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Two experiments were performed to characterize the process of postnatal demasculinization in Japanese quail. In the first experiment, it was shown that estradiol (E2) can complete female demasculinization during the first 4 weeks of life. By contrast, E2 did not demasculinize sexual behavior and cloacal gland in neonatally castrated males. Neonatally gonadectomized females preferentially performed mount attempts when tested in their home cage by comparison to a test arena. In Experiment 2, E2 Silastic implants (40-mm) maintained full copulatory behavior in castrated males but not in females. This large dose of E2 did not demasculinize adult sexually active birds (males or females) even if treatment lasted for 1 month. It is concluded that E2 can demasculinize sexual behavior only in females and only if treatment is performed in very young birds.  相似文献   

Pregnant mice were injected with 50 or 100 μg of the synthetic progestin 19-nor-17α-ethynyltestosterone (NET) on Days 14 through 17 of gestation. Others received only the vehicle or were left undisturbed. Exposure to NET during the prenatal period increased anogenital distance of the female offspring as measured on Day 60 but did not influence the duration of adult testosterone (T) exposure required to activate male-like intraspecific fighting behavior. In a second experiment, female mice were exposed to NET either prenatally, postnatally (Day 1), or pre- and postnatally. Exposure during both pre- and postnatal periods increased anogenital distance but only the exposure during the postnatal period enhanced later behavioral sensitivity to the aggression-activating property of T. Thus, NET is similar to testosterone in its ability to virilize morphology and behavior, although, at the dosages administered, behavioral alternation only occurred as a result of treatment during the neonatal period.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans were isolated from the femurs of estrogen-treated male Japanese quail. During the 72 h after the injection of estrogen the incorporation of a 1-h pulse of H235SO4 into keratan sulfate increased more than 100-fold in a pattern corresponding to the production of the induced medullary bone. The rate of incorporation into chondroitin 4-sulfate, the only other glycosaminoglycan detected, remained constant throughout the same time period. The rate of incorporation of the 1-h pulse of sulfate into chondroitin 4-sulfate and keratan sulfate was the same at 48 h of estrogen treatment. When birds (48 h estrogen) were allowed to live 6 h after the injection of the isotope, chondroitin 4-sulfate accumulated 5-fold over that found for similar animals labeled for only 1 h. Keratan sulfate, into which the isotope was incorporated at the same rate as the chondroitin sulfate in this experiment, did not accumulate much more in 6 h of labeling than in 1 h of labeling. This suggests that the keratan sulfate turns over more rapidly than the chondroitin 4-sulfate in this tissue. Autoradiography showed that the chondroitin 4-sulfate was associated mainly with the marrow cells near the cortical bone and the keratan sulfate with the newly synthesized medullary bone. These results suggest that keratan sulfate is a specific marker for this secondary bone matrix.  相似文献   

Motor end-plate disease (med), in the mouse, is a hereditary neuromuscular defect, caused by a single gene mutation and characterized by a progressive muscle weakness. +Med/+med mice die 21-23 days after birth and the neurobiological abnormalities already reported are nerve terminal sprouting and swelling and neurotransmission failures. We studied +med/+med mice at preclinical (9-11 days after birth) as well as at clinically recognized stages of the disease. The nonmyelinated gaps of the nodes of Ranvier in the +med/+med sciatic nerve are found to be significantly widened in +med/+med animals compared to control littermates, even in the preclinical stage, although the nodes of Ranvier are not yet ultrastructurally mature. The maximal binding capacity for [3H]ethylene-diamine tetrodotoxin, expressed in femtomoles per milligram of protein, is significantly increased in +med/+med sciatic nerves. Thus, Na+ channels, which are known to be located mainly at the nodes of Ranvier in normal myelinated axons, are increased in number in +med/+med mice even before the disease becomes clinically established. Both the ultrastructural and biochemical developmental abnormalities of the node of Ranvier rapidly approach their maximal expression as the behavioral signs develop. Such nerve abnormalities may be closely related to the physiological impairment of nerve impulse conduction which leads to the pathophysiological expression of motor end-plate disease.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells migrate extensively through a complex extracellular matrix (ECM) to sites of terminal differentiation. To determine what role the various components of the ECM may play in crest morphogenesis, quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) neural crest cells have been cultured in three-dimensional hydrated collagen lattices containing various combinations of macromolecules known to be present in the crest migratory pathways. Neural crest cells migrate readily in native collagen gels whereas the cells are unable to use denatured collagen as a migratory substratum. The speed of movement decreases linearly as the concentration of collagen in the gel increases. Speed of movement of crest cells is stimulated in gels containing 10% fetal calf serum and chick embryo extract, 33 micrograms/ml fibronectin cell-binding fragments, 3 mg/ml chondroitin sulfate, or 3 mg/ml chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan when compared to rates of movement through collagen lattices alone. Low concentrations of hyaluronate (250-500 micrograms/ml) in a 750 micrograms/ml collagen gel do not alter rates of movement over collagen alone, but higher concentrations (4 mg/ml) greatly inhibit migration. Conversely, hyaluronate (250 micrograms/ml) significantly increases speed of movement if the crest cells are cultured in high concentration collagen gels (2.5 mg/ml), suggesting that hyaluronate is expanding spaces and consequently enhancing migration. The morphology and mode of movement of neural crest cells vary with the matrix in which they are grown and can be correlated with their speed of movement. Light and scanning electron microscopy reveal rounded, blebbing cells in matrices associated with slower translocation, whereas rounded cells with branching filopodia or lamellipodia are associated with rapid translocation. Bipolar cells with long processes are observed in cultures of rapidly moving cells that appear to be adhering strongly, as well as in cultures of cells that are stationary for long periods. These data, considered with the known distribution of macromolecules in the early embryo, suggest the following: (1) Both collagen and fibronectin can act as preferred substrata for migration. (2) Chondroitin sulfate and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan increase speed of movement, but probably do so by decreasing adhesiveness and thereby producing more frequent detachment. In the embryo, crest cells would most likely avoid regions containing high concentrations of chondroitin sulfate. (3) Hyaluronate cannot act as a substratum for migration, but in low concentrations it can open spaces in the matrix and consequently may stimulate movement. The complex interactions of combined matr  相似文献   

The role of vocalizations in the reproductive cycle of female ring doves was investigated. Two-stage bilateral hypoglossal nerve section (HNS) was performed on adult females to alter their cooing and they were observed for courtship behavior with the same stimulus males used in preoperation behavioral tests. The HNS females showed a reduction in both the vocalization and wing flipping components of nest-coos but no changes in other female courtship behaviors. In addition, the HNS females failed to show the typical male courtship-induced follicular growth observed in sham-operated females. The behavior of stimulus males did not differ between groups and therefore could not account for the failure of follicular growth in the HNS females. These data suggest that the female's performance of nest-coos, or factors associated with it, may stimulate her own follicular growth.  相似文献   

Oppositely sexed pairs of gorillas were tested behaviorally during the menstrual cycle to determine the relationship between hormone concentrations of the female and the frequency of sexual activity by the pair. Five females were tested individually during two cycles with each of two males, but serum samples for hormone assay were obtained from each female only during the first cycle of testing. There was no clear relationship between hormones and behavior for the single cycle in which the serum samples were obtained, with the exception that no copulations occurred after the early luteal phase, when progesterone was greater than 5 ng/ml. Normalized behavioral data from all four test cycles for all pairs suggested that female-solicited copulations were restricted primarily to the periovulatory period. Male sexual initiative (by one of the males) accounted for most copulations temporally dissociated from the periovulatory period. Normalized hormone data for all of the females suggested that (1) attractivity was associated with estradiol concentrations during the follicular phase, (2) proceptivity with estradiol and testosterone at midcycle, whereas (3) receptivity was not associated with hormone patterns or cycle phase. The data suggest that hormones are one of several variables that contribute to the regulation of sexual behavior in gorillas.  相似文献   

To define the role of vitamin D in early development, female weanling rats were grown to maturity on a vitamin D-deficient diet and mated with normal males. At Day 20 of pregnancy the weight and total body calcium of fetuses were determined. At various times after parturition, pups were sacrificed. Plasma samples were analyzed for calcium and phorphorus, and femurs were characterized as to volume, dry weight, ash weight, and total calcium. The results indicate that vitamin D deficiency with its accompanying hypocalcemia does not impair placental transfer of calcium nor weight gain of the fetus. Vitamin D deficiency does appear to increase calcium accumulation in the fetus. After parturition vitamin D is functional in maintaining a normocalcemia as early as 3 days postpartum and its importance increases with age of the neonate. Bone mineralization is clearly disrupted by Day 14 as judged by calcium content per unit bone volume and the severity of the defect increases with age. Both vitamin D and normal concentrations of calcium and phosphorus appear to be essential for proper skeletal development during early growth postpartum.  相似文献   

The sexual behavior of 53 beef heifers and 66 beef steers was observed and recorded for 7 days following insertion of subcutaneous ear implants at 2 months of age. Thirty-five of the heifers were implanted with Synovex S (200 mg of progesterone and 20 mg of estradiol benzoate). Forty-four of the steers were implanted with Synovex H (200 mg of testosterone and 20 mg of estradiol benzoate). The remaining 18 heifers and 22 steers served as nonimplanted controls. Synovex S treatment increased the incidence of mounting (P < 0.005) and mounting receptivity (P < 0.005) of heifers, while Synovex H treatment had only slight effect, if any, on the mounting behavior (P < 0.25) and mounting receptivity (P < 0.25) of steers. Both steers and heifers mounted heifers more frequently than steers (P < 0.005). Heifers were mounted with similar frequencies by both heifers and steers (P < 0.90), while steers were mounted only by heifers (P < 0.15).  相似文献   

S P Sutton  R Dam  M K Nielsen 《Life sciences》1974,15(12):2097-2108
Levels of 7.8, 18.5 and 26 mole % deuterium oxide were administered sequentially to Coturnix japonica (Japanese quail) via the drinking water. The primary effect observed was on egg frequency, which decreased from a normal level of 0.89 for 7.8 mole % D2O to a low of 0.38 during the administration of 26 mole % D2O. Adverse symptoms, such as hyperexcitability, convulsions, skin ulcerations, comatosity, weight loss, or death, which have been associated with deuterium toxicity in other animals, were not observed in these experiments. The amount of deuterium deposited in the water of the egg was 6.9, 13.98, and 19.83 mole % when 7.8, 18.5 and 26 mole % deuterium respectively was administered. For each period, the deuterium content of egg water rapidly reached a maximum concentration after which the concentration decreased slightly. This dilution effect has not been noted previously in body fluids from other animals.  相似文献   

Small particles derived from the digitonin treatment of chloroplast thylakoid membranes in either the stacked (grana-containing) or unstacked condition, as determined by cation concentration, have been used to study the aggregation of thylakoid membranes. At pH values above 5, the small particles from stacked chloroplasts do not aggregate in the presence of Mg2+ or other screening cations at concentrations sufficient to cause the restacking of thylakoids from low-salt chloroplasts. However, the small particles from stacked chloroplasts are aggregated either by lowering the pH to 4.6 or adding the binding cation La3+. In contrast, the small particles obtained on digitonin treatment of unstacked chloroplasts were aggregated by cations at neutral pH. Large particles (mainly grana) derived from digitonin treatment of stacked chloroplasts could not be unstacked by transfer to media of low cation concentration. It is concluded that the nonappressed regions of the chloroplast thylakoid membranes under stacking conditions carry higher than average negative surface charge densities under physiological pH conditions. Transfer of chloroplasts to media of low cation concentration causes a time-dependent lateral redistribution of charge between the appressed and nonappressed regions, but this redistribution is prevented by prior digitonin treatment of stacked chloroplasts.  相似文献   

An alkali-insoluble cell wall component of Fucus distichus embryos is shown to be cellulose. Cellulose is not found in eggs, but within 20 min following fertilization is present in cell walls of zygotes. Incorporation of [3H]glucose or NaH14CO3 confirms that this cellulose in zygotes of F. distichus and F. vesiculosus is newly synthesized, with the highest rate of synthesis occurring within the first 60 min. Use of specific inhibitors indicates that the increase in cellulose does not require protein or RNA synthesis. The evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that the initiation of cellulose synthesis triggered by fertilization is controlled at the post-translational level.  相似文献   

The main hemoglobin (Hb) found in Shumway (embryonic) stage 25 bullfrogs is that which we have designated Td-4. The other major tadpole Hbs (Td-1, 2, and 3) predominate during Taylor and Kollros (larval) stages I-XVIII. We propose that Td-4 is an embryonic Hb, whereas Td-1, 2, and 3 are larval (fetal-like) Hbs. Embryonic Hb Td-4 continues to be synthesized during the larval stages. During the larval period, the average peripheral blood Hb profile changes very little with morphological stage or general growth. However, there is great heterogeneity in the embryonic:larval Hb ratio among individual tadpoles of a given stage or weight, apparently due to differential Hb and red cell production by the two active erythropoietic sites, mesonephric kidneys (Td-4), and liver (Td-1, 2, 3).  相似文献   

Using two different assay systems to distinguish between overt and inner forms of carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT, EC of intact guinea-pig liver mitochondria, we have shown that the hypoglycemic agent 2-(3-methylcinnamylhydrazono)-propionate (BM 42.304) inhibits the activity of carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase of liver mitochondria. The results offer an explanation for the inhibitory effect of the compound on ketogenesis with oleate but not with octanoate in the perfused guinea-pig liver, previously reported by us (Biochem. Pharmacol. 32, 3405-3412, 1983).  相似文献   

This paper describes the interaction of apamin, the bee venom neurotoxin, with its receptor in the guinea pig colon. The pharmacological activity of the toxin was assayed by measuring its contracting effect on guinea pig colon preparations that had been previously relaxed by neurotensin. The IC50 value of apamin in this in vitro bioassay is 7 nM. These pharmacological data are compared to the binding properties of apamin to smooth muscle membranes prepared from guinea pig colon. The highly radiolabeled monoiododerivative of apamin binds to its colon receptor with a dissociation constant Kd1 = 36 pM. The maximal binding capacity of colonic membranes is 30dfmol/mg of protein. The dissociation constant of the unmodified toxin is 23 pM. The difference between the toxin concentrations that produce half-maximal effects in the binding and pharmacological studies arises from the different experimental conditions used for the two assays.  相似文献   

Daily administration over a period of 6 weeks of increasing doses of dexamethasone sodium phosphate (DEX) to seven long-term ovariectomized female stumptail monkeys significantly lowered circulating levels of testosterone without reducing any aspect of the females' sexual behavior or that of their male partners. Since treatment with DEX failed to suppress serum testosterone levels completely an additional experiment was performed in which the sexual behavior of five ovariectomized stumptails was compared before and after bilateral adrenalectomy, combined with chronic administration of both gluco- and mineralocorticoids. Serum levels of both testosterone and estradiol were reduced to very low levels in females after ovariectomy and adrenalectomy, yet no significant depression of females' sexual performance or that of their male partners occurred. Subsequent sc administration of estradiol or estradiol + testosterone in Silastic capsules to ovariectomized, adrenalectomized stumptails had little effect on sexual interaction. In a third experiment five ovariectomized stumptails which initially were relatively unreceptive and unattractive to males were given first testosterone and then testosterone + estradiol sc in Silastic capsules. One of the three indexes of females' receptivity increased significantly after testosterone; however, no other essential aspect of sexual interaction was affected. These findings suggest that sex steroids are normally not required in the female stumptail macaque for activation of preceptive and receptive sexual behaviors or for maintenance of sexual attractivity.  相似文献   

A peptide has been extracted and characterized from whole bovine pituitaries that has anti-insulin-like activities when assayed in rat adipocytes. This peptide has been purified approximately 100,000-fold, is homogeneous by thin-layer chromatography in three separate solvent systems, and shows a single peak by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. By these chemical criteria, as well as biological activity criteria (14CO2 production from D-[U-14C]glucose and D-[U-14C]glucose incorporation into glycogen in rat adipocytes], the peptide is indistinguishable from oxytocin. It reacts with anti-oxytocin antibody, and has an amino acid composition indistinguishable from purified oxytocin. The relationship between this material and other previously described anti-insulin or diabetogenic peptides is discussed, but it was not possible to conclude that this peptide, which has been purified to homogeneity and constant specific activity, is related to these previously described factors.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the chemical shift of the inorganic phosphate (Pi) inside mitochondria observable by 31P nmr has been examined and used for the measurement of the internal pH. The pH gradient and the Pi concentration gradient were in the simple relation expected for the neutral exchange process of H2PO4? and OH?. This Pi distribution across the mitochondrial membrane was not influenced by the cross-membrane electrical potential. Both the Pi, distribution and the pH titration curve of the internal Pi indicate that the activity of the internal Pi can be well represented by the concentration of Pi measured by 31P nmr peak intensity. The present results give a sound base for applying 31P nmr to study bioenergetics and cell metabolism.  相似文献   

Co(III) has been stoichiometrically incorporated into jack bean concanavalin A. The Co(III) protein still possesses a binding site for an additional divalent transition metal ion which together with Ca(II) can induce the sugar binding ability. No H2O2 oxidation of Co(II) occurs with demetallized concanavalin A activated with Ca(II) and Co(II) unless Co(II) is present in a stoichiometric excess. Evidence is presented to indicate that kinetically stable Co(III) is bound to a completely different location than the thermodynamically stable Co(II) protein site.  相似文献   

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