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Julian Huxley showed that within‐species (static) allometric (power‐law) relations can arise from proportional growth regulation with the exponent in the power law equaling the factor of proportionality. Allometric exponents may therefore be hard to change and act as constraints on the independent evolution of traits. In apparent contradiction to this, many empirical studies have concluded that static allometries are evolvable. Many of these studies have been based, however, on a broad definition of allometry that includes any monotonic shape change with size, and do not falsify the hypothesis of constrained narrow‐sense allometry. Here, we present the first phylogenetic comparative study of narrow‐sense allometric exponents based on a reanalysis of data on eye span and body size in stalk‐eyed flies (Diopsidae). Consistent with a role in sexual selection, we found strong evidence that male slopes were tracking “optima” based on sexual dimorphism and relative male trait size. This tracking was slow, however, with estimated times of 2–3 million years for adaptation to exceed ancestral influence on the trait. Our results are therefore consistent with adaptive evolution on million‐year time scales, but cannot rule out that static allometry may act as a constraint on eye‐span adaptation at shorter time scales.  相似文献   

Identifying the manner in which reproductive barriers accumulate during lineage divergence is central to establishing general principles of species formation. One outstanding question is which isolating mechanisms form the first complete barrier to gene flow in a given lineage or under a particular set of conditions. To identify these initial reproductive barriers requires examining lineages in very early stages of divergence, before multiple reproductive barriers have evolved to completion. We quantified the strength of three postmating barriers in a pair of darter species and compared these estimates to each other and to the strength of behavioral isolation (BI) reported in a previous study. Results reveal no evidence of gametic incompatibility but intermediate levels of conspecific sperm precedence and hybrid inviability. As BI is nearly complete, our analysis comparing the strength of multiple reproductive barriers implicates the evolution of mate choice as central to both the origin and maintenance of these species. Further examination of ecological isolation and hybrid sterility is necessary to determine the role of these barriers in darter speciation.  相似文献   

The rate at which different components of reproductive isolation accumulate with divergence time between species has only been studied in a limited, but growing, number of species. We measured premating isolation and hybrid inviability at four different ontogenetic stages from zygotes to adults in interspecific hybrids of 26 pairs of African cichlid species, spanning the entire East African haplochromine radiation. We then used multiple relaxed molecular clock calibrations to translate genetic distances into absolute ages to compare evolutionary rates of different components of reproductive isolation. We find that premating isolation accumulates fast initially but then changes little with increasing genetic distance between species. In contrast, postmating isolation between closely related species is negligible but then accumulates rapidly, resulting in complete hybrid inviability after 4.4/8.5/18.4 million years (my). Thus, the rate at which complete intrinsic incompatibilities arise in this system is orders of magnitude lower than rates of speciation within individual lake radiations. Together these results suggest divergent ecological adaptations may prevent populations from interbreeding and help maintain cichlid species diversity, which may be vulnerable to environmental degradation. By quantifying the capacity to produce viable hybrids between allopatric, distantly related lineages our results also provide an upper divergence time limit for the “hybrid swarm origin” model of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

The Bateson–Dobzhansky–Muller model predicts that postzygotic isolation evolves due to the accumulation of incompatible epistatic interactions, but few studies have quantified the relationship between genetic architecture and patterns of reproductive divergence. We examined how the direction and magnitude of epistatic interactions in a polygenic trait under stabilizing selection influenced the evolution of hybrid incompatibilities. We found that populations evolving independently under stabilizing selection experienced suites of compensatory allelic changes that resulted in genetic divergence between populations despite the maintenance of a stable, high‐fitness phenotype. A small number of loci were then incompatible with multiple alleles in the genetic background of the hybrid and the identity of these incompatibility loci changed over the evolution of the populations. For F1 hybrids, reduced fitness evolved in a window of intermediate strengths of epistatic interactions, but F2 and backcross hybrids evolved reduced fitness across weak and moderate strengths of epistasis due to segregation variance. Strong epistatic interactions constrained the allelic divergence of parental populations and prevented the development of reproductive isolation. Because many traits with varying genetic architectures must be under stabilizing selection, our results indicate that polygenetic drift is a plausible hypothesis for the evolution of postzygotic reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Postcopulatory sexual selection is credited with driving rapid evolutionary diversification of reproductive traits and the formation of reproductive isolating barriers between species. This judgment, however, has largely been inferred rather than demonstrated due to general lack of knowledge about processes and traits underlying variation in competitive fertilization success. Here, we resolved processes determining sperm fate in twice‐mated females, using transgenic Drosophila simulans and Drosophila mauritiana populations with fluorescently labeled sperm heads. Comparisons among these two species and Drosophila melanogaster revealed a shared motif in the mechanisms of sperm precedence, with postcopulatory sexual selection potentially occurring during any of the three discrete stages: (1) insemination; (2) sperm storage; and (3) sperm use for fertilization, and involving four distinct phenomena: (1) sperm transfer; (2) sperm displacement; (3) sperm ejection; and (4) sperm selection for fertilizations. Yet, underlying the qualitative similarities were significant quantitative differences in nearly every relevant character and process. We evaluate these species differences in light of concurrent investigations of within‐population variation in competitive fertilization success and postmating/prezygotic reproductive isolation in hybrid matings between species to forge an understanding of the relationship between microevolutionary processes and macroevolutionary patterns as pertains to postcopulatory sexual selection in this group.  相似文献   

Drosophila santomea and D. yakuba are sister species that live on the volcanic African island of São Tomé. Previous work has revealed several barriers to gene flow, including sexual isolation, hybrid sterility, and “extrinsic” ecological isolation based on differential adaptation to and preference for temperature. Here, we describe several new “intrinsic” barriers to gene flow—barriers that do not depend on the species’ ecology. These include reduced egg number, reduced egg hatchability, and faster depletion of sperm in interspecific compared to intraspecific matings. Further, hatching interval and egg‐to‐adult development time are significantly longer in interspecific than intraspecific crosses. If a female of either species is initially mated to a heterospecific male, she lays fewer and less‐fertile eggs than if she is first mated to a conspecific male, so that heterospecific matings permanently reduce female fertility. Finally, D. santomea females mated to D. yakuba males do not live as long as virgin or conspecifically mated females. The “poisoning” effects of heterospecific ejaculates may be byproducts of antagonistic sexual selection. Although these species diverged relatively recently, they are clearly separated by many isolating barriers that act both before and after mating.  相似文献   

Mechanisms that prevent different species from interbreeding are fundamental to the maintenance of biodiversity. Barriers to interspecific matings, such as failure to recognize a potential mate, are often relatively easy to identify. Those occurring after mating, such as differences in the how successful sperm are in competition for fertilisations, are cryptic and have the potential to create selection on females to mate multiply as a defence against maladaptive hybridization. Cryptic advantages to conspecific sperm may be very widespread and have been identified based on the observations of higher paternity of conspecifics in several species. However, a relationship between the fate of sperm from two species within the female and paternity has never been demonstrated. We use competitive microsatellite PCR to show that in two hybridising cricket species, Gryllus bimaculatus and G. campestris, sequential cryptic reproductive barriers are present. In competition with heterospecifics, more sperm from conspecific males is stored by females. Additionally, sperm from conspecific males has a higher fertilisation probability. This reveals that conspecific sperm precedence can occur through processes fundamentally under the control of females, providing avenues for females to evolve multiple mating as a defence against hybridization, with the counterintuitive outcome that promiscuity reinforces isolation and may promote speciation.  相似文献   

Sperm swimming speed is an important determinant of male fertility and sperm competitiveness. Despite its fundamental biological importance, the underlying evolutionary processes affecting this male reproductive trait are poorly understood. Using a comparative approach in a phylogenetic framework, we tested the predictions that sperm swim faster with (1) increased risk of sperm competition, (2) shorter duration of female sperm storage, and (3) increased sperm length. We recorded sperm swimming speed in 42 North American and European free-living passerine bird species, representing 35 genera and 16 families. We found that sperm swimming speed was positively related to the frequency of extrapair paternity (a proxy for the risk of sperm competition) and negatively associated with clutch size (a proxy for the duration of female sperm storage). Sperm swimming speed was unrelated to sperm length, although sperm length also increased with the frequency of extrapair paternity. These results suggest that sperm swimming speed and sperm length are not closely associated traits and evolve independently in response to sperm competition in passerine birds. Our findings emphasize the significance of both sperm competition and female sperm storage duration as evolutionary forces driving sperm swimming speed.  相似文献   

Abstract .Theory predicts that sexual (or behavioral) isolation will be the first form of reproductive isolation to evolve in lineages characterized by sexual selection. Here I directly compare the rate of evolution of sexual isolation with that of hybrid inviability in a diverse and sexually dimorphic genus of freshwater fish. The magnitude of both sexual isolation and hybrid inviability were quantified for multiple pairs of allopatric species. Rates of evolution were inferred by comparing genetic distances of these species pairs with the magnitude of each form of reproductive isolation: the slope of the regression of genetic distance on the magnitude of reproductive isolation represents the rate of evolution. Of the two forms of isolation, the magnitude of sexual isolation exhibited the steeper slope of regression, indicating that sexual isolation will tend to evolve to completion earlier than hybrid inviability, strictly as a by-product of evolution in geographically isolated populations. Additional evidence from the literature is used to qualitatively compare rates of evolution of sexual isolation with that of other forms of reproductive isolation. Preliminary comparisons support the prediction that sexual isolation will evolve more rapidly than other forms. Because Etheostoma is characterized by striking sexual dimorphism, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that sexual selection for exaggerated mate-recognition characters causes the relatively rapid evolution of sexual isolation.  相似文献   

The elaborate morphologies of sexually selected ornaments are ubiquitous across the animal kingdom. In studies investigating these traits, ornament size is frequently the focus, and empirical evidence supports its positive correlation with fitness. Yet shape plays an important role and, surprisingly, is often overlooked. Shape frequently changes with size, influenced by biomechanical, developmental, or performance constraints. Therefore, shape can provide additional insights into the morphological differences between individuals and the potential limits on sexual trait exaggeration. Here, we used landmark‐based geometric morphometric methods on a sexually dimorphic species of stalk‐eyed fly (Teleopsis dalmanni) to examine patterns of sexual shape dimorphism. Our analyses reveal a significant difference in head shape between the sexes, with males exhibiting smaller eye bulbs, thinner stalks, and smaller heads than females. Additionally, as eyestalk length increases within each sex, a similar pattern of shape change was observed as that observed between sexes. This pattern of shape change may be the result of constraints acting against further ornament exaggeration, and we suggest that this may significantly impact the whole‐organism performance in stalk‐eyed flies. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 104–113.  相似文献   

Understanding the selection pressures shaping components of male reproductive success is essential for assessing the role of sexual selection on phenotypic evolution. A male's competitive reproductive success is often measured in sequential mating tests by recording P1 (first mating male) and P2 (second mating male) paternity scores. How each of these scores relates to a male's overall fitness, for example, lifetime reproductive success is, however, not known. This information is needed to determine whether males benefit from maximizing both P1 and P2 or by trading off P1 against P2 ability. We measured P1, P2, and an index of lifetime reproductive success (LRSi, a male's competitive reproductive success measured over 12 days) for individual male Drosophila melanogaster. We found no evidence for phenotypic correlations between P1 and P2. In addition, whereas both P1 and P2 were associated with relative LRSi, only P2 predicted absolute LRSi. The results suggest that P2 was most closely linked to LRSi in the wild‐type population studied, a finding which may be common to species with strong second male sperm precedence. The study illustrates how P1 and P2 can have differing relationships with a male's overall reproductive success, and highlights the importance of understanding commonly used measures of sperm competition in the currency of fitness.  相似文献   

Felsenstein distinguished two ways by which selection can directly strengthen isolation. First, a modifier that strengthens prezygotic isolation can be favored everywhere. This fits with the traditional view of reinforcement as an adaptation to reduce deleterious hybridization by strengthening assortative mating. Second, selection can favor association between different incompatibilities, despite recombination. We generalize this "two allele" model to follow associations among any number of incompatibilities, which may include both assortment and hybrid inviability. Our key argument is that this process, of coupling between incompatibilities, may be quite different from the usual view of reinforcement: strong isolation can evolve through the coupling of any kind of incompatibility, whether prezygotic or postzygotic. Single locus incompatibilities become coupled because associations between them increase the variance in compatibility, which in turn increases mean fitness if there is positive epistasis. Multiple incompatibilities, each maintained by epistasis, can become coupled in the same way. In contrast, a single-locus incompatibility can become coupled with loci that reduce the viability of haploid hybrids because this reduces harmful recombination. We obtain simple approximations for the limits of tight linkage, and strong assortment, and show how assortment alleles can invade through associations with other components of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

By demonstrating the evolution of significant premating isolation, previous laboratory experiments have provided some evidence for the founder-flush model of speciation. However, these experiments are subject to a number of criticisms, including the use of hybrid populations recently collected from the wild and the use of multiple bottlenecks. Here we present the results of a test of founder-flush speciation using a single, well-adapted laboratory stock of Drosophila melanogaster subjected to one founder-flush event. The experiment was replicated at larger scale than previous studies, and results indicate that none of 50 independent founder-flush lines evolved significant assortative mating relative to the control (base) population. This suggests a diminished emphasis on population bottlenecks in speciation of D. melanogaster and perhaps in general.  相似文献   

Although there is continuing debate about whether sexual selection promotes or impedes adaptation to novel environments, the role of mating behavior in such adaptation remains largely unexplored. We investigated the evolution of mating behavior (latency to mating, mating probability and duration) in replicate populations of seed beetles Callosobruchus maculatus subjected to selection on life‐history (“Young” vs. “Old” reproduction) under contrasting regimes of sexual selection (“Monogamy” vs. “Polygamy”). Life‐history selection is predicted to favor delayed mating in “Old” females, but sexual conflict under polygamy can potentially retard adaptive life‐history evolution. We found that life‐history selection yielded the predicted changes in mating behavior, but sexual selection regime had no net effect. In within‐line crosses, populations selected for late reproduction showed equally reduced early‐life mating probability regardless of mating system. In between‐line crosses, however, the effect of life‐history selection on early‐life mating probability was stronger in polygamous lines than in monogamous ones. Thus, although mating system influenced male–female coevolution, removal of sexual selection did not affect the adaptive evolution of mating behavior. Importantly, our study shows that the interaction between sexual selection and life‐history selection can result in either increased or decreased reproductive divergence depending on the ecological context.  相似文献   

Among the most debated subjects in speciation is the question of its mode. Although allopatric (geographical) speciation is assumed the null model, the importance of parapatric and sympatric speciation is extremely difficult to assess and remains controversial. Here I develop a novel approach to distinguish these modes of speciation by studying the evolution of reproductive isolation (RI) among taxa. I focus on the Drosophila genus, for which measures of RI are known. First, I incorporate RI into age‐range correlations. Plots show that almost all cases of weak RI are between allopatric taxa whereas sympatric taxa have strong RI. This either implies that most reproductive isolation (RI) was initiated in allopatry or that RI evolves too rapidly in sympatry to be captured at incipient stages. To distinguish between these explanations, I develop a new “rate test of speciation” that estimates the likelihood of non‐allopatric speciation given the distribution of RI rates in allopatry versus sympatry. Most sympatric taxa were found to have likely initiated RI in allopatry. However, two putative candidate species pairs for non‐allopatric speciation were identified (5% of known Drosophila). In total, this study shows how using RI measures can greatly inform us about the geographical mode of speciation in nature.  相似文献   

Females of all species belonging to the family Drosophilidae have two kinds of sperm-storage organs: paired spherical spermathecae and a single elongate tubular seminal receptacle. We examined 113 species belonging to the genus Drosophila and closely allied genera and describe variation in female sperm-storage organ use and morphology. The macroevolutionary pattern of organ dysfunction and morphological divergence suggests that ancestrally both kinds of organs stored sperm. Loss of use of the spermathecae has evolved at least 13 times; evolutionary regain of spermathecal function has rarely if ever occurred. Loss of use of the seminal receptacle has likely occurred only once; in this case, all descendant species possess unusually elaborate spermathecae. Data further indicate that the seminal receptacle is the primary sperm-storage organ in Drosophila. This organ exhibits a pattern of strong correlated evolution with the length of sperm. The evolution of multiple kinds of female sperm-storage organs and the rapidly divergent and correlated evolution of sperm and female reproductive tract morphology are discussed.  相似文献   

Reinforcement, a process whereby natural selection strengthens prezygotic isolation between sympatric taxa, has gained increasing attention from evolutionary biologists over the past decade. This resurgence of interest is remarkable given that, in the 1980s, most evolutionary biologists considered reinforcement to be, at best, a process that rarely occurred in nature. Although studies of reinforcement are now an important component of speciation research, we still lack a clear understanding of when reinforcement should occur. Theoretical models have suggested that genetic architecture, population structure and the type of selection influence the action of reinforcement. Still to be considered are the consequences of variation in mating system and patterns of sperm or pollen utilization on the likelihood of reinforcement. We argue that traveling down The Road Not Taken (apologies to Frost), that is, taking into consideration mating system and patterns of gamete utilization, leads to novel and more precise predictions of the circumstances under which reinforcement should occur.  相似文献   

The study of speciation in recent populations is essentially a study of the evolution of reproductive isolation mechanisms between sub-groups of a species. Prezygotic isolation can be of central importance to models of speciation, either being a consequence of reinforcement of assortative mating in hybrid zones, or a pleiotropic effect of morphological or behavioral adaptation to different environments. To suggest speciation by reinforcement between incipient species one must at least know that gene flow occurs, or have recently occurred, and that assortative mating has been established in the hybrid zone. In Galician populations of the marine snail Littorina saxatilis, two main morphs appear on the same shores, one on the upper-shore barnacle belt and the other in the lower-shore mussel belt. The two morphs overlap in distribution in the midshore where hybrids are found together with pure forms. Allozyme variation indicates that the two parental morphs share a common gene pool, although within shores, gene flow between morphs is less than gene flow within morphs. In this study, we observed mating behavior in the field, and we found that mating was not random in midshore sites, with a deficiency of heterotypic pairs. Habitat selection, assortative mating, and possibly sexual selection among females contributed to the partial reproductive isolation between the pure morphs. Sizes of mates were often positively correlated, in particular, in the upper shore, indicating size-assortative mating too. However, this seemed to be a consequence of nonrandom microdistributions of snails of different sizes. Because we also argue that the hybrid zone is of primary rather than secondary origin, this seems to be an example of sympatric reproductive isolation, either established by means of reinforcement or as a by-product to divergent selection acting on other characters.  相似文献   

We show that two complementary asymmetric isolating mechanisms, likely mediated by divergence in body size, underlie the evolution of incipient reproductive isolation between a set of Drosophila melanogaster populations selected for rapid development and their ancestral controls. Selection has led to great reduction in body size in the fast developing lines. Small males belonging to fast developing lines obtain few matings with large control females, both in presence and absence of large control line males, giving rise to unidirectional, premating isolation caused by sexual selection. Conversely, small selected line females suffer greatly increased mortality following mating with large control males, causing unidirectional postcopulatory prezygotic isolation. We discuss preliminary evidence for evolution of reduced male harm caused to females upon mating in the fast developing lines, and speculate that the females from these lines have coevolved reduced resistance to male harm such that they can no longer resist the harm caused by males from control lines. This potentially implicates differing levels of sexual conflict in creating reproductive barrier between the selected line females and the control males. We also show that a large difference in development time is not sufficient to cause postzygotic incompatibilities in the two sets of populations reaffirming the belief that prezygotic isolation can evolve much earlier than postzygotic isolation.  相似文献   

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