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Multilocus interactions (also known as Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities) are thought to be the major source of hybrid inviability and sterility. Because cytoplasmic and nuclear genomes have conflicting evolutionary interests and are often highly coevolved, cytonuclear incompatibilities may be among the first to develop in incipient species. Here, we report the discovery of cytoplasm-dependent anther sterility in hybrids between closely related Mimulus species, outcrossing M. guttatus and selfing M. nasutus. A novel pollenless anther phenotype was observed in F2 hybrids with the M. guttatus cytoplasm (F2G) but not in the reciprocal F2N hybrids, F1 hybrids or parental genotypes. The pattern of phenotypic segregation in the F2G hybrids and two backcross populations fit a Mendelian single-locus recessive model, allowing us to map the underlying nuclear locus to a small region on LG7 of the Mimulus linkage map. Anther sterility was associated with a 20% reduction in flower size in backcross hybrids and we mapped a major cytoplasm-dependent corolla width QTL with its peak at the anther sterility locus. We argue that the cytonuclear anther sterility seen in hybrids reflects the presence of a cryptic cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and restorer system within the hermaphroditic M. guttatus population and therefore name the anther sterility locus restorer-of-male-fertility (RMF). The genetic mapping of RMF is a first step toward testing hypotheses about the molecular basis, individual fitness consequences, and ecological context of CMS and restoration in a system without stable CMS-restorer polymorphism (i.e., gynodioecy). The discovery of cryptic CMS in a hermaphroditic wildflower further suggests that selfish cytoplasmic evolution may play an important, but often undetected, role in shaping patterns of hybrid incompatibility and interspecific introgression in plants.  相似文献   

Chromosomal rearrangements may directly cause hybrid sterility and can facilitate speciation by preserving local adaptation in the face of gene flow. We used comparative linkage mapping with shared gene‐based markers to identify potential chromosomal rearrangements between the sister monkeyflowers Mimulus lewisii and Mimulus cardinalis, which are textbook examples of ecological speciation. We then remapped quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for floral traits and flowering time (premating isolation) and hybrid sterility (postzygotic isolation). We identified three major regions of recombination suppression in the M. lewisii × M. cardinalis hybrid map compared to a relatively collinear Mimulus parishii × M. lewisii map, consistent with a reciprocal translocation and two inversions specific to M. cardinalis. These inferences were supported by targeted intraspecific mapping, which also implied a M. lewisii‐specific reciprocal translocation causing chromosomal pseudo‐linkage in both hybrid mapping populations. Floral QTLs mapped in this study, along with previously mapped adaptive QTLs, were clustered in putatively rearranged regions. All QTLs for male sterility, including two underdominant loci, mapped to regions of recombination suppression. We argue that chromosomal rearrangements may have played an important role in generating and consolidating barriers to gene flow as natural selection drove the dramatic ecological and morphological divergence of these species.  相似文献   

The intersubspecific hybrids of autotetraploid rice has many features that increase rice yield, but lower seed set is a major hindrance in its utilization. Pollen sterility is one of the most important factors which cause intersubspecific hybrid sterility. The hybrids with greater variation in seed set were used to study how the F(1) pollen sterile loci (S-a, S-b, and S-c) interact with each other and how abnormal chromosome behaviour and allelic interaction of F(1) sterility loci affect pollen fertility and seed set of intersubspecific autotetraploid rice hybrids. The results showed that interaction between pollen sterility loci have significant effects on the pollen fertility of autotetraploid hybrids, and pollen fertility further decreased with an increase in the allelic interaction of F(1) pollen sterility loci. Abnormal ultra-structure and microtubule distribution patterns during pollen mother cell (PMC) meiosis were found in the hybrids with low pollen fertility in interphase and leptotene, suggesting that the effect-time of pollen sterility loci interaction was very early. There were highly significant differences in the number of quadrivalents and bivalents, and in chromosome configuration among all the hybrids, and quadrivalents decreased with an increase in the seed set of autotetraploid hybrids. Many different kinds of chromosomal abnormalities, such as chromosome straggling, chromosome lagging, asynchrony of chromosome disjunction, and tri-fission were found during the various developmental stages of PMC meiosis. All these abnormalities were significantly higher in sterile hybrids than in fertile hybrids, suggesting that pollen sterility gene interactions tend to increase the chromosomal abnormalities which cause the partial abortion of male gametes and leads to the decline in the seed set of the autotetraploid rice hybrids.  相似文献   

Wild potato species are widely distributed in the Americas, where they spontaneously grow in very diverse habitats. These species - with low chromosome differentiation - form polyploid series with 2n = 2x, 3x, 4x and 6x (x =12). They are isolated in nature by external and internal hybridisation barriers that can be incomplete, allowing hybridisation in areas of sympatry. Nevertheless, most accessions in germplasm banks, regardless of genetic background of the sampled spontaneous populations, have been assigned specific categories based on morphological characters. To further investigate the extent of hybridisation in the group and for comparative purposes, pollen viability was estimated in (i) artificial hybrids between a commercial cultivar (Calén INTA) of the common potato (tetraploid Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) and the tetraploid cytotype of the related wild species S. gourlayi, and (ii) samples of plants (accessions) and inflorescences of natural populations from Argentina, tentatively classified as 'presumed hybrids' (S. infundibuliforme-S. gourlayi) and 'species' (S. infundibuliforme, S. gourlayi and S. chacoense). Regardless of origin, 98 out of 103 plants analysed had zero to 70% pollen viability (zero to 40% in eight of them). Pollen grains were of variable size and morphology and, in mostly male sterile plants, the only viable pollen grains were 2n and/or 4n. Furthermore, male sterile plants shared various abnormalities in meiosis I and II (unpaired chromosomes, unequal chromosome distribution, precocious/lagging chromosomes, parallel, tripolar, fused and multiple spindles, unequal size nuclei, dyads, triads and pentads in addition to normal tetrads, among others). These results provide novel evidence to support field observations of early potato botanists on the extent of spontaneous hybridisation in wild Argentinian potato populations, which is not reflected in the current taxonomy and has significant consequences for germplasm conservation and breeding.  相似文献   

 Low-temperature-sensitive sterility (LTSS) has become one of the major obstacles in indica-japonica hybrid rice breeding. In this study, we determined, using RFLP markers, the genetic basis of LTSS in two populations derived from crosses between indica and japonica parents, the BC1F1 of 3037/02428//3037 and the F2 of 3037/02428. The fertility segregation in the two populations under low-temperature conditions was used as a measurement of the temperature sensitivity of the various genotypes in the populations. A RFLP survey of bulked extremes from the BC1F1 population identified three genomic regions, two on chromosome 1 and one on chromosome 12, that were likely to contain genes for LTSS (or Ste loci). One-way ANOVA and QTL analysis using a total of 19 markers from these three genomic regions resolved three Ste loci in the BC1F1 population and two Ste loci in the F2 population. On the basis of chromosomal location these loci were distinct from those governing wide-compatibility identified in previous studies. Two- and three-way ANOVA showed that these loci acted essentially independent of each other in conditioning LTSS. The main mode of gene action was an interaction between the indica and the japonica alleles within each locus. For each respective locus this resulted in a drastic fertility reduction in the heterozygote state relative to the homozygote state. The results have significant implications in indica-japonica hybrid rice breeding programs. Received : 10 April 1996 / Accepted: 2 June 1997  相似文献   

Zhang ZS  Lu YG  Liu XD  Feng JH  Zhang GQ 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):295-302
Pollen abortion is one of the major reasons causing the inter-subspecific F1 hybrid sterility in rice and is due to allelic interaction of F1 pollen sterility genes. The microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis of Taichung 65 and its three F1 hybrids were comparatively studied by using techniques of differential interference contrast microscopy, semi-thin section light microscopy, epifluorescence microscopy and TEM. The results showed that there were differences among the cytological mechanisms of pollen abortion due to allelic interaction at the three F1 pollen sterility loci. The allelic interaction at S-a locus resulted in microspores unable to extend the protoplasm membrane with the enlargement of the microspore at the middle microspore stage and finally producing empty abortive pollen. The allelic interaction at S-b locus caused asynchronous development of microspores at the middle microspore stage producing stainable abortive pollen. The allelic interaction at S-c locus mainly led to the non-dissolution of the generative cell wall and finally caused the hybrid F1 mainly producing stainable abortive pollen. Genotypic identification indicated that the abortive pollen were those with S j allele.  相似文献   

When hybrid inviability is an indirect by‐product of local adaptation, we expect its degree of severity between pairs of populations to vary and to be sensitive to the environment. While complete reciprocal hybrid inviability is the outcome of the gradual process of local adaptation, it is not representative of the process of accumulation of incompatibility. In the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, some pairs of populations exhibit complete, reciprocal F1 hybrid incompatibility while other pairs are fully or partially compatible. We characterize this naturally occurring variation in the degree and timing of expression of the hybrid incompatible phenotype to better understand the number of genes or developmental processes contributing to speciation. We assessed the morphological and developmental variation in four Tribolium castaneum populations and their 12 possible F1 hybrids at each life‐history stage from egg to adult. We find that the rate of hybrid larval development is affected in all interpopulation crosses, including those eventually producing viable, fertile adults. Hybrid incompatibility manifests early in development as changes in the duration of instars and diminished success in the transition between instars are relative to the parent populations. Parent populations with similar developmental profiles may produce hybrids with disrupted development. The degree and timing of expression of hybrid inviability depends upon populations crossed, direction of the cross, and environment in which hybrids are raised. Our findings suggest that the coordinated expression of genes involved in transitional periods of development is the underlying cause of hybrid incompatibility in this species.  相似文献   

3种小麦细胞质雄性不育系及其杂种线粒体DNA的RFLP分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
对细胞质分别来源于提莫菲维(T.timotheevii),粘果山羊草(Ae.kotschyi),偏凸山羊草(Ae.venyricosa)的3种普通小麦的雄性不育系,相应保持系和恢复系及其上的mtDNA用12个线粒体基因探针进行了RFLP分析,结果为:⑴T、K、V型不育系的mtDNA在组织结构上存在显著差异;⑵T、K、V不育系的mtDNA与共同的保持系间显著不同,失测mtDNA与小麦cms有关;⑶在  相似文献   

Conspecific pollen precedence (CPP) is a major component of reproductive isolation between many flowering plant taxa and may reveal mechanisms of gametophytic evolution within species, but little is known about the genetic basis and evolutionary history of CPP. We systematically investigated the genetic architecture of CPP using patterns of transmission ratio distortion (TRD) in F2 and backcross hybrids between closely related species of Mimulus (Phrymaceae) with divergent mating systems. We found that CPP in Mimulus hybrids was polygenic and was the majority source of interspecific TRD genome-wide, with at least eight genomic regions contributing to the transmission advantage of M. guttatus pollen grains on M. guttatus styles. In aggregate, these male-specific transmission ratio distorting loci (TRDLs) were more than sufficient to account for the 100% precedence of pure M. guttatus pollen over M. nasutus pollen in mixed pollinations of M. guttatus. All but one of these pollen TRDLs were style-dependent; that is, we observed pollen TRD in F(1) and/or M. guttatus styles, but not in M. nasutus styles. These findings suggest that species-specific differences in pollen tube performance accumulate gradually and may have been driven by coevolution between pollen and style in the predominantly outcrossing M. guttatus.  相似文献   

Pollen adhesion and hydration are the earliest events of the pollen–stigma interactions, which allow compatible pollen to fertilize egg cells, but the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Rice pollen are wind dispersed, and its pollen coat contains less abundant lipids than that of insect‐pollinated plants. Here, we characterized the role of OsGL1‐4, a rice member of the Glossy family, in pollen adhesion and hydration. OsGL1‐4 is preferentially expressed in pollen and tapetal cells and is required for the synthesis of very long chain alkanes. osgl1‐4 mutant generated apparently normal pollen but displayed excessively fast dehydration at anthesis and defective adhesion and hydration under normal condition, but the defective adhesion and hydration were rescued by high humidity. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis suggested that the humidity‐sensitive male sterility of osgl1‐4 was probably due to a significant reduction in C25 and C27 alkanes. These results indicate that very long chain alkanes are components of rice pollen coat and control male fertility via affecting pollen adhesion and hydration in response to environmental humidity. Moreover, we proposed that a critical point of water content in mature pollen is required for the initiation of pollen adhesion.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis was carried out on the Crab (upper-shore) and Wave (lower-shore) ecotypes of Littorina saxatilis from a hybrid zone at Silleiro Cape, Spain. Proteome profiles of individual snails were obtained. Protein expression in F1 hybrid snails bred in the laboratory and snails with intermediate shell phenotypes collected from the mid-shore were compared with Crab and Wave ecotypes using analytical approaches used to study dominance. Multivariate analysis over many protein spots showed that the F1 snails are distinct from both ecotypes but closer to the Wave ecotype. The intermediate snails are highly variable, some closer to the Crab and others to the Wave ecotype. Considered on a protein by protein basis, some proteins are significantly closer in expression to the Crab and others to the Wave ecotype for both F1 and intermediate snails. Furthermore, a significant majority of proteins were closer in expression to the Wave ecotype for the F1, consistent with the multivariate analysis. No such significant majority toward either the Crab or Wave ecotype was observed for the intermediate snails. The closer similarity of F1 and Wave ecotype expression patterns could be the result of similar selective pressures in the similar mid-shore and low-shore environments. For a significantly larger number of proteins, intermediate snails were closer in expression to the ecotype having the lower expression, for both Crab and Wave ecotypes. This is somewhat unexpected as lower expression might be expected to be an indication of impairment of function and lower fitness. Proteomic analysis could be important for the identification of candidate proteins useful for gaining improved understanding of adaptation and barriers to gene flow in hybrid zones.  相似文献   

Hybrid male sterility is a common outcome of crosses between different species. Gene expression studies have found that a number of spermatogenesis genes are differentially expressed in sterile hybrid males, compared with parental species. Late‐stage sperm development genes are particularly likely to be misexpressed, with fewer early‐stage genes affected. Thus, a link has been posited between misexpression and sterility. A more recent alternative explanation for hybrid gene misexpression has been that it is independent of sterility and driven by divergent evolution of male‐specific regulatory elements between species (faster male hypothesis). The faster male hypothesis predicts that misregulation of spermatogenesis genes should be independent of sterility and approximately the same in both hybrids, whereas sterility should only affect gene expression in sterile hybrids. To test the faster male hypothesis vs. the effect of sterility on gene misexpression, we analyse spermatogenesis gene expression in different species pairs of the Drosophila phylogeny, where hybrid male sterility occurs in only one direction of the interspecies cross (i.e. unidirectional sterility). We find significant differences among genes in misexpression with effects that are lineage‐specific and caused by sterility or fast male regulatory divergence.  相似文献   

A novel male-sterile mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana was isolated by means of T-DNA tagging. Pollen abortion of the mutant was evident after microspore release, and pollen grains were completely absent at anthesis. Transmission electron microscope analysis revealed that primexine was coarsely developed, and that although sporopollenin was produced, it was not deposited onto the microspore plasma membrane. The sporopollenin that failed to be deposited aggregated and accumulated within the locule and on the locule wall. Finally, as no exine formation was observed, the mutant was named nef1. The plastoglobuli within the plastids of the tapetum were reduced, and lipid accumulation was considerably decreased. The mutant had a significantly altered leaf chloroplast ultrastructure and showed various growth defects. Lipid analysis revealed that the total lipid content in nef1 was lower than that in the wild type, which indicated that Nef1 was involved in lipid metabolism. Cloning of the full-length Nef1 indicated that the gene encodes a novel plant protein of 1123 amino acids with limited sequence similarities to membrane proteins or transporter-like proteins, and the NEF1 is predicted to be a plastid integral membrane protein. Motif analysis revealed that NEF1 contains prokaryotic membrane lipoprotein lipid attachment sites that are involved in maintaining cell envelope integrity. It is predicted that the Nef1 encodes a membrane protein that maintains the envelope integrity in the plastids.  相似文献   

The nuclear‐encoded species cytoplasm specific (scs) genes control nuclear–cytoplasmic compatibility in wheat (genus Triticum). Alloplasmic cells, which have nucleus and cytoplasm derived from different species, produce vigorous and vital organisms only when the correct version of scs is present in their nucleus. In this study, bulks of in vivo radiation hybrids segregating for the scs phenotype have been genotyped by sequencing with over 1.9 million markers. The high marker saturation obtained for a critical region of chromosome 1D allowed identification of 3318 reads that mapped in close proximity of the scs. A novel in silico approach was deployed to extend these short reads to sequences of up to 70 Kb in length and identify candidate open reading frames (ORFs). Markers were developed to anchor the short contigs containing ORFs to a radiation hybrid map of 650 individuals with resolution of 288 Kb. The region containing the scs locus was narrowed to a single Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) contig of Aegilops tauschii. Its sequencing and assembly by nano‐mapping allowed rapid identification of a rhomboid gene as the only ORF existing within the refined scs locus. Resequencing of this gene from multiple germplasm sources identified a single nucleotide mutation, which gives rise to a functional amino acid change. Gene expression characterization revealed that an active copy of this rhomboid exists on all homoeologous chromosomes of wheat, and depending on the specific cytoplasm each copy is preferentially expressed. Therefore, a new methodology was applied to unique genetic stocks to rapidly identify a strong candidate gene for the control of nuclear–cytoplasmic compatibility in wheat.  相似文献   

Epigenetic mechanisms play a major role in heterosis, partly as a result of the remodeling of epigenetic modifications in F1 hybrids. Based on chromatin immunoprecipitation‐sequencing (ChIP‐Seq) analyses, we show that at the allele level extensive histone methylation remodeling occurred for a subset of genomic loci in reciprocal F1 hybrids of Oryza sativa (rice) cultivars Nipponbare and 93‐11, representing the two subspecies japonica and indica. Globally, the allele modification‐altered loci in leaf or root of the reciprocal F1 hybrids involved ?12–43% or more of the genomic regions carrying either of two typical histone methylation markers, H3K4me3 (>21 000 genomic regions) and H3K27me3 (>11 000 genomic regions). Nevertheless, at the total modification level, the majority (from ?43 to >90%) of the modification‐altered alleles lay within the range of parental additivity in the hybrids because of concerted alteration in opposite directions, consistent with an overall attenuation of allelic differences in the modifications. Importantly, of the genomic regions that did show non‐additivity in total modification level by either marker in the two tissues of hybrids, >80% manifested transgressivity, which involved genes enriched in specific functional categories. Extensive allele‐level alteration of H3K4me3 alone was positively correlated with genome‐wide changes in allele‐level gene expression, whereas at the total level, both H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 remodeling, although affecting just a small number of genes, contributes to the overall non‐additive gene expression to variable extents, depending on tissue/marker combinations. Our results emphasize the importance of allele‐level analysis in hybrids to assess the remodeling of epigenetic modifications and their relation to changes in gene expression.  相似文献   

Genomic alteration is a common phenomenon associated with plant tissue culture, which often encompasses genetic changes and epigenetic modifications (e.g. cytosine methylation). Here, we studied genomic alteration in maize by assessing calli and regenerated plants derived from three inbred lines (M17, J7 and JC) and two pairs of reciprocal F1 hybrids (pair I: M17/J7 and J7/M17 and pair II: M17/JC and JC/M17). By employing two molecular markers, the amplified fragment length polymorphism and methylation‐sensitive amplified polymorphism, we found that both types of genomic alterations occurred in calli and regenerated plants of all the studied maize inbred lines and F1 hybrids, but the extent and pattern of changes varied substantially across the genotypes. Among the three inbred lines, M17 showed markedly higher frequencies of both genetic (from 2.1% to 3.8%) and methylation alterations (from 6.5% to 9.9%, by adding up the various patterns) than the other two lines which showed similar frequencies for both types of alterations (genetic: 0.5–1.8%, methylation: 2.1–3.7%). Of the two F1 hybrid pairs, while pair I showed genetic variation frequencies similar to that of the inbred parent with lower changing frequency and pair II was intermediate of those of the parents, both pairs showed frequencies of methylation alteration more or less intermediate of those of their inbred parental lines. Parent‐of‐origin effects in both genetic and methylation changes were detected in only one of the hybrid pairs (primarily pair II) for a given changing pattern. Statistical testing confirmed the genotypic difference in both genetic and methylation (hypomethylation) alterations among the regenerants. Taken together, it could be concluded that the frequency and pattern of both genetic and cytosine methylation alterations in maize tissue culture were largely genetic context‐dependent traits, but stochasticity also played an important part. F1 hybrids were not significantly more stable than their inbred parental lines under tissue culture conditions.  相似文献   

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