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Reversine is a small synthetic molecule that inhibits multiple mitotic kinases, including MPS1 as well as Aurora kinase A and B (AURKA and AURKB). Here, we investigated the effects of reversine on p53-deficient vs p53-proficient cancer cells. We found that low doses (~0.5 µM) of reversine, which selectively inhibit MPS1 and hence impair the spindle assembly checkpoint, kill human TP53?/? colon carcinoma cells less efficiently than their wild-type counterparts. In sharp contrast, high doses (~5 µM) of reversine induced hyperploidization and apoptosis to a much larger extent in TP53?/? than in TP53+/+ cells. Such a selective cytotoxicity could not be reproduced by the knockdown of MPS1, AURKA and AURKB, neither alone nor in combination, suggesting that it involves multiple (rather than a few) molecular targets of reversine. Videomicroscopy-based cell fate profiling revealed that, in response to high-dose reversine, TP53?/? (but not TP53+/+) cells undergo several consecutive rounds of abortive mitosis, resulting in the generation of hyperpolyploid cells that are prone to succumb to apoptosis upon the activation of mitotic catastrophe. In line with this notion, the depletion of anti-apoptotic proteins of the BCL-2 family sensitized TP53?/? cells to the toxic effects of high-dose reversine. Moreover, the knockdown of BAX or APAF-1, as well as the chemical inhibition of caspases, limited the death of TP53?/? cells in response to high-dose reversine. Altogether, these results suggest that p53-deficient cells are particularly sensitive to the simultaneous inhibition of multiple kinases, including MPS1, as it occurs in response to high-dose reversine.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that tetraploid cancer cells succumb through a p53-dependent apoptotic pathway when checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) is depleted by small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or inhibited with 7-hydroxystaurosporine (UCN-01). Here, we demonstrate that the Chk1 inhibition results in the activating phosphorylation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK). Depletion of p38 MAPK by transfection with a siRNA targeting the α isoform of p38 MAPK (p38α MAPK) abolishes the phosphorylation of p53 on serines 15 and 46 that is induced by Chk1 knockdown. The siRNA-mediated downregulation and pharmacological inhibition of p38α MAPK (with SB 203580) also reduces cell death induced by Chk1 knockdown or UCN-01. These results underscore the role of p38 MAPK as a pro-apoptotic kinase in the p53-dependant pathway for the therapeutic elimination of polyploidy cells.  相似文献   

Self-renewal, differentiation, and tumorigenicity characterize cancer stem cells (CSCs), which are rare and maintained by specific cell fate regulators. CSCs are isolated from glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and may be responsible for the lethality of incurable brain tumors. Brain CSCs may arise from the transformation of undifferentiated, nestin-positive neural stem or progenitor cells and GFAP-expressing astrocytes. Here, we report a role of Nanog in the genesis of cancer stem-like cells. Using primary murine p53-knockout astrocytes (p53−/− astrocytes), we provide evidence that enforced Nanog expression can increase the cellular growth rate and transform phenotypes in vitro and in vivo. In addition, Nanog drives p53−/− astrocytes toward a dedifferentiated, CSC-like phenotype with characteristic neural stem cell/progenitor marker expression, neurosphere formation, self-renewal activity, and tumor development. These findings suggest that Nanog promotes dedifferentiation of p53-deficient mouse astrocytes into cancer stem-like cells by changing the cell fate and transforming cell properties.  相似文献   

Many cancer cells are unable to maintain a numerically stable chromosome complement. It is well established that aberrant cell division can generate progeny with increased ploidy, but the genetic factors required for maintenance of diploidy are not well understood. Using an isogenic model system derived by gene targeting, we examined the role of Chk1 in p53-proficient and -deficient cancer cells. Targeted inactivation of a single CHK1 allele in stably diploid cells caused an elevated frequency of mitotic bypass if p53 was naturally mutated or experimentally disrupted by homologous recombination. CHK1-haploinsufficient, p53-deficient cells frequently underwent sequential rounds of DNA synthesis without an intervening mitosis. These aberrant cell cycles resulted in whole-genome endoreduplication and tetraploidization. The unscheduled bypass of mitosis could be suppressed by targeted reversion of a p53 mutation or by exogenous expression of Cdk1. In contrast, the number of tetraploid cells was not increased in isogenic cell populations that harbor hypomorphic ATR mutations, suggesting that suppression of unscheduled mitotic bypass is a distinct function of Chk1. These results are consistent with a recently described role for Chk1 in promoting the expression of genes that promote cell cycle transitions and demonstrate how Chk1 might prevent tetraploidization during the cancer cell cycle.  相似文献   

Many cancer cells are unable to maintain a numerically stable chromosome complement. It is well established that aberrant cell division can generate progeny with increased ploidy, but the genetic factors required for maintenance of diploidy are not well understood. Using an isogenic model system derived by gene targeting, we examined the role of Chk1 in p53-proficient and -deficient cancer cells. Targeted inactivation of a single CHK1 allele in stably diploid cells caused an elevated frequency of mitotic bypass if p53 was naturally mutated or experimentally disrupted by homologous recombination. CHK1-haploinsufficient, p53-deficient cells frequently underwent sequential rounds of DNA synthesis without an intervening mitosis. These aberrant cell cycles resulted in whole-genome endoreduplication and tetraploidization. The unscheduled bypass of mitosis could be suppressed by targeted reversion of a p53 mutation or by exogenous expression of Cdk1. In contrast, the number of tetraploid cells was not increased in isogenic cell populations that harbor hypomorphic ATR mutations, suggesting that suppression of unscheduled mitotic bypass is a distinct function of Chk1. These results are consistent with a recently described role for Chk1 in promoting the expression of genes that promote cell cycle transitions and demonstrate how Chk1 might prevent tetraploidization during the cancer cell cycle.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that inhibition of HRR (homologous recombination repair) by Chk1 (checkpoint kinase 1) inhibition radiosensitizes pancreatic cancer cells and others have demonstrated that Chk1 inhibition selectively sensitizes p53 mutant tumor cells. Furthermore, PARP1 [poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1] inhibitors dramatically radiosensitize cells with DNA double strand break repair defects. Thus, we hypothesized that inhibition of HRR (mediated by Chk1 via AZD7762) and PARP1 [via olaparib (AZD2281)] would selectively sensitize p53 mutant pancreatic cancer cells to radiation. We also used 2 isogenic p53 cell models to assess the role of p53 status in cancer cells and intestinal epithelial cells to assess overall cancer specificity. DNA damage response and repair were assessed by flow cytometry, γH2AX, and an HRR reporter assay. We found that the combination of AZD7762 and olaparib produced significant radiosensitization in p53 mutant pancreatic cancer cells and in all of the isogenic cancer cell lines. The magnitude of radiosensitization by AZD7762 and olaparib was greater in p53 mutant cells compared with p53 wild type cells. Importantly, normal intestinal epithelial cells were not radiosensitized. The combination of AZD7762 and olaparib caused G2 checkpoint abrogation, inhibition of HRR, and persistent DNA damage responses. These findings demonstrate that the combination of Chk1 and PARP1 inhibition selectively radiosensitizes p53 mutant pancreatic cancer cells. Furthermore, these studies suggest that inhibition of HRR by Chk1 inhibitors may be a useful strategy for selectively inducing a BRCA1/2 ‘deficient-like’ phenotype in p53 mutant tumor cells, while sparing normal tissue.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that inhibition of HRR (homologous recombination repair) by Chk1 (checkpoint kinase 1) inhibition radiosensitizes pancreatic cancer cells, and others have demonstrated that Chk1 inhibition selectively sensitizes p53 mutant tumor cells. Furthermore, PARP1 [poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1] inhibitors dramatically radiosensitize cells with DNA double-strand break repair defects. Thus, we hypothesized that inhibition of HRR (mediated by Chk1 via AZD7762) and PARP1 [via olaparib (AZD2281)] would selectively sensitize p53 mutant pancreatic cancer cells to radiation. We also used two isogenic p53 cell models to assess the role of p53 status in cancer cells and intestinal epithelial cells to assess overall cancer specificity. DNA damage response and repair were assessed by flow cytometry, γH2AX and an HRR reporter assay. We found that the combination of AZD7762 and olaparib produced significant radiosensitization in p53 mutant pancreatic cancer cells and in all of the isogenic cancer cell lines. The magnitude of radiosensitization by AZD7762 and olaparib was greater in p53 mutant cells compared with p53 wild-type cells. Importantly, normal intestinal epithelial cells were not radiosensitized. The combination of AZD7762 and olaparib caused G2 checkpoint abrogation, inhibition of HRR and persistent DNA damage responses. These findings demonstrate that the combination of Chk1 and PARP1 inhibition selectively radiosensitizes p53 mutant pancreatic cancer cells. Furthermore, these studies suggest that inhibition of HRR by Chk1 inhibitors may be a useful strategy for selectively inducing a BRCA1/2 “deficient-like” phenotype in p53 mutant tumor cells, while sparing normal tissue.Key words: pancreatic cancer, Chk1, PARP1, radiosensitization, p53  相似文献   

p53, p63, and p73 belong to the p53 family of proteins, which mediate development, differentiation, and various other cellular responses. p53 is involved in many anti-cancer mechanisms, such as cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, and the maintenance of genomic integrity. The p63 gene is controlled by two promoters that direct the expression of two isoforms, one with and one without transactivating properties, known as TAp63 and ΔNp63. In this study, p53-deficient cells (Hep3B and PC-3) and p53-expressing cells (A549 and HepG2) were treated with doxorubicin to examine the possible roles of TAp63 in these cells under genotoxic stress; TAp63 expression was induced in p53-deficient cell lines, but not in p53-expressing cell lines. The ectopic expression of p53 in p53-deficient cells (Hep3B) reduced TAp63 promoter activity, and knockdown of TAp63 attenuated doxorubicin-induced cell growth arrest by promoting cell cycle progression, leading to an increase in the percentage of G(2)/M cells. Moreover, knockdown of TAp63 increased cell sensitivity to doxorubicin-induced genomic damage. Our results suggest that TAp63 may play a compensatory role in cell cycle regulation and DNA damage repair in p53-deficient cancer cells.  相似文献   

p53 is a key regulator in cell apoptosis, and cancer cells deficient in p53 expression fail to respond to chemotherapy. Here we show that effective Doxorubicin (DOX)-induced apoptosis is p53-dependent. However, an alternative treatment of DOX/TNF-alpha/DOX restored sensitivity of p53-deficient cells to DOX-induced apoptosis. Treatment of cells with TNF-alpha resulted in a decrease of p21 (waf1/cip1/sdi1) expression following second dose of DOX. In previous work, we demonstrated that p21 suppressed DOX-induced apoptosis via its (cyclin-dependent kinase) CDK-binding and CDK-inhibitory activity. Thus, we propose that TNF-alpha enhances the anti-cancer effect of DOX through suppressing the anti-apoptotic activity of p21, and that a combined treatment TNF-alpha/Dox is an effective chemotherapeutic strategy for p53-deficient cancers.  相似文献   

Comment on: Vitale I, et al. Cell Cycle 2010; 9:2823-9.  相似文献   

Mutant p53 (mutp53) cancers are surprisingly dependent on their hyperstable mutp53 protein for survival, identifying mutp53 as a potentially significant clinical target. However, exploration of effective small molecule therapies targeting mutp53 has barely begun. Mutp53 hyperstabilization, a hallmark of p53 mutation, is cancer cell-specific and due to massive upregulation of the HSP90 chaperone machinery during malignant transformation. We recently showed that stable complex formation between HSP90 and its mutp53 client inhibits E3 ligases MDM2 and CHIP, causing mutp53 stabilization. Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors (HDACi) are a new class of promising anti-cancer drugs, hyperacetylating histone and non-histone targets. Currently, suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) is the only FDA-approved HDACi. We show that SAHA exhibits preferential cytotoxicity for mutant, rather than wild-type and null p53 human cancer cells. Loss/gain-of-function experiments revealed that although able to exert multiple cellular effects, SAHA's cytotoxicity is caused to a significant degree by its ability to strongly destabilize mutp53 at the level of protein degradation. The underlying mechanism is SAHA's inhibition of HDAC6, an essential positive regulator of HSP90. This releases mutp53 and enables its MDM2- and CHIP-mediated degradation. SAHA also strongly chemosensitizes mutp53 cancer cells for chemotherapy due to its ability to degrade mutp53. This identifies a novel action of SAHA with the prospect of SAHA becoming a centerpiece in mutp53-specific anticancer strategies.  相似文献   

The cellular homologues Mdm2 and MdmX play critical roles in regulating the activity of the p53 tumor suppressor in damaged and non-damaged cells and during development in mice. Recently, we have utilized genetically defined primary cells and mice to reveal that endogenous levels of MdmX can also suppress multipolar mitosis and transformation in hyperploid p53-deficient cells and tumorigenesis in p53-deficient mice. These MdmX functions are not shared by Mdm2, and are distinct from the well-established ability of MdmX to complex with and inhibit p53 activity. Here we discuss some of the ramifications of MdmX loss in p53-deficient cells and mice, and we explore further the fate of MdmX/p53-double null embryonic fibroblasts undergoing multi-polar cell division using time-lapse video microscopy. We also discuss the relationship between chromosomal loss, cell proliferation, and the tumorigenic potential of p53-deficient cells lacking MdmX.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of wild-type (wt)-p53 as an inducer of apoptotic cell death in human hepatoma cell lines. Following the retrovirus-mediated transduction of the wt-p53 gene, Hep3B cells lacking the endogenous p53 expression began to die through apoptosis in 4 h. They showed a maximal apoptotic death at 12 h, whereas HepG2 cells expressing endogenous p53 did not. However, the transduction of the wt-p53 gene elicited growth suppression of both Hep3B and HepG2 cells. P21(WAF1/CIP1), a p53-inducible cell cycle inhibitor, was induced, not only in Hep3B cells undergoing apoptosis, but also in HepG2 cells. The kinetics of the p21(WAF1/CIP1) induction, DNA fragmentation, and growth suppression of the Hep3B cells showed that DNA fragmentation and growth suppression progressed rapidly following p21(WAF1/CIP1) accumulation. N-acetyl-cysteine or glutathione, potent antioxidants, strongly inhibited the DNA fragmentation, but did not reduce the elevated level of p21(WAF1/CIP1). These findings suggested that p21(WAF1/CIP1) was not a critical mediator for the execution of p53-mediated apoptosis, although it contributed to the growth inhibition of cells undergoing apoptosis. Furthermore, p53-mediated apoptosis could be repressed by antioxidants.  相似文献   

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