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Abstract The influence of forest stand composition on soil was investigated by comparing the forest floor (FH) and upper mineral soil (0–20 cm) nutritional properties of jack pine and aspen stands on two soil types of contrasting fertility, a coarse-textured and a fine-textured deposit, in a replicated design. The studied tree species are pioneers that are found after major disturbances in the southern boreal forest of western Quebec and that differ in their nutrient requirements but not in their growth rate. Soil organic matter as well as total and available N, P, K, Ca, Mg contents were determined and the relationships with nutrient accumulation in tree biomass were studied. On both soil types a greater total and available nutrient accumulation in the forest floor layer was observed in aspen than in jack pine whereas such differences between stand types could not be detected in the mineral soil. Differences in FH nutrient content between stand types were larger on coarse deposits than on fine-textured soils. These results support the hypothesis that tree species with greater nutrient requirements cause an enrichment of the surface soil at least in the short term. The modulation of tree species effect by soil type was contrary to the pattern observed in other studies since a greater expression of this effect was observed on poorer soils. Differences in soil nutrient content were related to levels of organic matter accumulation.  相似文献   

Jack pine barrens, once common in northern lower Michigan, mostly have been converted to managed jack pine plantations. Management of the disturbances associated with logging provides the opportunity to maintain the unique plant assemblages of jack pine barrens and nest habitat of the federally endangered Kirtland's warbler. Studies indicate that Carex pensylvanica can develop into dense mats and strongly compete with other barrens species such as Vaccinium angustifolium, which seem to be important species for Kirtland's warbler nest locations. According to forest managers, the most important factors facilitating high cover of V. angustifolium and reducing cover of C. pensylvanica are the amount of shade produced by tree crowns before harvest (pre‐harvest shade), the length of time between harvest and planting (planting delay), and fire. We found that high or low levels of pre‐harvest shade had no effect on cover of either V. angustifolium or C. pensylvanica. Planting delays of at least three years following prescribed burns generally increased cover of V. angustifolium in forest plots, which are important for warbler nesting. Analysis of community composition in openings indicated that burning enhanced the growth of barrens species. We found only weak evidence for a negative correlation between the cover of V. angustifolium and C. pensylvanica on our study sites. The openings created in the jack pine plantation are important refugia for barrens flora that would likely be lost under forests managed strictly for jack pine. Maintenance of jack pine barrens flora and Kirtland's warbler nest habitat is possible within the context of a heavily managed forest plantation system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Herbicides, commonly used for vegetation management in intensively managed pine (Pinus spp.) forests of the southeastern United States, with and without fire, may alter availability of quality forage for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus; deer), an economically and socially important game species in North America. Because greater forage quality yields greater deer growth and productivity and intensively managed pine forests are common in the southeastern United States, forest managers would benefit from an understanding of fire and herbicide effects on forage availability to improve habitat conditions for deer. Therefore, we evaluated independent and combined effects of fire and herbicide (i.e., imazapyr) on forage biomass and deer nutritional carrying capacity (CC) on land owned and managed by Weyerhaeuser NR Company in east-central Mississippi, USA. We used a randomized complete block design of 6 pine plantations (blocks) divided into 4 10-ha treatment plots to each of which we randomly assigned a treatment (burn-only, herbicide-only, burn + herbicide, and control). We estimated biomass (kg/ha) of moderate- and high-use deer forage plants during July of 1999–2008, then estimated CC for diets to support either body maintenance (6% crude protein) or lactation (14% crude protein) with a nutritional constraints model. Herbaceous forages responded positively to fire and herbicide application. In most years, CC estimates for maintenance and lactation were greater in burn + herbicide than in controls. Maintenance-level CC was always greater in burn + herbicide than in controls, except at 1 year posttreatment. Burn + herbicide was 2.6–8.3 times greater ( = 4.0) than control for lactation-level CC in 8 of 9 years posttreatment. We recommend fire and selective herbicides to increase high-quality deer forage in mid-rotation, intensively managed pine plantations.  相似文献   

We compared the species composition, structure and selected components of the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) budgets of similar-aged, mature boreal jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) forests with and without green alder [Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh.] in two different boreal environments. The C and N content of the overstory biomass components (for example, stem, branch, and foliage), total vegetation, forest floor, and mineral soil were greater (P= 0.05 to P= 0.10) for jack pine with alder (JPA) stands than for jack pine without alder (JP) stands at both study areas. Jack pine foliage N isotopic discrimination (δ15N) and annual litterfall N content were significantly greater (P < 0.05) in the JPA than the JP stands at both study areas, suggesting that alder was fixing N and that N availability was greater in the JPA than the JP stands. The greater leaf area index (LAI) and overstory C accumulation in the JPA than the JP stands (P < 0.05) is likely because of the greater N availability in the JPA stands, but the effect of soil texture discontinuity on water availability in the JPA stands can not be dismissed. Percent ground cover by feathermoss varied among the jack pine communities and was positively correlated with overstory LAI (r 2= 0.83, P< 0.05). One index of N-use efficiency (NUE), defined as aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) per litterfall N, was significantly greater (P < 0.05) for the JP than the JPA stands, but a second index of NUE, ANPP/N uptake, did not differ between the two jack pine communities. Jack pine trees growing without alder produced more organic matter per unit of N, but percent N retranslocation from senescing foliage and N mean residence time in the overstory did not differ between the JPA and the JP stands. A conceptual model is presented that illustrates the potential influence of alder on the species composition, structure, and function of boreal jack pine forests. Received 6 January 1998; accepted 15 April 1998.  相似文献   

The rising costs and social concerns over fossil fuels have resulted in increased interest in and opportunities for biofuels. Biomass in the form of coarse woody residues remaining after traditional timber harvest in the southeastern USA is a potentially significant source of biomass for bioenergy. Questions remain regarding whether the removal of this material would constitute a sustainable silvicultural practice given the potential impact on soil nutrient cycling and other ecosystem functions. Our objective is to review existing studies to estimate quantities of residual materials on southern pine forests that may be available, potential nutrient removals, and potential replacement with fertilizer. Regionally, it is estimated that 32 million Mg year?1 of dry harvest residues may be available as a feedstock. At the stand level, between 50 and 85 Mg ha?1 of material is left on site after typical stem-only harvests, of which half could be removed using chippers at the landing. Based on these estimates, increase in midrotation fertilization rates of 45% to 60% may be needed on some sites to fully replace the nutrients from harvesting residues removed for bioenergy. Field experiments suggest that residue removals do not degrade forest productivity in many cases, but more data are needed to assess the effects of frequent removals (i.e., from short-rotation systems) over longer periods and identify sites that may be particularly sensitive to the practice. A benefit of developing markets for previously nonmerchantable materials may create incentives for improved forest management by landowners.  相似文献   

长白山阔叶红松林不同采伐强度与森林病害的发生袁志文,王庆礼,代力民,钟兆康,赵敏(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所110015)DifferentCuttingintensitiesandIncidenceofForestDiscasesinBroadL...  相似文献   

We examined the impact of small-scale commercial forestry on the structure and function of 6 headwater streams in the North Carolina Piedmont. During 2001–2003 terrestrial organic matter inputs, temperature, macroinvertebrate community composition and tolerance, leaf breakdown rate, and food web structure were quantified for 2 streams draining mature stands of managed loblolly pine, 2 streams draining mature hardwood forests, and 2 streams draining 3-year-old clear cuts, which had been replanted with loblolly pine. Streams in the clear-cuts and pine plantations were bordered by a 15 m hardwood buffer. Despite differences in watershed land-use, there were no significant differences in the organic matter supply or temperature between streams draining different forest types. However, algal biomass was significantly higher in clear-cut sites than forested sites, and was also higher in hardwood sites than pine sites. Streams draining the clear-cut sites contained lower macroinvertebrate richness and diversity, and fewer intolerant species, than streams draining pine and hardwood stands. Despite the differences in macroinvertebrates community composition, there was no difference among forest types in leaf-pack breakdown rates. Analysis of δ15N and δ13C natural abundance of functional feeding group indicated that the shredders and predators collected from streams draining clear-cuts had a δ15N value that was enriched relative to the macroinvertebrates of streams draining pine and hardwood forests. This difference in δ15N signature appears to be the result of the incorporation of riparian grass species in the clear-cuts, which have a higher δ15N, into the diet of shredders. Pine sites had similar food webs to natural hardwood sites. Our results suggest that clear-cutting changes both the trophic dynamics and macroinvertebrate composition of low-order Piedmont streams in North Carolina despite the presence of hardwood buffers. However, large differences were not found between older pine and hardwood stands, indicating rapid recovery following re-growth of forest vegetation, when hardwood buffer strips were present.  相似文献   

森林植被固土护坡的机械效应主要源于树干和根系与斜坡土壤间的机械作用 ,具体包括土壤加强作用、锚固作用、斜向支撑作用、坡面负荷作用等。乔木根系的土壤加强作用是植被稳定土壤的最有效的机械途径 ;根系可以加强土壤颗粒对根的粘聚力和根际土层的聚合力 ,在土壤本身内摩擦角度不变的情况下 ,提高土层对滑移的抵抗力。加强作用可分为侧根的斜向加强作用 (或侧根牵引效应 )和垂直根的垂向加强作用[1,2 ] ,前者指侧向伸延的根系以侧根牵引阻力的形式提高根际土层斜向抗张强度从而提高土体抗滑力的作用。通常情况下 ,土壤滑动和蠕移首先在坡…  相似文献   

Biologists with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Louisiana, USA, have managed statewide annual harvest of alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) for 35 years (1981–present). We collected and analyzed harvest data for Louisiana alligators to determine the effects of harvest on the population structure, focusing on the larger size classes (≥274 cm) of this slow-growing species. Linear regression analyses revealed that body size-class structure, based on overall average size and the percentage of animals harvested in the larger size classes was relatively stable. Annual aerial alligator nest counts indicated a continual growth of the population, and over time harvested alligators maintained a constant average size. Analyses of population size (based on number of nests and population modeling) indicated that the current annual harvest represents approximately 3% of the population. Linear regression analysis showed that annual hunter success declined only slightly during the study period, and the scheduling of the hunt season after the hatch period and recommended hunting in areas not frequented by breeding females provides economic opportunities for hunters to participate in a sustainable harvest that preserves the larger size classes of alligators in the population. Strict enforcement of existing laws was a key factor responsible for the success of this harvest program. Comparison of alligator population size and number of harvest-related citations indicated that illegal harvest did not have a negative effect on population size, and linear regression analyses revealed that the rate of increase in citations was lower than the increase in populations over the study period. The results of this harvest program indicated that alligators can be hunted in a sustainable manner if hunting is conducted after the hatch period and occurs in areas that primarily exclude the harvest of adult females, and strict law enforcement curbs illegal activities that negatively affect populations. © 2021 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

采用典型抽样法和生态群落学调查法对黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区紫椴(Tilia amurensis)红松(Pinus koraiensis)林、蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)红松林及白桦(Betula platyphylla)次生林的植物群落结构特征和物种多样性进行了研究。结果表明,紫椴红松林有维管束植物31种,隶属21科,25属;蒙古栎红松林有维管束植物32种,隶属25科,28属;白桦次生林有维管束植物31种,隶属20科,28属。白桦次生林乔木层和草本层的物种丰富度S指数显著高于2种阔叶红松林,而其灌木层的物种丰富度S指数最低;3种林型乔木层的Simpson物种多样性指数无显著差异,紫椴红松林的灌木层Simpson指数显著高于其他2种林型,3种林型草本层之间的Simpson指数差异显著;紫椴红松林乔木层的Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数显著低于其他2种林型,白桦次生林灌木层的Shannon-Wiener指数显著低于2种阔叶红松林,蒙古栎红松林草本层的Shannon-Wiener指数最高;此外,蒙古栎红松林乔木层的Pielou均匀度指数显著高于其他林型,而3种林型灌木层的Pielou指数无显著差异,紫椴红松林草本层的Pielou指数最低。  相似文献   

以2.5 g·L-1、5.0 g·L-1、10.0 g·L-1三个浓度复合肥对采穗圃进行施肥试验,研究不同浓度复合肥对松材线虫病抗性马尾松采穗圃的产穗和穗条扦插的影响。结果表明,与空白对照相比,施用复合肥使萌条数量,穗条扦插的生根率、不定根数量、最长不定根、总根长和侧根数增加。不同浓度复合肥对性状的影响不同。复合肥2.5 g·L-1最有利于萌条数量增加,较对照增加106%,差异达显著水平;5.0 g·L-1最有利于提高不定根数、总根长和侧根数,较对照分别提高100.0%、189.1%和186.4%,其中总根长差异达极显著水平,侧根数达显著水平;10.0 g·L-1最有利于提高生根率和最长不定根长度,较对照分别上升23.2%和134.7%,其中最长不定根差异达极显著水平。综合评价10项萌条和生根性状,复合肥10.0 g·L-1综合目标值最高,是三个浓度中最佳施肥浓度。  相似文献   

Controlled‐release fertilization with two formulations, Forestcote 22‐4‐6 + Minors and Gromax 21‐6‐2 + Minors, and dolomitic lime were evaluated for their capacity to facilitate establishment and enhance nutrition of bareroot Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf.) on an acidic Sierra Nevada surface mine. All amendments were applied at outplanting to the backfill of augered planting holes, with a low rate of 8 g and a high rate of 16 g per seedling for the two fertilizer formulations, whereas a single rate of 30 g was used for lime. Liming induced excessive seedling mortality throughout the study, whereas both fertilizer formulations also reduced survival but only as an interactive effect with the lime amendment. Growth stimulation by the fertilizer applications was readily apparent after three growing seasons, with the response to the high rate surpassing that to the low rate and the response to the Forestcote formulation exceeding that to Gromax. Conversely, the lime amendment depressed seedling growth, and it is likely that a propensity to exacerbate the stress imposed by dry growing season soils through interference with water uptake accounts for the overall poor performance of the seedlings that received this amendment. Improved N and P nutrition, with the former likely the most critical, was largely responsible for the growth stimulation resulting from fertilization. However, this treatment also suppressed the absorption of certain micronutrients as well as that of Al, and the amelioration of potential phytotoxicities may have also contributed to the favorable performance of fertilized seedlings. Further evidence for this conclusion was supplied by base cation/metallic element molar ratios involving Al and Mn, which were frequently increased by fertilization. In contrast, the influence of the lime amendment on seedling nutrition was marginal, with positive responses too infrequent to improve seedling performance.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing can be used as a key management tool for maintaining healthy ecosystems. However, the effectiveness of using grazing to modify habitat for species of conservation concern depends on how the grazing regime is implemented. Timing of grazing is one grazing regime component that is less understood than grazing intensity and grazer identity, but is predicted to have important implications for plant and higher trophic level responses. We experimentally assessed how timing of cattle grazing affected plant and arthropod communities in high-elevation grasslands of southwest Montana to better evaluate its use as a tool for multi-trophic level management. We manipulated timing of grazing, with one grazing treatment beginning in mid-June and the other in mid-July, in two experiments conducted in different grassland habitat types (i.e., wet meadow and upland) in 2011 and 2012. In the upland grassland experiment, we found that both early and late grazing treatments reduced forb biomass, whereas graminoid biomass was only reduced with late grazing. Grazing earlier in the growing season versus later did not result in greater recovery of graminoid or forb biomass as expected. In addition, the density of the most ubiquitous grassland arthropod order (Hemiptera) was reduced by both grazing treatments in upland grasslands. A comparison of end-of-season plant responses to grazing in upland versus wet meadow grasslands revealed that grazing reduced graminoid biomass in the wet meadow and forb biomass in the upland, irrespective of timing of grazing. Both grazing treatments also reduced end-of-season total arthropod and Hemiptera densities and Hemiptera biomass in both grassland habitat types. Our results indicate that both early and late season herbivory affect many plant and arthropod characteristics in a similar manner, but grazing earlier may negatively impact species of conservation concern requiring forage earlier in the growing season.  相似文献   

为了阐明蚂蚁巢穴对其他地表节肢动物群落组成和多样性的影响,于2019年在胜山自然保护区的原始阔叶红松林内开展实验,并采用陷阱法收集地表节肢动物.共捕获地表节肢动物92266只,分别为蜈蚣目、盲蛛目、马陆目、蜘蛛目,大头蚁属和步甲科、隐翅虫科、葬甲科这8个类群;蚂蚁巢穴存在及到蚂蚁巢穴的不同距离对其他地表节肢动物个体数量...  相似文献   

Understory birds are especially vulnerable to habitat fragmentation because of the reduction in habitat quality and bird movement. We study the separate effects of understory, overstory and landscape on four understory birds (tapaculos), in Central Chile, comprising a landscape mosaic of pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) plantations and native Maulino forest fragments. We also determined whether habitats with poor understory could be barrier to tapaculos movements. Abundance was measured using stationary playbacks and habitat barrier through playbacks. Understory structure was the main factor that predicted tapaculos presence and abundance. Two species, the Andean Tapaculo (Scytalopus magellanicus fuscus Gmelin) and the Ochre-flanked Tapaculo (Eugralla paradoxa Kittlitz), were positively associated with dead pine branches and negatively to forest fragment size. Tapaculos were less abundant in mature native forest, but appeared willing to cross between different habitat types. However, the Chestnut-throated Huet-huet (Pteroptochos castaneus Philippi and Landbeck), did not move from forest fragments to pine with poor understory. Overall, tapaculos species varied in their response to fragmentation depending on their habitat selection and movement capacities.  相似文献   

Global warming and changes in rainfall amount and distribution may affect soil respiration as a major carbon flux between the biosphere and the atmosphere. The objectives of this study were to investigate the site to site and interannual variation in soil respiration of six temperate forest sites. Soil respiration was measured using closed chambers over 2 years under mature beech, spruce and pine stands at both Solling and Unterlüß, Germany, which have distinct climates and soils. Cumulative annual CO2 fluxes varied from 4.9 to 5.4 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 at Solling with silty soils and from 4.0 to 5.9 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 at Unterlüß with sandy soils. With one exception soil respiration rates were not significantly different among the six forest sites (site to site variation) and between the years within the same forest site (interannual variation). Only the respiration rate in the spruce stand at Unterlüß was significant lower than the beech stand at Unterlüß in both years. Soil respiration rates of the sandy sites at Unterlüß were limited by soil moisture during the rather dry and warm summer 1999 while soil respiration at the silty Solling site tended to increase. We found a threshold of ?80 kPa at 10 cm depth below which soil respiration decreased with increasing drought. Subsequent wetting of sandy soils revealed high CO2 effluxes in the stands at Unterlüß. However, dry periods were infrequent, and our results suggest that temporal variation in soil moisture generally had little effect on annual soil respiration rates. Soil temperature at 5 cm and 10 cm depth explained 83% of the temporal variation in soil respiration using the Arrhenius function. The correlations were weaker using temperature at 0 cm (r2 = 0.63) and 2.5 cm depth (r2 = 0.81). Mean Q10 values for the range from 5 to 15 °C increased asymptotically with soil depth from 1.87 at 0 cm to 3.46 at 10 cm depth, indicating a large uncertainty in the prediction of the temperature dependency of soil respiration. Comparing the fitted Arrhenius curves for same tree species from Solling and Unterlüß revealed higher soil respiration rates for the stands at Solling than in the respective stands at Unterlüß at the same temperature. A significant positive correlation across all sites between predicted soil respiration rates at 10 °C and total phosphorus content and C‐to‐N ratio of the upper mineral soil indicate a possible effect of nutrients on soil respiration.  相似文献   

姜荷花引种适应性及不同采切方式对种球生产的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
观察姜荷花在福州地区引种栽培的适应情况,并分析其切花不同采切方式对种球产量及品质的影响。结果表明,福州地区露地栽培的姜荷花生长发育正常,种球繁殖率达3.6倍左右;切花采收时带1片叶的种球产量、质量最佳。  相似文献   

Summary Habitat restoration is commonly conducted in agricultural landscapes with the aim of restoring biodiversity. Some species, however, might not be able to migrate to restored habitats, and vital habitat elements, such as logs, may be missing. We compared arthropod assemblages under logs amongst different land‐use types: pastures, revegetation and woodland remnants, in south‐eastern Australia. We also supplemented habitats with logs, placed out in different seasons and for different periods of time to determine how season and exposure time affect arthropod composition. We compared assemblages under logs in revegetation adjacent to and isolated from woodland remnants to test the role of habitat connectivity. Arthropod assemblages differed significantly between land‐use types, with pastures most different to remnants. These differences corresponded with differences in log microhabitat. Time was an important determinant of community composition, but habitat (remnant vs revegetated) and revegetation connectivity (adjacent vs isolated patch) were not. Time affected assemblage composition in two distinct ways: first, time of year (November vs January), and second, exposure time of logs (1 vs 3 months) affected composition. Exposure time effects may indicate dispersal limitation, but the proportion of wingless species did not depend on exposure time or connectivity. We conclude that the log fauna in this landscape responds to microenvironments and seasonal change but is not strongly dispersal limited, allowing it to respond rapidly to habitat restoration. The pre‐agricultural landscape likely shared many features with the modified landscape, such that many species possess traits and behaviours that allow them to move through and persist in the matrix.  相似文献   

为探讨氮沉降对典型阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林的影响,从2008年6月~2010年8月进行了人工模拟氮沉降实验,实验分为对照、低N、中N、高N4个处理,每个处理3个重复。所施氮肥为CO(NH2)2,以溶液的形式喷施,4个处理浓度分别为0、30、60、120 kg·hm-2·a-1。在氮沉降进行1年后,采集各处理0~20、20~40和40~60 cm的土壤样品,测定其土壤有机C、全N、碱解N和速效P、速效K。结果表明:相同处理下,有机C和全N含量随土层的加深均逐渐减少。总体上低、中N处理显著增加了土壤有机C、碱解N和速效K含量,中、高N处理显著降低了土壤速效P含量(P<0.05),而对全N含量影响不显著(P>0.05)。土壤有机C与土壤全N、碱解N、速效P、速效K之间存在极显著正相关关系(P<0.001)。有机C和土壤养分对氮沉降的响应说明氮沉降在短期内可能影响阔叶红松林土壤碳库积累和土壤肥力水平。  相似文献   

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