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The source of microbial C is thought to impact its stability in soil due to variations in cellular biochemistry. It has been hypothesised that a fungal‐dominated community stabilises more C than a bacterial‐dominated community, in part due to chemical recalcitrance of their non‐living biomass, particularly cell wall components and pigments. We compared the turnover of 13C‐labelled (99.9 atom %) temperate and tropical microbial isolates [i.e. fungi, Gram‐positive bacteria (including actinobacteria) and Gram‐negative bacteria] in temperate (California) and tropical (Puerto Rico) forest soils. While significant differences in 13C recovery and mean residence times occurred among some microbial additions, similar turnover rates were observed, and in general, results do not support the view that microbial biochemistry affects soil C maintenance. Different effects by microbial necromass additions in California and Puerto Rico suggest that ecosystem‐specific effects may be as important to microbial C stabilisation as its macromolecular composition and recalcitrance.  相似文献   

Input of labile organic carbon can enhance decomposition of extant soil organic carbon (SOC) through priming. We hypothesized that long‐term nitrogen (N) input in different chemical forms alters SOC pools by altering priming effects associated with N‐mediated changes in plants and soil microbes. The hypothesis was tested by integrating field experimental data of plants, soil microbes and two incubation experiments with soils that had experienced 10 years of N enrichment with three chemical forms (ammonium, nitrate and both ammonium and nitrate) in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Incubations with glucose–13C addition at three rates were used to quantify effects of exogenous organic carbon input on the priming of SOC. Incubations with microbial inocula extracted from soils that had experienced different long‐term N treatments were conducted to detect effects of N‐mediated changes in soil microbes on priming effects. We found strong evidence and a mechanistic explanation for alteration of SOC pools following 10 years of N enrichment with different chemical forms. We detected significant negative priming effects both in soils collected from ammonium‐addition plots and in sterilized soils inoculated with soil microbes extracted from ammonium‐addition plots. In contrast, significant positive priming effects were found both in soils collected from nitrate‐addition plots and in sterilized soils inoculated with soil microbes extracted from nitrate‐addition plots. Meanwhile, the abundance and richness of graminoids were higher and the abundance of soil microbes was lower in ammonium‐addition than in nitrate‐addition plots. Our findings provide evidence that shifts toward higher graminoid abundance and changes in soil microbial abundance mediated by N chemical forms are key drivers for priming effects and SOC pool changes, thereby linking human interference with the N cycle to climate change.  相似文献   

We evaluated above‐ and belowground ecosystem changes in a 16 year, combined fertilization and warming experiment in a High Arctic tundra deciduous shrub heath (Alexandra Fiord, Ellesmere Island, NU, Canada). Soil emissions of the three key greenhouse gases (GHGs) (carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) were measured in mid‐July 2009 using soil respiration chambers attached to a FTIR system. Soil chemical and biochemical properties including Q10 values for CO2, CH4, and N2O, Bacteria and Archaea assemblage composition, and the diversity and prevalence of key nitrogen cycling genes including bacterial amoA, crenarchaeal amoA, and nosZ were measured. Warming and fertilization caused strong increases in plant community cover and height but had limited effects on GHG fluxes and no substantial effect on soil chemistry or biochemistry. Similarly, there was a surprising lack of directional shifts in the soil microbial community as a whole or any change at all in microbial functional groups associated with CH4 consumption or N2O cycling in any treatment. Thus, it appears that while warming and increased nutrient availability have strongly affected the plant community over the last 16 years, the belowground ecosystem has not yet responded. This resistance of the soil ecosystem has resulted in limited changes in GHG fluxes in response to the experimental treatments.  相似文献   

施氮量对夏季玉米产量及土壤水氮动态的影响   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
在黄土高原南部旱地有大量氮素残留背景的田块上,研究了不同氮肥用量对夏玉米生长及对土壤水分、硝态氮、铵态氮累积及其剖面分布的影响。结果表明:适量施氮可以提高作物产量;过量施氮没有表现出增产效果,其氮肥利用率只有3.9%,残留率则高达87.2%。施氮240kghm^-2时,0~200cm土层土壤水分达到593mm,且可以下渗到200cm土层;不施氮和施氮120kghm^-2以小区土壤的蓄水量分别为561和553mm,可下渗到180cm。对矿质态氮而言,施氮量可以显著影响土壤中硝态氮的累积和分布,但对铵态氮的影响较小;施氮0,120,240kghm^-2时.收获期土壤硝态氮累积量分别为78,148,290kghm^-2,硝态氮的下移前沿分别到达60,60,140cm。可见,适量施氮会促进作物对土壤水氮的利用。提高作物生物量和产量;过量施氮导致硝态氮在土壤中大量累积,提高硝态氮随水分淋溶危险;但硝态氮向下层土壤的移动显著滞后于水分。  相似文献   

Quantifying changes in stocks of C, N, P, and S in agricultural soils is important not only for managing these soils sustainably as required to feed a growing human population, but for C and N, they are also important for understanding fluxes of greenhouse gases from the soil environment. In a global meta‐analysis, 102 studies were examined to investigate changes in soil stocks of organic C, total N, total P, and total S associated with long‐term land‐use changes. Conversion of native vegetation to cropping resulted in substantial losses of C (?1.6 kg m?2, ?43%), N (?0.15 kg m?2, ?42%), P (?0.029 kg m?2, ?27%), and S (?0.015 kg m?2, ?33%). The subsequent conversion of conventional cropping systems to no‐till, organic agriculture, or organic amendment systems subsequently increased stocks, but the magnitude of this increase (average of +0.47 kg m?2 for C and +0.051 kg m?2 for N) was small relative to the initial decrease. We also examined the conversion of native vegetation to pasture, with changes in C (?11%), N (+4.1%), and P (+25%) generally being modest relative to changes caused by conversion to cropping. The C:N ratio remained relatively constant irrespective of changes in land use, whilst in contrast, the C:S ratio decreased by 21% in soils converted to cropping – this suggesting that biochemical mineralization is of importance for S. The data presented here will assist in the assessment of different agricultural production systems on soil stocks of C, N, P, and S – this information assisting not only in quantifying the effects of existing agricultural production on these stocks, but also allowing for informed decision‐making regarding the potential effects of future land‐use changes.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is essential for soil fertility and climate change mitigation, and carbon can be sequestered in soil through proper soil management, including straw return. However, results of studies of long‐term straw return on SOC are contradictory and increasing SOC stocks in upland soils is challenging. This study of North China upland agricultural fields quantified the effects of several fertilizer and straw return treatments on SOC storage changes and crop yields, considering different cropping duration periods, soil types, and cropping systems to establish the relationships of SOC sequestration rates with initial SOC stocks and annual straw C inputs. Our meta‐analysis using long‐term field experiments showed that SOC stock responses to straw return were greater than that of mineral fertilizers alone. Black soils with higher initial SOC stocks also had lower SOC stock increases than did soils with lower initial SOC stocks (fluvo‐aquic and loessial soils) following applications of nitrogen‐phosphorous‐potassium (NPK) fertilizer and NPK+S (straw). Soil C stocks under the NPK and NPK+S treatments increased in the more‐than‐20‐year duration period, while significant SOC stock increases in the NP and NP+S treatment groups were limited to the 11‐ to 20‐year period. Annual crop productivity was higher in double‐cropped wheat and maize under all fertilization treatments, including control (no fertilization), than in the single‐crop systems (wheat or maize). Also, the annual soil sequestration rates and annual straw C inputs of the treatments with straw return (NP+S and NPK+S) were significantly positively related. Moreover, initial SOC stocks and SOC sequestration rates of those treatments were highly negatively correlated. Thus, long‐term straw return integrated with mineral fertilization in upland wheat and maize croplands leads to increased crop yields and SOC stocks. However, those effects of straw return are highly dependent on fertilizer management, cropping system, soil type, duration period, and the initial SOC content.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical models that incorporate nitrogen (N) limitation indicate that N availability will control the magnitude of ecosystem carbon uptake in response to rising CO2. Some models, however, suggest that elevated CO2 may promote ecosystem N accumulation, a feedback that in the long term could circumvent N limitation of the CO2 response while mitigating N pollution. We tested this prediction using a nine‐year CO2xN experiment in a tidal marsh. Although the effects of CO2 are similar between uplands and wetlands in many respects, this experiment offers a greater likelihood of detecting CO2 effects on N retention on a decadal timescale because tidal marshes have a relatively open N cycle and can accrue soil organic matter rapidly. To determine how elevated CO2 affects N dynamics, we assessed the three primary fates of N in a tidal marsh: (1) retention in plants and soil, (2) denitrification to the atmosphere, and (3) tidal export. We assessed changes in N pools and tracked the fate of a 15N tracer added to each plot in 2006 to quantify the fraction of added N retained in vegetation and soil, and to estimate lateral N movement. Elevated CO2 alone did not increase plant N mass, soil N mass, or 15N label retention. Unexpectedly, CO2 and N interacted such that the combined N+CO2 treatment increased ecosystem N accumulation despite the stimulation in N losses indicated by reduced 15N label retention. These findings suggest that in N‐limited ecosystems, elevated CO2 is unlikely to increase long‐term N accumulation and circumvent progressive N limitation without additional N inputs, which may relieve plant–microbe competition and allow for increased plant N uptake.  相似文献   

Quantifying soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition under warming is critical to predict carbon–climate feedbacks. According to the substrate regulating principle, SOC decomposition would decrease as labile SOC declines under field warming, but observations of SOC decomposition under warming do not always support this prediction. This discrepancy could result from varying changes in SOC components and soil microbial communities under warming. This study aimed to determine the decomposition of SOC components with different turnover times after subjected to long‐term field warming and/or root exclusion to limit C input, and to test whether SOC decomposition is driven by substrate lability under warming. Taking advantage of a 12‐year field warming experiment in a prairie, we assessed the decomposition of SOC components by incubating soils from control and warmed plots, with and without root exclusion for 3 years. We assayed SOC decomposition from these incubations by combining inverse modeling and microbial functional genes during decomposition with a metagenomic technique (GeoChip). The decomposition of SOC components with turnover times of years and decades, which contributed to 95% of total cumulative CO2 respiration, was greater in soils from warmed plots. But the decomposition of labile SOC was similar in warmed plots compared to the control. The diversity of C‐degradation microbial genes generally declined with time during the incubation in all treatments, suggesting shifts of microbial functional groups as substrate composition was changing. Compared to the control, soils from warmed plots showed significant increase in the signal intensities of microbial genes involved in degrading complex organic compounds, implying enhanced potential abilities of microbial catabolism. These are likely responsible for accelerated decomposition of SOC components with slow turnover rates. Overall, the shifted microbial community induced by long‐term warming accelerates the decomposition of SOC components with slow turnover rates and thus amplify the positive feedback to climate change.  相似文献   

Changes in water and nitrogen (N) availability due to climate change and atmospheric N deposition could have significant effects on soil respiration, a major pathway of carbon (C) loss from terrestrial ecosystems. A manipulative experiment simulating increased precipitation and atmospheric N deposition has been conducted for 9 years (2005–2013) in a semiarid grassland in Mongolian Plateau, China. Increased precipitation and N addition interactively affect soil respiration through the 9 years. The interactions demonstrated that N addition weakened the precipitation‐induced stimulation of soil respiration, whereas increased precipitation exacerbated the negative impacts of N addition. The main effects of increased precipitation and N addition treatment on soil respiration were 15.8% stimulated and 14.2% suppressed, respectively. Moreover, a declining pattern and 2‐year oscillation were observed for soil respiration response to N addition under increased precipitation. The dependence of soil respiration upon gross primary productivity and soil moisture, but not soil temperature, suggests that resources C substrate supply and water availability are more important than temperature in regulating interannual variations of soil C release in semiarid grassland ecosystems. The findings indicate that atmospheric N deposition may have the potential to mitigate soil C loss induced by increased precipitation, and highlight that long‐term and multi‐factor global change studies are critical for predicting the general patterns of terrestrial C cycling in response to global change in the future.  相似文献   

Woodland restoration is underway globally to counter the negative soil quality and ecological impacts of agricultural expansion and woodland fragmentation, and restore or enhance biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services. However, we lack information about the long‐term effects of woodland restoration on agricultural soils, particularly at temporal scales meaningful to woodland and soil development. This study utilized soil and earthworm sampling across a chronosequence of sites transitioning from “agricultural land” to “secondary woodland” (50–110 years) and “ancient woodland” (>400 years), with the goal of quantifying the effects of woodland restoration on agricultural land, on key soil quality parameters (soil bulk density, pH, carbon and nitrogen stocks, and earthworm abundance, biomass, species richness and diversity). Broad‐leaved woodland restoration led to significantly greater soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks compared to arable land, and young (50–60 years) secondary woodland increased earthworm species and functional diversity compared to both arable and pasture agricultural land. SOC stocks in secondary broad‐leaved woodlands (50–110 years) were comparable to those found in long‐term ancient woodlands (>400 years). Our findings show that broad‐leaved woodland restoration of agricultural land can lead to meaningful soil ecological improvement and gains in SOC within 50–110 years, and provide intel on how restoration activities may be best targeted to maximize soil quality and functions.  相似文献   

The impact of agricultural management on global warming potential (GWP) and greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI) is not well documented. A long‐term fertilizer experiment in Chinese double rice‐cropping systems initiated in 1990 was used in this study to gain an insight into a complete greenhouse gas accounting of GWP and GHGI. The six fertilizer treatments included inorganic fertilizer [nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer (NP), nitrogen and potassium fertilizer (NK), and balanced inorganic fertilizer (NPK)], combined inorganic/organic fertilizers at full and reduced rate (FOM and ROM), and no fertilizer application as a control. Methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes were measured using static chamber method from November 2006 through October 2009, and the net ecosystem carbon balance was estimated by the changes in topsoil (0–20 cm) organic carbon (SOC) density over the 10‐year period 1999–2009. Long‐term fertilizer application significantly increased grain yields, except for no difference between the NK and control plots. Annual topsoil SOC sequestration rate was estimated to be 0.96 t C ha?1 yr?1 for the control and 1.01–1.43 t C ha?1 yr?1 for the fertilizer plots. Long‐term inorganic fertilizer application tended to increase CH4 emissions during the flooded rice season and significantly increased N2O emissions from drained soils during the nonrice season. Annual mean CH4 emissions ranged from 621 kg CH4 ha?1 for the control to 1175 kg CH4 ha?1 for the FOM plots, 63–83% of which derived from the late‐rice season. Annual N2O emission averaged 1.15–4.11 kg N2O–N ha?1 in the double rice‐cropping systems. Compared with the control, inorganic fertilizer application slightly increased the net annual GWPs, while they were remarkably increased by combined inorganic/organic fertilizer application. The GHGI was lowest for the NP and NPK plots and highest for the FOM and ROM plots. The results of this study suggest that agricultural economic viability and GHGs mitigation can be simultaneously achieved by balanced fertilizer application.  相似文献   

土壤氮库对生态系统的养分循环至关重要。目前多数研究主要关注氮沉降对土壤总氮的影响, 而对土壤不同有机质组分的氮库对氮沉降响应的研究较为缺乏。该研究基于内蒙古典型草地的长期多水平施氮(0、8、32、64 g·m-2·a-1)实验平台, 利用土壤密度分级方法, 探究氮添加处理13年后典型草地中两种土壤有机质组分(颗粒态有机质(POM), 矿质结合态有机质(MAOM))氮含量的变化及调控机制。结果显示: 土壤总碳含量、POM和MAOM的碳含量在施氮处理间均没有显著差异。土壤总氮含量则随着施氮水平增加呈显著增加的趋势, 同时施氮处理下POM的氮含量显著上升, 而MAOM的氮含量没有变化。进一步分析发现, 施氮促进植物地上生物量积累, 增加了凋落物量及其氮含量, 从而导致POM的氮含量增加。由于MAOM主要通过黏土矿物等吸附土壤中小分子有机质形成, 其氮含量受土壤中黏粒与粉粒含量影响, 而与氮添加水平无显著相关关系。该研究结果表明长期氮添加促进土壤氮库积累, 但增加的氮主要分布在稳定性较低的POM中, 受干扰后容易从生态系统中流失。为了更准确地评估和预测氮沉降对陆地生态系统的氮循环过程的影响, 应考虑土壤中不同有机质组分的差异响应。  相似文献   

Climate change is increasing the intensity of severe tropical storms and cyclones (also referred to as hurricanes or typhoons), with major implications for tropical forest structure and function. These changes in disturbance regime are likely to play an important role in regulating ecosystem carbon (C) and nutrient dynamics in tropical and subtropical forests. Canopy opening and debris deposition resulting from severe storms have complex and interacting effects on ecosystem biogeochemistry. Disentangling these complex effects will be critical to better understand the long‐term implications of climate change on ecosystem C and nutrient dynamics. In this study, we used a well‐replicated, long‐term (10 years) canopy and debris manipulation experiment in a wet tropical forest to determine the separate and combined effects of canopy opening and debris deposition on soil C and nutrients throughout the soil profile (1 m). Debris deposition alone resulted in higher soil C and N concentrations, both at the surface (0–10 cm) and at depth (50–80 cm). Concentrations of NaOH‐organic P also increased significantly in the debris deposition only treatment (20–90 cm depth), as did NaOH‐total P (20–50 cm depth). Canopy opening, both with and without debris deposition, significantly increased NaOH‐inorganic P concentrations from 70 to 90 cm depth. Soil iron concentrations were a strong predictor of both C and P patterns throughout the soil profile. Our results demonstrate that both surface‐ and subsoils have the potential to significantly increase C and nutrient storage a decade after the sudden deposition of disturbance‐related organic debris. Our results also show that these effects may be partially offset by rapid decomposition and decreases in litterfall associated with canopy opening. The significant effects of debris deposition on soil C and nutrient concentrations at depth (>50 cm), suggest that deep soils are more dynamic than previously believed, and can serve as sinks of C and nutrients derived from disturbance‐induced pulses of organic matter inputs.  相似文献   

许仁良  王建峰  张国良  戴其根 《生态学报》2010,30(13):3584-3590
通过大田试验,研究了秸秆还田、施用有机肥和氮肥对水稻土微生物和土壤有机质含量的影响。试验结果表明:(1)在秸秆还田的情况下,增施氮肥(0-330kg/hm2范围内)可促进秸秆的的腐解;(2)秸秆还田、施用有机肥和氮肥中的单一措施均能不同程度地增加水稻土壤细菌、真菌、放线菌的数量;(3)综合运用秸秆还田、施用有机肥和氮肥措施能协同增加土壤微生物数量,提高土壤生物量态氮和有机质含量,以秸秆还田量为6000kg/hm2、施用有机肥量为4500kg/hm2、施用氮肥量为240kg/hm2效果较佳。  相似文献   

Hydraulic lift (HL) is the passive movement of water through plant roots, driven by gradients in water potential. The greater soil–water availability resulting from HL may in principle lead to higher plant nutrient uptake, but the evidence for this hypothesis is not universally supported by current experiments. We grew a grass species common in North America in two-layer pots with three treatments: (1) the lower layer watered, the upper one unwatered (HL), (2) both layers watered (W), and (3) the lower layer watered, the upper one unwatered, but with continuous light 24 h a day to limit HL (no-HL). We inserted ingrowth cores filled with enriched-nitrogen organic matter (15N-OM) in the upper layer and tested whether decomposition, mineralization and uptake of 15N were higher in plants performing HL than in plants without HL. Soils in the upper layer were significantly wetter in the HL treatment than in the no-HL treatment. Decomposition rates were similar in the W and HL treatments and lower in no-HL. On average, the concentration of NH4 +-N in ingrowth cores was highest in the W treatment, and NO3 -N concentrations were highest in the no-HL treatment, with HL having intermediate values for both, suggesting differential mineralization of organic N among treatments. Aboveground biomass, leaf 15N contents and the 15N uptake in aboveground tissues were higher in W and HL than in no-HL, indicating higher nutrient uptake and improved N status of plants performing HL. However, there were no differences in total root nitrogen content or 15N uptake by roots, indicating that HL affected plant allocation of acquired N to photosynthetic tissues. Our evidence for the role of HL in organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling suggests that HL could have positive effects on plant nutrient dynamics and nutrient turnover.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis of organic matter in sediment records has long been used to track historical changes in productivity and carbon cycling in marine and lacustrine ecosystems. While flow dynamics preclude stratigraphic measurements of riverine sediments, such retrospective analysis is important for understanding biogeochemical cycling in running waters. Unique collections of riverine fish scales were used to analyse δ15N and δ13C variations in the food web of two European rivers that experience different degrees of anthropogenic pressure. Over the past four decades, dissolved inorganic N loading remained low and constant in the Teno River (70°N, Finland); in contrast, N loading increased fourfold in the Scorff River (47°N, France) over the same period. Archived scales of Atlantic salmon parr, a riverine life‐stage that feeds on aquatic invertebrates, revealed high δ15N values in the Scorff River reflecting anthropogenic N inputs to that riverine environment. A strong correlation between dissolved inorganic N loads and δ13C values in fish scales was observed in the Scorff River, whereas no trend was found in the Teno River. This result suggests that anthropogenic N‐nutrients enhanced atmospheric C uptake by primary producers and its transfer to fish. Our results illustrate for the first time that, as for lakes and marine ecosystems, historical changes in anthropogenic N loading can affect C cycling in riverine food webs, and confirm the long‐term interactions between N and C biogeochemical cycles in running waters.  相似文献   

Current nitrogen (N) deposition rates are considerably higher than during pre-industrial times and the growing interest in forest fertilisation requires better understanding of how the N and carbon (C) cycles interact. This study is based on experimental data showing how Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests respond to single or consecutive pulse doses of N. The data were used to support the implementation of a dynamic feedback mechanism in the Q model, allowing for changes in soil N availability to regulate the rate of decomposer efficiency. Simulations of the long-term effects of slowly increasing N deposition with and without dynamic decomposer efficiency were then compared. Both versions of the model accurately predicted the response of tree growth to N fertilisation. Slowly increasing inputs of N over a century in the modified version acted on the inputs and outputs of soil C in opposing ways: (a) rate of litter input slowed down because more N was retained in the soil and thus not available for tree growth; (b) rate of C output, through soil heterotrophic respiration, was also gradually reduced due to increasing decomposer efficiency, although not enough to sufficiently balance the reduced litter input. Accurate prediction of the amount of added N retained in the ecosystem seems to be one of the key issues for estimating enhanced C sequestration.  相似文献   

The application of calcium‐ and magnesium‐rich materials to soil, known as liming, has long been a foundation of many agro‐ecosystems worldwide because of its role in counteracting soil acidity. Although liming contributes to increased rates of respiration from soil thereby potentially reducing soils ability to act as a CO2 sink, the long‐term effects of liming on soil organic carbon (Corg) sequestration are largely unknown. Here, using data spanning 129 years of the Park Grass Experiment at Rothamsted (UK), we show net Corg sequestration measured in the 0–23 cm layer at different time intervals since 1876 was 2–20 times greater in limed than in unlimed soils. The main cause of this large Corg accrual was greater biological activity in limed soils, which despite increasing soil respiration rates, led to plant C inputs being processed and incorporated into resistant soil organo‐mineral pools. Limed organo‐mineral soils showed: (1) greater Corg content for similar plant productivity levels (i.e. hay yields); (2) higher 14C incorporation after 1950s atomic bomb testing and (3) lower C : N ratios than unlimed organo‐mineral soils, which also indicate higher microbial processing of plant C. Our results show that greater Corg sequestration in limed soils strongly reduced the global warming potential of long‐term liming to permanent grassland suggesting the net contribution of agricultural liming to global warming could be lower than previously estimated. Our study demonstrates that liming might prove to be an effective mitigation strategy, especially because liming applications can be associated with a reduced use of nitrogen fertilizer which is a key cause for increased greenhouse gas emissions from agro‐ecosystems.  相似文献   

Duane A. Peltzer  David A. Wardle 《Oikos》2016,125(8):1121-1133
Soil chronosequences are a powerful tool for understanding how limitation of plant growth by nutrients and light changes throughout ecosystem development, but experimental tests of how availability of these resources interact to influence plant performance as ecosystem development proceeds are rare. We utilise the well‐characterised Franz Josef soil chrononosequence in New Zealand, a sequence of sites caused by a retreating glacier that spans ca 120 000 years and that includes all stages of ecosystem development from primary succession through to retrogression. Soil fertility is relatively low at either end of the sequence due to limitation of biological processes initially by N and ultimately by P whereas light availability is lowest at intermediate stages of the sequence dominated by tall forest. Growth and leaf traits of nine woody plant species, including those that occur widely along the chronosequence and those that are restricted to short portions of it, were quantified in a mesocosm experiment. Phytometers of these species were each grown in each of nine soils collected from throughout the chronosequence at either high (30%) or low (2%) light levels; these soil and light conditions represent the full variation observed along the sequence. Plant growth and biomass were greatest in soils from intermediate stages of the chronosequence and in high light. However, the stimulatory effects of soil fertility largely disappeared under shaded conditions that are characteristic of intermediate stages of ecosystem development. Our results demonstrate that long‐term changes in soil fertility and light availability that occur throughout ecosystem development had direct effects on plant species performance, but that there were stronger interactive effects of soils and light availability. Because light and soil resource availability shift predictably but have different trajectories throughout ecosystem development, our results help to understand variation in plant species performance and community assembly along complex environmental gradients.  相似文献   

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