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The Tip protein from Herpesvirus saimiri interacts with the SH3 domain from the Src-family kinase Lck via a proline-containing sequence termed LBD1. Src-family kinase SH3 domains related to Lck have been shown to be dynamic in solution and partially unfold under physiological conditions. The rate of such partial unfolding is reduced by viral protein binding. To determine if the Lck SH3 domain displayed similar behavior, the domain was investigated with hydrogen exchange and mass spectrometry. Lck SH3 was found to be highly dynamic in solution. While other SH3 domains require as much as 10,000 sec to become totally deuterated, Lck SH3 became almost completely labeled within 200 sec. A partial unfolding event involving 8-10 residues was observed with a half-life of approximately 10 sec. Tip LBD1 binding did not cause gross structural changes in Lck SH3 but globally stabilized the domain and reduced the rate of partial unfolding by a factor of five. The region of partial unfolding in Lck SH3 was found to be similar to that identified for other SH3 domains that partially unfold. Although the sequence conservation between Lck SH3 and other closely related SH3 domains is high, the dynamics do not appear to be conserved.  相似文献   

The core of the Abelson tyrosine kinase (c-Abl) is structurally similar to Src-family kinases where SH3 and SH2 domains pack against the backside of the kinase domain in the down-regulated conformation. Both kinase families depend upon intramolecular association of SH3 with the linker joining the SH2 and kinase domains for suppression of kinase activity. Hydrogen deuterium exchange (HX) and mass spectrometry (MS) were used to probe intramolecular interaction of the c-Abl SH3 domain with the linker in recombinant constructs lacking the kinase domain. Under physiological conditions, the c-Abl SH3 domain undergoes partial unfolding, which is stabilized by ligand binding, providing a unique assay for SH3:linker interaction in solution. Using this approach, we observed dynamic association of the SH3 domain with the linker in the absence of the kinase domain. Truncation of the linker before W254 completely prevented cis-interaction with SH3, while constructs containing amino acids past this point showed SH3:linker interactions. The observation that the Abl linker sequence exhibits SH3-binding activity in the absence of the kinase domain is unique to Abl and was not observed with Src-family kinases. These results suggest that SH3:linker interactions may have a more prominent role in Abl regulation than in Src kinases, where the down-regulated conformation is further stabilized by a second intramolecular interaction between the C-terminal tail and the SH2 domain.  相似文献   

SH3 domains are a conserved feature of many nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinases, such as Hck, and often function in substrate recruitment and regulation of kinase activity. SH3 domains modulate kinase activity by binding to polyproline helices (PPII helix) either intramolecularly or in target proteins. The preponderance of bimolecular and distal interactions between SH3 domains and PPII helices led us to investigate whether proximal placement of a PPII helix relative to an SH3 domain would result in tight, intramolecular binding. We have fused the PPII helix region of human GAP to the C-terminus of Hck SH3 and expressed the recombinant fusion protein in Eschericheria coli. The fusion protein, SH3Hck: PPIIhGAP, folded spontaneously into a structure in which the PPII helix was bound intramolecularly to the hydrophobic crevice of the SH3 domain. The SH3Hck: PPIIhGAP fusion protein is useful for investigating SH3: PPII helix interactions, for studying concepts in protein folding and design, and may represent a protein structural motif that is widely distributed in nature.  相似文献   

The Src Homology 3 (SH3) domain is an important regulatory domain found in many signaling proteins. X‐ray crystallography and NMR structures of SH3 domains are generally conserved but other studies indicate that protein flexibility and dynamics are not. We previously reported that based on hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry (HX MS) studies, there is variable flexibility and dynamics among the SH3 domains of the Src‐family tyrosine kinases and related proteins. Here we have extended our studies to the SH3 domains of the Tec family tyrosine kinases (Itk, Btk, Tec, Txk, Bmx). The SH3 domains of members of this family augment the variety in dynamics observed in previous SH3 domains. Txk and Bmx SH3 were found to be highly dynamic in solution by HX MS and Bmx was unstructured by NMR. Itk and Btk SH3 underwent a clear EX1 cooperative unfolding event, which was localized using pepsin digestion and mass spectrometry after hydrogen exchange labeling. The unfolding was localized to peptide regions that had been previously identified in the Src‐family and related protein SH3 domains, yet the kinetics of unfolding were not. Sequence alignment does not provide an easy explanation for the observed dynamics behavior, yet the similarity of location of EX1 unfolding suggests that higher‐order structural properties may play a role. While the exact reason for such dynamics is not clear, such motions can be exploited in intra‐ and intermolecular binding assays of proteins containing the domains.  相似文献   

Amide hydrogen-deuterium exchange has proven to be a powerful tool for detecting and characterizing high-energy conformations in protein ensembles. Since interactions with ligands can modulate these high-energy conformations, hydrogen exchange appears to be an ideal experimental probe of the physical mechanisms underlying processes like allosteric regulation. The chemical mechanism of hydrogen exchange, however, can complicate such studies. Here, we examine hydrogen exchange rates in a simple model system, the c-Src SH3 domain interacting with a short peptide ligand. Addition of ligand slows the rates of hydrogen exchange at nearly every amide for which we can obtain data. Careful analysis, however, reveals that this slowing is due primarily to a reduction in the population of free protein in the system, and not to any specific property of the complex. We present a method to separate the contributions of free and bound protein to the exchange kinetics that has allowed us to identify the subset of amides where exchange arises directly from the complex. These results demonstrate that the slowing of hydrogen exchange induced by ligand interactions should be interpreted with caution, and more extensive experiments are required to correlate changes in hydrogen exchange with changes in structure or internal dynamics.  相似文献   

The extent of deuterium labeling of hen lysozyme, its three-disulfide derivative, and the homologous alpha-lactalbumins, has been measured by both mass spectrometry and NMR. Different conformational states of the proteins were produced by varying the solution conditions. Alternate protein conformers were found to contain different numbers of 2H atoms. Furthermore, measurement in the gas phase of the mass spectrometer or directly in solution by NMR gave consistent results. The unique ability of mass spectrometry to distinguish distributions of 2H atoms in protein molecules is exemplified using samples prepared to contain different populations of 2H-labeled protein. A comparison of the peak widths of bovine alpha-lactalbumin in alternate solution conformations but containing the same average number of 2H atoms showed dramatic differences due to different 2H distributions in the two protein conformers. Measurement of 2H distributions by ESI-MS enabled characterization of conformational averaging and structural heterogeneity. In addition, a time course for hydrogen exchange was examined and the variation in distributions of 2H atom compared with simulations for different hydrogen exchange models. The results clearly show that exchange from the native state of bovine alpha-lactalbumin at 15 degrees C is dominated by local unfolding events.  相似文献   

The urea-induced unfolding of the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS) from Escherichia coli, an eight-stranded (beta/alpha)(8) TIM barrel protein, has been shown to involve two stable equilibrium intermediates, I1 and I2, well populated at approximately 3 M and 5 M urea, respectively. The characterization of the I1 intermediate by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy has shown that I1 retains a significant fraction of the native ellipticity; the far-UV CD signal for the I2 species closely resembles that of the fully unfolded form. To obtain detailed insight into the disruption of secondary structure in the urea-induced unfolding process, a hydrogen exchange-mass spectrometry study was performed on alphaTS. The full-length protein was destabilized in increasing concentration of urea, the amide hydrogen atoms were pulse-labeled with deuterium, the labeled samples were quenched in acid and the products were analyzed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Consistent with the CD results, the I1 intermediate protects up to approximately 129 amide hydrogen atoms against exchange while the I2 intermediate offers no protection. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analysis of the peptic fragments derived from alphaTS labeled at 3 M urea indicates that most of the region between residues 12-130, which constitutes the first four beta strands and three alpha helices, (beta/alpha)(1-3)beta(4), is structured. The (beta/alpha)(1-3)beta(4) module appears to represent the minimum sub-core of stability of the I1 intermediate. A 4+2+2 folding model is proposed as a likely alternative to the earlier 6+2 folding mechanism for alphaTS.  相似文献   

The C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) phosphorylates and down-regulates Src family tyrosine kinases. The Csk-binding protein (Cbp) localizes Csk close to its substrates at the plasma membrane, and increases the specific activity of the kinase. To investigate this long-range catalytic effect, the phosphorylation of Src and the conformation of Csk were investigated in the presence of a high-affinity phosphopeptide derived from Cbp. This peptide binds tightly to the SH2 domain and enhances Src recognition (lowers K(m)) by increasing the apparent phosphoryl transfer rate in the Csk active site, a phenomenon detected in rapid quench flow experiments. Previous studies demonstrated that the regulation of Csk activity is linked to conformational changes in the enzyme that can be probed with hydrogen-deuterium exchange methods. We show that the Cbp peptide impacts deuterium incorporation into its binding partner (the SH2 domain), and into the SH2-kinase linker and several sequences in the kinase domain, including the glycine-rich loop in the active site. These findings, along with computational data from normal mode analyses, suggest that the SH2 domain moves in a cantilever fashion with respect to the small lobe of the kinase domain, ordering the active site for catalysis. The binding of a small Cbp-derived peptide to the SH2 domain of Csk modifies these motions, enhancing Src recognition.  相似文献   

Protein amide hydrogen exchange (HDX) is a convoluted process, whose kinetics is determined by both dynamics of the protein and the intrinsic exchange rate of labile hydrogen atoms fully exposed to solvent. Both processes are influenced by a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. A mathematical formalism initially developed to rationalize exchange kinetics of individual amide hydrogen atoms is now often used to interpret global exchange kinetics (e.g., as measured in HDX MS experiments). One particularly important advantage of HDX MS is direct visualization of various protein states by observing distinct protein ion populations with different levels of isotope labeling under conditions favoring correlated exchange (the so-called EX1 exchange mechanism). However, mildly denaturing conditions often lead to a situation where the overall HDX kinetics cannot be clearly classified as either EX1 or EX2. The goal of this work is to develop a framework for a generalized exchange model that takes into account multiple processes leading to amide hydrogen exchange, and does not require that the exchange proceed strictly via EX1 or EX2 kinetics. To achieve this goal, we use a probabilistic approach that assigns a transition probability and a residual protection to each equilibrium state of the protein. When applied to a small protein chymotrypsin inhibitor 2, the algorithm allows complex HDX patterns observed experimentally to be modeled with remarkably good fidelity. On the basis of the model we are now in a position to begin to extract quantitative dynamic information from convoluted exchange kinetics.  相似文献   

Creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes catalyse the reversible transfer of a phosphoryl group from ATP onto creatine. This reaction plays a very important role in the regulation of intracellular ATP concentrations in excitable tissues. CK isoenzymes are highly resistant to proteases in native conditions. To appreciate localized backbone dynamics, kinetics of amide hydrogen exchange with deuterium was measured by pulse-labeling the dimeric cytosolic muscle CK isoenzyme. Upon exchange, the protein was digested with pepsin, and the deuterium content of the resulting peptides was determined by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (MS). The deuteration kinetics of 47 peptides identified by MS/MS and covering 96% of the CK backbone were analyzed. Four deuteration patterns have been recognized: The less deuterated peptides are located in the saddle-shaped core of CK, whereas most of the highly deuterated peptides are close to the surface and located around the entrance to the active site. Their exchange kinetics are discussed by comparison with the known secondary and tertiary structures of CK with the goal to reveal the conformational dynamics of the protein. Some of the observed dynamic motions may be linked to the conformational changes associated with substrate binding and catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Viral capsids are dynamic protein assemblies surrounding viral genomes. Despite the high-resolution structures determined by X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy, their in-solution structure and dynamics can be probed by hydrogen exchange. We report here using hydrogen exchange combined with protein enzymatic fragmentation and mass spectrometry to determine the capsid structure and dynamics of a human rhinovirus, HRV14. Capsid proteins (VP1-4) were labeled with deuterium by incubating intact virus in D(2)O buffer at neutral pH. The labeled proteins were digested by immobilized pepsin to give peptides analyzed by capillary reverse-phase HPLC coupled with nano-electrospray mass spectrometry. Deuterium levels incorporated at amide linkages in peptic fragments were measured for different exchange times from 12 sec to 30 h to assess the amide hydrogen exchange rates along each of the four protein backbones. Exchange results generally agree with the crystal structure of VP1-4,with extended, flexible terminal and surface-loop regions in fast exchange and folded helical and sheet structures in slow exchange. In addition, three alpha-helices, one from each of VP1-3, exhibited very slow exchange, indicating high stability of the protomeric interface. The beta-strands at VP3 N terminus also had very slow exchange, suggesting stable pentamer contacts. It was noted, however, that the interface around the fivefold axis had fast and intermediate exchange, indicating relatively more flexibility. Even faster exchange rates were found in the N terminus of VP1 and most segments of VP4, suggesting high flexibilities, which may correspond to their potential roles in virus uncoating.  相似文献   

Age‐related lens cataract is the major cause of blindness worldwide. The mechanisms whereby crystallins, the predominant lens proteins, assemble into large aggregates that scatter light within the lens, and cause cataract, are poorly understood. Due to the lack of protein turnover in the lens, crystallins are long‐lived. A major crystallin, γS, is heavily modified by deamidation, in particular at surface‐exposed N14, N76, and N143 to introduce negative charges. In this present study, deamidated γS was mimicked by mutation with aspartate at these sites and the effect on biophysical properties of γS was assessed via dynamic light scattering, chemical and thermal denaturation, hydrogen‐deuterium exchange, and susceptibility to disulfide cross‐linking. Compared with wild type γS, a small population of each deamidated mutant aggregated rapidly into large, light‐scattering species that contributed significantly to the total scattering. Under partially denaturing conditions in guanidine hydrochloride or elevated temperature, deamidation led to more rapid unfolding and aggregation and increased susceptibility to oxidation. The triple mutant was further destabilized, suggesting that the effects of deamidation were cumulative. Molecular dynamics simulations predicted that deamidation augments the conformational dynamics of γS. We suggest that these perturbations disrupt the native disulfide arrangement of γS and promote the formation of disulfide‐linked aggregates. The lens‐specific chaperone αA‐crystallin was poor at preventing the aggregation of the triple mutant. It is concluded that surface deamidations cause minimal structural disruption individually, but cumulatively they progressively destabilize γS‐crystallin leading to unfolding and aggregation, as occurs in aged and cataractous lenses.  相似文献   

M. F. Thorpe  S. Banu Ozkan 《Proteins》2015,83(12):2279-2292
The most successful protein structure prediction methods to date have been template‐based modeling (TBM) or homology modeling, which predicts protein structure based on experimental structures. These high accuracy predictions sometimes retain structural errors due to incorrect templates or a lack of accurate templates in the case of low sequence similarity, making these structures inadequate in drug‐design studies or molecular dynamics simulations. We have developed a new physics based approach to the protein refinement problem by mimicking the mechanism of chaperons that rehabilitate misfolded proteins. The template structure is unfolded by selectively (targeted) pulling on different portions of the protein using the geometric based technique FRODA, and then refolded using hierarchically restrained replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations (hr‐REMD). FRODA unfolding is used to create a diverse set of topologies for surveying near native‐like structures from a template and to provide a set of persistent contacts to be employed during re‐folding. We have tested our approach on 13 previous CASP targets and observed that this method of folding an ensemble of partially unfolded structures, through the hierarchical addition of contact restraints (that is, first local and then nonlocal interactions), leads to a refolding of the structure along with refinement in most cases (12/13). Although this approach yields refined models through advancement in sampling, the task of blind selection of the best refined models still needs to be solved. Overall, the method can be useful for improved sampling for low resolution models where certain of the portions of the structure are incorrectly modeled. Proteins 2015; 83:2279–2292. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recoverin is a calcium-binding protein that regulates the vertebrate photoresponse by inhibiting rhodopsin kinase in response to high calcium concentrations. It is heterogeneously N-acylated by myristoyl and related fatty acyl residues that are thought to act as "calcium-myristoyl switches," whereby, in the presence of Ca2+, the N-terminal acyl group is extended away from recoverin and, in the absence of calcium, it is more closely associated with the protein. Here we use electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI/MS) to examine hydrogen isotopic exchange rates for specific regions of both acylated and nonacylated recoverin in the presence and absence of calcium. The deuterium exchange rates of three regions in the hydrophobic myristoyl binding pocket of acylated recoverin decreased in the absence of calcium. This effect is most likely due to the closer association of the acyl group with the protein under these conditions. In contrast, rates of deuterium incorporation increased in the absence of calcium for other regions, including the two functional calcium-binding sites. In addition to supporting the calcium-myristoyl switch hypothesis, a comparison of the behavior of acylated and unacylated recoverin revealed that the N-acyl group (N-lauroyl or N-myristoyl) exerts a significant stabilizing influence on the dynamics of recoverin. We demonstrate that the new technique of monitoring hydrogen isotopic exchange by ESI/MS can be used to obtain useful information concerning protein structures in solution using smaller amounts of protein and under more physiologically relevant conditions than is typically possible with NMR or X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

Measurement of backbone amide hydrogen exchange rates can provide detailed information concerning protein structure, dynamics, and interactions. Although nuclear magnetic resonance is typically used to provide these data, its use is restricted to lower molecular weight proteins that are soluble at millimolar concentrations. Not subject to these limitations is a mass spectrometric approach for measuring deuterium incorporation into proteins that are subsequently proteolyzed by pepsin; the resulting peptide masses are measured using a flowing-fast atom bombardment ionization source (Zhang Z, Smith DL, 1993, Protein Sci 2:522-531). In the current study, amide deuterium incorporation for intact apo- and holo-myoglobin was measured using liquid chromatography coupled directly to an electrospray ionization (LC/MS) source. Electrospray ionization provided a more complete coverage of the protein sequence and permitted the measurement of deuterium incorporation into intact proteins. Tandem mass spectrometry was used to rapidly identify the peptic peptides. It was found that within 30 s, the amides in apo-myoglobin were 47% deuterated, whereas holo-myoglobin was 12% deuterated. Peptic digestion and LC/MS demonstrated that regions represented by peptic peptides encompassing positions 1-7, 12-29, and 110-134 were not significantly altered by removal of the heme. Likewise, destabilized regions were identified within positions 33-106 and 138-153.  相似文献   

The ability to determine conformational parameters of protein-folding landscapes is critical for understanding the link between conformation, function, and disease. Monitoring hydrogen exchange (HX) of labile protons at equilibrium enables direct extraction of thermodynamic or kinetic landscape parameters in two limiting extremes. Here, we establish a quantitative framework for relating HX behavior to landscape. We use this framework to demonstrate that the range of predicted global HX behavior for the majority of a set of characterized two-state proteins under near-native conditions does not readily span between both extremes. For most, stability may be quantitatively determined under physiological conditions, with semiquantitative boundaries on kinetics additionally determined using modest experimental perturbations to shift HX behavior. The framework and relationships derived in the simple context of two-state global folding highlight the importance of understanding HX across the entire continuum of behavior, in order to apply HX to map landscapes.  相似文献   

蛋白质作为生命活动的执行者,其功能往往体现在与其他蛋白质的相互作用中,研究蛋白-蛋白相互作用对于人们深入了解和预防传染病、靶向治疗多基因疾病、阐明蛋白质的分子作用机制及各种复杂的生命现象具有重要意义。目前,有多种技术被用来研究蛋白间的相互作用,研究难点在于实时捕获瞬时或弱蛋白质间的相互作用,质谱技术(mass spectrometry, MS)可在某种程度上解决该难点。由于质谱技术可研究简单的蛋白质复合物再到大规模的蛋白质组实验,基于质谱技术研究蛋白质间相互作用被越来越多地应用于科学研究中。综述了蛋白质间相互作用检测方法的研究进展,重点介绍了氢氘交换质谱法和化学交联质谱法研究蛋白质间相互作用的优缺点及其应用,最后对基于质谱技术研究蛋白质间相互作用进行了总结与展望,以期为深入开展相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The refolding of four disulfide lysozyme (at pH 5.2, 20 degrees C) involves parallel pathways, which have been proposed to merge at a near-native state. This species contains stable structure in the alpha- and beta-domains but lacks a functional active site. Although previous experiments have demonstrated that the near-native state is populated on the fast refolding pathway, its relevance to slow refolding molecules could not be directly determined from previous experiments. In this paper, we describe experiments that investigate the effect of added salts on the refolding pathway of lysozyme at pH 5.2, 20 degrees C. We show, using stopped flow tryptophan fluorescence, inhibitor binding, and circular dichroism (CD), that the rate of formation of native lysozyme on the slow refolding track is significantly reduced in solutions of high ionic strength in a manner dependent on the position of the anion in the Hofmeister series. By contrast, the rate of evolution of hydrogen exchange (HX) protection monitored by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) is unchanged under the refolding conditions studied. The data show, therefore, that at high ionic strengths beta-domain stabilization and native state formation on the slow refolding pathway become kinetically decoupled such that the near-native state becomes significantly populated. Thus, by changing the energy landscape with the addition of salts new insights into the relevance of intermediate states in lysozyme refolding are revealed.  相似文献   

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