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Variation in meiotic recombination frequencies among human males   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Sun F  Trpkov K  Rademaker A  Ko E  Martin RH 《Human genetics》2005,116(3):172-178
Meiotic recombination is essential for the segregation of homologous chromosomes and the formation of normal haploid gametes. Little is known about patterns of meiotic recombination in human germ cells or the mechanisms that control these patterns. Here, newly developed immunofluorescence techniques, based on the detection of MLH1 (a DNA mismatch repair protein) foci on synaptonemal complexes (SCs) at prophase I of meiosis, were used to examine recombination in human spermatocytes. The mean number of MLH1 foci per cell in all donors was 48.0 with range from 21 to 65. Remarkable variation in the recombination frequency was noted among 11 normal individuals: the mean frequencies of chromosomal recombination foci ranged from a low of 42.5 to a high of 55.0 exchanges. Donor age did not contribute to this variation. There was no correlation between this variation and the frequency of gaps (discontinuities) or splits (unpaired chromosome regions) in the SCs. The mean percentage of cells with gaps was 35% (range: 20% to 58%) and with splits was 7% (range: 0% to 37%). Bivalents without a recombination focus were rare, with a frequency of only 0.3%. Thus, achiasmate chromosomes appear to be rare in human male meiosis.  相似文献   

Linkage maps of the nine chromosomes of Brassica oleracea, based on 75 informative molecular markers, have been compared in first and second backcross progeny from a cross between two doubled haploid lines. The second backcross progeny showed greater recombination frequencies for 75% of the pairs of adjacent markers, but there was no obvious indication that this effect was localised to particular regions of the chromosomes. Four chromosomes increased in genetic length more than twofold, while overall, the total map was 66% longer. The possible causes of this discrepancy are analysed. A sex difference in chiasma distribution and/or frequency at meiosis is thought to be the most likely explanation. The implications of this finding for mapping and map-based applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Tests of hypotheses on recombination frequencies   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Chiasma frequency data on 183 males were subjected to an analysis of covariance. There appeared to be little or no linear trend in chiasma frequency with age. This conclusion was supported by a detailed analysis of chiasma frequencies for each autosome from 21 males. There were, however, significant differences among investigators in reported mean chiasma frequencies.  相似文献   

Instead of telomerase, some immortal cells use the alternative lengthening of telomeres pathway (ALT) to maintain their telomeres. There is good evidence that homologous recombination contributes to the ALT mechanism. Using an inducible GFP reporter system to measure the frequency of homologous recombination, we asked whether or not ALT cells exhibited a general change of the recombination machinery. Our results show that the frequency of homologous recombination for non-telomeric sequences in ALT cells is identical to that in telomerase positive cells, irrespective of whether the reporter was present at an intra-chromosomal location or next to a telomeric sequence. We conclude that the underlying recombination defect in ALT cells is restricted to telomeric sequences.  相似文献   

Duan T  Yang QL  Wang L  Shi QH  Yu DX 《遗传》2011,33(7):725-730
减数分裂遗传重组对同源染色体的正确分离和单倍体的正确形成起至关重要的作用,但人们对人精母细胞减数分裂遗传重组机制了解的还很少。通过免疫荧光染色技术标记减数分裂I联会复合体上的MLH1(DNA错配修复蛋白)位点可以检测人精母细胞的重组。文章对10例可育男性进行分析,发现每个细胞中重组位点数平均为49.4士4.4,范围为33~63,具有显著的个体差异,只有0.4%(1/220)的常染色体SC上缺少MLH1位点。进一步通过Spearman相关性分析,分析了年龄因素与个体间重组位点差异的相关性,结果提示年龄因素对常染色体及性染色体的重组均无影响。  相似文献   

Homologous recombination in plants was studied using an extrachromosomal recombination assay in which intermolecular homologous recombination between two complementary plasmids restored a selectable marker gene. Several vectors containing an insertion into or deletions within the coding region of the neomycin phosphotransferase (NPT-II) gene were designed. Plasmids were introduced, in pairwise combinations, into protoplasts and homologous recombination events were measured by counting the number of NPT-ll-resistant colonies. A 10-fold increase in recombination frequency was observed in Petunia hybrids RL01 compared to Nicotiana tabacum SRI. This difference occurred when one or both of the co-transferred recombination plasmids was offered in a circular form. Apart from such specific differences between two cultivars from different species, a two-to fivefold increase in recombination frequencies was observed when the genomic TBS (transformation booster sequence) fragment from P. hybrids was added onto one of the transferred plasmids. TBS-specific stimulation of recombination was observed in Petunia RL01. These data suggest that two different recombination pathways may be present in plants.  相似文献   

Summary Estimates of allelic recombination frequencies are shown to have coefficients of variation of between 20 and 40%. In Coprinus this is true of both high and low recombination frequencies and is also true when the alleles involved show marker effect. This variability is not confined to Coprinus but is a general feature of both meiotic and mitotic allelic recombination. Experimental errors do not make a major contribution to the observed variation althought it has the nature of a sampling variation. It is suggested that the variation arises from the diversity of ways in which the initial errors introduced by hybrid DNA formation can be resolved during the excision-repair stages of recombination. If the enzymes responsible for these processes are present in low concentrations then much latitude can be anticipated in the way the same errors are dealt with by separate, though isogenic, diploid or dikaryotic organisms. Each separate cross is thus interpreted as providing an estimate of the recombination frequency which is but a sample from a varied population of possible estimates of the same recombination frequency. Each pair of alleles exhibits a recombination frequency which, within the statistical boundaries of the general variation, is sufficiently reproducible to be described as a characteristic of them. Combinations of allelic recombination frequencies derived from pair-wise crosses fall into patterns that are sufficiently consistent for allele maps to be drawn; and, providing a sufficient number of replicate crosses have been analysed, the allele map can be shown to be statistically soundly based. Two marker effect situations are examined. One causes reduction of recombination frequency and is probably intrinsic to the mutant site itself, the other causes enhancement of recombination frequency and is due to a factor or factors distinct from the allelic mutant site in the strain in which it was first identified. When intercrossed the two effects counteract one another.  相似文献   

Nonhomologous recombination in human cells.   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Nonhomologous recombination (NHR) is a major pathway for the repair of chromosomal double-strand breaks in the DNA of somatic cells. In this study, a comparison was made between the nonhomologous end joining of transfected adenovirus DNA fragments in vivo and the ability of purified human proteins to catalyze nonhomologous end joining in vitro. Adenovirus DNA fragments were shown to be efficiently joined in human cells regardless of the structure of the ends. Sequence analysis of these junctions revealed that the two participating ends frequently lost nucleotides from the 3' strands at the site of the joint. To examine the biochemical basis of the end joining, nuclear extracts were prepared from a wide variety of mammalian cell lines and tested for their ability to join test plasmid substrates. Efficient ligation of the linear substrate DNA was observed, the in vitro products being similar to the in vivo products with respect to the loss of 3' nucleotides at the junction. Substantial purification of the end-joining activity was carried out with the human immature T-cell-line HPB-ALL. The protein preparation was found to join all types of linear DNA substrates containing heterologous ends with closely equivalent efficiencies. The in vitro system for end joining does not appear to contain any of the three known DNA ligases, on the basis of a number of criteria, and has been termed the NHR ligase. The enriched activity resides in a high-molecular-weight recombination complex that appears to include and require the human homologous pairing protein HPP-1 as well as the NHR ligase. Characterization of the product molecules of the NHR ligase reaction suggests that they are linear oligomers of the monomer substrate joined nonrandomly head-to-head and/or tail-to-tail. The joined ends of the products were found to be modified by a 3' exonuclease prior to ligation, and no circular DNA molecules were detected. These types of products are similar to those required for the breakage-fusion-bridge cycle, a major NHR pathway for chromosome double-strand break repair.  相似文献   

1. When human erythrocytes, suspended in iso-osmotic sucrose containing CaCl(2), are stored at 3 degrees C, Ca(2+) influx into the cells occurs. Simultaneously, efflux of K(+), Na(+), Cl(-) and water takes place and cell volume diminishes. 2. The extent of Ca(2+) influx increases with duration of cold storage and with increasing concentration of Ca(2+) in the suspending medium. 3. Erythrocytes that have been thus loaded with Ca(2+) exhibit Ca(2+) efflux against a concentration gradient when subsequently incubated at 37 degrees C. 4. Ca(2+) influx likewise occurs when the sucrose of the medium is replaced by iso-osmotic solutions of other non-ionized compounds. 5. Replacement of sucrose by iso-osmotic KCl or NaCl greatly diminishes the rate of Ca(2+) influx during cold storage; however, in iso-osmotic choline chloride, Ca(2+) influx is as rapid as in sucrose. 6. Preincubation of erythrocytes in iso-osmotic sucrose at 37 degrees C causes rapid efflux of K(+) and Na(+) and renders the cell membranes highly permeable to Ca(2+) during subsequent cold storage. 7. Preincubation of erythrocytes in iso-osmotic NaCl at 37 degrees C with trypsin or neuraminidase is without effect on the permeability of the membrane towards Ca(2+). 8. The experimental results lead to the conclusion that the main prerequisite for Ca(2+) influx into erythrocytes is the partial depletion of the cells of their univalent cations.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination in human embryonic stem cells   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  

Dictyosome-l ike structures (DLS) are present in human spermatocytes and spermatids. They display morphological and developmental characteristics similar to those of other species that contain DLS.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effect of curcumin (CUR) on doxorubicin (DOX)‐induced testicular damage in male rats. Thirty‐five adult male Wistar rats were used. Control group was received saline for 7 days. CUR group received CUR for 7 days. DOX group received single dose DOX on the 5th day. DOX+ CUR‐100 group received 100 mg/kg/day CUR for 7 days and DOX injection on the 5th day. DOX + CUR‐200 group received 200 mg/kg/day CUR for 7 days and DOX injection on the 5th day. DOX treatment decreased in sperm motility rate, live sperm percentages, cellular antioxidants, and increased malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, necrosis, degenerations, and slimming in seminiferous tubules, and DNA damages in testes by inducing oxidative stress. CUR treatment mitigated significantly these side effects when compared with DOX group in a dose‐dependent manner. In conclusion, CUR treatment can be used in the mitigation of DOX‐induced testicular toxicity.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of cold storage on plasma membrane, DNA integrity, and fertilizing ability of domestic cat spermatozoa. Intact cat testes were stored at 4°C in Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (DPBS) for 7 days. Membrane integrity (experiment 1) and DNA integrity (experiment 2) of extracted spermatozoa were assessed over time during storage. Testicular spermatozoa were also tested for their fertilizing ability via intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in term of gamete activation and early embryonic development at 18 h (experiment 3). The membrane integrity of testicular spermatozoa was well preserved in DPBS for 4 days compared to non-preserved control (Day 0) (P<0.05). The incidence of testicular sperm DNA fragmentation was <1% after 7 days of cold storage and was not significantly affected by the duration of cold storage (P>0.05). Finally, testicular spermatozoa could form pronuclei and sustain embryo development following ICSI regardless of the storage time (P>0.05). In conclusion, cat testicular spermatozoa can be preserved at 4°C for up to 7 days without severely compromising of plasma membrane and DNA integrity while retaining a normal fertilizing ability.  相似文献   

Sodium fluoride, at concentrations of up to 60 times the level normally used in drinking water for the prevention of dental decay, was compared with 2 other inorganic salts for its ability to induce chromosome aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) in cultured human lymphocytes. No significant increases in the frequencies of aberrations of SCEs were found.  相似文献   

Immortal cells require a mechanism of telomere length control in order to divide infinitely. One mechanism is telomerase, an enzyme that compensates the loss of telomeric DNA. The second mechanism is the alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) pathway. In ALT pathway cells, homologous recombination between telomeric DNA is the mechanism by which telomere homeostasis is achieved. We developed a novel homologous recombination reporter system that is able to measure inter-telomeric recombination in a sensitive manner. We asked the fundamental question if homologous recombination between different telomeres is present in telomerase-positive cells. In this in vitro study, we showed that homologous recombination between telomeres is detectable in ALT cells with the same frequency as in cells that utilize the telomerase pathway. We further described an ALT cell clone that showed peaks of recombination which were not detected in telomerase-positive clones. In telomerase-positive cells the frequency of inter-telomeric recombination was not increased by shortened telomeres or by a fragile telomere phenotype induced with aphidicolin. ALT cells, in contrast, responded to aphidicolin with an increase in the frequency of recombination. Our results indicate that inter-telomeric recombination is present in both pathways of telomere length control, but the factors that increase recombination are different in ALT and telomerase-positive cells.  相似文献   

Lonidamine, a dichlorinated derivative of indazole-3-carboxylic acid, has recently been indicated as an antiproliferative agent being able to reduce mitotic activity of tumor cells. We have evaluated lonidamine effect on proliferating, non tumor cells choosing as a model the male germ cells obtained from cultured seminiferous epithelium explants. The obtained germ cells are able to duplicate in vitro and we have found that lonidamine, at low doses, induces a significative inhibition of the incorporation of labelled thymidine into the duplicating germ cells. The effect seems to be specific for the germ cells since lonidamine does not affect duplicative ability of the somatic cells of the seminiferous tubules and of muscle fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis was performed on blood lymphocyte cultures from 12 moderate smokers (15-20 cigarettes/day) and 12 non-smokers. An increase in dicentrics was observed in the smokers using block-stained material but this was not significant. Analysis of banded material, enabling both symmetrical and asymmetrical aberrations to be scored, revealed a significant increase in total aberrations thus emphasizing the need to identify all chromosome rearrangements when examining the effects of low-level chronic exposures to clastogens.  相似文献   

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