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Biochar has been widely researched as an important technology for climate smart agriculture, yet work is still necessary to identify the magnitude of potential greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation and mechanisms involved. This study measured slow‐pyrolysis wood‐derived biochar's impact on GHG efflux, mineral N dynamics, and soil organic C in a series of two incubations across fertilized and unfertilized agricultural soils and soil moisture regimes. This research explored the magnitude of biochar's full GHG mitigation potential and drivers of such impacts. Results of this incubation indicate slow‐pyrolysis wood‐derived biochar has potential to provide annual emission reductions of 0.58–1.72 Mg CO2‐eq ha?1 at a 25 Mg ha?1 biochar application rate. The greatest GHG mitigation potential was from C sequestration and nitrous oxide (N2O) reduction in mineral N fertilized soils, with minimal impacts on N2O emissions in unfertilized soils, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and methane (CH4) uptake. Analysis of mineral N dynamics in the bulk soil and on biochar isolates indicated that neither biochar impacts on net mineralization and nitrification nor retention of ammonium () on biochar isolates could explain biochar's N2O reduction. Instead, biochar amendments exhibited consistent N2O emission reductions relative to the N2O emission in the control soil regardless of soil type and fertilization. Results across a soil moisture gradient suggest that woody biochar may aerate soils shifting redox conditions and subsequent N2O production. Understanding the magnitude of biochar's GHG reduction potential and the mechanisms driving these effects can help inform biochar modeling efforts, explain field results and identify agricultural applications that maximize biochar's full GHG mitigation potential.  相似文献   

Biochar application to soils may increase carbon (C) sequestration due to the inputs of recalcitrant organic C. However, the effects of biochar application on the soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes appear variable among many case studies; therefore, the efficacy of biochar as a carbon sequestration agent for climate change mitigation remains uncertain. We performed a meta‐analysis of 91 published papers with 552 paired comparisons to obtain a central tendency of three main GHG fluxes (i.e., CO2, CH4, and N2O) in response to biochar application. Our results showed that biochar application significantly increased soil CO2 fluxes by 22.14%, but decreased N2O fluxes by 30.92% and did not affect CH4 fluxes. As a consequence, biochar application may significantly contribute to an increased global warming potential (GWP) of total soil GHG fluxes due to the large stimulation of CO2 fluxes. However, soil CO2 fluxes were suppressed when biochar was added to fertilized soils, indicating that biochar application is unlikely to stimulate CO2 fluxes in the agriculture sector, in which N fertilizer inputs are common. Responses of soil GHG fluxes mainly varied with biochar feedstock source and soil texture and the pyrolysis temperature of biochar. Soil and biochar pH, biochar applied rate, and latitude also influence soil GHG fluxes, but to a more limited extent. Our findings provide a scientific basis for developing more rational strategies toward widespread adoption of biochar as a soil amendment for climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

A full accounting of net greenhouse gas balance (NGHGB) and greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI) was examined in an annual coastal reclaimed saline Jerusalem artichoke-fallow cropping system under various soil practices including soil tillage, soil ameliorant, and crop residue amendments. Seasonal fluxes of soil carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) were measured using static chamber method, and the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) was determined by the difference between soil heterotrophic respiration (RH) and net primary production (NPP). Relative to no-tillage, rotary tillage significantly decreased the NPP of Jerusalem artichoke while it had no significant effects on the annual RH. Rotary tillage increased CH4 emissions, while seasonal or annual soil N2O emissions did not statistically differ between the two tillage treatments. Compared with the control plots, soil ameliorant or straw amendment enhanced RH, soil CH4, and N2O emissions under the both tillage regimes. Annual NGHGB was negative for all the field treatments, as a consequence of net ecosystem CO2 sequestration exceeding the CO2-equivalents released as CH4 and N2O emissions, which indicates that Jerusalem artichoke-fallow cropping system served as a net sink of GHGs. The annual net NGHGB and GHGI were estimated to be 11–21% and 4–8% lower in the NT than in RT cropping systems, respectively. Soil ameliorant and straw amendments greatly increased NPP and thus significantly decreased the negative annual net NGHGB. Overall, higher NPP but lower climatic impacts of coastal saline bioenergy production would be simultaneously achieved by Jerusalem artichoke cultivation under no-tillage with improved saline soil conditions in southeast China.  相似文献   

The livestock sector contributes considerably to global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Here, for the year 2007 we examined GHG emissions in the EU27 livestock sector and estimated GHG emissions from production and consumption of livestock products; including imports, exports and wastage. We also reviewed available mitigation options and estimated their potential. The focus of this review is on the beef and dairy sector since these contribute 60% of all livestock production emissions. Particular attention is paid to the role of land use and land use change (LULUC) and carbon sequestration in grasslands. GHG emissions of all livestock products amount to between 630 and 863 Mt CO2e, or 12–17% of total EU27 GHG emissions in 2007. The highest emissions aside from production, originate from LULUC, followed by emissions from wasted food. The total GHG mitigation potential from the livestock sector in Europe is between 101 and 377 Mt CO2e equivalent to between 12 and 61% of total EU27 livestock sector emissions in 2007. A reduction in food waste and consumption of livestock products linked with reduced production, are the most effective mitigation options, and if encouraged, would also deliver environmental and human health benefits. Production of beef and dairy on grassland, as opposed to intensive grain fed production, can be associated with a reduction in GHG emissions depending on actual LULUC emissions. This could be promoted on rough grazing land where appropriate.  相似文献   

Forest bioenergy opportunities may be hindered by a long greenhouse gas (GHG) payback time. Estimating this payback time requires the quantification of forest‐atmosphere carbon exchanges, usually through process‐based simulation models. Such models are prone to large uncertainties, especially over long‐term carbon fluxes from dead organic matter pools. We propose the use of whole ecosystem field‐measured CO2 exchanges obtained from eddy covariance flux towers to assess the GHG mitigation potential of forest biomass projects as a way to implicitly integrate all field‐level CO2 fluxes and the inter‐annual variability in these fluxes. As an example, we perform the evaluation of a theoretical bioenergy project that uses tree stems as bioenergy feedstock and include multi‐year measurements of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) from forest harvest chronosequences in the boreal forest of Canada to estimate the time dynamics of ecosystem CO2 exchanges following harvesting. Results from this approach are consistent with previous results using process‐based models and suggest a multi‐decadal payback time for our project. The time for atmospheric carbon debt repayment of bioenergy projects is highly dependent on ecosystem‐level CO2 exchanges. The use of empirical NEE measurements may provide a direct evaluation of, or at least constraints on, the GHG mitigation potential of forest bioenergy projects.  相似文献   

Perennial grasses have been proposed as viable bioenergy crops because of their potential to yield harvestable biomass on marginal lands annually without displacing food and to contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction by storing carbon in soil. Switchgrass, miscanthus, and restored native prairie are among the crops being considered in the corn and agricultural regions of the Midwest and eastern United States. In this study, we used an extensive dataset of site observations for each of these crops to evaluate and improve the DayCent biogeochemical model and make predictions about how both yield and GHG fluxes would respond to different management practices compared to a traditional corn‐soy rotation. Using this model‐data integration approach, we found 30–75% improvement in our predictions over previous studies and a subsequent evaluation with a synthesis of sites across the region revealed good model‐data agreement of harvested yields (r2 > 0.62 for all crops). We found that replacement of corn‐soy rotations would result in a net GHG reduction of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 with average annual yields of 3.6, 9.2, and 17.2 Mg of dry biomass per year for native prairie, switchgrass, and miscanthus respectively. Both the yield and GHG balance of switchgrass and miscanthus were affected by harvest date with highest yields occurring near onset of senescence and highest GHG reductions occurring in early spring before the new crops emergence. Addition of a moderate length rotation (10–15 years) caused less than a 15% change to yield and GHG balance. For policy incentives aimed at GHG reduction through onsite management practices and improvement of soil quality, post‐senescence harvests are a more effective means than maximizing yield potential.  相似文献   

To limit warming to well below 2°C, most scenario projections rely on greenhouse gas removal technologies (GGRTs); one such GGRT uses soil carbon sequestration (SCS) in agricultural land. In addition to their role in mitigating climate change, SCS practices play a role in delivering agroecosystem resilience, climate change adaptability and food security. Environmental heterogeneity and differences in agricultural practices challenge the practical implementation of SCS, and our analysis addresses the associated knowledge gap. Previous assessments have focused on global potentials, but there is a need among policymakers to operationalise SCS. Here, we assess a range of practices already proposed to deliver SCS, and distil these into a subset of specific measures. We provide a multidisciplinary summary of the barriers and potential incentives towards practical implementation of these measures. First, we identify specific practices with potential for both a positive impact on SCS at farm level and an uptake rate compatible with global impact. These focus on: (a) optimising crop primary productivity (e.g. nutrient optimisation, pH management, irrigation); (b) reducing soil disturbance and managing soil physical properties (e.g. improved rotations, minimum till); (c) minimising deliberate removal of C or lateral transport via erosion processes (e.g. support measures, bare fallow reduction); (d) addition of C produced outside the system (e.g. organic manure amendments, biochar addition); (e) provision of additional C inputs within the cropping system (e.g. agroforestry, cover cropping). We then consider economic and non‐cost barriers and incentives for land managers implementing these measures, along with the potential externalised impacts of implementation. This offers a framework and reference point for holistic assessment of the impacts of SCS. Finally, we summarise and discuss the ability of extant scientific approaches to quantify the technical potential and externalities of SCS measures, and the barriers and incentives to their implementation in global agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Wetlands can influence global climate via greenhouse gas (GHG) exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). Few studies have quantified the full GHG budget of wetlands due to the high spatial and temporal variability of fluxes. We report annual open‐water diffusion and ebullition fluxes of CO2, CH4, and N2O from a restored emergent marsh ecosystem. We combined these data with concurrent eddy‐covariance measurements of whole‐ecosystem CO2 and CH4 exchange to estimate GHG fluxes and associated radiative forcing effects for the whole wetland, and separately for open‐water and vegetated cover types. Annual open‐water CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions were 915 ± 95 g C‐CO2 m?2 yr?1, 2.9 ± 0.5 g C‐CH4 m?2 yr?1, and 62 ± 17 mg N‐N2O m?2 yr?1, respectively. Diffusion dominated open‐water GHG transport, accounting for >99% of CO2 and N2O emissions, and ~71% of CH4 emissions. Seasonality was minor for CO2 emissions, whereas CH4 and N2O fluxes displayed strong and asynchronous seasonal dynamics. Notably, the overall radiative forcing of open‐water fluxes (3.5 ± 0.3 kg CO2‐eq m?2 yr?1) exceeded that of vegetated zones (1.4 ± 0.4 kg CO2‐eq m?2 yr?1) due to high ecosystem respiration. After scaling results to the entire wetland using object‐based cover classification of remote sensing imagery, net uptake of CO2 (?1.4 ± 0.6 kt CO2‐eq yr?1) did not offset CH4 emission (3.7 ± 0.03 kt CO2‐eq yr?1), producing an overall positive radiative forcing effect of 2.4 ± 0.3 kt CO2‐eq yr?1. These results demonstrate clear effects of seasonality, spatial structure, and transport pathway on the magnitude and composition of wetland GHG emissions, and the efficacy of multiscale flux measurement to overcome challenges of wetland heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Increases in atmospheric nitrogen deposition (Ndep) can strongly affect the greenhouse gas (GHG; CO2, CH4, and N2O) sink capacity of grasslands as well as other terrestrial ecosystems. Robust predictions of the net GHG sink strength of grasslands depend on how experimental N loads compare to projected Ndep rates, and how accurately the relationship between GHG fluxes and Ndep is characterized. A literature review revealed that the vast majority of experimental N loads were higher than levels these ecosystems are predicted to experience in the future. Using a process‐based biogeochemical model, we predicted that low levels of Ndep either enhanced or reduced the net GHG sink strength of most grasslands, but as experimental N loads continued to increase, grasslands transitioned to a N saturation‐decline stage, where the sensitivity of GHG exchange to further increases in Ndep declined. Most published studies represented treatments well into the N saturation‐decline stage. Our model results predict that the responses of GHG fluxes to N are highly nonlinear and that the N saturation thresholds for GHGs varied greatly among grasslands and with fire management. We predict that during the 21st century some grasslands will be in the N limitation stage where others will transition into the N saturation‐decline stage. The linear relationship between GHG sink strength and N load assumed by most studies can overestimate or underestimate predictions of the net GHG sink strength of grasslands depending on their N baseline status. The next generation of global change experiments should be designed at multiple N loads consistent with future Ndep rates to improve our empirical understanding and predictive ability.  相似文献   

Growing biomass feedstocks from marginal lands is becoming an increasingly attractive choice for producing biofuel as an alternative energy to fossil fuels. Here, we used a biogeochemical model at ecosystem scale to estimate crop productivity and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from bioenergy crops grown on marginal lands in the United States. Two broadly tested cellulosic crops, switchgrass, and Miscanthus, were assumed to be grown on the abandoned land and mixed crop‐vegetation land with marginal productivity. Production of biomass and biofuel as well as net carbon exchange and nitrous oxide emissions were estimated in a spatially explicit manner. We found that, cellulosic crops, especially Miscanthus could produce a considerable amount of biomass, and the effective ethanol yield is high on these marginal lands. For every hectare of marginal land, switchgrass and Miscanthus could produce 1.0–2.3 kl and 2.9–6.9 kl ethanol, respectively, depending on nitrogen fertilization rate and biofuel conversion efficiency. Nationally, both crop systems act as net GHG sources. Switchgrass has high global warming intensity (100–390 g CO2eq l?1 ethanol), in terms of GHG emissions per unit ethanol produced. Miscanthus, however, emits only 21–36 g CO2eq to produce every liter of ethanol. To reach the mandated cellulosic ethanol target in the United States, growing Miscanthus on the marginal lands could potentially save land and reduce GHG emissions in comparison to growing switchgrass. However, the ecosystem modeling is still limited by data availability and model deficiencies, further efforts should be made to classify crop‐specific marginal land availability, improve model structure, and better integrate ecosystem modeling into life cycle assessment.  相似文献   

中国农业系统近40年温室气体排放核算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
范紫月  齐晓波  曾麟岚  吴锋 《生态学报》2022,42(23):9470-9482
基于排放因子法构建了包含种植业和牲畜养殖业的农业系统温室气体排放核算体系,系统核算了1980-2020年我国全国尺度上的农业系统温室气体排放总量和变化趋势,并在区县级尺度下对1980、2000、2011年的中国农业系统的温室气体排放量进行核算,对比不同阶段农业系统温室气体排放变化的时空异质性规律。研究发现:1980-2020年我国农业系统温室气体排放量呈波动增长趋势,增长了近46%。CH4是农业系统排放贡献最大的温室气体,占总排放量的47.33%。我国农业系统温室气体排放与不同地区农业生产方式有关,CH4排放量高的地区主要位于我国主要水稻产区以及旱地作物产区。CO2排放量高的地区主要位于东北、西北等地区以及华东地区。N2O排放量较高地区主要位于西北的主要畜牧养殖地区,以及我国农业经济发展水平高的中南部地区。研究有助于揭示我国农业温室气体排放的动态特征,现状规律,以及空间差异性特征,从农业减排角度为实现双碳目标提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) production has the potential to improve soils and the environment. However, little is known about the long‐term future assessment of soil and environmental impacts associated with switchgrass production. In this study, soil organic carbon (SOC), soil nitrate (), water‐filled pore space (WFPS), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes, and biomass yield from switchgrass field were predicted using DAYCENT models for 2016 through 2050. Measured data for model calibration and validation at this study site managed with nitrogen fertilization rates (N rates) (low, 0 kg N ha?1; medium, 56 kg N ha?1; and high, 112 kg N ha?1) and landscape positions (shoulder and footslope) for switchgrass production were collected from the previously published studies. Modeling results showed that the N fertilization can enhance SOC and soil NO3?, but increase soil N2O and CO2 fluxes. In this study, medium N fertilization was the optimum rate for enhancing switchgrass yield and reducing negative impact on the environment. Footslope position can be beneficial for improving SOC, , and yield, but contribute higher greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to those of the shoulder. An increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation (climate scenarios) may reduce soil , WFPS, and N2O flux. Switchgrass production can improve and maintain SOC and , and reduce N2O and CO2 fluxes over the predicted years. These findings indicate that switchgrass could be a sustainable bioenergy crop on marginally yielding lands for improving soils without significant negative impacts on the environment in the long run.  相似文献   

Bioenergy crop cultivation on former peat extraction areas is a potential after‐use option that provides a source of renewable energy while mitigating climate change through enhanced carbon (C) sequestration. This study investigated the full C and greenhouse gas (GHG) balances of fertilized (RCG‐F) and nonfertilized (RCG‐C) reed canary grass (RCG; Phalaris arundinacea) cultivation compared to bare peat (BP) soil within an abandoned peat extraction area in western Estonia during a dry year. Vegetation sampling, static chamber and lysimeter measurements were carried out to estimate above‐ and belowground biomass production and allocation, fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in cultivated strips and drainage ditches as well as the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export, respectively. Heterotrophic respiration was determined from vegetation‐free trenched plots. Fertilization increased the above‐ to belowground biomass production ratio and the autotrophic to heterotrophic respiration ratio. The full C balance (incl. CO2, CH4 and DOC fluxes from strips and ditches) was 96, 215 and 180 g C m?2 yr?1 in RCG‐F, RCG‐C and BP, respectively, suggesting that all treatments acted as C sources during the dry year. The C balance was driven by variations in the net CO2 exchange, whereas the combined contribution of CH4 and DOC fluxes was <5%. The GHG balances were 3.6, 7.9 and 6.6 t CO2 eq ha?1 yr?1 in RCG‐F, RCG‐C and BP, respectively. The CO2 exchange was also the dominant component of the GHG balance, while the contributions of CH4 and N2O were <1% and 1–6%, respectively. Overall, this study suggests that maximizing plant growth and the associated CO2 uptake through adequate water and nutrient supply is a key prerequisite for ensuring sustainable high yields and climate benefits in RCG cultivations established on organic soils following drainage and peat extraction.  相似文献   

Renewable fuel standards in the US and elsewhere mandate the production of large quantities of cellulosic biofuels with low greenhouse gas (GHG) footprints, a requirement which will likely entail extensive cultivation of dedicated bioenergy feedstock crops on marginal agricultural lands. Performance data for such systems is sparse, and non‐linear interactions between the feedstock species, agronomic management intensity, and underlying soil and land characteristics complicate the development of sustainable landscape design strategies for low‐impact commercial‐scale feedstock production. Process‐based ecosystem models are valuable for extrapolating field trial results and making predictions of productivity and associated environmental impacts that integrate the effects of spatially variable environmental factors across diverse production landscapes. However, there are few examples of ecosystem model parameterization against field trials on both prime and marginal lands or of conducting landscape‐scale analyses at sufficient resolution to capture interactions between soil type, land use, and management intensity. In this work we used a data‐diverse, multi‐criteria approach to parameterize and validate the DayCent biogeochemistry model for upland and lowland switchgrass using data on yields, soil carbon changes, and soil nitrous oxide emissions from US field trials spanning a range of climates, soil types, and management conditions. We then conducted a high‐resolution case study analysis of a real‐world cellulosic biofuel landscape in Kansas in order to estimate feedstock production potential and associated direct biogenic GHG emissions footprint. Our results suggest that switchgrass yields and emissions balance can vary greatly across a landscape large enough to supply a biorefinery in response to variations in soil type and land‐use history, but that within a given land base both of these performance factors can be widely modulated by changing management intensity. This in turn implies a large sustainable cellulosic biofuel landscape design space within which a system can be optimized to meet economic or environmental objectives.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) are the three most important greenhouse gases (GHGs), and all show large uncertainties in their atmospheric budgets. Soils of natural and managed ecosystems play an extremely important role in modulating their atmospheric abundance. Mechanisms underlying the exchange of these GHGs at the soil–atmosphere interface are often assumed to be exclusively microbe‐mediated (M‐GHGs). We argue that it is a widespread phenomenon for soil systems to produce GHGs through nonmicrobial pathways (NM‐GHGs) based on a review of the available evidence accumulated over the past half century. We find that five categories of mechanistic process, including photodegradation, thermal degradation, reactive oxidative species (ROS) oxidation, extracellular oxidative metabolism (EXOMET), and inorganic chemical reactions, can be identified as accounting for their production. These pathways are intricately coupled among themselves and with M‐GHGs production and are subject to strong influences from regional and global change agents including, among others, climate warming, solar radiation, and alterations of atmospheric components. Preliminary estimates have suggested that NM‐GHGs could play key roles in contributing to budgets of GHGs in the arid regions, whereas their global importance would be enhanced with accelerated global environmental changes. Therefore, more research should be undertaken, with a differentiation between NM‐GHGs and M‐GHGs, to further elucidate the underlying mechanisms, to investigate the impacts of various global change agents, and to quantify their contributions to regional and global GHGs budgets. These efforts will contribute to a more complete understanding of global carbon and nitrogen cycling and a reduction in the uncertainty of carbon‐climate feedbacks in the Earth system.  相似文献   

Many assessments of product carbon footprint (PCF) for agricultural products omit emissions arising from land‐use change (LUC). In this study, we developed a framework based on IPCC national greenhouse gas inventory methodologies to assess the impacts of LUC from crop production using oil palm, soybean and oilseed rape as examples. Using ecological zone, climate and soil types from the top 20 producing countries, calculated emissions for transitions from natural vegetation to cropland on mineral soils under typical management ranged from ?4.5 to 29.4 t CO2‐eq ha?1 yr?1 over 20 years for oil palm and 1.2–47.5 t CO2‐eq ha?1 yr?1 over 20 years for soybeans. Oilseed rape showed similar results to soybeans, but with lower maximum values because it is mainly grown in areas with lower C stocks. GHG emissions from other land‐use transitions were between 62% and 95% lower than those from natural vegetation for the arable crops, while conversions to oil palm were a sink for C. LUC emissions were considered on a national basis and also expressed per‐tonne‐of‐oil‐produced. Weighted global averages indicate that, depending on the land‐use transition, oil crop production on newly converted land contributes between ?3.1 and 7.0 t CO2‐eq t oil production?1 yr?1 for palm oil, 11.9–50.6 t CO2‐eq t oil production?1 yr?1 for soybean oil, and 7.7–31.4 t CO2‐eq t oil production?1 yr?1 for rapeseed oil. Assumptions made about crop and LUC distribution within countries contributed up to 66% error around the global averages for natural vegetation conversions. Uncertainty around biomass and soil C stocks were also examined. Finer resolution data and information (particularly on land management and yield) could improve reliability of the estimates but the framework can be used in all global regions and represents an important step forward for including LUC emissions in PCFs.  相似文献   

农田土壤固碳措施的温室气体泄漏和净减排潜力   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
逯非  王效科  韩冰  欧阳志云  郑华 《生态学报》2009,29(9):4993-5006
农田土壤固碳措施作为京都议定书认可的大气CO2减排途径受到了广泛关注.研究表明,农田土壤固碳措施在主要农业国家和全球都具有很大的固碳潜力.但是,实施农田土壤固碳措施有可能影响农业中化石燃料消耗和其他农业投入的CO2排放和非CO2温室气体排放.这些土壤碳库以外的温室气体排放变化可能抵消部分甚至全部土壤固碳效果,构成了农田土壤固碳措施的温室气体泄漏.因此,将土壤固碳和温室气体泄漏综合计算的净减排潜力成为了判定土壤固碳措施可行性的首要标准.综述总结了目前较受重视的一些农田措施(包括施用化学氮肥、免耕和保护性耕作、灌溉、秸秆还田、施用禽畜粪便以及污灌)的土壤固碳潜力,温室气体泄漏和净减排潜力研究成果.结果表明,温室气体泄漏可抵消以上措施土壤固碳效益的-241%~660%.建议在今后的研究中,应该关注土壤碳饱和、气候变化及土地利用变化对农田固碳措施温室气体泄漏和净减排潜力的评估结果的影响.  相似文献   

The Australian Government has sanctioned development of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) abatement methodologies to meet international emissions reduction obligations. Savanna burning emissions abatement methodologies have been available since 2012, and there are currently 72 registered projects covering approximately 32 million ha. Abatement to date has exceeded 4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2‐e) principally through the application of low intensity early dry season fire management to reduce the amount of biomass combusted in higher intensity late dry season (LDS) fires. Savanna burning projects can only be conducted on areas with eligible fire‐prone vegetation fuel types where implementing the improved fire management regime is considered ecologically appropriate. This study assesses the suitability of including tall Acacia shrublands (‘Pindan’) as a new eligible fuel type. These shrublands make up 12% (~2 million ha) of the Kimberley region, Western Australia, where, on average, 32% is fire affected annually, mostly in the LDS. A standard assessment protocol was applied to describe vegetation fuel type structural and pyrolysis characteristics. We show that Pindan (i) can be identified and mapped as a unique tall Acacia shrubland vegetation fuel type, (ii) characterised by a significantly greater shrubby fuel load biomass, and (iii) the conservation status of which would benefit from imposition of strategic prescribed burning programme. Savanna burning projects in the Pindan fuel type could potentially abate up to 24.43 t.CO2e/km2 per year, generating significant income and employment opportunities for predominantly Indigenous land managers in the region.  相似文献   

Dairy systems in Europe contribute to the emissions of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). In this paper, the effects of improved nitrogen (N) management on GHG emissions from Dutch dairy farms are determined. The GHG emissions are calculated using the panel on climate change (IPCC) methodology for the Netherlands, an updated and refined IPCC methodology, and a full accounting approach. The changes in dairy farming over the last 20 years, and the consequences for N management are described using detailed farm‐level data, collected in 1985, 1997 and 2002. The selected years represent distinct stages in the implementation of N policies. The changes in N management have reduced the GHG emissions. A reduction of the N surplus per kilogram milk with 1 g N reduced the GHG emissions per kilogram milk with approximately 29 g CO2‐equivalents. The reduction of the N surpluses was mainly brought about by reduced fertilizer use and reduced grazing time. The use of updated and refined emission factors resulted in higher CH4 emissions and lower N2O emissions. On average, the overall emission was 36% higher with the refined method. Full accounting, including all direct and indirect emissions of CH4, N2O and CO2, increased the emission with 36% compared with the refined IPCC methodology. We conclude that the N surplus at farm level is a useful indicator of GHG emissions. A full accounting system as presented in this study may effectively enable farmers to address the issue of emissions of GHGs in their operational management decisions. Both approaches serve their own specific objectives: full accounting at the farm level to explore mitigation options, and the IPCC methods to report changes in GHG emissions at the national level.  相似文献   

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