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In some songbird species, large song repertoires are advantageous in female attraction, whereas song sharing with neighbours may give an advantage in male–male competition. Open‐ended learners, with the ability to memorize new song elements throughout their lives, may learn from territorial neighbours and thus benefit from increasing both repertoire size and song sharing. A distinction needs to be made between true adult song learning, i.e. memorization of novel song elements, and vocal plasticity resulting in changes in the use of previously memorized elements, such as the use of hidden repertoires or increased production of previously rare syllable types. We assessed the ability of adult pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca males to learn previously unheard song elements and to change their song production in response to playback of unfamiliar, conspecific song, emulating a singing neighbour. After a 1‐week playback treatment, three out of 20 subjects had learned foreign song elements, providing evidence from the wild that pied flycatchers are true open‐ended learners. However, the syllable sharing with the playback stimulus repertoires had not changed, and the males’ repertoires had decreased rather than increased. Hence, we did not find support for increased syllable sharing with neighbours or increased repertoire size as functions of adult song learning in pied flycatchers. Because pied flycatcher song seems to serve mainly for mate attraction, copying of attractive syllable types is a possible alternative function of adult song learning in this species.  相似文献   

Conclusions Of the species examined, only the guillemot remained within the study area, while other species ranged much further from the colony to forage. The number of guillemots present at sea was 2943±222 birds as calculated by Ordinary Kriging method (van der Meer & Leopold, in prep.). This corresponds to the number expected from the size of the colony and the attendance patterns of the birds (2889: Grunsky, 1992). Based on (1) metabolism of adults, (2) cost of egg production, (3) amount of food delivered to chicks, and (4) population parameters according to Grunsky (1992), we calculated the total energy consumption during the breeding season (cf. Cairns et al., 1992). The length of the breeding season was taken from 1st April (10 days before the first egg) to 16th June (mean day of leaving). In total, the guillemots used 1015 million kJ of energy to complete the 1991 breeding season. The diet (Grunsky, 1992) consisted, for 68.6%, of sandeel (7.8 kJ/g wet mass) and for 31.4%, of clupeoids (10.8 kJ/g), so in total 81 tonnes of sandeel and 37 tonnes of clupeoids were needed to support the colony of guillemots.  相似文献   

The honeybee has an invaluable economic impact and is a model for studying immunity, development and social behavior. The recent sequencing and annotation of the honeybee genome facilitates the study of its hemolymph, which reflects the physiological condition and mediates immune responses. We aimed at making a proteomic reference map of honeybee hemolymph and compared gel‐free and gel‐based techniques. One hundered and four 2‐DE spots corresponding to 62 different proteins were identified. Eight identical 2‐DLC experiments resulted in the identification of 32 unique proteins. One repeat was clearly not representative for the potential of the given 2‐DLC setup. Only 27% of the identified hemolymph proteins were found by both techniques. In addition, we found proteins of three different viruses which creates possibilities for biomarker design. Future hemolymph studies will benefit from this work.  相似文献   

Trade-offs are a core component of many evolutionary models, particularly those dealing with the evolution of life histories. In the present paper, we identify four topics of key importance for studies of the evolutionary biology of trade-offs. First, we consider the underlying concept of 'constraint'. We conclude that this term is typically used too vaguely and suggest that 'constraint' in the sense of a bias should be clearly distinguished from 'constraint' in the sense of proscribed combinations of traits or evolutionary trajectories. Secondly, we address the utility of the acquisition-allocation model (the 'Y-model'). We find that, whereas this model and its derivatives have provided new insights, a misunderstanding of the pivotal equation has led to incorrect predictions and faulty tests. Thirdly, we ask how trade-offs are expected to evolve under directional selection. A quantitative genetic model predicts that, under weak or short-term selection, the intercept will change but the slope will remain constant. Two empirical tests support this prediction but these are based on comparisons of geographic populations: more direct tests will come from artificial selection experiments. Finally, we discuss what maintains variation in trade-offs noting that at present little attention has been given to this question. We distinguish between phenotypic and genetic variation and suggest that the latter is most in need of explanation. We suggest that four factors deserving investigation are mutation-selection balance, antagonistic pleiotropy, correlational selection and spatio-temporal variation, but as in the other areas of research on trade-offs, empirical generalizations are impeded by lack of data. Although this lack is discouraging, we suggest that it provides a rich ground for further study and the integration of many disciplines, including the emerging field of genomics.  相似文献   

The content and organization of mental health care have been heavily influenced by the view that mental difficulties come as diagnosable disorders that can be treated by specialist practitioners who apply evidence‐based practice (EBP) guidelines of symptom reduction at the group level. However, the EBP symptom‐reduction model is under pressure, as it may be disconnected from what patients need, ignores evidence of the trans‐syndromal nature of mental difficulties, overestimates the contribution of the technical aspects of treatment compared to the relational and ritual components of care, and underestimates the lack of EBP group‐to‐individual generalizability. A growing body of knowledge indicates that mental illnesses are seldom “cured” and are better framed as vulnerabilities. Important gains in well‐being can be achieved when individuals learn to live with mental vulnerabilities through a slow process of strengthening resilience in the social and existential domains. In this paper, we examine what a mental health service would look like if the above factors were taken into account. The mental health service of the 21st century may be best conceived of as a small‐scale healing community fostering connectedness and strengthening resilience in learning to live with mental vulnerability, complemented by a limited number of regional facilities. Peer support, organized at the level of a recovery college, may form the backbone of the community. Treatments should be aimed at trans‐syndromal symptom reduction, tailored to serve the higher‐order process of existential recovery and social participation, and applied by professionals who have been trained to collaborate, embrace idiography and maximize effects mediated by therapeutic relationship and the healing effects of ritualized care interactions. Finally, integration with a public mental health system of e‐communities providing information, peer and citizen support and a range of user‐rated self‐management tools may help bridge the gap between the high prevalence of common mental disorder and the relatively low capacity of any mental health service.  相似文献   

Wild birds are important hosts for vector-borne pathogens, especially those borne by ticks. However, few studies have been conducted on the role of different bird species within a community as hosts of vector-borne pathogens. This study addressed individual and species factors that could explain the burden of Ixodes ricinus on forest birds during the reproductive periods of both vectors and hosts. The goal was to identify which bird species contribute the most to the tick population at the community level. Birds were mist-netted on four plots in 2008 and on seven plots in 2009 in two forests (Sénart and Notre Dame, near Paris, France). The dependence of the tick load per bird upon environmental conditions (questing nymph density, year and plot) and on host species traits (species, age, sex, body size, vertical space use, level of innate and acquired immunity) was analysed. Finally, the relative contribution of each bird species to the local dynamics of ticks was estimated, while accounting for their respective abundance. Tick burden differed markedly between bird species and varied according to questing nymph density. Bird species with a high body mass, those that forage low in the vegetation, and those that had a high innate immune response and a high spleen mass were more likely to have a high tick burden. Four species (the Common Blackbird, Turdus merula, the European Robin, Erithacus rubecula, the Song Thrush, Turdus philomelos, and the Winter Wren, Troglodytes troglodytes) hosted more than 90% of the ticks in the local bird community. These species, and particularly T. merula which was host to a high proportion of the nymphs, are likely to contribute significantly to the circulation of pathogens for which they are competent, such as the agent of Lyme borreliosis.  相似文献   

Many types of predators depredate bird nests and thus potentiallyinfluence the spatial distribution of their prey. We used asimulation model of a double-brooded songbird's nesting seasonto test three predictions about the selective advantage ofdispersing different distances after nest predation by predatorswith varying home range sizes. Our results supported the predictions that (1) dispersing birds had higher success than nondispersingbirds after predation of the first nest, (2) dispersing beyondthe home range of the nest predator increased the success ofthe second nest, and (3) birds whose first nests were depredatedearly in the nesting cycle did better by dispersing fartherthan birds whose nests were depredated later in the nestingcycle. Our results provide evidence that predation and predatorcharacteristics may cause variation in adult dispersal distancesduring the breeding season. However, we did not find an advantagefor long-distance dispersal when predators with small- or medium-sizedhome ranges were responsible for the predation event. The criticaldecisions of dispersal and dispersal distance made by adultbirds are complex, but our model demonstrates that predationevents can create a selective advantage to disperse.  相似文献   

Acoustic signalling is the most important form of communication in anuran amphibians. Here we recorded and analysed the calls of 18 male Guenther’s frogs (Hylarana guentheri) from the wild during the breeding season. The advertisement calls of H. guentheri were composed of from a single note to five notes, with three-note calls the most recorded. All individuals produced calls around 600 Hz but calls ranged from 470 to 2600 Hz. Comparing the differences between individuals calls, we found within-male coefficients of variation (CVw) of call intensity, the fundamental frequency, the first formant, the second formant, the third formant and the fourth formant were static (less than 5% variation), whereas those of note duration, call duration, call interval, numbers of pulses and dominant frequency were dynamic (larger than 15% variation). Comparisons of the call characteristics of H. guentheri in this study with other studies from China, Singapore and Vietnam found call characteristics varied greatly between the five different locations.  相似文献   

Aim To compare patterns and drivers of freshwater fish introductions across five climatically similar regions and evaluate similarities and differences in the non‐native species introduced. Location Five mediterranean‐climate regions: California (USA), central Chile, south‐western Australia, the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and the south‐western Cape (South Africa). Methods Species presence–absence for native and non‐native fishes were collated across the regions, and patterns of faunal change were examined using univariate and multivariate statistical approaches. Taxonomic patterns in freshwater fish introductions were evaluated by comparing the number of species introduced by order to the numbers expected from binomial probabilities. Factors influencing multiple introductions of freshwater fish species in mediterranean regions were determined using generalized linear modelling. Results High levels of endemism (70–90%) were revealed for south‐western Cape, south‐western Australia and Chile. Despite their high rates of endemism, all regions currently have more non‐native species than endemic species. Taxonomic selection was found for five orders, although this was only significant for Salmoniformes across regions. The average increase in regional compositional similarity of fish faunas resulting from non‐native fish introductions was 8.0%. Important factors predicting multiple introductions of a species include previous introduction success and mean latitude of its distribution Main conclusions The mediterranean‐climate regions of the world, separated by vast distances, originally had a few fish species in common but are now more similar, owing to species introductions, illustrating the extent and importance of taxonomic homogenization. Introductions are largely driven by taxonomically biased human interests in recreational fisheries, aquaculture and ornamental pet species.  相似文献   

Question: Are long‐unburnt patches of eucalypt forest important for maintaining floristic diversity? Location: Eucalyptus forests of southeastern New South Wales, Australia. Methods: Data from 976 sites representing a range of fire history from three major vegetation formations – shrubby dry sclerophyll forest (SF), grassy dry SF and wet SF – were analysed. Generalized linear models were used to examine changes in species richness with increasing time since wildfire and analysis of similarities to examine changes in community composition. Chi‐squared tests were conducted to examine the distribution of individual species across four time since fire categories. Results: Plant species relationships to fire varied between the three formations. Shrubby dry SF supported lower plant species richness with increasing time since wildfire and this was associated with shifts in community composition. Grassy dry SF showed significant shifts in community composition and species richness in relation to time, with a peak in plant species richness 20–30 yr post fire (either prescribed fire or wildfire). Wet SF increased in species richness until 10–20 yr post wildfire then displayed a general declining trend. Species richness in each vegetation type was not related to the fire frequencies and fire intervals observed in this study. Conclusions: Long‐unburnt (30–50 yr post wildfire) forests appeared to play a minor role in the maintenance of plant species diversity in dry forest systems, although this was more significant in wet forests. Maintenance of a range of fire ages within each vegetation formation will assist in maintaining floristic diversity within regions.  相似文献   

In spite of the advances in our knowledge of cancer biology, most cancers remain not curable with present therapies. Current treatments consider cancer as resulting from uncontrolled proliferation and are non-specific. Although they can reduce tumour burden, relapse occurs in most cases. This was long attributed to incomplete tumour elimination, but recent developments indicate that different types of cells contribute to the tumour structure, and that the tumour's cellular organization would be analogous to that of a normal tissue, with a main mass of differentiating cells sensitive to anti proliferative agents, together with a small percentage of quiescent, resistant stem cells responsible for replenishing the tumour: the Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs). Anti-CSCs targeted therapeutic agents would prevent tumour regeneration. New mouse models tailored to exploit this novel concept will be critical to develop CSC-based anti-cancer therapies. Here we review the biological basis and the therapeutic implications of the stem-cell model of cancer.  相似文献   

Liquid-based cytology (LBC) is currently being marketed as an alternative methodology to replace the conventional PAP smear in cervical cytology. A substantial body of literature exists in support of LBC, some of which is at least partially sponsored by product manufacturers. The majority of published literature in support of LBC employs Bethesda reporting terminology. In this study we have analysed published raw data and presented this in NHSCSP terminology. Claims relating to sensitivity, specificity and smear adequacy have then been considered with reference to this data. Our analysis of existing data does not support the nationwide implementation of LBC at present. Further studies are recommended in order to evaluate the place of this technology within the NHSCSP.  相似文献   

The COVID‐19 pandemic has raised important universal public health challenges. Conceiving ethical responses to these challenges is a public health imperative but must take context into account. This is particularly important in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). In this paper, we examine how some of the ethical recommendations offered so far in high‐income countries might appear from a SSA perspective. We also reflect on some of the key ethical challenges raised by the COVID‐19 pandemic in low‐income countries suffering from chronic shortages in health care resources, and chronic high morbidity and mortality from non‐COVID‐19 causes. A parallel is drawn between the distribution of severity of COVID‐19 disease and the classic “Fortune at the bottom of the pyramid” model that is relevant in SSA. Focusing allocation of resources during COVID‐19 on the ‘thick’ part of the pyramid in Low‐to‐Middle Income Countries (LMICs) could be ethically justified on utilitarian and social justice grounds, since it prioritizes a large number of persons who have been economically and socially marginalized. During the pandemic, importing allocation frameworks focused on the apex of the pyramid from the global north may therefore not always be appropriate. In a post‐COVID‐19 world, we need to think strategically about how health care systems can be financed and structured to ensure broad access to adequate health care for all who need it. The root problems underlying health inequity, exposed by COVID‐19, must be addressed, not just to prepare for the next pandemic, but to care for people in resource poor settings in non‐pandemic times.  相似文献   

The treatment of squamous cervical intraepithelial neoplasia is to remove or destroy the transformation zone (TZ). It is likely that no method of treatment is superior to another if it is performed properly and the limited available evidence supports this view. The significant advantages of excision (simplicity, cost, outpatient procedure, histological examination of the entire TZ) mean that treatment thresholds may have lowered over the last decade. Long-term pregnancy-related morbidity associated with excision has been reported recently. The evidence would suggest that this increase equates to a genuine increase in serious adverse outcome for cone biopsy but not large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ). The available data also point to an increase in both incomplete excision and premature labour associated with the excision of large endocervical TZs. The clinical implications arising from this are firstly that women with large type 2 and 3 TZs need appropriate counselling before treatment and that the threshold for treating young women with mild abnormalities needs review.  相似文献   

Plant species in fire‐prone environments possess specific traits which allow them to survive fire. Species are commonly classified according to whether they survive fire and resprout or whether they are killed by fire and regenerate from seed. However, different populations of the same species have been shown to vary in their responses. Therefore, the classification of a species into a single category based on fire‐response traits may not necessarily be representative of every population under every circumstance. This study examined the extent of within‐species variation in fire‐response traits of woody plants in south‐eastern Australia after the 2003 fires. Species were then classified using two approaches: (i) using data from a field survey of fire‐response traits, taking into account within‐species variation; and (ii) using species' fire responses listed in a pre‐existing fire‐response database compiled from a variety of primary sources. Field data showed that the majority of species in the study area resprouted after fire with around one in 10 species variable in their resprouting response. Almost half of all species varied from site to site according to whether they regenerated from seed, either solely or in addition to resprouting. The numbers of species classified as resprouters and seed regenerators varied according to the classification method used. Differences were also found between the classification method when calculating the mean proportion of resprouters and seed regenerators across sites. The fire‐response traits for some species from the database were found to differ from the observed field responses. This study demonstrated that the application of a fire‐response trait, reported in a trait database, to an entire species, may not adequately represent the actual fire responses of the populations of interest. Rather than considering the fire‐response traits of a species, accurate prediction may be better achieved by considering how different populations of plants will respond to fire.  相似文献   

Artificial refuges are human-made structures that aim to create safe places for animals to breed, hibernate, or take shelter in lieu of natural refuges. Artificial refuges are used across the globe to mitigate the impacts of a variety of threats on wildlife, such as habitat loss and degradation. However, there is little understanding of the science underpinning artificial refuges, and what comprises best practice for artificial refuge design and implementation for wildlife conservation. We address this gap by undertaking a systematic review of the current state of artificial refuge research for the conservation of wildlife. We identified 224 studies of artificial refuges being implemented in the field to conserve wildlife species. The current literature on artificial refuges is dominated by studies of arboreal species, primarily birds and bats. Threatening processes addressed by artificial refuges were biological resource use (26%), invasive or problematic species (20%), and agriculture (15%), yet few studies examined artificial refuges specifically for threatened (Vulnerable, Endangered, or Critically Endangered) species (7%). Studies often reported the characteristics of artificial refuges (i.e. refuge size, construction materials; 87%) and surrounding vegetation (35%), but fewer studies measured the thermal properties of artificial refuges (18%), predator activity (17%), or food availability (3%). Almost all studies measured occupancy of the artificial refuges by target species (98%), and over half measured breeding activity (54%), whereas fewer included more detailed measures of fitness, such as breeding productivity (34%) or animal body condition (4%). Evaluating the benefits and impacts of artificial refuges requires sound experimental design, but only 39% of studies compared artificial refuges to experimental controls, and only 10% of studies used a before-after-control-impact (BACI) design. As a consequence, few studies of artificial refuges can determine their overall effect on individuals or populations. We outline a series of key steps in the design, implementation, and monitoring of artificial refuges that are required to avoid perverse outcomes and maximise the chances of achieving conservation objectives. This review highlights a clear need for increased rigour in studies of artificial refuges if they are to play an important role in wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

Tang H  Wang XS  Hsieh JH  Tropsha A 《Proteins》2012,80(6):1503-1521
Recent highly expected structural characterizations of agonist-bound and antagonist-bound beta-2 adrenoreceptor (β2AR) by X-ray crystallography have been widely regarded as critical advances to enable more effective structure-based discovery of GPCRs ligands. It appears that this very important development may have undermined many previous efforts to develop 3D theoretical models of GPCRs. To address this question directly, we have compared several historical β2AR models versus the inactive state and nanobody-stabilized active state of β2AR crystal structures in terms of their structural similarity and effectiveness of use in virtual screening for β2AR specific agonists and antagonists. Theoretical models, incluing both homology and de novo types, were collected from five different groups who have published extensively in the field of GPCRs modeling. All models were built before X-ray structures became available. In general, β2AR theoretical models differ significantly from the crystal structure in terms of TMH definition and the global packing. Nevertheless, surprisingly, several models afforded hit rates resulting from virtual screening of large chemical library enriched by known β2AR ligands that exceeded those using X-ray structures. The hit rates were particularly higher for agonists. Furthemore, the screening performance of models is associated with local structural quality, such as the RMSDs for binding pocket residues and the ability to capture accurately, most if not all critical protein/ligand interactions. These results suggest that carefully built models of GPCRs could capture critical chemical and structural features of the binding pocket, and thus may be even more useful for practical structure-based drug discovery than X-ray structures.  相似文献   

Thirty migrating silver eels Anguilla anguilla were collected in a river system where algal blooms occurred yearly. Fifty per cent of eel livers were contaminated by microcystin-LR (mean ± s . d . toxin level: 28·1 ± 22·4 ng g−1). Contaminated silver ( v. healthy) eels had lower fish condition. Consequences of this impact for the breeding potential of these migrating eels are discussed.  相似文献   

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