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Evidence shows the important role biota play in the carbon cycle, and strategic management of plant and animal populations could enhance CO2 uptake in aquatic ecosystems. However, it is currently unknown how management-driven changes to community structure may interact with climate warming and other anthropogenic perturbations to alter CO2 fluxes. Here we showed that under ambient water temperatures, predators (three-spined stickleback) and nutrient enrichment synergistically increased primary producer biomass, resulting in increased CO2 uptake by mesocosms in early dawn. However, a 3°C increase in water temperatures counteracted positive effects of predators and nutrients, leading to reduced primary producer biomass and a switch from CO2 influx to efflux. This confounding effect of temperature demonstrates that climate scenarios must be accounted for when undertaking ecosystem management actions to increase biosequestration.  相似文献   

厦门同安湾定置网捕获鱼类的多样性及营养级特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2012年4月至2013年3月在同安湾进行的定置网渔业资源调查资料, 探讨了该海域鱼类多样性及平均营养级特征。结果表明, 周年逐月共鉴定鱼类112种, 隶属于15目53科88属。渔获物组成以沿岸小型底层鱼类为主, 其中中上层鱼类15种, 中下层鱼类18种, 底层鱼类79种; 暖水性种类84种, 暖温性种类28种, 亚热带动物区系特征明显; 杂食性鱼类8种, 低级肉食性鱼类71种, 中级肉食性鱼类30种, 高级肉食性鱼类3种, 以低级肉食性鱼类为主。中华海鲶(Tachysurus sinensis)是夏、秋、冬三季的优势种, 六指多指马鲅(Polydactylus sextarius)、锯脊塘鳢(Butis koilomatodon)和髭缟鰕虎鱼(Tridentiger barbatus)是春、冬两季的优势种。重量和尾数多样性指数最高值均在11月, 分别为3.26和3.29; 最低值均在2月, 分别为1.78和1.77。鱼类种类存在明显的季节更替现象, 其月更替率6月最低, 为40.1%; 3月最高, 达68.6%。鱼类平均营养级也存在明显的季节变化, 其中3月最低, 为3.02; 1月最高, 为3.92; 周年平均营养级为3.52。与2003年调查资料相比, 鱼类种类数明显减少, 鱼类组成和优势种发生了很大的变化, 导致变化的主要原因可能是过度捕捞、栖息地破坏和环境污染等。  相似文献   

Grazing by large herbivores may negatively affect bird populations. This is of great conservation concern in areas with intensive sheep grazing. Sheep management varies substantially between regions, but no study has been performed in less intensively grazed systems. In a fully replicated, landscape scale experiment with three levels of sheep grazing, we tested whether the abundance and diversity of an assemblage of mountain birds were negatively affected by grazing or if grazing facilitated the bird assemblage. Density of birds was higher at high sheep density compared with low sheep density or no sheep by the fourth grazing season, while there was no clear effect on bird diversity. Thus, agricultural traditions and land use politics determining sheep density may change the density of avifauna in either positive or negative directions.  相似文献   

Although invasive plants are a major source of terrestrial ecosystem degradation worldwide, it remains unclear which trophic levels above the base of the food web are most vulnerable to plant invasions. We performed a meta‐analysis of 38 independent studies from 32 papers to examine how invasive plants alter major groupings of primary and secondary consumers in three globally distributed ecosystems: wetlands, woodlands and grasslands. Within each ecosystem we examined if green (grazing) food webs are more sensitive to plant invasions compared to brown (detrital) food webs. Invasive plants have strong negative effects on primary consumers (detritivores, bacterivores, fungivores, and/or herbivores) in woodlands and wetlands, which become less abundant in both green and brown food webs in woodlands and green webs in wetlands. Plant invasions increased abundances of secondary consumers (predators and/or parasitoids) only in woodland brown food webs and green webs in wetlands. Effects of invasive plants on grazing and detrital food webs clearly differed between ecosystems. Overall, invasive plants had the most pronounced effects on the trophic structure of wetlands and woodlands, but caused no detectable changes to grassland trophic structure.  相似文献   

Alternatives in ecosystem‐based management often differ with respect to trade‐offs between ecosystem values. Ecosystem or food‐web models and demographic models are typically employed to evaluate alternatives, but the approaches are rarely integrated to uncover conflicts between values. We applied multistate models to a capture–recapture dataset on common guillemots Uria aalge breeding in the Baltic Sea to identify factors influencing survival. The estimated relationships were employed together with Ecopath‐with‐Ecosim food‐web model simulations to project guillemot survival under six future scenarios incorporating climate change. The scenarios were based on management alternatives for eutrophication and cod fisheries, issues considered top priority for regional management, but without known direct effects on the guillemot population. Our demographic models identified prey quantity (abundance and biomass of sprat Sprattus sprattus) as the main factor influencing guillemot survival. Most scenarios resulted in projections of increased survival, in the near (2016–2040) and distant (2060–2085) future. However, in the scenario of reduced nutrient input and precautionary cod fishing, guillemot survival was projected to be lower in both future periods due to lower sprat stocks. Matrix population models suggested a substantial decline of the guillemot population in the near future, 24% per 10 years, and a smaller reduction, 1.1% per 10 years, in the distant future. To date, many stakeholders and Baltic Sea governments have supported reduced nutrient input and precautionary cod fishing and implementation is underway. Negative effects on nonfocal species have previously not been uncovered, but our results show that the scenario is likely to negatively impact the guillemot population. Linking model results allowed identifying trade‐offs associated with management alternatives. This information is critical to thorough evaluation by decision‐makers, but not easily obtained by food‐web models or demographic models in isolation. Appropriate datasets are often available, making it feasible to apply a linked approach for better‐informed decisions in ecosystem‐based management.  相似文献   

A vast body of research demonstrates that many ecological and evolutionary processes can only be understood from a tri‐trophic viewpoint, that is, one that moves beyond the pairwise interactions of neighbouring trophic levels to consider the emergent features of interactions among multiple trophic levels. Despite its unifying potential, tri‐trophic research has been fragmented, following two distinct paths. One has focused on the population biology and evolutionary ecology of simple food chains of interacting species. The other has focused on bottom‐up and top‐down controls over the distribution of biomass across trophic levels and other ecosystem‐level variables. Here, we propose pathways to bridge these two long‐standing perspectives. We argue that an expanded theory of tri‐trophic interactions (TTIs) can unify our understanding of biological processes across scales and levels of organisation, ranging from species evolution and pairwise interactions to community structure and ecosystem function. To do so requires addressing how community structure and ecosystem function arise as emergent properties of component TTIs, and, in turn, how species traits and TTIs are shaped by the ecosystem processes and the abiotic environment in which they are embedded. We conclude that novel insights will come from applying tri‐trophic theory systematically across all levels of biological organisation.  相似文献   

The trophic level (TL) mean and variance, and the degree of omnivory for five Celtic Sea fish predators were estimated using a database of stomach content records characterized by a high level of taxonomic resolution. The predators occupied a high position in the food web, i.e. 4·75 for Atlantic cod Gadus morhua, 4·44 for haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus, 4·88 for European hake Merluccius merluccius, 5·00 for megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis and 5·27 for whiting Merlangius merlangus. The level of taxonomic resolution of the prey did not greatly affect mean TL predator values; an effect on variance was evident, low resolution masking intra‐population variability in TL. Generalized additive models (GAM) were used to explain the variability of predator TL caused by environmental variables (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ICES, division and season) and predator characteristics (total length, LT). Significant year, location season and interaction effects were found for some species and with LT at the scale of ICES subdivision. The species‐specific variability of TL could be due to spatio‐temporal variations in prey availability and in predator selectivity following ontogenetic changes. Omnivorous fish TL was less affected by spatio‐temporal variations. In addition, results showed that the omnivory index and TL variability provide dissimilar information on predator feeding strategy. Combining information on TL variability and omnivory allowed between within‐individual and between‐individual components contributing to trophic niche width to be separated and the type of generalization of fish predators to be identified.  相似文献   

Eutrophication of fresh waters results in increased CO2 uptake by primary production, but at the same time increased emissions of CH4 to the atmosphere. Given the contrasting effects of CO2 uptake and CH4 release, the net effect of eutrophication on the CO2‐equivalent balance of fresh waters is not clear. We measured carbon fluxes (CO2 and CH4 diffusion, CH4 ebullition) and CH4 oxidation in 20 freshwater mesocosms with 10 different nutrient concentrations (total phosphorus range: mesotrophic 39 µg/L until hypereutrophic 939 µg/L) and planktivorous fish in half of them. We found that the CO2‐equivalent balance had a U‐shaped relationship with productivity, up to a threshold in hypereutrophic systems. CO2‐equivalent sinks were confined to a narrow range of net ecosystem production (NEP) between 5 and 19 mmol O2 m?3 day?1. Our findings indicate that eutrophication can shift fresh waters from sources to sinks of CO2‐equivalents due to enhanced CO2 uptake, but continued eutrophication enhances CH4 emission and transforms freshwater ecosystems to net sources of CO2‐equivalents to the atmosphere. Nutrient enrichment but also planktivorous fish presence increased productivity, thereby regulating the resulting CO2‐equivalent balance. Increasing planktivorous fish abundance, often concomitant with eutrophication, will consequently likely affect the CO2‐equivalent balance of fresh waters.  相似文献   

Soil food webs comprise a multitude of trophic interactions that can affect the composition and productivity of plant communities. Belowground predators feeding on microbial grazers like Collembola could decelerate nutrient mineralization by reducing microbial turnover in the soil, which in turn could negatively influence plant growth. However, empirical evidences for the ecological significance of belowground predators on nutrient cycling and plant communities are scarce. Here, we manipulated predator density (Hypoaspis aculeifer: predatory mite) with equal densities of three Collembola species as a prey in four functionally dissimilar plant communities in experimental microcosms: grass monoculture (Poa pratensis), herb monoculture (Rumex acetosa), legume monoculture (Trifolium pratense), and all three species as a mixed plant community. Density manipulation of predators allowed us to test for density‐mediated effects of belowground predators on Collembola and lower trophic groups. We hypothesized that predator density will reduce Collembola population causing a decrease in nutrient mineralization and hence detrimentally affect plant growth. First, we found a density‐dependent population change in predators, that is, an increase in low‐density treatments, but a decrease in high‐density treatments. Second, prey suppression was lower at high predator density, which caused a shift in the soil microbial community by increasing the fungal: bacterial biomass ratio, and an increase of nitrification rates, particularly in legume monocultures. Despite the increase in nutrient mineralization, legume monocultures performed worse at high predator density. Further, individual grass shoot biomass decreased in monocultures, while it increased in mixed plant communities with increasing predator density, which coincided with elevated soil N uptake by grasses. As a consequence, high predator density significantly increased plant complementarity effects indicating a decrease in interspecific plant competition. These results highlight that belowground predators can relax interspecific plant competition by increasing nutrient mineralization through their density‐dependent cascading effects on detritivore and soil microbial communities.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the effects of biodiversity loss across trophic levels and across ecosystems (terrestrial to aquatic) on ecosystem function, in a detritus‐based tropical food web. Diversities of consumers (stream shredders) and resources (leaf litter) were experimentally manipulated by varying the number of species from 3 to 1, using different species combinations, and the effects on leaf breakdown rates were examined. In single‐species shredder treatments, leaf diversity loss affected breakdown rates, but the effect depended on the identity of the leaves remaining in the system: they increased when the most preferred leaf species remained, but decreased when this species was lost (leaf preferences were the same for all shredders). In multi‐species shredder assemblages, breakdown rates were lower than expected from single‐species treatments, suggesting an important role of interspecific competition. This pattern was also evident when oneleaf species was available but not with higher leaf diversity, suggesting that lowered leaf diversity promotes competitive interactions among shredders. The influence of diversity and identity of species across trophic levels and ecosystems on stream functioning points to complex interactions that may well be reflected in other types of ecosystem.  相似文献   

Food web structure and dynamics depend on relationships between body sizes of predators and their prey. Species‐based and community‐wide estimates of preferred and realized predator–prey mass ratios (PPMR) are required inputs to size‐based size spectrum models of marine communities, food webs, and ecosystems. Here, we clarify differences between PPMR definitions in different size spectrum models, in particular differences between PPMR measurements weighting prey abundance in individual predators by biomass (rbio) and numbers (rnum). We argue that the former weighting generates PPMR as usually conceptualized in equilibrium (static) size spectrum models while the latter usually applies to dynamic models. We use diet information from 170,689 individuals of 34 species of fish in Alaskan marine ecosystems to calculate both PPMR metrics. Using hierarchical models, we examine how explained variance in these metrics changed with predator body size, predator taxonomic resolution, and spatial resolution. In the hierarchical analysis, variance in both metrics emerged primarily at the species level and substantially less variance was associated with other (higher) taxonomic levels or with spatial resolution. This suggests that changes in species composition are the main drivers of community‐wide mean PPMR. At all levels of analysis, relationships between weighted mean rbio or weighted mean rnum and predator mass tended to be dome‐shaped. Weighted mean rnum values, for species and community‐wide, were approximately an order of magnitude higher than weighted mean rbio, reflecting the consistent numeric dominance of small prey in predator diets. As well as increasing understanding of the drivers of variation in PPMR and providing estimates of PPMR in the north Pacific Ocean, our results demonstrate that that rbio or rnum, as well as their corresponding weighted means for any defined group of predators, are not directly substitutable. When developing equilibrium size‐based models based on bulk energy flux or comparing PPMR estimates derived from the relationship between body mass and trophic level with those based on diet analysis, weighted mean rbio is a more appropriate measure of PPMR. When calibrating preference PPMR in dynamic size spectrum models then weighted mean rnum will be a more appropriate measure of PPMR.  相似文献   

开放式空气CO2浓度增高对土壤线虫影响的研究现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
李琪  王朋 《应用生态学报》2002,13(10):1349-1351
大气CO2浓度增高会对生态系统产生一系列的影响,这些影响在某种程度上受到土壤动物区系的调节,本文通过论述大气CO2浓度增高对不同类型土壤中和不同生态系统中土壤线虫产生的影响,阐明了用土壤线虫作为指示生物来研究生态系统变化的意义,并提出了今后针对大气CO2浓度增高这一现象应着重围绕土壤线虫及土壤动物系优先开展的几方面研究,从而更好地指示整个生态系统的变化情况,为有效地管理农田生态系统提供依据。  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (eCO2) has been shown to have a variety of ecosystem‐level effects in terrestrial systems, but few studies have examined how eCO2 might affect aquatic habitats. This limits broad generalizations about the effects of a changing climate across biomes. To broaden this generalization, we used free air CO2 enrichment to compare effects of eCO2 (i.e., double ambient ~720 ppm) relative to ambient CO2 (aCO2~360 ppm) on several ecosystem properties and functions in large, outdoor, experimental mesocosms that mimicked shallow sand‐bottom prairie streams. In general, we showed that eCO2 had strong bottom‐up effects on stream autotrophs, which moved through the food web and indirectly affected consumer trophic levels. These general effects were likely mediated by differential CO2 limitation between the eCO2 and aCO2 treatments. For example, we found that eCO2 decreased water‐column pH and increased dissolved CO2 in the mesocosms, reducing CO2‐limitation at times of intense primary production (PP). At these times, PP of benthic algae was about two times greater in the eCO2 treatment than aCO2 treatment. Elevated PP enhanced the rate of carbon assimilation relative to nutrient uptake, which reduced algae quality in the eCO2 treatment. We predicted that reduced algae quality would negatively affect benthic invertebrates. However, density, biomass and average individual size of benthic invertebrates increased in the eCO2 treatment relative to aCO2 treatment. This suggested that total PP was a more important regulator of secondary production than food quality in our experiment. This study broadens generalizations about ecosystem‐level effects of a changing climate by providing some of the first evidence that the global increase in atmospheric CO2 might affect autotrophs and consumers in small stream ecosystems throughout the southern Great Plains and Gulf Coastal slope of North America.  相似文献   

The Earth is experiencing historically unprecedented rates of warming, with surface temperatures projected to increase by 3–5 °C globally, and up to 7.5 °C in high latitudes, within the next century. Knowledge of how this will affect biological systems is still largely restricted to the lower levels of organization (e.g. species range shifts), rather than at the community, food web or ecosystem level, where responses cannot be predicted from studying single species in isolation. Further, many correlational studies are confounded with time and/or space, whereas experiments have been mostly confined to laboratory microcosms that cannot capture the true complexity of natural ecosystems. We used a ‘natural experiment’ in an attempt to circumvent these shortcomings, by characterizing community structure and trophic interactions in 15 geothermal Icelandic streams ranging in temperature from 5 °C to 45 °C. Even modest temperature increases had dramatic effects across multiple levels of organization, from changes in the mean body size of the top predators, to unimodal responses of species populations, turnover in community composition, and lengthening of food chains. Our results reveal that the rates of warming predicted for the next century have serious implications for the structure and functioning of these fragile ‘sentinel’ ecosystems across multiple levels of organization.  相似文献   

1. Over the past decade, ecologists have tried to determine how changes in species composition and diversity affect ecosystem structure and function. Until recently, the majority of these studies have been conducted in terrestrial ecosystems and have not taken into account environmental variability. The purpose of this research was to determine how species identity and diversity in the freshwater zooplankton affected biomass of algae and zooplankton at two levels of nutrient enrichment.
2. Several species of cladocerans were grown alone and together in microcosms at both ambient and raised phosphorus concentrations to determine if the effects of consumer identity and diversity were nutrient dependent.
3. Total zooplankton biomass was greater, while algal biomass was lower, in mixed culture than in monoculture. The effects of zooplankton diversity on algal biomass, however, were only observed at raised phosphorus concentrations, suggesting that diversity effects were nutrient dependent. Specifically, diversity effects appeared to be related with biological mechanisms such as complementarity in resource use and/or facilitation.
4. More diverse communities of zooplankton appear to be better able to control algae than single species of zooplankton at high nutrient concentrations; therefore, zooplankton diversity may provide a buffer against eutrophication in freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

The response of soil biotas to climate change has the potential to regulate multiple ecosystem functions. However, it is still challenging to accurately predict how multiple climate change factors will affect multiple ecosystem functions. Here, we assessed the short-term responses of agroecosystem multifunctionality to a factorial combination of elevated CO2 (+200 ppm) and O3 (+40 ppb) and identified the key soil biotas (i.e., bacteria, fungi, protists, and nematodes) concerning the changes in the multiple ecosystem functions for two rice varieties (Japonica, Nanjing 5055 vs. Wuyujing 3). We provided strong evidence that combined treatment rather than individual treatments of short-term elevated CO2 and O3 significantly increased the agroecosystem multifunctionality index by 32.3% in the Wuyujing 3 variety, but not in the Nanjing 5055 variety. Soil biotas exhibited an important role in regulating multifunctionality under short-term elevated CO2 and O3, with soil nematode abundances better explaining the changes in ecosystem multifunctionality than soil biota diversity. Furthermore, the higher trophic groups of nematodes, omnivores-predators served as the principal predictor of agroecosystem multifunctionality. These results provide unprecedented new evidence that short-term elevated CO2 and O3 can potentially affect agroecosystem multifunctionality through soil nematode abundances, especially omnivores-predators. Our study demonstrates that high trophic groups were specifically beneficial for regulating multiple ecosystem functions and highlights the importance of soil nematode communities for the maintenance of agroecosystem functions and health under climate change in the future.  相似文献   

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