswere closed. Measurements of calcium, carbon dioxide, and hydrogenion concentration showed that all of these components of theextrapallial fluid increase with increasing time of closure.These measurements, and measurements of calcium and succinicacid in the tissues and fluids of the clam, indicated thatsuccinicacid produced by the anaerobic metabolism of the clam was neutralizedby the dissolution of previously deposited shell.  相似文献   

Attention is given to the role of Ca2+ at the interface between the cell wall and the cytoplast, especially as seen in pollen tubes. While the cytoplasm directs the synthesis and deposition of the wall, it is less well appreciated that the wall exerts considerable self control and influences activities of the cytoplasm. Ca2+ participates as a crucial factor in this two way communication. In the cytoplasm, a [Ca2+] above 0.1 μM, regulates myriad processes, including secretion of cell wall components. In the cell wall Ca2+, at 10 μM to 10 mM, binds negative charges on pectins and imparts structural rigidity to the wall. The plasma membrane occupies a pivotal position between these two compartments, where selective channels regulate influx of Ca2+, and specific carriers pump the ion back into the wall. In addition we draw attention to different factors, which either respond to the wall or are present in the wall, and usually generate elevated [Ca2+] in the cytoplasm. These factors include: (i) stretch activated channels; (ii) calmodulin; (iii) annexins; (iv) wall associated kinases; (v) oligogalacturonides; and (vi) extracellular adenosine 5-triphosphate. Together they provide evidence for a rich and multifaceted system of communication between the cytoplast and cell wall, with Ca2+ as a carrier of information.  相似文献   

Attention is given to the role of Ca2+ at the interface between the cell wall and the cytoplast, especially as seen in pollen tubes. While the cytoplasm directs the synthesis and deposition of the wall, it is less well appreciated that the wall exerts considerable self control and influences activities of the cytoplasm. Ca2+ participates as a crucial factor in this two way communication. In the cytoplasm, a [Ca2+] above 0.1 μM, regulates myriad processes, including secretion of cell wall components. In the ...  相似文献   

Ixodes species ticks are competent vectors of tick-borne viruses including tick-borne encephalitis and Powassan encephalitis. Tick saliva has been shown to facilitate and enhance viral infection. This likely occurs by saliva-mediated modulation of host responses into patterns favorable for viral infection and dissemination. Because of the rapid kinetics of tick-borne viral transmission, this modulation must occur as early as tick attachment and initiation of feeding. In this study, cutaneous bite-site lesions were analyzed using Affymetrix mouse genome 430A 2.0 arrays and histopathology at 1, 3, 6, and 12 hours after uninfected Ixodes scapularis nymphal tick attachment. At 1 and 3 hrs after attachment, the gene expression profile is markedly different than at later time points. Upregulated gene ontology term clusters enriched at 1 and 3 hrs were related to post-translational modification. At 6 and 12 hrs, cytoskeletal rearrangements, DNA replication/cell division, inflammation, and chemotaxis were prominent clusters. At 6 and 12 hrs, extracellular matrix, signaling, and DNA binding clusters were downregulated. Histopathological analysis shows minimal inflammation at 1 and 3 hrs but an appreciable neutrophil infiltrate at 6 and 12 hrs. In addition, putative hyperemia, localized necrosis, and increased ECM deposition were identified. Putting the gene expression and histopathology analysis together suggests early tick feeding is characterized by modulation of host responses in resident cells that merges into a nascent, neutrophil-driven immune response by 12 hrs post-attachment.  相似文献   

The importance of water-air interfaces (WAI) on microorganism activities has been recognized by many researchers. In this paper, we report a novel phenomenon: the entrapment of ciliates Tetrahymena at the WAI. We first characterized the behavior of cells at the interface and showed that the cells'' swimming velocity was considerably reduced at the WAI. To verify the possible causes of the entrapment, we investigated the effects of positive chemotaxis for oxygen, negative geotaxis and surface properties. Even though the taxes were still effective, the entrapment phenomenon was not dependent on the physiological conditions, but was instead affected by the physical properties at the interface. This knowledge is useful for a better understanding of the physiology of microorganisms at interfaces in nature and in industry.  相似文献   

Transport of GABA at the Blood-CSF Interface   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract: The entry of GABA into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was studied in dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital and relaxed with suxamethonium. GABA was administered intravenously as a priming dose and subsequent maintenance infusion to compensate for the rapid elimination of the amino acid. Steady state concentrations of GABA in CSF were reached between 10 and 60 min after injection, the rate of entry tending to decrease with increasing plasma levels. During steady state conditions CSF concentrations showed great interin-dividual differences and varied between 0.03 and 5.1% of those in plasma. Probenecid and sodium valproate considerably enhanced the CSF/plasma concentration ratio of GABA. When GABA was directly injected into the liquor space, probenecid slowed down the elimination of GABA from CSF. The results suggest a transport of GABA into and out of CSF, the outward transport being inhibited by probenecid and sodium valproate.  相似文献   

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