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Estimates of inbreeding depression obtained from the literature were used to evaluate the association between inbreeding depression and the degree of self-fertilization in natural plant populations. Theoretical models predict that the magnitude of inbreeding depression will decrease with inbreeding as deleterious recessive alleles are expressed and purged through selection. If selection acts differentially among life history stages and deleterious effects are uncorrelated among stages, then the timing of inbreeding depression may also evolve with inbreeding. Estimates of cumulative inbreeding depression and stage-specific inbreeding depression (four stages: seed production of parent, germination, juvenile survival, and growth/reproduction) were compiled for 79 populations (using means of replicates, N = 62) comprising 54 species from 23 families of vascular plants. Where available, data on the mating system also were collected and used as a measure of inbreeding history. A significant negative correlation was found between cumulative inbreeding depression and the primary selfing rate for the combined sample of angiosperms (N = 35) and gymnosperms (N = 9); the correlation was significant for angiosperms but not gymnosperms examined separately. The average inbreeding depression in predominantly selfing species (δ = 0.23) was significantly less (43%) than that in predominantly outcrossing species (δ = 0.53). These results support the theoretical prediction that selfing reduces the magnitude of inbreeding depression. Most self-fertilizing species expressed the majority of their inbreeding depression late in the life cycle, at the stage of growth/reproduction (14 of 18 species), whereas outcrossing species expressed much of their inbreeding depression either early, at seed production (17 of 40 species), or late (19 species). For species with four life stages examined, selfing and outcrossing species differed in the magnitude of inbreeding depression at the stage of seed production (selfing δ = 0.05, N = 11; outcrossing δ = 0.32, N = 31), germination (selfing δ = 0.02, outcrossing δ = 0.12), and survival to reproduction (selfing δ = 0.04, outcrossing δ = 0.15), but not at growth and reproduction (selfing δ = 0.21, outcrossing δ = 0.27); inbreeding depression in selfers relative to outcrossers increased from early to late life stages. These results support the hypothesis that most early acting inbreeding depression is due to recessive lethals and can be purged through inbreeding, whereas much of the late-acting inbreeding depression is due to weakly deleterious mutations and is very difficult to purge, even under extreme inbreeding.  相似文献   

Gametophytic self‐incompatibility (GSI) is a widespread genetic system, which enables hermaphroditic plants to avoid self‐fertilization and mating with close relatives. Inbreeding depression is thought to be the major force maintaining SI; however, inbreeding depression is a dynamical variable that depends in particular on the mating system. In this article we use multilocus, individual‐based simulations to examine the coevolution of SI and inbreeding depression within finite populations. We focus on the conditions for the maintenance of SI when self‐compatible (SC) mutants are introduced in the population by recurrent mutation, and compare simulation results with predictions from an analytical model treating inbreeding depression as a fixed parameter (thereby neglecting effects of purging within the SC subpopulation). In agreement with previous models, we observe that the maintenance of SI is associated with high inbreeding depression and is facilitated by high rates of self‐pollination. Purging of deleterious mutations by SC mutants has little effect on the spread of those mutants as long as most deleterious alleles have weak fitness effects: in this case, the genetic architecture of inbreeding depression has little effect on the maintenance of SI. By contrast, purging may greatly enhance the spread of SC mutants when deleterious alleles have strong fitness effects.  相似文献   

We established inbred laboratory lines of the satyrid Bicyclus anynana with one, three and 10 pairs of butterflies, which were subsequently allowed to increase freely to a maximum size of 300 butterflies. Minimally inbred control lines were established with 300 randomly selected virgin butterflies of equal sex ratio. We measured fecundity, egg weight, egg hatching, adult emergence, adult size, and the proportion of crippled adults in generations F2, F3, F5, and F7 (the latter two for the one pair bottleneck lines only). The most striking result was an unexpectedly large decrease in egg hatching with increase in inbreeding (25% per 10% increase in inbreeding). Such a level of inbreeding depression has not been reported previously for any insect. The distribution of egg hatching rate for individual clutches within inbred lines was markedly skewed, with a large fraction of clutches producing no eggs at all. This is interpreted as a relatively lower ratio of detrimental to lethal (or sterile) mutation loads than is found in Drosophila, the only insects for which mutation loads have been well characterized. Possible explanations for this severe inbreeding depression include a relatively high rate of mutation to recessive alleles with substantial damaging effects and infrequent episodes of inbreeding in nature. In the experiments, average egg hatching rate recovered rapidly between F2 and F7 in three of the six one-pair lines. We discuss the implications of these results for survival of populations through extreme bottlenecks in nature and in captivity.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to examine the consequences of five sequential generations of enforced selfing and outcrossing in two annual populations of the mixed-mating Mimulus guttatus. Our primary goal was to determine whether purging of deleterious recessive alleles occurs uniformly between populations and among families, and thus gain insights into the mode of gene action (dominance, overdominance, and/or epistasis) governing the expression of inbreeding depression at both the population and family levels across the life cycle.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is thought to be a major factor affecting the evolution of mating systems and dispersal. While there is ample evidence for inbreeding depression in captivity, it has rarely been documented in natural populations. In this study, I examine data from a long-term demographic study of an insular population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) and present evidence for inbreeding depression. Forty-four percent of all matings on Mandarte Island, British Columbia, were among known relatives. Offspring of a full-sib mating (f = 0.25) experienced a reduction in annual survival rate of 17.5% on average. Over their lifetime, females with f = 0.25 produced 48% fewer young that reached independence from parental care. In contrast, male lifetime reproductive success was not affected by inbreeding. Reduced female lifetime reproductive success was mostly due to reduced hatching rates of the eggs of inbred females. Relatedness among the parents did not affect their reproductive success. Using data on survival from egg stage to breeding age, I estimated the average song sparrow egg on Mandarte Island to carry a minimum of 5.38 lethal equivalents (the number of deleterious genes whose cumulative effect is equivalent to one lethal); 2.88 of these lethal equivalents were expressed from egg stage to independence of parental care. This estimate is higher than most estimates reported for laboratory populations and lower than those reported for zoo populations. Hence, the costs of inbreeding in this population were substantial and slightly above those expected from laboratory studies. Variability in estimates of lethal equivalents among years showed that costs of inbreeding were not constant across years.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression was estimated from an outbreeding population of the freshwater snail Lymnaea peregra, on the basis of two successive generations of enforced selling and outcrossing, and 70 maternal lineages. Outcrossing was analyzed under two treatments, groups of two and five individuals. The fitness parameters measured included fecundity, growth, and survival. In the first generation, we contrasted three treatments (selfers vs. paired outcrossers and group outcrossers). Very similar results were obtained between the two outcrossing treatments. A strong self-fertilization depression (which includes parental fecundity and progeny fitness) was detected in the selling treatment (about 90%). In the second generation, there was again marked evidence for self-fertilization depression, with the highest contributions coming from parental fecundity and progeny hatching rate. Our results suggest that the decreased parental fecundity is a consequence of the mating system in the previous generation, although the role of partial self-incompatibility and the copulation behavior could not be ruled out. Hatching rate and early survival data are suggestive of purging of lethal mutations. Significant variation in fitness among selfing lineages was found for most fitness traits. Our experimental design also allowed to test for interactions among fitness loci. Only one trait of the nine studied behaved as expected under synergistic interactions. However we cannot rule out some purging during the experiment, which could have biased results towards linearity. Inbreeding depression was also inferred from the change of inbreeding level across generations in the same population. We obtained a value similar to the experimental estimate.  相似文献   

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