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Bright plumage, song display, and aggressive resource defence in males may cause higher predation on males than on females during the breeding season. However, in birds, higher predation on females is sometimes observed. Parental investment may be high in females (egg-laying, incubation and feeding of offspring), which might lead to a high risk of predation. We studied predation by sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus in relation to behaviour in pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca where breeding males are more conspicuous than females in plumage and behaviour. Male pied flycatchers generally occupied more exposed perches than females. Females were more mobile and foraged more than males, especially prior to and during incubation. During the incubation and nestling stages, when predation on the sexes could be directly compared, sparrowhawks took about the same number of male and female pied flycatchers. During incubation, however, females spent about 77% of the day in the nest and were 4.7 times more vulnerable than males per unit of time available (i.e. outside the nest). A comparison with the chaffinch Fringilla coelebs , where hawks took more females than males, indicates that timing of breeding, foraging behaviour and parental roles of males and females affect predation risk.  相似文献   

The hormonal environment during early development, such as maternally derived androgens in bird eggs, shapes the development and phenotype of the offspring in ways that may have important long-term consequences for behaviour. We studied the effects of yolk androgens on multiple behavioural traits in female and male pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) by experimentally elevating androgen levels (testosterone and androstenedione) in the eggs. The birds were housed in a common-garden environment in captivity until full independence, after which their behaviour was tested. We found that androgen-treated males were more likely than control males to explore a novel environment and showed higher activity in the presence of a novel object. In response to a simulated predator attack, androgen-treated males mainly showed freezing behaviour, while control males showed escape behaviour. Females from the androgen treatment and control group showed no differences in these behaviours. Androgen treatment did not affect neophobia (latency to approach the novel object) or dominance behaviour in either sex. Behaviour in the novel environment and towards a novel object was repeatable, but behaviours in the different experiments were mostly not inter-correlated. These results indicate that yolk androgens have various long-lasting effects on behaviour, especially in males, but that they do not induce a distinct behavioural syndrome. As behaviour is strongly linked with fitness, our results suggest that yolk androgens may play a role in determining fitness, and thus play a potentially adaptive role.  相似文献   

In birds with biparental care, males and females often conflict over how much care to provide to their offspring and it may be substantially influenced by increased level of polygamy. In accordance with sexual conflict theory, males of socially polygynous bird species provide much less care to their nestlings than do males of most socially monogamous species. Most of previous studies, however, have used feeding behaviour as an index for variations in male parental care only. However, this may be skewed if polygynous males compensate for lower feeding assistance through the provision of other parental care such as protection of nests from predators. In this paper, we examine nest defence behaviour in the facultatively polygynous great reed warbler with respect to sex and type of social mating system. We recorded latency to the first arrival, distance from the predator and defensive reaction of each parent towards a human intruder. Socially polygynous males with two simultaneously active nests defended primary females’ nests less vigorously than socially monogamous males, whereas no differences were found between monogamous and primary females. Generally, however, they took a bigger role in nest defence than males in all cases. Our results support an idea that sexual conflict is driven by polygamy and that type of social mating system can influence nest defence behaviour of facultatively polygynous birds. This finding should be taken into consideration when studying nest defence parental care in polygynous mating systems.  相似文献   

Good genes models of sexual selection assume that sexual advertisement is costly and thus the level of advertisement honestly reveals heritable viability. Recently it has been suggested that an important cost of sexual advertisement might be impairment of the functioning of the immune system. In this field experiment we investigated the possible trade-offs between immune function and sexual advertisement by manipulating both mating effort and activity of immune defence in male pied flycatchers. Mating effort was increased in a non-arbitrary manner by removing females from mated males during nest building. Widowed males sustained higher haematocrit levels than control males and showed higher expression of forehead patch height, suggesting that manipulation succeeded in increasing mating effort. Males that were experimentally forced to increase mating effort had reduced humoral immune responsiveness compared with control males. In addition, experimental activation of immune defence by vaccination with novel antigens reduced the expression of male ornament dimensions. To conclude, our results indicate that causality behind the trade-off between immune function and sexual advertisement may work in both directions: sexual activity suppresses immune function but immune challenge also reduces sexual advertisement.  相似文献   

Predation risk is an environmental stressor that can induce changes in prey behavior and physiology. Perception of predation risk may indirectly affect offspring traits and future fitness prospects via impacts on the condition of parents. Females may influence the survival of their offspring via maternal effects, especially when breeding in stressful conditions. We investigated the effects of continuous predation risk perceived by mothers on the maternal allocation of immune factors and carotenoids in eggs of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. We collected eggs from wild pied flycatchers that bred in the vicinity of a predator nest (pygmy owl Glaucidium passerinum), were exposed to cues of a mammalian nest predator (urine of least weasel Mustela nivalis), or received appropriate controls for these two groups. Pied flycatchers transferred more immunoglobulin in eggs under high predation risk in both owl and mammalian predator treatments. The presence of owl nests also lowered the level of lysozyme transferred in the eggs in one of the two study years. Predation risk did not modify egg size or overall carotenoid levels. Our results show that continuous predation risk perceived by females during egg‐laying affects egg composition. This different allocation of maternal immune factors may be an adaptive response evolved to increase the probability of offspring survival.  相似文献   

Breeding behaviour and spermatogenesis of all males in a population of pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca, were experimentally prolonged by long-acting testosterone. The behaviour of these birds was compared with that of birds from an untreated population and a population where the males were given the vehicle only. The testosterone treatment prolonged territorial behaviour, and a higher percentage of nests without a feeding male during the nestling period was found in the experimental area. The proportion of polygamous males did not however differ between the experimental and control areas. The feeding activity of those testosterone-treated males returning to their home territories was markedly depressed. The female of such a pair did not compensate for the male's low feeding activity, but fed the nestlings as she would have done with a normal untreated male at the nest. On the other hand, females without a male present during the nestling period compensated for their mates' absence by increasing their own feeding frequency. It was also shown that the song of the male pied flycatcher is dependent upon androgens. The testosterone-treated males produced fewer fledglings than the control males.  相似文献   

Models of sexual selection suggest that populations may easily diverge in male secondary sexual characters. Studies of a Spanish population of the pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca, and a Swedish population of the closely related collared flycatcher, F. albicollis, have indicated that the white forehead patch of males is a sexually selected trait. We studied the white forehead patch of male pied flycatchers (n = 487) in a Norwegian population over seven years. Males with large forehead patches were in general more brightly colored, but patch height was not correlated to body mass, body size, or parasite loads. Conditions during the nestling period did not seem to influence patch height as an adult. Patch height increased slightly from the first to the second year as adults, but then remained relatively constant at higher ages. Patch height was not related to survival. Year-to-year changes showed that males who increased in patch height also increased in body mass, suggesting that expression of the forehead patch may be partly condition dependent. However, changes in body mass explained only a small proportion of the variance in patch height between males. Thus, patch height would not be a good indicator of male quality. Furthermore, patch size was also not related to male ability to feed nestlings, indicating that females would not obtain direct benefits by choosing males with large patches. However, patch height could be a Fisher trait, but this requires heritability and there was no significant father-son resemblance in patch height. Comparisons of the males visited by each female during the mate sampling period indicated that chosen males did not have larger forehead patches than rejected males. Experimental manipulation of patch height did not affect male mating success. These results indicate that females do not use patch size as a mate choice cue. Finally, patch height did not predict the outcome of male contests for nestboxes, suggesting that the forehead patch is not an intrasexually selected cue of status. Norwegian pied flycatchers have smaller forehead patches than both Spanish pied flycatchers and Swedish collared flycatchers. We suggest that this pattern may be explained by the lack of sexual selection on the forehead patch in the Norwegian population as compared to the other populations, where the patch is apparently sexually selected. We discuss possible reasons for these population divergences, such as female choice on an alternative secondary sexual character (general plumage color) and speciation among Ficedula flycatchers.  相似文献   

Given that population divergence in sexual signals is an important prerequisite for reproductive isolation, a key prediction is that cases of signal convergence should lead to hybridization. However, empirical studies that quantitatively demonstrate links between phenotypic characters of individuals and their likelihood to hybridize are rare. Here we show that song convergence between sympatric pied (Ficedula hypoleuca) and collared flycatchers (F. albicollis) influence social and sexual interactions between the two species. In sympatry, the majority of male pied flycatchers (65%) include various parts of collared flycatcher song in their song repertoire (but not vice versa). Playback experiments on male interactions demonstrate that male collared flycatchers respond similarly to this 'mixed' song as to conspecific song. Long-term data on pairing patterns show that males singing a converged song attract females of the other species: female collared flycatchers only pair with male pied flycatchers if the males sing the mixed song type. From the perspective of a male pied flycatcher, singing a mixed song type is associated with 30% likelihood of hybridization. This result, combined with our estimates of the frequency of mixed singers, accurately predicts the observed occurrence of hybridization among male pied flycatchers in our study populations (20.45% of 484 pairs; predicted 19.5%). Our results support the suggestion that song functions as the most important prezygotic isolation mechanism in many birds.  相似文献   

Man has become the main predator of many animal species. Because the characteristics of humans are quite distinct with respect to other terrestrial predators, the cost and benefits of defence behaviour may also differ. In this paper, we study the factors affecting nest defence behaviour of the Eurasian Kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus canariensis ) against a potential human predator throughout the reproductive cycle, as well as the balance of cost and benefits of this behaviour. The study population inhabits the island of Tenerife, and the nests are located on cliffs. The intensity of the defensive behaviour was unrelated to the frequency of human visits, prey abundance (Orthoptera, Coleoptera, lizards, birds and rodents), laying date, or number of offspring in the nest. Both males and females increased their defensive behaviour as the nesting period advanced, particularly when the chicks were older than 15 days. Moreover, the intensity of the defensive behaviour, especially of males, decreased when nests were more inaccessible. Although nest defence behaviour against humans appeared to be similar to those against other predators, the benefits are not clear because the probability of nest robbing was greater for these more aggressive pairs.  相似文献   

Nest defence is a fundamental aspect of parental care in secondary cavity‐nesting birds, and predation or competition for nesting sites can involve different defensive behaviours. Because habitat quality determines breeding success, we were interested in whether breeding pairs of the Eurasian nuthatch, Sitta europaea, established in more favourable environment also manifest higher probability of cooperative behaviour during their nest‐site defence. To explore this relationship, we quantified behavioural displays of both parents and analysed activity budget ethogram data from simulated territorial intrusions performed in the chick‐feeding phase with one conspecific and two different heterospecific stimuli (dummies of nuthatch, starling and woodpecker). We found that paired individuals shared their roles during nest‐site defence to a considerable extent. Males had a significantly higher number of attacks on intruders than females, and females performed more threat displays and controls of the brood than males. Multinomial analysis of the cooperative behaviour suggested that pairs in a high‐quality territory had higher probability of reciprocal substitution of different roles towards a balance between attacks, threat displays and nest controls. Contrary to this, pairs in a low‐quality territory had less likely pairwise combinations of simultaneous behavioural states that are associated with effective nest‐site defence. The difference in response probability according to territory quality was, however, highly variable in view of the stimulus that was used in simulated territorial intrusion. Because individual roles and the complex behavioural repertoire of pairs altered in response to territory quality and potential nest‐site competitor or brood predator, our results suggest that the cooperative nest‐defence behaviour could be linked to the breeding success of this year‐round territorial species living in a heterogeneous forest habitat.  相似文献   

Nest predation is one of the most important factors limiting reproductive success, and antipredator behaviour can significantly reduce the loss of avian broods. I carried out field experiments on two sympatric passerines: the barred warbler and the red-backed shrike. Many authors have described the protective nature of nesting association between these species. However, we have little knowledge about the true nature of the relationships between associates. I examined (1) whether barred warblers and red-backed shrikes respond differently to an avian predator, and (2) whether males and females differ in the intensity of nest defence. Decoys of a known nest predator and a non-predatory control species were used to examine the types and relative intensity of parental response. I measured behavioural responsiveness by recording aggressive behaviour toward each model during the nestling period. Barred warblers and red-backed shrikes showed considerable variation in their response. Warblers more vigorously defended their own territories than shrikes. No differences between the sexes in antipredator behaviour in red-backed shrike were found. By contrast, in barred warbler, male was more involved in nest defence. The experimental tests provide evidence that these two species are able to differentiate between a predator and non-predator species.  相似文献   

Sex-Specific Aggression and Antipredator Behaviour in Young Brown Trout   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sex differences in adult behaviour are often interpreted as consequences of sexual selection and/or different reproductive roles in males and females. Sex-specific juvenile behaviour, however, has received less attention. Adult brown trout males are more aggressive than females during spawning and juvenile aggression may be genetically correlated with adult aggression in fish. We therefore tested the prediction that immature brown trout males are more aggressive and bolder than immature females. Because previous work has suggested that precocious maturation increases dominance in salmonids, we included precocious males in the study to test the prediction that early sexual maturation increase male aggression and boldness. Aggression and dominance relations were estimated in dyadic contests, whereas boldness was measured as a response to simulated predation risk using a model heron. Independent of maturity state, males initiated more than twice as many agonistic interactions as females in intersexual contests. However, males were not significantly more likely to win these contests than females. The response to a first predator attack did not differ between sex categories, but males reacted less to a second predator attack than females. Sexual maturity did not affect the antipredator response in males. Since there is no evidence from field studies that stream-living immature male and female salmonids differ in growth rate, it appears unlikely that the sex differences demonstrated are behavioural consequences of sex-specific investment in growth. It seems more likely that sex-specific behaviour arises as a correlated response to sexually selected gene actions promoting differential behaviour in adult males and females during reproduction. Alternatively, sex differences may develop gradually during juvenile life, because a gradual developmental program should be less costly than a sudden behavioural change at the onset of sexual maturity.  相似文献   

The postpartum sexual and maternal behaviour of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) was observed in a seminatural habitat. Behavioural decision-making by the female was examined by disrupting the nest and newborn offspring during mating. In experiment 1, multiparous females responded to nest disruption with an increase in maternal behaviour that was largely restricted to the post-ejaculatory intervals. The temporal and frequency measures of copulation were largely unaffected, implicating behavioural time-sharing. In experiment 2, following nest disruption primiparous females did not switch efficiently between maternal and sexual behaviour, showed poor retrieval of pups, and returned to the nest during ejaculatory series. They did not display the characteristics of behavioural time-sharing, indicating that previous experience may play a role in the ability to time-share.  相似文献   

Divergence of male sexual signals and female preferences for those signals often maintains reproductive boundaries between closely related, co‐occurring species. However, contrasting sources of selection, such as interspecific competition, can lead to weak divergence or even convergence of sexual signals in sympatry. When signals converge, assortative mating can be maintained if the mating preferences of females diverge in sympatry (reproductive character displacement; RCD), but there are few explicit examples. Pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) are sympatric with collared flycatchers (F. albicollis) on the Baltic island of Öland, where males from both species compete over nestboxes, their songs converge, and the two species occasionally hybridize. We compare song discrimination of male and female pied flycatchers on Öland and in an allopatric population on the Swedish mainland. Using field choice trials, we show that male pied flycatchers respond similarly to the songs of both species in sympatry and allopatry, while female pied flycatchers express stronger discrimination against heterospecific songs in sympatry than in allopatry. These results are consistent with RCD of song discrimination of female pied flycatchers where they co‐occur with collared flycatchers, which should maintain species assortative mating despite convergence of male sexual signals.  相似文献   

This study examined nest-site choice in a migratory population of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) and sympatric populations of three resident tit species (Parus major, P. caeruleus and P. palustris) in central Sweden. All four species are secondary-cavity nesters which naturally breed in pre-formed tree cavities but readily use artificial nest boxes. We asked whether flycatchers and tits discriminate between nest boxes that: 1. Are ‘empty’; 2. Contain old nests without ectoparasites (fleas Ceratophyllus sp.); or 3. Contain old nests with ectoparasites. We found that pied flycatchers preferred nest boxes containing old nests, regardless of whether these nests held parasites. In contrast, tits did not discriminate between the three types of boxes. Tits may pay a cost for their lack of choosiness: after the breeding season, tit nests contained more fleas than flycatcher nests. Nevertheless, parasites did not affect the choice of a nest site in any of the species studied. We suggest that the migratory flycatchers are in a hurry to start breeding upon arrival and use the presence of an old nest as a shortcut cue to assess nest-site quality. Also, they may save valuable time by copying the choice of previous breeders. Non-migratory tits may have more time to inspect nest sites, but do not seem to use the same cues in nest-site selection as the pied flycatcher.  相似文献   

Nest site choice, and its influence on mating and breeding success were studied in a population of individually marked pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) for 7 years. Some nest boxes were used more frequently than expected from random choice of nest site. Flycatchers bred more successfully in such attractive boxes, irrespective of whether the brood was attended by the male or not. Arriving males and females settled at boxes in descending order of attractiveness. Boxes accepted by females were more attractive than alternative boxes advertised simultaneously by males. Secondary nest boxes of polygynous males tended to be more attractive than boxes at which monogamous males displayed, without success, for secondary mates. Returning males with local breeding experience started to sing at nest boxes earlier in spring than first season males, settled at more attractive boxes, and mated polygynously more often. The results indicate that male mating success should be closely dependent on the male's ability to monopolize attractive nest sites.  相似文献   

In habitats where the density of breeding individuals is higher, breeding success has been shown to increase with the number of close conspecific and heterospecific neighbours. However, the mechanisms linking habitat quality, group size of prey individuals and offspring defence are poorly known. In this field study, we examined the relationships between habitat quality and parental nest defence behaviour in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). We found that mobbing is more intense in unmanaged forests where birds breed in more dense and diverse communities than in heavily managed young forests where heterospecific densities are lower. We also found that the mobbing activities of pied flycatchers breeding in unmanaged mature boreal forests attracted more neighbouring prey individuals than in nearby managed forests. This study shows that habitat quality-mediated effects might be responsible for the decreased group size of mobbing birds in managed forests, which may lead to less effective communal defence.  相似文献   

T. Mappes  J. Mappes  J. Kotiaho 《Oecologia》1994,98(2):147-149
It has recently been suggested that nest box studies might bias the measurement of behavioural and life-history traits, because the removal of old nests may reduce the load of ectoparasites. This experimental artefact may have notable effects on nest site choice and breeding success in cavity-breeding birds. We tested (i) if pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca prefer clean nest boxes and (ii) if old nest material affects the number of parasites and the breeding success of pied flycatchers. In the first experiment we offered birds one cleaned nest box and one nest box with old nest material from the previous year. The two nest boxes were placed in very similar sites near each other. In this experiment all pied flycatchers clearly preferred dirty nest boxes. In the second part of the study we distributed clean nest boxes and dirty ones on the same study area. After breeding was over we counted the number of fleas Ceratophyllus gallinae in the nest material. This flea species was the most abundant and probably the most hazardous parasite in the nests. Surprisingly, we found that there were significantly more fleas in the nest boxes with nests of the current year only than in the boxes with nests of both current and previous year. This might explain the preference for the dirty boxes. However, our results do not indicate that the number of fleas affects breeding success in the pied flycatcher.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between male nest defence and female breast patch size in an alpine population of rock sparrow (Petronia petronia) in northern Italy. We presented a mounted weasel (Mustela nivalis), a common nest predator, to 28 pairs breeding in nest boxes, with 12–13‐d‐old nestlings, and measured the intensity of male and female defence reaction. We measured the frequency of attack flights, intensity of alarm calling and total time spent in view, and then combined these for each individual, in a single defence factor by principal component analysis. All the females arrived to defend the nest while only 21 males arrived, and females defended the nest more intensely than males. We analysed, by stepwise regression, the relationship of male defence factor to female behaviour and phenotype (breast patch size, a measure of quality) and brood properties (size, mass, phenology). Male defence factor was significantly related only to female breast patch size. We argue that male rock sparrows apparently make parental investment decisions according to their mate's quality, and examine possible alternative hypotheses.  相似文献   

After nest predation, breeding dispersal can be an effective strategy to avoid local nest predators. Furthermore, encounters with predators at a nest during the pre-laying stage may be used by parents to judge future risk, such that they may abandon a nest when a nest predator has been encountered. We studied whether the between- and within-year breeding dispersal of Northern Flickers Colaptes auratus was dependent upon the outcome of the previous nesting attempt. We also tested whether pairs presented with a model predator prior to egg-laying were more likely to abandon their nests than were pairs presented with a control model. Between years, males moved significantly further after having their nest depredated than did successful males, and females showed the same trend. However, these movements did not result in greater reproductive success. More pairs switched sites within years after having their nest depredated, but those that remained and those that moved had equal subsequent nest success. Stressful encounters with predators involving nest defence may trigger dispersal both between and within years, although reproductive benefits are unclear. The proportion of pairs abandoning nests did not differ between parents presented with control or predator models, suggesting that a single encounter with a predator is not a sufficient deterrent against continued use of a particular nest.  相似文献   

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