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Aggressiveness, along with foraging voracity and boldness, are key behavioral mechanisms underlying the competitive displacement and invasion success of exotic species. However, do aggressiveness, voracity and boldness of the invader depend on the presence of an ecologically similar native competitor in the invaded community? We conducted four behavioral assays to compare aggression, foraging voracity, threat response and boldness to forage under predation risk of multiple populations of exotic signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus across its native and invaded range with and without a native congener, the Shasta crayfish P. fortis. We predicted that signal crayfish from the invaded range and sympatric with a native congener (IRS) should be more aggressive to outcompete a close competitor than populations from the native range (NR) or invaded range and allopatric to a native congener (IRA). Furthermore, we predicted that IRS populations of signal crayfish should be more voracious, but less bold to forage under predation risk since native predators and prey likely possess appropriate behavioral responses to the invader. Contrary to our predictions, results indicated that IRA signal crayfish were more aggressive towards conspecifics and more voracious and active foragers, yet also bolder to forage under predation risk in comparison to NR and IRS populations, which did not differ in behavior. Higher aggression/voracity/boldness was positively correlated with prey consumption rates, and hence potential impacts on prey. We suggest that the positive correlations between aggression/voracity/boldness are the result of an overall aggression syndrome. Results of stream surveys indicated that IRA streams have significantly lower prey biomass than in IRS streams, which may drive invading signal crayfish to be more aggressive/voracious/bold to acquire resources to establish a population.  相似文献   

One commonly studied behavioral syndrome is the correlation between aggression and boldness. Studies in song sparrows (M. melodia) have found greater aggression and boldness in urban populations and a correlation between aggression and boldness in rural populations, but not within urban populations. In previous studies, boldness was measured as flight initiation distance (FID), which may reflect habituation by urban birds to human presence. In this study, we measured boldness using playbacks of heterospecific alarm calls and investigated whether higher boldness is a general trait of urban birds and whether the same pattern of correlations between aggression and boldness would be seen. We conducted trials involving FID, alarm call playbacks and conspecific song playbacks on 25 birds from both an urban and a rural site. The results showed that urban birds were bolder, as measured by FID and response to alarm calls. Boldness and aggression were correlated in rural birds with each method of measuring boldness but were correlated in urban birds only when using alarm call playbacks. Our results suggest that a behavioral syndrome exists in both urban and rural populations but that urban birds are able to decrease their response to human disturbance.  相似文献   

Animals in urban habitats face a number of unique stresses, including the necessity of dealing with high levels of human activity. Growing research suggests that: (1) inherent traits, as opposed to learned behavior, influence which species invade urban habitats, and (2) individuals exhibit behavioral syndromes that limit behavioral flexibility. As a result, perhaps only animals with inherently bold personalities successfully settle in areas of high human activity, and such animals may also exhibit correlated variation in other behavioral traits, such as territorial aggression. In this study, we examine boldness and aggression in several urban and rural populations of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). We found that urban birds were both bolder toward humans and also showed higher levels of aggression. We found a correlation between boldness and aggression in all populations combined, but no correlation within urban populations. Our results agree with other recent studies of song sparrow behavior, suggesting that greater boldness and aggression are general features of urban song sparrow populations, and a lack of a correlation between boldness and aggression in urban habitats is a general phenomenon as well. Urban habitats may select for bold and aggressive birds, and yet the traits can vary independently. These results add to a small number of studies which find that behavioral syndromes break down in potentially high quality habitats.  相似文献   

Behavioral plasticity marks an individual's ability to modulate behavior across functional contexts. Behavioral syndromes, on the other hand, appear as consistent individual variation in behavior that is both repeatable for individuals within a functional context (e.g., consistent voracity toward prey) and correlated across contexts (e.g., high voracity toward prey and high levels of boldness toward enemies). Thus, adaptive plasticity and syndromes represent two extremes of a behavioral plasticity continuum upon which most behavioral phenotypes fall. We tested for both adaptive plasticity and behavioral syndromes in the western black widow spider, Latrodectus hesperus. We measured behavior in three contexts: startle, startle + prey, and startle + mate, and found (1) classic behaviorally plastic responses to predation risk, (2) high repeatability of behavior within contexts, and (3) evidence of a correlation between startle + prey and startle + mate contexts, indicative of a behavioral syndrome. As relative behavioral plasticity may vary across populations, we also compared urban and desert populations to test whether spiders from these habitats exhibit different behaviors and/or behavioral syndromes. While we found that urban males used in mating trials courted urban females significantly more than desert females, we found no other differences in the behavior of urban and desert black widows. Thus, black widows, regardless of habitat, are characterized by both context‐specific behavioral plasticity and across‐context correlations, presenting a phenotypic complexity that is likely exhibited, to varying degrees, by most organisms.  相似文献   

Behavioural syndromes are correlations between behaviours in different functional contexts. Behavioural syndromes are attracting the attention of evolutionary biologists because they mean that different behaviours might not be free to evolve independently of one another. In a landmark study, Huntingford (1976) showed that individual stickleback which were bold toward predators were also aggressive toward conspecifics and active in an unfamiliar environment. Here, I revisited the activity-aggression-boldness syndrome in stickleback and tested the hypothesis that correlations between behaviours might act as evolutionary constraints. I measured a suite of behaviours on wild-caught individuals and their offspring from two different populations and calculated heritabilities and genetic correlations between the different behaviours. I found that these behaviours were phenotypically and genetically correlated in one population but not another. On average, boldness and aggression were negatively related to each other across the populations. These results suggest that behavioural syndromes don't always act as evolutionary constraints.  相似文献   

Although there is much interest in behavioral syndromes, very little is known about how syndromes are generated in wild populations. Here, we assess the roles of correlated selection and divergent rearing environments in generating a syndrome between foraging aggressiveness and boldness in the spider Agelenopsis pennsylvanica. We first tested for and confirmed the presence of a behavioral syndrome between boldness and foraging aggressiveness in wild penultimate A. pennsylvanica (r = 0.24). Then, to assess the effects of rearing environment on the boldness–aggressiveness syndrome, we compared the behavioral tendencies of field‐ vs. laboratory‐reared spiders over the course of their development. The presence of the boldness–aggressiveness syndrome differed based on spiders' developmental stage and rearing environment: field‐reared juveniles did not exhibit a syndrome between boldness and foraging aggressiveness, but field‐reared penultimates did. In contrast, laboratory‐reared spiders never exhibited a behavioral syndrome, regardless of their developmental stage. Thus, the boldness–aggressiveness syndrome in A. pennsylvanica manifests only when individuals are reared in the field. Selection data from a mark–recapture study failed to indicate any signature of correlated selection, despite our finding that at least one element of the syndrome (foraging aggressiveness) can respond to selection (Heritability h2 = 0.27, from mid‐parent breeding study). Thus, contemporary correlated selection does not appear to be a major driver of the boldness–aggressiveness syndrome of A. pennsylvanica. Taken together, our data are consistent with the hypothesis that the boldness–aggressiveness syndrome exhibited by wild A. pennsylvanica develops as a result of environmentally induced phenotypic plasticity, and not correlated selection.  相似文献   

Animals in urban habitats are often noticeably bold in the presence of humans. Such boldness may arise due to habituation, as urban animals learn, through repeated exposure, that passing humans do not represent a threat. However, there is growing research suggesting that: (1) inherent traits, as opposed to learned behaviour, influence which species invade urban habitats, and (2) individuals exhibit individual personality traits that limit behavioural flexibility, with the possible result that not all individuals would be able to demonstrate an appropriate level of boldness in urban environments. As a result, perhaps only birds with inherently bold personalities could successfully settle in an area of high human disturbance, and further, we might also expect to see the existence of behavioural syndromes, where boldness is correlated with variation in other behavioural traits such as aggression. In this study, we examined boldness and territorial aggression in urban and rural populations of song sparrows. We found that urban birds were bolder towards humans and that urban birds also showed higher levels of territorial aggression. We also found an overall correlation between boldness and territorial aggression, suggesting that urban boldness may be part of a behavioural syndrome. However, we see no correlation between boldness and aggression in the urban population, and thus, more work is needed to determine the mechanisms accounting for high levels of boldness and aggression urban song sparrows.  相似文献   

Behaviour, including personality, informs us about the response of animals towards their changing environment. Despite the widespread occurrence of florivorous insects and the important but often underrated ecological roles that they play, the study of florivore behaviour is neglected relative to that of pollinators and other herbivores. Specifically, we do not know how different personality types can develop among florivores and enable them to persist in habitats with an ephemeral and dynamic availability of food resources. To address this knowledge gap, we investigated the following questions: whether the (a) inter‐individual differences of exploration and boldness are consistent; (b) inter‐population differences of exploration and boldness are consistent; (c) exploration and boldness are correlated. We collected individuals of the polyphagous floriphilic katydid, Phaneroptera brevis from four populations from wasteland sites in Singapore and performed a personality assay conducted in an insectary to investigate the exploratory and boldness levels of the individuals and populations. The major novel finding was that the floriphilic P. brevis katydids exhibit population‐level personality types for boldness, but not for exploration. Some katydid individuals were consistently more exploratory and bolder than other individuals. However, contrary to our predictions, we did not find any evidence of behavioural syndromes in the katydid individuals, as the boldness level for individuals was not significantly correlated with exploration for individuals. This suggests that an individual which is more exploratory may not be equally keen to take risks and consume novel food that it encounters. Our findings also suggest that boldness and exploration are linked to ecologically important behaviours, but more studies are needed to better understand population‐level personality and how and why natural selection may favour the evolution of personality in certain populations.  相似文献   

Behavioural syndromes have been identified in a large number of species, yet our understanding of them in an ecological context remains poor. Specifically, there are few data that relate behavioural syndromes to other biologically important behaviours and, ultimately, to reproductive success. In this field study, we examined the aggressiveness and boldness of free‐living male house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) and found a statistically significant positive relationship between these two behaviours (i.e. a behavioural syndrome). When we examined the two axes of this behavioural syndrome in relation to the male's share of provisioning, we found a negative relation between a male's aggressiveness and his provisioning rate, but no relationship between male boldness and provisioning behaviour. These differences in provisioning behaviour among males with different levels of aggression may reflect differences in reproductive strategies or different life‐history trade‐offs among males. Moreover, these results indicate that while some behavioural traits may be correlated, this does not mean that traits that compose the behavioural syndrome cannot evolve independently of one another.  相似文献   

Individuals from the same population generally vary in suites of correlated behavioral traits: personality. Yet, the strength of the behavioral correlations sometimes differs among populations and environmental conditions, suggesting that single underlying mechanisms, such as genetic constraints, cannot account for them. We propose, instead, that such suites of correlated traits may arise when a single key behavior has multiple cascading effects on several other behaviors through affecting the range of options available. For instance, an individual's shyness can constrain its habitat choice, which, in turn, could restrict the expression of other behavioral traits. We hypothesize that shy individuals should be especially restrained in their choice of habitat when the risk of predation is high, which then canalizes them into different behavioral options making them appear behaviorally distinct from bolder individuals. We test this idea using an individual‐based simulation model. Our results show that individual differences in boldness can be sufficient, under high predation pressure, to generate behavioral correlations between boldness and both the tendency to aggregate and the propensity to use social information. Thus, our findings support the idea that some behavioral syndromes can be, at least to some extent, labile. Our model further predicts that such cascading effects should be more pronounced in populations with a long history of predation, which are expected to exhibit a low average boldness level, compared with predator‐naïve populations.  相似文献   

Behavioral syndromes and the evolution of correlated behavior in zebrafish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies of "behavioral syndromes" in different populations andspecies of animals can be used to shed light on the underlyingmechanisms of evolution. For example, some personality syndromessuggest the existence of an underlying hormonal link, whereasother relationships between boldness and aggression appear tobe the result of similar selective pressures. Here, we used1 wild-derived and 2 laboratory strains of zebrafish (Daniorerio) to examine relationships among 5 behavioral measures:shoaling, activity level, predator approaches, latency to feedafter a disturbance, and biting to a mirror stimulus. We foundevidence of an activity syndrome, as if underlying metaboliccosts influence variation in multiple forms of behavior. Evidencefor a relationship between boldness and aggression was alsoapparent but depended both on strain and which specific behaviorpatterns were identified as measures of "boldness." Althoughsome comparisons of laboratory and wild-derived strains wereconsistent with a domestication syndrome, others were not. Mostobserved relationships were relatively weak and occasionallyinconsistent, arguing against strong underlying genetic linkagesor pleiotropic effects relating any of the behavioral measures.Instead, it may be more important to study the details of selectivecontext or the long-term impact of linkages between some, butnot all, of a large set of genes influencing complex behavioraltraits. We found profound differences among strains in mostbehavior patterns, but few sex differences. One strain (TM1)was consistently different from the others (SH and Nadia) beingmore social, more likely to approach predators, and taking lesstime to recover from disturbance than were the other 2 strains.  相似文献   

Sublethal responses to insecticides are frequently neglected in studies of insecticide resistance, although stimulatory effects associated with low doses of compounds toxic at higher doses, such as insecticides, have been recognized as a general toxicological phenomenon. Evidence for this biphasic dose–response relationship, or hormesis, was recognized as one of the potential causes underlying pest resurgence and secondary pest outbreaks. Hormesis has also potentially important implications for managing insecticide‐resistant populations of insect‐pest species, but evidence of its occurrence in such context is lacking and fitness parameters are seldom considered in these studies. Here, we reported the stimulatory effect of sublethal doses of the pyrethroid insecticide deltamethrin sprayed on maize grains infested with a pyrethroid‐resistant strain of the maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). The parameters estimated from the fertility tables of resistant insects exposed to deltamethrin indicated a peak in the net reproductive rate at 0.05 ppm consequently leading to a peak in the intrinsic rate of population growth at this dose. The phenomenon is consistent with insecticide‐induced hormesis and its potential management implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Species with fast life‐histories typically prioritize current over future reproductive events, compared to species with slow life‐histories. These species therefore require greater energetic input into reproduction, and also likely have less time to realize their reproductive potential. Hence, behaviors that increase access to both resources and mating opportunities, at a cost of increased mortality risk, could coevolve with the pace of life‐history. However, whether this prediction holds across species, remains untested under standardized conditions. Here, we test how risky behaviors, which facilitate access to resources and mating opportunities (i.e., activity, boldness, and aggression), along with metabolic rate, coevolve with the pace of life‐history across 20 species of killifish that present remarkable divergences in the pace of life‐history. We found a positive association between the pace of life‐history and aggression, but interestingly not with other behavioral traits or metabolic rate. Aggression is linked to interference competition, and in killifishes is often employed to secure mates, while activity and boldness are more relevant for exploiting energetic resources. Our results suggest that the trade‐off between current and future reproduction plays a more prominent role in shaping mating behavior, while behaviors related to energy acquisition may be influenced by ecological factors.  相似文献   

Behavioral syndromes, seen as correlations among two or more functionally different behaviors, are well documented in many different animal taxa. They may not be present automatically, however, and their consistency within populations and individuals also varies among studies. Here, we studied a behavioral syndrome comprising foraging aggressiveness and boldness/shyness and its time consistency in the cursorial spider Philodromus albidus. We measured foraging aggressiveness as the number of prey killed per 2-hour period. Boldness/shyness was assessed as a latency of initiating exploration in a novel environment. We found the presence of the behavioral syndrome in P. albidus, as bold individuals were also more aggressive than were shy individuals. The syndrome was consistent through time within the population but not consistent for individuals. We further discuss the possible causes of the pattern.  相似文献   

A fundamental goal of evolutionary ecology is to identify the sources underlying trait variation on which selection can act. Phenotypic variation will be determined by both genetic and environmental factors, and adaptive phenotypic plasticity is expected when organisms can adjust their phenotypes to match environmental cues. Much recent research interest has focused on the relative importance of environmental and genetic factors on the expression of behavioral traits, in particular, and how they compare with morphological and life‐history traits. Little research to date examines the effect of development on the expression of heritable variation in behavioral traits, such as boldness and activity. We tested for genotype, environment, and genotype‐by‐environment differences in body mass, development time, boldness, and activity, using developmental density treatments combined with a quantitative genetic design in the sand field cricket (Gryllus firmus). Similar to results from previous work, animals reared at high densities were generally smaller and took longer to mature, and body mass and development time were moderately heritable. In contrast, neither boldness nor activity responded to density treatments, and they were not heritable. The only trait that showed significant genotype‐by‐environment differences was development time. It is possible that adaptive behavioral plasticity is not evident in this species because of the highly variable social environments it naturally experiences. Our results illustrate the importance of validating the assumption that behavioral phenotype reflects genetic patterns and suggest questions about the role of environmental instability in trait variation and heritability.  相似文献   

Understanding whether and how ambient ecological conditions affect the distribution of personality types within and among populations lies at the heart of research on animal personality. Several studies have focussed on only one agent of divergent selection (or driver of plastic changes in behavior), considering either predation risk or a single abiotic ecological factor. Here, we investigated how an array of abiotic and biotic environmental factors simultaneously shape population differences in boldness, activity in an open‐field test, and sociability/shoaling in the livebearing fish Poecilia vivipara from six ecologically different lagoons in southeastern Brazil. We evaluated the relative contributions of variation in predation risk, water transparency/visibility, salinity (ranging from oligo‐ to hypersaline), and dissolved oxygen. We also investigated the role played by environmental factors for the emergence, strength, and direction of behavioral correlations. Water transparency explained most of the behavioral variation, whereby fish from lagoons with low water transparency were significantly shyer, less active, and shoaled less than fish living under clear water conditions. When we tested additional wild‐caught fish from the same lagoons after acclimating them to homogeneous laboratory conditions, population differences were largely absent, pointing toward behavioral plasticity as a mechanism underlying the observed behavioral differences. Furthermore, we found correlations between personality traits (behavioral syndromes) to vary substantially in strength and direction among populations, with no obvious associations with ecological factors (including predation risk). Altogether, our results suggest that various habitat parameters simultaneously shape the distribution of personality types, with abiotic factors playing a vital (as yet underestimated) role. Furthermore, while predation is often thought to lead to the emergence of behavioral syndromes, our data do not support this assumption.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the genetic and environmental influences on a character is pivotal for understanding evolutionary changes in quantitative traits in natural populations. Dominance and aggression are ubiquitous traits that are selectively advantageous in many animal societies and have the potential to impact the evolutionary trajectory of animal populations. Here we provide age‐ and sex‐specific estimates of additive genetic and environmental components of variance for dominance rank and aggression rate in a free‐living, human‐habituated bird population subject to natural selection. We use a long‐term data set on individually marked greylag geese (Anser anser) and show that phenotypic variation in dominance‐related behaviours contains significant additive genetic variance, parental effects and permanent environment effects. The relative importance of these variance components varied between age and sex classes, whereby the most pronounced differences concerned nongenetic components. In particular, parental effects were larger in juveniles of both sexes than in adults. In paired adults, the partner's identity had a larger influence on male dominance rank and aggression rate than in females. In sex‐ and age‐specific estimates, heritabilities did not differ significantly between age and sex classes. Adult dominance rank was only weakly genetically correlated between the sexes, leading to considerably higher heritabilities in sex‐specific estimates than across sexes. We discuss these patterns in relation to selection acting on dominance rank and aggression in different life history stages and sexes and suggest that different adaptive optima could be a mechanism for maintaining genetic variation in dominance‐related traits in free‐living animal populations.  相似文献   

Current work in behavioral ecology contrasts traditional hypotheses of context‐specific adaptation with the suggestion that behaviors are often coupled such that animals exhibit context‐general behavioral syndromes. Wasteful killing, the partial consumption and/or abandonment of prey, is a perplexing phenomenon because the costs of this behavior seem high (e.g. energetic loss, risk of injury). Wasteful killing may be the product of a context‐specific, adaptive foraging strategy restricted spatially and/or temporally to conditions of prey abundance. Alternatively, wasteful killing may represent a context‐general syndrome of high aggression that results in the capture of prey that are not consumed. We investigated the conditions in which a web‐building spider the North American black widow (Latrodectus hesperus) participates in wasteful killing. We employed a powerful repeated‐measures design that reduces error variance by controlling for individual differences. Across the adult life cycle of female spiders collected from urban habitats throughout Phoenix, AZ, we repeatedly measured each spider’s foraging voracity and wastefulness after varied periods of food restriction (2, 7, and 14 d). While food restriction decreased body condition, condition alone was a poor predictor of voracity and wasteful killing. Our results indicate that previous food restriction i) shortens latency to attack, ii) heightens the number of prey killed per trial, and iii) reduces wastefulness. Latency to attack and wasteful killing were neither repeatable within individuals nor correlated with each other and therefore appear unlikely to be components of a behavioral syndrome. We discuss other possible benefits for wasteful killing in the contexts of predation risk and mate attraction.  相似文献   

The impact of low levels of spinosad on the obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana Harris (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), and the koinobiont endoparasitoid, Apophua simplicipes Cresson (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), was assessed when the parasitoid was in the larval stage within second‐ and fourth‐instar hosts. These are developmental stages that would be exposed to spring orchard treatments of the insecticide. Oral spinosad LC50 levels for unparasitized obliquebanded leafroller hosts were <1% of the recommended orchard treatment levels. Apophua simplicipes survival was significantly reduced within parasitized spinosad‐treated second‐ and fourth‐instar larval hosts. Both the leafroller host and parasitoid were much more susceptible (ca. 65‐fold) to spinosad when larval hosts fed on spinosad‐treated leaf material as opposed to being treated topically. When hosts were exposed to extremely low doses of spinosad, a small percentage of parasitoids was able to survive to emerge as adults. These laboratory trials predict that applications of spinosad may reduce biological control of C. rosaceana populations by ichneumonid endoparasitoids developing within treated hosts.  相似文献   

Bean bug, Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Alydidae), is an economically important pest of soybean and tree fruit. Behavioral responses of R. pedestris to olfactory cues from insecticide‐treated foliage were assessed in a Y‐tube olfactometer. Ten insecticides were applied to kidney bean plants at the recommended dosage, and then bug avoidance was assessed at 0, 3, 5, 7 and 13 days after treatment (DAT). Each bug was allowed 5 min to choose one of the olfactometer's arms. Even though the degree of avoidance was variable to the insecticides tested, bean bugs significantly avoided the insecticide‐treated leaf. The pyrethroid bifenthrin was the most avoided of the insecticides tested. In all treatments, avoidance decreased as DAT increased. Also, the movement speed was higher to the untreated leaf than to the insecticide‐treated leaf. The degree of avoidance was positively correlated to the vapor pressure of the chemical; this finding implies the interaction of the treated chemicals and plant volatiles may be used as cues for bean bug selection of the host‐plant.  相似文献   

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