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Paternal behavior is not innate but arises through social experience. After mating and becoming fathers, male mice change their behavior toward pups from infanticide to paternal care. However, the precise brain areas and circuit mechanisms connecting these social behaviors are largely unknown. Here we demonstrated that the c‐Fos expression pattern in the four nuclei of the preoptic‐bed nuclei of stria terminalis (BST) region could robustly discriminate five kinds of previous social behavior of male mice (parenting, infanticide, mating, inter‐male aggression, solitary control). Specifically, neuronal activation in the central part of the medial preoptic area (cMPOA) and rhomboid nucleus of the BST (BSTrh) retroactively detected paternal and infanticidal motivation with more than 95% accuracy. Moreover, cMPOA lesions switched behavior in fathers from paternal to infanticidal, while BSTrh lesions inhibited infanticide in virgin males. The projections from cMPOA to BSTrh were largely GABAergic. Optogenetic or pharmacogenetic activation of cMPOA attenuated infanticide in virgin males. Taken together, this study identifies the preoptic‐BST nuclei underlying social motivations in male mice and reveals unexpected complexity in the circuit connecting these nuclei.  相似文献   

1. The aim of this study was to determine whether central networks are involved in the presumptive behavioral and autonomic regulatory actions of secretin, a gut hormone that has been reported to have ameliorative effects in autistic children.2. Central neural responses monitored by regional c-fos gene expression were examined in response to intracerebroventricular secretin injection in awake, freely-moving Sprague-Dawley rats. Tissue sections were incubated in an antibody to the c-fosgene product, Fos, and processed immunohistochemically.3. Qualitative differences in Fos immunoreactivity in stress adaptation and visceral representation areas of the brain were observed between secretin- and vehicle-infused age-matched pairs (n = 4 pairs). Secretin-activated regions include the area postrema, dorsal motor nucleus, medial region of the nucleus of the solitary tract and its relay station in the lateral tegmentum, locus ceruleus, ventral periaqueductal gray, periventricular thalamic nucleus, paraventricular hypothalamus magnocellularis, medial and central amygdala, lateral septal complex as well as ependymal and subependymal nuclei lining the third ventricle. Specific areas of the cerebral cortex were heavily labeled in secretin-treated rats, as compared to controls: the medial bank of the anterior prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, the piriform cortex, and the anterior olfactory nucleus. Secretin attenuated Fos immunoreactivity in the dorsal periaqueductal gray, intralaminar thalamus, medial parvicellular compartment of the hypothalamus, supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus, lateral amygdala, motor cortex, and the somatosensory and association areas of the parietal cortex.4. Secretin alters the activity of structures involved in behavioral conditioning of stress adaptation and visceral reflex reactions. This study predicts a possible cellular mechanism, activation of third ventricular ependymal and subependymal cells, as well as central regulatory actions of secretin. The physiological effects of secretin on behavioral, endocrine, autonomic and sensory neuronal activation patterns, together, contribute to central c-fos activation. Secretin alters the activity of structures involved in behavioral conditioning of stress adaptation and visceral reflex reactions. This study predicts a possible cellular mechanism, activation of third ventricular ependymal and subependymal cells, and central regulatory actions of secretin. The physiological effects of secretin on behavioral, endocrine, autonomic and sensory neuronal activation patterns, together, contribute to central c-fos activation. These findings mandate further investigation of secretin as a brain/gut stress regulatory hormone.  相似文献   

Brown RM  Short JL  Lawrence AJ 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e15889
Relapse prevention represents the primary therapeutic challenge in the treatment of drug addiction. As with humans, drug-seeking behaviour can be precipitated in laboratory animals by exposure to a small dose of the drug (prime). The aim of this study was to identify brain nuclei implicated in the cocaine-primed reinstatement of a conditioned place preference (CPP). Thus, a group of mice were conditioned to cocaine, had this place preference extinguished and were then tested for primed reinstatement of the original place preference. There was no correlation between the extent of drug-seeking upon reinstatement and the extent of behavioural sensitization, the extent of original CPP or the extinction profile of mice, suggesting a dissociation of these components of addictive behaviour with a drug-primed reinstatement. Expression of the protein product of the neuronal activity marker c-fos was assessed in a number of brain regions of mice that exhibited reinstatement (R mice) versus those which did not (NR mice). Reinstatement generally conferred greater Fos expression in cortical and limbic structures previously implicated in drug-seeking behaviour, though a number of regions not typically associated with drug-seeking were also activated. In addition, positive correlations were found between neural activation of a number of brain regions and reinstatement behaviour. The most significant result was the activation of the lateral habenula and its positive correlation with reinstatement behaviour. The findings of this study question the relationship between primed reinstatement of a previously extinguished place preference for cocaine and behavioural sensitization. They also implicate activation patterns of discrete brain nuclei as differentiators between reinstating and non-reinstating mice.  相似文献   

Immediate early genes (IEG) such as c‐Fos and Fos‐related antigens (FRA) have been used as markers of neuronal activation. In this study, we determined whether the expression of c‐Fos/FRAs is increased in the brains of adult male Acheta domesticus crickets following agonistic interactions. We looked for c‐Fos/FRA proteins in the brain of un‐fought, control male crickets and of dominant and subordinate male crickets sacrificed at different time periods following an agonistic interaction. Using immunoblot analysis, we found four different c‐Fos/FRA‐like proteins in the adult cricket brain. Continuous agonistic interaction increased c‐Fos/FRA protein expression in the brains of subordinate males compared to control and dominant males. In addition, direct electrical stimulation of the male cricket antennae increased c‐Fos/FRA‐like protein in the brain. We identified the specific brain regions that exhibit c‐Fos/FRA‐like immunoreactivity in crickets. We detected c‐Fos/FRA‐like cellular immunoreactivity in different functional regions of the adult brain including the pars intercerebralis, protocerebrum, deutocerebrum, and the cortex of the mushroom bodies. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

While the spatiotemporal development of Tau pathology has been correlated with occurrence of cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's patients, mechanisms underlying these deficits remain unclear. Both brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its tyrosine kinase receptor TrkB play a critical role in hippocampus‐dependent synaptic plasticity and memory. When applied on hippocampal slices, BDNF is able to enhance AMPA receptor‐dependent hippocampal basal synaptic transmission through a mechanism involving TrkB and N‐methyl‐d‐Aspartate receptors (NMDAR). Using THY‐Tau22 transgenic mice, we demonstrated that hippocampal Tau pathology is associated with loss of synaptic enhancement normally induced by exogenous BDNF. This defective response was concomitant to significant memory impairments. We show here that loss of BDNF response was due to impaired NMDAR function. Indeed, we observed a significant reduction of NMDA‐induced field excitatory postsynaptic potential depression in the hippocampus of Tau mice together with a reduced phosphorylation of NR2B at the Y1472, known to be critical for NMDAR function. Interestingly, we found that both NR2B and Src, one of the NR2B main kinases, interact with Tau and are mislocalized to the insoluble protein fraction rich in pathological Tau species. Defective response to BDNF was thus likely related to abnormal interaction of Src and NR2B with Tau in THY‐Tau22 animals. These are the first data demonstrating a relationship between Tau pathology and synaptic effects of BDNF and supporting a contribution of defective BDNF response and impaired NMDAR function to the cognitive deficits associated with Tauopathies.  相似文献   

Ghrelin stimulates feeding when administered centrally and peripherally. The lateral hypothalamus (LH) is thought to mediate ghrelin-induced hyperphagia. Thus, we examined central mechanisms underlying feeding generated by LH ghrelin. We determined that 0.3nmol of LH-injected ghrelin was the lowest dose increasing food consumption and it induced Fos immunoreactivity (IR; a marker of neuronal activation) in feeding-related brain areas, including the hypothalamic paraventricular, arcuate, and dorsomedial nuclei, amygdala, and nucleus of the solitary tract. Also, LH ghrelin induced Fos IR in LH orexin neurons. We conclude that the LH, as part of larger central circuitry, integrates orexigenic properties of ghrelin.  相似文献   

Acute fasting induced antidepressant‐like effects. However, the exact brain region and mechanism of these actions are still largely unknown. Therefore, in this study the antidepressant‐like effects of acute fasting on c‐Fos expression and BDNF levels were investigated. Consistent with our previous findings, immobility time was remarkably shortened by 9 hrs fasting in the forced swimming test. Furthermore, these antidepressant‐like effects of 9 fasting were inhibited by a 5‐HT2A/2C receptor agonist (±)‐1‐(2, 5‐dimethoxy‐4‐iodophenyl)‐2‐aminopropane hydrochloride (DOI), and the effect of DOI was blocked by pretreatment with a selective 5‐HT2A receptor antagonist ketanserin. Immunohistochemical study has shown that c‐Fos level was significantly increased by 9 hrs fasting in prefrontal cortex but not hippocampus and habenular. Fasting‐induced c‐Fos expression was further enhanced by DOI in prefrontal cortex, and these enhancements were inhibited by ketanserin. The increased BDNF levels by fasting were markedly inhibited by DOI in frontal cortex and hippocampus, and these effects of DOI on BDNF levels were also blocked by ketanserin. These findings suggest that the antidepressant‐like effects of acute fasting may be exerted via 5‐HT2A receptor and particularly sensitive to neural activity in the prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, these antidepressant‐like effects are also mediated by CREB and BDNF pathway in hippocampus and frontal cortex. Therefore, fasting may be potentially helpful against depression.  相似文献   

Reduced glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)67 expression may be causally involved in the development of social withdrawal in neuropsychiatric states such as autism, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. In this study, we report disturbance of social behavior in male GAD67 haplodeficient mice. GAD67+/? mice, compared to GAD67+/+ littermates, show reduced sociability and decreased intermale aggression, but normal nest building and urine marking behavior, as well as unchanged locomotor activity and anxiety‐like behavior. Moreover, the mutants display a reduced sensitivity to both social and non‐social odors, indicating a disturbance in the detection and/or processing of socially relevant olfactory stimuli. Indeed, we observed reduced activation of the lateral septum, medial preoptic area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial and cortical amygdala upon exposure of GAD67+/? mice to social interaction paradigm, as indicated by c‐Fos immunohistochemistry. These data suggest a disturbance of stimulus processing in the brain circuitry controlling social behavior in GAD67+/? mice, which may provide a useful model for studying the impact of a reduced GAD67 expression on alterations of social behavior related to neuropsychiatric disorders .  相似文献   

N‐methyl‐d ‐aspartate (NMDA) receptor‐deficient mice can be used to understand the role that NMDA receptors (NMDARs) play in the pathophysiology of neurodevelopmental disorders such as schizophrenia. Genetically modified mice with low levels of NR1 subunit (NR1 knockdown mice) have reduced receptor levels throughout development, and have robust abnormalities in behaviours that are relevant to schizophrenia. We traced the onset and severity of these behaviours at three developmental stages to understand when in development the underlying circuits depend on intact NMDAR function. We examined social behaviour, working memory, executive function, locomotor activity and stereotypy at 3, 6 and 12 weeks of age in NR1 knockdown mice and their wild‐type littermates. We discovered that each of these behaviours had a unique developmental trajectory in mutant mice, and males showed an earlier onset and severity than females in several behaviours. Hyperlocomotion was most substantial in juvenile mice and plateaued in adult mice, whereas stereotypy progressively worsened with age. Impairments in working memory and sociability were sexually dimorphic, with deficits first detected in peri‐adolescent males but only detected in adult females. Interestingly, executive function was most impaired in peri‐adolescent mice of either sex. Furthermore, while juvenile mutant mice had some ability to problem solve in the puzzle box test, the same mice lost this ability when tested 4 weeks later. Our studies highlight key developmental periods for males and females in the expression of behaviours that are relevant to psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Pre‐mutation CGG repeat expansions (55–200 CGG repeats; pre‐CGG) within the fragile‐X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene cause fragile‐X‐associated tremor/ataxia syndrome in humans. Defects in neuronal morphology, early migration, and electrophysiological activity have been described despite appreciable expression of fragile‐X mental retardation protein (FMRP) in a pre‐CGG knock‐in (KI) mouse model. The triggers that initiate and promote pre‐CGG neuronal dysfunction are not understood. The absence of FMRP in a Drosophila model of fragile‐X syndrome was shown to increase axonal transport of mitochondria. In this study, we show that dissociated hippocampal neuronal culture from pre‐CGG KI mice (average 170 CGG repeats) express 42.6% of the FMRP levels and 3.8‐fold higher Fmr1 mRNA than that measured in wild‐type neurons at 4 days in vitro. Pre‐CGG hippocampal neurons show abnormalities in the number, mobility, and metabolic function of mitochondria at this early stage of differentiation. Pre‐CGG hippocampal neurites contained significantly fewer mitochondria and greatly reduced mitochondria mobility. In addition, pre‐CGG neurons had higher rates of basal oxygen consumption and proton leak. We conclude that deficits in mitochondrial trafficking and metabolic function occur despite the presence of appreciable FMRP expression and may contribute to the early pathophysiology in pre‐CGG carriers and to the risk of developing clinical fragile‐X‐associated tremor/ataxia syndrome.  相似文献   

Imprinting in chicks is a good model for elucidating the processes underlying neural plasticity changes during juvenile learning. We recently reported that neural activation of a telencephalic region, the core region of the hyperpallium densocellulare (HDCo), was critical for success of visual imprinting, and that N‐Methyl‐D‐aspartic (NMDA) receptors containing the NR2B subunit (NR2B/NR1) in this region were essential for imprinting. Using electrophysiological and multiple‐site optical imaging techniques with acute brain slices, we found that long‐term potentiation (LTP) and enhancement of NR2B/NR1 currents in HDCo neurons were induced in imprinted chicks. Enhancement of NR2B/NR1 currents as well as an increase in surface NR2B expression occurred even following a brief training that was too weak to induce LTP or imprinting behavior. This means that NR2B/NR1 activation is the initial step of learning, well before the activation of alpha‐amino‐3‐hydroxy‐5‐methylisoxazole‐4‐propionate receptors which induces LTP. We also showed that knockdown of NR2B/NR1 inhibited imprinting, and inversely, increasing the surface NR2B expression by treatment with a casein kinase 2 inhibitor successfully reduced training time required for imprinting. These results suggest that imprinting stimuli activate post‐synaptic NR2B/NR1 in HDCo cells, increase NR2B/NR1 signaling through up‐regulation of its expression, and induce LTP and memory acquisition.


Glutamate Dehydrogenase 1 (GDH), encoded by the Glud1 gene in rodents, is a mitochondrial enzyme critical for maintaining glutamate homeostasis at the tripartite synapse. Our previous studies indicate that the hippocampus may be particularly vulnerable to GDH deficiency in central nervous system (CNS). Here, we first asked whether mice with a homozygous deletion of Glud1 in CNS (CNS‐Glud1 ?/? mice) express different levels of glutamate in hippocampus, and found elevated glutamate as well as glutamine in dorsal and ventral hippocampus, and increased glutamine in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). l ‐serine and d ‐serine, which contribute to glutamate homeostasis and NMDA receptor function, are increased in ventral but not dorsal hippocampus, and in mPFC. Protein expression levels of the GABA synthesis enzyme glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) GAD67 were decreased in the ventral hippocampus as well. Behavioral analysis revealed deficits in visual, spatial and social novelty recognition abilities, which require intact hippocampal‐prefrontal cortex circuitry. Finally, hippocampus‐dependent contextual fear retrieval was deficient in CNS‐Glud1 ?/? mice, and c‐Fos expression (indicative of neuronal activation) in the CA1 pyramidal layer was reduced immediately following this task. These data point to hippocampal subregion‐dependent disruption in glutamate homeostasis and excitatory/inhibitory balance, and to behavioral deficits that support a decline in hippocampal‐prefrontal cortex connectivity. Together with our previous data, these findings also point to different patterns of basal and activity‐induced hippocampal abnormalities in these mice. In sum, GDH contributes to healthy hippocampal and PFC function; disturbed GDH function is relevant to several psychiatric and neurological disorders.  相似文献   

We studied whether the serum levels of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and of antibodies against the N‐methyl‐d ‐aspartate receptor subunit NR2 (NR2 RNMDA) can discriminate between intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) and ischaemic stroke (IS) in stroke patients. We prospectively recruited patients with suspected stroke (72 confirmed) and 52 healthy controls. The type of brain lesion (ICH or IS) was established using brain imaging. The levels of GFAP and of antibodies against NR2 RNMDA were measured in blood samples obtained within 12 hrs after stroke onset and 24, 48 and 72 hrs and 1 and 2 weeks later using ELISA immunoassay. Improvement in diagnostic performance was assessed in logistic regression models designed to predict the diagnosis and the type of stroke. GFAP peaks early during haemorrhagic brain lesions (at significantly higher levels), and late in ischaemic events, whereas antibodies against NR2 RNMDA have significantly higher levels during IS at all time‐points. Neither of the two biomarkers used on its own could sufficiently discriminate patients, but when they are used in combination they can differentiate at 12 hrs after stroke, between ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke with a sensitivity and specificity of 94% and 91%, respectively.  相似文献   

研究大鼠在福尔马林诱发胃伤害性刺激时脑干内星形胶质细胞及神经元的变化。应用免疫组织化学三重标记法在脑原位切片同时显示脑干内Fos蛋白,胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP),酪氨酸羟化酶(TH)的表达,结果显示:1、在福尔马林诱发胃伤害性刺激后,脑干胶质细胞GFAP表达阳性,并表现出明显的核团或亚核定位特点,在延髓内脏带(MVZ0,中缝大核(RMg),蓝斑(LC),臂旁外侧核(LPB),中缝背核(DR),中脑导水管周围灰质腹外侧区(vlPAG),上丘中灰层(IngSC)等脑区有较多的Fos阳性细胞,而且Fos阳性表达的分布与上述GFAP阳性分布基本一致;2、MVZ,LC,DR,vlPAG等部位有大量Fos及TH双标阳性神经元,周围有密集的GFAP阳性细胞;3、随着刺激后存活时间的变化,GFAP与Fos阳性细胞的反应均经历逐渐升高后又渐降低直至消失的变化。结果表明:上述核团的神经元和星形胶质细胞可能同时参与了内脏痛及其调节过程。  相似文献   

We recently found severe noradrenaline deficits throughout the thalamus of patients with Parkinson's disease [C. Pifl, S. J. Kish and O. Hornykiewicz Mov Disord. 27, 2012, 1618.]. As this noradrenaline loss was especially severe in nuclei of the motor thalamus normally transmitting basal ganglia motor output to the cortex, we hypothesized that this noradrenaline loss aggravates the motor disorder of Parkinson's disease. Here, we analysed noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin in motor (ventrolateral and ventroanterior) and non‐motor (mediodorsal, centromedian, ventroposterior lateral and reticular) thalamic nuclei in MPTP‐treated monkeys who were always asymptomatic; who recovered from mild parkinsonism; and monkeys with stable, either moderate or severe parkinsonism. We found that only the symptomatic parkinsonian animals had significant noradrenaline losses specifically in the motor thalamus, with the ventroanterior motor nucleus being affected only in the severe parkinsonian animals. In contrast, the striatal dopamine loss was identical in both the mild and severe symptom groups. MPTP‐treatment had no significant effect on noradrenaline in non‐motor thalamic nuclei or dopamine and serotonin in any thalamic subregion. We conclude that in the MPTP primate model, loss of noradrenaline in the motor thalamus may also contribute to the clinical expression of the parkinsonian motor disorder, corroborating experimentally our hypothesis on the role of thalamic noradrenaline deficit in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Aluminum is associated with etiology of many neurodegenerative diseases specially Alzheimer’s disease. Chronic exposure to aluminum via drinking water results in aluminum deposition in the brain that leads to cognitive deficits. The study aimed to determine the effects of aluminum on cholinergic biomarkers, i.e., acetylcholine level, free choline level, and choline acetyltransferase gene expression, and how cholinergic deficit affects novel object recognition and sociability in mice. Mice were treated with AlCl3 (250 mg/kg). Acetylcholine level, free choline level, and choline acetyltransferase gene expression were determined in cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. The mice were subjected to behavior tests (novel object recognition and social novelty preference) to assess memory deficits. The acetylcholine level in cortex and hippocampus was significantly reduced in aluminum-treated animals, as compared to cortex and hippocampus of control animals. Acetylcholine level in amygdala of aluminum-treated animals remained unchanged. Free choline level in all the three brain parts was found unaltered in aluminum-treated mice. The novel object recognition memory was severely impaired in aluminum-treated mice, as compared to the control group. Similarly, animals treated with aluminum showed reduced sociability compared to the control mice group. Our study demonstrates that aluminum exposure via drinking water causes reduced acetylcholine synthesis in spite of normal free choline availability. This deficit is caused by reduced recycling of acetylcholine due to lower choline acetyltransferase level. This cholinergic hypofunction leads to cognitive and memory deficits. Moreover, hippocampus is the most affected brain part after aluminum intoxication.  相似文献   

Neurofibromatosis type‐1 (NF1) is a common neurogenetic disorder and an important cause of intellectual disability. Brain‐behaviour associations can be examined in vivo using morphometric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to study brain structure. Here, we studied structural and behavioural phenotypes in heterozygous Nf1 mice (Nf1+/?) using T2‐weighted imaging MRI and DTI, with a focus on social recognition deficits. We found that Nf1+/? mice have larger volumes than wild‐type (WT) mice in regions of interest involved in social cognition, the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the caudate‐putamen (CPu). Higher diffusivity was found across a distributed network of cortical and subcortical brain regions, within and beyond these regions. Significant differences were observed for the social recognition test. Most importantly, significant structure–function correlations were identified concerning social recognition performance and PFC volumes in Nf1+/? mice. Analyses of spatial learning corroborated the previously known deficits in the mutant mice, as corroborated by platform crossings, training quadrant time and average proximity measures. Moreover, linear discriminant analysis of spatial performance identified 2 separate sub‐groups in Nf1+/? mice. A significant correlation between quadrant time and CPu volumes was found specifically for the sub‐group of Nf1+/? mice with lower spatial learning performance, suggesting additional evidence for reorganization of this region. We found strong evidence that social and spatial cognition deficits can be associated with PFC/CPu structural changes and reorganization in NF1.  相似文献   

In cerebral cortex and lateral septal nuclei different serotonergic receptor subtypes coexist, thus a different action on neuronal firing may be expected depending on the receptor activated. Dorsal raphe nucleus stimulation produced an increased rate of firing in cortical layer V, and in lateral septal nuclei. However, firing rate in cortical layer VI remained unchanged after stimulating the dorsal raphe nucleus. Clomipramine is a tricyclic which exerts its main actions on serotonergic receptors, and long-term treatment with this antidepressant produced a selective increased firing rate in lateral septal neurons, but not in cortical neurons. From an electrophysiological point of view, it is concluded that the excitatory actions on firing rate elicited by dorsal raphe nucleus stimulation or clomipramine treatment are mediated by 5-HT2 receptor subtype activation which is likely to be acting as a 5-HT1A modulator in such places where both receptor subtypes coexist.  相似文献   

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