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The relationship of plasma calcium levels to changes in plasma specific gravity, total protein, and albumin induced by venous stasis was investigated. Factors were derived for adjusting calcium results to offset the effects of variation in protein concentration and thus to make them of increased discriminatory value to the clinician. The validity of an existing specific gravity correction has been substantiated, but a more exact adjustment of 0·23 mg/100 ml of calcium for every 0·001 change in specific gravity is proposed. We recommend for automated laboratories that the factor based on albumin be used: 0·09 mg/100 ml of calcium should be subtracted from the total calcium value for every increase of 0·1 g in albumin above 4·6 g/100 ml, and a corresponding addition should be made for values of albumin below 4·6 g/100 ml.Using a calcium specific electrode, it has been shown that the ionized calcium concentration does not alter with prolonged venous stasis.  相似文献   

Six men aged 26-35 years with proteinuria due to insulindependent juvenile-onset diabetes were treated for moderate hypertension (mean blood pressure 162/103 mm Hg) and studied for a mean of 73 months for the effect on the progression of nephropathy. All patients were of normal weight. During a mean control period of 28 months before treatment the mean glomerular filtration rate (three or four measurements) was 86·1 ml/min and mean 24-hour urinary albumin excretion (also three or four measurements) 3·9 g (range 0·5-8·8 g).During antihypertensive treatment the mean systolic blood pressure fell to 144 mm Hg and mean diastolic pressure to 95 mm Hg. In the control period five patients had shown a mean monthly decline in glomerular filtration rate of 1·23 ml/min; with antihypertensive treatment, however, this decline fell to 0·49 ml/min (2p=0·042). In the remaining patient the glomerular filtration rate was 137 ml/min before treatment and 135 ml/min at the end of the treatment period. In all patients the mean yearly increase in albumin clearance (expressed as a percentage of the glomerular filtration rate) fell from 107% before treatment to 5% during treatment (2p=0·0099).This small study indicates that antihypertensive treatment slows the decline in renal function in diabetic nephropathy. Clinical trials beginning treatment in the incipient phase of diabetic nephropathy will define the optimal modality of treatment in this large patient population.  相似文献   

Fasting gastrin levels in serum were measured in 49 patients with different types of chronic gastritis and in matched controls. In 15 patients with established pernicious anaemia the mean (± S.E. of mean) level of gastrin was greatly raised (699 ± 99 pg/ml). In 17 patients with chronic atrophic gastritis, seropositive for parietal cell antibody but with adequate vitamin-B12 absorption, the level was also raised (476 ± 74 pg/ml). By contrast, in “simple” atrophic gastritis seronegative for parietal cell antibody the gastrin levels were significantly lower for both diffuse atrophic gastritis (129 ± 31 pg/ml) and multifocal gastritis (14 ± 4 pg/ml). These levels were similar to those in the controls (46 ± 7 pg/ml).The mechanism of the raised gastrin levels remains uncertain, but neither achlorhydria nor in vivo action of the parietal cell antibody wholly accounted for the hypergastrinaemia.We conclude that hypergastrinaemia is characteristic of gastritis associated with autoimmune reactions to gastric antigens and pernicious anaemia and that a raised serum gastrin is a useful marker of the type of gastritis that tends to progress to the gastric lesion of pernicious anaemia. The findings suggest that this type of gastritis is an essentially different disease from “simple” atrophic gastritis, and the differences in gastrin levels may be due to sparing of the antral mucosa in the autoimmune type but not in “simple” gastritis.  相似文献   

In February 1972 58% of patients euthyroid after iodine-131 therapy given for thyrotoxicosis between 1954 and 1966 had a high plasma TSH (>7·4 μU/ml) and 42% a normal plasma TSH level. A group of 69 of the euthyroid patients with high plasma TSH levels (25·0±2·0 μU/ml) in 1972 were re-examined 15 and 24 months later. The mean plasma TSH in the 66 patients remaining euthyroid at 15 months was 22·6±1·8 μU/ml, while three patients had become hypothyroid. At 24 months 64 of the patients were still available for study, of whom 61 remained euthyroid with a mean plasma TSH of 21·6±2·0 μU/ml, and a further three had become hypothyroid.All of a group of 61 of the euthyroid patients with normal plasma TSH levels (4·0±0·2 μU/ml) in 1972 remained euthyroid at 24 months with a mean plasma TSH of 4·1±0·3 μU/ml, though the plasma TSH level had become slightly raised in three.The mean serum T-4 level in the euthyroid patients with a high plasma TSH was significantly lower, though still in the normal range, than that in the euthyroid patients with a normal plasma TSH both in 1972 and in 1974.Since no patient with a normal plasma TSH level after iodine-131 treatment six to 18 years earlier for thyrotoxicosis developed hypothyroidism over a two-year period, the follow-up of such patients need not be so rigorous as that of similarly treated euthyroid patients with raised plasma TSH levels in whom hypothyroidism developed at the rate of 5% per year.  相似文献   

A selective and sensitive gas chromatographic technique was used to measure the steady-state serum concentrations of tolbutamide and chlorpropamide in 97 patients with maturity-onset diabetes mellitus who had been taking these drugs (37 tolbutamide, 60 chlorpropamide) for at least a year. No other antidiabetic agents had been given. The serum tolbutamide concentrations varied widely between the patients (from close to zero to 370 μmol/l (100 μg/ml)), yet the variation in dosage was only sixfold (0·5-3·9 g daily). The serum chlorpropamide concentrations varied even more widely (from close to zero to 882 μmol/l (244 μg/ml)), though the dosage variation was fourfold (125-500 mg daily). There was no systematic relation between dosage and serum concentrations of the drugs.Only 2 (5·4%) of the tolbutamide-treated patients and 10 (16·7%) of the chlorpropamide-treated patients had normal fasting blood glucose concentrations (below 5·5 mmol/l (99 mg/100 ml)), and fewer than half had values below 8·0 mmol/l (144 mg/100 ml). In most cases, therefore, the treatment was insufficient.There was no significant difference in mean fasting blood glucose concentrations between the two treatment groups. The mean steady-state concentration of chlorpropamide, however, was significantly higher than that of tolbutamide. Thus, contrary to common belief, the intrinsic activity of chlorpropamide is apparently not greater than that of tolbutamide. The alleged greater potency of chlorpropamide seems to be related wholly to kinetic differences, such as the less extensive metabolic degradation and slower elimination of the drug.We conclude that treatment with sulphonylureas in conventional dosage is far from optimal and that monitoring the concentrations of these drugs in the blood may help to improve their efficacy.  相似文献   

To assess whether decreased aerobic work capacity was associated with albuminuria in insulin dependent diabetics aerobic capacity was measured in three groups of 10 patients matched for age, sex, duration of diabetes, and degree of physical activity. Group 1 comprised 10 patients with normal urinary albumin excretion (<30 mg/24 h), group 2 comprised 10 with incipient diabetic nephropathy (urinary albumin excretion 30-300 mg/24 h, and group 3 comprised 10 with clinical diabetic nephropathy (urinary albumin excretion >300 mg/24 h). Ten non-diabetic subjects matched for sex, age, and physical activity served as controls. Oxygen uptake was similar in the four groups at rest and during a 75 W workload. Maximal oxygen uptake was also similar in the control subjects and group 1 (median 41·7, (range 29·1-53·0) ml/kg/min v 38·5 (26·6-59·2) ml/kg/min, respectively), but was significantly lower in group 2 (27·7 (13·9-44·3) ml/kg/min) and group 3 (26·8 (22·6-36·7) ml/kg/min). The difference in maximal oxygen uptake between groups 1 and 2 was 10·8 ml/kg/min (95% confidence interval 3·6 to 23·4 ml/kg/min) and between groups 1 and 3, 11·7 ml/kg/min (4·9 to 22·5 ml/kg/min). These differences were not explained by differences in metabolic control or the degree of autonomic neuropathy.Thus the insulin dependent diabetics with only slightly increased urinary albumin excretion had an appreciably impaired aerobic work capacity which could not be explained by autonomic neuropathy or the duration of diabetes. Whether the reduced capacity is due to widespread microangiopathy or another pathological process affecting the myocardium remains to be established.  相似文献   

To study the role of parathyroid gland activity in early primary hypertension plasma concentrations of intact parathyroid hormone were measured in 90 untreated young subjects, aged 16-29, with stable mildly raised blood pressure and in 40 normotensive control subjects selected from the same population in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. Intact parathyroid hormone concentration was significantly higher in the hypertensive than the normotensive group (2.34 (SE 0.11) pmol/l v 1·47 (0·13)pmol/l, respectively; difference 0·87 pmol/l; 95% confidence interval 0·55 to 1·21; p<0·0001). Serum total calcium concentration was 2·36 (0·01) mmol/l in the hypertensive group and 2·42 (0·01) mmol/l in the normotensive group (difference 0·06 mmol/l; 95% confidence interval 0·02 to 0·09; p=0·02). Urinary calcium excretion over 24 hours did not differ significantly between the two groups (4·17 (0·28) mmol/24 h in the hypertensive group and 3·89 (0·39) mmol/24 h in the normotensive group; difference 0·28 mmol/24 h; 95% confidence interval -0·66 to 1·22). In the hypertensive group both systolic and diastolic blood pressures increased slightly though significantly with intact parathyroid hormone concentrations. No obvious associations between serum calcium concentration and blood pressure were observed.These findings support the view that enhanced activity of the parathyroid gland may play a part in the early stage of primary hypertension.  相似文献   

The stimulatory effects of an infusion of amino acids on glomerular filtration rate has previously been used to measure renal functional reserve and detect glomerular hyperfiltration. Thirty four patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension and seemingly normal renal function and 22 healthy controls were given infusions of amino acids to investigate whether renal functional reserve is reduced in essential hypertension and to detect patients at risk of renal damage. Although basal creatinine clearance increased after the infusion of amino acids in the controls (mean 27·9 ml/min; 95% confidence interval 18·2 to 37·6), the overall change was lower in the patients (mean 13·4 ml/min; 8·3 to 18·5), 11 of the 34 showing no increase at all. In these 11 non-responders the mean systolic blood pressure was higher than that in the 23 others (178·5 mm Hg v 157 mm Hg, respectively). Mean urinary albumin excretion was abnormal in the patients (93·3 mg/24 h; 44·2 to 142·4); eight of the 11 non-responders had an albumin excretion above the normal range (>20 mg/24 h). In the 11 patients without renal functional reserve a positive correlation was found between basal creatinine clearance and albumin excretion (r=0·695).As consumed renal reserve and albuminuria are markers of glomerular hyperfiltration studying renal function before and after infusion of amino acids can detect hypertensive patients at risk of progressive renal damage.  相似文献   

Serum triiodothyronine (T-3) concentrations have been estimated by radioimmunoassay using unextracted serum. The serum T-3 concentrations have been shown to be similar in two separate European populations (0·76-1·67 ng/ml). Raised T-3 values have been observed in all subjects with hyperthyroidism. Low values are seen in hypothyroidism although there is some overlap with the normal range. There is a good correlation between serum T-3 and serum thyroxine (T-4) concentrations, and estimation of T-3 seems likely to prove a practical and reliable test of thyroid function.  相似文献   

Hypercholesterolaemia has been predicted as a possible complication of chenodeoxycholic acid treatment for gall stones. To exclude this, fasting serum lipids were measured in patients with stones before and at monthly intervals for six months after starting chenodeoxycholic acid. Before treatment half of a group of 36 patients with presumed cholesterol gall stones had serum cholesterol levels exceeding 260 mg/100 ml or serum triglyceride values greater than 160 mg/100 ml or both; these lipid levels were significantly greater than those in control subjects matched for age and sex. Treatment with chenodeoxycholic acid (0·5-1·5 g/day by mouth) did not change serum cholesterol levels but did significantly reduce serum triglyceride concentrations from a pretreatment level of 118 (± S.E. of mean 11·7) mg/100 ml to 95 (± 7·2) mg/100 ml after six months of therapy. The mechanism of this triglyceride-lowering action of chenodeoxycholic acid is not known, but it may have therapeutic value in patients with hypertriglyceridaemia.  相似文献   

BackgroundAccording to current recommendations, blood samples should be taken in the morning after 15 minutes’ resting time. Some components exhibit diurnal variation and in response to pressures to expand opening hours and reduce waiting time, the aims of this study were to investigate the impact of resting time prior to blood sampling and diurnal variation on biochemical components, including albumin, thyrotropin (TSH), total calcium and sodium in plasma.MethodsAll patients referred to an outpatient clinic for blood sampling were included in the period Nov 2011 until June 2014 (opening hours: 7am–3pm). Each patient’s arrival time and time of blood sampling were registered. The impact of resting time and the time of day for all components was analysed using simple linear regression. The “maximum allowable bias” was used as quality indicator for the change in reference interval.ResultsSignificant diurnal variation was found for albumin (n = 15,544; p<2×10−16), TSH (n = 20,019; p<2×10−16), calcium (n = 13,588; p = 2.8×10−12) and sodium (n = 51,917; p<2×10−16). Further significant influence for resting time was found for albumin (p = 2.6×10−4), TSH (p = 0.004), calcium (p = 8.9×10−7) and sodium (p = 8.7×10−16). Only TSH and albumin were clinically significantly influenced by diurnal variation. Resting time had no clinically significant effect.ConclusionsWe found no need for resting 15 minutes prior to blood sampling. However, diurnal variation was found to have a significant and considerable impact on TSH and, to a minor degree, albumin. This has to be taken into account to ensure that reference intervals provided by the laboratory are valid on a 24-hour basis.  相似文献   

During the active phase of viral hepatitis urinary folate loss was found to be 8·0 to 48·3 (mean 31·1) μg./day, compared with a normal urinary folate excretion of 0·1 to 18·0 (mean 9·5) μg./day. In cirrhosis and cardiac failure with congestive hepatomegaly the corresponding values were 25·8 to 55·0 (mean 35·7) μg./day and 2·5 to 61·6 (mean 26·9) μg./day, respectively. Urinary folate loss may be a significant factor in the aetiology of folate deficiency of chronic liver disease, particularly when dietary intake is poor.After prolonged dialysis in Visking casing urinary folate was almost totally dialysable, but an appreciable fraction of serum folate was not, even after 72 hours. The dialysable (free) folate fraction of serum and urine disappeared maximally during the first six hours'' dialysis, and was virtually cleared after 24 hours'' dialysis; clearance curves in normal individuals and in liver disease were comparable. The non-dialysable serum folate fraction was of similar magnitude in all subjects studied, in spite of marked variation in total folate, and probably represented protein-bound folate.  相似文献   

Nomograms have been prepared whereby the respiratory exchange ratio may be derived from the concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen in expired gas and oxygen consumption from the volume and oxygen concentration of expired gas; they apply only to patients breathing room air. The nomogram for the respiratory exchange ratio has an error of less than 0·01, which is the limit of visual discrimination on the nomogram. The nomogram for oxygen consumption has an error of standard deviation 7·73 ml/min. This error may be substantially reduced by excluding cases with a respiratory exchange ratio outside the range 0·70-0·93. Under these conditions the maximum error was 10 ml/min, which is acceptable for a wide range of clinical purposes.  相似文献   

Intravenous lignocaine (1 mg./kg. body weight) was found to produce insignificant haemodynamic changes, and in particular no reduction in myocardial contractility. A rate of 2 mg./minute infused intravenously is suggested for therapeutic purposes.In anaesthetized dogs an infusion of 13·5 mg./minute caused moderate haemodynamic depression and a maximum plasma level of 7 μg./ml. Massive injections of 200 and 400 mg. of lignocaine produced a maximum plasma level of 13·8 and 27·8 μg./ml., respectively, and in the latter failure of myocardial contraction in the presence of a normal E.C.G. ensued (“pump failure”). Lignocaine appears to alter the uptake of calcium by myocardial sarcoplasmic reticulum, and this may explain the negative inotropic effect of large doses.  相似文献   

Sclerostin is a protein secreted by osteocytes that acts as an inhibitor of bone formation. It has been shown that physical activity affects sclerostin concentration and thus bone remodelling. The aim of the study was to evaluate serum concentrations of sclerostin, selected bone turnover markers (PTH, P1NP), 25(OH)D3 and the intake of calcium and vitamin D in physically active versus sedentary men. A total of 59 healthy men aged 17-37 were enrolled in the study (43 athletes and 16 non-athletes). The mean sclerostin concentration in the group of athletes (A) was significantly higher than in non-athletes (NA) (35.3±8.9 vs 28.0±5.6 pmol·l-1, p= 0.004). A compared with NA had higher concentrations of P1NP (145.6±77.5 vs 61.2±22.3 ng·ml-1, p= <0.0001) and 25(OH)D3 (16.9±8.4 vs 10.3±4.3 ng·ml-1, p= 0.004) and lower concentrations of PTH (25.8±8.3 vs 38.2±11.5 pg·ml-1, p= <0.0001). Vitamin D deficiency was found in 77% of A and 100% of NA. A and NA had similar daily energy intake. They did not differ as to the intake of calcium and vitamin D. We observed a negative correlation between the serum concentrations of sclerostin and calcium in the studied subjects. Our results suggest that regular, long-lasting physical training may be associated with higher concentration of sclerostin. It seems that increased sclerostin is not related to other bone turnover markers (PTH, P1NP).  相似文献   

C3 and fibrin degradation products (F.D.P.) have been measured in early morning urine samples from 38 normal people and 123 patients with glomerulonephritis. Normal urine contained less than 0·3 μg of either antigen per ml. C3 and F.D.P. were both detected in the urine of many patients with glomerulonephritis. Levels above 1 μg/ml were exceptional in patients with “minimal change,” and the highest excretion of both antigens occurred in mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis, membranous nephropathy, and focal glomerulosclerosis.Both C3 and F.D.P. excretion showed considerable variation with time, with parellel fluctuations in the two antigens. These fluctuations did not depend on the total protein leakage and suggest that the complement and clotting sequence are closely related in these glomerular disorders.  相似文献   

The annual cost of eculizumab maintenance therapy in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) and atypical hemolytic–uremic syndrome (aHUS) exceeds $300,000 per patient. A better understanding of eculizumab pharmacokinetics and subsequent individual dose adjustment could reduce this cost. We measured the trough eculizumab concentration in 9 patients with maintenance therapy (aHUS, n = 7; PNH, n = 2) and determined: 1) the intra- and inter-individual variability; 2) the influence of weight on eculizumab pharmacokinetics; and 3) the rate of elimination of eculizumab following discontinuation. A one-compartment model was developed to describe the pharmacokinetics of eculizumab and predicted complement activity by body weight. Trough eculizumab concentrations were >50 µg/mL in 9/9, >100 µg/mL in 8/9, and >300 µg/mL in 5/9 of patients. Intra-individual variability was low but eculizumab concentrations, closely correlated with patient weight (R2 = 0.66, p = 0.034), varied broadly (55 ± 12 to 733 ± 164 µg/mL). Pharmacokinetic modeling showed that the elimination half-life varied greatly, with an increase from 7.8 d in a patient weighing 100 kg to 19.5 d in a 40 kg patient. We predicted that infusions of 1200 mg could be spaced every 4 or 6 weeks in patients weighing <90 and <70 kg, respectively. In this pilot study, the current recommended use of a fixed eculizumab dose for maintenance therapy is associated with excessively high trough concentrations in many patients. Further prospective larger studies are now required to support an individualized schedule adjusted for patient weight and based on the observed trough serum eculizumab concentration.  相似文献   



Target-controlled infusion (TCI) provides precise pharmacokinetic control of propofol concentration in the effect-site (Ce), eg. brain. This pilot study aims to evaluate the feasibility and optimal TCI regimen for flexible bronchoscopy (FB) sedation.


After alfentanil bolus, initial induction Ce of propofol was targeted at 2 μg/ml. Patients were randomized into three titration groups (i.e., by 0.5, 0.2 and 0.1 μg/ml, respectively) to maintain stable sedation levels and vital signs. Adverse events, frequency of adjustments, drug doses, and induction and recovery times were recorded.


The study was closed early due to significantly severe hypoxemia events (oxyhemoglobin saturation <70%) in the group titrated at 0.5 μg/ml. Forty-nine, 49 and 46 patients were enrolled into the 3 respective groups before study closure. The proportion of patients with hypoxemia events differed significantly between groups (67.3 vs. 46.9 vs. 41.3%, p = 0.027). Hypotension events, induction and recovery time and propofol doses were not different. The Ce of induction differed significantly between groups (2.4±0.5 vs. 2.1±0.4 vs. 2.1±0.3 μg/ml, p = 0.005) and the Ce of procedures was higher at 0.5 μg/ml titration (2.4±0.5 vs. 2.1±0.4 vs. 2.2±0.3 μg/ml, p = 0.006). The adjustment frequency tended to be higher for titration at 0.1 μg/ml but was not statistically significant (2 (0∼6) vs. 3 (0∼6) vs. 3 (0∼11)). Subgroup analysis revealed 14% of all patients required no further adjustment during the whole sedation. Comparing patients requiring at least one adjustment with those who did not, they were observed to have a shorter induction time (87.6±34.9 vs. 226.9±147.9 sec, p<0.001), a smaller induction dose and Ce (32.5±4.1 vs. 56.8±22.7 mg, p<0.001; 1.76±0.17 vs. 2.28 ±0.41, p<0.001, respectively), and less hypoxemia and hypotension (15.8 vs.56.9%, p = 0.001; 0 vs. 24.1%, p = 0.008, respectively).


Titration at 0.5 μg/ml is risky for FB sedation. A subgroup of patients required no more TCI adjustment with fewer complications. Further studies are warranted to determine the optimal regimen of TCI for FB sedation.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01101477  相似文献   

Norgestrel, a progestogen-only oral contraceptive, was given continually at a dose of 75 μg/day to 144 women of proved fertility. It was an efficient contraceptive with a failure rate of 2·1% (assessed by the “life-table” method) within the first 12 cycles and 3·6% within the first 30 cycles (or 2·0 conceptions per 100 woman-years when assessed by the Pearl index). The overall conception rate for the entire trial period was 2·1% and 1·3 pregnancies per 100 woman-years respectively. Norgestrel caused a high proportion of irregular and generally short bleeding intervals, about one-fifth of the cycles lasting less than 17 days. This irregularity appeared to be due to individual variance in cycle length between women rather than that between their successive cycles. No confirmed instances of thromboembolism were observed. Norgestrel apparently exerts its contraceptive action by several mechanisms: reduction in the sperm penetrability of the cervical mucus and an impairment of luteal function appear important. The serum concentrations of cholesterol and globulin were significantly reduced in women taking norgestrel. Preliminary observations suggest that on discontinuing the medication fertility is promptly restored. Of the 144 women originally enrolled 57 (40%) withdrew for reasons connected with the method before completing 30 months on trial, over half of them because of the irregular menstrual pattern. Nonetheless, in view of its main clinical and laboratory characteristics and simple mode of administration, norgestrel appears to be a useful alternative to the combined type of pill for women unsuitable for, or unable to tolerate, oestrogen-containing preparations.  相似文献   

Thermal aggregation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) has been studied using dynamic light scattering, asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation and analytical ultracentrifugation. The studies were carried out at fixed temperatures (60°C, 65°C, 70°C and 80°C) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, at BSA concentration of 1 mg/ml. Thermal denaturation of the protein was studied by differential scanning calorimetry. Analysis of the experimental data shows that at 65°C the stage of protein unfolding and individual stages of protein aggregation are markedly separated in time. This circumstance allowed us to propose the following mechanism of thermal aggregation of BSA. Protein unfolding results in the formation of two forms of the non-native protein with different propensity to aggregation. One of the forms (highly reactive unfolded form, Uhr) is characterized by a high rate of aggregation. Aggregation of Uhr leads to the formation of primary aggregates with the hydrodynamic radius (Rh,1) of 10.3 nm. The second form (low reactive unfolded form, Ulr) participates in the aggregation process by its attachment to the primary aggregates produced by the Uhr form and possesses ability for self-aggregation with formation of stable small-sized aggregates (Ast). At complete exhaustion of Ulr, secondary aggregates with the hydrodynamic radius (Rh,2) of 12.8 nm are formed. At 60°C the rates of unfolding and aggregation are commensurate, at 70°C the rates of formation of the primary and secondary aggregates are commensurate, at 80°C the registration of the initial stages of aggregation is complicated by formation of large-sized aggregates.  相似文献   

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