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It has been proposed that mammalian sperm bind species-specifically to carbohydrate chains of zona pellucida glycoproteins at fertilization. Although the sperm ligand carbohydrate chains have been characterized in mice and pigs, the existence of the ligands of other mammals remains unclear. In order to explore the bovine sperm ligand, two in vitro competition assay methods were applied. As a result, a high-mannose-type carbohydrate chain, Manalpha1-6(Manalpha1-3)Manalpha1-6(Manalpha1-3)Manbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta1-4GlcNAc, which is the major neutral chain in bovine egg zona glycoproteins, was shown to possess bovine sperm ligand activity. When nonreducing terminal alpha-mannosyl residues were eliminated from the zona glycoproteins by alpha-mannosidase digestion, the ligand activity was reduced, indicating that the alpha-mannosyl residues play an essential role in bovine sperm-egg binding. The number of sperm binding to eggs was reduced to about one-half after fertilization. The ligand-active high-mannose-type chain may be buried after fertilization, since its amount remains unchanged. Pretreatment of bovine sperm with the sperm ligand-carbohydrate chain significantly inhibited penetration of the sperm into oocyte and the male pronucleus formation. Thus, a correlation between the sperm ligand activity and in vitro fertilization rate was observed.  相似文献   

To investigate the immunogenicity of plasmid DNA encoding bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata) zona pellucida (ZP) glycoprotein-B (bmZPB), the cDNA corresponding to bmZPB, excluding the N-terminal signal sequence and C-terminus transmembrane-like domain, was cloned in mammalian expression vector VR1020 downstream of tissue plasminogen activator signal sequence under cytomegalovirus promoter (VRbmZPB). In vitro transfection of COS-1, COS-7, CHO, HEK-293, and UM-449 mammalian cells with VRbmZPB plasmid DNA led to the expression of bmZPB. Expression of bmZPB in transfected cells was cytosolic. Flow cytometry analysis of COS-1 cells transfected with VRbmZPB revealed that approximately 15% cells expressed bmZPB. The expressed bmZPB has an apparent molecular weight of 57 kDa. Immunization of male BALB/cJ mice with VRbmZPB plasmid DNA in saline as compared to VR1020 immunized group, elicited significant antibodies against E. coli expressed recombinant bmZPB as evaluated in ELISA. The antibodies generated by VRbmZPB plasmid DNA recognized bonnet monkey as well as human ZP. The immune sera obtained from mice immunized with VRbmZPB plasmid DNA also inhibited, in vitro, the binding of spermatozoa to the ZP in the hemizona assay. These studies, for the first time, demonstrate the feasibility of DNA vaccine to generate antibodies against ZP that recognize native protein and inhibit human sperm-oocyte binding.  相似文献   

During the first steps of the gamete interaction, the proacrosin/acrosin system seems to play a crucial role in the secondary binding, holding acrosome-reacted spermatozoa during their passage through the zona pellucida. To analyze the functional domains of acrosin, we decided to express recombinant boar acrosin proteins in bacteria and to study their binding capacities to zona pellucida glycoproteins (ZPGPs). The expressed proteins were immunodetected by Western blot with a polyclonal antiacrosin antibody. The recombinant truncated β-acrosin has a typical hyperbolic curve of a zymogen enzymatic activation. Three of the five recombinant forms (truncated β-acrosin, Ser/Ala222-truncated β-acrosin, and truncated β-acrosin “heavy chain”) had the ability to bind ZPGPs. The two shorter forms (the amino and carboxy termini of truncated β-acrosin) failed to bind. The catalytic site mutant (Ser/Ala222) of truncated β-acrosin does not differ from the recombinant truncated β-acrosin in its mechanism of interaction to ZPGPs, indicating that this secondary binding is done by a nonenzymatic process. Our results show that binding between acrosin and ZPGPs depends on the secondary and tertiary structures of acrosin and does not depend on an active catalytic site. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 49:426–434, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In oocytes of the mollusc bivalve Unio elongatulus, gp273 is the ligand molecule for sperm-egg interaction and binding is mediated by its O-glycans. A serum raised against this protein enabled its localization in the crater region, the area of the vitelline coat where sperm recognition occurs, and showed that after cyanogen bromide fragmentation, the anti-gp273 epitope(s) was retained by a peptide where the O-glycans are localized. In this article, we utilized purified anti-gp273 immunoglobulins to characterize the corresponding epitope by: (i) immunoblotting analysis of the protein after removal of O- and N-glycans; (ii) solid phase binding analysis of anti-gp273 IgG to gp273 N- and O-glycans; and (iii) binding analysis of the same antibody to commercially available oligosaccharides. The results showed that the epitope consists of O-glycans and contains a Lewis-like structure with fucose as determinant. Anti-gp273 IgG were then used to investigate human zona pellucida by immunoelectronmicroscopy and immunoblotting. Epitopes recognized by the antibody were demonstrated on the outer surface of the zona pellucida and shown to belong to a zona pellucida protein having electrophoretic mobility similar to human ZP3. Since human sperm specifically bind to gp273, and anti-gp273 interferes with this binding a functional role for these epitopes is suggested.  相似文献   

The zona pellucida (ZP) is an extracellular matrix surrounding the mammalian oocyte. It is involved in the sperm-egg adhesion phenomenon, induces the acrosome reaction, and participates in the late blockage to polyspermy. Thus, during the process of fertilization the cortical reaction is induced and the biochemical and biological properties of the ZP are modified. Some of these changes have been suggested to prevent the polyspermy. However, the mechanisms behind most of these changes are not well understood. Carbohydrate residues of the ZP glycoproteins have been shown to play a key role in the early step of fertilization. In the present study, the changes produced in the terminal oligosaccharide sequences of the rat ZP glycoproteins after in vivo fertilization were investigated by means of lectin-gold cytochemistry. A comparative quantitative analysis of the density of labeling in the ZP before and after fertilization was carried out by automatic counting of gold particles. The ZP of fertilized and unfertilized eggs were labeled by a battery of lectins including PNA, LFA, MAA, AAA, DSA, RCA I, and WGA. For all lectin studied in both fertilized and unfertilized eggs the labeling was preferentially located in the inner region of the ZP. After fertilization, binding of PNA, LFA, MAA, AAA, and DSA decreased in both inner and outer regions of the ZP. Labeling of RCA l-binding sites only decreased in the inner ZP, whereas reactivity to WGA was increased in the inner area of the ZP. Digestion of the thin-sections with neuraminidase prior to labeling with WGA resulted in a decrease of labeling for WGA binding sites. However, the labeling density of WGA binding sites was similar in both unfertilized and fertilized eggs upon treatment with neuraminidase. The present results demonstrate that the oligosaccharide chains contained in the rat ZP are modified after fertilization of the oocyte. Cortical granules of the oocytes might be involved in these modifications by two mechanisms: 1) by hydrolysis of terminal carbohydrate residues of ZP glycoproteins by specific glycosidases contained in the granules; and 2) by addition of new glycoproteins to the ZP after the exocytosis of the cortical granules (cortical reaction). © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Zona pellucida, a transparent envelope surrounding the mammalian oocyte, plays major roles in fertilization and consists of three or four glycoproteins. Primary structures, and especially the positions of cysteine (Cys) residues in the zona glycoproteins, are well conserved among mammals. In this study, we analyzed the disulfide linkages of pig ZP3 and ZP4 purified from ovaries. While disulfide linkage patterns of four Cys residues in the N-terminal halves of the ZP domains of ZP3 and ZP4 were identical to those previously reported for mice, rats, humans, and fish, the disulfide linkage patterns of six Cys residues in the C-terminal half of the ZP domain in ZP4, as well as eight Cys residues in the C-terminal region of the ZP domain and a following region unique to ZP3, were different from those previously reported. Thus, higher-order structures of zona glycoproteins might not be conserved in the C-terminal regions.  相似文献   

Murine cauda epididymal sperm preincubated in either a modified Krebs-Ringer or M 199 solution bind to cumulus-free, zona pellucida-intact eggs. Pretreatment of such eggs with an affinity purified preparation of the seminal inhibitor binding component (acceptor), isolated from epididymal sperm, reduces in a concentration dependent manner, the number of sperm that bind. Treatment of cauda sperm, preincubated in either of the above two media, with the seminal inhibitor, also reduces the number of sperm able to bind. Incubation of cauda sperm in the Krebs-Ringer solution for up to 4 h does not affect their ability to bind the seminal inhibitor. Omission of bovine serum albumin from the preincubation medium results in a significant reduction in sperm binding. These data are interpreted to mean that the seminal inhibitor acceptor sites on the sperm surface of incubated sperm function in the in vitro binding to the zona pellucida.  相似文献   

Zona pellucida glycoprotein-3 (ZP3) has been postulated as the primary sperm receptor in various mammalian species including bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata). However, information on the domain responsible for its binding to spermatozoa is inadequate. In the present study, bonnet monkey ZP3 (bmZP3), corresponding to amino acid (aa) residues 223-348 [bmZP3(223-348)] has been cloned and expressed using baculovirus expression system. SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis of the purified renatured recombinant protein revealed it as a closely spaced doublet of approximately 25 kDa. Lectin-binding studies documented the presence of both O- as well as N-linked glycans. The biotinylated r-bmZP3(223-348) binds to the acrosomal region of the capacitated spermatozoa but fails to bind to the acrosome-reacted spermatozoa as investigated by immunofluorescence studies. In ELISA, nonbiotinylated r-bmZP3(223-348) and baculovirus expressed r-bmZP3, devoid of signal sequence and transmembrane-like domain [r-bmZP3(23-348)] competitively inhibit its binding to the capacitated spermatozoa. Interestingly, binding of biotinylated r-bmZP3(23-348) to the capacitated sperm is also inhibited by nonbiotinylated r-bmZP3(223-348). In contrast to r-bmZP3(23-348), r-bmZP3(223-348) failed to induce acrosomal exocytosis in the capacitated sperm. Interestingly, it competitively inhibits the acrosomal exocytosis induced by r-bmZP3(23-348). These studies, for the first time, identify a domain of ZP3 capable of binding to capacitated spermatozoa and inhibiting ZP3-mediated induction of acrosomal exocytosis furthering our understanding of mammalian fertilization.  相似文献   

Zona pellucida, a transparent envelope surrounding the mammalian oocyte, plays important roles in fertilization and consists of three glycoproteins; ZPA, ZPB and ZPC. In pig, neutral complex-type N-linked chains obtained from a ZPB/ZPC mixture possess sperm-binding activity. We have recently reported that among neutral N-linked chains triantennary and tetraantennary chains have a sperm-binding activity stronger than that of diantennary chains. Triantennary and tetraantennary chains are localized at the second of the three N-glycosylation sites of ZPB. In this study, we focused on the localization of neutral N-linked chains in ZPC. ZPB and ZPC can not be separated from each other unless the acidic N-acetyllactosamine regions of their carbohydrate chains are removed by endo-beta-galactosidase digestion. A large part of the acidic N-linked chains becomes neutral by the digestion, but the main neutral N-linked chains are not susceptible to the enzyme. N-glycanase digestion indicated that ZPC has three N-glycosylation sites. Three glycopeptides each containing one of the N-glycosylation sites were obtained by tryptic digestion of ZPC and the N-glycosylation sites were revealed as Asn124, Asn146 and Asn271. The carbohydrate structures of the neutral N-linked chains from each glycopeptide were characterized by two-dimensional sugar mapping analysis taking into consideration the structures of the main, intact neutral N-linked chains of ZPB/ZPC mixture reported previously. Triantennary and tetraantennary chains were found mainly at Asn271 of ZPC, whereas diantennary chains were present at all three N-glycosylation sites. Thus, ZPC has tri-antennary and tetra-antennary chains as well as ZPB, but the localization of the chains is different from that in ZPB.  相似文献   

This study investigates zona pellucida (ZP) ultrastructure in fertilized eggs of annual killifishes (suborder Aplocheiloidei), a group of highly specialized fishes that are able to survive desiccation for several weeks to months before they hatch. Little is known about ZP or chorionic ultrastructure sustaining these life‐history modes, so scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to describe this trait in a large number of aplocheiloids with a focus on the family Rivulidae and the genus Hypsolebias. New images of ZP ultrastructure for 52 aplocheiloid species are provided, more than doubling the number characterized thus far. The evolution of chorionic structure within this group is studied using these new data. Characters were coded into a morphological matrix and optimized onto a consensus phylogeny to assess phylogenetic signal and reconstruct ancestral character states. Although ZP characters seem highly homoplastic and exhibit a large amount of structural convergence among lineages, aplocheiloid killifishes have evolved a number of unique structures associated with the chorion. Some annual species seem to have lost long filaments because eggs are deposited in the soil instead of being adhered to aquatic plants.  相似文献   

To minimize ovarian dysfunction subsequent to immunization with zona pellucida (ZP) glycoproteins, synthetic peptides encompassing the antigenic B cell epitopes as immunogens have been proposed. In this study, attempts have been made to clone and express a recombinant chimeric protein encompassing the epitopes corresponding to bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata) ZP glycoprotein-1 (bmZP1, amino acid residues 132-147), ZP glycoprotein-2 (bmZP2, amino acid residues 86-113), and ZP glycoprotein-3 (bmZP3, amino acid residues 324-347). The above chimeric recombinant protein (r-bmZP123) was expressed as a polyhistidine fusion protein in Escherichia coli. Immunoblot with murine monoclonal antibody, MA-813, generated against recombinant bmZP1 revealed a major band of approximately 10 kDa. The r-bmZP123 was purified on nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid resin under denaturing conditions. The female rabbits immunized with purified r-bmZP123 conjugated to diphtheria toxoid (DT) generated antibodies that reacted with r-bmZP123 and DT in an ELISA. In addition, the immune sera also reacted with E. coli expressed recombinant bmZP1, bmZP2, and bmZP3. In an indirect immunofluorescence assay, the antibodies against r-bmZP123 recognized native ZP of bonnet monkey as well as human. The immune sera also inhibited, in vitro, the binding of human spermatozoa to the human zona in the hemizona assay (HZA). These studies, for the first time, demonstrate the feasibility of assembling multiple epitopes of different ZP glycoproteins as a recombinant protein that elicit antibodies which are reactive with native zona and also inhibit, in vitro, human sperm-oocyte binding.  相似文献   

To delineate the functional aspects of zona pellucida (ZP) glycoproteins during fertilization in human, in the present study, fluorochrome-conjugated Escherichia coli (E. coli)- and baculovirus-expressed recombinant human ZP glycoprotein-2 (ZP2), -3 (ZP3), and -4 (ZP4) were employed. In an immunofluorescence assay, capacitated human sperm exhibited binding of the baculovirus-expressed recombinant ZP3 as well as ZP4 to either acrosomal cap or equatorial region whereas acrosome-reacted sperm failed to show any binding to the acrosomal cap. Using double labeling experiments, simultaneous binding of ZP3 and ZP4 to the acrosomal cap was observed suggesting the possibility of different binding sites of these proteins on the sperm surface. No binding of ZP2 was observed to the capacitated sperm. However, acrosome-reacted sperm (20.00 +/- 1.93%) showed binding of ZP2 that was restricted to only equatorial region. Interestingly, E. coli-expressed recombinant human zona proteins also showed very similar binding profiles. Competitive inhibition studies with unlabeled recombinant human zona proteins revealed the specificity of the above binding characteristics. Binding characteristics have been further validated by an indirect immunofluorescence assay using native human heat solubilized isolated zona pellucida. Employing baculovirus-expressed recombinant ZP3 and ZP4 with reduced N-linked glycosylation and respective E. coli-expressed recombinant proteins, it was observed that glycosylation is required for induction of acrosomal exocytosis but its absence may not compromise on their binding ability. These studies have revealed the binding profile of individual human zona protein to spermatozoa and further strengthened the importance of glycosylation of zona proteins for acrosomal exocytosis in spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Boar sperm plasma membrane proteins (PMPs) with affinity for the zona pellucida were partially purified from columns of dextran sulfate using a linear salt gradient and a buffered detergent that retained their ability to block directly the binding of uncapacitated and capacitated sperm to isolated porcine oocytes. PMPs that bound most strongly to dextran sulfate (fraction IV) were also most effective in blocking sperm binding to porcine oocytes. These tightly bound proteins also bound to isolated zonae to a greater extent than other fractions. Monovalent antibodies to fraction IV PMPs completely blocked sperm binding to isolated eggs. Fraction IV PMPs lost the ability to inhibit directly the binding to eggs when treated with chaotropic agents and trypsin; the fraction also displayed a tendency to aggregate in the absence of high salt. This property and the affinity of proteins in this fraction for sulfated polysaccharides indicate that specific hydrophilic interactions may play a significant role in sperm-zona attachments.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine if differences exist between in vivo vs. in vitro OGP association with the ZP and to quantitate those differences. Ovarian oocytes were harvested 12.5 or 27 hr post-hCG from hyperstimulated hamsters or baboons, respectively. Hamster and baboon ovarian oocytes were incubated in vitro in media +/- homologous OGP (100 or 200 microg/100 microl) or in some studies with 100 microl oviductal fluid for 3, 6, or 24 hr at 37 degrees C. Some of the baboon ovarian oocytes were transferred immediately after harvesting to the ampulla of both oviducts using a tom cat catheter and retrieved after a 3 hr in situ incubation. Hamster oviductal oocytes were collected 3, 6, and 24 hr following ovulation. After incubation or oocyte retrieval from the oviduct, cumulus cells were removed, oocytes were washed extensively and binding of OGP to the ZP was examined by immunofluorescence. Fluorescence intensity was quantified using densitometric scanning of photographic negatives with the background of each negative as an internal control. In all studies, OGP association with the ZP was significantly greater in vivo than in vitro (P < 0.05). In vitro OGP association with the ZP did not significantly increase with incubation time or OGP concentration; however, a small nonsignificant increase in OGP association with the ZP in the oviduct was detected over time. Differences did not appear to be due to depletion of OGP from the in vitro incubation media, since Western blot analysis of the media showed that OGP was still present. Although OGP concentration in vivo is unknown, Western blots showed similar intensity comparing 100 microg of OGP media and oviductal fluid. Immunolocalization of OGP using laser confocal microscopy showed regional differences in OGP binding. The outer half of the zona pellucida had significantly more OGP bound than the inner half on oviductal oocytes. No regional differences were detected for in vitro incubated oocytes. In conclusion, OGP association with the ZP is greater in vivo vs. in vitro, suggesting that one must be cautious in designing and evaluating in vitro studies of OGP function.  相似文献   

Zona pellucida thickness was measured daily in zygotes and cleavage stage embryos. Measurements were performed on a Nikon inverted microscope equipped with Hoffman modulation optics, using an ocular micrometer. Zona thickness of each zygote/embryo was measured four times, the zygote/embryo was then “rolled over,” and four more measurements were repeated for a total of eight. The zygotes/embryos were photographed daily and the measurements repeated on the prints. Subsequently, the mean zona thickness for each stage was calculated. A total of 81 patients (mean age 33.8 ± 4.2) participated in the study. A total of 427 embryos were evaluated. Categorical data differences between groups were evaluated by ANOVA and multiple linear regression. For nominal data, the Kruskal-Wallis test was applied; when P < 0.05 the differences were considered to be significant. We found that the average zona thickness on day 1 of in vitro culture was 17.7 ± 0.14 μm; 16.3 ± 0.14 μm on day 2 and 14.9 ± 0.14 μm on day 3 (P < .0001). When the zona thickness was analyzed in relation to the number of blastomeres on day 3 of culture, there was a highly significant correlation with blastomere number (P < .0001). Similarly, there was a highly significant correlation with embryo grade (P < .005) and fragmentation (P < .001). The data were also analyzed for embryos transferred that resulted in a successful pregnancy, revealing that embryos in a pregnancy cycle had significantly thinner zonae pellucidae (P < .0001), when compared to embryos that were not transferred or from nonconceptual cycles. The average zona thickness also decreased with age, and was most apparent after 35 years. Changes in zona thickness correlated with the number of blastomeres, grade, fragmentation, age and were more evident in embryos transferred from cycles resulting in successful pregnancies. Therefore, zona pellucida measurements should be included in the overall assessment of embryo quality, since this information may be useful in the selection of optimal embryos for transfer. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 47:99–104, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study aims to identify the distribution of α-D-mannose residues on zona pellucida (ZP) and their role(s) in fertilization in pigs. In experiment 1, in vitro matured pig oocytes were freed from cumulus cells and treated with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled Lens culinaris (FITC-LCA), a D-mannose specific binding lectin. After 30 min of treatment, LCA bound evenly throughout the ZP with strong fluorescence. In experiment 2, when LCA-treated oocytes were used for in vitro fertilization, the number of sperm bound to ZP was significantly decreased, and sperm penetration was almost completely blocked. In experiment 3, polysaccharide mannan was added to the in vitro fertilization medium as a competitive inhibitor. Both the number of sperm bound to ZP and the rate of fertilized oocytes were significantly reduced in the mannan-treated group compared with the control group. In experiment 4,spermatozoa were incubated with mannan in vitro. The number of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa was evidently increased in a time-dependent manner during the incubation. These results suggest that α-D-mannose residues presenting on pig ZP might be an important component of sperm receptor and might induce sperm acrosome reaction and thus facilitate the sperm penetration into the ZP.  相似文献   

Zona pellucida glycoproteins play an important role in fertilization. In this study, attempts have been made to identify and define epitopes of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) possessing contraceptive efficacy in vitro. The porcine zona glycoprotein pZPC, a homologue of mouse/human ZP3, was reduced and alkylated and subsequently digested with trypsin. Reverse-phase HPLC of the tryptic digest yielded twenty two peaks (T1–T22). When tested against mAbs reactive against sequential determinants on pZPC, T11 was immunoreactive with two mAbs, mAb-455 and mAb-467, as shown by antigen inhibition ELISA. IC50 values of 3.1 nM and 8.6 nM were recorded versus mAb-455 and mAb-467 respectively, and approximated the IC50 values obtained with intact pZPC. Amino acid analysis, Edman degradation, and FAB-MS identified T11 as the N-blocked decapeptide pyro-Gln-Pro-Val-Trp-Gln-Asp-Glu-Gly-Gln-Arg derived from the N-terminus of pZPC. Synthesis of overlapping octapeptides further identified VWQDE and WQDE as the minimum motifs with antigenie activity for mAb-455 and mAb-467, respectively. Glycine replacement peptides confirmed residues W,Q,E as critical for binding mAb-455 and W,Q,D,E as critical for binding mAb-467. Both mAbs inhibited binding of boar sperm to zona-encased porcine oocytes. These results, the first to define peptide epitopes of porcine zona glycoprotein, will assist in the design of an immunocontraceptive vaccine based on synthetic peptides corresponding to pZPC or its homologues in other species. © 1995 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The secretory cells of the oviductal epithelium secrete a high- molecular-weight glycoprotein (OGP). OGPs from different mammalian species show similar immunological characteristics, their cDNAs show high homologies, and they associate with the zona pellucida of oviductal oocytes in vivo. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of OGP obtained from different species on the binding of hamster sperm to hamster oocytes. Hamster oocytes were inseminated (30 min) in the presence or absence of homologous or heterologous OGPs, and sperm bound/oocyte were counted after removing loosely attached sperm. Ovarian oocytes had an average of 2.9 ± 0.6 sperm bound/oocyte, whereas oviductal oocytes had 36.3 ± 2.7. Hamster OGP (0.1 mg/ml) significantly increased sperm binding to ovarian oocytes twofold and had no effect on sperm bound/oviductal oocytes. Human OGP (0.5 mg/ml) significantly decreased sperm binding to ovarian oocytes (0.9 ± 0.3 sperm bound/oocyte). This effect was dose dependent for oviductal oocytes and could be blocked by preincubating human OGP with a specific antibody to human OGP. The presence of baboon and cow OGP during the insemination of hamster oviductal oocytes also resulted in a significant decrease in sperm bound/oocyte, whereas the addition of hamster OGP to hamster oviductal oocytes had no effect. These results show that homologous OGP enhances sperm binding to the ZP, whereas heterologous OGP inhibits that effect. Thus, our results suggest that OGP plays a role in the species-specific characteristics of sperm/ZP interaction, and that one must use a homologous system (OGP and gametes from the same species) to study the biological effect of OGP. Mol Reprod Dev 46:201–207, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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