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Across heterogeneous landscapes, populations may have adaptive differences in gene regulation that adjust their physiologies to match local environments. Such differences could have origins in acclimation or in genetically fixed variation between habitats. Here we use common‐garden experiments to evaluate differences in gene expression between populations of the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, spanning 1700 km and average temperature differences of 5°C to 8°C. Across expression profiles from 18,883 genes after 3 years of common conditions, we find highly correlated expression patterns (Pearson's r = 0.992) among most genes. However, 66 genes were differentially expressed, including many ribosomal protein and biomineralization genes, which had higher expression in urchins originally from the southern population. Gene function analyses revealed slight but pervasive expression differences in genes related to ribosomal function, metabolism, transport, “bone” development, and response to stimuli. In accord with gene expression patterns, a post‐hoc spine regrowth experiment revealed that urchins of southern origin regrew spines at a faster rate than northern urchins. These results suggest that there may be genetically controlled, potentially adaptive differences in gene regulation across habitats and that gene expression differences may be under strong enough selection to overcome high, dispersal–mediated gene flow in this marine species.  相似文献   

The increasing rates of global extinction due to human activities necessitate studies of the ability of organisms to adapt to the new environmental conditions resulting from human disturbances. We investigated the evolutionary adaptation of a microalga to sudden environmental change resulting from exposure to novel toxic chemical residues. A laboratory strain of Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides (Naum.) Kom. and Perm. (Chlorophyceae) was exposed to increasing concentrations of the modern contaminant 2,4,6‐trinitrotoluene (TNT). When algal cultures were exposed to 30 mg·L ? 1 1 Received 9 July 2001. Accepted 23 July 2002.
TNT, massive lysis of microalgal cells was observed. The key to understanding the evolution of microalgae in such a contaminated environment is to characterize the TNT‐resistant variants that appear after the massive lysis of the TNT‐sensitive cells. A fluctuation analysis demonstrated unequivocally that TNT did not facilitate the appearance of TNT‐resistant cells; rather it was found that TNT‐resistant cells appeared spontaneously by rare mutations under nonselective conditions, before exposure to TNT. The estimated mutation rate was 1.4 × 10 ? 5 mutants per cell division. Isolated resistant mutants exhibited a diminished fitness in the absence of TNT. Moreover, the gross photosynthetic rate of TNT‐resistant mutants was significantly lower than that of wild‐type cells. Competition experiments between resistant mutants and wild‐type cells showed that in small populations, the resistant mutants were driven to extinction. The balance between mutation rate and the rate of selective elimination determines the occurrence of about 36 TNT‐resistant mutants per million cells in each generation. These scarce resistant mutants are the guarantee of potential for adaptation.  相似文献   

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