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The purpose of this study was to determine cardiovascular β-adrenergic responses during hypothermia. In the present study, we used isoproterenol (Iso), a nonselective, potent β-adrenoceptor agonist, well known for its positive chronotropic and inotropic pharmacologic actions at normothermia. Rats were instrumented to measure mean arterial pressure (MAP) and left ventricular (LV) pressure–volume changes using a Millar pressure–volume conductance catheter. Core temperature was manipulated from 37 (normothermia) to 24 °C (hypothermia) and back to 37 °C (rewarming) using both internal and external heat exchangers. During cooling at each temperature (33, 30, 27, and 24 °C), central hemodynamic variables and MAP were measured while intravenously infusing Iso (doses of 1.7, 5, 10, and 20 ng/min). Seven animals underwent all phases of the protocol. At normothermia Iso infusion resulted in a significant, dose-dependent increase in heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), LV dP/dtmax (left ventricular maximum derivative of systolic pressure over time) but no change in MAP. During cooling Iso infusion caused no dose-dependent change in any of the hemodynamic variables. After rewarming, baseline HR and LV dP/dtmax were increased, whereas SV was significantly reduced when compared with their pre-hypothermic baseline values. This study shows that physiological cardiovascular responses mediated by the β-adrenoceptor are significantly diminished during core hypothermia.  相似文献   

Despite the use of acupuncture to treat a number of heart diseases, little is known about the mechanisms that underlie its actions. Therefore, we examined the influence of acupuncture on sympathoexcitatory cardiovascular responses to gastric distension in anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats. Thirty minutes of low-current, low-frequency, (0.3-0.5 mA, 2 Hz) electroacupuncture (EA), at P 5-6, S 36-37, and H 6-7 overlying the median, deep peroneal, and ulnar nerves significantly decreased reflex pressor responses by 40, 39, and 44%, respectively. In contrast, sham acupuncture involving needle insertion without stimulation at P 5-6 or 30 min of EA at LI 6-7 acupoints overlying the superficial radial nerve did not attenuate the reflex. Similarly, EA at P 5-6 using 40- or 100-Hz stimulation frequencies did not inhibit the reflex. Compared with EA at P 5-6, EA at two sets of acupoints, including P 5-6 and S 36-37, did not lead to larger inhibition of the reflex. Two minutes of manual acupuncture (MA; 2 Hz) at P 5-6 every 10 min for 30 min inhibited the reflex cardiovascular pressor response by 33%, a value not significantly different from 2-Hz EA at P 5-6. Single-unit afferent activity was not different between electrical stimulation (ES) and manual stimulation. However, 2-Hz ES activated more somatic afferents than 10- or 20-Hz ES. These data suggest that, although the location of acupoint stimulation and the frequency of stimulation determine the extent of influence of EA, there is little difference between low-frequency EA and MA at P 5-6. Furthermore, simultaneous stimulation using two acupoints that independently exert strong effects did not lead to an additive or a facilitative interaction. The similarity of the responses to EA and MA and the lack of cardiovascular response to high-frequency EA appear to be largely a function of somatic afferent responses.  相似文献   

Human mononuclear cells from some individuals produce macrophage migration inhibition factor (MIF) when stimulated with Con A while those of others produce migration stimulation factor (MStF). T cells were responsible for these different responses but T4 cells produced MIF and T8 cells produced MStF regardless of the global response which was not explained by the individual T4:T8 ratios. Admixing the T-cell subpopulations in vitro revealed that MIF responses switched to MStF responses between T4:T8 ratios of 75:25 and 50:50 with MStF responders switching at higher ratios than MIF responders. Pulse exposure to supernatants from Con A-stimulated T4-enriched cells significantly reduced migration indices resulting from stimulation of fresh cells, promoting MIF responses regardless of the responder status of the supernatant donor. In contrast, supernatants from T8-enriched cells, when obtained from MStF responders, significantly increased migration indices while there was no effect when the supernatants were obtained from MIF responders. These results suggest that soluble factors from T8 cells are primarily responsible for determining whether an individual mounts a MIF or MStF response to Con A stimulation.  相似文献   

Altered cardiovascular reflex responses during positive pressure breathing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cardiovascular responses during hyperinflation produced by positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) are considered to be reflexly influenced by pulmonary mechanoreceptors. Numerous studies have indicated heart and vascular effects attributed to mechanical events and cardiopulmonary mechanoreflexes. Yet interactions of these modalities with the systemic baroreflexes are not clear. We examined aspects of these modulatory interactions by distinguishing changes in pulmonary, heart, and vascular responses during PEEP-hyperinflation before and after progressive elimination of chemo-, mechano-, and baroreflex influences in the closed-chest anesthetized rabbit. During respiratory alkalosis PEEP was imposed in increments of 2.5 cm H2O (range 0.0 to 7.5 cm H2O) before and during control of carotid intrasinus pressure and following aortic denervation and vagotomy. Heart rate responses during PEEP increased prior to aortic denervation, decreased following elimination of baroreflexes, and were abolished after vagotomy. The fall in mean arterial pressure (MAP) during PEEP was accentuated during elimination of the baroreflexes and ameliorated following vagotomy. Mean right atrial (MRAP), intrapleural (MIP), and right atrial transmural pressure increased during PEEP prior to vagotomy. Regression analyses of MAP versus MRAP and MAP versus MIP suggest that vagally receptors reflexly influence venous as well as systemic arterial vascular pressure. Conclusion indicate that when superimposed on mechanical events, cardiopulmonary mechanoreceptors and arterial baroreceptors effect conflicting facilitory reflex influences on heart and vascular responses during PEEP-hyperinflation.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of a canine vagosympathetic complex or a cardiopulmonary nerve can elicit a variety of negative chronotropic and inotropic cardiac responses, with or without alterations in systemic arterial pressure. In the period immediately following cessation of such a stimulation "rebound" tachycardia, increased inotropism above control values in one or more regions of the heart, and (or) elevation in systemic arterial pressure can occur. These "rebound" phenomena are abolished by propranolol or ipsilateral chronic sympathectomy. It is proposed that "vagal" poststimulation "rebound" of the canine cardiovascular system is primarily the result of activation of sympathetic neural elements present in the vagosympathetic complexes or cardiopulmonary nerves.  相似文献   

Effects of stimulation of the nucleus tractus solitarii, the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, the nucleus reticularis paramedianus, and the nucleus cuneatus were studied in free-moving cats. Stimulation of the medullary nuclei that are known to be involved in the central nervous control of cardiovascular functions might activate preprogrammed motor responses such as licking and sniffing, and induce complex behavioural response patterns such as sleep or flight reaction. Moreover, both lever-pressing for rewarding brain stimulation, and eating in food deprived cats might be modulated by these stimulations. In a shuttle box the cats showed no tendency toward shuttling during stimulation, except the stimulation of the nucleus reticularis paramedianus which produced aversion. The cardiovascular and respiratory effects varied parallel with the behavioural responses. It is concluded that the medullary nuclei related to visceral functions are capable of affecting somatomotor behaviour either directly on the motor system, or by inducing complex response patterns in which somatomotor and visceral responses are integrated.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that integrated sympathetic and cardiovascular reflexes are modulated by systemic CO2 differently in hypoxia than in hyperoxia (n = 7). Subjects performed a CO2 rebreathe protocol that equilibrates CO2 partial pressures between arterial and venous blood and that elevates end tidal CO2 (PET(CO2)) from approximately 40 to approximately 58 mmHg. This test was repeated under conditions where end tidal oxygen levels were clamped at 50 (hypoxia) or 200 (hyperoxia) mmHg. Heart rate (HR; EKG), stroke volume (SV; Doppler ultrasound), blood pressure (MAP; finger plethysmograph), and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) were measured continuously during the two protocols. MAP at 40 mmHg PET(CO2) (i.e., the first minute of the rebreathe) was greater during hypoxia versus hyperoxia (P < 0.05). However, the increase in MAP during the rebreathe (P < 0.05) was similar in hypoxia (16 +/- 3 mmHg) and hyperoxia (17 +/- 2 mmHg PET(CO2)). The increase in cardiac output (Q) at 55 mmHg PET(CO2) was greater in hypoxia (2.61 +/- 0.7 L/min) versus hyperoxia (1.09 +/- 0.44 L/min) (P < 0.05). In both conditions the increase in Q was due to elevations in both HR and SV (P < 0.05). Systemic vascular conductance (SVC) increased to similar absolute levels in both conditions but rose earlier during hypoxia (> 50 mmHg PET(CO2)) than hyperoxia (> 55 mmHg). MSNA increased earlier during hypoxic hypercapnia (> 45 mmHg) compared with hyperoxic hypercapnia (> 55 mmHg). Thus, in these conscious humans, the dose-response effect of PET(CO2) on the integrated cardiovascular responses was shifted to the left during hypoxic hypercapnia. The combined data indicate that peripheral chemoreceptors exert important influence over cardiovascular reflex responses to hypercapnia.  相似文献   

The effect of electrical stimulation was studied on the nucleus of the tractus solitarius, the nucleus cuneatus, and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve, i.e., structures of the bulbar cardiovascular sector in which it has been postulated that impulses from the sinoaortic reflexogenic zone are relayed to the cardiovascular system. Stimulation of all the structures tested in acute experiments on cats under chloralose-Nembutal anesthesia evoked depressor responses of varied degree, the hemodynamic basis of which was a decrease in the cardiac output (CO). The effect of stimulation of the nucleus cuneatus on the development of the negative chronotropic effect was observed. The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve in cats is not the only or even the principal zone from which negative chronotropic influences are exerted on the heart.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol.3, No.6, pp.631–636, November–December, 1971.  相似文献   

Injection of mice with goat anti-mouse IgD antibody stimulates a large IgG1 anti-goat IgG antibody response, as well as polyclonal IgG1 production. To determine if this phenomenon could be used to induce large antibody responses to other Ag, covalent conjugates were produced between BSA or other Ag and H delta a/1, a mAb specific for IgD of the a allotype, and between BSA and AF3.33, a mAb specific for IgD of the b allotype. Injection of H delta a/1-BSA into BALB/c mice, which express Ig of the a allotype, or into (BALB/c x CB20)F1 mice (a x b allotype heterozygotes) induced IgG1 anti-BSA antibody responses that peaked 8 to 9 days after injection, and were more than 1000 times larger than those induced by injection of BSA alone, and 100 times larger than those induced by injecting unconjugated BSA plus H delta a/1. H delta a/1-BSA was no more immunogenic than unconjugated BSA when injected into CB20 mice, which express Ig of the b allotype, while AF3.33-BSA greatly enhanced anti-BSA antibody production in CB20, but not in BALB/c mice. Mice serially immunized with three different Ag conjugated to H delta a/1 made large antibody responses to all three Ag, provided that the mouse strain used did not recognize allotypic determinants on H delta a/1 as foreign and produce a neutralizing antibody response. Intravenous and s.c. routes of inoculation produced responses of similar magnitude and relatively low variability; responses to footpad or intramuscular inoculation were more variable, and i.p. inoculation induced smaller responses. Injection of BALB/c mice i.v. with 100 micrograms of H delta a/1-BSA induced an IgG1 anti-BSA response of 5.6 mg/ml, which was approximately 70% of the total IgG1 response. Anti-BSA responses to 30 micrograms of conjugate or less were much smaller, but could be considerably enhanced by adding unconjugated H delta a/1 to the inoculum. This system will be useful for the rapid stimulation of large antibody responses to biologically important Ag, and for investigating mechanisms of Ag processing and B and T cell activation.  相似文献   

Diethylstilbestrol (DES) and certain chemically structural derivatives and analogs, indenestrol A (IA), indenestrol B (IB), indanestrol (IN), and pseudo-DES (PD), have been used as probes to examine various estrogenic responses previously considered interrelated and obligatory to the stimulation of uterine growth. All the analogs had poor uterotropic activity in vivo which ranged from 10-200 times less than that of estradiol or DES. The poor uterotropic activity was not due to poor binding affinity for the receptor. All compounds except IN interacted with the mouse uterine estrogen receptor with high affinity (approximately Ka 1.5-2.2 X 10(10) M-1). In addition, the compounds were able to translocate similar levels of receptor to the nucleus in vivo. Nuclear retention and occupancy of the estrogen receptor by the compounds was comparable to the patterns produced by DES or estradiol. The activity of uterine tissue responses was investigated during treatment with the compounds. Only IA stimulated uterine glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase to significant levels similar to DES or estradiol. Uterine progesterone receptor was induced to varying degrees by all compounds; the indenestrol isomers (IA and IB) were the most active. Uterine DNA synthesis was marginally stimulated by the derivatives and analogs except for IB which showed a response increase comparable to DES or estradiol. Because of the differential stimulation, these data suggest that in uterine tissue estrogen receptor stimulates certain biochemical responses independently and not in concert. The ability of a particular response to be increased may depend on the chemical nature of the ligand receptor complex and its interaction at genomic sites.  相似文献   

The results of this study indicated that when stimulus intensity, pulse frequency and train duration were varied the basic topography of the cardiovascular responses to medullary stimulation did not change, but was merely increased or diminished in magnitude. Pressor responses were usually obtained in conscious cats, and also narcosis produced reversal effect on rare occasions. It is suggested that the reversal in cardiovascular responses is probably locus specific, and the medullary loci yielding reversal effect are more limited than those eliciting consequently pressor responses.  相似文献   

The purpose of these studies was to determine quantitatively the reflex cardiovascular responses to stimulation of the pulmonary C-fibers in dogs. We used a preparation in which the airway, pulmonary artery, and the pulmonary veins to the left lung were cannulated in situ. Ventilation and perfusion of the right lung maintained the animal in relatively normal homeostasis. Capsaicin, a decylenic acid amide of vanillylamine that selectively stimulates nerve endings of unmyelinated fibers (C-fibers), was injected into the left pulmonary artery in 5-ml boluses. Maximal reflex responses were obtained with concentrations as low as 0.8-1.6 X micrograms-1 X kg-1. Heart rate, hindlimb resistance, and left ventricular contractility were lowered transiently (the maximal responses showing declines of 40, 13, and 15.2%, respectively). As a result of these changes, combined with vasodilation in other resistance vessels, cardiac output fell 28% and blood pressure fell 35%. Interrupting the afferent neural pathway by severing the ipsilateral cervical vagus nerve eliminated these responses, confirming the distribution of their reflex origin. Although the role of these reflexes in homeostasis has not been decided, the results of this study suggest that the lungs of dogs, if appropriately stimulated, potentially can exert a major inhibitory influence on the neural regulation of cardiovascular function.  相似文献   

The periaqueductal gray (PAG) is an important integrative region in the regulation of autonomic outflow and cardiovascular function and may serve as a regulatory center as part of a long-loop pathway during somatic afferent stimulation with acupuncture. Because the ventrolateral PAG (vlPAG) provides input to the rostral ventrolateral medulla (rVLM), an important area for electroacupuncture (EA) regulation of sympathetic outflow, we hypothesized that the vlPAG plays a role in the EA-related modulation of rVLM premotor sympathetic neurons activated during visceral afferent stimulation and autonomic excitatory reflexes. Cats were anesthetized and ventilated, and heart rate and mean blood pressure were monitored. Stimulation of the splanchnic nerve by a pledget of filter paper soaked in bradykinin (BK, 10 mug/ml) every 10 min on the gallbladder induced consistent cardiovascular reflex responses. Bilateral stimulation with EA at acupoints over the pericardial meridian (P5-6) situated over the median nerve reduced the increases in blood pressure from 34 +/- 3 to 18 +/- 5 mmHg for a period of time that lasted for 60 min or more. Unilateral inactivation of neuronal activity in the vlPAG with 50-75 nl of kainic acid (KA, 1 mM) restored the blood pressure responses from 18 +/- 3 to 36 +/- 5 mmHg during BK-induced gallbladder stimulation, an effect that lasted for 30 min. In the absence of EA, unilateral microinjection of the excitatory amino acid dl-homocysteic acid (DLH, 4 nM) in the vlPAG mimicked the effect of EA and reduced the reflex blood pressure responses from 35 +/- 6 to 14 +/- 5 mmHg. Responses of 21 cardiovascular sympathoexcitatory rVLM neurons, including 12 that were identified as premotor neurons, paralleled the cardiovascular responses. Thus splanchnic nerve-evoked neuronal discharge of 32 +/- 4 spikes/30 stimuli in six neurons was reduced to 10 +/- 2 spikes/30 stimuli by EA, which was restored rapidly to 28 +/- 4 spikes/30 stimuli by unilateral injection of 50 nl KA into the vlPAG. Conversely, 50 nl of DLH in the vlPAG reduced the number of action potentials of 5 rVLM neurons from 30 +/- 4 to 18 +/- 4 spikes/30 stimuli. We conclude that the inhibitory influence of EA involves vlPAG stimulation, which, in turn, inhibits rVLM neurons in the EA-related attenuation of the cardiovascular excitatory response during visceral afferent stimulation.  相似文献   

Endurance for dynamic exercise, cardiac output, blood pressure, heart rate, ventilation, and oxygen consumption was measured in eight individuals with paraplegia at the end of 4-min bouts of exercise on a friction braked cycle ergometer. Movement of the subjects' legs was induced by electrically stimulating the quadriceps, gluteus maximus and hamstring muscles with a computer-controlled biphasic square--wave current at a frequency of 30 Hz. The friction braked cycle ergometer was pedalled at work rates which varied between 0 and 40 W. Measurements were repeated after 3 and 6 months to assess the affect of training. After 3 months of training it was found that endurance increased from 8 min at a work rate of 0 W to 30 min at a work rate of 40 W. Compared to the cardiovascular responses in non-paralyzed subjects, computerized cycle ergometry was found to be associated with higher relative stresses for a given level of absolute work. Mean blood pressure, for example, increased by over 30% during maximal work in individuals with paralysis compared to the typical response obtained for able-bodied subjects. Analysis of the data showed that instead of the 20-30% metabolic efficiency commonly reported for cycle ergometry, the calculated metabolic efficiency during computer-controlled cycle ergometry was only 3.6%.  相似文献   

We used beta-adrenergic receptor stimulation and blockade as a tool to study substrate metabolism during exercise. Eight moderately trained subjects cycled for 60 min at 45% of VO(2 peak) 1) during a control trial (CON); 2) while epinephrine was intravenously infused at 0.015 microg. kg(-1) x min(-1) (beta-STIM); 3) after ingesting 80 mg of propranolol (beta-BLOCK); and 4) combining beta-BLOCK with intravenous infusion of Intralipid-heparin to restore plasma fatty acid (FFA) levels (beta-BLOCK+LIPID). beta-BLOCK suppressed lipolysis (i.e., glycerol rate of appearance) and fat oxidation while elevating carbohydrate oxidation above CON (135 +/- 11 vs. 113 +/- 10 micromol x kg(-1) x min(-1); P < 0.05) primarily by increasing rate of disappearance (R(d)) of glucose (36 +/- 2 vs. 22 +/- 2 micromol x kg(-1) x min(-1); P < 0.05). Plasma FFA restoration (beta-BLOCK+LIPID) attenuated the increase in R(d) glucose by more than one-half (28 +/- 3 micromol x kg(-1) x min(-1); P < 0.05), suggesting that part of the compensatory increase in muscle glucose uptake is due to reduced energy from fatty acids. On the other hand, beta-STIM markedly increased glycogen oxidation and reduced glucose clearance and fat oxidation despite elevating plasma FFA. Therefore, reduced plasma FFA availability with beta-BLOCK increased R(d) glucose, whereas beta-STIM increased glycogen oxidation, which reduced fat oxidation and glucose clearance. In summary, compared with control exercise at 45% VO(2 peak) (CON), both beta-BLOCK and beta-STIM reduced fat and increased carbohydrate oxidation, albeit through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Sixteen subjects (eight women and eight men, age 20-25 years) carried out in the seated position, isometric contractions sustained until exhaustion of the digital flexors. The subject's arm was placed in two positions, high and low. The muscle tensions used were 30, 40 and 50% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Under these conditions, for a given relative force, the duration of contraction (limit-time) was not modified by the arm position. In the male subjects, increases in heart rate (HR) and systolic blood pressure (SBP) were slightly more pronounced in the low than the high position, but the differences were not significant. Limit times in the high position were similar to those in the low position, and, in the absence of an increase in HR and SBP, this seemed to be due to an increase in cardiac output consequent upon a transient improvement in venous return together with an increase in the coefficient of oxygen utilization.  相似文献   

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