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Oxygen conductance to the tissues determines aerobic metabolic performance in most eukaryotes but has cost/benefit tradeoffs. Here we examine in lowland populations of a butterfly a genetic polymorphism affecting oxygen conductance via the hypoxia‐inducible factor (HIF) pathway, which senses intracellular oxygen and controls the development of oxygen delivery networks. Genetically distinct clades of Glanville fritillary (Melitaea cinxia) across a continental scale maintain, at intermediate frequencies, alleles in a metabolic enzyme (succinate dehydrogenase, SDH) that regulates HIF‐1α. One Sdhd allele was associated with reduced SDH activity rate, twofold greater cross‐sectional area of tracheoles in flight muscle, and better flight performance. Butterflies with less tracheal development had greater post‐flight hypoxia signaling, swollen & disrupted mitochondria, and accelerated aging of flight metabolic performance. Allelic associations with metabolic and aging phenotypes were replicated in samples from different clades. Experimentally elevated succinate in pupae increased the abundance of HIF‐1α and expression of genes responsive to HIF activation, including tracheal morphogenesis genes. These results indicate that the hypoxia inducible pathway, even in lowland populations, can be an important axis for genetic variation underlying intraspecific differences in oxygen delivery, physiological performance, and life history.  相似文献   

Species hybridization, and thus the potential for gene flow, was once viewed as reproductive mistake. However, recent analysis based on large datasets and newly developed models suggest that gene exchange is not as rare as originally suspected. To investigate the history and speciation of the closely related species Drosophila subobscura, D. madeirensis, and D. guanche, we obtained polymorphism and divergence data for 26 regions throughout the genome, including the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA. We found that the D. subobscura X/autosome ratio of silent nucleotide diversity is significantly smaller than the 0.75 expected under neutrality. This pattern, if held genomewide, may reflect a faster accumulation of beneficial mutations on the X chromosome than on autosomes. We also detected evidence of gene flow in autosomal regions, while sex chromosomes remain distinct. This is consistent with the large X effect on hybrid male sterility seen in this system and the presence of two X chromosome inversions fixed between species. Overall, our data conform to chromosomal speciation models in which rearrangements are proposed to serve as gene flow barriers. Contrary to other observations in Drosophila, the mitochondrial genome appears resilient to gene flow in the presence of nuclear exchange.  相似文献   

We carried out a three‐tiered genetic analysis of egg‐to‐adult development time and viability in ancestral and derived populations of cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis to test the hypothesis that evolution of these life‐history characters has shaped premating reproductive isolation in this species. First, a common garden experiment with 11 populations from Baja California and mainland Mexico and Arizona reared on two host species revealed significant host plant X region and population interactions for viability and development time, evidence for host plant adaptation. Second, replicated line crosses with flies reared on both hosts revealed autosomal, X chromosome, cytoplasmic, and autosome X cactus influences on development time. Viability differences were influenced by host plants, autosomal dominance, and X chromosomal effects. Many of the F1, F2, and backcross generations showed evidence of heterosis for viability. Third, a QTL analysis of male courtship song and epicuticular hydrocarbon variation based on 1688 Baja × mainland F2 males also revealed eight QTL influencing development time differences. Mainland alleles at six of these loci were associated with longer development times, consistent with population‐level differences. Eight G × E interactions were also detected caused by longer development times of mainland alleles expressed on a mainland host with smaller differences among Baja genotypes reared on the Baja host plant. Four QTL influenced both development time and epicuticular hydrocarbon differences associated with courtship success, and there was a significant QTL‐based correlation between development time and cuticular hydrocarbon variation. Thus, the regional shifts in life histories that evolved once D. mojavensis invaded mainland Mexico from Baja California by shifting host plants were genetically correlated with variation in cuticular hydrocarbon‐based mate preferences.  相似文献   

Deleterious alleles constantly enter populations through mutation. Understanding the nature of selection against such alleles is required to assess their impact on populations. In a subdivided population, two distinct aspects of selection are important: the strength and softness of selection. Using Drosophila melanogaster, we estimated both aspects of selection for each of eight loci across two environments. These data allow us to test conflicting predictions about the factors affecting the softness of selection. First, we show that the softness of selection is not determined by ecological conditions alone. Second, we find that resource limitation makes selection stronger but does not make it softer. Third, we find that wild‐type individuals tend to benefit more than mutants from being reared with competitors of low genetic quality. This means that selection is effectively “harder” on mutants than wild types. A model is presented showing that the sensitivities of mutants and wild types to local competitors differentially affect equilibrium mutation frequency and measures of load.  相似文献   

Offspring size is one of the most important life‐history traits with consequences for both the ecology and evolution of most organisms. Surprisingly, formal estimates of selection on offspring size are rare, and the degree to which selection (particularly nonlinear selection) varies among environments remains poorly explored. We estimate linear and nonlinear selection on offspring size, module size, and senescence rate for a sessile marine invertebrate in the field under three different intensities of interspecific competition. The intensity of competition strongly modified the strength and form of selection acting on offspring size. We found evidence for differences in nonlinear selection across the three environments. Our results suggest that the fitness returns of a given offspring size depend simultaneously on their environmental context, and on the context of other offspring traits. Offspring size effects can be more pervasive with regards to their influence on the fitness returns of other traits than previously recognized, and we suggest that the evolution of offspring size cannot be understood in isolation from other traits. Overall, variability in the form and strength of selection on offspring size in nature may reduce the efficacy of selection on offspring size and maintain variation in this trait.  相似文献   

In spatially heterogeneous environments, the processes of gene flow, mutation, and sexual reproduction generate local genetic variation and thus provide material for local adaptation. On the other hand, these processes interchange maladapted for adapted genes and so, in each case, the net influence may be to reduce local adaptation. Previous work has indicated that this is the case in stable populations, yet it is less clear how the factors play out during population growth, and in the face of temporal environmental stochasticity. We address this issue with a spatially explicit, stochastic model. We find that dispersal, mutation, and sexual reproduction can all accelerate local adaptation in growing populations, although their respective roles may depend on the genetic make‐up of the founding population. All three processes reduce local adaptation, however, in the long term, that is when population growth becomes balanced by density‐dependent competition. These relationships are qualitatively maintained, although quantitatively reduced, if the resources are locally ephemeral. Our results suggest that species with high levels of local adaptation within their ranges may not be the same species that harbor potential for rapid local adaptation during population expansion.  相似文献   

Gene flow is often considered to be one of the main factors that constrains local adaptation in a heterogeneous environment. However, gene flow may also lead to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. We investigated the effect of gene flow on local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in development time in island populations of the common frog Rana temporaria which breed in pools that differ in drying regimes. This was done by investigating associations between traits (measured in a common garden experiment) and selective factors (pool drying regimes and gene flow from other populations inhabiting different environments) by regression analyses and by comparing pairwise FST values (obtained from microsatellite analyses) with pairwise QST values. We found that the degree of phenotypic plasticity was positively correlated with gene flow from other populations inhabiting different environments (among‐island environmental heterogeneity), as well as with local environmental heterogeneity within each population. Furthermore, local adaptation, manifested in the correlation between development time and the degree of pool drying on the islands, appears to have been caused by divergent selection pressures. The local adaptation in development time and phenotypic plasticity is quite remarkable, because the populations are young (less than 300 generations) and substantial gene flow is present among islands.  相似文献   

Specialization and concomitant trade‐offs are assumed to underlie the non‐neutral coexistence of lineages. Trade‐offs across heterogeneous environments can promote diversity by preventing competitive exclusion. However, the importance of trade‐offs in maintaining diversity in natural microbial assemblages is unclear, as trade‐offs are frequently not detected in artificial evolution experiments. Stressful conditions associated with patches of heavy‐metal enriched serpentine soils provide excellent opportunities for examining how heterogeneity may foster genetic diversity. Using a spatially replicated design, we demonstrate that rhizobium bacteria symbiotic with legumes inhabiting contrasting serpentine and nonserpentine soils exhibit a trade‐off between a genotype's nickel tolerance and its ability to replicate rapidly. Furthermore, we detected adaptive divergence in rhizobial assemblages across soil type heterogeneity at multiple sites, suggesting that this trade‐off may promote the coexistence of phenotypically distinct bacterial lineages. Trade‐offs and adaptive divergence may be important factors maintaining the tremendous diversity within natural assemblages of bacteria.  相似文献   

Allometry is a major determinant of within‐population patterns of association among traits and, therefore, a major component of morphological integration studies. Even so, the influence of size variation over evolutionary change has been largely unappreciated. Here, we explore the interplay between allometric size variation, modularity, and life‐history strategies in the skull from representatives of 35 mammalian families. We start by removing size variation from within‐species data and analyzing its influence on integration magnitudes, modularity patterns, and responses to selection. We also carry out a simulation in which we artificially alter the influence of size variation in within‐taxa matrices. Finally, we explore the relationship between size variation and different growth strategies. We demonstrate that a large portion of the evolution of modularity in the mammalian skull is associated to the evolution of growth strategies. Lineages with highly altricial neonates have adult variation patterns dominated by size variation, leading to high correlations among traits regardless of any underlying modular process and impacting directly their potential to respond to selection. Greater influence of size variation is associated to larger intermodule correlations, less individualized modules, and less flexible responses to natural selection.  相似文献   

Despite the directional selection acting on life‐history traits, substantial amounts of standing variation for these traits have frequently been found. This variation may result from balancing selection (e.g., through genetic trade‐offs) or from mutation‐selection balance. These mechanisms affect allele frequencies in different ways: Under balancing selection alleles are maintained at intermediate frequencies, whereas under mutation‐selection balance variation is generated by deleterious mutations and removed by directional selection, which leads to asymmetry in the distribution of allele frequencies. To investigate the importance of these two mechanisms in maintaining heritable variation in oviposition rate of the two‐spotted spider mite, we analyzed the response to artificial selection. In three replicate experiments, we selected for higher and lower oviposition rate, compared to control lines. A response to selection only occurred in the downward direction. Selection for lower oviposition rate did not lead to an increase in any other component of fitness, but led to a decline in female juvenile survival. The results suggest standing variation for oviposition rate in this population consists largely of deleterious alleles, as in a mutation‐selection balance. Consequently, the standing variation for this trait does not appear to be indicative of its adaptive potential.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the direct and correlated responses for fast and slow preadult development time in three laboratory populations of the bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus). The first population (“base,” B) has experienced laboratory conditions for more than 10 years; the second (“young,” Y) and the third (“old,” O) populations were selected for early and late reproduction, respectively, before the onset of the present experiments. All three populations are successfully selected for both fast and slow preadult development. The realized heritabilities are very similar in all populations, suggesting a similar level of the additive genetic variance for preadult development. We studied the correlated responses on the following life-history traits: egg-to-adult viability, wet body weight, early fecundity, late fecundity, total realized female fecundity, and adult longevity. All life-history traits examined here, except for the egg-to-adult viability, are affected by selection for preadult development in at least in one of the studied populations. In all three populations, beetles selected for slow preadult development are heavier and live longer than those from the fast-selected lines. The findings with respect to adult longevity are unexpected, because the control Y and O populations, selected for short- and long-lived beetles, respectively, do not show significant differences in preadult development. Thus, our results indicate that some kind of asymmetrical correlated responses occur for preadult development and adult longevity each time that direct selection has been imposed on one or the other of these two traits. In contrast to studies with Drosophila, it appears that for insect species that are aphagous as adults, selection for preadult development entails selection for alleles that also change the adult longevity, but that age-specific selection (applied in the Y and O populations) mostly affects the alleles that have no significant influence on the preadult development. Implications of these findings on the developmental and evolutionary theories of aging are also discussed.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that levels of gene flow among populations are correlated with dispersal ability has typically been tested by comparing gene flow among species that differ in dispersal abilities, an approach that potentially confounds dispersal ability with other species-specific differences. In this study, we take advantage of geographic variation in the dispersal strategies of two wing-dimorphic planthopper species, Prokelisia marginata and P. dolus, to examine for the first time whether levels of gene flow among populations are correlated with intraspecific variation in dispersal ability. We found that in both of these coastal salt marsh–inhabiting species, population-genetic subdivision, as assessed using allozyme electrophoresis, parallels geographic variation in the proportion of flight-capable adults (macropters) in a population; in regions where levels of macroptery are high, population genetic subdivision is less than in regions where levels of macroptery are low. We found no evidence that geographic variation in dispersal capability influences the degree to which gene flow declines with distance in either species. Thus, both species provided evidence that intraspecific variation in dispersal strategies influences the genetic structure of populations, and that this effect is manifested in population-genetic structure at the scale of large, coastal regions, rather than in genetic isolation by distance within a region. This conclusion was supported by interspecific comparisons revealing that: (1) population-genetic structure (GST) of the two Prokelisia species correlated negatively with the mean proportion of flight-capable adults within a region; and (2) there was no evidence that the degree of isolation by distance increased with decreasing dispersal capability. Populations of the relatively sedentary P. dolus clustered by geographic region (using Nei's distances), but this was not the case for the more mobile P. marginata. Furthermore, gene flow among the two major regions we surveyed (Atlantic and Gulf Coasts) has been substantial in P. marginata, but relatively less in P. dolus. The results for P. marginata suggest that differences in the dispersal strategies of Atlantic and Gulf Coast populations occur despite extensive gene flow. We argue that gene flow is biased from Atlantic to Gulf Coast populations, indicating that selection favoring a reduction in flight capability must be intense along the Gulf. Together, the results of this study provide the first rigorous evidence of a negative relationship within a species between dispersal ability and the genetic structure of populations. Furthermore, regional variation in dispersal ability is apparently maintained by selective differences that outweigh high levels of gene flow among regions.  相似文献   

Maternal effects can dramatically influence the evolutionary process, in some cases facilitating and in others hindering adaptive evolution. Maternal effects have been incorporated into quantitative genetic models using two theoretical frameworks: the variance‐components approach, which partitions variance into direct and maternal components, and the trait‐based approach, which assumes that maternal effects are mediated by specific maternal traits. Here, we demonstrate parallels between these models and test their ability to predict evolutionary change. First, we show that the two approaches predict equivalent responses to selection in the absence of maternal effects mediated by traits that are themselves maternally influenced. We also introduce a correction factor that may be applied when such cascading maternal effects are present. Second, we use several maternal effect models, as well as the standard breeder's equation, to predict evolution in response to artificial selection on flowering time in American bellflower, Campanulastrum americanum. Models that included maternal effects made much more accurate predictions of selection response than the breeder's equation. Maternal effect models differed somewhat in their fit, with a version of the trait‐based model providing the best fit. We recommend fitting such trait‐based models when possible and appropriate to make the most accurate evolutionary predictions.  相似文献   

Modernization has increased longevity and decreased fertility in many human populations, but it is not well understood how or to what extent these demographic transitions have altered patterns of natural selection. I integrate individual‐based multivariate phenotypic selection approaches with evolutionary demographic methods to demonstrate how a demographic transition in 19th century female populations of Utah altered relationships between fitness and age‐specific survival and fertility. Coincident with this demographic transition, natural selection for fitness, as measured by the opportunity for selection, increased by 13% to 20% over 65 years. Proportional contributions of age‐specific survival to total selection (the complement to age‐specific fertility) diminished from approximately one third to one seventh following a marked increase in infant survival. Despite dramatic reductions in age‐specific fertility variance at all ages, the absolute magnitude of selection for fitness explained by age‐specific fertility increased by approximately 45%. I show that increases in the adaptive potential of fertility traits followed directly from decreased population growth rates. These results suggest that this demographic transition has increased the adaptive potential of the Utah population, intensified selection for reproductive traits, and de‐emphasized selection for survival‐related traits.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments conducted over two seasons, we used arrays of experimental populations to examine the effects of flower number and distance between patches on gene flow by pollen. For this study we used the dioecious, short-lived perennial plant Silene alba (Caryophyllaceae). This species lives in disturbed roadside and agricultural habitats and displays a weedy population dynamic with high colonization and extinction rates. The motivation for the study was to understand what factors may be influencing genetic connectedness among newly colonized populations within a regional metapopulation. By using experimental populations composed of genotypes homozygous at a diagnostic locus, it was possible to identify explicitly pollen movement into a focal patch as a function of flower number and distance to the nearest neighboring patch. Overall, the mean immigration rate (measured as the fraction of seeds sired by males outside the focal patch) at 20 m was just over 47%, whereas at 80 m immigration rates were less than 6%. In addition, by knowing the context in which each of these gene-flow events occurred, it was possible to understand some of the factors that influenced the exchange of genes. Both the number of flowers in the focal population (target) and in the neighboring populations (source) had a significant effect on the frequency of gene flow. Our experimental data also demonstrate that factors that influence gene flow at one spatial scale may not act in the same way at another. Specifically, the influence of target size and the relative size of the target and source patches on rates of gene flow depended on whether the patches were separated by 20 m or 80 m. These data suggest that the patterns of gene flow within a metapopulation system can be complex and may vary within a growing season.  相似文献   

Adaptive evolutionary responses are determined by the strength of selection and amount of genetic variation within traits, however, both are known to vary across environmental conditions. As selection is generally expected to be strongest under stressful conditions, understanding how the expression of genetic variation changes across stressful and benign environmental conditions is crucial for predicting the rate of adaptive change. Although theory generally predicts increased genetic variation under stress, previous syntheses of the field have found limited support for this notion. These studies have focused on heritability, which is dependent on other environmentally sensitive, but nongenetic, sources of variation. Here, we aim to complement these studies with a meta‐analysis in which we examine changes in coefficient of variation (CV) in maternal, genetic, and residual variances across stressful and benign conditions. Confirming previous analyses, we did not find any clear direction in how heritability changes across stressful and benign conditions. However, when analyzing CV, we found higher genetic and residual variance under highly stressful conditions in life‐history traits but not in morphological traits. Our findings are of broad significance to contemporary evolution suggesting that rapid evolutionary adaptive response may be mediated by increased evolutionary potential in stressed populations.  相似文献   

The evolution of viviparity is a key life‐history transition in vertebrates, but the selective forces favoring its evolution are not fully understood. With >100 origins of viviparity, squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes) are ideal for addressing this issue. Some evidence from field and laboratory studies supports the “cold‐climate” hypothesis, wherein viviparity provides an advantage in cold environments by allowing mothers to maintain higher temperatures for developing embryos. Surprisingly, the cold‐climate hypothesis has not been tested using both climatic data and phylogenetic comparative methods. Here, we investigate the evolution of viviparity in the lizard family Phrynosomatidae using GIS‐based environmental data, an extensive phylogeny (117 species), and recently developed comparative methods. We find significant relationships between viviparity and lower temperatures during the warmest (egg‐laying) season, strongly supporting the cold‐climate hypothesis. Remarkably, we also find that viviparity tends to evolve more frequently at tropical latitudes, despite its association with cooler climates. Our results help explain this and two related patterns that seemingly contradict the cold‐climate hypothesis: the presence of viviparous species restricted to low‐elevation tropical regions and the paucity of viviparous species at high latitudes. Finally, we examine whether viviparous taxa may be at higher risk of extinction from anthropogenic climate change.  相似文献   

During speciation‐with‐gene‐flow, effective migration varies across the genome as a function of several factors, including proximity of selected loci, recombination rate, strength of selection, and number of selected loci. Genome scans may provide better empirical understanding of the genome‐wide patterns of genetic differentiation, especially if the variance due to the previously mentioned factors is partitioned. In North American lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), glacial lineages that diverged in allopatry about 60,000 years ago and came into contact 12,000 years ago have independently evolved in several lakes into two sympatric species pairs (a normal benthic and a dwarf limnetic). Variable degrees of reproductive isolation between species pairs across lakes offer a continuum of genetic and phenotypic divergence associated with adaptation to distinct ecological niches. To disentangle the complex array of genetically based barriers that locally reduce the effective migration rate between whitefish species pairs, we compared genome‐wide patterns of divergence across five lakes distributed along this divergence continuum. Using restriction site associated DNA (RAD) sequencing, we combined genetic mapping and population genetics approaches to identify genomic regions resistant to introgression and derive empirical measures of the barrier strength as a function of recombination distance. We found that the size of the genomic islands of differentiation was influenced by the joint effects of linkage disequilibrium maintained by selection on many loci, the strength of ecological niche divergence, as well as demographic characteristics unique to each lake. Partial parallelism in divergent genomic regions likely reflected the combined effects of polygenic adaptation from standing variation and independent changes in the genetic architecture of postzygotic isolation. This study illustrates how integrating genetic mapping and population genomics of multiple sympatric species pairs provide a window on the speciation‐with‐gene‐flow mechanism.  相似文献   

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