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Worldwide usage of platinum group metals is increasing, prompting new recovery technologies. Resting cells of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans reduced soluble Pd2+ to elemental, cell-bound Pd0 supported by pyruvate, formate, or H2 as the electron donor without biochemical cofactors. Pd reduction was O2 insensitive, opening the way for recycling and recovery of Pd under oxic conditions.  相似文献   

Reduction of inorganic sulfur compounds by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum was examined. When transferred from a normoxic to an anoxic environment, F. oxysporum reduced elemental sulfur to hydrogen sulfide (H2S). This reaction accompanied fungal growth and oxidation of the carbon source (ethanol) to acetate. Over 2-fold more of H2S than of acetate was produced, which is the theoretical correlation for the oxidation of ethanol to acetate. NADH-dependent sulfur reductase (SR) activity was detected in cell-free extracts of the H2S-producing fungus, and was found to be up-regulated under the anaerobic conditions. On the other hands both O2 consumption by the cells and cytochrome c oxidase activity by the crude mitochondrial fractions decreased. These results indicate that H2S production involving SR was due to a novel dissimilation mechanism of F. oxysporum, and that the fungus adapts to anaerobic conditions by replacing the energy-producing mechanism of O2 respiration with sulfur reduction.  相似文献   

Soils from aerobic and anaerobic sources were investigated for the possible presence of bacteria which produce antibiotics under anaerobic conditions of growth. The screening techniques devised for this study yielded 157 soil bacteria which, during anaerobic growth, produced antibiotic activity against aerobic test bacteria.

Studies on choice of media, presence of oxygen, and changes in antibiotic activity during growth indicated that representative strains of these bacteria produced mixtures of antibiotics. The activity was heat labile.


Extracellular Deoxyribonuclease Production by Anaerobic Bacteria   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The production of extracellular deoxyribonuclease was examined with anaerobic organisms isolated from clinical specimens. Nuclease activity was extraordinarily common. All strains of Fusobacterium, including eight species, as well as Bacteroides fragilis and B. melaninogenicus, displayed enzyme activity. Whereas the gram-positive bacteria were generally less productive, all strains of Clostridium perfringens, Peptostreptococcus intermedius, and P. anaerobius specifically produced deoxyribonuclease. The test is taxonomically valuable, particularly in the characterization of gram-positive cocci, since a deoxyribonuclease-producing coccus indicates P. intermedius or P. anaerobius. Additionally, possession of the enzyme may prove to be a useful correlate of the potential pathogenicity of anaerobes.  相似文献   

Pitryuk  A. V.  Pusheva  M. A.  Sorokin  V. V. 《Microbiology》2002,71(1):24-30
The contents of several chemical elements were assessed in the haloalkaliphilic acetogenic bacterium Natroniella acetigena and the alkaliphilic sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfonatronum lacustre using X-ray microanalysis, stereoscanning microscopy, and mass spectrometry. The organisms were found to differ significantly in their relative contents of S, K, P, and Cl. The P/S ratio in cells of the alkaliphilic bacteria incubated in mineral media at different pH was pH-dependent. With a pH increase from 9 to 10, potassium extrusion from cells was observed, suggesting that secondary K+/H+ antiport activity accounts for the homeostasis of cytosolic pH. Deenergization of bacterial cells in the presence of inhibitors and ionophores results in specific changes in the P/S ratio, which may be considered an indicator of the cell energetic state. In Natroniella acetigena, the content of intracellular Cl was directly proportional to the NaCl concentration in the medium. Some metals were shown to be necessary for the N. acetigena viability; the requirement for Ni and Co was absolute. Although little demand for Mg was characteristic of the bacteria studied, their growth was stimulated by an increase in Mg concentration, and the cell resistance to lysis was enhanced.  相似文献   

A biofilm-forming strain of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), isolated from a naturally occurring mixed biofilm and identified by 16S rDNA analysis as a strain of Desulfomicrobium norvegicum, rapidly removed 200 μM selenite from solution during growth on lactate and sulfate. Elemental selenium and elemental sulfur were precipitated outside SRB cells. Precipitation occurred by an abiotic reaction with bacterially generated sulfide. This appears to be a generalized ability among SRB, arising from dissimilatory sulfide biogenesis, and can take place under low redox conditions and in the dark. The reaction represents a new means for the deposition of elemental sulfur by SRB under such conditions. A combination of transmission electron microscopy, environmental scanning electron microscopy, and cryostage field emission scanning electron microscopy were used to reveal the hydrated nature of SRB biofilms and to investigate the location of deposited sulfur-selenium in relation to biofilm elements. When pregrown SRB biofilms were exposed to a selenite-containing medium, nanometer-sized selenium-sulfur granules were precipitated within the biofilm matrix. Selenite was therefore shown to pass through the biofilm matrix before reacting with bacterially generated sulfide. This constitutes an efficient method for the removal of toxic concentrations of selenite from solution. Implications for environmental cycling and the fate of sulfur and selenium are discussed, and a general model for the potential action of SRB in selenium transformations is presented.  相似文献   

THREE STRAINS, SELECTED FROM A LARGE NUMBER OF NEWLY ISOLATED, FACULTATIVELY ANAEROBIC MARINE BACTERIA, REDUCED INORGANIC SULFUR COMPOUNDS OTHER THAN SULFATE ANAEROBICALLY IN DEFINED CULTURE MEDIA IN THE FOLLOWING DIFFERENT PATTERNS: (i) sulfite and thiosulfate were reduced to sulfide, and tetrathionate was reduced to thiosulfate; (ii) tetrathionate was reduced to thiosulfate only; or (iii) thiosulfate was reduced to sulfide only when pyruvate was the substrate. Comparison of anaerobic growth in the presence or absence of inorganic sulfur compounds indicated true dissimilatory reductions.  相似文献   

Thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria were enriched from samples obtained from a geothermal underground mine in Japan. The enrichment cultures contained bacteria affiliated with the genera Desulfotomaculum, Thermanaeromonas, Thermincola, Thermovenabulum, Moorella, “Natronoanaerobium,” and Clostridium. Two novel thermophilic sulfate-reducing strains, RL50JIII and RL80JIV, affiliated with the genera Desulfotomaculum and Thermanaeromonas, respectively, were isolated.  相似文献   

The addition of 20 mM MoO42− (molybdate) to a reduced marine sediment completely inhibited the SO42− reduction activity by about 50 nmol g−1 h−1 (wet sediment). Acetate accumulated at a constant rate of about 25 nmol g−1 h−1 immediately after MoO42− addition and gave a measure of the preceding utilization rate of acetate by the SO42−-reducing bacteria. Similarly, propionate and butyrate (including isobutyrate) accumulated at constant rates of 3 to 7 and 2 to 4 nmol g−1 h−1, respectively. The rate of H2 accumulation was variable, and a range of 0 to 16 nmol g−1 h−1 was recorded. An immediate increase of the methanogenic activity by 2 to 3 nmol g−1 h−1 was apparently due to a release of the competition for H2 by the absence of SO42− reduction. If propionate and butyrate were completely oxidized by the SO42−-reducing bacteria, the stoichiometry of the reactions would indicate that H2, acetate, propionate, and butyrate account for 5 to 10, 40 to 50, 10 to 20, and 10 to 20%, respectively, of the electron donors for the SO42−-reducing bacteria. If the oxidations were incomplete, however, the contributions by propionate and butyrate would only be 5 to 10% each, and the acetate could account for as much as two-thirds of the SO42− reduction. The presence of MoO42− seemed not to affect the fermentative and methanogenic activities; an MoO42− inhibition technique seems promising in the search for the natural substrates of SO42− reduction in sediments.  相似文献   

The kinetics for the reduction of sulfate alone and for concurrent uranium [U(VI)] and sulfate reduction, by mixed and pure cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) at 21 ± 3°C were studied. The mixed culture contained the SRB Desulfovibrio vulgaris along with a Clostridium sp. determined via 16S ribosomal DNA analysis. The pure culture was Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (ATCC 7757). A zero-order model best fit the data for the reduction of sulfate from 0.1 to 10 mM. A lag time occurred below cell concentrations of 0.1 mg (dry weight) of cells/ml. For the mixed culture, average values for the maximum specific reaction rate, Vmax, ranged from 2.4 ± 0.2 μmol of sulfate/mg (dry weight) of SRB · h−1) at 0.25 mM sulfate to 5.0 ± 1.1 μmol of sulfate/mg (dry weight) of SRB · h−1 at 10 mM sulfate (average cell concentration, 0.52 mg [dry weight]/ml). For the pure culture, Vmax was 1.6 ± 0.2 μmol of sulfate/mg (dry weight) of SRB · h−1 at 1 mM sulfate (0.29 mg [dry weight] of cells/ml). When both electron acceptors were present, sulfate reduction remained zero order for both cultures, while uranium reduction was first order, with rate constants of 0.071 ± 0.003 mg (dry weight) of cells/ml · min−1 for the mixed culture and 0.137 ± 0.016 mg (dry weight) of cells/ml · min−1 (U0 = 1 mM) for the D. desulfuricans culture. Both cultures exhibited a faster rate of uranium reduction in the presence of sulfate and no lag time until the onset of U reduction in contrast to U alone. This kinetics information can be used to design an SRB-dominated biotreatment scheme for the removal of U(VI) from an aqueous source.  相似文献   

Using molecular techniques and microsensors for H2S and CH4, we studied the population structure of and the activity distribution in anaerobic aggregates. The aggregates originated from three different types of reactors: a methanogenic reactor, a methanogenic-sulfidogenic reactor, and a sulfidogenic reactor. Microsensor measurements in methanogenic-sulfidogenic aggregates revealed that the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (2 to 3 mmol of S2− m−3 s−1 or 2 × 10−9 mmol s−1 per aggregate) was located in a surface layer of 50 to 100 μm thick. The sulfidogenic aggregates contained a wider sulfate-reducing zone (the first 200 to 300 μm from the aggregate surface) with a higher activity (1 to 6 mmol of S2− m−3 s−1 or 7 × 10−9 mol s−1 per aggregate). The methanogenic aggregates did not show significant sulfate-reducing activity. Methanogenic activity in the methanogenic-sulfidogenic aggregates (1 to 2 mmol of CH4 m−3 s−1 or 10−9 mmol s−1 per aggregate) and the methanogenic aggregates (2 to 4 mmol of CH4 m−3 s−1 or 5 × 10−9 mmol s−1 per aggregate) was located more inward, starting at ca. 100 μm from the aggregate surface. The methanogenic activity was not affected by 10 mM sulfate during a 1-day incubation. The sulfidogenic and methanogenic activities were independent of the type of electron donor (acetate, propionate, ethanol, or H2), but the substrates were metabolized in different zones. The localization of the populations corresponded to the microsensor data. A distinct layered structure was found in the methanogenic-sulfidogenic aggregates, with sulfate-reducing bacteria in the outer 50 to 100 μm, methanogens in the inner part, and Eubacteria spp. (partly syntrophic bacteria) filling the gap between sulfate-reducing and methanogenic bacteria. In methanogenic aggregates, few sulfate-reducing bacteria were detected, while methanogens were found in the core. In the sulfidogenic aggregates, sulfate-reducing bacteria were present in the outer 300 μm, and methanogens were distributed over the inner part in clusters with syntrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

Oil production by water injection can cause souring in which sulfate in the injection water is reduced to sulfide by resident sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Sulfate (2 mM) in medium injected at a rate of 1 pore volume per day into upflow bioreactors containing residual heavy oil from the Medicine Hat Glauconitic C field was nearly completely reduced to sulfide, and this was associated with the generation of 3 to 4 mM acetate. Inclusion of 4 mM nitrate inhibited souring for 60 days, after which complete sulfate reduction and associated acetate production were once again observed. Sulfate reduction was permanently inhibited when 100 mM nitrate was injected by the nitrite formed under these conditions. Pulsed injection of 4 or 100 mM nitrate inhibited sulfate reduction temporarily. Sulfate reduction resumed once nitrate injection was stopped and was associated with the production of acetate in all cases. The stoichiometry of acetate formation (3 to 4 mM formed per 2 mM sulfate reduced) is consistent with a mechanism in which oil alkanes and water are metabolized to acetate and hydrogen by fermentative and syntrophic bacteria (K. Zengler et al., Nature 401:266–269, 1999), with the hydrogen being used by SRB to reduce sulfate to sulfide. In support of this model, microbial community analyses by pyrosequencing indicated SRB of the genus Desulfovibrio, which use hydrogen but not acetate as an electron donor for sulfate reduction, to be a major community component. The model explains the high concentrations of acetate that are sometimes found in waters produced from water-injected oil fields.  相似文献   

The addition of elemental sulfur to the fermentation of Streptomyces sioyaensis in a soybean meal medium resulted in a three- to fourfold increase of siomycin. Further experiments on the effect of elemental sulfur during fermentation suggest that one of the key steps stimulating siomycin synthesis is the utilization of thiosulfate, which accumulates in the medium as the result of the oxidation of elemental sulfur.  相似文献   

The application of seawater for bacterial fermentative production is a cost-effective technology. Hydrogen production by marine photosynthetic bacterium with seawater failed to continue after more than 10 days, and was accompanied by the formation of hydrogen sulfide and a change in culture color from red to black. However, substrate consumption in the blackish culture was comparable to that in a hydrogen-producing culture. A decrease in hydrogen production occurred upon the addition of sodium sulfide at concentrations of 1.5 mM or higher. PCR analysis targeted at the 16S rDNA sequence selective for sulfate-reducing bacteria revealed the existence of sulfate-reducing bacteria in inoculation cultures of the phototrophic bacterium and medium for hydrogen production. Hence, the high sulfate concentration of seawater, the low oxidation-reduction potential under hydrogen-producing conditions, and the presence of electron donors such as acetate might promote the metabolic activities of sulfate-reducing bacteria, resulting in the deterioration of hydrogen production with seawater. Received: 15 September 1999 / Accepted: 14 October 1999  相似文献   

Stable Carbon Isotope Fractionation by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Biogeochemical transformations occurring in the anoxic zones of stratified sedimentary microbial communities can profoundly influence the isotopic and organic signatures preserved in the fossil record. Accordingly, we have determined carbon isotope discrimination that is associated with both heterotrophic and lithotrophic growth of pure cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). For heterotrophic-growth experiments, substrate consumption was monitored to completion. Sealed vessels containing SRB cultures were harvested at different time intervals, and δ13C values were determined for gaseous CO2, organic substrates, and products such as biomass. For three of the four SRB, carbon isotope effects between the substrates, acetate or lactate and CO2, and the cell biomass were small, ranging from 0 to 2‰. However, for Desulfotomaculum acetoxidans, the carbon incorporated into biomass was isotopically heavier than the available substrates by 8 to 9‰. SRB grown lithoautotrophically consumed less than 3% of the available CO2 and exhibited substantial discrimination (calculated as isotope fractionation factors [α]), as follows: for Desulfobacterium autotrophicum, α values ranged from 1.0100 to 1.0123; for Desulfobacter hydrogenophilus, the α value was 0.0138, and for Desulfotomaculum acetoxidans, the α value was 1.0310. Mixotrophic growth of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans on acetate and CO2 resulted in biomass with a δ13C composition intermediate to that of the substrates. The extent of fractionation depended on which enzymatic pathways were used, the direction in which the pathways operated, and the growth rate, but fractionation was not dependent on the growth phase. To the extent that environmental conditions affect the availability of organic substrates (e.g., acetate) and reducing power (e.g., H2), ecological forces can also influence carbon isotope discrimination by SRB.  相似文献   

m-Cresol metabolism under sulfate-reducing conditions was studied with a pure culture of Desulfotomaculum sp. strain Groll. Previous studies with a sulfate-reducing consortium indicated that m-cresol was degraded via an initial para-carboxylation reaction. However, 4-hydroxy-2-methylbenzoic acid was not degraded by strain Groll, and no evidence for ring carboxylation of m-cresol was found. Strain Groll readily metabolized the putative metabolites of a methyl group oxidation pathway, including 3-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, 3-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 3-hydroxybenzoic acid, and benzoic acid. Degradation of these compounds preceded and inhibited m-cresol decay. 3-Hydroxybenzoic acid was detected in cultures that received either m-cresol or 3-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, and trace amounts of benzoic acid were detected in m-cresol-degrading cultures. Therefore, we propose that strain Groll metabolizes m-cresol by a methyl group oxidation pathway which is an alternate route for the catabolism of this compound under sulfate-reducing conditions.  相似文献   

Anaerobic naphthalene degradation by a sulfate-reducing enrichment culture was studied by substrate utilization tests and identification of metabolites by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In substrate utilization tests, the culture was able to oxidize naphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, 1- and 2-naphthoic acids, phenylacetic acid, benzoic acid, cyclohexanecarboxylic acid, and cyclohex-1-ene-carboxylic acid with sulfate as the electron acceptor. Neither hydroxylated 1- or 2-naphthoic acid derivatives and 1- or 2-naphthol nor the monoaromatic compounds ortho-phthalic acid, 2-carboxy-1-phenylacetic acid, and salicylic acid were utilized by the culture within 100 days. 2-Naphthoic acid accumulated in all naphthalene-grown cultures. Reduced 2-naphthoic acid derivatives could be identified by comparison of mass spectra and coelution with commercial reference compounds such as 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2-naphthoic acid and chemically synthesized decahydro-2-naphthoic acid. 5,6,7,8-Tetrahydro-2-naphthoic acid and octahydro-2-naphthoic acid were tentatively identified by their mass spectra. The metabolites identified suggest a stepwise reduction of the aromatic ring system before ring cleavage. In degradation experiments with [1-13C]naphthalene or deuterated D8-naphthalene, all metabolites mentioned derived from the introduced labeled naphthalene. When a [13C]bicarbonate-buffered growth medium was used in conjunction with unlabeled naphthalene, 13C incorporation into the carboxylic group of 2-naphthoic acid was shown, indicating that activation of naphthalene by carboxylation was the initial degradation step. No ring fission products were identified.  相似文献   

The metabolism of various explosive compounds—1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TNB), hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX), and octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetraazocine (HMX)—by a sulfate-reducing bacterial consortium, Desulfovibrio spp., was studied. The results indicated that the Desulfovibrio spp. used all of the explosive compounds studied as their sole source of nitrogen for growth. The concentrations of TNB, RDX, and HMX in the culture media dropped to below the detection limit (<0.5 ppm) within 18 days of incubation. We also observed the production of ammonia from the nitro groups of the explosive compounds in the culture media. This ammonia served as a nitrogen source for the bacterial growth, and the concentration of ammonia later dropped to <0.5 mg/L. The sulfate-reducing bacteria may be useful in the anaerobic treatment of explosives-contaminated soil. Received: 23 January 1998 / Accepted: 5 March 1998  相似文献   

Interstitial water profiles of SeO42−, SeO32−, SO42−, and Cl in anoxic sediments indicated removal of the seleno-oxyanions by a near-surface process unrelated to sulfate reduction. In sediment slurry experiments, a complete reductive removal of SeO42− occurred under anaerobic conditions, was more rapid with H2 or acetate, and was inhibited by O2, NO3, MnO2, or autoclaving but not by SO42− or FeOOH. Oxidation of acetate in sediments could be coupled to selenate but not to molybdate. Reduction of selenate to elemental selenium was determined to be the mechanism for loss from solution. Selenate reduction was inhibited by tungstate and chromate but not by molybdate. A small quantity of the elemental selenium precipitated into sediments from solution could be resolublized by oxidation with either nitrate or FeOOH, but not with MnO2. A bacterium isolated from estuarine sediments demonstrated selenate-dependent growth on acetate, forming elemental selenium and carbon dioxide as respiratory end products. These results indicate that dissimilatory selenate reduction to elemental selenium is the major sink for selenium oxyanions in anoxic sediments. In addition, they suggest application as a treatment process for removing selenium oxyanions from wastewaters and also offer an explanation for the presence of selenite in oxic waters.  相似文献   

Batch culture experiments were performed with 32 different sulfate-reducing prokaryotes to explore the diversity in sulfur isotope fractionation during dissimilatory sulfate reduction by pure cultures. The selected strains reflect the phylogenetic and physiologic diversity of presently known sulfate reducers and cover a broad range of natural marine and freshwater habitats. Experimental conditions were designed to achieve optimum growth conditions with respect to electron donors, salinity, temperature, and pH. Under these optimized conditions, experimental fractionation factors ranged from 2.0 to 42.0‰. Salinity, incubation temperature, pH, and phylogeny had no systematic effect on the sulfur isotope fractionation. There was no correlation between isotope fractionation and sulfate reduction rate. The type of dissimilatory bisulfite reductase also had no effect on fractionation. Sulfate reducers that oxidized the carbon source completely to CO2 showed greater fractionations than sulfate reducers that released acetate as the final product of carbon oxidation. Different metabolic pathways and variable regulation of sulfate transport across the cell membrane all potentially affect isotope fractionation. Previous models that explained fractionation only in terms of sulfate reduction rates appear to be oversimplified. The species-specific physiology of each sulfate reducer thus needs to be taken into account to understand the regulation of sulfur isotope fractionation during dissimilatory sulfate reduction.  相似文献   

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