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We integrate field data and phylogenetic comparative analyses to investigate causes of body size evolution and stasis in an old insect order: odonates (“dragonflies and damselflies”). Fossil evidence for “Cope's Rule” in odonates is weak or nonexistent since the last major extinction event 65 million years ago, yet selection studies show consistent positive selection for increased body size among adults. In particular, we find that large males in natural populations of the banded demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens) over several generations have consistent fitness benefits both in terms of survival and mating success. Additionally, there was no evidence for stabilizing or conflicting selection between fitness components within the adult life‐stage. This lack of stabilizing selection during the adult life‐stage was independently supported by a literature survey on different male and female fitness components from several odonate species. We did detect several significant body size shifts among extant taxa using comparative methods and a large new molecular phylogeny for odonates. We suggest that the lack of Cope's rule in odonates results from conflicting selection between fitness advantages of large adult size and costs of long larval development. We also discuss competing explanations for body size stasis in this insect group.  相似文献   

In evolution, exploitative strategies often create a paradox in which the most successful individual strategy “within” the group is also the most detrimental strategy “for” the group, potentially resulting in extinction. With regard to sexual conflict, the overexploitation of females by harmful males can yield similar consequences. Despite these evolutionary implications, little research has addressed why sexual conflict does not ultimately drive populations to extinction. One possibility is that groups experiencing less sexual conflict are more productive than groups with greater conflict. However, most studies of sexual conflict are conducted in a single isolated group, disregarding the potential for selection among groups. We observed Aquarius remigis water striders in a naturalistic multigroup pool in which individuals could freely disperse among groups. The free movement of individuals generated variation in aggression and sex‐ratio among groups, thereby increasing the importance of between‐group selection compared to within‐group selection. Females dispersed away from local aggression, creating more favorable mating environments for less‐aggressive males. Furthermore, the use of contextual analysis revealed that individual male aggression positively predicted fitness whereas aggression at the group level negatively predicted fitness, empirically demonstrating the conflict between levels of selection acting on mating aggression.  相似文献   

Comparing observed versus theoretically expected evolutionary responses is important for our understanding of the evolutionary process, and for assessing how species may cope with anthropogenic change. Here, we document directional selection for larger female size in Atlantic salmon, using pedigree‐derived estimates of lifetime reproductive success as a fitness measure. We show the trait is heritable and, thus, capable of responding to selection. The Breeder's Equation, which predicts microevolution as the product of phenotypic selection and heritability, predicted evolution of larger size. This was at odds, however, with the observed lack of either phenotypic or genetic temporal trends in body size, a so‐called “paradox of stasis.” To investigate this paradox, we estimated the additive genetic covariance between trait and fitness, which provides a prediction of evolutionary change according to Robertson's secondary theorem of selection (STS) that is unbiased by missing variables. The STS prediction was consistent with the observed stasis. Decomposition of phenotypic selection gradients into genetic and environmental components revealed a potential upward bias, implying unmeasured factors that covary with trait and fitness. These results showcase the power of pedigreed, wild population studies—which have largely been limited to birds and mammals—to study evolutionary processes on contemporary timescales.  相似文献   

Adaptations to social life may take the form of facultative cheating, in which organisms cooperate with genetically similar individuals but exploit others. Consistent with this possibility, many strains of social microbes like Myxococcus bacteria and Dictyostelium amoebae have equal fitness in single‐genotype social groups but outcompete other strains in mixed‐genotype groups. Here we show that these observations are also consistent with an alternative, nonadaptive scenario: kin selection‐mutation balance under local competition. Using simple mathematical models, we show that deleterious mutations that reduce competitiveness within social groups (growth rate, e.g.) without affecting group productivity can create fitness effects that are only expressed in the presence of other strains. In Myxococcus, mutations that delay sporulation may strongly reduce developmental competitiveness. Deleterious mutations are expected to accumulate when high levels of kin selection relatedness relax selection within groups. Interestingly, local resource competition can create nonzero “cost” and “benefit” terms in Hamilton's rule even in the absence of any cooperative trait. Our results show how deleterious mutations can play a significant role even in organisms with large populations and highlight the need to test evolutionary causes of social competition among microbes.  相似文献   

Stabilizing selection is a fundamental concept in evolutionary biology. In the presence of a single intermediate optimum phenotype (fitness peak) on the fitness surface, stabilizing selection should cause the population to evolve toward such a peak. This prediction has seldom been tested, particularly for suites of correlated traits. The lack of tests for an evolutionary match between population means and adaptive peaks may be due, at least in part, to problems associated with empirically detecting multivariate stabilizing selection and with testing whether population means are at the peak of multivariate fitness surfaces. Here we show how canonical analysis of the fitness surface, combined with the estimation of confidence regions for stationary points on quadratic response surfaces, may be used to define multivariate stabilizing selection on a suite of traits and to establish whether natural populations reside on the multivariate peak. We manufactured artificial advertisement calls of the male cricket Teleogryllus commodus and played them back to females in laboratory phonotaxis trials to estimate the linear and nonlinear sexual selection that female phonotactic choice imposes on male call structure. Significant nonlinear selection on the major axes of the fitness surface was convex in nature and displayed an intermediate optimum, indicating multivariate stabilizing selection. The mean phenotypes of four independent samples of males, from the same population as the females used in phonotaxis trials, were within the 95% confidence region for the fitness peak. These experiments indicate that stabilizing sexual selection may play an important role in the evolution of male call properties in natural populations of T. commodus.  相似文献   

While a number of studies have measured multivariate sexual selection acting on sexual signals in wild populations, few have confirmed these findings with experimental manipulation. Sagebrush crickets are ideally suited to such investigations because mating imposes an unambiguous phenotypic marker on males arising from nuptial feeding by females. We quantified sexual selection operating on male song by recording songs of virgin and mated males captured from three wild populations. To determine the extent to which selection on male song is influenced by female preference, we conducted a companion study in which we synthesized male songs and broadcast them to females in choice trials. Multivariate selection analysis revealed a saddle‐shaped fitness surface, the highest peak of which corresponded to longer train and pulse durations, and longer intertrain intervals. Longer trains and pulses likely promote greater mate attraction, but selection for longer intertrain durations suggests that energetic constraints may necessitate “time outs”. Playback trials confirmed the selection for longer train and pulse durations, and revealed significant stabilizing selection on dominant frequency, suggesting that the female auditory system is tightly tuned to the species‐specific call frequency. Collectively, our results revealed a complex pattern of multivariate nonlinear selection characterized primarily by strong stabilizing and disruptive selection on male song traits.  相似文献   

Inbreeding avoidance among interacting females and males is not always observed despite inbreeding depression in offspring fitness, creating an apparent “inbreeding paradox.” This paradox could be resolved if selection against inbreeding was in fact weak, despite inbreeding depression. However, the net magnitude and direction of selection on the degree to which females and males inbreed by pairing with relatives has not been explicitly estimated. We used long‐term pedigree data to estimate phenotypic selection gradients on the degree of inbreeding that female and male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) expressed by forming socially persistent breeding pairs with relatives. Fitness was measured as the total numbers of offspring and grand offspring contributed to the population, and as corresponding expected numbers of identical‐by‐descent allele copies, thereby accounting for variation in offspring survival, reproduction, and relatedness associated with variation in parental inbreeding. Estimated selection gradients on the degree to which individuals paired with relatives were weakly positive in females, but negative in males that formed at least one socially persistent pairing. However, males that paired had higher mean fitness than males that remained socially unpaired. These analyses suggest that net selection against inbreeding may be weak in both sexes despite strong inbreeding depression, thereby resolving the “inbreeding paradox.”  相似文献   

Local adaptation is an important principle in a world of environmental change and might be critical for species persistence. We tested the hypothesis that replicated populations can attain rapid local adaptation under two varying laboratory environments. Clonal subpopulations of the cyclically parthenogenetic rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus were allowed to adapt to two varying harsh and a benign environment: a high‐salt, a food‐limited environment and untreated culture medium (no salt addition, high food). In contrast to most previous studies, we re‐adjusted rotifer density to a fixed value (two individuals per ml) every 3–4 days of unrestricted population growth, instead of exchanging a fixed proportion of the culture medium. Thus our dilution regime specifically selected for high population growth during the entire experiment and it allowed us to continuously track changes in fitness (i.e., maximum population growth under the prevailing conditions) in each population. After 56 days (43 asexual and eight sexual generations) of selection, the populations in the harsh environments showed a significant increase in fitness over time relative to the beginning compared to the population in untreated culture medium. Furthermore, the high‐salt population exhibited a significantly elevated ratio of sexual offspring from the start of the experiment, which suggested that this environment either triggered higher rates of sex or that the untreated medium and the food‐limited environment suppressed sex. In a following assay of local adaptation we measured population fitness under “local” versus “foreign” conditions (populations adapted to this environment compared to those of the other environment) for both harsh habitats. We found significantly higher fitness values for the local populations (on average, a 38% higher fitness) compared to the foreign populations. Overall, local adaptation was formed rapidly and it seemed to be more pronounced in the high‐salt treatment.  相似文献   

Male fitness is dependent on sexual traits that influence mate acquisition (precopulatory sexual selection) and paternity (post‐copulatory sexual selection), and although many studies have documented the form of selection in one or the other of these arenas, fewer have done it for both. Nonetheless, it appears that the dominant form of sexual selection is directional, although theoretically, populations should converge on peaks in the fitness surface, where selection is stabilizing. Many factors, however, can prevent populations from reaching adaptive peaks. Genetic constraints can be important if they prevent the development of highest fitness phenotypes, as can the direction of selection if it reverses across episodes of selection. In this study, we examine the evidence that these processes influence the evolution of the multivariate sex comb morphology of male Drosophila simulans. To do this, we conduct a quantitative genetic study together with a multivariate selection analysis to infer how the genetic architecture and selection interact. We find abundant genetic variance and covariance in elements of the sex comb. However, there was little evidence for directional selection in either arena. Significant nonlinear selection was detected prior to copulation when males were mated to nonvirgin females, and post‐copulation during sperm offence (again with males mated to nonvirgins). Thus, contrary to our predictions, the evolution of the D. simulans sex comb is limited neither by genetic constraints nor by antagonistic selection between pre‐ and post‐copulatory arenas, but nonlinear selection on the multivariate phenotype may prevent sex combs from evolving to reach some fitness maximizing optima.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in twelve floral characters was examined in an epiphytic orchidLepanthes rupestris to evaluate the strength and direction of phenotypic selection in seven riparian populations along two river basins in the Caribbean National Forest “El Yunque” for a range of 18–34 months. We evaluated selection on floral characters based on male (pollinaria removal) and female fitness (fruit set). Simple linear and quadratic regressions were used to evaluate the strength of directional, disruptive and stabilizing selections. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to estimate the total strength of the selection acting on a character. Phenotypic selection was inconsistent among characters and populations. Few of the characters appeared to be under selection and none of them was found to be consistent throughout all populations. Inconsistency in selection coefficients among populations could suggest that selection is spatially variable. We only noted one character (column length) which had some consistency in differential selection coefficients among populations. Previous studies have shown that effective population sizes inL. rupestris are small and the observed “fitness differences” among populations could as easily be explained as stochastic events at play. We argue that the observed “fitness differences” in most characters and inconsistency among populations are likely from stochastic noise and not phenotypic selection. Consequently, we propose that random selection on character state support the hypothesis of genetic drift in small orchid populations.  相似文献   

In this article, an approach to measure fitness is proposed that considers fitness as a measure of competitive ability among phenotypes or genotypes. This approach is based on pairwise competition tests and is related to measures of “utility” in mathematical economics. Extending the results from utility theory it is possible to recover the classical Wrightian fitness measure without reference to models of population growth. A condition, quasi‐BTL, similar to the Bradley–Terry–Luce condition of classical utility theory is shown to be necessary for the existence of frequency and context‐independent fitness measures. Testing for violations of this quasi‐BTL condition can be used to the detect genotype‐by‐genotype interactions and frequency‐dependent fitness. A method for the detection of genotype by environment interactions is proposed that avoids potential scaling artifacts. Furthermore the measurement theoretical approach allows one to derive Wright's selection equation. This shows that classical selection equations are entirely general and exact. It is concluded that measurement theory is able to give definite answers to a number theoretical and practical questions. For instance, this theory identifies the correct scale for measuring gene interaction with respect to fitness and shows that different scales may lead to wrong conclusions.  相似文献   

The long‐running debate about the role of selection in maintaining genetic variation has been given new impetus by the discovery of hundreds of seasonally oscillating polymorphisms in wild Drosophila, possibly stabilized by an alternating summer‐winter selection regime. Historically, there has been skepticism about the potential of temporal variation to balance polymorphism, because selection must be strong to have a meaningful stabilizing effect—unless dominance also varies over time (“reversal of dominance”). Here, we develop a simplified model of seasonally variable selection that simultaneously incorporates four different stabilizing mechanisms, including two genetic mechanisms (“cumulative overdominance” and reversal of dominance), as well as ecological “storage” (“protection from selection” and boom‐bust demography). We use our model to compare the stabilizing effects of these mechanisms. Although reversal of dominance has by far the greatest stabilizing effect, we argue that the three other mechanisms could also stabilize polymorphism under plausible conditions, particularly when all three are present. With many loci subject to diminishing returns epistasis, reversal of dominance stabilizes many alleles of small effect. This makes the combination of the other three mechanisms, which are incapable of stabilizing small effect alleles, a better candidate for stabilizing the detectable frequency oscillations of large effect alleles.  相似文献   

Although there is continuing debate about whether sexual selection promotes or impedes adaptation to novel environments, the role of mating behavior in such adaptation remains largely unexplored. We investigated the evolution of mating behavior (latency to mating, mating probability and duration) in replicate populations of seed beetles Callosobruchus maculatus subjected to selection on life‐history (“Young” vs. “Old” reproduction) under contrasting regimes of sexual selection (“Monogamy” vs. “Polygamy”). Life‐history selection is predicted to favor delayed mating in “Old” females, but sexual conflict under polygamy can potentially retard adaptive life‐history evolution. We found that life‐history selection yielded the predicted changes in mating behavior, but sexual selection regime had no net effect. In within‐line crosses, populations selected for late reproduction showed equally reduced early‐life mating probability regardless of mating system. In between‐line crosses, however, the effect of life‐history selection on early‐life mating probability was stronger in polygamous lines than in monogamous ones. Thus, although mating system influenced male–female coevolution, removal of sexual selection did not affect the adaptive evolution of mating behavior. Importantly, our study shows that the interaction between sexual selection and life‐history selection can result in either increased or decreased reproductive divergence depending on the ecological context.  相似文献   

In parasites with mixed modes of transmission, ecological conditions may determine the relative importance of vertical and horizontal transmission for parasite fitness. This may lead to differential selection pressure on the efficiency of the two modes of transmission and on parasite virulence. In populations with high birth rates, increased opportunities for vertical transmission may select for higher vertical transmissibility and possibly lower virulence. We tested this idea in experimental populations of the protozoan Paramecium caudatum and its bacterial parasite Holospora undulata. Serial dilution produced constant host population growth and frequent vertical transmission. Consistent with predictions, evolved parasites from this “high‐growth” treatment had higher fidelity of vertical transmission and lower virulence than parasites from host populations constantly kept near their carrying capacity (“low‐growth treatment”). High‐growth parasites also produced fewer, but more infectious horizontal transmission stages, suggesting the compensation of trade‐offs between vertical and horizontal transmission components in this treatment. These results illustrate how environmentally driven changes in host demography can promote evolutionary divergence of parasite life history and transmission strategies.  相似文献   

Stabilizing selection, which favors intermediate phenotypes, is frequently invoked as the selective force maintaining a population's status quo. Two main alternative reasons for stabilizing selection on a quantitative trait are possible: (1) intermediate trait values can be favored through the causal effect of the trait on fitness (direct stabilizing selection); or (2) through a pleiotropic, deleterious side effect on fitness of mutants affecting the trait (apparent stabilizing selection). Up to now, these alternatives have never been experimentally disentangled. Here we measure fitness as a function of the number of abdominal bristles within four Drosophila melanogaster lines, one with high, one with low, and two with intermediate average bristle number. The four were inbred nonsegregating lines, so that apparent selection due to pleiotropy is not possible. Individual fitness significantly increased (decreased) with bristles number in the low (high) line. No significant fitness-trait association was detected within each intermediate line. These results reveal substantial direct stabilizing selection on the trait.  相似文献   

We report the results of two independent selection experiments that have exposed distinct populations of Drosophila melanogaster to different forms of thermal selection. A recombinant population derived from Arvin California and Zimbabwe isofemale lines was exposed to laboratory natural selection at two temperatures (TAZ: 18°C and 28°C). Microsatellite mapping identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) on the X‐chromosome between the replicate “Hot” and “Cold” populations. In a separate experiment, disruptive selection was imposed on an outbred California population for the “knockdown” temperature (TKD) in a thermal column. Microsatellite mapping of the “High” and “Low” populations also uncovered primarily X‐linked QTL. Notably, a marker in the shaggy locus at band 3A was significantly differentiated in both experiments. Finer scale mapping of the 3A region has narrowed the QTL to the shaggy gene region, which contains several candidate genes that function in circadian rhythms. The same allele that was increased in frequency in the High TKD populations is significantly clinal in North America and is more common at the warm end of the cline (Florida vs. Maine; however, the cline was not apparent in Australia). Together, these studies show that independent selection experiments can uncover the same target of selection and that evolution in the laboratory can recapitulate putatively adaptive clinal variation in nature.  相似文献   

In every generation, the mean fitness of populations increases because of natural selection and decreases because of mutations and changes in the environment. The magnitudes of these effects can be measured in two ways: either directly, by comparing the fitnesses of selected and unselected populations, or indirectly, by measuring the additive variance of fitness and making use of the fundamental theorem of natural selection. The available data suggest that the amount by which natural selection increases mean fitness each generation (or degradation decreases mean fitness) will usually be between 0.1% and 30%; more tentatively, it is suggested that values will typically fall between 1% and 10%. These values can be used to set an upper limit of 5%–10% on the genetic advantage of mate choice.  相似文献   

A major issue in evolutionary biology is explaining patterns of differentiation observed in population genomic data, as divergence can be due to both direct selection on a locus and genetic hitchhiking. “Divergence hitchhiking” (DH) theory postulates that divergent selection on a locus reduces gene flow at physically linked sites, facilitating the formation of localized clusters of tightly linked, diverged loci. “Genome hitchhiking” (GH) theory emphasizes genome‐wide effects of divergent selection. Past theoretical investigations of DH and GH focused on static snapshots of divergence. Here, we used simulations assessing a variety of strengths of selection, migration rates, population sizes, and mutation rates to investigate the relative importance of direct selection, GH, and DH in facilitating the dynamic buildup of genomic divergence as speciation proceeds through time. When divergently selected mutations were limiting, GH promoted divergence, but DH had little measurable effect. When populations were small and divergently selected mutations were common, DH enhanced the accumulation of weakly selected mutations, but this contributed little to reproductive isolation. In general, GH promoted reproductive isolation by reducing effective migration rates below that due to direct selection alone, and was important for genome‐wide “congealing” or “coupling” of differentiation (FST) across loci as speciation progressed.  相似文献   

“Sex-ratio” (SR) is a naturally occurring X-linked meiotic drive system, where the SR-X chromosome is transmitted to nearly all progeny of SR males. It occurs at frequencies of up to 25% in some populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. Because of the twofold drive advantage, SR should rapidly fix in populations, causing the extinction of the species, unless opposed by strong selection. I examine several of the adult components of fitness, including the frequencies of all genotypic mating combinations, fertilities, and fecundities of flies from two populations in southeastern Arizona. Significant reduction of fecundity of SR/SR females was observed in the Tucson population. No evidence was found for either lower fertility or reduced mating success of SR males, relative to standard males. Most selection opposing SR appears to be operating at the larval stages in nature.  相似文献   

Observed phenotypic responses to selection in the wild often differ from predictions based on measurements of selection and genetic variance. An overlooked hypothesis to explain this paradox of stasis is that a skewed phenotypic distribution affects natural selection and evolution. We show through mathematical modeling that, when a trait selected for an optimum phenotype has a skewed distribution, directional selection is detected even at evolutionary equilibrium, where it causes no change in the mean phenotype. When environmental effects are skewed, Lande and Arnold's (1983) directional gradient is in the direction opposite to the skew. In contrast, skewed breeding values can displace the mean phenotype from the optimum, causing directional selection in the direction of the skew. These effects can be partitioned out using alternative selection estimates based on average derivatives of individual relative fitness, or additive genetic covariances between relative fitness and trait (Robertson–Price identity). We assess the validity of these predictions using simulations of selection estimation under moderate sample sizes. Ecologically relevant traits may commonly have skewed distributions, as we here exemplify with avian laying date — repeatedly described as more evolutionarily stable than expected — so this skewness should be accounted for when investigating evolutionary dynamics in the wild.  相似文献   

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