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18O-labeling quantitative proteomics using an ion trap mass spectrometer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We describe a method for simultaneous identification and quantitation of proteins within complex mixtures. The method consists of 18O-labeling, a simple stable isotope-coding that requires merely enzymatic digestion in 18O-water, in combination with a capillary-liquid chromatography electrospray ion-trap mass spectrometer. In a separate experiment using the same sample and a spike test, we demonstrate that the difference ration was calculated accurately using the 18O-labeling method even if the protein was part of a complex mixture. Our data also suggest that the accuracy of the quantitation can be improved by averaging the difference ratios of several peptides. In comparing our method with the isotope-coded affinity tag (ICAT) method, we show that the 18O-labeling method has the advantages of better recovery and fewer isotope effects. Therefore, the 18O-labeling method is a powerful tool for large-scale proteomics applications.  相似文献   

A thermospray ion source using corona discharge ionization was interfaced to a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer via a multi-element lens system. Ions were injected into the trap periodically where they were stabilized by collisions with helium bath gas. Mass spectra were recorded on the trapped ions using the mass-selective instability scan mode. Data are shown for a peptide and a nucleoside and the effects of some experimental variables on the spectra are explored.  相似文献   

For proteomic analysis using tandem mass spectrometry, linear ion trap instruments provide unsurpassed sensitivity but unreliably detect low mass peptide fragments, precluding their use with iTRAQ reagent-labeled samples. Although the popular LTQ linear ion trap supports analyzing iTRAQ reagent-labeled peptides via pulsed Q dissociation, PQD, its effectiveness remains questionable. Using a standard mixture, we found careful tuning of relative collision energy necessary for fragmenting iTRAQ reagent-labeled peptides, and increasing microscan acquisition and repeat count improves quantification but identifies somewhat fewer peptides. We developed software to calculate abundance ratios via summing reporter ion intensities across spectra matching to each protein, thereby providing maximized accuracy. Testing found that results closely corresponded between analysis using optimized LTQ-PQD settings plus our software and using a Qstar instrument. Thus, we demonstrate the effectiveness of LTQ-PQD analyzing iTRAQ reagent-labeled peptides, and provide guidelines for successful quantitative proteomic studies.  相似文献   

The unique scanning capabilities of a hybrid linear ion trap (Q TRAP) mass spectrometer are described with an emphasis on proteomics applications. The combination of the very selective triple quadrupole based tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) scans with the very sensitive ion trap product ion scans allows rapid identification of peptides at low concentrations derived from post-translationally modified proteins on chromatographic time scales. The Q TRAP instrument also offers the opportunity to conduct a variety of ion processing steps prior to performing a mass scan. For example, the enhancement of the multiple-charge ion contents of the ion trap can be performed resulting in a survey mass spectrum dominated by double- and triple-charge peptides. This facilitates the identification of relevant biological species in both separated and unseparated peptide mixtures for further MS/MS experiments.  相似文献   

Here we detail the modification of a quadrupole linear ion trap-orbitrap hybrid (QLT-orbitrap) mass spectrometer to accommodate a negative chemical ionization (NCI) source. The NCI source is used to produce fluoranthene radical anions for imparting electron transfer dissociation (ETD). The anion beam is stable, robust, and intense so that a sufficient amount of reagents can be injected into the QLT in only 4-8 ms. Following ion/ion reaction in the QLT, ETD product ions are mass-to-charge (m/z) analyzed in either the QLT (for speed and sensitivity) or the orbitrap (for mass resolution and accuracy). Here we describe the physical layout of this device, parametric optimization of anion transport, an evaluation of relevant ETD figures of merit, and the application of this instrument to protein sequence analysis. Described proteomic applications include complex peptide mixture analysis, post-translational modification (PTM) site identification, isotope-encoded quantitation, large peptide characterization, and intact protein analysis. From these experiments, we conclude the ETD-enabled orbitrap will provide the proteomic field with several new opportunities and represents an advance in protein sequence analysis technologies.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional linear ion trap mass spectrometers are rapidly becoming the new workhorse instruments for shotgun proteomic analysis of complex peptide mixtures. The objective of this study was to compare the potential for false positive peptide sequence matches between a two-dimensional ion trap instrument and a traditional, three-dimensional ion trap instrument. Through the comparative analysis of a complex protein sample, we found that in order to minimize false positive sequence matches, sequence match scoring criteria must be more stringent for data from the two-dimensional ion trap compared to the three-dimensional ion trap data. Given this increased potential for false positives, we also investigated two potential filtering strategies to reduce the false positive matches for data derived from the two-dimensional ion trap, including trypsin enzyme cleavage filtering, and the addition of peptide physicochemical information as a constraint, specifically peptide isoelectric point. The results described here provide a cautionary tale to researchers, demonstrating the need for careful analysis of MS/MS data from this new class of ion trap instruments, as well as the effectiveness of trypsin enzyme cleavage filtering and peptide pI information in maximizing high confidence protein identifications from this powerful proteomic instrumentation.  相似文献   

Hydrogen/deuterium exchange reactions of protonated and sodium cationized peptide molecules have been studied in the gas phase with a MALDI/quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. Unit-mass selected precursor ions were allowed to react with deuterated ammonia introduced into the trap cell by a pulsed valve. The reactant gas pressure, reaction time, and degree of the internal excitation of reactant ions were varied to explore the kinetics of the gas phase isotope exchange. Protonated peptide molecules exhibited a high degree of reactivity, some showing complete exchange of all labile hydrogen atoms. On the contrary, peptide molecules cationized with sodium exhibited only very limited reactivity, indicating a vast difference between the gas phase structures of the two ions. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

Advances in analytical techniques, specifically in mass spectrometry, have allowed for both facile protein identification and routine sequencing of proteins at increased sensitivity levels. Protein modifications present additional challenges because they occur at low stoichiometries and often change the analytical behavior of the molecule. For example, characterization of protein phosphorylation provides crucial information to signaling processes that are often associated with disease. Research into protein phosphorylation requires inter-disciplinary co-operation involving multiple investigators with expertise in diverse scientific fields. As such, techniques must be simple, effective, and incorporate multiple checkpoints that confirm the sample contains a phosphorylated protein in order to ensure resources are conserved. In this study, tumor progression locus 2 (Tpl2), which has been implicated in cell cycle regulation and has been shown to play a significant role in critical signal transduction pathways, was transfected into 293T cells, overexpressed and isolated from the cell lysate. Isolated proteins were separated via 1D gel electrophoresis, and their phosphorylation was confirmed using phosphospecific staining. The bands were excised and subjected to tryptic digestion and immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) prior to analysis by capillary-LC-MS/MS. Three phosphorylation sites were detected on Tpl2. One site had previously been reported in the literature but had not been characterized by mass spectrometric methods until this time; two additional novel sites of phosphorylation were detected.  相似文献   

Coupling of multiplex isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) to a sensitive linear ion trap (LTQ) mass spectrometer (MS) is a challenging, but highly promising approach for quantitative high-throughput proteomic profiling. Integration of the advantages of pulsed-Q dissociation (PQD) and collision-activated dissociation (CAD) fragmentation methods into a PQD-CAD hybrid mode, together with PQD optimization and data manipulation with a bioinformatics algorithm, resulted in a robust, sensitive and accurate iTRAQ quantitative proteomic workflow. The workflow was superior to the default PQD setting when profiling the proteome of a gastric cancer cell line, SNU5. Taken together, we established an optimized PQD-CAD hybrid workflow in LTQ-MS for iTRAQ quantitative proteomic profiling that may have wide applications in biological and biomedical research.  相似文献   

Riter LS  Gooding KM  Hodge BD  Julian RK 《Proteomics》2006,6(6):1735-1740
A critical evaluation of the performance of a 2-D linear ion trap (IT) instrument to two 3-D quadrupole IT instruments with emphasis on identification of rat serum proteins by bottom-up LC-MS/MS is presented. The speed and sensitivity of each of the instruments were investigated, and the effects that each of these have on the bottom-up proteomics identification approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Quantitative proteomics using stable isotopic 16O/18O labeling has emerged as a very powerful tool, since it has a number of advantages over other methods, including the simplicity of chemistry, the constant mass tag at the C termini and its general applicability. However, due to the small mass difference between labeled and unlabeled peptide species, this approach has usually been restricted to high-resolution mass spectrometers. In this study we explored whether the high-resolution scanning mode, together with the extremely high scanning speed of the linear IT allows the 16O/18O-labeling method to be used for accurate, large-scale quantitative analysis of proteomes. A protocol, including digestion, desalting, labeling, MS and quantitative analysis was developed and tested using protein standards and whole proteome extracts. Using this method we were able to identify and quantify 140 proteins from only 10 mug of a proteome extract from mesenchymal stem cells. Relative expression changes larger than twofold can be identified with this method at the 95% confidence level. Our results demonstrate that accurate quantitative analysis using 16O/18O labeling can be performed in the practice using linear IT MS, without compromising large-scale peptide identification efficiency.  相似文献   

Purohit PV  Rocke DM 《Proteomics》2003,3(9):1699-1703
We use several different multivariate analysis methods to discriminate between diseased and healthy patients using protein mass spectrometer data provided by Duke University. Two problems were presented by the university; one in which the responses (diseased or healthy) of the patients were not known and second, when the responses were known. In the latter case, the data can be used as a 'training' set. We attempted both problems. In particular, we use principle component analysis along with clustering methods to discriminate for the first problem set and partial least squares coupled with logistic and discriminant methods when the responses were known. In addition, we were able to detect regions of interest in the spectrum where there were differences in the protein patterns between healthy and diseased patients. There was considerable effort involved in the preprocessing of the data. We used a binning approach to reduce the number of variables rather than peak heights or peak areas. We performed a square root transformation on the data to help stabilize the variance; this in turn made a significant improvement in clustering results.  相似文献   

NanoMate robot was coupled to a high-capacity ion trap (HCT) mass spectrometer to create a system merging automatic chip-based electrospray ionization (ESI) infusion, ultrafast ion detection, and multistage sequencing at superior sensitivity. The interface between the NanoMate and HCT mass spectrometer consists of an in-laboratory constructed mounting device that allows adjustment of the robot position with respect to the mass spectrometer inlet. The coupling was optimized for ganglioside (GG) high-throughput analysis in the negative ion mode and was implemented in clinical glycolipidomics for identification and structural characterization of anencephaly-associated species. By NanoMate HCT mass spectrometry (MS), data corroborating significant differences in GG expression in anencephalic versus age-matched normal brain tissue were collected. The feasibility of chip-based nanoESI HCT multistage collision-induced dissociation (CID MSn) for polysialylated GG fragmentation and isomer discrimination was tested on a GT1 (d18:1/18:0) anencephaly-associated structure. MS2-MS4 obtained by accumulating scans at variable fragmentation amplitudes gave rise to the first fragmentation patterns from which the presence of GT1b structural isomer could be determined unequivocally without the need for supplementary investigation by any other analytical or biochemical methods.  相似文献   

Complete phosphorylation mapping of protein kinases was successfully undertaken using an automated LC/MS/MS approach. This method uses the direct combination of triple quadrupole and ion trapping capabilities in a hybrid triple quadrupole linear ion trap to selectively identify and sequence phosphorylated peptides. In particular, the use of a precursor ion scan of m/z -79 in negative ion mode followed by an ion trap high resolution scan (an enhanced resolution scan) and a high sensitivity MS/MS scan (enhanced product ion scan) in positive mode is a very effective method for identifying phosphorylation sites in proteins at low femtomole levels. Coupling of this methodology with a stable isotope N-terminal labeling strategy using iTRAQtrade mark reagents enabled phosphorylation mapping and relative protein phosphorylation levels to be determined between the active and inactive forms of the protein kinase MAPKAPK-1 in the same LC/MS run.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation has been the most studied of all the posttranslational modifications of proteins. Mass spectrometry has emerged as a powerful tool for phosphomapping on proteins/peptides. Collision-induced dissociation (CID) of phosphopeptides leads to the loss of phosphoric or metaphosphoric acid as a neutral molecule, giving an intense neutral loss product ion in the mass spectrum. Dissociation of the neutral loss product ion identifies peptide sequence. This method of data-dependent constant neutral loss (DDNL) scanning analysis has been commonly used for mapping phosphopeptides. However, preferential losses of groups other than phosphate are frequently observed during CID of phosphopeptides. Ions that result from such losses are not identified during DDNL analysis due to predetermined scanning for phosphate loss. In this study, we describe an alternative approach for improved identification of phosphopeptides by sequential abundant ion fragmentation analysis (SAIFA). In this approach, there is no predetermined neutral loss molecule, thereby undergoing sequential fragmentation of abundant peak, irrespective of the moiety lost during CID. In addition to improved phosphomapping, the method increases the sequence coverage of the proteins identified, thereby increasing the confidence of protein identification. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to use SAIFA for phosphopeptide identification.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry-based proteomics has greatly benefitted from enormous advances in high resolution instrumentation in recent years. In particular, the combination of a linear ion trap with the Orbitrap analyzer has proven to be a popular instrument configuration. Complementing this hybrid trap-trap instrument, as well as the standalone Orbitrap analyzer termed Exactive, we here present coupling of a quadrupole mass filter to an Orbitrap analyzer. This "Q Exactive" instrument features high ion currents because of an S-lens, and fast high-energy collision-induced dissociation peptide fragmentation because of parallel filling and detection modes. The image current from the detector is processed by an "enhanced Fourier Transformation" algorithm, doubling mass spectrometric resolution. Together with almost instantaneous isolation and fragmentation, the instrument achieves overall cycle times of 1 s for a top 10 higher energy collisional dissociation method. More than 2500 proteins can be identified in standard 90-min gradients of tryptic digests of mammalian cell lysate- a significant improvement over previous Orbitrap mass spectrometers. Furthermore, the quadrupole Orbitrap analyzer combination enables multiplexed operation at the MS and tandem MS levels. This is demonstrated in a multiplexed single ion monitoring mode, in which the quadrupole rapidly switches among different narrow mass ranges that are analyzed in a single composite MS spectrum. Similarly, the quadrupole allows fragmentation of different precursor masses in rapid succession, followed by joint analysis of the higher energy collisional dissociation fragment ions in the Orbitrap analyzer. High performance in a robust benchtop format together with the ability to perform complex multiplexed scan modes make the Q Exactive an exciting new instrument for the proteomics and general analytical communities.  相似文献   

The intention of this review is to provide an overview of current methodologies employed in the rapidly developing field of ocular proteomics with emphasis on sample preparation, two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) and mass spectrometry (MS). Appropriate sample preparation for the diverse range of cells and tissues of the eye is essential to ensure reliable results. Current methods of protein staining for 2D-PAGE, protein labelling for two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis, gel-based expression analysis and protein identification by MS are summarised. The uses of gel-free MS-based strategies (MuDPIT, iTRAQ, ICAT and SILAC) are also discussed. Proteomic technologies promise to shed new light onto ocular disease processes that could lead to the discovery of strong novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets useful in many ophthalmic conditions.  相似文献   

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