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  1. It has been demonstrated that when the cells of Chlorella protothecoidesare grown mixotrophically under illumination in a medium richin nitrogen source (urea) and poor in glucose, the normal greencells are obtained, while in a medium rich in glucose and poorin the nitrogen source, entirely chlorophyll-less cells withprofoundly degenerated plastids ("glucose-bleached" cells) areproduced, irrespective of whether in the light or in darkness.The "glucose-bleached" cells turn green with regeneration offully organized chloroplasts when incubated in a nitrogen-enrichedmedium in the light ("light-greening"), while in the dark theybecome pale green with formation of only partially organizedchloroplasts ("dark-greening"). When, on the other hand, thegreen cells are transferred into a medium enriched with glucose,they are bleached fairly rapidly with degeneration of chloro-plastsin the light as well as in darkness ("bleaching"). Using 35Sas a tracer, investigations were made on the changes of contentsof the algal cells in sulfolipid and other sulfur compoundsduring the processes of the greening and bleaching.
  2. By determiningthe radioactivities of chromatographically separatedsulfur-containingcompounds of the uniformly 35S-labeled green("G") and "glucose-bleached"("W") cells, it was found thatthe concentration of a speciesof sulfolipid (discovered byBENSON et al.) as well as thoseof glutathione, sulfotriosesand most of the other sulfur-containingcompounds were at least5 times higher in the "G" cells thanin the "W" cells, whilesulfoquinovosyl glycerol was presentin approximately equalamounts in the two types of cells.
  3. Phospholipidcontents and compositions in the two types of algalcells werefound to be practically identical.
  4. The sulfolipid contentof algal cells increased and decreasedalmost in parallel withthe processes of greening and bleaching,respectively.
  5. Studyingthe mode of incorporation of radiosulfate into varioussulfurcompounds of algal cells during the processes of "light-anddark-greening" and "bleaching" (lasting about 70 hr), itwasfound that active 35S-incorporation into sulfolipid occurredthroughout the process of "light-greening," while in the "dark-greening"and "bleaching" the active incorporation abruptly ceased afterthe initial 24 hr period of experiments. It was suggested thatthe biosynthesis of the sulfolipid is closely related to theformation of photosynthetic apparatus in chloroplast.
  6. Whenthe 35S-labeled green cells were bleached in a medium containingno radiosulfate, the 35S-sulfolipid and most of other 35S-sulfurcompounds decreased markedly but the 35S-sulfoquinovosyl glycerolincreased considerably. It was inferred that the deacylationof the sulfolipid, a surfactant lipid, with formation of watersoluble sulfoquinovosyl glycerol may be a cardinal event ofbleaching process, causing a disintegration of the intact architechtureof photosynthetic apparatus.
  7. Based on these observations itwas concluded that the sulfolipidis an integral component ofphotosynthetic structure.
1This work was partly reported at the Symposium on Biochemistryof Lipids, sponsored by the Agricultural Chemical Society ofJapan, Sapporo, July, 1964.  相似文献   

  1. As previously demonstrated, normal cells of Chlorella protothecoidesare bleached with degeneration of chloroplasts when they areincubated, under aerobic conditions—either in the lightor in darkness—, in a glucose-containing medium withoutadded nitrogen source ("glucose-bleaching"). It was found inthe present study that under the atmosphere of N2, neither bleachingnor growth of algal cells occurs in the dark, while in the lighta significant growth of cells takes place with formation ofa certain amount of chlorophyll.
  2. Studies on the effects ofvarious inhibitors (ammonium ion,DNP, CMU, -hydroxysulphonates,arsenate, cyanide, azide, andantimycin A) under different conditionsshowed that oxidativephosphorylation is a necessary processfor the occurrence ofthe glucosebleaching as well as the assimilationof glucose(cellular growth). Under light-anaerobic conditionsin the presenceof glucose, assimilation of glucose (cellulargrowth) takesplace being supported by photophosphorylation,but no bleachingoccurs.
  3. When the algal cells in the courseof bleaching were transferredto the glucose-free mineral medium,the cell growth ceased immediatelybut the cell bleaching proceededfor several hours before itscessation. The respiratory activity,which was high in the glucose-containingmedium, became loweron transferring the algal cells into theglucose-free medium.The lowered level of respiration was maintained,for more than8 hr after the transfer of cells to the glucose-freemedium.
  4. When the cells in the course of bleaching were placed underthe atmosphere of N2, the cell bleaching ceased almost instantaneously.
  5. Based on these observations and other inhibition experiments,it was inferred that a certain intermediate(s) produced by theaerobic respiration of glucose is closely associated with theoccurrence of cell bleaching, and that an O2-requiring stepmay be involved in the process of chlorophyll degradation.
(Received September 9, 1965; )  相似文献   

  1. It has been demonstrated previously that when Chlorella protothecoidesis grown in a medium rich in glucose and poor in nitrogen source(urea), chlorophyll-less cells with markedly degenerated plastids—called "glucose-bleached" cells—are produced eitherin the light or in darkness. When the glucose-bleached cellsare incubated in a medium enriched with the nitrogen sourcebut without added glucose, normal green cells with fully organizedchloroplasts are obtained in the light, and pale green cellswith partially organized chloroplasts in darkness. During theseprocesses of chloroplast development in the glucose-bleachedcells, there occurs, after a certain lag period, an active DNAformation followed by a more or less synchronous cellular division.In the present study the effects of light on the DNA formationand cellular division were investigated in the presence of CMUor under aeration of CO2-free air to exclude the interveninginfluence of photosynthetic process.
  2. It was revealed thatlight severely suppresses the DNA formationand cellular divisionof the glucose-bleached cells while enhancingremarkably theirgreening. The suppression was saturated atthe light intensityof about 1,000 lux. Blue light was mosteffective, being followedby green, yellow and red light inthe order of decreasing effectiveness.
  3. Further experiments unveiled that light exerts two apparentlyopposing effects on the DNA formation depending upon the timeof application during the incubation of algal cells. When thealgal cells were illuminated only during the lag period beforethe active DNA synthesis, there occurred an enhancement of theDNA synthesis occurring during the subsequent dark incubation.When, on the other hand, the cells were transferred to the lightfrom darkness at or after the start of the DNA synthesis, itcaused an almost complete abolition of the subsequent synthesisof DNA in the algal cells. No such effects of light were observedwith RNA and protein (total)
  4. These findings were discussedin relation to the process ofchlorophyll formation occurringconcurrently in the algal cells.
(Received August 10, 1967; )  相似文献   

When Chlorella protothecoides is grown mixotrophically in thelight in a medium rich in glucose and poor in nitrogen source(urea), one obtains the cells that are entirely devoid of chlorophylland containing only little RNA and protein. When these cells—referredto as "glucose-bleached" cells—are further grown in thelight with provision of nitrogen source, but without glucose,sequential syntheses of RNA, protein and chlorophyll take place.If the glucose-bleached cells are incubated in the dark underthe same nutritional condition, RNA, protein and chlorophyllare also successively formed in relatively small amounts. Thecells obtained under such a condition are, in many respects,similar to the cells that are obtained when the alga is grownin the dark in a medium poor in glucose and rich in the nitrogensource. These cells, which are called the "etiolated cells",are faintly green in color and contain larger amounts of RNAand protein compared with the chlorophyll-less glucose-bleachedcells. The glucose-bleached cells and the etiolated cells showapproximately the same content of DNA per cell. When the etiolatedcells are incubated in the light with provision of nitrogensource, but without glucose, they become green with active synthesisof chlorophyll and additional syntheses of RNA and protein. Based on these results and those to be reported later, it wasconcluded that the greening of the glucose-bleached cells involvesa light-independent phase followed by a light-requiring phasewhich entails the greening of cells and full organization ofchloroplasts, and that the latter process is essentially thesame as that taking place when the etiolated cells are incubatedin the light with provision of nitrogen source in the absenceof glucose. (Received September 5, 1964; )  相似文献   

1. As previously demonstrated, entirely chlorophyll-less cellsof Chlorella protothecoides are obtained when the alga is grownin a medium rich in glucose and poor in nitrogen source (urea).These cells, which are referred to as "glucose-bleached" cells,have neither discernible chloroplast structures nor photosyntheticactivity. When the "glucose-bleached" cells are incubated, inthe light, in a nitrogen-enriched mineral medium without addedglucose, they turn green, after an induction period, with regenerationof chloroplasts and development of the capacity for performingnormal photosynthesis. In the present study, changes in respiratoryactivity of algal cells during the process of greening (chloroplastregeneration) were followed, and the effects of various inhibitorsof respiration and photosynthesis on the greening process wereexamined. 2. The glucose-bleached cells showed a very low activity ofrespiration, and the activity increased markedly during an earlyphase of chloroplast regeneration, showing, however, a decreaseduring the subsequent phase of greening. 3. Some antimetabolites which inhibited the cell respiration,were found to suppress also the greening of cells. 2,4-Dinitrophenoland azide, potent inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation, acceleratedconsiderably both the respiration and greening of algal cells.CMU inhibited completely photosynthesis of the greening cells,but suppressed only slightly the greening process. 4. Based on these results it was concluded that the primaryrole of respiration in the chloroplast regeneration in the glucose-bleachedcells is to produce oxidized carbon compounds (and perhaps reducedforms of NAD and NADP) for various biosynthetic reactions. Itwas further suggested that ATP may be supplied for the chloroplastregeneration by a certain means different from the oxidativephosphorylation or photophosphorylation. The activities of photosyntheticphosphorylation and CO2-fixation developing in the greeningcells do not appear to play any essential role in the chloroplastregeneration. (Received December 27, 1965; )  相似文献   

  1. Previous studies have shown that when Chlorella protothecoidesis grown in a medium rich in glucose and poor in nitrogen source(urea), apparently chlorophyll-less cells with profoundly degeneratedplastids—referred to as "glucose-bleached cells—areproduced either in the light or in darkness. When the glucose-bleachedcells are incubated in a medium enriched with the nitrogen sourcebut without added glucose, an active formation of chlorophylloccurs after a certain lag period under illumination, whilein darkness a very small amount of chlorophyll is formed atabout the same time as in the light. The stimulating effectof light on the chlorophyll formation is not appreciably affectedwhen the photosynthetic CO2-fixation of greening algal cellsis blocked by the addition of CMU. In the present study, itwas further found that the light-enhanced chlorophyll formationproceeds, although at a somewhat lower rate, under aerationof CO2-free air. All the experiments in this work were doneunder these non-photosynthetic conditions to exclude any influenceof photosynthates.
  2. The effect of light (from daylight fluorescentlamps) on thechlorophyll formation in the glucose-bleachedalgal cells wassaturating at about 1,000 lux. Blue light wasfound to be mosteffective; yellow, green and red light followingin the orderof decreasing effectiveness.
  3. When the bleachedalgal cells were illuminated for a short periodin the lag phaseof chlorophyll formation and subsequently incubatedin darkness,there occurred an appreciable enhancement of chlorophyllformationin the dark. When the short illumination was appliedat differenttimes of the lag phase, the enhancement was inducedto almostthe same extent. But the longer the duration of theilluminationduring the lag phase, the greater was the enhancementof chlorophyllformation in the subsequent dark incubation.In such experimentsblue light was most effective and red lightleast, as it wasthe case in the experiments of continuous illumination.An intervenientillumination of the bleached cells at lowertemperatures orunder the atmosphere of N2 produced little orno enhancementof the chlorophyll formation in the subsequentdark incubation.
  4. Based on these results, it was concluded that the light enhancementof chlorophyll formation in the glucose-bleached algal cellsis mediated by a non-chlorophyllous photoreceptor(s), absorbingmaximally blue and yellow light, and that a light-induced changeof the photoreceptor is immediately followed by a certain dark(temperaturedependent and aerobic) process(es) which is connected,directly or indirectly, to the chlorophyll synthesis.
(Received August 10, 1967; )  相似文献   

  1. The "glucose-bleached" cells of Chlorella protothecoides, whichwere obtained by the method described previously, were transferredto a glucose-free medium containing basal mineral nutrientsalone in the dark, and after a certain period of time, the cellsuspension was supplied with urea and light to induce the greeningof cells. At different times before and after the provisionof urea and light, the inhibitors were applied to the cultureto test their effects upon the process of greening.
  2. Markedgreening of the glucose-bleached cells occurred aftera lagperiod in the control culture. 5-Fluorouracil inhibitedthecell greening strongly when it was applied at differenttimesbefore the provision of urea and light. When applied aftertheprovision of urea and light, the suppressive effect of 5-fluorouracilgradually decreased with the delay of its application. No inhibitiveeffect was observed when the uracil analogue was added laterthan the 12th hr after the provision of urea and light, thetime around which the chlorophyll formation started in the controlculture. On the other hand, the cell division was much morestrongly affected by 5-fluorouracil. Even when it was appliedat the 18th hr after the provision of urea and light, the celldivision was completely halted, indicating that the greeningand division of the glucose-bleached cells are separate processes.Different mechanisms of action of the uracil analogue towardsthese two processes were suggested.
  3. Dihydrostreptomycin showedits strongest suppressive effectwhen added at the beginningof the dark incubation of algalcells in the glucose-free medium,and with the delay of application,its effect was progressivelyreduced, even during the periodof the dark incubation. Thesuppression, however, was stillmarked when it was applied atthe 15th hr.
  4. Chloramphenicol was found to inhibit stronglythe chlorophyllformation and protein synthesis, but, to a muchlesser extent,RNA synthesis. Acridine orange suppressed thecell greeningand division at such a low concentration as 1.5µg/ml.
  5. Based on these observations it was concludedthat synthesesof nucleic acid and protein are essential processesfor thegreening of the glucose-bleached algal cells. Successiveeventsoccurring in the greening process were discussed.
(Received March 9, 1965; )  相似文献   

  1. The green cells of Chlorella protothecoides were bleached todifferent extents when incubated (in the dark) in the nitrogen-freemedia containing, besides basal mineral nutrients, glucose,fructose, galactose, glycerol or acetate. Glucose and fructosewere found to have the strongest bleaching effect. Additionof a nitrogen source (urea) caused a considerable reductionof the bleaching. It was assumed that from the different carbonsources a certain common intermediate(s) causing the bleachingis formed, and that in the presence of the nitrogen source thesubstance is removed by reacting with it.
  2. Using glucose asbleach-inducing agent, the effects of someantimetabolites uponthe processes of bleaching, division andgrowth of green algalcells were investigated, and it was demonstratedthat the processof bleaching occurs without being accompaniedby growth anddivision of the algal cells.
  3. It was found that during theprocess of bleaching no net increasesin RNA and protein tookplace.
(Received March 11, 1965; )  相似文献   

The "glucose-bleached" and "etiolated" cells of Chlorella protothecoideshaving plastids of different degrees of degeneration were preparedby the methods previously reported, and the effects of actinomycin(C complex) upon the processes of greening of these cells wereinvestigated under various experimental conditions. As has beenshown previously, these cells formed normal chloroplasts onbeing incubated in the light with provision of nitrogen source(urea), but without glucose. The greening process of the glucose-bleachedcells has been found to differ from that of the etiolated cellsin the point that it involves a light-independent phase precedinga light-requiring phase. It was revealed that the greening ofglucose-bleached cells is inhibited by actinomycin much morestrongly than that of etiolated cells. On applying the antibioticat different times during the chloroplast development in glucose-bleachedcells, it was found that the inhibitory effect was remarkablyreduced with the progress of the developmental process. Thisindicated that the antibiotic attacked more strongly the light-independentphase than the light-requiring phase in question. Based on theseobservations it was inferred that, in the process of chloroplastdevelopment in glucose-bleached cells, DNA and RNA are playingimportant roles, especially during the early light-independentphase of chloroplast development. (Received September 18, 1964; )  相似文献   

1. Measuring the chlorophyll contents and growth of the algalcells grown in media containing different amounts of glucose(G) and urea fas a nitrogen source, N), it was found that theratio N/G determines pigmentation of the cells (colourless,yellow, yellowish green and green) under the experimental conditionsused, and thus a sort of colour map of the differently pigmentedcells was obtained. 2. The bleached cells produced at lower N/G ratios and the greencells obtained at higher ratios could he cultured successivelyunder heterotrophic and photoautotrophic conditions, respectively,and both forms were interconvertible on transferring each celltype into a new medium having appropriate N/G ratio. 3. Studies on these bleaching and greening processes under differentexperimental conditions revealed that the greening requiresessentially the supply of N-sources—no strict specificitywas observed with different N-sources tested—as well aslight, but can take place independently of growth, while thebleaching is caused most strongly by glucose (and fructose)among the carbon sources examined and proceeds essentially independentof light. 4. The bleaching effect of glucose at its higher concentrationsis primarily due to its degradation effect on chloroplast structuresincluding lamellae. This effect of glucose is markedly diminishedat its decreasing concentrations and is also counteracted bythe supply of N-source (urea) of higher concentrations. 1 This work was partly reported at the Symposium on Cell Differentiationsponsored by the Society of Agricultural Chemistry, Japan, inApril, 1963 and at the Symposium on Nitrogen and Plant by theJapanese Society of Plant Physiologists in October, 1963.  相似文献   

  1. Investigations were made on the modes of synthesis of differentspecies of RNA which appear during the greening (chloroplastregeneration) of the "glucose-bleached" cells of Chlorella protothecoidescontaining profoundly degenerated plastids.
  2. RNAs were extractedfrom the algal cells which had been labelledwith 32P for 1hr before harvesting at different stages of thegreening inthe light and in darkness, and subjected to columnchromatographywith methylated albumin-coated kieselguhr. Itwas found that,during the greening process, the elution profilesof RNAs, interms of the optical density at 260 mµ and32P-radioactivity,changed profoundly.
  3. Based on these and other results, it wasconcluded that duringan early phase of the chloroplast regenerationin the glucosebleachedalgal cells, there occurs an active formationof both ribosomalRNAs (rRNAs) and the RNAs corresponding tosoluble RNA (sRNA),the formation coming, however, later toa standstill when thesynthesis of chlorophyll has proceededto a certain level. Thequantity ratio of sRNA to rRNA was foundto be constant (30:70)at different stages of the greening (bothin the light and indarkness), with a few exceptions. The synthesisof the chloroplastribosomal RNA is markedly accelerated bylight, and its maximumrate is observed sometime later thanthat of the non-chloroplast("cytoplasmic") ribosomal RNA. Itwas suggested that there areat least two different sites ofsynthesis of ribosomal RNAs,one in the plastid and the otheroutside of it (most probablyin the nucleus).
1A part of this work was reported at the Symposium on Cell Differentiationsponsored by the Institute of Applied Microbiology, Universityof Tokyo, in November 1965. 2 Present address: Institute for Plant Virus Research, Ministryof Agriculture and Forestry, Aoba-cho, Chiba.  相似文献   

By growing Chlorella protothecoides under certain nutritionaland light conditions the following three different types ofalgal cells were obtained: (i) normal "green" cells grown ina medium rich in a nitrogen source (urea) and poor in glucoseunder illumination, (ii) "etiolated" cells cultivated in thesame medium in darkness, and (iii) "glucose-bleached" cellsgrown, in the light or in darkness, in a medium rich in glucoseand poor in the nitrogen source. The "glucose-bleached" cellscontain profoundly degenerated plastids, and the "etiolated"cells have only partially organized plastids. From these algalcells RNA was extracted by the cold phenol method, and fractionatedby MAK column chromatography and sucrose density gradient centrifugation,making use of 32P-labelled E. coli RNA as the internal marker.It was found that in comparison with the green cells that arerich in chloroplast ribosomal RNA as well as in nonchloroplastic("cytoplasmic") ribosomal RNA, the etiolated cells possess acomparable amount of "cytoplasmic" rRNA but a significantlylesser amount of chloroplast rRNA. Both types of rRNA existat extremely low levels in the glucose-bleached cells. During the process of bleaching (chloroplast degeneration) ofthe green cells induced by the addition of a high concentrationof glucose, marked changes were observed in the patterns offractionation of RNA as followed by the above procedures. Itwas disclosed that the chloroplast rRNA is rapidly degradedduring an early phase of the bleaching process, while the quantityof "cytoplasmic" rRNA remained almost unaltered. 1Part of this work was reported at the Symposium on Cell Differentiationsponsored by the Institute of Applied Microbiology, Universityof Tokyo, in November 1965, and at the Symposium on Biogenesisof Subcellular Particles, the 7th Internatl. Congress of Biochemistry,Tokyo, 1967. 2Present address: Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universityof Hokkaido, Sapporo.  相似文献   

  1. By growing Chlorella protothecoides in a medium rich in glucoseand poor in nitrogen source (urea), entirely chlorophyll-lesscells, called "glucose-bleached’ cells, were obtained.These cells were found to have neither discernible plastid structuresnor photosynthetic activities. When these cells were incubatedin a nitrogenenriched mineral medium without added glucose,a remarkable formation of fully organized chloroplasts occurredin the light and only partially organized chloroplasts weredeveloped in darkness.
  2. In the dark-incubated algal cells asmall but appreciable amountof chlorophyll was formed, beingaccompanied by developmentof significant activities for thePMS- and FMN-catalyzed photophosphorylationsand the HILL reaction.The development of the capacity for performingphotosyntheticCO2-fixation, however, was negligible.
  3. During the processof "re-generation" of chloroplasts in thelight, there occurredactive formation of chlorophyll followedby development of allthe photic activities mentioned above.Chlorophyll formationas well as development of the photic activitiesproceeded firstin a manner of autocatalytic reaction and laterin the formof the first-order reaction. It was inferred thatthe light-absorbingagent which mediates the chlorophyll synthesisis chlorophyllitself.
  4. The activities for the PMS- and FMN-photophosphorylations,theHILL reaction and photosynthetic CO2-fixation were recognizedalready in the algal cells at an early stage of greening inthe light, in which the "discs" were developed but no completelamellar structure was observed. Further processes of increaseof these photosynthetic and related activities—as measuredat a high and a lower light intensities—were studied inrelation to the chlorophyll formation under continuous illuminationand under light-dark conditions. It was found that the PMS-photophosphorylationactivity was developed always in parallel with the chlorophyllformation under these different light conditions. Developmentof the activities for the other photic reactions, however, lagged,to different extents, behind the formation of chlorophyll inthe later phase of greening of algal cells under these conditions.
  5. Based on these results the modes of formation of the componentsinvolved in these photic reactions were surmised.
(Received September 15, 1965; )  相似文献   

By growing Chlorella protothecoides in a medium rich in glucoseand poor in nitrogen source (urea), the entirely chlorophyll-lesscells showing no discernible plastid structure and containingonly little RNA and protein were obtained. These cells, whichwere called "glucosebleached" cells, turned green after a certainlag period, when they were incubated, in the light, in a mediumcontaining the nitrogen source and basal mineral nutrients butwithout glucose. As has been shown in previous studies, thisgreening process involves two consecutive steps : a light-independentphase, in which RNA plays an essential role, and a light-requiringphase, in which the chlorophyll formation and full organizationof chloroplast take place accompanied by the formation of acertain species of protein ("alkali-stable" protein). The wholeprocess of greening was found to be profoundly suppressed byaddition of glucose, the degree of suppression being determinedby the relative concentrations of glucose and the nitrogen source.The primary act of glucose was manifest in the repression ofsyntheses of RNA, and of the species of protein mentioned above,which participate in, or causally related to, the first andsecond phases, respectively, in the greening process. 1 This paper was read at the Symposium on Extranuclear Self-reproducingSystems held by the Botanical Society of Japan in October, 1964  相似文献   

The "glucose-bleached" cells of Chlorella protothecoides, whoseplastids were profoundly degenerated containing no trace ofchlorophyll, were obtained by the method previously reported.Transferring the cells to the condition of re-generation ofchloroplasts (greening)—incubation in the light in a glucose-lessand nitrogen-rich medium—the effect of mitomycin C onthe recovery process was investigated. It was found that theantibiotic suppressed completely the cell division without affectingthe re-generation of chloroplasts. De novo formation of RNAand protein which has been observed to occur during the recoveryprocess was not affected by the antibiotic to any significantextent. It thus became clear that the re-generation of chloroplasts,accompanied by the formation of chlorophyll, RNA and protein,occurring under the said condition is not a phenomenon causedby the formation of new "normal" cells from previously degeneratedcells. As was expected, the antibiotic suppressed strongly theDNA synthesis, indicating that the new formation of DNA is nota necessary condition for the re-generation of chloroplastsin "glucose-bleached" algal cells. (Received March 1, 1965; )  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The pattern of chloroplast development was followed in Euglena gracilis strain Z greening in media with a variety of fixed carbon and nitrogen sources. The greening pattern of cells grown in inorganic medium with added ethanol or glucose involves an inhibition of chloroplast development when compared to that of cells grown in inorganic medium alone. Several nitrogen sources were tested to ascertain their effectiveness in relieving the inhibition of chloroplast development by glucose. Of those, only 0.05% (w/v) (NH4)2 SO4 accelerated the recovery from the inhibition after most of the glucose had been removed from the medium by the cells. The other nitrogen sources tested were not effective. An inhibition of chloroplast development, similar to that observed in cells greening in the presence of glucose, was seen in cells greening in an ethanol-containing medium. These cells, however, had a different response upon the addition of 0.05% (NH4)2 SO4. They appeared to recover from the inhibition of chloroplast development, even before the ethanol was removed from the medium by the cells. A slight enhancement of chloroplast development was noted in cells greening in an inorganic medium with glycine or serine. Other amino acids tested had little or no effect.  相似文献   

  1. Several factors affecting sporulation of a wild yeast, Hansenulasaturnus, especially carbon sources and the carbon-nitrogenratio of sporulation medium were studied.
  2. The sporulationis stimulated at a certain definite C/N ratioof glucose medium.
  3. Several carbon sources such as ethanol, acetate, lactate,glycerol,succinate, glucose, gluconate and citrate are utilizedby theorganism both for growth and sporulation.
  4. The numberof spores in an ascus depends on the C/N ratio ofthe medium.An increase in the ratio stimulates the yield of2-and 3-sporedasci, especially of the former. One-spored ascibecome abundantas this ratio decreases.
  5. Lysine promotes sporulation in anacetate medium, and its presencein a large amount in glucosemedium also stimulates sporulation,while a small amount isinhibitory. When lysine was employedas the sole nitrogen source,most of the asci were 1-spored.
  6. It is discussed that sporulationof yeast is induced by a balanceof metabolism, rather thanby one definite "sporulation substrate".
1 Present address: Laboratory of Microbiology, Department ofAgriculture, T{circumflex}hoku University, Sendai. (Received May 23, 1961; )  相似文献   

  1. Starting with uniformly 32P-labeled Chlorella cells, a synchronousculture was run in a medium containing non-labeled phosphate.During the synchronous growth and division of the algal cells,the changes in amount of total and labeled P in various phosphatecompounds were followed.
  2. Characteristic changes were observedwith (acid-soluble) polyphosphate"A", nucleotidic labile phosphates,(acid-insoluble) polyphosphate"C", DNA-P and protein-P. Thelabeled phosphorus of polyphosphate"C" showed a decrease duringthe earlier phase of experiment,although a considerable uptakeof non-labeled P from the culturemedium into this compoundwas observed throughout the experiment.In parallel with theloss of labeled phosphorus in this compound,the increase oflabeled phosphorus occurred in polyphosphate"A", in the nucleotidiclabile-P compounds, and in DNA, suggestingthat these substancesreceived P from polyphosphate "C". Thelabeled P in polyphosphate"A" and in the nucleotidic labile-Pcompounds increased graduallywith the progress of culture,attained their maximum levelsat the stage of ripening, anddecreased markedly during theprocess of "post-ripening" anddivision of cells, indicatingthat these compounds were in activeturnover and playing someimportant roles in the process ofcell maturation and division.
  3. The total amounts of inorganic P, RNA-P and lipid-P increasedcontinuously throughout the experiment and showed no significantchange in the content of labeled P.
(Received June 5, 1961; )  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that when cells of Chlorellaprotothecoides are incubated in a medium containing glucosebut no nitrogen source, they are profoundly bleached with degenerationof chloroplast structure and photosynthetic activity. When anitrogen source (urea) is added to the glucose medium, bleachingof algal cells is greatly suppressed. In this work the metabolismof glucose in the process of glucose-induced bleaching was studiedusing 14C-glucose as tracer. Changes in algal cell activityfor 14CO2-evolution and 14C-incorporation into various cellularsubstances from 14C-glucose were followed. Most conspicuouswere increases in cellular activities for assimilating 14C-glucoseinto lipids (fatty acids) and glucose polymer. When urea wasadded to the glucose medium, the incorporation of 14C by algalcells into fatty acids was greatly reduced, while the assimilationof 14C into glucose polymer was increased. These and previous observations suggest that the formation oflarge amounts of lipids (fatty acids) probably is causally relatedto the induction of algal cell bleaching. (Received March 5, 1969; )  相似文献   

RuDP carboxylase was active mainly in chloroplasts and PEP carboxylaseactive principally outside of chloroplasts in Chlorella protothecoides. During the process of chloroplast degeneration in algal cellsinduced by addition of glucose, the activity of RuDP carboxylasesignificantly decreased, whereas the activities of PEP-carboxylaseand -carboxykinase markedly increased. During the process of chloroplast regeneration in "glucose-bleached"algal cells, which contained no detectable amounts of FractionI protein and showed only traces of RuDP carboxylase activity,a light-dependent development of RuDP carboxylase proceededalmost in parallel with the light-induced formation of chlorophyll.The activities of PEP-carboxylase and -carboxykinase, whichwere negligibly low in glucose-bleached cells, developed independentlyof light. Both chloramphenicol and cycloheximide severely inhibited thedevelopment of RuDP carboxylase activity. A relatively low concentrationof glucose also caused a significant suppression. Under theseconditions, chlorophyll formation was inhibited only slightlyby chloramphenicol and very strongly by cycloheximide and glucose. 1 Deceased, 11 June, 1972. (Received April 25, 1972; )  相似文献   

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