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The lek paradox arises when choosy females deplete the genetic variance for male display traits from a population, yet substantial additive genetic variation (VA) in male traits persists. Thus, the lek paradox can be more generally stated as one of the most fundamental evolutionary questions: What maintains genetic variation in natural populations? One solution to this problem may be found in the condition‐dependent nature of many sexually selected traits. Genotype × environment (G × E) interactions can maintain VA under conditions of environmental heterogeneity provided certain restrictions are met, although antagonistic pleiotropy has also been proposed as a mechanism. Here, we provide evidence for G × E interactions and against the role of antagonistic pleiotropy in the maintenance of VA for sexually selected traits. Using inbred lines of the lesser waxmoth Achroia grisella, we measured VA for song attractiveness, condition and development rate under different competitive environments and found that genotypes differed in their plasticity. We argue that variation persists in natural populations because G × E interactions prevent any one variant from producing the optimal phenotype across all environments.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts that costly cooperative behaviors evolve most readily when directed toward kin. Dispersal plays a controversial role in the evolution of cooperation: dispersal decreases local population relatedness and thus opposes the evolution of cooperation, but limited dispersal increases kin competition and can negate the benefits of cooperation. Theoretical work has suggested that plasticity of dispersal, where individuals can adjust their dispersal decisions according to the social context, might help resolve this paradox and promote the evolution of cooperation. Here, we experimentally tested the hypothesis that conditional dispersal decisions are mediated by a cooperative strategy: we quantified the density‐dependent dispersal decisions and subsequent colonization efficiency from single cells or groups of cells among six genetic strains of the unicellular Tetrahymena thermophila that differ in their aggregation level (high, medium, and low), a behavior associated with cooperation strategy. We found that the plastic reaction norms of dispersal rate relative to density differed according to aggregation level: highly aggregative genotypes showed negative density‐dependent dispersal, whereas low‐aggregation genotypes showed maximum dispersal rates at intermediate density, and medium‐aggregation genotypes showed density‐independent dispersal with intermediate dispersal rate. Dispersers from highly aggregative genotypes had specialized long‐distance dispersal phenotypes, contrary to low‐aggregation genotypes; medium‐aggregation genotypes showing intermediate dispersal phenotype. Moreover, highly aggregation genotypes showed evidence for beneficial kin‐cooperation during dispersal. Our experimental results should help to resolve the evolutionary conflict between cooperation and dispersal: cooperative individuals are expected to avoid kin‐competition by dispersing long distances, but maintain the benefits of cooperation by dispersing in small groups.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal outcomes are an interplay between environmental conditions and individual phenotypes. Peripheral, isolated populations may experience altered environmental conditions and natal dispersal patterns that differ from populations in contiguous landscapes. We document nonphilopatric, sex‐biased natal dispersal in an endangered small mammal, the Mt. Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis), restricted to a single mountain. Other North American red squirrel populations are shown to have sex‐unbiased, philopatric natal dispersal. We ask what environmental and intrinsic factors may be driving this atypical natal dispersal pattern. We test for the influence of proximate factors and ultimate drivers of natal dispersal: habitat fragmentation, local population density, individual behavior traits, inbreeding avoidance, competition for mates, and competition for resources, allowing us to better understand altered natal dispersal patterns at the periphery of a species’ range. A juvenile squirrel's body condition and its mother's mass in spring (a reflection of her intrinsic quality and territory quality) contribute to individual behavioral tendencies for movement and exploration. Resources, behavior, and body condition have the strongest influence on natal dispersal distance, but affect males and females differently. Male natal dispersal distance is positively influenced by its mother's spring body mass and individual tendency for movement; female natal dispersal distance is negatively influenced by its mother's spring body mass and positively influenced by individual tendency for movement. An apparent feedback between environmental variables and subsequent juvenile behavioral state contributes to an altered natal dispersal pattern in a peripheral population, highlighting the importance of studying ecological processes at the both range center and periphery of species’ distributions.  相似文献   

Nine cassava genotypes were grown at six representative sites in Nigeria for 3 years to study their response to cassava mosaic disease (CMD), investigate the influence of genotype × environment (G × E) interactions on their reactions to the disease, and identify genotypes with stability to the disease, using the Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction statistical model. Environments, genotypes and G × E interactions were highly significant (P < 0.01) for the disease. The G × E interactions accounted for 19.5% of the treatment sums of squares for CMD and influenced the relative ranking of genotypes across environments. The magnitude of the G × E interaction effect for CMD was larger than that of genotypes. Examination of the G × E interaction structure revealed specific areas where screening of cassava genotypes for resistance to CMD could be performed best. The study identified genotypes such as TMS 30001 and 63397 with resistance to CMD and CMD‐stable clone U/41044, which could be distributed to growers, and sites such as Ibadan and Ubiaja with high CMD severity for screening genotypes for reaction to CMD.  相似文献   

Dispersal and the underlying movement behaviour are processes of pivotal importance for understanding and predicting metapopulation and metacommunity dynamics. Generally, dispersal decisions are condition‐dependent and rely on information in the broad sense, like the presence of conspecifics. However, studies on metacommunities that include interspecific interactions generally disregard condition‐dependence. Therefore, it remains unclear whether and how dispersal in metacommunities is condition‐dependent and whether rules derived from single‐species contexts can be scaled up to (meta)communities. Using experimental protist metacommunities, we show how dispersal and movement depend on and are adjusted by the strength of interspecific interactions. We found that the predicting movement and dispersal in metacommunities requires knowledge on behavioural responses to intra‐ and interspecific interaction strengths. Consequently, metacommunity dynamics inferred directly from single‐species metapopulations without taking interspecific interactions into account are likely flawed. Our work identifies the significance of condition‐dependence for understanding metacommunity dynamics, stability and the coexistence and distribution of species.  相似文献   

1. Selection does not only operate in a genotype (G) × environment (E) context, but can also be modulated by the activities of organisms interacting with their environment (G × G × E). 2. The influences of aphid clonal identity and host plant (Vicia faba) intraspecific genetic variation on the performance of five genotypes of pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) were investigated – with and without interaction with a competing heterospecific clone of vetch aphid (Megoura viciae) – across three cultivars of V. faba. 3. Pea aphid performance in the presence of a competing vetch aphid clone (G × G × E) compared with the absence of competition (G × E) revealed strong context‐dependent, genotype‐specific shifts in performance, influenced by plant cultivar, competitor presence and their interaction. 4. The performance of vetch aphid in competition with each pea aphid clone was also compared. Here, competitor's genotype and abundance underlay a remarkably varied response by vetch aphid across interactions. 5. The study shows that aphid genotypes exhibit a varying degree of risk spreading, contingent on competitor identity and the patterns of aggregation across three plant cultivars. Owing to feedback loops between species activities and selective forces acting on them, our findings suggest that there are context‐dependent responses by competitors that are shaped via the interplay of the co‐occurring species and their biotic environment. 6. This work highlights the complexity of species interactions and the importance of investigating reciprocity between competition and intraspecific genetic variation. A better understanding of the eco‐evolutionary interactions between phloem‐feeding insects and their host plants can potentially be used to enhance crop protection and pest control.  相似文献   

Local adaptation is often studied via (i) multiple common garden experiments comparing performance of genotypes in different environments and (ii) sequencing genotypes from multiple locations and characterizing geographic patterns in allele frequency. Both approaches aim to characterize the same pattern (local adaptation), yet the complementary information from each has not yet been coherently integrated. Here, we develop a genome‐wide association model of genotype interactions with continuous environmental gradients (G × E), that is reaction norms. We present an approach to impute relative fitness, allowing us to coherently synthesize evidence from common garden and genome–environment associations. Our approach identifies loci exhibiting environmental clines where alleles are associated with higher fitness in home environments. Simulations show our approach can increase power to detect loci causing local adaptation. In a case study on Arabidopsis thaliana, most identified SNPs exhibited home allele advantage and fitness trade‐offs along climate gradients, suggesting selective gradients can maintain allelic clines. SNPs exhibiting G × E associations with fitness were enriched in genic regions, putative partial selective sweeps and associations with an adaptive phenotype (flowering time plasticity). We discuss extensions for situations where only adaptive phenotypes other than fitness are available. Many types of data may point towards the loci underlying G × E and local adaptation; coherent models of diverse data provide a principled basis for synthesis.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that genetic variation in phenotypic plasticity (genotype × environment interaction or G × E) should be eroded by selection acting across environments. However, it appears that G × E is often maintained under selection, although not universally. This variation in the presence and strength of G × E requires explanation. Here I ask whether the explanation may lie in the grain of the environment at which G × E is expressed. The grain (or grain size) of the environment refers to the scale of environmental heterogeneity relative to generation time – that is, relative to the window of operation of selection – with higher rates of heterogeneity occurring in finer‐grained environments. The hypothesis that the grain of the environment explains variation in the expression of G × E encapsulates variation in the power of selection to shape reaction norms: selection should be able to erode G × E in fine‐grained environments but lose its power as the grain becomes coarser. I survey studies of G × E in sexual traits and demonstrate that the strength of G × E varies with the grain of the environment across which it is expressed, with G × E being stronger in coarser‐grained environments. This result elucidates when G × E is most likely to be sustained in the reaction norms of fitness‐related traits and when its evolutionary consequences will be most pronounced.  相似文献   

Following a steep decline, White Stork Ciconia ciconia populations in Germany are currently increasing, allowing us to examine potential density‐dependent effects on breeding dispersal. Our data suggest that the proportion of breeding dispersers has increased over time, indicating a density‐dependent component in nest‐site fidelity that may be linked to increased competition.  相似文献   

Theoretical and empirical studies often show that within populations, individuals vary in their propensity to disperse. We aspired to understand how this behavioural variation is impacted by the distribution and pattern of food patches across a landscape. In a series of experiments we examined how inter-patch distance and the distribution of food patches influenced dispersal in wild-type strains of Drosophila melanogaster with natural allelic variants of the foraging (for) gene known to influence dispersal in this species. The ‘rover' strain was homozygous for the forR allele (more dispersive) whereas the ‘sitter' strain was homozygous for fors (less dispersive). We also assessed an outbred population of flies with an unknown dispersal propensity. Dispersal was assayed in a multi-patch lab arena (25 cells, 5 × 5 array). In the inter-patch distance trials, landscapes of two different sizes (small versus large) were used, both with food in all 25 cells. Dispersal was reduced in the large landscape relative to the small landscape for all three fly strains. Sitter dispersal was lowest relative to both rovers and the outbred flies, whose dispersal tendencies were similar. In the patch distribution trials, flies were assayed in landscapes with varying distribution and number of cells containing food. Dispersal generally increased as the number of patches with food increased, however, rovers and sitters adopted similar dispersal strategies when food was fixed and limited. Conversely, their strategies differed when the total amount of food increased with the number of patches. We find that both the inter-patch distance and distribution can influence dispersal. However, the effect of inter-patch distance and distribution on dispersals depends on genotype × environment interaction. Our findings highlight the importance of considering G × E when assessing how dispersal strategies and landscape dynamics influence the distribution of animal communities.  相似文献   

Body condition‐dependent dispersal strategies are common in nature. Although it is obvious that environmental constraints may induce a positive relationship between body condition and dispersal, it is not clear whether positive body conditional dispersal strategies may evolve as a strategy in metapopulations. We have developed an individual‐based simulation model to investigate how body condition–dispersal reaction norms evolve in metapopulations that are characterized by different levels of environmental stochasticity and dispersal mortality. In the model, body condition is related to fecundity and determined either by environmental conditions during juvenile development (adult dispersal) or by those experienced by the mother (natal dispersal). Evolutionarily stable reaction norms strongly depend on metapopulation conditions: positive body condition dependency of dispersal evolved in metapopulation conditions with low levels of dispersal mortality and high levels of environmental stochasticity. Negative body condition‐dependent dispersal evolved in metapopulations with high dispersal mortality and low environmental stochasticity. The latter strategy is responsible for higher dispersal rates under kin competition when dispersal decisions are based on body condition reached at the adult life stage. The evolution of both positive and negative body condition‐dependent dispersal strategies is consequently likely in metapopulations and depends on the prevalent environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Range expansions and biological invasions are prime examples of transient processes that are likely impacted by rapid evolutionary changes. As a spatial process, range expansions are driven by dispersal and movement behaviour. Although it is widely accepted that dispersal and movement may be context‐dependent, for instance density‐dependent, and best represented by reaction norms, the evolution of density‐dependent movement during range expansions has received little experimental attention. We therefore tested current theory predicting the evolution of increased movement at low densities at range margins using highly replicated and controlled range expansion experiments across multiple genotypes of the protist model system Tetrahymena thermophila. Although rare, we found evolutionary changes during range expansions even in the absence of initial standing genetic variation. Range expansions led to the evolution of negatively density‐dependent movement at range margins. In addition, we report the evolution of increased intrastrain competitive ability and concurrently decreased population growth rates in range cores. Our findings highlight the importance of understanding movement and dispersal as evolving reaction norms and plastic life‐history traits of central relevance for range expansions, biological invasions and the dynamics of spatially structured systems in general.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a key life‐history trait governing the response of individuals, populations and species to changing environmental conditions. In the context of global change, it is therefore essential to better understand the respective role of condition‐, phenotype‐ and genetic‐dependent drivers of dispersal behaviour. Although the importance of immune function and pathogen infestation in determining patterns of dispersal is increasingly recognised, no study to our knowledge has yet investigated the influence of immune gene variability on dispersal behaviour. Here, we filled this knowledge gap by assessing whether individual heterozygosity at five immune gene loci (one from the Major histocompatibility complex and four from encoding Toll‐like receptors) influences roe deer natal dispersal. We found that dispersal propensity was affected by immune gene diversity, suggesting potential pathogen‐mediated selection through over‐dominance. However, the direction of this effect differed between high and low quality individuals, suggesting that dispersal propensity is driven by two different mechanisms. In support of the condition‐dependent dispersal hypothesis, dispersal propensity increased with increasing body mass and, among high quality individuals only (standardized body mass > 18 kg), with increasing immune gene diversity. However, among poor quality individuals, we observed the opposite pattern such that dispersal propensity was higher for individuals with lower immune gene diversity. We suggest that these poor quality individuals expressed an emergency dispersal tactic in an attempt to escape a heavily infested environment associated with poor fitness prospects. Our results have potentially important consequences in terms of population genetics and demography, as well as host–pathogen evolution.  相似文献   


Key message

A new genomic model that incorporates genotype?×?environment interaction gave increased prediction accuracy of untested hybrid response for traits such as percent starch content, percent dry matter content and silage yield of maize hybrids.


The prediction of hybrid performance (HP) is very important in agricultural breeding programs. In plant breeding, multi-environment trials play an important role in the selection of important traits, such as stability across environments, grain yield and pest resistance. Environmental conditions modulate gene expression causing genotype?×?environment interaction (G?×?E), such that the estimated genetic correlations of the performance of individual lines across environments summarize the joint action of genes and environmental conditions. This article proposes a genomic statistical model that incorporates G?×?E for general and specific combining ability for predicting the performance of hybrids in environments. The proposed model can also be applied to any other hybrid species with distinct parental pools. In this study, we evaluated the predictive ability of two HP prediction models using a cross-validation approach applied in extensive maize hybrid data, comprising 2724 hybrids derived from 507 dent lines and 24 flint lines, which were evaluated for three traits in 58 environments over 12 years; analyses were performed for each year. On average, genomic models that include the interaction of general and specific combining ability with environments have greater predictive ability than genomic models without interaction with environments (ranging from 12 to 22%, depending on the trait). We concluded that including G?×?E in the prediction of untested maize hybrids increases the accuracy of genomic models.

Phenotypic plasticity is important in the evolution of traits and facilitates adaptation to rapid environmental changes. However, variation in plasticity at the individual level, and the heritable basis underlying this plasticity is rarely quantified for behavioral traits. Alternative behavioral reproductive tactics are key components of mating systems but are not often considered within a phenotypic plasticity framework (i.e., as reaction norms). Here, using lines artificially selected for repeated mating rate, we test for genetic (G × E) sources of variation in reproductive behavior of male Nicrophorus vespilloides burying beetles (including signaling behavior), as well as the role of individual body size, in responsiveness to changes in social environment. The results show that body size influences the response of individuals’ signaling behavior to changes in the social environment. Moreover, there was G × E underlying the responses of males to variation in the quality of social environment experienced (relative size of focal male compared to his rival). This shows that individual variation in plasticity and social sensitivity of signaling behavior can evolve in response to selection on investment in mating behavior, with males selected for high mating investment having greater social sensitivity.  相似文献   

Developmental plasticity may promote divergence by exposing genetic variation to selection in novel ways in new environments. We tested for this effect in the static allometry (i.e. scaling on body size) of traits in advertisement signals, body and genitalia. We used a member of the Enchenopa binotata species complex of treehoppers – a clade of plant‐feeding insects in which speciation is associated with colonization of novel environments involving marked divergence in signals, subtle divergence in body size and shape, and no apparent divergence in genitalia. We found no change in mean allometric slopes across environments, but substantial genetic variation and genotype × environment interaction (G × E) in allometry. The allometry of signal traits showed the most genetic variation and G × E, and that of genitalia showed the weakest G × E. Our findings suggest that colonizing novel environments may have stronger diversifying consequences for signal allometry than for genitalia allometry. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 187–196.  相似文献   

Empirical studies have documented both positive and negative density-dependent dispersal, yet most theoretical models predict positive density dependence as a mechanism to avoid competition. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the occurrence of negative density-dependent dispersal, but few of these have been formally modeled. Here, we developed an individual-based model of the evolution of density-dependent dispersal. This model is novel in that it considers the effects of density on dispersal directly, and indirectly through effects on individual condition. Body condition is determined mechanistically, by having juveniles compete for resources in their natal patch. We found that the evolved dispersal strategy was a steep, increasing function of both density and condition. Interestingly, although populations evolved a positive density-dependent dispersal strategy, the simulated metapopulations exhibited negative density-dependent dispersal. This occurred because of the negative relationship between density and body condition: high density sites produced low-condition individuals that lacked the resources required for dispersal. Our model, therefore, generates the novel hypothesis that observed negative density-dependent dispersal can occur when high density limits the ability of organisms to disperse. We suggest that future studies consider how phenotype is linked to the environment when investigating the evolution of dispersal.  相似文献   

Eight genotypes ofLemna minor, originating from four continents, were grown for 15 days in eight different environmental treatments. Fronds under each treatment were then transferred into each of the eight environmental conditions for 15 days. The rate of frond production (relative growth rate) and mean frond biomass were recorded for each pre- and post-transfer treatment and root length was measured for each pre-transfer treatment. For all the traits, the levels of response varied significantly between genotypes (G) and between environmental conditions (E). G × E interaction effect was significant for all traits under pre-transfer treatments and some post-transfer treatments. Both pattern and amount of plasticity were genotypically variable but the amount of variation depended on the trait. The trait representing the best estimate of fitness, growth rate, exhibited the least amount of plasticity and on average, showed the most conservative pattern of plasticity. In contrast, the trait least related to fitness, root length, was the most plastic and showed the most divergent pattern of plasticity. Under some post-transfer treatments, growth rate and mean frond biomass were affected by origin (initial treatment) effect. Pattern and amount of plasticity were also influenced by initial treatments. Since some genotypes may be more affected than others by environmental conditions, origin effect may accentuate G × E interaction and therefore, modify the pattern and amount of plasticity. Comparison between dendrograms based on genetic and phenotypic similarities suggested that there is no relationship between genetic and phenotypic divergence. This lack of relationship may be due to the fact that plasticity is not necessarily adaptive.  相似文献   

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