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向日葵品种鉴定和纯度分析的AFLP研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从杂交油葵A15及其亲本的1/2粒干种子中提取基因组DNA,选用17对引物组合进行AFLP分析,构建了它们的指纹图谱,17对引物在A系与R系当中共扩增出1125条扩增产物,其中144条带表现出多态性,平均每对引物扩增66条带。不同引物组合产生的DNA片段数目在50-70之间,大小分布于100bp-500bp,多态性比率为12.8%。从中筛选出的2对引物E-AAC/M-CTC和E-ACG/M-CTG可将亲本和子代区分开;引物对E-AAC/M-CTC在A系中扩增出440bp,190bp,160bp3条特征谱带,在R系中扩增出380bp,350bp,225bp,180bp4条特征谱带,E-ACG/M-CTG在A系中扩增出了2条特征带480bp和265bp,在R系中扩增出490bp,220bp,205bp,125bp4条特征谱带,且上述谱带均在子代中出现,用引物组合E-ACG/M-CTG对A15,双亲以及与A15外型十分相似的10个常用油葵杂交种进行AFLP分析,不仅表现出良好的多态性,并能够清楚地将它们加以区分,以其对50粒A15杂交种子进行纯度鉴定,得到与大田纯度检测一致的结果。说明使用AFLP标记检测油用向日葵的品种和纯度是可行的,对行种子纯度和品种鉴定的方法进行了讨论。  相似文献   

实验采用AFLP的荧光标记分析技术和常规的AFLP银染技术,对施用农药和未施用农药的狼蛛基因多态性进行分析.用4对引物扩增和银染法共检测出32条带,荧光标记技术共检测出223条带.荧光技术比银染方法在每个位点上多检测到24条带,检测效果更为理想,更适于进行遗传多样性分析和研究;对两种方法的费用和工作效率做了初步分析,AFLP荧光标记技术的检测效率是银染法的690倍,同时对AFLP荧光标记技术中低成本、高通量多重PCR体系的建立及Genescan软件数据分析中出现的一些具体问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

利用RAPD引物和ISSR引物分析我国24份花生栽培种材料的遗传多样性.结果表明:所选的RAPD引物和ISSR引物中分别有13条引物和10条引物扩增出了清晰并可重复的条带,共扩增出123条带和87条带,平均每条引物扩增出9.5条带和8.7条带,其中多态性带分别占条带总数的47.15%和57.47%,平均每条引物扩增出4...  相似文献   

部分两用桃品种(系)指纹图谱的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以近亲个体'顺10-16'、'青北10-7'和'贺春'为材料建立了两用桃AFLP研究体系,从64对引物组合中筛选出了E-AAT/M-ACT、E-AAT/M-CTG、E-ACA/M-CTG和E-ACA/M-CTT等4个多态性好、分辨率高的引物组合;应用该体系对'锦春'等23个两用桃品种(系)进行AFLP分析,结果共扩增出127条带,其中多态性带62条,多态性百分率48.8%,以其中特异性较高的23个多态性条带构建了这23个两用桃品系的指纹图谱,为两用桃品种鉴定及保护奠定了基础.  相似文献   

21个枣品种(系)的AFLP指纹分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用AFLP技术,利用从30对引物中筛选出的10对多态性较好的引物,对21个枣品种(系)的基因组DNA进行了分析,共扩增出条带531条,其中多态性条带216条,多态性位点百分比为40.68%.采用UPGMA法,对AFLP扩增结果进行了聚类分析,将供试品种(系)分为6类,并得到了18个品种(系)的特征性AFLP标记,可为分子水平进行枣种质鉴定提供参考.  相似文献   

大豆种质资源SRAP分子标记中的引物筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以113个大豆栽培品种和20个野生品种为材料,从288对引物组合中筛选出12对多态性丰富、条带清晰、可重复性好的SRAP引物组合。用筛选出的12对引物组合对大豆品种进行PCR扩增,获得了带型丰富和清晰可辨的DNA的PAGE指纹图谱;共扩增出251条谱带,其中多态性条带220条,多态性谱带比率为87.6%,平均每个引物扩增出18.3条谱带。结果显示,所筛选出的12对引物组合可以有效的应用于大豆种质资源的SRAP分析。  相似文献   

26种冬青属植物遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以26种冬青属植物种质资源为研究材料,利用RAPD和AFLP技术对基因组DNA进行扩增,以研究其物种间遗传多样性以及亲缘关系.结果表明:在RAPD分析中,从400条10个碱基的寡核苷酸引物中筛选出反应稳定、扩增性强、重复性好的引物20个,共扩增出312条多态性条带,多态率为95.41%;聚类分析显示26种冬青属植物间,布利奥特夫人枸骨叶冬青和黄果在AFLP分析中,10对选择性引物组合均扩增出了丰富的多态性片段,共扩增出350条谱带,其中336条具有多态性,占95.96%.综合RAPD和AFLP聚类结果,枸骨、无刺枸骨和日拉斯纳尔逊枸骨的亲缘关系较近,钝齿冬青、金宝石钝齿冬青和龟甲冬青三者的亲缘关系较近,可为冬青属植物的杂交育种与种质创新提供理论依据.  相似文献   

利用AFLP标记鉴定小豆种质遗传多样性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用11对AFLP引物对106份小豆种质的基因组DNA进行扩增,共扩增出603条清晰可辨的带型,其中208条具有多态性,比例为34.5%,平均每对引物扩增出18.9条多态性带。基于AFLP标记,把106份小豆种质聚类划分为4个组群,该组群的划分与小豆的生态地域性存在一定的相关性。  相似文献   

利用SCoT标记对32个猕猴桃品种进行了遗传多样性分析。从47个SCoT引物中筛选了11个引物进行PCR扩增,共扩增出185个条带,其中多态性条带180个,多态性比率为97.30%。各引物Nei's基因多样性指数(H)平均为0.238 4,Shannon's信息指数(I)平均为0.377 8。利用UPGMA构建32份猕猴桃种质资源的聚类树状图。在遗传相似系数为0.78处可将32个猕猴桃品种分为5组,聚类结果与形态学分类基本一致。利用4条引物扩增的16个多态性位点构建了32个猕猴桃品种的DNA指纹图谱,可以将32个猕猴桃品种区分并准确鉴定。  相似文献   

51个春兰(Cymbidium goeringii)品种的AFLP遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示春兰品种的遗传多样性和亲缘关系,为春兰种质资源的有效利用和开发提供依据,采用AFLP技术对51个春兰品种进行了遗传多样性分析,经筛选得到了8对条带清晰、多态性高的引物,共扩增出1315条DNA片段,其中多态性条带为1217条,平均1对引物扩增条带164条,多态性带152条,多态性位点频率为92.5%,表明春兰品种具有丰富的遗传多态性。49个品种含有特有带。51个品种间遗传相似系数变化范围为0.501~0.716,聚类分析表明,51个春兰品种共分为5个类群,来自同一地区的品种并没有聚在一起,表明春兰品种的遗传背景混乱。AFLP分子标记技术能有效地分析春兰品种的遗传多样性和亲缘关系。  相似文献   

棉花2个多标记基因系及其杂交后代AFLP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用AFLP分子标记技术,对陆地棉两个多标记基因系T582和T586及其杂交后代F1等进行了DNA多态性分析。结果表明:在58对EcoRI/MseI引物组合中,筛选出41对引物组合具有多态性,多态性的引物组合占筛选总组合的70.69%。AFLP分子标记具有高度的多态性,非常适于基因组差异较小的(棉花)材料之间的多态性筛选。采用聚丙烯酰胺银染法显带技术,AFLP进行PCR扩增能看到30~80条DNA亮带,且检测灵敏度高,可区别只相差十几个bp甚至几个bp大小的DNA片段。但AFLP标记以显性标记占绝对优势,共显性标记比率极少,故而难以区分种质的杂合和纯合,这是它的惟一不足之处。  相似文献   

漆树品种的AFLP分析及评价(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
漆树(Toxicodendron vernicifluum(stokes)F.A.Barkley)隶属于漆树科(Anacardiaceae)漆树属(Tox- icodendron)的落叶乔木,是我国重要的特用经济林木。漆树栽培与生漆使用在我国已有几千年的历史,在长期栽培过程中形成了许多农家品种,它们具有一定的形态特点,适应一定的生长环境,并具有产漆量高、生漆品质好等特性。  相似文献   

Three different DNA mapping techniques—RFLP, RAPD and AFLP—were used on identical soybean germplasm to compare their ability to identify markers in the development of a genetic linkage map. Polymorphisms present in fourteen different soybean cultivars were demonstrated using all three techniques. AFLP, a novel PCR-based technique, was able to identify multiple polymorphic bands in a denaturing gel using 60 of 64 primer pairs tested. AFLP relies on primers designed in part on sequences for endonuclease restriction sites and on three selective nucleotides. The 60 diagnostic primer pairs tested for AFLP analysis each distinguished on average six polymorphic bands. Using specific primers designed for soybean fromEco RI andMse I restriction site sequences and three selective nucleotides, as many as 12 polymorphic bands per primer could be obtained with AFLP techniques. Only 35% of the RAPD reactions identified a polymorphic band using the same soybean cultivars, and in those positive reactions, typically only one or two polymorphic bands per gel were found. Identification of polymorphic bands using RFLP techniques was the most cumbersome, because Southern blotting and probe hybridization were required. Over 50% of the soybean RFLP probes examined failed to distinguish even a single polymorphic band, and the RFLP probes that did distinguish polymorphic bands seldom identified more than one polymorphic band. We conclude that, among the three techniques tested, AFLP is the most useful.  相似文献   

Mei flower is one of the most famous ornamental flowers in eastern Asia for its blossoming in early spring. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is one of the most frequently used techniques for analysis of genetic variation and is used herein for the first time inPrunus mume. This research provides a detailed and modified AFLP protocol for Mei genomic DNA digested withEcoRI/PstI restriction endonuclease combinations. The 10 best primer pairs of high polymorphism were screened from 256 primer combinations that could reliably and repetitively distinguish 14 Mei samples and would be suitable for genetic analysis of more cultivars. Ten primer pairs produced up to a total of 524 AFLP bands and up to 233 polymorphic bands. The ratio of polymorphic bands scoped from 35.71% to 59.67%, and the average ratio was 44.46% in the 10 primers. AFLP is an effective, inexpensive, and timesaving technique for the genetic differentiation of the Mei cultivars, as evidenced in this study.  相似文献   

桃AFLP技术体系的优化及集群分离分析研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在以桃为试材,优化AFLP技术体系及集群分离分析的研究中。研究得出:(1)高质量的基因组DNA、预扩增及选择性扩增模板的适宜浓度足影响分析结果的重要因素;(2)预扩增引物可选择E O/M O或E O/M 1组合。对扩增条带数的影响不显著;(3)选择性扩增引物组合E 2/M 3、E 3/M 3均适合桃基因组比较研究。但从揭示的多态性来说还是前者较高;(4)组建近等基因池的个体数将影响标记的筛选效率,试验叶中由6株个体组成的近等基因池较适宜多态性片段的筛选。  相似文献   

盐肤木基因组DNA提取方法改进及AFLP体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过反复试验,摸索出一种提取高质量植物基因组DNA的方法:改良的4×CTAB法.以盐肤木叶片为实验材料,提取到高质量的基因组DNA,建立了酶切、连接、预扩增、选择性扩增的AFLP反应体系.通过两种引物组合"E+3/M+3"和"E+2/M+3"策略筛选出8对条带分辨率高、多态性好的引物组合,优化了盐肤木的AFLP银染反应...  相似文献   

The Asian ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis shows polymorphism in elytra color patterns. However, it is uncertain whether these color patterns are regulated by genetic factors. This investigation used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis to determine any genetic causes of the variability of color patterns. Using four individuals of each group, AFLP analysis produced 37 polymorphic bands. Among several polymorphic bands, six AFLP markers were associated with elytra color patterns after further analysis using six additional individuals of each group. These polymorphic sites were sequenced but did not match DNA sequence data deposited in GenBank. Based on the color-associated AFLP markers, SCAR primers were designed for PCR amplification of genomic DNA. These primers (SCAR 12 and SCAR 44) were used to analyze color-associated loci and/or alleles of H. axyridis DNA. SCAR 12 primers designed from a Spectabilis type-specific fragment (AFLP 12) amplified a specific band of 530 bp in four Spectabilis individuals, but not in the insects with other color patterns.  相似文献   

Strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam) were characterized for pathogenicity and for DNA polymorphism using different PCR-based techniques. Using amplified restriction fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), strains were distinguished from each other and also from other Xanthomonas strains. Cluster analysis showed a high correlation between DNA polymorphism and pathogenicity. Four Xam strains were further analyzed using three PCR-based techniques, AFLP, AFLP-pthB and RAPD-pthB. Various primer combinations were used including primers specific to a Xam pathogenicity gene (pthB) along with RAPD or AFLP primers. The AFLP primer combinations EcoRI+T/MseI+A and EcoRI+T/MseI+T were the most efficient to discriminate among pathogenic and nonpathogenic Xam strains. Polymorphic bands were excised from the gel, amplified and cloned. Sequences analysis showed significant homology with bacterial pathogenicity island, genes involved in pathogenic fitness and regulators of virulence. Three cloned AFLP fragments were used as probes in DNA blot experiments and two of them showed significant polymorphism.  相似文献   

采用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)和甲基化敏感扩增多态性(MSAP)技术分析红豆杉脱分化前后基因组DNA和DNA甲基化状态的变化。选用32个AFLP引物组合从红豆杉植株及其愈伤组织分别扩增出1834个片段,无多态性片段产生。这说明红豆杉植株在诱导形成愈伤组织的过程中基因组DNA保持高度的遗传稳定性。另用32个MSAP引物组合从红豆杉植株及其愈伤组织分别扩增出1197个片段,总扩增位点的甲基化水平由脱分化前的12.4%上升为16.2%,表明红豆杉在脱分化过程中的某些位点发生了甲基化。红豆杉脱分化前后的DNA甲基化模式也存在较大差异,说明DNA甲基化对愈伤组织形成有调控作用。  相似文献   

Association mapping of the seed-coat colour with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers was carried out in 39 Brassica juncea lines. The lines had genetically diverse parentages and varied for seed-coat colour and other morphological characters. Eleven AFLP primer combinations were used to screen the 39 B. juncea lines, and a total of 335 polymorphic bands were detected. The bands were analysed for association with seed-coat colour using multiple regression analysis. This analysis revealed 15 markers associated with seed-coat colour, obtained with eight AFLP primer combinations. The marker E-ACA/M-CTG350 explained 69% of the variation in seed-coat colour. This marker along with markers E-AAC/M-CTC235 and E-AAC/M-CTA250 explained 89% of the total variation. The 15 associated markers were validated for linkage with the seed-coat colour loci using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) mapping population. Bands were amplified with the eight AFLP primer combinations in 54 RIL progenies. Of the 15 associated markers, 11 mapped on two linkage groups. Eight markers were placed on linkage group 1 at a marker density of 6.0 cM, while the remaining three were mapped on linkage group 2 at a marker density of 3.6 cM. Marker E-ACA/M-CTG350 co-segregated with Gene1 controlling seed-coat colour; it was specific for yellow seed-coat colour and mapped to linkage group 1. Marker E-AAC/M-CTC235 (AFLP8), which had been studied previously, was present on linkage group 2; it was specific for brown seed-coat colour. Since AFLP markers are not adapted for large-scale applications in plant breeding, it is important to convert these to sequence-characterised amplified region (SCAR) markers. Marker E-AAC/M-CTC235 (AFLP8) had been previously converted into a SCAR. Work is in progress to convert the second of the linked markers, E-ACA/M-CTG350, to a SCAR. The two linked AFLP markers converted to SCARs will be useful for developing yellow-seeded B. juncea lines by means of marker-assisted selection.Communicated by H.F. Linskens  相似文献   

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