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Following Wallace's suggestion, Darwin framed his theory using Spencer's expression "survival of the fittest". Since then, fitness occupies a significant place in the conventional understanding of Darwinism, even though the explicit meaning of the term 'fitness' is rarely stated. In this paper I examine some of the different roles that fitness has played in the development of the theory. Whereas the meaning of fitness was originally understood in ecological terms, it took a statistical turn in terms of reproductive success throughout the 20th Century. This has lead to the ever-increasing importance of sexually reproducing organisms and the populations they compose in evolutionary explanations. I will argue that, moving forward, evolutionary theory should look back at its ecological roots in order to be more inclusive in the type of systems it examines. Many biological systems (e.g. clonal species, colonial species, multi-species communities) can only be satisfactorily accounted for by offering a non-reproductive account of fitness. This argument will be made by examining biological systems with very small or transient population structures. I argue this has significant consequences for how we define Darwinism, increasing the significance of survival (or persistence) over that of reproduction.  相似文献   

Free fitness that always increases in evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I here introduce a free fitness function in population biology, which monotonically increases with time and takes its maximum at the evolutionary equilibrium. By suitably defining an "index" for each state, the free fitness is expressed as the average index plus an entropy term. In many cases, the index has a biologically clear meaning, such as the logarithmic population mean fitness. The technique is applicable to any Markov process model (either continuous or discrete) with a positive steady state. I discuss four examples from various branches of population biology: (1) one-locus-two-allele system of population genetics with mutation, selection, and random genetic drift; (2) evolutionary dynamics of quantitative characters; (3) a molecular evolution model; and (4) an ecological succession model. Introducing free fitness clarifies the balance between systematic forces (e.g. natural selection or successional trend toward the climax) and disturbing processes (e.g. random drift).  相似文献   

In a recent debate, either synapomorphy and symplesiomorphy or only synapomorphy have been claimed to be synonymous or equivalent to homology. In my view, exactly the same relationship exists between homology supported by a congruence test on the one hand and synapomorphy as well as symplesiomorphy on the other hand. Both conditions become established at the same time with the process of rooting of an unrooted topology. I, however, do not consider the concept of homology equal or synonymous to that of synapomorphy and symplesiomorphy. In my view, they represent different perspectives on the same phenomenon, i.e. correspondence by common origin. Homology has no implication on the direction of transformation, whereas symplesiomorphy as “primitive” condition and synapomorphy as “derived” condition refer directly to phylogenesis, the real historical evolutionary process of speciation and transformation. In addition, synapomorphy and symplesiomorphy might also refer to a character state that refers to the absence of a structure/organ, which creates problems with traditional homology concepts. Hennig's terms synapomorphy and symplesiomorphy are necessary and sufficient for the evolutionary interpretation of character states. For what is corroborated in an unrooted topology as the result of a congruence test, I suggest as a new term “synmorphy” because it can well be applied also to those characters where one state represents the absence of a structure/organ. The place for homology in morphological cladistics, however, is restricted to the characterization of the relationship between different character states of one transformation series (i.e. character).  相似文献   

Current use of terms to describe evolutionary patterns is vague and inconsistent. In this paper, logical definitions of terms that describe specific evolutionary patterns are proposed. Evolutionary inertia is defined in a manner analogous to inertia in physics. A character in a static state of evolutionary inertia represents evolutionary stasis while a character showing consistent directional evolutionary change represents evolutionary thrust. I argue that evolutionary stasis should serve as the null hypothesis in all character evolution studies. Deviations from this null model consistent with alternative hypotheses (e.g. random drift, adaptation) can then give us insight into evolutionary processes. Failure to reject a null hypothesis of evolutionary stasis should not be used as a serious explanation of data. The term evolutionary constraint is appropriate only when a selective advantage for a character state transition is established but this transition is prevented by specific, identified factors. One type of evolutionary constraint discussed is evolutionary momentum. A final pattern of evolutionary change discussed is closely related to evolutionary thrust and is referred to as evolutionary acceleration. I provide examples of how this set of definitions can improve our ability to communicate interpretations of evolutionary patterns.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs in evolutionary immunology: just what is the cost of immunity?   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
It has become increasingly clear that life-history patterns among the vertebrates have been shaped by the plethora and variety of immunological risks associated with parasitic faunas in their environments. Immunological competence could very well be the most important determinant of life-time reproductive success and fitness for many species. It is generally assumed by evolutionary ecologists that providing immunological defences to minimise such risks to the host is costly in terms of necessitating trade-offs with other nutrient-demanding processes such as growth, reproduction, and thermoregulation. Studies devoted to providing assessments of such costs and how they may force evolutionary trade-offs among life-history characters are few, especially for wild vertebrate species, and their results are widely scattered throughout the literature. In this paper we attempt to review this literature to obtain a better understanding of energetic and nutritional costs for maintaining a normal immune system and examine how costly it might be for a host who is forced to up-regulate its immunological defence mechanisms. The significance of these various costs to ecology and life history trade-offs among the vertebrates is explored. It is concluded that sufficient evidence exists to support the primary assumption that immunological defences are costly to the vertebrate host.  相似文献   

The ability of some animal taxa (e.g., nematodes, rotifers, and tardigrades) to enter an ametabolic (cryptobiotic) state is well known. Nevertheless, the phenotypic factors affecting successful anhydrobiosis have rarely been investigated. We report a laboratory study on the effects of body size, reproductive condition, and energetic condition on anhydrobiotic survival in a population of the eutardigrade Richtersius coronifer. Body size and energetic condition interacted in affecting the probability of survival, while reproductive condition had no effect. Large tardigrades had a lower probability of survival than medium-sized tardigrades and showed a positive response in survival to energetic condition. This suggests that energy constrained the possibility for large tardigrades to enter and to leave anhydrobiosis. As a possible alternative explanation for low survival in the largest specimens we discuss the expression of senescence. In line with the view that processes related to anhydrobiosis are connected with energetic costs we documented a decrease in the size of storage cells over a period of anhydrobiosis, showing for the first time that energy is consumed in the process of anhydrobiosis in tardigrades.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have focused on song in songbirds as a signal involved in mate choice and intrasexual competition. It is expected that song traits such as song rate reflect individual quality by being dependent on energetic state or condition. While seasonal variation in bird song (i.e., breeding versus non-breeding song) and its neural substrate have received a fair amount of attention, the function and information content of song outside the breeding season is generally much less understood. Furthermore, typically only measures of condition involving body mass are examined with respect to song rate. Studies investigating a potential relationship between song rate and other indicators of condition, such as physiological measures of nutritional condition, are scant. In this study, we examined whether non-breeding song rate in male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) reflects plasma metabolite levels (high-density lipoproteins (HDL), albumin, triglycerides and cholesterol) and/or body mass. Song rate was significantly positively related to a principal component representing primarily HDL, albumin and cholesterol (and to a lesser degree plasma triglyceride levels). There was only a trend toward a significant positive correlation between song rate and body mass, and no significant correlation between body mass and the abovementioned principal component. Therefore, our results indicate that nutritional condition and body mass represent different aspects of condition, and that song rate reflects nutritional rather than body condition. Additionally, we also found that intra-individual song rate consistency (though not song rate itself) was significantly positively related to lutein levels, but not to body mass or nutritional condition. Together our results suggest that the relation between physiological measures of nutritional condition and song rate, as well as other signals, may present an interesting line of future research, both inside and outside the breeding season.  相似文献   

Evolvability has become an enormously popular concept in evolutionary biology and in machine learning software architecture. While it is claimed that the term was coined in 1988 by Richard Dawkins, it was used as early as 1931 as a characteristic of life by John A. Thomson. We quote and review the earliest uses and definitions of evolvability in biological frameworks up until 1989, which are remarkably few. The meaning changed from simply the “ability to evolve” as a characteristic of life to various versions of including necessary variation to predict whether or not something could evolve to the rate and quality of that evolution. Or, meaning changed from the ability to evolve to the “quality” of the ability to evolve. Since then, evolvability has taken on many definitions as it has exploded in usage.  相似文献   

Museums play a vitally important role in supporting both informal and formal education and are important venues for fostering public understanding of evolution. The Yale Peabody Museum has implemented significant education programs on evolution for many decades, mostly focused on the museum’s extensive collections that represent the past and present tree of life. Twelve years ago, the Peabody began a series of new programs that explored biodiversity and evolution as it relates to human health. Modern evolutionary theory contributes significantly to our understanding of health and disease, and medical topics provide many excellent and relevant examples to explore evolutionary concepts. The Peabody developed a program on vector-borne diseases, specifically Lyme disease and West Nile virus, which have become endemic in the United States. Both of these diseases have complex transmission cycles involving an intricate interplay among the pathogen, host, and vector, each of which is subject to differing evolutionary pressures. Using these stories, the museum explored evolutionary concepts of adaptation (e.g., the evolution of blood feeding), coevolution (e.g., the “arms race” between host and vector), and variation and selection (e.g., antibiotic resistance) among others. The project included a temporary exhibition and the development of curriculum materials for middle and high school teachers and students. The popularity of the exhibit and some formal evaluation of student participants suggested that this educational approach has significant potential to engage wide audiences in evolutionary issues. In addition it demonstrated how natural history museums can incorporate evolution into a broad array of programs.  相似文献   

In this report the phrase evolutionary advances; is used in three ways: 1. to describe monophyletic changes perceived within a lineage; 2. to describe evolutionary sequences that appear to have become parallel/convergent; 3. to describe major transitions inferred between primary taxa. In monophyletic evolution the changes occur within a specific lineage that arises from a common ancestor, e.g., modern Man, horses, rusts. In parallel/convergent evolution different lineages respond similarly over time to environmental challenges and opportunities and come to acquire a great deal of comparability (e.g., Webster, 1987). Such lineages may be designated as separate taxa, e.g., similarities in marsupial and placental carnivores, or, if the polyphyleticism is cryptic, as a collective taxon, e.g., Aves, the class of birds, the obsolete Amentiferae for catkin bearing plants, the Gasteromycetes, and lichens. In major transitions there are significant paradigm shifts in which evolutionary changes from one predominant life style pattern to another are accompanied by increases in complexity (see Smith & Szatháry, 1995), e.g., symbiosis, the water to land transition, the changes between the phyla of land fungi. Three particular terms are used in evaluating evolutionary relationships (Moore, 1996a): homology, paramology, and analogy. Homology, from Darwin';s theory of common descent, is the phenomenon of having a common historical origin but not necessarily the same final structure or function (e.g., vertebrate forelimbs). Paramology (Moore, 1971) applies to inferred relationships in evolutionary schemes based on contemporary forms that lack fossil antecedents, e.g., the various phylogenetic interpretations of prokaryotes, algae, and fungi; Boekhout et al. (1993) have evaluated the taxonomic resolution of a variety of morphologic, biochemical, physiological, and molecular characters (Table 1). Analogy is generally applied to similar forms that are unrelated, e.g., insect/vertebrate wings; prokaryote/eukaryote flagella. It should also be borne in mind that, in a given taxon, biotrophism (Coffey, 1975) is an advanced character (Heath, 1987) over, respectively, weaker parasitism, symbiotism, commensalism, and freeliving and that seemingly simple or less differentiated forms can be, and more than likely than not are, reduced, polyphyletic, and specialized rather than ancient and rudimentary, e.g., yeasts (Hoog et al., 1988; Kurtzman & Fell, 1996; Moore, 1988b; 1996a).  相似文献   

Immune challenge affects basal metabolic activity in wintering great tits   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The costs of exploiting an organism's immune function are expected to form the basis of many life-history trade-offs. However, there has been debate about whether such costs can be paid in energetic and nutritional terms. We addressed this question in a study of wintering, free-living, male great tits by injecting them with a novel, non-pathogenic antigen (sheep red blood cells) and measuring the changes in their basal metabolic rates and various condition indices subsequent to immune challenge. The experiment showed that activation of the immune system altered the metabolic activity and profile of immune cells in birds during the week subsequent to antigen injection: individuals mounting an immune response had nearly 9% higher basal metabolic rates, 8% lower plasma albumin levels and 37% higher heterophile-to-lymphocyte ratios (leucocytic stress indices) than sham-injected control birds. They also lost nearly 3% (0.5 g) of their body mass subsequent to the immune challenge. Individuals that mounted stronger antibody responses lost more mass during the immune challenge. These results suggest that energetic expenditures to immune response may have a non-trivial impact upon an individual's condition.  相似文献   

Palmer ME  Feldman MW 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38025
For a lineage to survive over long time periods, it must sometimes change. This has given rise to the term evolvability, meaning the tendency to produce adaptive variation. One lineage may be superior to another in terms of its current standing variation, or it may tend to produce more adaptive variation. However, evolutionary outcomes depend on more than standing variation and produced adaptive variation: deleterious variation also matters. Evolvability, as most commonly interpreted, is not predictive of evolutionary outcomes. Here, we define a predictive measure of the evolutionary success of a lineage that we call the k-survivability, defined as the probability that the lineage avoids extinction for k generations. We estimate the k-survivability using multiple experimental replicates. Because we measure evolutionary outcomes, the initial standing variation, the full spectrum of generated variation, and the heritability of that variation are all incorporated. Survivability also accounts for the decreased joint likelihood of extinction of sub-lineages when they 1) disperse in space, or 2) diversify in lifestyle. We illustrate measurement of survivability with in silico models, and suggest that it may also be measured in vivo using multiple longitudinal replicates. The k-survivability is a metric that enables the quantitative study of, for example, the evolution of 1) mutation rates, 2) dispersal mechanisms, 3) the genotype-phenotype map, and 4) sexual reproduction, in temporally and spatially fluctuating environments. Although these disparate phenomena evolve by well-understood microevolutionary rules, they are also subject to the macroevolutionary constraint of long-term survivability.  相似文献   

Gal J 《Chirality》2007,19(2):89-98
Enantiomorphism and enantiomorphous were the first enantio-based terms, introduced 150 years ago, by Carl Friedrich Naumann, a German crystallographer, to refer to non-superposable mirror-image crystals. The terminology was not adopted by Pasteur, the discoverer of molecular chirality, and was not embraced at first in the stereochemical context, until it was accepted in 1877 by Van't Hoff in the German edition of his proposal for the tetrahedral asymmetric carbon atom. In the 1890s the use of enantio terms began to spread in the research literature, and many new derivatives of Naumann's original two terms were subsequently introduced. Problems in the usage of some of the terms are often found in the literature, e.g., enantiomorphism is sometimes confused with chirality; enantiomeric is often misused; the meaning of some of the many derived terms, e.g., enantiosymmetric, enantioposition, etc., is unclear. All in all, Naumann should be remembered as the creator of essential terminology in the realm of chirality.  相似文献   

Elective abortion has become an issue of ethical and political debate in many countries including Mexico. As gynecologists are directly involved in the practice of abortion, it is important to know the psychological meaning that the term ‘elective abortion’ has for them. This study explores the psychological meaning and attitudes toward elective abortion of one hundred and twenty‐three Mexican gynecologists. We used the semantic networks technique, which analyzed the words the participants associated with the term ‘elective abortion’. The defining words most frequently used by participants implied a negative sanction. There were important differences by gender and religiosity: male gynecologists, as well as those with strong religious beliefs (mainly Catholics), revealed a more negative psychological meaning and more negative attitudes than females or physicians with weak religious beliefs. A contribution of the present study is that it highlights the importance of psychology to enhancing understanding of the issue of elective abortion.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made recently in phylogenetic reconstruction in a number of groups of organisms. This progress coincides with two major advances in systematics: new sources have been found for potentially informative characters (i. e., molecular data) and (more importantly) new approaches have been developed for extracting historical information from old or new characters (i. e., Hennigian phylogenetic systematics or cladistics). The basic assumptions of cladistics (the existence and splitting of lineages marked by discrete, heritable, and independent characters, transformation of which occurs at a rate slower than divergence of lineages) are discussed and defended. Molecular characters are potentially greater in quantity than (and usually independent of) more traditional morphological characters, yet their great simplicity (i. e., fewer potential character states; problems with determining homology), and difficulty of sufficient sampling (particularly from fossils) can lead to special difficulties. Expectations of the phylogenetic behavior of different types of data are investigated from a theoretical standpoint, based primarily on variation in the central parameter λ (branch length in terms of expected number of character changes per segment of a tree), which also leads to possibilities for character and character state weighting. Also considered are prospects for representing diverse yet clearly monophyletic clades in larger-scale cladistic analyses, e. g., the exemplar method vs. “compartmentalization” (a new approach involving substituting an inferred “archetype” for a large clade accepted as monophyletic based on previous analyses). It is concluded that parsimony is to be preferred for synthetic, “total evidence” analyses because it appears to be a robust method, is applicable to all types of data, and has an explicit and interpretable evolutionary basis. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Natural selection has linked the physiological controls of energy balance and fertility such that reproduction is deferred during lean times, particularly in female mammals. In this way, an energetically costly process is confined to periods when sufficient food is available to support pregnancy and lactation. Even in the face of abundance, nutritional infertility ensues if energy intake fails to keep pace with expenditure. A working hypothesis is proposed in which any activity or condition that limits the availability of oxidizable fuels (e.g., undereating, excessive energy expenditure, diabetes mellitus) can inhibit both gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)/luteinizing hormone secretion and female copulatory behaviors. Decreases in metabolic fuel availability appear to be detected by cells in the caudal hindbrain. Hindbrain neurons producing neuropeptide Y (NPY) and catecholamines (CA) then project to the forebrain where they contact GnRH neurons both directly and also indirectly via corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) neurons to inhibit GnRH secretion. In the case of estrous behavior, the best available evidence suggests that the inhibitory NPY/CA system acts primarily via CRH or urocortin projections to various forebrain loci that control sexual receptivity. Disruption of these signaling processes allows normal reproduction to proceed in the face of energetic deficits, indicating that the circuitry responds to energy deficits and that no signal is necessary to indicate that there is an adequate energy supply. While there is a large body of evidence to support this hypothesis, the data do not exclude nutritional inhibition of reproduction by other pathways and processes, and the full story will undoubtedly be more complex than this.  相似文献   

Parasite aggregation is viewed as a natural law in parasite-host ecology but is a paradox insofar as parasites should follow the Poisson distribution if hosts are encountered randomly. Much research has focused on whether parasite aggregation in or on hosts is explained by aggregation of infective parasite stages in the environment, or by heterogeneity within host samples in terms of host responses to infection (e.g., through representation of different age classes of hosts). In this paper, we argue that the typically aggregated distributions of parasites may be explained simply. We propose that aggregated distributions can be derived from parasites encountering hosts randomly, but subsequently by parasites being 'lost' from hosts based on condition-linked escape or immunity of hosts. Host condition should be a normally distributed trait even among otherwise homogeneous sets of hosts. Our model shows that mean host condition and variation in host condition have different effects on the different metrics of parasite aggregation. Our model further predicts that as host condition increases, parasites become more aggregated but numbers of attending parasites are reduced overall and this is important for parasite population dynamics. The effects of deviation from random encounter are discussed with respect to the relationship between host condition and final parasite numbers.  相似文献   

We have developed Textpresso, a new text-mining system for scientific literature whose capabilities go far beyond those of a simple keyword search engine. Textpresso's two major elements are a collection of the full text of scientific articles split into individual sentences, and the implementation of categories of terms for which a database of articles and individual sentences can be searched. The categories are classes of biological concepts (e.g., gene, allele, cell or cell group, phenotype, etc.) and classes that relate two objects (e.g., association, regulation, etc.) or describe one (e.g., biological process, etc.). Together they form a catalog of types of objects and concepts called an ontology. After this ontology is populated with terms, the whole corpus of articles and abstracts is marked up to identify terms of these categories. The current ontology comprises 33 categories of terms. A search engine enables the user to search for one or a combination of these tags and/or keywords within a sentence or document, and as the ontology allows word meaning to be queried, it is possible to formulate semantic queries. Full text access increases recall of biological data types from 45% to 95%. Extraction of particular biological facts, such as gene-gene interactions, can be accelerated significantly by ontologies, with Textpresso automatically performing nearly as well as expert curators to identify sentences; in searches for two uniquely named genes and an interaction term, the ontology confers a 3-fold increase of search efficiency. Textpresso currently focuses on Caenorhabditis elegans literature, with 3,800 full text articles and 16,000 abstracts. The lexicon of the ontology contains 14,500 entries, each of which includes all versions of a specific word or phrase, and it includes all categories of the Gene Ontology database. Textpresso is a useful curation tool, as well as search engine for researchers, and can readily be extended to other organism-specific corpora of text. Textpresso can be accessed at http://www.textpresso.org or via WormBase at http://www.wormbase.org.  相似文献   

The terms "autonomous" or "vegetative" are currently used to identify one part of the nervous system composed of sympathetic, parasympathetic, and gastrointestinal divisions. However, the concepts that are under the literal meaning of these words can lead to misconceptions about the actual nervous organization. Some clear-cut examples indicate that no element shows "autonomy" in an integrated body. Nor are they solely "passive" or generated "without mental elaboration." In addition, to be "not consciously controlled" is not a unique attribute of these components. Another term that could be proposed is "homeostatic nervous system" for providing conditions to the execution of behaviors and maintenance of the internal milieu within normal ranges. But, not all homeostatic conditions are under the direct influence of these groups of neurons, and some situations clearly impose different ranges for some variables that are adaptative (or hazardous) in the tentative of successfully coping with challenging situations. Finally, the name "nervous system for visceral control" emerges as another possibility. Unfortunately, it is not only "viscera" that represent end targets for this specific innervation. Therefore, it is commented that no quite adequate term for the sympathetic, parasympathetic, and gastrointestinal divisions has already been coined. The basic condition for a new term is that it should clearly imply the whole integrated and collaborative functions that the components have in an indivisible organism, including the neuroendocrine, immunological, and respiratory systems. Until that, we can call these parts simply by their own names and avoid terms that are more "convenient" than appropriate.  相似文献   

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